EMTA 1Q10 Bulletin
EMTA 1Q10 Bulletin
EMTA 1Q10 Bulletin
2010 EMTAs 20th Anniversary Year 1st Quarter 2010 Volume 2010: No. 1
EMTA EMTA Survey: EM Debt Trading Rises 7% in 2009 to US$4.445 Trillion in Reported Volume
(click on topic for link to page): Annual and 4Q Volume Surveys...................... 1-2 EMTAs 20th Anniversary ................................. 3-5 EMTA Board Meeting....................................... 6 Joint EMTA/IBRD Initiative to Promote Sub-Saharan African Local Markets .............. 7 Update on UK Debt Relief Legislation ............. 8 Special Events ................................................. 9-18 Dubai Forum ............................................. 9-11 EMTA Winter Forum .................................. 12-14 Corporate Bonds (London) ....................... 15-16 EMTA Spring Forum .................................. 17 So Paulo Forum ...................................... 17 Buenos Aires Forum ................................. 17 EM Benet Gala ........................................ 18 EMTA/ISDA Working Group Standardizing EM CDS Contracts ........................................ 19 EMTA Provides Forum for EM Global Corporate Bondholders .................................. 19 Bond & Warrant Trading & Settlement ............ 20 FX & Currency Derivatives .............................. 21 EMTA Website Updates, Additions & Reminder ....................................................... 22-24 Miscellaneous .................................................. 25 EMTA Membership Update.............................. 25 Hotlines............................................................ 26 Calendar .......................................................... 27-28 Tel. (646) 289-5410
merging Markets debt trading volumes reached US$4.445 trillion in 2009, according to EMTAs 2009 Annual Debt Trading Volume Survey released on March 8, 2010. This represents an increase of seven percent compared to 2008 volume of US$4.173 trillion. EMTA noted that volumes remained at levels below the US$6.5 trillion reported in both 2007 and 2006 despite the rebound in the EM marketplace in 2009 following the global recession, credit crisis and near nancial meltdown in 2008.
However, looking more closely at how trading developed over the course of 2009, EMTAs newly-released quarterly volume report for the fourth quarter conrmed that trading volumes increased steadily throughout the year. Survey participants reported trading US$1.422 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2009, compared with US$1.123 trillion in the third quarter, US$985 billion in the second quarter and US$915 billion in the rst quarter. Emerging Markets debt trading volumes are set to expand further as the asset class is increasingly seen as a safe haven, especially in the worst global scenarios, from further deleveraging in the developed world, stated Jerome Booth, Head of Research and a Member of the Investment Committee at Ashmore Investment Management. Whilst issuance is expected to balloon from developed market sovereigns, in some cases endangering their credibility, Emerging Markets issuance is going to be more measured in line with stronger fundamentals and scal performance, and this should help the performance of the asset class he added.
Trade Association for the Emerging Markets
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Survey (continued)
Local Market Instruments at 65% of Volume In addition to local markets bonds, and sovereign
and corporate Eurobonds, the Survey also includes turnover in options, loans and Brady bonds. Survey participants reported US$51 billion in option trades (1% of volume), US$9 billion in loan assignments (less than 1% of volume) and US$2 billion Local markets turnover accounted for 65% of to- in Brady bond transactions (also less than 1% of tal Survey turnover, compared to 68% in 2008. Survey turnover). As reported by Survey participants, Hong Kong instruments were the most frequently traded local Brazil, Hong Kong and Turkey Most markets debt, at US$557 billion. Other frequently Frequently Traded Countries traded local instruments were those from Brazil Brazilian instruments were the most frequently (US$548 billion) and Turkey (US$301 billion). traded instruments according to the Survey, with US$747 billion in turnover. This compares with Eurobond Volumes at US$1.513 Trillion US$847 billion in 2008 (a 12% decline). Brazilian Eurobond trading stood at US$1.513 trillion in 2009, volumes accounted for 17% of total Survey trading. compared with US$1.281 trillion in 2008 (up 18%). Hong Kong instruments were the second most fre61% of Eurobond activity involved sovereign debt quently traded instruments in the EMTA report, at issues (US$925 billion in turnover, compared with US$590 billion, according to Survey participants. US$856 billion in 2008, representing an 8% in- This represents a 148% increase on the US$238 crease). Sovereign Eurobond activity accounted billion reported in 2008. Hong Kong volumes acfor 21% of overall Survey volumes, in line with its counted for 13% of total reported volume. share in the previous two years. Third were Turkish assets, at US$401 billion in turnCorporate bond trading stood at US$514 billion, over. This compares to US$370 billion in Turkish compared to US$390 billion in 2008 (a 32% in- volumes in 2008 (up 8%). Turkish volume accountcrease). Turnover in corporate debt accounted for ed for 9% of Survey volume. 12% of overall Survey volume, vs. a 9% share in 2008. Corporate issuanceas well as local cur- Other frequently traded instruments were securirency issuance-- is where we expect most of the ties from Mexico (US$250 billion), Russia (US$201 issuance growth in the medium term, according to billion), Argentina (US$190 billion) and Poland Booth. (US$179 billion). Turnover in local markets instruments stood at US$2.870 trillion in 2009, according to Survey participants. This represents a one percent increase compared to trading of US$2.837 trillion in 2008. The most frequently traded EM Eurobonds in 2009 included Russias 2030 bond (US$56 billion in turnover), Brazils 2040 bond (US$44 billion), Venezuelas 2027 bond (US$27 billion) and Argentinas Par and Discount bonds (US$15 billion and $14 billion respectively). EMTA also noted that in the nal quarter of 2009, new issues from Qatar and Lithuania were among the top ten frequently traded instruments. EMTAs Survey includes trading volumes in debt instruments from over 90 Emerging Market countries, as reported by 47 leading investment and commercial banks, asset management rms and hedge funds. For a copy of EMTAs 2009 Annual and Fourth Quarter 2009 Debt Trading Volume Surveys (free to participating rms), please contact Jonathan Murno at jmurno@emta.org or +1 (646) 289-5413.
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MTAs rst Board Meeting for 2010 was held on February 3, 2010.
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Special Events Speakers at EMTA Forum in Dubai Discuss Dubai World Restructuring, Outlook for Gulf Economies
MTAs rst Forum in Dubai was held on March 10, 2010. Standard Chartered hosted the event, which drew over 150 market participants.
The event included a panel discussion of sell-side analysts moderated by Marios Maratheftis (Standard Chartered). The rst topic to be debated was whether any sovereign defaults were looming in the aftermath of the global recession. Royal Bank of Scotlands Okan Akin noted his rms constructive outlook, specifying that a deal would eventually be reached to solve the Greek crisis, and that federal support of Dubai is even more rm than EU support for Greece. Igor Arsenin (Credit Suisse) noted that in Latin America, his area of expertise, the outlook was relatively benign, with only the mostly voluntary 2007 default of Ecuador having occurred in recent years. Reviewing 2009s economic data, Simon Williams of HSBC observed that most of us underestimated how bad growth would be, and that the year was marked by a soundtrack of bursting bubbles across the Gulf. Williams forecast uninspiring growth for the region in 2010, at 4% vs. overall EM growth of 6%. Last years downturn highlighted the need to reform monetary and scal policy in the region, and the need to develop local capital markets, he afrmed. Until those concerns are addressed, we wont be able to get the growth in the Gulf that we should have, he stated. Prompted by Maratheftis on whether lower growth rates were a sign of a mature market, Williams responded that Gulf economies should be achieving 6-8% annual increases in GDP. The potential is enormous, he concluded. The main driver of Gulf economies is of course oil, and unless you believe in an Asian economic collapse, reasoned Alia Moubayed (Barclays Capital), pricing for oil should be well-supported. Demand from OECD countries is bottoming out, while there are concerns about non-OPEC supply, and Barclays is forecasting an average price of $85 in 2010 and $97 in 2011 for WTI crude.
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EMTA Winter Forum: Risk Remains in Developed Countries, not Emerging Markets
peakers at EMTAs Sixth Annual Winter Forum remained generally constructive on the outlook for emerging countries, while at the same time expressing much greater concern for developed country economies. The event, sponsored by JPMorgan, was held in London on Tuesday, February 23, 2010. JPMorgans Joyce Chang began the events Sell-side Panel by reminding attendees of the economic forecasts made at the same event last year. Chang noted that despite incidents such as the Dubai World payment crisis, a welcome surprise was the markets resilience and its dramatic rebound from creditcrisis lows. Chang then projected a slide listing the economic forecasts of panelist rms, pointing out a positive range of views on EMBI returns in 2010, and generally constructive views. The panel began with a review of EM asset class risks. Phil Poole (HSBC) stressed that a key support to supporting EM overall would one day be consumption-led growth in China. The shift towards growth fueled by domestic consumption rather, historically, emphasis on export-led growth may be generational rather than just a couple of quarters, he opined--a view with which most speakers readily agreed--while noting Chinese authorities are currently moving aggressively to stimulate domestic consumption. Highlighting the fact that speakers greater concern with developed market risks, the effects of the Greek debt crisis were also discussed. Igor Arsenin of Credit Suisse believed that any impact would be small and indirect. Although some market players were searching for EM countries with similar vulnerabilities, he viewed Spain as having more similar a prole to Greece than countries such as Hungary or Turkey. Poole concurred, noting that countries such as the Baltics, Hungary and Romania had already slipped off the edge and had subsequently been bolstered by IMF packages. Assuming a fairly smooth road on IMF packages, Poole didnt anticipate any further selloff. Arnab Das (Roubini Global Economics) emphasized the Greek debt crisis has exposed structural design aws of the euro, as the currency of a monetarybut not political or scalunion. Greece cannot avail itself of the traditional solutions to debt crises (devaluation or default) and a package from ECB seriously undermines the credibility of an institution with a no-bailout policy. Chang observed that the situation in Greece, and even the nancial difculties of American states, only serve to highlight the more attractive potential for economic growth and performance of EM countries. Most panelists echoed Arsenins forecast of GDP growth in Russia of 3-3.5% in 2010 following a dramatic contraction last year (Chang standing out as the most optimistic with a 5.5% growth forecast). Arsenin attributed the forecast less-than-stellar performance to anemic domestic consumption, itself a result of real-wage stagnation. Poole stressed Russia as increasingly a commodity play, describing it as becoming more dependent on commodity pricing, rather than less. He recommended both equities and external debt to investors.
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EM Corporates Still Have Room for Further Spread Compression, Say EM Corporate Bond Panelists
MTA's fourth annual Corporate Bond Forum in London was held on Tuesday, January 27, 2010. ING hosted the event, which attracted a standing room only crowd.
Moderator David Spegel of ING opened the panel by polling speakers for their thoughts on whether the corporate bond market had reached "bubble" status. BlueBay Asset Management's Polina Kurdyavko still found corporate bonds attractive at current levels. However, she reiterated her concerns, expressed at several previous EMTA Corporate Forums, on bond covenants that fail to adequately protect bondholders, and described several examples of bond covenants being more lenient than in 2007. "I would urge bondholders to push to improve covenants," she stated, while adding that she would "forego the spread for better covenants." Esther Chan of Aberdeen Asset Management reviewed the history of corporate bond pricing and reasoned that while "we are not now in a bubble, we are setting ourselves up for one. We probably have a few months--not years--of tightening before we can argue the asset class is at the bubble stage." She urged investors to be selective when buying corporate issues. JPMorgan's Victoria Miles agreed that there is "still room for spread compression and it doesnt feel to us like we are in a bubble." 'She commented that even those recent issues perceived as covenant-lenient have still attracted strong interest from US high-yield buyers.' With panelists largely concurring that the asset class was not in a bubble, Spegel asked panelists the remaining risks facing EM corporate bondholders. Miles admitted that the recent Dubai incident "blindsided" investors; as a result a more discerning approach to quasi-sovereigns had generally been adopted. She viewed commodity pricing as a risk, specically a China-driven slowdown in oil pricing could harm CIS and Middle East issuers, although she assigned a low probability to this concern. Miles also discussed supply risk, with potentially increased supply coming from CIS issuers needing to renance. VTB's Ivan Ivanchenko discussed a strong dollar being a potential issue for corporate issuers. He also highlighted the political uncertainty in the Ukraine, which could possibly trigger a new round of risk aversion. Kurdyavko added event risk, with much more M&A activity likely to take place, and the execution risk of corporate management. She also expressed concerns that quasi-sovereigns could be harmed by political interference, with governments using them as vehicles to advance social policies. How should investors position themselves for the expected rate tightenings by the US FOMC and ECB? "I am worried by a potential bubble if tightening is too little, or not done quickly enough," noted Chan, who advised investors that "short duration, high carry is a good place to be...but you still have to like the company's fundamentals." Miles noted that since investors in EM corporates are "generally not overleveraged and are more dominated by real money accounts," the asset class should hold up better in a tightening environment.'
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MTAs Spring Forum will be held in New York City on April 7, 2010 with HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. as its host.
Pablo Goldberg of HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. will moderate a discussion of conditions in the EM marketplace. Other speakers include Guillermo Mondino (Barclays Capital), Alberto Bernal (Bulltick Capital Markets), Jose Luis Daza (QFR Capital Management) and Jim Valone (Wellington Management Company). Invitations were sent to EMTA members in March. Attendance for members is complimentary. Nonmembers may attend at a fee of US$295. For further information, please contact Jonathan Murno of EMTA at jmurno@emta.org.
MTAs third annual Forum in So Paulo will be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2010. Ita BBA will host the event at Ita Cultural Center.
The event will feature a presentation by Affonso Pastore, former President, Central Bank of Brazil, now at A.C. Pastore & Associados and GlobalSource. In addition, Ilan Goldfajn of Ita BBA will moderate a panel of other former Brazilian Central Bank and government ofcials, including Alexandre Schwartsman (Banco Santander), Eduardo Loyo (BTG Pactual), Luiz Fernando Figueiredo (Mau Investimentos Ltda.) and Luis Carlos Mendona de Barros (Quest Asset Management Ltda.). The discussion will be conducted in Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English for non-Portuguese-speakers. Invitations were sent to EMTA members in mid-March. Attendance for members is complimentary; there is a US$500 registration fee for non-members.
MTAs third annual Forum in Buenos Aires will take place on Thursday, April 15, 2010. Banco Ita will host the event, which will be in Spanish with simultaneous translation into English.
Carlos Pagni, noted poltical columnist for La Nacion, will deliver a political overview at the event, while the renowned independent economic consultant Miguel Broda will deliver a presentation on the outlook for the Argentine economy. The event will also include a panel discussion moderated by Fernando Ferrari of Banco Ita. Panelists will include Ricardo Maxit of Gailieo Argentina SGFCI, Javier Finkman of HSBC Global Research, Juan Veron of HSBC Global Asset Management and Claudio Achaerandio of TPCG Valores Sociedad de Bolsa. Invitations were sent to EMTA members in late March. Attendance for members is complimentary; there is a US$500 registration fee for non-members.
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Over $400,000 Raised for EM Charities at New York Benet on December 3, 2009
embers of the EM debt trading community raised over $400,000 at the annual New York Emerging Markets industry charity benet held on Thursday, December 3, 2009, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in midtown Manhattan. This was a slight increase on 2008 proceeds, due in large part to the cost-cutting measures adopted by this years planning committee. The charity committee proudly announced that 84% of revenues were distributed to charity, an exceptionally high percentage for a charity gala. The exceedingly low expense ratio was a result of the event being run by approximately 45 volunteers, including committee members. At press time, the EM Charity Benet (EMCB) was in the process of distributing the proceeds of the event to the evenings beneciaries. NESST, which provides nancial and capacity-building support to social enterprises in Central Europe and Latin America www.nesst.org; Orphaned Starsh Foundation, dedicated to working with orphans and disadvantaged children throughout Latin America www.orphanedstarsh.org; Sri Lanka Care Foundation, which rebuilds and restores homes lost and damaged by the Asian Tsunami www.srilankacare.org; Trickle Up, which works to alleviate poverty by providing seed capital for people in EM countries to start small businesses www.trickleup.org; WorldFund, which provides nancial, managerial and technical assistance to partner schools in impoverished Latin American neighborhoods www.worldfund.org.
The EMCB continues to welcome new members. If you are interested in joining the Planning Committee, please contact Jonathan Murno of EMTA at jmurno@emta.org. Members of the EM debt trading community should also contact Jonathan Murno by April 30 if you would like to nominate a potential beneciary.
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o prepare for the eventual inclusion of EM CDS products in any clearinghouse(s), EMTA and its members have been working with ISDA on issues relating to the trading standards applicable to EM CDS contracts. The ISDA/EMTA CDS Emerging Markets working group has held discussions on standardization of the CDS contract for Emerging Markets, in line with the discussions that are taking place for other CDS contracts. Recently, the working group agreed to market practice changes for AEJ and Japan (effective for the December 20, 2009 roll date). Click Here for the full text of this market convention for EM CDS contracts.
For more information about this working group, please contact Aviva Werner (awerner@emta.org).
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he April 15, 2010 Oil Obligations payment is expected to be made to holders of record as of March 31, 2010, and EMTA recommended that trades be ex-dividend on March 29. (A copy of the Fiscal Agents notice regarding the payments calculation will be published in the New Developments area of EMTAs website as soon as it is made available.)
BTA Bank
TA Bank is expected to restructure its debt in the next few months. The Press Release on Revised Terms can be located at http://www.bta. kz/en/investor/ and the Trade Finance Adjudication Press Release can be accessed by Clicking Here. If anyone is interested in participating in the working group to review draft conrmation forms for when-issued trading, please contact Aviva Werner at awerner@emta.org.
***** Please note that all EMTA Documents may be found in the Documentation area of EMTAs website (http://www.emta.org/doc.aspx), including EMTA Primers for Warrants and Market Practices. For further information, please visit the New Developments area of EMTAs website or contact Aviva Werner at awerner@emta.org.
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group of interested EMTA and ISDA members has been organized to work on market practices and standardization for Latin American InationIndexed swaps. This group is a subset of the Joint EMTA-ISDA Latin America Non-Deliverable Swap Working Group. Some preliminary working materials have been sent out to the group for review and consideration. The preliminary conclusion of the group was to start by developing standard denitions for all of the Latin American ination indices and consider market practices that would be appropriate generally for this type of product. The ination indices initially identied by this group for possible inclusion in this exercise include ARS-CER, CLP-UF, COP-UVR, PEN-VACU and MXN-UDI.
he EMTA FX and Currency Derivatives Working Group tasked with developing market practices for the Egyptian Pound/USD NDF and NDO market has substantially completed the design and development of the documentation for these products and looks forward to their near-term publication.
EMTA Issues FX and Currency Derivatives Market Practice No. 52 for Brazilian Real NDFs and NDOs
n March 3, 2010, EMTA issued FX and Currency Derivatives Market Practice No. 52. This Market Practice recommended a May 31, 2010 Valuation Date for certain NDF and NDO contracts notwithstanding that May 31 is a US holiday. This recommendation was based on a concern that because May 31 is a termination date on the Brazilian futures exchange, a lack of a xing in the NDF and NDO market on that same date could cause a high level of basis risk to the market.
African NDFs
working group to look at African currency NDFs and NDOs is currently being organized. Look for announcements to come regarding the rst steps.
*************************** For further information regarding the above, as well as FX & Currency Derivatives matters generally, please contact Leslie Payton Jacobs at lpjacobs@emta.org or (301) 838-4552.
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EMTA Members: To obtain the password for the Members Only area, please e-mail sortiz@emta.org
MTA continues to recognize publications by leading research analysts and others that highlight noteworthy industry topics. In recent weeks, EMTA has made the following addition to the Key Industry Views area of EMTAs website:
Venezuela Devalues. January 11, 2010 Diego Sasson, Kasper Bartholdy and Alonso Cervera (Credit Suisse). Emerging Market Corporates: 2010 Outlook: Hurry Up Before its Too Late! January 7, 2010 Anne Milne, Marcelo Menusso, Gene Cheon, Devinda Paranathanthri, Mathura Yogarajah and Marie-Anne Garcia (Deutsche Bank). Latin American Outlook for 2010. December 18, 2009 (LatAm Fixed Income, FX Strategy, and Economics Teams HSBC Securities (USA) Inc.).
New Developments
hese and other recent news items can be found in the New Developments area of EMTAs website.
March 17, 2010 - BTA Bank Restructuring Press Release on Revised Terms can be located at http:// www.bta.kz/en/investor/ and Trade Finance Adjudication Press Release. March 17, 2010 - Holders of Cte dIvoire Brady Bonds Are Required to Conrm Their Eligibility to Participate in the Exchange Offer by Visiting www. dfking.com/RCI, or Contacting D.F. King, the Information Agent, at D. F. King (Europe) Ltd., One Ropemaker Street, London EC2Y 9AW, +44 (0) 20 7920 9700, RCI@dfking.com. March 12, 2010 - EMTA Spring Forum in NYC to be Held on April 7, 2010. March 12, 2010 - Standard & Poors Raises Indonesias Long-Term Foreign-Currency Sovereign Rating from BB- to BB. March 11, 2010 - Standard & Poors Raises Ukraines Foreign Currency Sovereign Credit Rating from CCC+ to B-.
March 31, 2010 - Good Friday Early Close. March 30, 2010 - Revised Holiday Schedule for EM Bond Trades for Good Friday/Easter Monday Holidays. March 26, 2010 - Carlos Pagni, Political Columnist, La Nacion and Miguel Broda, Estudio Miguel A.A. Broda to Speak at EMTAs Third Annual Forum in Buenos Aires, Argentina on April 15, 2010. March 25, 2010 - Dubai World Announces Restructuring Proposal. Market reaction from Fitch and Royal Bank of Scotland. March 24, 2010 - Holiday Schedule for EM Bond Trades for Good Friday/Easter Monday Holidays. March 24, 2010 - Argentina Shelf Registration. March 23, 2010 - Fitch Upgrades Panamas LongTerm Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating from BB+ to BBB- (Investment Grade).
March 19, 2010 - EMTA Recommends When-Issued March 8, 2010 - EMTA Announces 2009 Annual EmergBond Conrm for When-Issued Trading in the New Ivory ing Markets Debt Trading Stood at US$4.445 Trillion. Coast Bond. ___________________________________________
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Website (continued)
March 5, 2010 - Dr. Affonso Pastore, former President of the Central Bank of Brazil, to Deliver Keynote Address at EMTAs Third Annual Forum in So Paulo, Brazil on April 13, 2010. March 2, 2010 - Venezuela Oil Obligations Record Date of March 31 and Payment Date of April 15 Expected. Trades are Ex-Dividend on March 29. Calculations for Payments on the Oil Obligations will be Announced by the Fiscal Agent Shortly. March 2, 2010 - Moodys Upgrades Jamaicas ForeignCurrency Government Bond Rating from Caa1 to B3. February 26, 2010 - UK Debt Relief Legislation Update HMTs Response to Legislative Consultation; and Consultation Submissions Andrew Gwynne Private Members Bill and Explanatory Notes EMTA Talking Points February 23, 2010 - EMTA Winter Forum Sell Side Panel Slide on Key Economic Variables. February 19, 2010 - Capital Inows: The Role of Capital Controls IMF Staff Position Note. February 17, 2010 - EMTA Forum in Dubai to be Held on March 10, 2010. February 16, 2010 - Fitch Upgrades Jamaicas LongTerm Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating from CCC to B-. February 3, 2010 - Holiday Schedule for EM Bond Trades for US Presidents Day Holiday. February 3, 2010 - Fitch Downgrades Jamaicas LongTerm Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating to RD, then Subsequently Upgrades to CCC. January 27, 2010 - EMTA Winter Forum in London to be Held on February 23, 2010. January 14, 2010 - Plaintiffs Motions and Memorandum and Defendants Memorandum in EM Ltd. and NML Capital v. Argentina. January 14, 2010 - Standard & Poors Revises Jamaicas Sovereign Credit Rating to Select Default. January 13, 2010 - Attachment Orders for EM Ltd. and NML Capital v. Argentina and Aurelius Capital Partners v. Argentina. January 13, 2010 - Restraining Order in EM Ltd. and NML Capital v. Argentina. January 8, 2010 - 2010 Holiday Schedule. January 8, 2010 - 2010 Batch Settlement Schedule for Certain Class I Loan Assets. January 8, 2010 - Holiday Schedule for EM Bond Trades for Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. January 8, 2010 - Moodys Upgrades Turkeys Government Bond Rating from Ba3 to Ba2. January 4, 2010 - EMTA Corporate Bond Forum in London to be Held on January 26, 2010. December 22, 2009 - Calculations for Payments on Uruguay VRRs Announced. December 17, 2009 - Coupon Standardization for Asia CDS Markets. December 16, 2009 - Moodys Raises Peru ForeignCurrency Government Rating from Ba1 to Baa3. December 15, 2009 - EMTAs Fourth Quarter Bulletin is Now Available in our Bulletin Section. December 15, 2009 - EMTA Announces 3Q 2009 EM Debt Trading Stood at US$1.123 Trillion. December 14, 2009 - Standard & Poors Downgrades Mexicos Foreign-Currency Sovereign Credit Rating from BBB+ to BBB. December 10, 2009 - Holiday Schedule for EM Bond Trades for Christmas, Boxing Day and New Years Holidays. December 8, 2009 - Presentation by Mexican Finance Minister Carstens at EMTA Special Meeting. December 3, 2009 - Fitch Upgrades Turkeys LongTerm Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating from BB- to BB+.
January 14, 2010 - Moodys Statement on Jamaica Debt Exchange Constituting an Act of Default. ___________________________________________
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Website (continued) Reminders: Visit the Employment, From the Market and Litigation areas
here are a few relatively new and updated areas of EMTAs website: Employment in the Job Opportunities area, From the Market in the Activities and Services area and Litigation in the EM Background area. Because of the difcult employment environment resulting from the credit crunch, EMTA has revised the Job Opportunities area of its website to include both:
listings of employment opportunities in the EM trading and investment community posted (for a fee) by prospective employers (Job Opportunities); and summary resumes posted (free of charge) by individuals seeking employment positions in the EM trading and investment industry (Jobs Wanted).
For the sake of accommodating individual preferences and sensitivities, postings may contain as much, or as little, detail as desired, and initial contact between prospective employers and employees may be arranged through EMTA. The Job Opportunities/Employment area includes opportunities and applicants from around the globe in the EM trading and investment community. We especially encourage you to pass along the address of this site to former colleagues who are currently seeking positions in the EM debt industry. To post an employment opportunity, please contact Jonathan Murno of EMTA at (646) 289-5413 or at jmurno@emta.org. To post a summary resume, please contact Suzette Ortiz of EMTA at (646) 289-5414or at sortiz@emta.org. From the Market contains items submitted to EMTA that are deemed of general interest to the Emerging Markets trading and investment community. Decisions to post items are at EMTAs discretion, and the responsibility for content of each posted item lies solely with its author. Items in a variety of formats such as articles, opinions, transcriptions, and graphics, among others, are appropriate for this area. To submit postings to this area, please contact Suzette Ortiz at sortiz@emta.org or (646) 289-5414. Litigation is where various legal cases are posted that may be of interest to the EM trading and investment community. Cases can be viewed alphabetically in the more comprehensive List of Cases, as well as by specic subject matter category in reverse chronological order. If you are aware of any pertinent information which would be useful to post here, please contact Aviva Werner at awerner@emta.org or (646) 289-5412.
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MTAs newest members include: The Bank of New York Mellon BTG Pactual Asset Management BTIG Chadbourne & Parke LLP KPMG LW Securities Ltd. Roubini Global Economics VTB Capital
uestions arise from time to time about EMTAs policies regarding views expressed in items posted on its website or by speakers or panelists at EMTA events. For the record, EMTA, by long-standing custom, does not necessarily endorse such views. Items posted on EMTAs website and speakers and panelists at EMTA events are selected because EMTA believes that they will be of topical interest to our Members and to the broader market and will contribute to the expression and free exchange of views and information in the marketplace. EMTA is always interested in getting market feedback on the effectiveness of our website, events and activities generally. Please take the time to let us know whether or not you agree with what you see on our website or hear at one of our events and, most important, whether there is more that EMTA should be doing, or doing differently, to better serve the EM marketplace.
If you are interested in EMTA Membership, or if you know of prospective Members, please contact Michael M. Chamberlin at mchamberlin@emta.org or (646) 289-5411, Jonathan Murno at jmurno@emta.org or (646) 289-5413 or Suzette Ortiz at sortiz@emta.org or (646) 289-5414. Also, in the Membership area of EMTAs website, we offer information about our various Membership categories and benets and about how to join the Association.
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EMTA Hotlines
Contact Jonathan Murno/Leslie Payton Jacobs Aviva Werner Michael Chamberlin/Starla Grifn Jonathan Murno/Leslie Payton Jacobs/ Aviva Werner Credit Derivatives Leslie Payton Jacobs/Aviva Werner EM Bond Charts Aviva Werner EM Charity Benets Jonathan Murno EM Litigation Aviva Werner EMTA Annual Meeting/Forums Jonathan Murno EMTA Governance Michael Chamberlin EMTA Rate Quotation Services Leslie Payton Jacobs FX and Currency Derivatives Leslie Payton Jacobs International Financial Architecture Michael Chamberlin Investor Issues Michael Chamberlin/Aviva Werner Legal/Compliance Aviva Werner Library and Archive Requests Evelyn Ramirez Local Markets Aviva Werner/Leslie Payton Jacobs/ Starla Grifn Market Information/Research Jonathan Murno Membership Jonathan Murno/Suzette Ortiz Netting: Multilateral Netting Facilities Aviva Werner Paris Club Starla Grifn Press Inquiries Jonathan Murno Repos/Securities Lending Aviva Werner Volume Survey Jonathan Murno Warrants/VRRs Aviva Werner Website Suzette Ortiz Topic Asia Bond/Loan Trading Clearing Corp. Corporate Bonds Telephone (646) 289-5413/(301) 838-4552 (646) 289-5412 (646) 289-5410/(44-207) 996-3165 (646) 289-5413/(301) 838-4552/ (646) 289-5412 (301) 838-4552/(646) 289-5412 (646) 289-5412 (646) 289-5413 (646) 289-5412 (646) 289-5413 (646) 289-54100 (301) 838-4552 (301) 838-4552 (646) 289-5410 (646) 289-5410/5412 (646) 289-5412 (646) 289-5415 (646) 289-5412/(301) 838-4552/ (44-207) 996-3165 (646) 289-5413 (646) 289-5413/5414 (646) 289-5412 (44-207) 996-3165 (646) 289-5413 (646) 289-5412 (646) 289-5413 (646) 289-5412 (646) 289-5414
EMTA staff can also be reached through the general telephone number (646) 289-5410, at the following e-mail addresses or through EMTAs website (www.emta.org). Michael Chamberlin Monika Forbes Starla Grifn Leo Hsu Jonathan Murno Suzette Ortiz Leslie Payton Jacobs Evelyn Ramirez Aviva Werner mchamberlin@emta.org mforbes@emta.org sgrifn@emta.org lhsu@emta.org jmurno@emta.org sortiz@emta.org lpjacobs@emta.org eramirez@emta.org awerner@emta.org
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EMTA Calendar
Fri., Jan. 1, 2010 Mon., Jan. 18 Tues., Jan. 26 Recommended Market Close Recommended Market Close (NYC) Martin Luther King Jr. Day Recommended 12:00 Noon (London) Early Market Close Corporate Bond Forum (London) ING Bank NV 60 London Wall London Board Mtg (NYC/London) Recommended Market Close (NYC) Presidents Day Recommended 12:00 Noon (London) Early Market Close Winter Forum (London) JPMorgan The Great Wall, 60 Victoria Embankment London EMTA Forum - Dubai Hosted by Standard Chartered Shangri-La Hotel, Al Bader Ballroom Sheikh Zayed Road (Dubai) Recommended Market Close (London) Good Friday Recommended 12:00 noon (NYC) Early Market Close Recommended Market Close (London) Easter Monday Spring Forum (NYC) Hosted by HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. 452 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor (at 40th St.) NYC EMTA Forum - So Paulo Hosted by Ita BBA Ita Cultural Institute Av. Paulista n 149 - So Paulo (Brazil) EMTA Forum - Buenos Aires Hosted by Banco Ita Cerrito 740, 18th Floor (Argentina) Board Mtg (NYC/London) Recommended Market Close (London) May Day Bank Holiday Recommended 2:00 p.m. (NYC) Early Market Close Recommended Market Close (NYC/London) Memorial Day/Spring Bank Holiday
Wed., March 10
Tues., April 13
Thurs., April 15
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Mon., July 5 Mon., August 30 September/October* September/October* Mon., Sept. 6 October/November* October/November* Mon., Oct. 11 Thurs., Nov. 11 Thurs., Nov. 25 Fri., Nov. 26 Thurs., Dec. 2
*Details TBA
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