Alde2923-2928 Service Eng

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Pag Chap Title Pag Chap Title

3 1:0 About the Alde Heating System 11 6:0 Replacing Components on the Boiler
3 1:1 Operating the Heating System 11 6:1 Replacing the Complete Burner Unit
4 2:0 About LPG 12 6:2 Adjusting the Boiler Temperature
4 2:1 About LPG Installations 12 6:3 Replacing the Overheating Protection
5 3:0 About the LPG Boilers 13 6:4 Replacing the Thermo-Element
6 3:1 Technical Data 13 6:5 Replacing the Spark Plug
6 4:0 Flow Chart 13 6:6 Replacing the Pilot Burner or Nozzle
7 5:0 Fault-Finding 14 6:7 Replacing the Main Burner
7 5:1 General Fault-Finding 14 6:8 Replacing the Ignition Cable
7 5:2 Ignition Spark - None or Only One 14 6:9 Replacing the Ignition Transformer
7 5:3 The Ignition Spark Does Not Stop 15 6:10 Replacing and Adjusting the Micro-Switch
7 5:4 The Ignition Spark Starts when the Boiler is 15 6:11 Replacing the Hatch
Switched Off 16 6:12 Replacing the Panel
8 5:5 Pilot Burner does not Light 16 6:13 Replacing the Control Box
8 5:6 Pilot Burner Burns Yellow 17 6:14 Replacing a Complete Control Box with Panel
8 5:7 The Pilot Burner Goes Out when the Thermo- 17 6:15 Replacing the 12 V Circulation Pump
stat Knob is Released 17 6:16 Replacing the Motor on the 12 V Circulation
8 5:8 The Pilot Burner Goes Out when the Thermo- Pump
stat Knob is Turned Up 18 6:17 Replacing the Expansion Chamber
9 5:9 The Boiler Overheats the Water 18 6:18 Calibrating the Room Thermostat
9 5:10 The Boiler does not Heat Up 19 7:0 Circuit Diagram
9 5:11 Ignition Flash in Main Burner 20 8:0 Exploded view 2923
9 5:12 Noise in Main Burner (Roaring) 21 9:0 Exploded view 2928
9 5:13 Impossible to Shut Boiler Off 22 10:0 Article numbers to exploded view
10 5:14 The Circulation Pump does not Start 23 11:0 Spare parts
10 5:15 Noise or Vibration In Circulation Pump

This service manual is intended to assist with servicing and fault-finding in caravans, motor caravans and sheds
equipped with Alde's LPG boilers, types 2923 and 2928. The handbook may also be of assistance in ordering spare parts,
in understanding how the boilers operate, and how they are installed. It also includes general information on how our
heating systems are designed, and some information on LPG and LPG installations.
We hope that you will find this manual very useful, and that it will save you time during service and fault-finding on our

Alde International Systems AB

Service Department

NOTE! We reserve the right to make changes after this manual has been printed.

glycol concentration should be checked to prevent ex-
1:0 About the Alde heating system cess concentration. The glycol mix should be replaced
The heating system consists of up to three heat sources, every second year, since its properties, such as corrosion
LPG boiler, 230 volt electrical cartridge, as well as a heat protection, degrade over time. The heating system must
exchanger for motor caravans and boats. Alde's LPG never stand empty of the glycol fluid.
boilers can be combined in many ways. Solely LPG - LPG The liquid in the system is drained through a drainage tap
boiler and electrical cartridge - LPG boiler and warm which is usually located under the caravan entrance.
water heater or LPG boiler, electrical cartridge and warm Re-filling with liquid:
water heater. The electrical cartridge and warm water Ensure that the caravan or boat is level, and check that
heater do not take up any extra space when they are the air screws and drainage tap are closed. Remove the
installed at the rear of the boiler. upper front plate on the boiler. Then slacken the plastic
Fig 1. Warm water cap on the circulation pump and lift up the pump. Then
LPG boiler
heater carefully pour the glycol mix into the expansion chamber.
When the system is being filled, air-pockets may form,
depending on how the pipe-system was installed. (A good
Drainage indications that there is air in the system is when the heat
tap only travels a few metres along the pipe from the boiler,
despite the fact that the circulation pump is operating). To
make refilling simpler, use Alde's filling pump (fig 3) which
both fills and bleeds the system automatically.
Bleeding the system (manually):
The LPG boiler must be operating and the circulation
pump switched off. Begin by opening the air screws (see
the builders instruction book for their location). Keep them
Air-screw Radiator open until liquid comes out of the spout at the air screw.
Start the circulation pump and let it run for a few moments.
The LPG boiler/electrical cartridge heats up a liquid Check whether the pipes and radiators all round the
mixture consisting of water (60%) and glycol (40%). With system are warm. If the air has not know disappeared,
the help of a 12 volt circulation pump which is located in proceed as follows: The LPG boiler must be operating,
the expansion chamber of the boiler, or a 230 volt pump and the circulation pump switched off. If in a caravan
fitted to the electrical cartridge, the warm glycol/water is lower jockey wheel as far as possible, so that the caravan
circulated round the system through pipes and radiators. tilts. Let it remain like that for several minutes, so that any
The radiators, which are located along the outer walls, air rises upwards in the system. Open the air screw at the
heat up the air which rises and warms the walls and highest point, and keep it open until all the air has
furniture. Since warm air rises, it forms an air-barrier escaped. Then wind the jockey wheel to its maximum
which keeps the cold away from the windows. position and repeat the procedure in that position. Then
The temperature inside Fig 2. return the caravan to the level position and start the
the caravan is circulation pump. Check that heat is present all round the
controlled by a 12 volt caravan. When bleeding a bogey wagon or motor cara-
room thermostat. van, it is easiest to park on a steep slope or to lift the
Thanks to the design of vehicle up using a jack.
the boiler, and to the If in a boat consult the boat builders instructions. Ensure
fact that it is fitted inside all radiators are bled after filling the system if a calorifier
the caravan, incoming Warm air is incorporated check the bleed valve here if incorporated.
fresh air is warmed by Allow all air to escape before operating of pumps. Operate
the boiler's own heat. the boiler and circulation pump check once again for air
pockets and ensure all the system reaches temperature.

Fig 3.
1:1 Operating the heating system Filling pump
Check the liquid level in the heating system regularly, in Art nr: 1900 810
the expansion chamber of the boiler. The level should be
approximately 10 mm above the min. line with the boiler
cold. The system must be filled with a 40% glycol mix of
the same type as is used in car engines (not diesel). If the
heating installation has been exposed to a temperature
below - 25° C, the glycol content must be increased, but
not, however, above 50%. When topping up the liquid, the

2:0 About LPG 2:1 About LPG installations
LPG is a very clean burning fuel, officially called "Liquid Alde 2923 and 2928 LPG boilers must be connected to
Petroleum Gas". This international designation is normally the LPG cylinder with approved reducing valves with a
shortened to LPG. It consists primarily of the gases pressure working the same as on the data sheet on the
butane and propane. Propane has the advantage that it boiler. A shut-off valve, to shut off the LPG supply, must
gasifies down to -40°C, while butane performs badly be fitted on the supply side of the boiler. The LPG is taken
below +10°C. Propane as a gas is approximately 1.5 to the boiler with 8 mm pipes of copper or zinc-coated
times heavier than air, and butane is approximately twice steel. If copper pipes are used, support-sleeves must be
as heavy as air. This is extremely important to bear in fitted at the connections. The pipes must be carefully
mind in the event of any gas leak, since the LPG remains clamped at 500 mm intervals with clamps which do not
in low-lying spaces. Pure LPG has no smell, but to enable chafe the pipes. If the pipes go through walls, floors etc,
any gas leak to be detected, a substance with a charact- they must be protected against chafing using a protector-
eristic smell is added (it smells like sulphur). It can be sleeve of hose or similar. The pipes must also be
stored in the cylinder for an unlimited time without any protected against spark-overs from electrical cables.
deterioration in quality. LPG installations must always be pressure tested after
LPG is non-toxic, but if bottled in concentrated form it will installation or service. If there are any leaks, identified the
give rise to some anaesthetic effects, breathing difficulties position of the leak using a leak spray or soapy water.
and symptoms of suffocation and therefore may be NOTE! Naked flames must not be used in searching
avoided. for leaks.
The LPG cylinder contains LPG both in liquid and in gas
For additional safety, we recommend the use of the Alde
form. When the cylinder is filled, the gas turns to liquid
Leak Tester No. 4071.
through compression. When the cylinder valve is opened,
and the pressure in the cylinder falls, the liquid turns into Some important points to bear in mind:
gas again. In a newly-filled LPG cylinder, approximately • Only use CE approved components
80 percent of the LPG is in liquid form. In new and • Always use support-sleeves with copper pipes.
sometimes in newly-filled LPG cylinders, an air-cushion • Never use force in tightening connections.
may form at the top of the cylinder. This can cause the • Inspect the rubber packing on the reducing valve when
LPG boiler to be difficult to light, when the cylinder has changing cylinders.
been changed. • LPG pipes must be replaced when the rubber begins to
When LPG is burned completely, only carbon dioxide crack.
(C02) and water vapour (H2O) are given off, just as in our • Consult the Recreational Craft Directive or Recreational
own exhaled air. In the event of incomplete combustion, Vehicle Directive regarding LPG installation
however, carbon monoxide (CO), which is an extremely
toxic gas, is formed.
The flames from the burner must have a blue-green core, Fig 6. Filled cylinder of LPG, cutaway diagram.
the primary flame, and a pale blue secondary flame
around this. To ensure complete combustion, a good Safety Cylinder
supply of air is required. valve valve
LPG burners normally work at a lower pressure than that
in the cylinder. Alde's LPG boilers work at a pressure of
28/37 mbar. This reduction in pressure is achieved by Outlet
passing the LPG through a reduction valve, which is
screwed on top of the LPG cylinder, or on to an automatic
LPG connector.
Pressure ranges
Low pressure Reduced pressure 0 - 50 mbar
Intermediate Reduced pressure above 50 mbar up to
2.0 bar. Low pressure and intermediate
pressure are always reduced pressures
which are regulated by a reducing valve.
High pressure Unreduced pressure or pressure over
2.0 bar. High pressure is used principally
for camping equipment and special
heating burners.

3:0 About Comfort LPG boilers 2923 & 2928
Boiler layout (figure 9): Fig 7. Fig 9 (Comfort 2923).
At the bottom of the LPG burner 2923 there is an inlet pipe Exhaust
which feeds in air from outside to the combustion chamber gases
(fig 7). On the LPG boiler 2928, the air is led from the top
of the flue via a hose down to the combustion chamber Flue
(fig 8). The LPG automatic unit and burner are attached
to a removable plate screwed into the combustion chamber
in the lower section of the boiler. The water jacket is fitted
above the combustion chamber, and consists of an inner 2923
and outer pipe. The gap between these pipes provides the Cirkulation pump
water reservoir. Inside the inner pipe there is a flame-
damper, which consists of a folded stainless plate. This is Expansion vessel
intended to direct the warm combustion gases coming
from the burner out towards the water jacket to heat the Level marks for
water. A pipe leads from the upper part of the water jacket glycol liquid
to the expansion chamber. Inside the expansion chamber Burner
there is a 12 volt pump which circulates the heated liquid
in the system. A control unit with thermostat knob, fuse,
current inlet and change-over switch is located below the Combustion
expansion chamber. Control panel
air in
At the highest point of the boiler, there is an exhaust pipe
for connecting to the flue, as well as a connection block for
electrical connections to the boiler. Boiler thermostat
A ventilation drum is fitted alongside the boiler, and this Overheating
takes in fresh air from outside and directs it on into the Fig 8. protection
boiler. The fresh air is warmed up by radiant heat from the
boiler casing, and is then passed out into the caravan via Exhaust
the ventilation grill in the front plate. gases Combustion
air in
How the boiler works: Water jacket
When the room thermostat demands heat, the circulation
pump starts. The liquid in the system then begins to Flame damper
circulate, and cold water enters the boiler. A sensor fitted
in the water jacket senses that the water is colder than the Window
temperature set on the boiler thermostat. The pilot light
ignites the main burner, which heats up the liquid and
circulates it round the system. When the warmth in the Burner
caravan reaches the temperature set on the room thermo-
stat, the circulation pump stops. A sensor on the boiler Ventilation duct
senses when the liquid has reached the temperature set
on the boiler thermostat. It then closes down the main
burner, and returns to the pilot light. When later the liquid
Inlet funnel
temperature has fallen a few degrees in the boiler, the
main burner is ignited again. This ensures that warm
water is always available when the room thermostat Burner
demands heat. Felsökning på gasolpannor

3:1 Technical data

Height: ................................................. 1710 mm Fuse: ................................................... 1 amp
Width: .................................................. 132 mm Current consumption 12 V circ. pump . 150 - 200 mA
Depth: .................................................. 220 mm Connection pipes heating system: ....... Ø 22 mm
Weight 2923 complete: ........................ 18 kg Minimum installation dimensions for 2923:
Weight 2928 complete: ........................ 19 kg Height: ................................................. 1820 mm
Output propane: ................................... 5,4 kW With: .................................................... 132 mm
Output butane: ..................................... 6,2 kW Depth: .................................................. 310 mm
Gas pressure: ...................................... 30 mbar (3 kPa)
Minimum installation dimensions for 2928:
Gas consumption propane: ................. max 420 g/h
Height: ................................................. 1850 mm
Gas consumption butane: .................... max 480 g/h
With: .................................................... 132 mm
Volume of liquid: .................................. 2,6 litre
Depth: .................................................. 350 mm
System temperature: ........................... 35 - 75 °C

4:0 Flow chart
LPG boiler Circulation pump Output electrical cartridge

12 V 12 V 12 V

Fuse Fuse Fuse


Room Room
thermostat thermostat

transformer Switch Switch

Switch Switch
Spark plug 12 / 230 V 1 kW/2 kW

Relay on
12 V Circuit
el. cartridge
Circula- board on
for 230 V
tion pump el. cartridge
1050 W

1050 W

5:0 Fault-finding
- If the ignition transformer produces a spark (click), but
5:1 General fault-finding there is no spark at the spark plug, first check the
This guide to general fault-finding should be useful in ignition cable by removing it from the spark plug and
rapidly establishing where in the heating system the fault making a connection approx. 3-5 mm from earthed
may lie. This saves time in fault-finding. For more detailed material. If there is a spark between the connection and
fault-finding, see sections 5:2 - 5:15. the material, there is no fault in the ignition cable, and
the fault lies in the spark plug which must be replaced.
Fault Possible fault in If there is no spark, but a ticking is heard from the
ignition transformer, the fault is in the ignition cable.
Boiler does not start Gas supply, fuse, - If there is only one single spark (the lamp flashes once)
ignition system this is due to the effect on the spark plug of dampness
or condensation. The spark plug/ignition cable is then
Boiler/electrical cartridge Temperature-settings, faulty, and must be replaced.
not warm boiler thermostat, electri- NOTE! When this fault occurs, the boiler can be jump-
cal cartridge thermostat started by removing the ignition cable from the lighter and
attaching it 3 - 5 mm from the connection pin so that it
Boiler/electrical cartridge Circulation pump, air in forms an extra spark gap. Start the boiler in accordance
warm, but no heat in the heating system, with the instructions. Remove the fuse and connect the
caravan or boat warm water heater ignition cable when the boiler starts. Replace the fuse.

Boiler/electrical Temperature-settings,
cartridge boiling boiler thermostat, electri- 5:3 The ignition spark does not stop
cal cartridge thermostat
after ignition
Noise in circulation pump Liquid level, air in the Cause:
12/230 V system, foreign object in - The ignition cable has loosened at the connection to the
pump housing, pump lighter or the spark plug.
motor, paddle wheel - Break in the ignition cable.
- Ignition electrode not in centre of pilot flame.
Uneven temperature in Regulating equipment, - Pilot flame too small.
the caravan or boat room therm., connections - Fault in ignition transformer.
Remedial action:
Too little warm water System temp, circulation - Check that the ignition cable is correctly connected or
pump, water-flow replace the ignition cable.
- Adjust the ignition electrode so that it is in the centre of
the pilot flame.
- Check the gas supply and nozzle in the pilot burner.
5:2 Ignition spark - none or only one - Replace the ignition transformer.
- Voltage to ignition transformer absent or too low. 5:4 The ignition spark starts when
- Fault in ignition transformer .
- Insulation fault on spark plug. the boiler is switched off
- Insulation fault on ignition cable. Clause:
- Fouling/dirt on spark plug. - Micro-switch wrongly adjusted.
Remedial action: - Thermostat knob turns too easily.
- Check that there is 12 V voltage on the boiler connection - Thermostat knob turns too slowly.
block between pins 1 red (+) and 4 black (-). Remedial action:
- Check that the fuse in the control panel is intact. - Adjust the micro-switch in accordance with chap. 6:10.
- Check that the micro-switch trips when the thermostat - Check that there is an o-ring in the groove on the shaft
knob is turned to the ignition position. Use a voltmeter of the thermostat knob, and that there is not too much
to measure the voltage between the yellow (+) and grease on the shaft and in the knob hub, wipe any
black (-) cables on the ignition transformer. This must excess away.
be > 9 V. - If the knob feels springy (does not remain in the position
- Check the ignition transformer by removing the ignition in which it is released), lubricate the o-ring very sparingly
cable from the connection and turning the thermostat with grease.
knob to the ignition position. The ignition transformer - Replace the thermostat knob.
should then produce a spark (click) and the indicator NOTE! When the thermostat knob is removed, it must be
lamp should flash continuously. If not, the ignition re-fitted in the same position, otherwise the temperatures
transformer is faulty and must be replaced. setting will change.

> 15 mV. If the voltage is lower than this the thermo-
5:5 Pilot burner does not light element must be replaced.
Cause: - Check the operation of the overheating protection by
- No ignition spark at the pilot burner. measuring voltage between points 1 and 3 (there is a
- Gas supply absent or too little. voltage drop of approx. 5 mV compared with points 1
- Nozzle and/or burner clogged. and 2). If a measuring instrument is not available, short
Remedial action: circuit the upper and lower pins (2 and 3) with a
- Check ignition in accordance with Chapter 5:2. screwdriver, for example. If the pilot flame goes out
- Check the gas supply. when the screwdriver is removed, the overheating
- Check that the cylinder valve and the main tap on the protection must be replaced.
boiler are open and that the reducing valve provides the - Replace the automatic unit.
correct pressure (28/37 mbar). Check whether other Overheating protection
LPG appliances, e.g., cookers, can be lit and burn Fig 10.
normally at full output.
- Check and blow clean the pilot burner and nozzle.
- Replace the pilot burner.

5:6 Pilot burner burns yellow

Cause: 1
- Dirt in the nozzle and/or pilot burner.
Remedial action:
- Check and blow clean the pilot burner and nozzle. 2
- Replace the pilot burner.

5:7 The pilot burner goes out when

the thermostat knob is released
Thermo element Nuts Joint nipple
- Thermostat knob has not been pressed fully in.
- Thermostat knob has been released too early.
- Faulty thermo-element, produces no voltage or insuffi- 5:8 The pilot burner goes out when
cient voltage.
- Thermo-element insufficiently heated as a result of
the thermostat knob is turned up
weak (yellow) flame and/or wrongly-placed thermo- Cause:
element tip. - Fault in gas supply.
- Contact between thermo-element and magnetic insert - Fault in air supply.
in the automatic unit poor or non-existent. - Fault in flue.
- Fault in overheating protection. Remedial action:
- Fault in automatic unit. - Check that the cylinder valve and the main tap in the
Remedial action: boiler are fully open and that the reducing valve gives
- Check that the thermostat knob is pushed fully in and is the correct pressure (30 mbar). Check that other LPG
held for a minimum of 15 sec after the indicator lamp has appliances, e.g. cookers, can be lit and burn normally at
stopped flashing. full output.
- Check the gas supply and the pilot burner in accordance - Check that the air inlet pipe/hose and funnel for the
with 5:6. The pilot burner must burn with a clear blue boiler are undamaged and that the funnel is not clogged
flame without yellow peaks. and is fitted correctly.
- Check that the tip of the thermo-element is in the centre - Check that the boiler exhaust flue and cowl are un-
of the pilot flame. Adjust if necessary by carefully damaged and are not clogged.
bending the bracket.
- Check, and, if necessary, clean the contact surfaces in
the joint nipple between the thermo-element, the over-
heating protection and the magnetic insert in the
automatic unit, and that the nuts on the thermo-element
are tight.
- Check the operation of the thermo-element by measuring
the voltage (see fig 10) between point 1 and the lower
pin of the over heating protection, point 2. It must be

NOTE! If the modulating screw is adjusted down, the
5:9 The boiler overheats the water main burner lights and switches off with reduced
Cause: output, "modulation", which gives a more gentle
- Max temp setting too high. start. If this has been done, check that the main flame
- Faulty boiler thermostat/sensor. burns silently and steadily at reduced output (after
- Sensor not fixed to boiler casing. start and before stopping the main burner may begin
- No heat-conducting paste between sensor and boiler. to vibrate if the setting is wrong). The standard set-
Remedial action: ting is approx. 1/2 turn open.
- Check in the expansion chamber that the heating sys-
tem is filled to the correct level with 40% glycol mix. 5:12 Noise in main burner (roaring)
- Check that the sensor is attached, with heat-conducting
paste between the boiler and the sensor, and that the Cause:
capillary tube is not damaged. - Exhaust cowl wrongly fitted or missing.
- Turn the thermostat knob to position 1 and check that - Inlet pipe/hose wrongly fitted or missing.
the main flame goes out, and if it does, lower the max - Faulty main burner or nozzle.
temp setting. If the flame does not go out, replace the - Modulating screw on automatic unit wrongly set.
sensor or automatic unit. Remedial action:
NOTE! When using the heating system at high altitude - Check that the exhaust cowl is correctly fitted in
(more than 1000 m above sea-level ) the boiling point accordance with the installation instructions.
of the glycol mix is reduced through lower atmospheric - Check that the inlet funnel is black and is correctly fitted.
pressure, and this may cause boiling if the thermostat (The inlet funnel on the type 2923 burner has a smaller
knob is in its maximum position (7). Turn down to through-flow of air and is manufactured in black mate-
position 6 or 5 to avoid boiling. rial to avoid confusion with the grey unit which fits type
2920 and 2921 boilers).
- Replace the main burner. If a new standard burner does
5:10 The boiler does not heat up not help, a special burner can be fitted, which has a
greater hole diameter on the burner screen (can be
ordered after discussion with Alde service).
- The main burner does not ignite/burns with insufficient
- Adjust the modulating screws on the automatic unit by
screwing out (anti-clockwise) until the vibrations dis-
- Main burner goes out (breaks) too early. appear (see fig 11). The standard setting is approx.
Remedial action: 1/2 turn open.
- Check that the nozzle in the main burner is not clogged
and has the correct rating (220 for 28/37 mbar and 190
for 50 mbar gas pressure) Remove, blow clean or 5:13 Impossible to shut boiler off
replace nozzle if necessary. Cause:
- Check the boiler temperature, if necessary adjust the - The spindle for the ignition fuse is stuck in the depressed
temperatures setting. position.
- Replace the automatic unit.
Remedial action:
- Lubricate the spindle (see fig 11) with silicone oil.
5:11 Ignition flash in main burner - Replace the automatic unit.
- Faulty or wrongly-adjusted pilot burner.
- Faulty main burner/nozzle. Fig 11 Screwdriver
- Modulating screw in automatic unit wrongly set.
Remedial action:
- Check that the pilot burner is as low down as possible
on the main burner, so that the ignition flame sweeps
close to the top of the main burner. Adjust the height if
necessary by slackening the two screws in the pilot
burner bracket.
- Check that the pilot burner burns with a blue flame at the
outlet hole towards the main burner. Replace the pilot
burner if necessary.
- Check that the screens at the top of the main burner are
intact and firmly attached, and that the main nozzle is
intact. Replace burner and/or nozzle if necessary.
- Adjust the modulating screws on the automatic unit by Adjustment screw Spindle for ignition fuse
screwing down (clockwise) until the boiler lights softly
(see fig 11)

5:14 Circulation pump does not start 5:15 Noise or vibration in circulation
Cause: pump
- No voltage to boiler. Cause:
- Switch on room thermostat off. - Wear in motor/bearing - bearing dry.
- Temperatures setting too low (room thermostat has - Rubber coupling between motor and pump shaft faulty.
tripped). - Pump shaft bent.
- Room thermostat wrongly calibrated or faulty - Paddle wheel in pump housing does not rotate freely.
- Switch for circulation pump on control panel in wrong
position/faulty. Remedial action:
- Cable connections not attached to motor. - Lubricate the upper bearings of the motor with one drop
- Pump motor faulty. of sewing machine oil, if necessary replace motor.
- Check that the rubber coupling is straight, and does not
Remedial action: move about during operation and that the pump shaft is
- Check voltage and fuse. straight. Slacken the nut which hold the pump, turn the
- Check that the switch on the room thermostat is in the pump slightly and re-tighten the nut.
"ON" position. - Check that the pump housing is clean and free from
- Check that the temperature setting on the room thermo- foreign objects.
stat is higher than the temperature in the caravan.
- Calibrate the room thermostat in accordance with 6:18.
- Check that the switch for the circulation pump on the
control panel is in the 12 V position and that it is not
- Check the cable connections and voltage at the pump
motor, if necessary replies motor.

6:0 Replacing components inwards/downwards so that the tabs Fig 12
grip the boiler foot. Fit and close the
This Chapter shows the easiest way of replacing compo- hatch.
nents in an Alde Comfort boiler. 12. Open the main gas tap to the
NOTE! Work on the automatic gas unit may only be boiler. Remove the hose from the
carried out by Alde's service department or authorised reducing valve on the gas tube, fit
personnel. a manometer and pressure test
the LPG installation in
accordance with instructions. Attach
6:1 Replacing the complete burner the hose, open the gas pipe and test-
unit run the boiler. Check that sparks
cease when the boiler lights!
1. Close the main gas tap to the boiler.
2. Remove the hatch on the control panel by opening it
straight out and carefully bending it upwards in the centre
so that the pegs are released (see chapter 6:12).
3. Remove the lower front plate (see fig 12). Lever with a
screwdriver in the groove on the bottom of the plate until
the tabs are clear. Then pull outwards/downwards until
the plate is free and can be removed.
4. Switch off the main current switch or remove the fuse Fig 13 Fig 14
on the control panel. Set the thermostat knob in the
ignition position. Remove screw (fig 15 A) which holds the
rod in the automatic knob. Press the knob down and B
carefully lift the rod from the knob.
5. Unfasten the springs (fig 13 A) which hold the sensor
(fig 13 B) and overheating protection (fig 13 C) and
remove these from the boiler casing, se fig 14. Disconnect
the ignition cable from the ignition transformer (fig 13 D), D
as well as the screw to the earthed connection (fig 15 B).
6. Remove the remainder of the screws, 13 off B6 x 9 C
(fig 15 C) in the burner plate.
7. Disconnect the inlet gas pipe to the automatic unit (fig
15 D) and remove the burner unit from the boiler, see fig
8. Check that the front packing (fig 16 A) is intact before
the burner unit is replaced. Fasten the burner unit and
earth cable. Attach the inlet gas pipe to the burner unit and
tighten. Install the overheating protection, sensor and Fig 15 Fig 16
ignition cable. Ensure that there is heat-conducting paste
between the sensor and the boiler. Check that the capillary A
tube to the boiler thermostat, overheating protection and
ignition cable are correctly installed to the right of the
automatic unit, and are not trapped or damaged.
9. Fit the rod in the automatic knob and insert the screws.
Carefully turn the knob to the stop position and check that
the micro-switch "clicks", switches off.
10. Fit the fuse and switch on the main switch. Turn the A
thermostat knob to the ignition position and check that the D
indicator lamp flashes and that there is a spark at the
spark plug. Press down the thermostat knob and turn to
no. 7 on the scale. Check that the arm of the micro-switch
does not drag against the knob hub. (If necessary adjust
the micro-switch, see Chapter 6:10). Turn to the stop C B
position and check that the spark is switched off and that
the lamp stops flashing.
11. Install the lower front plate (fig 12), push the upper
parts under the edge of the control box, press the plate

6:2 Adjusting the boiler temperature 6:3 Replacing the overheating
1. Remove the hatch on the control panel by opening it protection
straight out and carefully bending it in the middle so that
1. Remove the lower front plate (see fig 12).
the pegs are released (se Chapter 6:12).
2. Unfasten the springs (fig 13 A) which hold the sensor
2. Remove the lower front plate (see fig 12).
(fig 13 B) and overheating protection (fig 13 C) to the
3. Switch off the main power switch, set the thermostat boiler casing.
knob in position 2, so that the hole with the figure 5 on the
automatic unit knob is straight ahead. Unfasten the screws 3. Unwind the sensor from the overheating protection.
(fig 17 A) on both sides of the plastic conductor on the rod. 4. Slacken the nuts on the thermo-element (fig 19 A) a
Push the rod and knob to the side. Remove the white couple of turns in the joint nipple (fig 19 B) below the
plastic plug, press down the nozzle and remove the screw automatic unit and then pull the overheating protection
with a 7 mm spanner, (with serial numbers from 21425, a straight out of the joint nipple (see fig 20). Check that the
special tool is required for removing the screw.) Remove joint metal is free from oxidation, if necessary clean or
knob and spring (see fig 17). replace it.
4. Temperature adjustment: Note the scale on the edge 5. Fit the new overheating protection into the joint nipple.
of the plastic wheel (corresponds to the scale on the knob) Tighten the nuts from the thermo element, but not too
and the index on the cover. Lift the plastic wheel approxi- much. Check that the cables for the overheating protection
mately 10 mm (see fig 18). Turn anti-clockwise to reduce are not lying against the gas pipe.
the temperature and clockwise to increase it. Carefully
push the plastic wheel down so that the teeth engage, 6. Wind the sensor wire round the new overheating
every tooth movement is equivalent to approx. 3°C change protection and attach the sensor with spring in the recess
in temperature. in the boiler casing. Check that there is heat - conducting
paste on the sensor.
5. Fit the spring, knob and screw. Turn the knob to the stop
position, switch on the main switch/insert fuse. Start and 7. Tilt the overheating protection at the top and push it
test-run the boiler at max temp (knob in position 7) with the down into the holder. Attach it with the spring.
circulation pump switched off. Check that the boiler 8. Start the boiler in accordance with instructions. Check
switches off (main burner goes out) at the correctly set that the boiler continues to burn when the thermostat knob
system temperature. If necessary, make further adjust- is released. Fit the lower front plate (see fig 12).
ments. Fig 19
Basic setting of temperature: With the sensor in a water
bath, temperature 70°C, turn the thermostat knob from
position 7 towards 1, switching, "ticking" occurs between
positions 6½ - 4½. On burner unit with serial numbers >
28798, the water bath must be at 65°C.
6. Press in the plastic plug, fit the rod with the plastic
adapted, (NOTE! The figure 5 must be visible in the hole). B
Turn to the stop position, check that the spark shuts off
and that the lamp stops flashing.
7. Fit the lower front plate (see fig 12). Install and close the A

Fig 17 Fig 18 Fig 20

_ +

6:4 Replacing the thermo-element 4. Insert the burner unit into the boiler and install it in
accordance with Chapter 7:1. Check that the capillary
1. Remove the burner unit in accordance with Chap. 6:1. tube to the boiler thermostat, the temperature limiter and
2. Slacken the nut (fig 21 A) a few turns and pull the ignition cable are aligned correctly, to the right of the
thermo-element (fig 21 B) down out of the holder. automatic unit, and not trapped or damaged.
3. Unscrew the nut (fig 19 A) from the joint nipple (fig 19
B) below the automatic unit and pull out the thermo- 6:6 Replacing the pilot burner
element through the cable opening on the front plate of the
burner unit. 1. Remove the burner unit in accordance with Chap. 6:1.
4. Check the contact surfaces on the joint nipple and the 2. Slacken the nut on the gas pipe (fig 21 E) on the pilot
overheating protection, clean or replace joint nipple if burner and pull down the pipe.
necessary. 3. Slacken the nut (fig 21 A) to be thermo-element a few
5. Install the new thermo-element in reverse order. turns and pull it down out of the holder.
NOTE! The tip of the thermo-element must be pressed up 4. Unscrew the nut (fig 21 C) which holds the spark plug
as far as it will go in the holder, before the nut is tightened. and pull it down from the holder.
Check the distance, see fig 21.
5. Remove the pilot burner from its bracket (fig 23 A) by
6. Then fit the burner unit in accordance with Chapter 6:1. slackening the screw (fig 22 A) from the holder and lifting
up the pilot burner, see fig 23.
6:5 Replacing the spark plug 6. Install the new pilot burner in reverse order. NOTE! The
tip of the thermo-element must be pushed up as far as
1. Remove the burner unit in accordance with Chap. 6:1. possible in the holder, before the nut is tightened. Check
NOTE! Inlet gas pipes do not always need to be removed, the distans to the spark plug and thermo-element.
but if necessary must be pushed to the side to gain access 7. Then re-fit the burner unit in accordance with Chap. 6:1.
to the screws. The bulb and overheating protection do not
need to be removed. This saves both time and unnecessary Fig 22
Carefully press the burner unit down and fold out at the
upper edge far enough to allow the pilot burner and spark
plug to be seen.
2. Slacken the nut (fig 21 C) on the spark plug and A
unscrew. Pull down the spark plug, nut and cable with
silicone sleeve and take them out at the side. Remove the
plug from the cable and nut, and destroy it immediately by
bending the electrode so that it cannot be confused with
a new plug.
3. Fit the nut to the new plug and connect the cable. Pull
the silicon sleeve (fig 21 D) over the joint, approximately
5 - 8 mm on to the plug. Insert the spark plug in place and
tighten the nut carefully. Check the distans, see fig 21.

Fig 21 4 mm 6 mm Fig 23




6:7 Replacing the main burner 6:9 Replacing the ignition transformer
1. Remove the burner unit in accordance with Chap. 6:1. Ignition transformer 2923 119 replaces with 2923 125
2. Remove the pilot burner in accordance with Chap. 6:6. 1. Switch off the main power switch or remove the fuse on
the panel.
3. Slacken the nut on the gas pipe below the main burner
(fig 24 A) and pull the pipe out for a short distance. Then 2. Remove the lower front plate (see fig 12).
slacken the nut which holds the main burner (fig 24 B) with 3. Pull out the ignition cable (fig 25 A) and connection
a 17 mm spanner. Remove the main burner. cables (fig 25 B) from the ignition transformer. Cut off both
4. Transfer the angle bracket (fig 23 A), which holds the bracket clips (fig 25 C) which hold the ignition trans-
pilot burner, on to the new main burner and attach the pilot former.
burner. 4. Fit the new ignition transformator and connect the earth
5. Install the main burner and tighten the nut and then the cable (in mounting kit 2923 225) in the screw below (fig 26
gas pipe. A). Drill a Ø 4 mm hole through the control box for the
upper screw (fig 26 B) and thightend the ignition box.
6. Fit the spark plug, gas pipe and thermo-element to the
pilot burner. 5. Connect the earth cable in the burner unit. If the boiler
already has the earth cable in the wiring loom from the
7. Fit the burner unit and test-run in accordance with
black ignition transformer, shall it be removed and cut off
Chapter 6:1.
(see fig 26 C).
Fig 24 6. Connect the cables on the new ignition transformer,
black at left, yellow in the middle and green at the right.
below. Connect the ignition cable (fig 26 D).
7. Fit the fuse or switch on the main power switch. Light
the boiler, check that the spark ceases when the boiler
has ignited!
8. Fit the lower front plate (see fig 12)
Fig 25

B A Part nr
2923 119

6:8 Replacing the ignition cable A

1. Remove the burner unit in accordance with Chap. 7:1.
NOTE! Inlet gas pipes do not always need to be removed,
but if necessary must be pushed to the side to gain access C
to the screws. The sensor and overheating protection do
not need to be removed. This saves both time and
Fig 26
unnecessary work. B
Carefully press the burner unit down and fold out the
upper edge far enough to allow the pilot burner and spark C
plug to be seen.
2. First remove the ignition cable from the ignition trans-
former and then from the spark plug and pull it out through Part nr
the table opening on the front plate of the burner unit. 2923 225
3. Fit the new ignition cable and connect it to the spark
plug and ignition transformer. Don't firget the silicone
4. Push the burner unit into the boiler and install it in
accordance with Chapter 6:1. Check that the capillary A
tube to the boiler thermostat, the temperature limiter and
the ignition cable are correctly aligned, to the right of the
automatic unit, and are not trapped or damaged.

6:10 Replacing/adjusting the micro- FIG 28
1. Remove the hatch in accordance with Chapter 6:11.
Position of micro-
2. Remove the lower front plate (see fig 12).
switch at start position
3. Switch off the main power switch or remove the fuse on
the control panel. Set the thermostat knob in the ignition
position. Remove the screw (fig 15 A) which holds the rod
in the automatic unit knob. Press the knob down and
carefully lift the rod out of the knob.
4. Slacken the inner screw on the micro-switch (fig 27 A)
a couple of turns (adjustment screw), remove the outer FIG 29
screw (fig 27 B). Removed the micro-switch, note the
location of the cables, move cables and adjustments
screws to the new switch, fit and tighten the screws.
5. Fit the rod in the automatic knob and replace the screw. Position of micro-
6. Adjustment: Set the thermostat knob in the ignition switch at stop position
position. Slacken the adjustment screw and place the
switch with its arm as close to the boss on the knob hub
as possible (see fig 28). Tighten the adjustment screw.
7. Turn the knob to the stop position and check that the
switch "clicks", switches off (see fig 29). Turn back to the
ignition position, check the operation and that the arm FIG 30
does not rub against the hub when the knob is turned.
8. Switch on the main power switch or insert the fuse,
check that ignition/shut-off functions reliably. If necessary,
make further adjustments to the micro-switch. Position of micro-
switch at maximum
9. Fit the lower front plate, (see fig 12). Install and close
the hatch. position

6:11 Replacing the hatch

1. Remove the hatch on the control panel by opening it
straight out and carefully bending it in the middle so that
the pegs are released.

Fig 27 Fig 31

6:12 Replacing the panel 6:13 Replacing the control box
1. Remove the hatch in accordance with Chapter 6:11. 1. First remove the panel in accordance with Chap. 6:12.
2. Switch off the main power switch. 2. Set the thermostat knob in the ignition position. Rem-
3. Remove the lower front plate (see fig 12). ove the screw which holds the rod to the automatic knob
(see fig 15 A). Press the knob and carefully lift the rod
4. Pull the electrical contact from the top cover. Unfasten
from the knob.
the connection block and the earthed connection on the
top cover, the earth cable on the burner unit, as well as the 3. Carefully push the rod up with the knob towards the
cables on the circulation pump. Pull out the connection control panel. Remove the screw (fig 34 A) and take away
the knob and rod.
block from the electrical cartridge, pull forward and unfasten
the cables and ignition cable from the clips. 4. Remove the control box by unscrewing the screws (fig
35 A) and pressing the catches (fig 35 B) inwards.
5. Remove the panel by pressing downwards with a
screwdriver in the groove on the upper edge of the panel 5. Transfer the ignition transformer and the micro-switch
(see fig 32 A), so that the locking bosses (fig 32 B) release to the new control box, note the location of the cables, fit
and the panel and its cables can be pulled out, see fig 33. the cables. Then fit the panel into the control box.
6. Assembly takes place in reverse order. Then switch on 6. Fit the connection block and the earthed connections
the main power switch, turn the thermostat knob to be in the top cover, earth cable on the burner unit, the cables
to the 12 V circulation pump, as well as the connection
ignition position and check that the indicating lamp flashes
block to the electrical cartridge.
and that there are sparks at the spark plug. Then carry out
a complete functional inspection of the control panel to 7. Install the control box by pressing it into the metal
ensure that all functions are OK. sweep of the boiler until the catches in the box lock. Drill
four new holes in the control box and attach it with screws
7. Fit the lower front plate (see fig 12). Fit and close the through the plate sweep.
8. Fit the top knob and screw it on to the rod. Then screw
the rod into the lower automatic unit knob. Check that the
setting on the upper knob corresponds to the setting on
Fig 32 B A B the lower knob (it may be turned one-half rev wrong).
9. Connect the electrical contacts in the top cover of the
boiler. Switch on the main power switch, turn the thermostat
knob to the ignition position and check that the indicator
lamp flashes, and that there are sparks at the spark plug.
If necessary, adjust the micro-switch. Carry out a complete
functional check on the control panel to ensure that all
functions are OK. Test-start the boiler and check that the
thermostat knob can rotate freely.
10. Fit the front plates (see fig 12) and close the hatch.

Fig 33 Fig 34

6:14 Replacing a complete control 6:15 Replacing the 12V circulation
box with panel pump
1. Remove the hatch (6:11) and front plates (see fig 12). 1. Remove the upper front plate (see fig 12).
2. Switch off the main power switch and set the thermostat 2. Disconnect the connection cables (fig 36 A) on the top
knob in the ignition position. Remove the screw which of the circulation pump or at the connection block.
holds the rod to the automatic knob (see fig 15 A). Press 3. Slacken the plastic nut (fig 36 B) and lift up the
the knob and carefully lift the rod from the knob.
circulation pump from the expansion chamber.
3. Carefully push the rod up with the knob towards the
4. Transfer the nut to the new pump and connect the
control panel. Remove the screw (fig 34 A) and take away
cables. NOTE! Polarity.
the knob and rod.
4. Pull the electrical contact from the top cover. Unfasten 5. Lower the pump into the expansion chamber and
the connection block and the earthed connection on the tighten the nut.
top cover, the earth cable on the burner unit, as well as the 6. Start the circulation pump and check the direction of
cables on the circulation pump. Pull out the connection rotation in accordance with the arrow on the motor. If the
block from the electrical cartridge, pull forward and unfasten direction of rotation is wrong, shift the cables on the
the cables and ignition cable from the clips. connections.
5. Remove the control box by unscrewing the screws (fig 7. Fit the front plate.
35 A) and pressing the catches (fig 35 B) inwards.
Fig 36
6. Transfer the ignition transformer to the new control
box, note the location of the cables, fit the cables. A
7. Fit the connection block and the earthed connections
in the top cover, earth cable on the burner unit, the cables
to the 12 V circulation pump, as well as the connection
block to the electrical cartridge.
8. Install the control box by pressing it into the metal
sweep of the boiler until the catches in the box lock. Drill
four new holes in the control box and attach it with screws
through the plate sweep.
9. Fit the top knob and screw it on to the rod. Then screw
the rod into the lower automatic unit knob. Check that the
setting on the upper knob corresponds to the setting on B
the lower knob (it may be turned one-half rev wrong). C
10. Connect the electrical contacts in the top cover of the
boiler. Switch on the main power switch, turn the thermostat
knob to the ignition position and check that the indicator
lamp flashes, and that there are sparks at the spark plug.
If necessary, adjust the micro-switch. Carry out a complete
functional check on the control panel to ensure that all 6:16 Replacing the motor on the
functions are OK. Test-start the boiler and check that the
thermostat knob can rotate freely.
12 V circulation pump
11. Fit the front plates (see fig 12). Fit and close the hatch. 1. Remove the circulation pump in accordance with
Chapter 6:15, paragraphs 1 - 3.
Fig 35
2. Unfasten the screws (fig 36 C) and pull out the motor
B B including the rubber coupling from the pump shaft.
A A 3. Install the new motor including rubber coupling by first
pressing it on to the pump shaft and then attaching the
motor with the screws.
4. Re-install the circulation pump in accordance with
Chapter 6:15, paragraphs 4 - 7.


6:17 Replacing the expansion 6:18 Calibrating the room thermostat
vessel 1. Check the temperature in the caravan with an accurate
1. Drain the heating system of approx. 2 litres of liquid. thermometer.
2. Remove the upper front plate (see fig 12). 2. Remove the cover by pressing in the clip on the left side
of the room thermostat, see fig 39.
3. Slide the front jubilee clip (fig 38 A) backwards on the
rubber joint away from the outlet pipe on the expansion 3. Pull out the knob (fig 40 A) and move it the number of
vessel. degrees corresponding to the difference. Press in the
knob and check that it trips at the correct temperature (at
4. Unscrew the plastic nut (fig 36 B) and lift up the click should be heard at the right temperature when the
circulation pump and support (fig 37 A). thermostat knob is turned from max to min).
5. Detach the bleed hose (fig 37 B) from the top cover, and 4. Re-fit the cover.
the drain hose (fig 37 C) from the bottom of the boiler.
6. Unscrew the nut (fig 38 B) and then lift the vessel from
the pipe bend (fig 38 C) and remove it.
7. The o-rings (2 off) at the top of the pipe bend must be
replaced at the same time as the expansion vessel.
8. Fit the rubber connection on the connection pipe before
the vessel is fastened properly. Then pressed the new
expansion vessel down on to the pipe bend and tighten
the nut (fig 38 B) a few turns. Attach the support (fig 37 A)
and then tighten the nut. Fit the hoses.
9. Close the drainage tap and top up the liquid in the
expansion vessel. Lower the circulation pump into the Fig 39
vessel and screw on the plastic nut (fig 36 B). Attach the
pump. Fit the front plate.
Fig 37


Fig 40
Fig 38


Power input
Red 1A

12 V DC +
Battery _ Yellow

Room thermostat

7:0 Circuit diagram 2923 & 2928

12 V DC

N K 12 230 2000 W 1000 W N K

12 V DC Yellow

Blue Grey Red

275 ohm 275 ohm 275 ohm Ignition transformer
P _ L

(230 pump) (1000 W) (1000 W)

Red / White Black Black
E l e c t r i c a l
_ Black

8:0 Exploded view 2923


4 6








12 22
35 13 14
37 15

25 26 27

9:0 Exploded view 2928


4 6


40 41

34 40 39


2 20


42 23

36 13 14
43 15

16 28

37 30

25 26 27

10:0 Article numbers to exploded view
2923 page 20 2928 page 21
No Designation No Part.nrDesignation
1. 2923 154 Front plate upper complete standard 1. 2923 154
Front plate upper complete standard
2. 2923 111 Hatch 2. 2923 111
3. 2923 153 Front plate lower complete 3. 2923 153
Front plate lower complete
4. 2930 423 Plastic nut 4. 2930 423
Plastic nut
5. 2920 410 Circulation pump complete (Dunker) 5. 2928 421
Circulation pump complete (Airpax)
6. 2930 410 Expansion vessel complete 6. 2930 413
Expansion vessel complete
7. 2923 200 Control box complete (4 switches) 7. 2923 200
Control box complete (4 switches)
8. 2923 210 Panel complete (4 switches) 8. 2923 210
Panel complete (4 switches)
9. 2923 114 Micro-switch 9. 2923 114
10. 2923 113 Knob 10. 2923 113
11. 2923 121 Knob shaft 11. 2923 121
Knob shaft
12. 2920 270 Gas valve compl 12. 2920 270
Gas valve compl.
13. 2900 258 Plate screw 13. 2900 258
Plate screw
14. 2923 207 Spark plug 14. 2923 207
Spark plug
15. 2923 201 Pilot burner 15. 2923 201
Pilot burner
16. 2920 245 Thermo-element 16. 2920 245
17. 2923 208 Ignition cable 17. 2923 208
Ignition cable
18. 2920 230 Overheating protection 18. 2920 230
Overheating protection
19. 2923 225 Ignition transformer compl. 19. 2923 225
Ignition transformer compl.
20. 2930 133 Spring 20. 2930 133
21. 2923 159 Handle 21. 2923 159
22. 2930 236 Front packing 22. 2930 236
Front packing
23. 2923 101 Boiler casing standard 23. 2928 201
Boiler casing for 2959 warm-water supply
2923 301 Boiler casing for 2959 warm-water supply 24. 2923 025
24. 2923 025 Bracket 25. 2923 173
25. 2923 173 Spacer 26. 2923 174
Spacer strip
26. 2923 174 Spacer strip 27. 2920 123
27. 2920 123 Plug 28. 2923 166
Plate sweep
28. 2823 166 Plate sweep 29. 2923 197
Cable grommet
29. 2923 197 Escutcheon plate 30. 3118 000
Drain hose 0.3 m
30. 2930 134 Top cover 31. 2930 134
Top cover
31. 2930 119 Expansion chamber holder 32. 2930 119
Expansion chamber holder
32. 2930 131 O-ring 33. 2930 131
33. 2930 132 O-ring 34. 2930 132
34. 2923 196 Plastic bush 35. 2923 196
Plastic bush
35. 2920 142 Window 36. 2920 142
36. 2920 275 Knob compl. 37. 2925 154
37. 2900 271 Joint plug for overheating protection 38. 2923 171
38. 2923 500 Burner unit without ignition transformer 39. 1900 030
Rubber plug
and ignition cable 40. 1900 120
Jubilee clip
39. 2923 112 Control box 41. 1900 112
Rubber connector
42. 2920 275
Knob compl.
43. 2900 271
Joint plug for overheating protection
44. 2923 500
Burner unit without ignition transformer
and ignition cable
45. 2923 112 Control box

11:0 Spare parts

2 3 4


2923 500 Burner unit

1. 2920 230 Overheating protection.
2. 2923 207 Spark plug.
3. 2923 201 Pilot burner.
4. 2923 225 Ignition transformer compl.
5. 2923 208 Ignition cable.
6. 2920 245 Thermo element.

1 2

1. 2930 410 Expansion vessel, long pipe.

2. 2930 413 Expansion vessel, short pipe.
3. 2930 131 O-ring.
4. 2930 132 O-ring. 2

2 3
1 3


1. 2923 112 Control box.
2. 2923 210 Panel compl.
3. 2923 200 Control box compl.
1. 2928 412 Motor to 2928 421 (Airpax). 4. 2923 111 Hatch.
2. 2928 421 Cirkulation pump compl (Airpax). 5. 2921 217 Fuse 1 A.
3. 2920 410 Cirkulation pump compl (Dunker). 6. 2923 115 Ignition lamp.
4. 2900 320 Motor to 2920 410 (Dunker). 7. 2923 114 Micro-switch.


Alde International Systems AB

Wrangels allé 90 • Box 11066 • 291 11 Färlöv • Kristianstad • Sweden • Tel +46 (0)44 712 70 • Fax +46 (0)44 718 48

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