DexConnect Opportunity Update October 2023.01
DexConnect Opportunity Update October 2023.01
DexConnect Opportunity Update October 2023.01
The award invites young artists in their The ch a l l enge calls for creative entr i e s
formative years to develop their creative on t h e t h eme of: "What can you show o r
talent. The selected artist will be tell us t h at might h elp explain what it ’ s
awarded 3 Lakh INR for a period of one like t o b e an educa tor or a student in a
year and will get the opportunity to seco n d a r y school right now?" Entr i e s
attend a four-week art residency can b e m a de in groups or individually i n
program. the fo r m of words, images, videos, o r
audi o . C andidates who are 13-15 year s
and li v e o utside the United States or t h e
Unit e d Kingdom must have an ad u l t
subm i t on their behalf. Shortlist e d
entr i e s will be published on The Ne w
York T i m e s website.
Brie f G u i de to Writing Artist Brie f G u i de on Drawing:
Stat e m e nts: bit . l y / a r t iststatemen tguide bit. l y / d r a w ingmakin gguide
The competition invites entries on the The Fellowship invites young people to
theme of: "Enriching Lives through start impactful research, policy, or
Diversity and Inclusion." Submissions If you win at a DexConnect entrepreneurial projects. Selected
must include a statement by the artist applicants will join an 8-week online
Opportunity, use the link below to
of up to 150 words. 50 shortlisted program with mentorship and receive a
artworks will be exhibited at the report your achievement. 500 USD stipend. Fellows will have
international art exhibition in Sarasota's access to 1:1 guidance, cohort events,
Bayfront Park, Florida. The top three Dexterity Global will feature some and a demo day to pitch the project.
awardees will receive a cash prize of Fellows will be eligible for a total of
2,000 USD each.
of these stories on its social media 30,000 USD in funding.
to recognise the young achievers
and inspire more young people to
participate in local, national and
SUGGESTED RESOURCES global educational opportunities. SUGGESTED RESOURCES
Brie f G u i de to Composition for Artists: S tanf o r d ’ s Guide to Writing Statement
bit. l y / a r t s tudentguid e of P u r p o s e: bit. l y / s t a n fordsopgu ide
Individuals and groups are invited to Chevening invites applications for The contest invites photograph
submit designs on the theme various fully funded fellowship submissions that celebrate aquatic
"Primitive." Designs can be of any programs. Interested candidates can ecosystems, which contribute to the
stationery, furniture or tool used in either apply to the Cyber Security world's biodiversity. The winner will
working, learning and living scenes. The Fellowship or South Asia Journalism receive a cash prize of 5,000 INR, and
grand winner will receive a cash prize of Fellowship. Applicants will need to the runners-up will receive 3,000 INR
14,200 USD, three merit award winners submit an online application, and and 2,000 INR. All participants will
will receive 3,800 USD each and 10 shortlisted candidates will be called for receive a certificate from the
winners will receive the new generation an interview. In addition to program fee, Department of Fisheries
award of 210 USD each. fellows will receive a living stipend and
travel tickets.
The competition calls for essays on The festival invites participants for a This 12-month-long Fellowship program
topics related to human rights and photography and a writing competition. is intended to give students the
associated current events. Successful Shortlisted submissions will be opportunity to spend a year in Germany
applicants will win cash prizes of up to exhibited at the ISF exhibition at IISER exploring new solutions to the global
100,000 JPY. The first prize winner will Pune. The top three winners from both issues of our times and widening their
also receive two round-trip tickets to competitions will be rewarded with a networks. Applicants must submit a
Japan. cash prize of 30,000 INR each. letter of motivation, a project plan, and
two letters of recommendation. Fellows
will receive up to 2,600 EUR per month
for the duration of the Fellowship.
Harv a r d ’ s Guide to Essay Writing: Harv a r d ’ s Guide to Storytelling: MIT’ s G u i de to Writing Statement of
bit. l y / e s s a ywritinggu id e bit. l y / s t o r ytellinggui debook Purp o s e : bit. l y / m i t s opguide1
The award aims to recognise impactful The foundation aims to provide The award recognizes innovative
projects in the AI field that are scholarships to students in their first solutions addressing climate change and
responsible towards development and year of undergraduate studies. broader economic, social, and
societal transformation. Participants can Applicants need to submit academic environmental challenges. Youth awards
submit their ideas in two categories: AI information, achievements and awards, will be made in two categories: Energy
in Governance and NextGen Leaders. supporting documents, and will have to Transition and Nature-Based Climate
Each category has a problem statement take an aptitude test. Scholars will Action. Winners will receive benefits,
which the candidates have to solve. receive up to 2 Lakh INR throughout including travel and participation in
Winners will receive a cash prize and get their undergraduate program. COP28 Climate Conference in Dubai,
a chance to contribute towards the UAE.
broader mandate of the Global
Partnership on Artificial Intelligence
H a r v a r d ’ s G u i d e t o Elevator Pitches: Harv a r d ’ s Guide to Resume and Cover UN’ s G u i d e to Sustainable Development :
b i t . l y / e l e v a t o r p i t c h g uide Lett e r s : bit. l y / r e s u meprep1 bit. l y / s u s t ainabilityg uidebook
The scholarship is open to candidates The United States Department of Energy The competition calls for entries
from Commonwealth countries to calls for innovative and high- demonstrating social inequities,
undertake a full-time Master’ s degree at performance building designs. The injustices, and human rights abuses. The
a UK university. Applicants must check challenge consists of a series of 10 images submitted must narrate a story
with the nominating agency for their contests. Participation has to be in a related to one of the given topics,
rules of application and eligibility team of at least three members and a ranging from Health and Natural
criteria. For India, the Ministry of faculty advisor. Entries can be made in Disasters to Armed Conflict and
Education is the nominating agency. one of four divisions: Single-Family Humanitarian Action. The grand prize
Selected applicants will receive a Housing, Attached Housing, Multifamily winner will receive a cash prize of 6,000
monthly stipend, travel allowance to and Building, and Education Building. A EUR and will get their photographs
from the UK, and full tuition fee grand winner will be selected from each published. Winners will get a funded trip
coverage. division, along with bonus awards for to attend the exhibition's award
creativity. ceremony and inauguration in Spain.
S t a n f o r d ’ s G u i d e t o Resume and Cover Stan f o r d ’ s Guide to Social Innovation: UN's G u i d e to Human Rights:
L e t t e r : b i t . l y / s t a n f o r d r e s u meguide bit. l y / s o c i alinnovatio nguide bit. l y / u n g u idetohum anrights
The competition invites entries from The India Meteorological Department The contest calls for fully or partly
photographers to demonstrate their invites participants to take part in an handmade artwork to be submitted in
skills and share with the world what online quiz on tropical cyclones. 10 the form of 2-5 images and, optionally, a
they see and what it means to questions must be answered in 10 video. All entries must be accompanied
#LoveYourEyes. Pictures should minutes. All participants will receive by an artist statement. The winner will
highlight what it means to have healthy certificates. receive a grand prize of 50,000 EUR, and
vision under four different categories. the finalists' works will be included in
Amateur and professional an exhibition and accompanying
photographers from each category will catalogue, “Loewe Foundation Craft
receive cash prizes of 750 USD and 1000 Prize 2024,” on view in Paris.
USD respectively.
Brie f G u i de to Street Photography: NASA ' s G u ide to Tropical Cyclones: Brie f G u i de to Writing Artist
bit. l y / s t r e etphotogra phyguide bit. l y / n a s a guidetocy clones Stat e m e nts: bit . l y / a r t iststatemen tguide
The contest invites participants to The competition invites entries in three Organised by the Department of Posts,
submit photos of millets. Participants categories relating to human rights. All the contest invites participants to write
can submit up to 5 entries. Each image artwork selected in the final stages of a letter on the topic “Digital India for
must have a caption or description of up the competition will become part of the New India.” The letter can be written in
to 150 words. The first prize winner will collection of the Gabarron Foundation's English, Hindi or any vernacular
be invited to the official closing Queen Sofia Children's Art Museum. language. All letters should be
ceremony of the International Year of From each category, the first and second addressed to the Chief Postmaster
Millets in 2024, with travel expenses prize winners will be awarded a tablet, General of the respective region.
being covered. Five winners will receive and the third prize winner will receive Submissions can be made in two
a certificate and a gift bag, and the painting equipment. categories: Up to 18 Years and Above 18
photos will be promoted on FAO social Years. Winners will receive prize money
media, offices and websites. ranging from 5,000 INR to 50,000 INR at
national and regional levels.
The contest invites photographers to Applicants are invited to submit entries Students are invited to submit a short,
submit five images that tell a story and featuring insect(s) in their natural powerful, true story about a specific
a descriptive video. Participants can habitat. Entries can be made in two experience, event or incident from their
choose their own theme, and entries will categories: ‘ 18 Years and Over’ and lives. Submissions should be no more
be evaluated based on shooting quality, ‘ Under 18 Years’ . A total cash prize of than 100 words in length. Winning
creativity and composition. Three prizes 1,950 GBP will distributed amongst entries will be published on The
up to 5,000 USD will be awarded. Special winners from both categories. The Learning Network and become eligible
awards include a professional camera winning images will also be published in to be published in the print New York
and photography equipment. The the Royal Entomological Society's Times.
winning work will be displayed at SKM bulletin.
photo exhibitions in Taiwan.
The program aims to bring outstanding Participants are invited to submit The contest calls for a poster on the
high school students from around the unpublished short fiction of 2000-5000 theme of “Water Action for Food."
world to engage in one interdisciplinary, words. The grand winner will receive Submissions are accepted in four
two-week session at Yale University’ s 5,000 GBP, and four other regional categories: 5-8 years, 9-12 years, 13-15
historic campus. Participants will need winners will receive 2,500 GBP each. years and 16-19 years. Three winners in
to submit essays, two recommendation each age category will be promoted by
letters and official transcripts as part of FAO offices worldwide and receive a
the application. Students with certificate and a surprise gift bag.
demonstrated financial need are eligible
for a fee waiver and full financial aid,
inclusive of travel and accommodation
Harv a r d ’ s Guide to Essay Writing: Brie f G u i de to Writing Short Stories: Brie f G u i de to Composition for Artists:
bit. l y / e s s a ywritinggu ide bit. l y / s h o r tstoryguid e bit. l y / a r t s tudentguid e
Applicants are invited to design an Applicants are invited to submit entries Students are invited to submit essays on
innovation that solves an important reflecting on humanity's connection with topics related to Ayn Rand's novel Atlas
problem. Selected teams will be invited nature and planetary health. Shrugged. The essay must be in English
to pitch their innovations at the 2024 Participants can submit up to 5 entries and should be 800-1600 words in length.
Conrad Challenge Innovation Summit. in one of the five categories ranging The grand prize winner will receive
Finalists will compete to earn from Ocean Worlds to Polar Wonders. 10,000 USD in prize money, and a total
scholarships, entrepreneurial support The grand prize winner will receive of 10,000 USD will be distributed
and the honour of being the Pete 5,000 EUR in cash prize and a fully- amongst 8 runners-up.
Conrad Scholar. funded trip to visit the Amazon Research
Station in Ecuador and an exhibition in
Monaco. Category winners will share a
total prize of 6,000 EUR.
Harv a r d ’ s Guide to Writing Business TIME ’ s G u ide to Photography: Brie f G u i de to Writing Short Stories:
Plan s : bit. l y / h a r v ardbusine ssplanguide bit. l y / t i m e photograp hyguide bit. l y / s h o r tstoryguid e
The scholarship invites students who This fully funded year-long Fellowship is The competition calls for letters
have completed their undergraduate designed to equip individuals with the addressed to local elected
studies to spend one year in the UK on a tools, mindset, and community to tackle representatives showcasing global
fully funded master’ s degree course. poverty and injustice within their issues affecting the local community and
Applicants must submit an online communities. Participants will need to how they can be resolved. Entries can be
application and have at least 2,800 submit an online application form and made in three categories: Grades 9-12,
hours of work experience. In addition to online assignments. Shortlisted Grades 6-8, and Grades 1-5. One winner
the tuition fees, the scholarship also candidates will be invited for interviews from each category will receive 100 USD,
provides a monthly stipend, travel grant and group discussions. and the letter, photo, and bio of all
to and from the UK, and visa application finalists will be published on the
costs. Pulitzer Center website.
Harv a r d I nterview Guide: Barc l a y ’ s Interview Guide: Stan f o r d ’ s Guide to Social Innovation:
bit. l y / h a r v ardintervi ewguide bit. l y / b a r c laysinterv iewguide bit. l y / s o c i alinnovatio nguide
The competition seeks photo entries The Centre for Media Studies and the Organised by the Ministry of Education,
celebrating the built environment. U.S. Consulate General, Mumbai, invite Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic,
Submissions can be made in 3 short films on the theme of the contest invites teams of up to 5
categories: Architecture, Conservation, "Environmental Preservation and members in a 3-hour-long physics-based
and Heritage and Human Interaction. Climate Advocacy." Entries can be online contest. All participants will
Winning photos will be displayed in submitted in three categories. Each receive certificates with their scores on
public art installations on construction category's winner and runners-up will it.
hoardings. The winners will receive a receive trophies, commendations, and
cash prize of 1,500 EUR. non-monetary awards.
Photographs can be submitted in any of The challenge invites participants to The competition seeks individuals or
the six categories: Natural World, Travel, design products and services on the teams from the same school to develop
People, The American Experience, theme of “Life Transitions are a Feature, ideas that tackle environmental
Artistic Images and Drone/Aerial. Not a Bug.” Applicants must complete an challenges and accelerate positive
Participants can submit up to 15 online application and submit a video change. A pool of 200,000 USD will be
photographs per category. The grand explaining their product. All teams distributed among the winning teams,
prize winner will receive 2,500 USD in selected for the finals will be given a their mentors, and their schools.
prize money, and six category winners cash prize of 1,000 USD. The winning
and the reader's choice winner will team will be rewarded with a cash prize
receive 500 USD each. of 10,000 USD, and runners-up will
receive 5,000 USD and 2,000 USD.
A Br i e f G uide to Drone Photography: Harv a r d ’ s Guide to Elevator Pitches: MIT’ s G u i de to Design Thinking:
bit. l y / a e r i alphotogra phyguide bit. l y / e l e v atorpitchg uide bit. l y / m i t d esignthink ingguide