Stomach and Duodenum

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Stomach € duedenum —Anatomical Fotrochetions: mek * Smosth mascle of atall of Stomach as 3 layers jiaZ Z fundus = onder longitud tach cae 2- franer CicGalac 3 Tone most son Obligue- Thee are 2 sphraders TF Jaslre- esophageal 2- pyloric SPhincter- Histelepical Background % PuGus Secrebing Gls & E Pe Presert Prouspout the stomach & au € secrete Mucous Crnuclas) & brarbond? ees 7 Secretion I's shinulated by frostaglandh'a « Mucosal barrier s. madeup of plasma membranes of maucesel Qu & meus lager that potech gatic epithelium ftom da mage b ac & alchol, aploin, Bile Salts... Be ona) @ Hel Cen, OF stomach» en Co mensic Factor a Pper 2 ‘mach 1- Pacietal Cele PP Ya of stomac 2 ee »> pepsrra? oF 7 ——_——— , ac Moke mace 1. G chy anne gun pethen ~ D-Glls > Secret Somete Hedin > Supper Np come facie secretion: ane Dacca! tures > Cole's B eampec's glands that Seceele Alkaline MuGous . Alkaline mucous + Percreatic +biliny Secaction <> helpto Neuteli ace) Setrtion. P hy stologi G) Jotoduction ‘ A- Phases of acd Secebon .. Just thought 5 sight Smell off Fard 5 Stimulate -Yaqus Necle te feedua accky choline Eactvahion of parietal Qu (2 Gabhic Phaie) Direct clistenss on by food Skonulates Secretory Gil * Pen'etal Cllr & 6 Ch- (2-Titestnd Pac Pasage of Faso) te tedegog: Stimulate Qo hormone [elease- ae) Crt Functions -® picid prea Some Foodborne= ~ Tnfections @ Resectoir of Food F yhiag ° By Emalsifcation of Fe Bm yale Cat jastn'c Col _@ Sxceeton of Totenste Factor Absoptlons ralnal b or bene Gastcif's DPlomakion that asocledec) Glith macasal lajury Ge H-pylon The Cmmonest ule gaskets C 73) @ Piuto omayne gastthis is Sen LAG) G@ other CGuses Gastropathy Epithelial Gl damage & P d Fegearction ultthout Pflanmation > Drugs by NSATO. D Bribeats pein U @ Proctal. Hyperteaston G Poel hypedicasne gettopath) @ Chronic Goagestion Selere Stress (Stes ules) SeCndery to Burne or vauma CNeorte COSNe Nic gastro pathy ) : [fend Felli uremic Sekopath, ) a Auto immune gastritis rect, fundus Pocly of Stomach (peng? leading to atrophic gastritis € Loss of Pars Calls Cachlor hydra) @ Iatreasic factor defecieny sading Fo(Pernicious anemia) Which 1S Commonly ds Sociated with other aatoinamune cliseases a5 thypoicl ee Addison's disease Vilh'g 0 * Serum aub antibodies to gate Peoetal Gls ale Common at Non-specific while Antibodies to intrensic fackr ale leer bat mote Sigatficat ~ Helicolacter Pylori (H-pylod) * Acam —Ve SPieal— shaped > Flagellatcol RBCs) Producing Bacter'um- Mie & 1% Colonies the mucus layer a Jaskc adteam and founded! 10 the Greatest dumbec Under Md@us layer ia gastric Pits obhere jt adheres to Jertec. -€ Pitheltal Cells ¢ Lifection is asually QC4utec In childhood s4 with age + Be rmybe(Re- onl) o« i- “the Prevelang * {afecton tales" are highest wees Come Qroups developing Goudie > go-90% call OF Population 2 much lover 20-90% In deseleP Countries Oooo > (Pathegenesis of H-Pylor +The of anism Cilonit the epithelium z inlgilork= the mucus Layer i Cell * ikadheres on the sufac of Jastcic mucsal Cells by apumber oF @dhesion MoleGTes) expressed On the Surface of gastric mucosal Cle F Guses Gjastrttis % Damage to gastic €p*thelial Gll "8 Gused by. [Release Of Unease ~> leads to Formation of (Grimenia)# (Chloride = Which ae dlivechy Cytoter'e Zeahanc Thduction of # Pathological effects olePends one. @ Vitulene of or an'sm Expression off Teasay 2 {NacA] 24 Taduchion OF It-¢ CPeteat medltator of jof lammation ) A)2 Goletic associated Profein Nacalatiag toxins @ erctic Factors Poly mocphismms Pha ~ ackag to p Izy We AsSociat, J ud} ad, tale, "t), : SPhte gates Cwac fl) * aioe : 6 Possible Yesults of Hpylori Safection —— —_ a | Gastric ~Oastric _ Extra - aed ner D Antal gach O Spon, defeciory 20 O Peptic vine am! — @ Ioxrune Hrombotsep o_PePhic ulcers lou grade lymphomas regess Gastric _ 1- Antal gastctis + [he usual effect of H- pyfor: infection (/omal 5 # Chronic antral. gasteitis Gus: iin. ng H astr'nem) atacid Output “ES. Usually ee me bat Cuodlenal alceration) ul@ral Hor) aati aan aclualt oa ¥@n ae tend to Thole the bocly of Stomach + [tm Progress tl Chroni trop hs teitis (Giisnd aeaplansS cq c gar te or aaa Gi p} | trfeced -pylori oF Duodenal ulges. vhffedt lo-dor. of H-Pslor fe * ram Bt Timner More Coramon . tric ule NGlor’ associated “th etloping Guntries erin ‘atth D-al@r aie high Hepylor’ Tafection edb a apse “ in devel oPecl Counties NS Recaceace is prevented Tndued peptic ul@-# hy Hpylor eradication @ Surrounding masa ppeacs lof lammed friable “choco factors Inpheded th Dus {- Thcrease atid Section - Decrease ac ~Smoking VGendtic Suucephbilty & Blo dfeup"-o+ BY Gashicukeee «usually at lester Girlatuce Neae Aisa Cat the Tenction betesen atte € Body type’ MUGS) Bat Ep tol Suppression be found! 10 pat x ects I-loy. ‘ Loe areTal Ql out rity. y epletion @ v ae ee ma SEE * The ules are thought to occur beGuse of @ lection of gastric Mumsal fesisteaCe dt Feetne Prooluction by Thfection or alterahion OF gust Geastec MuGas atk of maligncacy_ IS More than Dus- Clinical Featues of Pup Ep lastnic Pain +The Charactarestic fature of peptic aller 1S fecarent buming epypattric Palo C Hangar Pain, Night fain , 1c o9 ¥ The (elation s ‘Pp of Pain te Foool Us : © Nok help fal 10 dagnosis a * the Peo OF Du cioseeath oc _ 10a Cars at whe ts dors. uhen pt fog: a ea . % = Impraye boy eating But ts Not valu * oie x The Pan of loath Gu s Qus May be telinecl by Antacids 2 Piisteat ESelete Pain Suggesds CompliGtions such as Peactration Jote other ogaas acl? Pexin Su: gests Peadtratin Poster’or le, we vB Tt Pt iat th sizyle Frager =S'tpest Q EEE 2. © —Seisee 2 vomiting Crater tay acconpons PPG, ~ Yomifing is ingrequent Veline “the for ) 2 Hee burn “—Anoetia ¢ ult loss > Pad'caorly ustth Gus D> Hematemesic g Meleda » (flack eppa Gt Plecding SA h No Preceding ular Syphon . 6- Symptoms of Du elapse Ss Remit SPonta.n eously 7- EXamination IE usually on helpful 2 as epigashic fendlesness |S Conmon id both dlecs Nery ulCer oly spepata ConopiliGtions of Ped |- Upper GH bleeding 2- Peforation Bgleric St en05i's “ gastec oudtflony obstruct on” as aresult of healing of ulter Pt has Patnlece Lofreq veat- [7 eJec tile é lardeVolume Noating thet Gateins Particles OF Previous meal x07 Examination of abdomen SSuccussion fy J SPlach : eg flies WP Seveve / Pecsitfent « Diagnosis is Core by Endoscopy Tn be SUpoctocf es lature oF Vom/ttin _ ge tialinan gS eoly I Gar iric @na, eR Ri a perc ic pias fue eie iv Etiologicl factors For pud Other than H-py tor , l \- NSALO:s > Cause clamage of gaste'c muasa ~~ banter matty el, tobthikion oF UT er ly ae , re Prostaglandin loy Sahibitiag Cy OkydNase Ccox-1 practhuay J * Sot of P+ with feguar NSAIDs uli develop (Gastnc ul@r) Aut only smal] pro Portion OF Dus aG 7 * # bie % NSALOs ate Sodepenclant & SWner: eshic [isk factor fer develop meat Of ules. 2- Alchol 2-Zobtrager Ellis on Syodrome 5 rkrackhk Uken Diag nosis OF Pu Lo iene. Decent Presence Oragnos's OF Cute at age OF Ulec 4 \- Enchs cpy Ae Digénasis oF H-Pylor, “HOF Piles Nap 2- Double Contr}. AE eee Stely CBariyy Meal) 3- Zollinger Fl) 5 but [ely Uech, On MV Anvtesti gations of Sutpected PuD \- Endoscopy 5 {5 required chen Q Presence of Alarming Symptoms ubhafever Se @ flarning Synpboms |= Qysphay iq 2~ ult Loss ” S-Flematemesis iil. @ Older P, > 59 Ys Tequire endos@pi ce dha nosis < ‘ExClus!on OF CanGe- pil gastric lees must be biopsied 4 Exclude Udder Mins or & should be Followed) up Endoscepically und) healing occuce. 2- Patient under 56 Ys of age cdi}, Pical Symptonn a of Peptic ule; "Sease sho Test Prete a. H ~PYlor; ae: Ulb'thout Prichhe bradicatog thera est yack Jon gr Lnvestigations For H- pylori Infection @ Non- Srvashe methods R-_ Serological fests bo detect 19 antilades_ aC fibres tray take up to 4 year to Fall by 50% after eradication therapy & therefore Not useful in Conbroning Eradication or Present of Curent Infection B- 13 ¢ - urea breath test Reliable test € Gn be used 25 Stree ning fest lout No Aatibiotic in 4 Jeeles before test No ppl in previous 2 Weelts C- Stool Antigen test adely clailable test ‘Susefal in BM of H: Pylor’ Infection & Sor Montoring efPiacy of eradiG@tion +therap 4 bide No Aobiblolics 4 wece Is before test No— PPL 2 Weeks before test Q) Invasive methods - Biobs , fcoebe | ocibhiny | cat mag be (Giemsa Stained ¥ Used th Pt False ve IF + Sensibvtty Is feduced “ith refractory Pe staking FF pe json ppl H-Pslor: Thfecton PPE oranthatic + less ulth Uae to Hdeatify at thetime test: 0 Propriate antibiotic regimen CReshie Galhare Is) Q Trechment of peptic ulGer disease StoP SMolking ty General measures :. ime Me) ; * Pt wth gastric ulcer Should! be Youtinely re-enelosa Ps CF Wlecks to Confirm mucosal healing @ exc ude Underly ing gastric Cancer ™ fleeat Blobsy may be NeGssary I} Specific Treatment Non-s urgical Treatment Surgical otnent) 1) H- yor etechcation Clater) only ear 2) Aoktacids ec atechNettt Com pli Gcttons AY Drugs that) acid seartion D Deg Heit saat ¥ Ho antagonist Proter NGatolled Nye *HI/k+ Pate i i A hibitors - Peferetion PE Bed eae maser fp oPeFon Tare SFG & lee formed j'9 * Glloid bithous Compounds py a * Sucral pate atiel Jautrechs * Prosteslandin anabgties as . © Vagote MisopProstol pa Nee H- Pyloré Eradication Tndications of H- Pylon Eradication Gaste'c 9 —Pephic ule dlsease Tajuedenal = gaxtr'e MAT lymphoma 3- T TP s Pe tlith history of peptic alec ore friftads'on of bong term treatment ulith aGtylsak alte acid or Nap 6 - upper GIt hye Under tH whith A&A 0 NsiI Ds 7- Prophylas's agaiart epolic Carcinoma In Pe risk B- larctional dys Peps'a after eSophega -guitee — cluedeno ft @py Some Iimportast Information Reqacdis Eradication Thereepy - * ( mmbination therapy 1s essential Need Compiands, Is ale ee + Combinetion ig available For Tdays uf At Resistnce IY days Yeginnen Is ReComenchecl. * Regimen Usually Compra! % 2 antthiot' cy 7 Poderful acid suppression inthe Porrn of ppr Clacithramycin Resshnte Ato derelped Counties ebhike Metronide tke [essence h'gh 10 oue Counties © IS ettremely % Res'steng to amokicilhig C-e) « Bagchi by Gatrast are SuperFrCl Talks fry muta alone NBe te NsAra, -Tndueg dastropathy Hf =5 Stop NS ATO, C pet ye Caadiction of H-pylor’ Ip We 10 Retest ulho Cot Stop wed of ATO * CoX-2 Selective NSATOs et lower! clos. + Prophylacke Gloprcbect Ne therap ¥ @s Miso Prostol, ¥ PPr

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