PDPII - May 2011 - Dhanaraj - 10644
PDPII - May 2011 - Dhanaraj - 10644
PDPII - May 2011 - Dhanaraj - 10644
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
3.5.3 Design of Flange………………………………… 55
3.6 Reactor Weight………………………………………… 58
3.6.1 Weight of Shell…………………………………... 58
3.6.2 Weight of Interbed Heat Exchangers……………. 59
3.6.3 Weight of Fluid in Reactor……………………… 61
3.7 Wind loading…………………………………………… 62
3.8 Analysis of Stress at Bottom…………………………… 62
3.8.1 Pressure Stresses………………………………… 62
3.8.2 Death Weight Stress……………………………... 63
3.8.3 Bending Stress…………………………………… 63
3.8.4 Elastic Stability Buckling………………………... 64
3.9 Reactor Support………………………………………… 65
3.10 Nozzle Sizing…………………………………………..67
3.10.1 Feed Nozzle…………………………………….. 67
3.10.2 Outlet Nozzle………………………………….... 68
CHAPTER 5: COST ESTIMATION……………………………………..70
7.1 Flash Separator V-4…………………………………… 79
7.1.1 Process Description……………………………….79
7.1.2 Flash Separator Selection………………………... 80
7.1.3 Screening of Gas-Liquid Separators……………...81
7.1.4 Selection of Two Phase Separator……………….. 83
7.1.5 Material Selection………………………………...83
7.1.6 Phase Separator Sizing……………………………83
7.1.7 Design Stress……………………………………...87
7.1.8 Welded Joint Efficiency…………………………. 88
7.1.9 Corrosion Allowance…………………………….. 88
7.1.10 Flash Separator Closure…………………………89
7.1.11 Specification Sheet………………………………91
7.2 Air Compressor K-2…………………………………….92
7.2.1 Type Selection…………………………………… 92
7.2.2 Centrifugal Air Compressor Sizing……………… 93
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
7.2.3 Specification Sheet………………………………..96
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………....97
Table 2.1 Stream Data for Ammonia Converter R-6……………………………6
Table 2.2 Properties of Catalyst………………………………………………..11
Table 2.3 Levenspiel plot Data………………………………………………...15
Table 2.4 Haldor Topsoe S-300 Ammonia converter in Fatima Fertilizer…… 18
Table 2.5 R-6 Ammonia converter Catalyst Bed Dimensions Summary……...20
Table 2.6 Vol.of.Cal.bed with respect to Conversion………………………… 21
Table 2.7 Equlibrium Constant as a function of Equlibrium Conversion……. 24
Table 2.8 Log Ke – 2.6899 as a function of Equlibrium Conversion………….25
Table 2.9 Log Ke – 2.6899 as a function of Temperature…………………….. 26
Table 2.10 Conversion-Temperature Plot Data…………………………………27
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Table 2.11 Interbed Heat Exchanger Temperature Data………………………. 30
Table 2.12 Coefficients of Cp polynomial for components……………………. 31
Table 2.13 Heat Capacities of streams in Shell Side ………………………….. 31
Table 2.14 Heat Removed and Heat Exchanger Area………………………….. 32
Table 2.15 Comparison between of Interbed Heat Exchangers………………... 37
Table 4.1 Specification Sheet for Ammonia Converter R-6………………….. 69
Table 5.1 Correction factor, Fp based on operating pressure………………….70
Table 5.2 Correction factor, Fp based on operating pressure………………….71
Table 7.1 ICON Stream Data for Flash Separator V-4……………………….. 79
Table 7.2 Screening of G/L/ Separators………………………………………. 82
Table 7.3 Properties of Liquid and Vapor Phases from Icon…………………. 84
Table 7.4 Specification Sheet for Flash Separator V-4……………………….. 91
Table 7.5 Operating Range of Compressors and Blowers……………………. 92
Table 7.6 ICON Stream Data for Air Compressor K-2…………………………..
Table 7.7 Specification Sheet for Air Compressor K-2………………………. 96
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
For this project, radial flow fixed bed reactor type has been determined suitable to
carry out the highly exothermic process. The ammonia reactor, R-6 has been
designed having 3 catalytic beds where hydrogen and nitrogen in gas phase will be
fed at the bottom of the reactor and flows in radial direction into the catalyst bed the
in order to obtain optimum conversion through the reaction of nitrogen and
hydrogen. Since the reaction will proceed exothermically, two interbed heat
exchanges are placed in between the first and second bed as well as in between the
second and third bed in order to regulate and maintain the outlet temperature of gas
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
stream from each catalyst beds to achieve adiabatic condition The temperature of the
reactor will be in the range of 300 ºC to 500 ºC with the pressure of 24708 kPa.
The design methodology for the R-6 can be divided into 2 major sections; the
process design and mechanical design. The process design governs the determination
of reactor volume through Levenspiel plot and heat transfer. The mechanical design
of R-6 utilizes British Standard 5500 reference and design values were referred to
data provided in the Mechanical Design of Process Equipment Data Hand Book.
Overall design was carried out accordingly, as per listed below;
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
i. Internally cooled with cooling tubes running through the catalyst bed or with
catalyst inside the tubes and the cooling medium on the shell side. The cooling
medium is mostly the reactor feed gas, which can flow counter- or cocurrently to
the gas flow in the synthesis catalyst volume (tube-cooled converters)
ii. The catalyst volume is divided into several beds in which the reaction proceeds
adiabatically. Between the individual catalyst beds heat is removed by injection of
colder synthesis gas (quench converters) or by indirect cooling with synthesis gas
or via boiler feed water heating or raising steam (indirectly cooled multibed
The Ammonia converter R-6 will be design based on the second one. Radial Flow
Reactor is preferred as compared to axial flow since axial flow fixed bed reactors
(AFBRs) offer higher pressure drop than radial fixed bed reactors (RFBRs). In
RFBRs fluid flows both in axial and radial directions. Consequently, the pressure
drop in RFBRs is reduced significantly. RFBRs offer a larger mean cross-sectional
area and reduced travel distance as compared to traditional AFBRs (K.S. Anjani,
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Figure 1 presents a radial fixed bed reactor. It can be seen that Fluid moves in the
reactor from outside of the cylindrical vessel. The fluid flows inside the catalyst bed
in the radial direction and finally axially downward to exit the reactor. The
arrangement of the catalyst in the RFBR is to minimize the travel distance of the
fluid. For the same amount of catalyst, the travel distance increases for vertical fixed
bed reactors (AFBR).
The R-6 reactor design will be based on Haldor Topsoe Series 300 Converter which
contains three catalyst beds and two central interbed exchangers in a single pressure
shell. The interbed Heat ecxhangers are installed to maintain an adiabatic operation
of the ammonia converter. Figure below shows the cross sectional area of the Haldor
Topsoe Series 300 Ammonia Converter.
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
2nd Catalyst Bed
Interbed HE 2
Feed gas enters at the bottom and flows as pressure wall cooling gas to the top of the
converter. The gas then passes through the tubes of the 1st Interbed heat exchanger
and mixed with cold gas for temperature adjustment and passes through the first
catalyst bed radially. The exit gas flows through the shell side of the 1st interbed
exchanger before it enters the second bed. The same pattern of flow can be observed
for the second and third bed.
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
Or, symbocially,
A + 3B 2C
The forward and reverse specific reaction rate constants, kA and k-A, respectively,
will be defined with respect to nitrogen. Nitrogen (A) is being depleted by forward
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
2NH3 N2 + 3H2
The net rate of formation of nitrogen is the sum of the rates of formation from the
forward reaction and reverse reaction
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Multiplying both sides of the rate law equation by -1, we obtain rate law for the rate
of disappearance of nitrogen, :
The Stoichiometric table for the gas phase-reaction is given in table below
Species Symbol Concentration
N2 A
H2 B
Neglecting pressure drop in the reaction, P = Po and the reaction is isothermal T = To,
we obtain
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
In 1930, Gillespie and Beattie have developed the following equation to calculate the
equilibrium constant of ammonia reaction. The equilibrium constant, Kc, is
calculated from
Where T = 473.15K
According to Fogler (2006), the design equation for a fixed-bed reactor is analogous
to those for a plug-flow reactor. Thus, to obtain the volume of the reactor for a
specified conversion, the following equation will be used for the volume
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The rate constant, is obtained from the Arrhenius Equation (D.C. Dyson et
V / vo
182 / 3822.961
0.0476 hr
171.36 s
R-6 has a contact time of 171.36s. The space velocity is then the reciprocal of space
time = 21 hr-1.For a plug flow reactor, the calculated V is only the volume of reactant
fluid (not including catalyst surface). The void fraction in a packed bed is defined as
the volume of voids in the bed divided by the total volume of the bed
(Geankoplis,1993). Assume the void fraction of the catalyst bed as 50% of the total
volume of reactor, = 0.5. Therefore, actual reactor volume:
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The actual Volume of Catalyst bed can be computed analytically to prove the
assumption made
A triply promoted (K2O-CaO-Al2O3) iron-oxide catalyst will be used. The iron
oxide (Fe2O3-FeO) is in the form of nonstoichiometric magnetite. It is made by
fusing the magnetite with the promoters. The catalyst is reducede in situ, and the
removal of oxygen yields a highly porous structure of iron with promoters present as
interphases between the iron crystal and as porous clusters along the pore walls. The
pores range from 50⁰A to 100⁰A, and intraparticle diffusion is thought to occur by
bulk mechanism (A.Nielsen, 1970).
The volume of catalyst in the R-6 will be determined using the density correlation.
The physical properties of the catalyst are as shown in the table.
Properties Values
Particle Size Granules, in size range 6-10mm
Bulk Density 2.65kg/liter
Particle Density 4.9g/cm3
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
2.4.1 Actual Volume of Catalyst
A molar differential balance for nitrogen in the catalyst bed gives (S.E. Said et al.,
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
In this equation, Φi is the fugacity coefficient and P is the total pressure. Below
equations are the experimental ones for fugacity coefficient of hydrogen, nitrogen
and ammonia (D.Ali et al., 2006).
Φ --------------------(1)
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Substitute (1) into (2)
Φ …………......(3)
Fugacity computation for nitrogen and ammonia is repeated based on the method
above. Following are the fugacity of ammonia and nitrogen
To investigate the effects of temperature and density of the catalyst interior and the
difference between these parameters with those of the catalyst surface, an effect
factor called η has been defined. The general form of the equation defining this
effect factor has been given below (D.Ali et al., 2006).
The Pressure operating pressure is 221.68 atm = 225 bar and the operating
Temperature is at 417.15K. Therefore,
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The Volume of catalyst bed is computed based on the formula below. The
equilibrium conversion, has already been computed
According to the above equation, the volume can be determined through the area
under the graph of 1/ versus the conversion, X. Rate of reaction with respect
to conversion must be determined first hand. Thus, material balances around the
reactor were done to obtain the Levenspiel plot.
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
1/RNH3 0.8
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
A graph of rate law versus conversion is then plotted. From the graph above,
numerical evaluation of integrals was performed using Five-point quadrature
formula and Trapezoidal rule (two-points). Evaluation of the area under the graph
above was done in three portions. FA0 is the initial flowrate of the limiting reactant,
propylene of 3048.27 kmol/hr.
Therefore, it is proven that the assumption made on the volume of catalyst bed which was
182m3 is similar to the analytical calculation that is shown earlier (170.80m3)
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Of this volume, approximately 2/3 is taken up by the iron-magnetite catalyst
considering the void spaces between catalyst particles. (V.Josue, n.d)
The Dimensions of the reactor is compared to the one in the industry. Based on one
of the Haldor Topsoe S-300 Ammonia converter R-105 in Fatima Fertilizer
Company Ltd, the diameter and length are found to be 2m and 20m respectively.
Thus, the calculated length and diameter of R-6 reactor is found to be reasonable
with the one in industry.
Figure 2.2: Installation of Ammonia Converter from Fatima Fertilizer Company Ltd.
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Based on the table, the volume ratio for each bed is given by
V1:V2:V3 = 0.25: 0.25: 0.50 = 1:1:2
Since the total volume of the bed of R-6 reactor is 170.8m3. Therefore
Thus, the catalyst required for each bed was determined to be (approximately 2/3 of
each bed is taken up by the iron-magnetite catalyst considering the void spaces
between catalyst particles. (V.Josue, n.d):
According to one of the Haldor Topsoe S-300 Ammonia converter R-105 in Fatima
Fertilizer Company Ltd, the Outer Diameter (OD) and Inner Diameter (ID) ratio of
each catalyst bed is given by,
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The Volume of Bed for every conversion is obtained through the Area below the
graph by using the Five-point quadrature formula. The Conversion of Bed 1, Bed 2,
and Bed 3 are plotted on the Vol.of.Cat.bed vs Conversion graph based on the
respective calculated bed volume.
Table 2.6: Vol.of.Cal.bed with respect to Conversion
0 0
0.02 28.16474
0.04 48.57494
0.06 64.64233
0.08 77.93705
0.1 89.30945
0.12 99.27147
0.14 108.1529
0.16 116.1772
0.18 123.4988
0.2 130.2295
0.22 136.4482
0.24 142.2152
0.26 147.5733
0.28 151.2083
0.3 157.1728
0.32 161.4521
0.34 165.3998
0.36 169.0262
0.37 170.7201
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Concentration Profile
1 2 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
From the Graph above the Conversion of each Catalyst Bed is given by,
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
2.8.1 Adiabatic Catalyst Bed
The temperature and composition throughout a general cross section of the bed is
assumed uniform. Axial diffusion of mass and heat is neglected. Pressure drop is
very small compared to the total pressure; therefore a uniform pressure equal to the
average pressure in the reactor has been assumed . The energy balance for a
differential element of the catalyst bed gives (M.E.E. Abashar, 2000):
Where is the heat of reaction in kJ/kmol of NH3, m the total mole flow rate in
kgmole/h, and Cpmix the specific heat of reacting gas mixture in kJ/(kmol K).
Elnashaie has developed a relation in 1981 for calculation of reaction heat which has
been used in this modelling (A.T. Mahfouz et al., 1987)
The molar specific heat of different components is calculated from the equations
given by Shah (1967). Shah has developed an equation for determination of
ammonia heat capacity which has been used in this modelling
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
By substituting all the related equations into the differential equation (dT/dV), the
following model is obtained in order to evaluate the inlet and outlet temperatures of
each adiabatic catalyst bed:
The following Differential equation is solved using Wolfram Mathematica Software. The
results are shown in the table below:
Catalyst Bed Inlet Temperature (K) Outlet Temperature (K)
Bed 1 473 573
Bed 2 490 552
Bed 3 454 464
The Temperature profile of each catalyst bed can be observed through the
Conversion-Temperature Plot that shows the Ammonia Converter R-6 Staging with
interstage cooling. In order to develop this plot, firstly, the equilibrium constant
should be obtained through various equilibrium conversion
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The equilibrium constant, Ke, is calculated from
The Values of Log Ke – 2.6899 with respect to Xe are calculated and tabulated.
Table 2.8: Log Ke – 2.6899 as a function of Equlibrium Conversion
Xe Ke Log Ke – 2.6899
0.4 0.887331 -2.7418142
0.35 0.590992 -2.9183185
0.3 0.399863 -3.0879886
0.25 0.273886 -3.2523309
0.2 0.189332 -3.4126765
0.15 0.13172 -3.5702471
0.1 0.091979 -3.7262125
0.05 0.064292 -3.8817435
0 0.044857 -4.0380687
From the Equilibrium constant equation, assign Y = Log Ke – 2.6899 and X=T in
order to plot the graph Log Ke – 2.6899 vs T
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Log Ke - 2.6899
T (K)
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The corresponding T for all conversions listed in the table are obtained by plotting
the corresponding values of Log Ke – 2.6899 from the table below on the graph
Table 2.10: Conversion-Temperature Plot Data
Xe Ke Log Ke – 2.6899 T(K)
0.4 0.887331 -2.7418142 455
0.35 0.590992 -2.9183185 470
0.3 0.399863 -3.0879886 479
0.25 0.273886 -3.2523309 500
0.2 0.189332 -3.4126765 518
0.15 0.13172 -3.5702471 535
0.1 0.091979 -3.7262125 550
0.05 0.064292 -3.8817435 568
0 0.044857 -4.0380687 585
NH3 Equlibrium Conversion
0.2 BED
Interstage Cooling 2
2 Interstage Cooling 1
450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600
Temperature (K)
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Based on the graph, two interbed Heat Exchangers are required to maintain an
adiabatic operation of the reactor R-6 since the reaction is exothermic. We can
observe that the heat exchanger in between bed 2 and bed 3 has higher heat duty
since the temperature difference of the interstage cooling is greater compared to the
heat exchanger in between bed 1 and bed 2.
The type of interbed Heat Exchanger that will be installed in the ammonia converter
is the Rod Baffle Type Heat Exchanger. Similar type of Interbed Heat Exchanger is
used in the Ammonia Converter R-105 in Fatima Fertilizer Company Ltd.
Figure 2.6: Rod Baffle type Heat Exchanger used in R-105 Ammonia Converter in
Fatima Fertilizer Company Ltd.
The Tube selection will be based on the one chosen by Fatima Fertilizer Company
Ltd. Table below shows the specification of tube selection.
Tube Specifications 1st IHE (upper) 2nd IHE (lower)
Material Inconel 600 SS 321
Effective Length 3700mm 3600mm
Dimension of Tubes ½ inch BWG 18 ½ inch BWG 16
Pitch type Square Square
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The Area of tube for each exchanger is determined through,
Based on Figure 7, the shell and tube inlet and outlet temperatures can be obtained.
Assuming that the interbed Rod Baffle type heat exchanger operates similarly with
counter flow heat exchanger, let‟s next determine the counter current interbed heat
exchanger area. The rate of heat transfer in a counter current heat exchanger is given
by the equation (C.J. Gaenkopolis, 1993):
According to Table 12.1 (R.K. Sinnot, 2005) The Overall Heat transfer coefficient is
assumed to be 50 W/m2 ⁰C since the hot and cold fluids are in gaseous phase
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The following equation is used to calculate the heat capacity (D. Ali et al., 2006)
The molar specific heat of different components is calculated from the equations
given by Shah (1967). Shah has developed an equation for determination of
ammonia heat capacity which has been used in this modelling
The Heat Capacities of the mixture for the inlet and outlet of the hot fluid (shell side)
for both heat exchangers are obtained through the equation above using Excel
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The Heat required to be removed in order to cool the reacting mixture and the heat
transfer area for both heat exchangers are calculated and tabulated
The number of tubes for each interbed heat exchangers can be obtained through the
equation below.
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The pattern being selected here is a square pitch pattern. The recommended tube
pitch (distance between tube centre) is 1.25 time the outside diameter of the tube
(R.K. Sinnot, 2005)
N t nl1
or Db = do ( )
Where Nt = number of tubes
Db = bundle diameter, mm
do = tube outside diameter, mm
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The value of K1 and n1 is available in Table 12.4, Chemical Engineering, Volume 6,
by R.K. Sinnot.
One shell pass and one tube pass flow:
K1 = 0.156
n1 = 2.291
590 2.207
Db,IHE 1 = 12.7( )
= 460 mm
1250 2.207
Db,IHE 2 = 12.7( )
= 645 mm
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
2.8.6 Baffle Diameter
From Chemical Engineering (R.K. Sinnot, 2005) , Vol. 6 (figure 12.10)
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
= 643.4 mm
The optimum baffle spacing is usually between 0.3 to 0.5 times the shell diameters.
Value of 0.4 is chosen for the Interbed Bed Heat Exchanger 1 (Upper)
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The values obtain in the individual design on the Interbed Heat Exchanger are
relatively reasonable with the one in the industry.
The first aspect to consider in designing the ammonia converter is the appropriate
material design and selection to ensure a high reliability due to the aggressive
environment created by the combination of high pressure, high temperature and
peculiar gas composition, in which the converter operates (P. Talarico et al., 2010).
The concurrence of Hydrogen related damages (High Temperature Hydrogen Attack
/ Hydrogen Debonding) and Nitriding is typical of the Ammonia synthesis loop,
particularly of the ammonia converter, where the highest temperatures and pressures
are combined with high content of hydrogen and ammonia. This may incur loss of
mechanical strength due to loss of carbon and the formation of a network of fissures
and cracks throughout the microstructure due to High Temperature Hydrogen Attack
(R. Enrico et al., 2009). Hydrogen enters into the steel and reacts with carbon that is
responsible for the strength of the material to form methane which due to its higher
molecular weight cannot escape. The resulting pressure causes cavity growth along
the grain boundaries transforming the steel from a ductile to brittle state (Fatima
Fertilizer Company Ltd.)
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Figure 3.1: High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (R. Enrico et al., 2009)
Similar to hydrogen attack, nitriding possesses the detrimental effect on the ammonia
converter. Above a certain temperature, depending on the type of steel, ammonia
reacts with iron to form a hard and brittle Fe-N inter-metallic compound (R. Enrico
et al., 2009). For this reason in ammonia atmosphere, usually above 370-380°C,
carbon steel and low alloy steels are not used in contact with fluid and replaced with
austenitic stainless steel or even non ferrous alloy (R. Enrico et al., 2009).
The Ammonia converter pressure vessel has much lower operating temperature than
the internals. Therefore ferritic materials such Carbon steel or Chrome-Moly steels
are generally used, selected according to the API standard 941. Since the ferritic
components of hot pressure parts (typically outlet nozzle and start-up nozzle) suffer
from nitriding, a designer can consider welding overlay the parts with austenitic
materials or high nickel alloys (P. Talarico et al., 2010).
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Ammonia converter internals are exposed to the highest temperature (approximately
450⁰C) and therefore the element where the combined effect of Hydrogen and
ammonia is strongest. The use of AISI 321 stainless steel for the internals of
ammonia converters is preferable compared to other stainless steels since is
stabilized with Titanium. In this way there is no risk of carbides precipitation
(causing embrittlement of the materials in hydrogen service) that, on the contrary, is
possible for grades 304 or 316 (P. Talarico et al., 2010)
For thin elements, specifically the basket and the interbed heat exchanger tubes, the
use of stainless steel is not preferable since the thickness of the component is
comparable to the nitrided layer. Therefore, inconel alloy 6000 should be adopted in
which is not vulnerable to the problem.
In mechanical designs, the basic method or concept is to make the particular piece or
part of the equipment safe irrespective of the forces acting on it. Some examples of
the forces acting on a member are the forces due to the internal or external pressure
acting on the system, the gravitational force due to the weight of the vessel and
piping, force due to the wind acting on the vessel especially for the tall column and
finally the seismic forces cause by earth quakes.
For the mechanical design of the process equipment, the pressure is the most
important of all the forces acting on the equipment. The design pressure, Pd is the
maximum (worst case) pressure which the equipment has to withstand. Pd can be
calculated by modifying process design (i.e pressure acting on the system), P o
considering the noise in the control system and the effect of any safety relief valve
which may be present to arrive at the maximum working pressure, MWP.
MWP can be calculated from process design pressure, Po using the following
i. For system under pressure: MWP = Po + x +y
ii. For system under vacuum: MWP = Po -x
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
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„x‟ refers to half of the noise band width in the control system
„y‟ refers to the setting value of safety release valve which is higher than the
upper noise band
In this reactor design, operating pressure of R-6 is Po = 22462 kPa
Thus design pressure,
Pd = (22462)*1.10
= 24708 kPa
The above pressure is calculated after considering 10% safety factor for internal
i. For unheated part – consider the highest temperature of the stored material.
ii. For part that is heated by means of steam, hot water, oil etc – consider the highest
temperature of the heating media, or 10°C higher than the maximum temperature
that any part of body is likely to attain during course of operation.
iii. For vessel where direct internal or external heating is employed by means of fire,
flue gas or electricity or for severe exothermic reactions that takes place –
For this reactor design, operating temperature of R-6 is To = 500 °C, which is the
temperature at the outlet of the tube.
By considering 10% safety factor,
Taking 10 ⁰C higher than the normal operating temperature
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
The resultant forces acting on the process vessel produces a stress depending on the
thickness of the vessel. There is a trade off in such a way for a given value of the
resultant force can reduces the stress acting on a member by increasing the thickness.
This however makes the member heavier and more costly. For the design purposes
the allowable stress, working stress and design stress are synonymous. The
philosophy is that to ensure the maximum stress, Sm is lower than the design stress,
Sm (forces acting on the system such as pressure and thickness)
< Sd (material, temperature, values obtained from standard tables)
The minimum shell thickness can be calculated using the following formulae
Pi Di
t +c
(2 fJ Pi )
Where Di = internal diameter
f = design stress
t = minimum thickness required
Pi = internal pressure
J = Welding efficiency = 1 for double welded butt
c = corrosion allowance
The Ammonia converter pressure vessel has much lower operating temperature than
the internals. Therefore ferritic materials such Carbon steel or Chrome-Moly steels
are generally used, selected according to the API standard 941 (P. Talarico et al.,
2010). Carbon steel (semi-killed orsilicon killed) is selected and the design stress of
at 50⁰C (the Ammonia converter pressure vessel has much lower operating
temperature than the internals temperature 550⁰C) is obtained from Coulson &
Richardson Chemical Engineering Series Vol. 6 , Table 13.2 (R.K. Sinnott, 2005)
and is found to be,
f (temp= 50C) = 135 N/mm2
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Inside diameter of R-6,
Ds = 4.88 m
For carbon and low-alloy steels, where severe corrosion is not expected, a minimum
allowance of 2.0 mm should be used; where more severe conditions are anticipated
this should be increased to 4.0 mm.
The above equation is only valid if and only if it satisfy the equation below,
Do t
1.5 and 0.25
Di Di
5.87 1.5 valid
0.101 0.25 valid
The ends of a cylindrical process vessel are to be closed. The vessels are usually
provided with the following types of heads:
i. Flat head
ii. Flanged-only heads
iii. Flanged and shallow dished
iv. Flanged and standard dished or Torispherical head
v. Ellipsoidal
vi. Hemispherical
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Individual Equipment Design Report
The selection for a particular type of head depends on the factors such as process
temperature and pressure, nature of the materials to be handled and products
obtained, position of the vessel (horizontal or vertical), nature of the support and
above all the economy.
Currently in the industry the Haldor Topsoe S-300 Ammnonia converter has a
hemispherical head at the bottom whereas the top head is a flat end head. The
Hemispherical head is the strongest shape; capable of resisting about twice the
pressure of a torispherical head of the same thickness. The cost of forming a
hemispherical head will, however, be higher than that for a shallow torispherical
head. Hemispherical heads are used for high pressures. (R.K.Sinnott, 2005)
Therefore, it is preferable to design a hemispherical head at the bottom of converter
since the converter operates at high pressure (243.85 atm) and flat head for the top
end of the converter. Besides that hemispherical shape is preferable at the reactor
bottom head compared to the flat head since both of the inlet and outlet are situated
at the bottom of the reactor which exerts high pressure to the internal wall of the
reactor. The design of the hemispherical shape is based on ASME code of standards
practised by the Pressure Vessel Engineering Ltd. The Spreadsheet for the
hemispherical head calculation is provided by Pressure Vessel Engineering Ltd and
it is used to calculate the dimension of the head. Figure below shows the spreadsheet
calculation of the hemispherical head for R-6 Ammonia Converter.
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The Flat heat will be used at the top end of the R-6 Ammonia Converter. Though the
fabrication cost is low, flat ends are not a structurally efficient form, and very thick
plates would be required for high pressures or large diameters. The thickness
required will depend on the degree of constraint at the plate periphery. The minimum
thickness required is given by (R.K. Sinnott, 2005):
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
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The type of flat end closure used for the top closure would be the bolted cover end
closure. According to R.K. Sinnott, 2005, for bolter cover flat end closure
and De = 5.87 m.
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As for the reactor design, Welding neck flanges are used because it is suitable for
extreme service conditions such as high temperature, shear and vibration loads. It has
a long tapered hub between the flange ring and the welded joint. This gradual
transition of the section reduces discontinuity stresses between the flange and the
branch and increases the strength of the flange assembly (S.P. Max, 2003). Welding
neck flanges are normally be specified for the connections and nozzles on process
vessels and process equipment
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The Ring joint flanges are applied in the design wherein the gasket is held and
confined in a groove, which prevents failure by “blow-out”. Matched pairs of flanges
are required, which increases the cost, but this type is suitable for high pressure and
high vacuum service. The Ring joint flanges is suitable since the R-6 reactor operates
at high temperature and pressure. For this reactor design, gasket made of 6 percent
chrome stainless steel is recommended. Selection of material depends on the
corrosive action of chemicals that may contact the gasket, the gasket location and
type of gasket construction. It also depends on gasket width. If the gasket is made
too narrow, the unit stress on it will be excessive. If the gasket is too wide, the bolt
load will unnecessarily increased. Gasket specification is obtained from Table 13 of
Data Hand Book of Mechanical Design of Process Equipment (ECB 5233).
Ring joint flange is used to hold the gasket in place for high pressure operations.
High bolt tension would be needed to achieve sufficient gasket pressure to maintain
a good seal.
Residual gasket force must no be less than the minimum force to prevent leakage.
Gasket seating force – pressure force = Residual gasket force required
do y PD m
Gasket diameter ratio,
di y PD (m 1)
Shell outside diameter, B = 5.87 m
Shell thickness, go = 0.495 m
Since the shell thickness is larger than the minimum actual gasket width, thus, the
gasket inner diameter will be determined using the shell thickness parameter, go.
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Gasket inner diameter, di = B + go
= 5.87 + 0.495
= 6.365 m
W=N/2= 3.2
do = 6.3746 m di = 6.3714 m
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3.5.2 Bolt Sizing
The bolts hold the flange faces together, resisting the forces acting on a flanged joint.
For bolt loads estimation, there are 2 conditions namely:
i. Bolt loads under operating condition (due to internal pressure), Wo
ii. Bolt loads under bolting-up condition, Wg
G 2
H = P
= 788557471 N
= 788.6 MN
Hp = (G)(2)(b)(m)(P)
= 2(788.6)(0.0032) (3.75) (24.708)
= 391.763 MN
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Since Wo > Wg
Therefore, controlling load = Wo = 1180.36 MN
To estimate optimum bolt size, bolt of various sizes chosen from Table 10
(Mechanical Design of Process Equipment Data Hand Book).
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
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Moment of force,
Moment of force about BCD under operating condition,
Mo = (W1xa1) + (W2xa2) + (W3xa3)
Mo = 0.6875 MJ
Am Ab
Wg Sg
= 35.435 MN
Mg = 2.238 MJ
Mg > Mo. Thus Mg is used for further calculation.
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M .C F y
Flange thickness, t
BS t
From the calculations, t =
= 0.266 m
= 266 mm
Bs actual
Recalculated Cf =
2d t
= 0.886
Cf = 0.9413
75 mm
6.858 m
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A/2 = 3.454 m
C/2 = 3.429 m
B/2 = 2.935 m
Flange thickness
=250 mm
go = 0.495 m
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vi. Insulation materials
Number of plates = 20
Plate diameter = Db = 0.458 m
Baffle cut = 25%
b = angle subtended by the baffle chord, rads = 2.1 rads = 120o
2 * b 1D
Baffle area= 2 * b 25% Db tan b
4 2 * 2 2 2
= 0.13239 m2
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Number of plates = 19
Plate diameter = Db = 0.643 m
Baffle cut = 25%
b = angle subtended by the baffle chord, rads = 2.1 rads = 120o
2 * b 1D
Baffle area= b 2 * b 25% Db tan b
4 2 * 2 2 2
= 0.2609 m2
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3.6.3 Weight of Fluid in Reactor
Total weight of fluid in reactor comprises of the weight of fluid, catalyst and coolant.
On the tube side, the volume of fluid and catalyst are calculated.
Volume of fluid = 182 m3
Density of fluid = 48 kg/m3
Weight of fluid = 183 x 48 x 9.81
= 85.7 kN
Volume of catalyst = 113.83 m3
Density of catalyst = 2650 kg/m3
Weight of catalyst = 113.83 x 2650 x 9.81
= 2960 kN
Total weight of fluid = 85.7 kN + 2960 kN
= 3045.7 kN
Total Weight of Reactor = 23500 kN
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3.8.1 Pressure Stresses
L = = 60.90 N/mm2
4t 4 495
h = = 121.792 N/mm2
2t 2 495
M Di
b t
Iv 2
Do 4
Di 4
M = Longitudinal bending stress at the mid-span
Iv = Second moment of area of the shell
Iv (5870 4 4880 4 )
= 3.4044 x 1013 mm4
2.0875 x10 8 Nmm 4880
b 4
3.4044 10 mm 2
= ± 0.018 N/mm2
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As assume that there is no torsional shear stress, the principal stresses will be z and
h. The radial stress is negligible,
Pi 24,708
12.354 N / mm 2
2 2
The value obtained is well below the allowable design stress, f30ºC (135 N/mm2).
Thus, the design is satisfactory.
If the resultant axial stress, z due to the combined loading is negative, the reactor
may fail due to elastic instability (buckling). The condition for this not to take place
is the maximum compression stress, c must be more than the critical buckling
stress, c,max.
c,max = w + b (-ve)
= - 2.815 - 0.018
= - 2.833 N/mm2
c = 2 x 104 (t/Do)
= 2 x 104 (495/5870)
= 1687 N/mm2
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The maximum compression stress is 6.4522 N/mm2< 1687 N/mm2, well below the
critical buckling stress. So design is satisfactory.
Reactor will be placed vertically. Cylindrical skirt support is used. The skirt
thickness must be sufficient to withstand the dead weight loads and bending
moments imposed on it by the vessel; it will not be under the vessel pressure. From
Sinnott (2005),
s (tensile ) bs ws
s (compressive) bs ws
Where Ms = maximum bending moment, evaluated at the base of the skirt (due to
wind, seismic and eccentric loads,
As first trial take the skirt thickness as the same as the shell thickness, 495 mm
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
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ts = 495 mm
Ds = 4.88 m (=Di shell)
W = 23500 kN
Wind loading = Fw = 8.282 kN/m
Bending moment at the base of the skirt
( Ds t s )t s
= 23500/(π(4.88+0.495)(0.495))
ws 2.811 N/mm2
The skirt thickness should be such that under the worst combination of wind and
dead-weight loading the following design criteria are satisfied:
s (tensile ) f s J sin s
s (compressive) 0.125E sin s
where fs = maximum allowable design stress for the skirt material at ambient
J = weld joint factor
s = base angle of a conical skirt, normally 80o to 90 o
E = Young modulus of the material = 200,000 N/mm2 for plain carbon steel
s (tensile ) = -2.799 N/mm2< 83.7 N/mm2 satisfied
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s (compressive) 0.125 * 200,000 sin 90
= 2.823 N/mm2 < 2536 N/mm2 satisfied
Nozzle thickness, e (2f P )
i i
Pi D i
Nozzle thickness, e
(2f Pi )
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M &S
Installation cost, $ 101.9 D1.066
H 0.82 2.18 Fc
M &S
Purchase cost, $ 101.9 H1.066
D 0.82 Fc
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Purchased Cost = USD 260,000
Total reactor cost = Installation cost + Purchased cost
= USD 1,282,000
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Note: When Reactor (R-6) is placed on “Hot Hold”, the reactor is isolated in an
attempt to maintain reactor pressure and temperature so that the feed stay in
optimum temperature.
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
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1.1 Objective
To ensure safe and reliable operations of R-6, Catalyst Maintenance
1.2 Scope
Instructions during loading and unloading of radial flow fixed bed reactor, R-
6 catalyst
No special safety or health issues are associated with operation of the Ammonia
Reactor catalyst.
This instruction provides guidelines for loading and unloading of reactor‟s (R6)
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CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
tape. Take down the reading and compare with the target length reading
(provided by Process Engineering). The difference the height of catalyst
that needs to be topped up
4. Lift the empty hopper with crane to the top of the reactor to make sure
that the hopper fits in the man way flange, remove restriction as
5. Start loading fresh catalyst 5 drums per hopper of catalyst until it reaches
the calculated numbers of drums. Measure the final outage after loading
to compare with the target.
6. Line up the water from the bottom and overflow through the man way
until the top effluent is clear.
7. Stop the flow and drain the reactor.
8. Prepare for maintenance.
Note: this will remove all catalyst to either be sent for disposal or reused back
during the next available turnaround.
1. Place the receiving hopper with platform below the bottom man way of
the reactor. Prepare two containers placed at the bottom of the reactor
2. Fix-up discharge hose from receiving hopper to an open-container.
Ensure that container is in good condition and surround the area with
sand bags to avoid water leaking from the container.
3. Dismantle all catalyst unloading nozzle bolts and place two long
temporary bolts to control the flange opening gap.
4. Install flange gap-cover plate between flange and position the discharge
outlet downward into receiving hopper.
5. Collect catalyst sample into bottle every 5 minutes (via unloading nozzle)
during unloading. Estimate timing by catalyst flow rate. Mark the
samples as to the man way collected.
6. Install safety discharge cover at the bottom manhole as catalyst stop free
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
7. Remove the rest of the catalyst (up to the tangent wall of reactor) using
“vacuum equipment” into drums.
8. Unloading the support with vacuum equipment and store them in the
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
7.1.1 Process Description
The flash separator is represented by V-4. The used of this flash separator is to
knockout water before the syngas is fed into the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Absorption
column. The main feed (Stream No. 25) of this separator is in mixture form which
contains approximately 70% of gases form and the remaining is the liquid form.
Thus, the main purpose of this separator is to obtain high purity of syngas by
decreasing the water content.
Table 7.1: ICON Stream Data for Flash Separator V-4
Stream Feed Liquid Vapour
VapFrac 0.85 0.00 1.00
T [C] 168.5851 168.5851 168.5851
P [kPa] 5469.235 5469.235 5469.235
MoleFlow [kgmole/h] 14433.00 2164.95 12268.05
MassFlow [kg/h] 230284.50 39071.46 191213.04
Fraction [Fraction]
METHANE 0.0014 1.35E-07 0.0016
ETHANE 0.0000 0.00E+00 0.0000
PROPANE 0.0000 0.00E+00 0.0000
n-BUTANE 0.0000 0.00E+00 0.0000
NITROGEN 0.1436 1.37E-04 0.1689
CARBON DIOXIDE 0.1304 1.46E-03 0.1532
HYDROGEN SULFIDE 0.0000 0.00E+00 0.0000
WATER 0.2911 9.98E-01 0.1664
HYDROGEN 0.4315 4.65E-04 0.5075
OXYGEN 0.0000 0.00E+00 0.0000
CARBON MONOXIDE 0.0020 8.50E-07 0.0024
METHYL DIETHANOLAMINE 0.0000 6.41E-08 0.0000
AMMONIA 0.0000 0.00E+00 0.0000
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7.1.2 Flash Separator Selection
According to R.K Sinnott, 2005, for a vertical flash separator, the diameter of the
vessel must be large enough to slow the gas down to below the velocity at which the
particles will settle out.
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Horizontal separators are most efficient where large volumes of total fluids and large
amounts of dissolved gas are present with the liquid whereas vertical separators are
selected when the gas-liquid ratio is high. In this case, since the vapour fraction of
feed (Stream No.25) is 0.9991, thus vertical flash separator is selected.
Separation efficiency
According to Petronas Technical Standard (PTS), a bulk G/L separation is defined as
a separation where less than 90-95% of the liquid is removed from the gas phase.
This separation can be achieved in separators without demisting internals.
In most situations, a vertical vessel will then be selected since the high volume of
vapor compare with liquid.
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Fouling Service
The requirements of high fouling tolerance and high separation efficiency are usually
contradictory. The installation of internals will increase the separation efficiency but
internals are sensitive to fouling. A vertical settler with a conical lower end is used to
facilitate the removal of solids under severe fouling conditions (PTS, 1996). On the
other hand, plate racks may only be used under no worse than moderately conditions.
If used under the conditions the plate pack layout and supports should be adapted to
facilitate the removal of solids. Table 1 gives the summary of suitable use of types of
G/L/ separators according to PTS (1996).
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
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For safety purpose, the design pressure is 10% above the operating pressure,
Design pressure, Pi = Po x 1.1
= 5500 kPa x 1.1
= 6050 kPa
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Determination of the Diameter and Length of Two - Phase Separator
From iCON simulation, the operating condition of the feed stream of the two-phase
separator is given in Table 2.
Equation below can be used to estimate the settling velocity of the liquid droplets,
for the design of separating vessels (R.K Sinnott, 2005)
Since our separator is using demister pad, us=ut calculated from equation 10.10.
The liquid level will depend on the hold-up time necessary for smooth operation and
control; typically 10 minutes would be allowed. Thus, volume liquid held in vessel,
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
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Nozzle sizing
mv2m,in 1400 Pa
where m is the mean density of the mixture in the feed pipe.
Ql l Qh h QG G
Ql Qh QG
and vm,in is the velocity of the mixture in the inlet nozzle
Ql Qh QG
v m,in
d 2
The inlet nozzle is calculated as:
Optimum duct diameter, dopt = 226G0.5-0.35
Flow rate, G is obtained from ICON = 63.968 kg/s
Density, also from ICON = 27.8794 kg/m3
dopt = 563.95 mm
= 0.564 m
Gv2v,out 4550 Pa
Optimum duct diameter, dopt = 226G0.5-0.35
Flow rate, G is obtained from ICON = 53.115 kg/s
Density, also from ICON = 23.2712 kg/m3
dopt = 547.43 mm
= 0.547 m
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Liquid outlet nozzle
The diameter of the liquid outlet nozzle shall be chosen such that the liquid velocity
does not exceed 1 m/s. According to PTS, the minimum diameter is 50 mm (2 inch).
Where Pi is the internal pressure, Di is the internal diameter and f is the design stress
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
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7.1.10 Flash Separator Closures (Head and Closure)
The ends of a cylindrical process vessel are to be closed. The vessels are usually
provided with the following types of heads:
i. Flat head
ii. Flanged-only heads
iii. Flanged and shallow dished
iv. Flanged and standard dished or Torispherical head
v. Ellipsoidal
vi. Hemispherical
The selection for a particular type of head depends on the factors such as process
temperature and pressure, nature of the materials to be handled and products
obtained, position of the vessel (horizontal or vertical), nature of the support and
above all the economy.
The preferable head closure for this flash drum would be the hemispherical head
since the vessel operates at high pressure. The Hemispherical head is the strongest
shape; capable of resisting about twice the pressure of a torispherical head of the
same thickness. The cost of forming a hemispherical head will, however, be higher
than that for a shallow torispherical head. Hemispherical heads are used for high
pressures. (R.K.Sinnott, 2005).
The design of the hemispherical shape is based on ASME code of standards
practised by the Pressure Vessel Engineering Ltd. The Spreadsheet for the
hemispherical head calculation is provided by Pressure Vessel Engineering Ltd and
it is used to calculate the dimension of the head. Figure on the next page shows the
spreadsheet calculation of the hemispherical head for V-4 Flash Vessel.
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There are four types of compressors namely, centrifugal, axial, reciprocating and
rotary. The choice of the type of compressor depends primarily on the required flow
to be compressed, the density of the gas in conjunction with the total head (for a
given gas, this is the compression ratio) and the duty which has to be performed
(PTS, 1996). Axial compressors can handle large volume flows and are
more efficient than centrifugal compressors. However, centrifugal compressor is able
to handle higher pressure ratio. If the required flow is too small for a centrifugal
compressor, or if the head requires an undesirably large number of stages (high
pressure ratio), then a reciprocating compressor, horizontal-balanced opposed,
should be considered (PTS, 1996).
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
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Figure 7.4: Pressure/Volume Map for various Compressor Types (PTS,
From the graph above, it can be seen that the Air Compressor K-2 falls in the region
of Centrifugal vertical split (Barrel type compressor) based on its operating
parameters. In this case vertical spilt is preferred compared to horizontal split since
the discharge pressure is high to avoid gas leakage between flanges due to high
7.2.2 Centrifugal Air Compressor Sizing
Inlet pressure, P1 = 3101.325kPa
Outlet pressure, P2 = 7000 kPa
Design pressure, PD (130% P2) = 9100 kPa
Inlet temperature, T1 = 923 K
Compressibility factor, Z = 1.0
= = 1.35
Molecular weight, MW = 28.84 kg/kmol
Gas constant, R = 8.314 kJ/kmol.K
Molar flow rate, M = 2539.86 kmol/hr
Design molar flow rate (120% M) = 3047.832 kmol/hr
Volumetric flow rate, V = 1.7624 m3/s
Design volumetric flow (120% V) = 2.115 m3/s
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n 1.6018
n 1 1.6018 1
= 2.6617
n 1
n P2
Work required, -W = ZRT1
n 1 P1
1 8.314 923 2.6617
= 7307.7734 kJ/kmol
Actual work required =
= 10590.9759 kJ/kmol
10590.9759 kJ kmol
Shaft power = 3047.842
kmol hr
= 32279621.17 kJ/hr
= 8967 kW
Outlet temperature, T2 = T1 2
= 1253 K
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7.2.3 Specification Sheet
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Individual Equipment Design Report
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Max, A., 1999, “Ammonia Principles and Industry Practise,” Wiley VCH
CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Nielsen, A., 1970, “Catalyst Review,” 4(1): 1-6
Peters, M.S., Timmerhaus, K.D., West, R.E., 2003, “Plant Design and Economics for
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CAB4013 Plant Design Project II (PDP II)
Individual Equipment Design Report
Ammonia Converter R-6
Engineering Drawing