簽證保證書-Letter-of-Guarantee YANTI

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Place of Issuance
Overseas Mission 申 請 中 華 民 國 簽 證 保 證 書
申請號碼 Letter of Guarantee for Visa Application to the Republic of China
Application No.

被保證人(簽證申請人)之姓 名
Name of Guarantee(Visa Applicant) Surname YANTI First Name Mei

中文姓名(倘有) 性別 男 √ 女
Chinese Name (if applicable) MEI-MEI Sex Male Female
國籍 申請簽證類別 居留簽證
Nationality INDONESIA Type of Visa √ Visitor Resident

護照/旅行證號碼 請提供證照封面及有持照/證人照片、基本資料之內頁影本
Passport / Travel Document No. E 2518611 Provide copies of the front cover, and pages containing basic information & photograph

護照/旅 行 證 之 效 期 截 止 日 期 出生日期
Passport/ Travel Document Expiry Date 2033 年 03 月 02 日(Year/Month/Day) Date of Birth 1988 年 05 月 25 日(Year/Month/Day)

服務機關 職稱
Name of Employer Position

Purpose of Visit

是否曾經入境中華民國? 否 是(請提供護照內頁前次入境之中華民國簽證及入出境紀錄影本)
No √ Yes (Please provide copies of passport pages showing last entry to /exit from the ROC)
Has the visa applicant ever entered the ROC before ?

預定停(居)留期間 自 2023 年 04 月 08 日至 2023 年 05 月 14 日(Year/Month/Day)

How long will the visa applicant intend to stay in the ROC ?

預定在中華民國住址 : No 21, Ln 56 Xingxue st, Wuri Dist Taichung City Taiwan ROC
Which possible address will the visa applicant stay while in the ROC ?

保證人姓名 證件號碼
Name of Guarantor. TSAI SHU-CHEN (蔡素真) ROC ID/ARC/APRC No. L221938323

本 人 保 證 I hereby guarantee the following :

1. 被保證人入境後如有違反中華民國法令,妨害中華民國公共秩序或善良風俗者,本人負檢舉之責。
That the guarantor is obliged to report any incidents of the visa applicant violating the laws and regulations, public order and boni mores of the ROC.
2. 被保證人在中華民國期間之生活及其返國費用。
Living expenses incurred during the visa applicant’s stay in the ROC and the expenses incurred in the visa applicant returning to his/her
3. 被保證人之身分、與本人之關係及申請簽證相關文件屬實。
The truthfulness of the identity, relationship to the guarantor, and related visa-application documents of the visa applicant. 4.
That the visa applicant shall inform the National Immigration Agency upon any change of address, overstay, or any activity that does not
comply with the purpose of the applicant’s visa application.
5. 被保證人倘發生依法須強制出境情事,本人負協助有關機關將被保證人遣送出境並負擔相關費用之責。
In cases where the visa applicant may face deportation, that the guarantor is obliged to assist the related agencies to enforce the
deportation and pay for related expenses.
6. 本人未能履行保證責任或為不實之保證時,應負相關法律責任。
That the guarantor shall face the legal consequences of any false statements or failure to meet the aforementioned obligations.
本人已確知保證人之保證責任並願擔負保證責任,同時瞭解未據實申報如有符合中華民國刑法第 214 條要件者,將依相關法
I acknowledge and assume the responsibilities attached to the guarantor; any statements/declarations that fall within the descriptions stated in
Article 214 of the Criminal Law of the ROC shall face legal consequences prescribed by related regulations.

保證人之 保證人之
中華民國國民身分證、外僑居留證、 中華民國國民身分證、外僑居留證、
外僑永久居留證或其他合法居留證件影本(正面) 外僑永久居留證或其他合法居留證件影本(背面)
Copy of Guarantor’s ROC ID Card, ARC, Copy of Guarantor’s ROC ID Card, ARC,
APRC or other legal resident certificate (Front) APRC or other legal resident certificate (Back)

住 址:台中市烏日區興學街 56 巷 21 號 電話:辦公室 Business Phone Number

Address: :04-22671808
服務機關/公司 Name of Present Employer:凱翔人力資源管理顧問有限 與Tel:住
被保證人 宅關 係 :朋友
Home Phone Number:
公司 Relationship to the Guarantee:
地址 Address of Present Employer:台中市南區美村南路 173 巷 7 號

注 意 事 項 Notes:

* 保證人須為年滿二十歲且具行為能力之中華民國國民或在中華民國境內具有合法居留身分之行為能力人。
The guarantor shall be over 20 years of age with full legal capacity and have either citizenship of or legal residency in
the ROC.
* 保證人須在中華民國有職業或有收入(請提供最近一次之報稅證明,經加蓋服務機關印信者無須繳交收入證明)。
The guarantor shall have eit her occupat io n or income in t he ROC. (Please provide t he proo f of t he most recent tax
return;no proo f o f income is required if the proo f of employment is provided wit h the seal of t he guarantor’s
current employer).
* 被保證人係受邀訪台者,應由邀請單位之負責人或其指定之業務主管人員為保證人。
If t he visa applicant is an invit ed guest of the ROC, t he legal representat ive or designated officia l of t he invit ing
agency shall serve as t he guarantor.
* 被保證人完成作保程序僅為簽證申請程序要件之一,並不意謂本局及駐外館處必然發給簽證。
The complet ion of guarant y by local sponsor is one of visa application requirements;the Competent Authority may
refuse to issue visas to applicants.
* 本保證書請併相關文件(請參考外交部領事事務局網站 http://www.boca.gov.tw 之公告)郵寄或遞交至外交部領
事 事 務局 簽證 組 (10 0 台北 市濟 南 路 1 段 2 之 2 號 3 樓 3 1 -3 4 號 櫃 臺 ) 。
Please mail or deliver this Guarantor’s Letter along with related documents (as specified by the Bureau of Consular
Affairs at http://www.boca.gov.tw)to BOCA Visa Services (Counters 31-34) 3F1., 2-2 Chi-Nan Rd., Sec. 1,Taipei

保證人簽章 日期
Seal/Signature of the Guarantor Date 年 月 日 (Year/Month/Day)
(加蓋保證人服務單位/公司或邀請單位印信 Seal of Guarantor’s Employer or Inviting Agency)

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