Important Questions English

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CORPORATION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, OKKILIYAR COLONY, CBE -641 001 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 2 MARKS QUESTIONS: 1.What is meant by Economics? 2. Define microeconomics. 3. What are goods? 4. Distinguish goods from services. 5, Name any two types of utility. 6. Define positive economics. 7. Give the meaning of deductive method 8.Define Utility. 9, Mention the classifications of wants. 10. Name the basic approaches to consumer behaviour. 11. What are the degrees of price elasticity of Demand? 12. State the meaning of indifference curves. 13. Write the formula of consumers surplus. 14. What are Giffen goods? Why it is called like that? 15.Classify the factors of production, 16. Define Labour. 17. State the production function. 18. Define Marginal Product of a factor. 19. What is Iso-cost line? 20. What are the conditions for producer's equilibrium? 21. What are the reasons for upward sloping supply curve? 22.Define cost. 23. Define cost function. 24. What do you mean by fixed cost? 25. Define Revenue. 26. Explicit Cost - Define. 27. Give the definition for ‘Real Cost’ 28. What is meant by Sunk cost? 29.Define Market. 30. Who is price-taker? 31. Point out the essential features of pure competition. 32. What is selling cost? 33. Draw demand curve of a firm for the following: a) Perfect Competition b) Monopoly 34. Mention any two types of price discrimination 35.. Define “Excess capacity” 36.Why was structural reform implemented in Indian Economy? 37. State the reasons for implementing LPG. 38.. State the meaning of Privatization. 39. Define disinvestment 40.. Write three policy initiative introduced in 1991 - 92 to correct the fiscal imbalance. 41. State the meaning of Special Economic Zones. 42, State the various components of Central government schemes under post - harvest measures. 43.Define Rural Economy. 44.. What do you mean by Rural Development? 45. Rural Poverty - Define. 46, Define Open Unemployment. . 47 What is meant by Disguised Unemployment? 48. Define Cottage Industry. 49, What do you mean by Micro Finance? 50. State any two causes of housing problem in rural areas 51. Define Rural Electrification. 52. State any two factors hindering Rural Electrification in India 53.State any two districts with favourable sex ratio. Indicate the ratios. 54. Define GSDP. 55. Mention any four food crops which are favourable to Tamil Nadu. 56. What are major ports in Tamil Nadu? 57. What is heritage tourism? 58. What are the nuclear power plants in Tamil Nadu? 59. Define Micro industry 3 MARK QUESTIONS: 1.Explain the scarcity definition of Economics and assess it. 2. What are the crucial decisions involved in ‘what to produce?” 3. Explain different types of economic activities. 4. What are the different features of services? 5. What are the important features of utility? 6. Distinguish between microeconomics and macroeconomics. 7. Compare positive economics and normative economics 21, State the Cobb-Douglas Production Function. 22.What are the features of a market? 23. Specify the nature of entry of competitors in perfect competition and monopoly. 24. Describe the degrees of price discrimination, 25. State the meaning of selling cost with an example. 26. Mention the similarities between perfect competition and monopolistic competition. 27. Differentiate between ‘firm’ and ‘industry’ 28. State the features of duopoly. 29.How do you justify the merits of Privatisation? 30. What are the measures taken towards Globalization? 31. Write a note on Foreign investment policy? 32. Give short note on Cold storage. 33. Mention the functions of APMC 34, List out the features of new trade policy. 35. What is GST? Write its advantages 5 MARK QUESTIONS: 1.Discuss the important initiatives taken by the Government of India towards Industrial Policy. 2. Explain the objectives and characteristics of SEZs. 3. Describe the salient features of EXIM policy (2015 ~ 2020) 4.Discuss about the Indian economy during British Period 5. Explain the role of SSIs in economic developmet? 6. Explain the objectives of nationalization of commercial banks. 7. Describe the performance of 12th five year plan in India 8.'The features of Rural Economy are peculiar’- Argue. 9. Discuss the problems of Rural Economy. 10. Analyse the causes for Rural Indebtedness. 11.Bring out the features of perfect competition. 12. How price and output are determined under the perfect competition? 13. Describe the features oligopoly. 14. Illustrate price and output determination under Monopoly. 15. Explain price and output determined under monopolistic competition with help of diagram. 16.Examine the Law of Variable Proportions with the help of a diagram. 17. List out the properties of iso-quants with the help of diagrams. 18. Elucidate the Laws of Returns to Scale, Illustrate. 19, Explain the internal and external economies of scale 20.Explain the law of demand and its exceptions. 21. Blucidate the law of diminishing marginal utility with diagram. 22. Explain the law of Equimarginal utility, 23. What are the methods of measuring Elasticity of demand? 24.Compare and contrast various definitions of Economics 25. Explain various Steps of Deductive and Inductive methods 26. Elaborate the nature and scope of Economics

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