(WS05 04) LabDesignPattern

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Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will have demonstrated the abilities

• Practice polymorphism.
• Understand the principles and the use of abstract classes and interfaces in Java
• Describe to your instructor what you have learned in completing this workshop.

Using Java language to build an application. Creating the project LabDesignPattern.

This app is an example to expose parts of your classes. Consider the class diagram as

<<abstract class>>
# size: int
+ Organization ()
+ Organization (String)
+ getSize():int
+ setSize(int):void
+ communicateByTool(): void, abstract
+ toString():String

Colony University

# place: String (land/ocean) #name: String

+ Colony () + University ()
+ Colony (int, String) + University (int, String)
+ communicateByTool(): void + communicateByToTool(): void
+ grow():void <<interface>> + enroll():void
+ reproduce():void Role + educate(): void
+ toString():String + toString():String
+ createWorker():void

address: String
type: String (honey/wasp)
+ FPTUniversity ()
+ FPTUniversity (int, String, String)
+ BeeColony () + gettter/setter
+ BeeColony (int, String, String) + toString():String
+ gettter/setter
+ toString():String

The Organization class contains the “communicateByTool()” method. This method
describes the communication way between members. For now, we don’t have any
information to implement it, so it should be the abstract method.

The Colony class and University class will extend the Organization class, they must
override the “communicateByTool()” method.

The BeeColony class and FPTUniversity class have got quite different inheritance
hierarchies. But both create workers and they don't share much in common. So, we
declare an interface named “Role” that contains the “createWorker()” common method.
These classes will implement it.

To complete this task you will implement the class structure above

Step 1: Create a new project named “OrganizationManager”.

Step 2: Create a package named “DTO”, it contains some files: Organization.java,

Colony.java, University.java, BeeColony, and FPTUniversity.java

Step 3: Create another package named “GUI”, it contains the Tester.java file


1. In the file Organization.java

• Declare this class is abstract

• The method communicateByTool() is an abstract method.
• The method toString(): return the string as format:
“the organization’s size is” + the value of the size field

2. In the file Colony.java,

• This class extends the Organization class
• The method communicateByTool(): must be overridden to print out the string
as “the colony communicate by sound”
• The method grow(): print out the string as “an annual cycle of growth that begins in
• The method reproduce():(): print out the string as “Colony can reproduce itself through
a process”
• The method toString(): return the string as format:
“the colony size is” + the value of the size field + “, the colony’s place is” + the value of place field

3. In the file BeeColony.java,

• This class extends the Colony class and implements the Role interface

• The method toString(): return the string as format:
“the colony’s type is ” + the value of the type field+ “, size is about” + the value of the size field + “, and
the place is” + the value of place field
• The createWorker() method: must be overridden to print out the string as
“Worker bees perform all the work of the bees”

4. In the file University.java,

• This class extends the Organization class

• The method communicateByTool(): is overridden to print out the string as “in
the university, people communicate by voice”
• The method enroll(): print out the string as “The registration for enrollment is only valid
when the University has received all enrollment documents and enrollment fees”
• The method educate(): print out the string as “provide education at university standard”
• The method toString(): return the string as format: “encourage the advancement and
development of knowledge”

5. In the file FPTUniversity.java,

• This class extends the University class and implements the Role interface
• The method toString(): return the string as format: “FPTU has four campuses Hanoi,
HCM, DaNang, CanTho, QuyNhon”
• The createWorker() method: must be overridden to print out the string as
“providing human resources”

6. In the file Tester.java, you type:

public class Tester{

public static void main(String[] args){

Colony obj1=new BeeColony(2000, “honey”, “land”);

obj1. reproduce();

University obj2=new FPTUniversity(100000, “FPT”, “Cantho”);


Role df= new BeeColony(3000, “wasp”, “land”);


df= new FPTUniversity(100000, “FPT”, “Hanoi”);

df. createWorker ();


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