Ad 8240

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LED Driver/Monitor

PWM input for LED brightness control VPLUS SHUNT BASE VO
Open LED detection 5 6 7 8

Latch-off overcurrent protection RSENSE

Constant voltage regulated output VSENSE 1
Supply range: 9 V to 27 V
Regulated voltage range: 12.5 V to 27 V
Operating current: 300 µA
Shutdown current: 10 µA REFERENCE
Temperature range −40°C to +125°C
8-lead MSOP package PWM 3 DRIVER

The AD8240 LED driver/monitor, in combination with an
external transistor, supplies a constant 12 V to drive LED Figure 1.
lamps. This allows cost-effective LED lamp monitoring and PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS
short-circuit protection. The output is regulated at 12 V when
1. Partial LED lamp failure detection.
the supply voltage is between 12.5 V and 27 V.
Allows for compliance with automotive regulations
A CMOS compatible, level-dependent, digital input can be used for turn signal functionality detection and minimum
for PWM control of the LED brightness. VO is turned on when brightness, as well as running/brake light minimum
the PWM input is high and turned off when the input is low. brightness compliance.
The AD8240 is designed to work with a PWM frequency up 2. Current limiting/latch-off protection.
to 500 Hz, and a typical PWM range from 5% to 95%. Limiting and latching off the LED current protects vehicle
wiring and prevents lamp damage
Open LED detection is accomplished by measuring the change
in LED lamp current caused by an open LED(s) through the use 3. PWM input.
of an internal high-side current-sense amplifier that amplifies Provides brightness control.
the voltage across an external current shunt. The voltage across 4. Constant voltage output.
the shunt resistor is amplified to a level that can be measured by Saves cost by minimizing wiring and system design
a microcontroller A/D converter or a comparator. The ability to complexity.
measure the change in LED lamp current is the key benefit of
5. Drives an external transistor for low power operation.
constant-voltage LED lamp driving.
Providing for an external power transistor allows the
The output is current-limited by latching off the output voltage AD8240 to be a low cost solution in a small package. A
when the current reaches a preset level. The current limit is set more efficient design is made possible when the system
by selecting the value of the external current shunt that causes designer can select a power device with specifications
the output of the sense amplifier to slightly exceed the 5 V that match the application requirements.
reference level when the current exceeds a maximum level.
6. Linear regulation.
When the sense amplifier output exceeds 5 V, it trips an internal
Minimizes EMI, which allows faster system integration,
comparator that causes the driver to latch off the output voltage.
qualification, and time to market. Additionally, costs are
The latch is reset during the next PWM cycle. The overcurrent
reduced by eliminating the inductor required for a
condition can also be detected by a microcontroller or external
switching design. Because of the power-saving nature of
comparator by measuring the sense amplifier output.
LED lamps as compared to incandescent lamps, a
switching driver is typically not required.

Rev. 0
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable.
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Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
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registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fax: 781.326.8703 © 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

Specifications..................................................................................... 3 Using/Evaluating the AD8240 LED Driver Monitor ....................6

Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 4 Setup................................................................................................6

Product Description......................................................................... 5 Controlling the LED lamp............................................................7

Linear Regulator (Block A) ......................................................... 5 Using/Evaluating the VSense Output .............................................7

High-Side Current-Sense Amplifier with Open LED Advantages of Driving LED Lamps with Constant Voltage ........8
Detection (Block B)...................................................................... 5 Background ....................................................................................8
Comparator with Latch-off OverCurrent Protection Monitoring the LEDs ....................................................................8
(Block C)........................................................................................ 5
Driving Automotive LEDs............................................................8
Intelligent Driver (Block D) ........................................................ 5
Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 10

Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 11


4/04—Revision 0: Initial Version

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TA = operating temperature range, VPLUS = 13.5 V, unless otherwise noted.
Table 1.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VO 5 V Reference = 5 V 12 V
VO Regulation1 at 25°C VPLUS = 13 V to 27 V −3 ±1 +3 %
VO Regulation2 -40°C to 125°C VPLUS = 13 V to 27 V −6 ±2 +6 %
IOUT3 RSHUNT = 0.4 Ω 500 mA
VO Rise Time IOUT = 250 mA, CM = 22 nF, CL = 47 nF 12 µs
VSENSE Gain 24
VSENSE Accuracy −7 ±3 +7 %
VSENSE Output Impedance 8 10 12 kΩ
Base Drive 15 mA
PWM Turn-On Threshold 3.5 V
PWM Turn-Off Threshold 1.4 V
VSENSE Latch-Off Threshold4 0 0.1 0.3 V
Latch-Off Delay5 2 µs
PWM Frequency Range DC 500 Hz
CM 22 nF
CLOAD Range CL = 47 nF −30 +30 %
Operating Current6 VPLUS > 13 V 360 µA
VPLUS Operating Range 9 27 V
Shutdown Current PWM low 10 µA
5 V Reference Current 160 200 240 µA
Operating Temperature Range −40 +125 °C

VO = 12/5 of the applied reference voltage ±1% typical. Minimum VPLUS voltage for regulation depends on the external transistor Vbe and the shunt voltage.
VO = 12/5 of the applied reference voltage ±2% typical. Minimum VPLUS voltage for regulation depends on the external transistor Vbe and the shunt voltage.
The maximum output current level is set by the selection of the current shunt and power transistor.
(VSENSE – 5 V Reference) The latch-off level is determined by the output level of the sense amplifier. When the amplifier output approaches 5 V, the output is latched off.
This allows the maximum current output level to be determined by the shunt resistor value. Latch-off can be restored to on by cycling the PWM input off and back on.
Internal delay only. The external delay depends on the external capacitor values, LED string impedance, and wiring inductance.
This specifies VPLUS only—ground current includes external transistor base drive.

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Table 2. Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters Rating may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress
Supply Voltage, Continuous 27 V rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any
Supply Voltage, Transient 30 V other conditions above those indicated in the operational
Reverse Supply Protection −0.3 V section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
Operating Temperature 125°C maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
Storage Temperature −65°C to +150°C device reliability.
Output Short-Circuit Duration1 Indefinite

Output short circuits result in a latch-off condition.

ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on
the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features
proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy
electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance
degradation or loss of functionality.

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The AD8240 consists of four functional blocks labeled A HIGH-SIDE CURRENT-SENSE AMPLIFIER WITH
through D, as shown in Figure 2. OPEN LED DETECTION (BLOCK B)
VPLUS SHUNT BASE VO This amplifier is used to measure the LED current by ampli-
fying the voltage across a user-selected shunt resistor. It has a
B gain of 24 and an overall accuracy of 5%. The output of the
amplifier is typically connected to a microcontroller A/D
converter input so that the condition of the LED lamp can be
determined. This output can also be tied to other devices such
A as a latching comparator or output buffer. It is important to note
REFERENCE that the output of this amplifier has a relatively high impedance
of approximately 10 kΩ. As a result, a buffer amplifier should be
D used if the load is less than 100 kΩ.


04824-0-002 PROTECTION (BLOCK C)
This block is used to shut down the output in the case of a
Figure 2. Simplified Functional Block Diagram short circuit or an overcurrent condition. When the output
of the high-side current-sense amplifier approaches 5 V, the
Table 3 briefly describes the blocks, while the sections that
comparator output switches, causing the driver to latch off the
follow provide more detailed information.
output voltage.
Table 3.
A Linear regulator The intelligent driver provides multiple functions:
B High-side current-sense amplifier
C Comparator
• Level shifts and conditions the output of the regulator
amplifier to drive an external user-selected power
D Driver
LINEAR REGULATOR (BLOCK A) • Accepts PWM input so that LED brightness can be
The simplified architecture of the linear regulator block is an controlled by a user-supplied PWM signal.
amplifier and resistor divider. One input to the amplifier is
tied to the 5 V reference. The other input is tied to a resistor • The PWM input can also be used as a simple on/off
divider that sets the ratio of the 5 V reference to VO. As a control for applications that do not require variable
result, the accuracy of the voltage output is proportional to brightness.
the accuracy of the 5 V reference. For example, if the 5 V
• Latch-off input that latches the output off when the
reference is 5% high (5.25 V), the output is 5% high (12.6 V).
comparator trips during an overcurrent event. The latch
is reset by cycling the PWM input.

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Figure 3 shows a connection diagram for a typical application. Shunt Resistor Selection
The shunt resistor is chosen by the equation
In order to set up and evaluate the AD8240, the following
components and equipment are needed: For example if the load is expected to be 500 mA, the shunt
• A shunt resistor (typically 0.1 Ω to 0.5 Ω depending on the value should be equal to or less than 0.4 Ω. This keeps the
load). See the Shunt Resistor Selection section. output of the current sense amplifier from being greater than
4.8 V in normal operation to prevent noise from causing the
• A transistor (the type depends on the load)
output to latch off.
• Two capacitors
Circuit Configuration
• LED load
Connect the pass transistor, capacitors, and LED load(s) as
• 5 V reference voltage shown in Figure 3. It is important to note that the value of CM
• 9 V to 27 V supply should be at least 22 nF to ensure circuit stability.
• Oscilloscope The LED lamp should be configured to expect 12 V. This is
• Digital voltmeter (DVM) the result of selecting the series/parallel combinations of LEDs
and series resistors. The series resistors can be used to adjust
for LED supplier brightness variations from lot to lot.

Connect 5 V to Pin 2 (5 V reference) and at least 9 V to Pin 5

(VPLUS). It may be necessary to raise the VPLUS voltage to more
than 13 V, depending on the drop across the pass transistor, for
the output to be regulated at 12 V. This varies according to the
application and the pass transistor type.

5 6 7 8




Figure 3. Connections for Typical Applications

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The LEDs are turned on and off depending on the CMOS To determine if the load is correct, the voltage at VSENSE should
compatible digital voltage level present at the PWM pin (Pin 3). be as follows during full power operation:
This voltage can be continuous for a simple on/off function, or
PWM for dimming control. The PWM frequency should be less 500 mA × 0.4 Ω × 24 V/V = 4.8 V
than 500 Hz with a range from 5% to 100%. Typical values are If there is a partial LED failure, VSENSE drops in proportion to the
5% for running and 95% for braking. quantity of the failure. For example, if 25% of the LEDs fail, the

Important: The output impedance of VSENSE is approximately If there is a short to ground, VSENSE is near 0 V because the
10 kΩ. Because of this, it may be necessary to buffer the output output is latched off and no current is flowing.
in order to drive a load of less than 100 kΩ. An oscilloscope,
micro-controller A/D converter, or DVM may be used to Using/Evaluating the Short-Circuit Protection Feature
accurately measure the voltage at the VSENSE pin. If there is a short or an overload condition, the voltage at
VSENSE falls close to zero, and the output shuts down
The VSENSE output is used to detect a partial LED failure, or an
(the transistor driver shuts off). This resets when the PWM
overcurrent condition. The voltage present at VSENSE is propor-
voltage is brought low and then high again. If the condition
tional to the current through the load with the equation
persists, the AD8240 attempts to drive the output to 12 V and
ILOAD = (VSENSE/24)/RSHUNT then immediately shuts down. If a PWM voltage is used, the
AD8240 attempts to start after each PWM cycle.
Selection of the shunt resistor can be found by manipulating this
equation. For example This can be simulated by increasing the load so the voltage at
VSENSE slightly exceeds 5 V. When this happens, the output shuts
VSENSE = ILOAD × RSHUNT down, and the VSENSE voltage is close to 0 V.
Expected Load = 500 mA

RSHUNT = 0.4 Ω

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The advantages of driving LED lamps with constant voltage are DRIVING AUTOMOTIVE LEDS
• Low system cost There are two different architectures for driving LEDs in
left/right/center brake lamps, running lamps, and turn signals.
• Accurate monitoring
• Proven strategy Constant Current
The most common method for driving LEDs is with a constant
BACKGROUND current. This current can be supplied from a constant current
A great variety of LED lamps are being used in automotive source or from a constant voltage source in series with a ballast
applications. The most popular application is center brake resistor. Driving LEDs without some form of ballast carries
lamps. Currently, many manufacturers are developing some risk of premature LED failure due to thermal runaway in
technology to use LEDs for left/right brake lamps, running high temperature ambient conditions.
lamps, and turn signals. There are also plans to use high power
For example, in the simplest application, the center brake lamp
LEDs for forward lighting fog lamps and low beams.
is driven from a relatively constant voltage with brightness
There are two fundamental types of LEDs used in these applica- controlled by a series ballast resistor. This simple driving
tions. The first is the low power bright LED. The second type is method has been used in a wide variety of automotive platforms
the high power, extremely bright LED in the 1 W to 10 W range. for some time. With this method, the LEDs and ballast resistors
are preselected for brightness as part of the manufacturing
While the following information can be applied to applications strategy.
using the high power LED, or incandescent lamps, the constant
voltage method is designed for applications typically using the When driving with a constant current source, LED driving
low power bright LEDs. This type of LED is used in arrays that and monitoring cannot be done using two or fewer wires
form LED lamps. (shared ground). Since the current is constant, it does not
change with partial LED failure. Instead, the current is divided
MONITORING THE LEDS among the remaining functional LEDs, causing them to fail
In addition to driving the LED lamp, the electronics in the prematurely at an unpredictable rate. Additionally, it is not
control module must include a method for monitoring partial possible to detect partial failure by measuring the voltage
LED failure in the lamp. Certain factors, such as overdriving change. The voltage does not change by a detectable amount
and mechanical stress, can cause LED failures. because of the steep V/I curve exhibited by bright LEDs. When
using a constant current scheme, at least one additional wire
Auto manufacturers are using LED lamps as a way to differen- per lamp must be added to the harness to monitor partial or
tiate themselves and give a car a unique appearance. Several total LED failure. Additionally, electronic modules must be
failed LEDs in the lamp would ruin the aesthetics of the lamp. added to each lamp.
As a result, manufacturers are demanding the ability to monitor
the LED lamps for partial failure. Constant Voltage
Driving LEDs with a constant voltage allows for easy, low cost
In addition to monitoring the LEDs for aesthetic reasons,
detection of partial failure, an advantage not available with a
monitoring must also be included as a result of automotive
constant-current architecture. This is because the current from
regulations. These regulations specify the minimum light
the voltage source changes in direct proportion to the number
output of external lamps. For example, if half of the LEDs in
of LEDs that have failed. This current can be measured with a
a particular lamp failed, the lamp would still operate, but the
low cost shunt and an amplifier back at the body control
light output would be insufficient to meet automotive
module. This detection scheme is implemented in the AD8240
regulations for brightness. This concern is not an issue for
LED driver/monitor through the use of a high-side, current-
incandescent bulbs, because they are either completely on or
sensing amplifier. The current is measured on the high side in
completely off. The ability of the LED lamp to provide some
order to separate the current from those combined in the
light output in the case of partial outage, however, allows for an
chassis ground return or shared-wire ground return.
extra degree of safety over incandescent lamps. Additionally,
there are automotive regulations requiring the monitoring of
the turn signals regardless of the type of light source.

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As a result, the constant voltage driving/monitoring method is Constant voltage driving/monitoring is a proven method
the lowest cost and least-prone-to-failure method for driving already in use in a number of automotive platforms to drive
and monitoring LEDs from a system perspective. This is LED tail, running, and turn-indicator lamps.
primarily because the number of wires and connections can be
minimized. By using a constant voltage driver and measuring The AD8240 LED lamp driver/monitor is designed for use in
the current, an LED lamp can be driven and monitored using the body control or related module. When used this way, it is
only two wires (power and ground). In many cases, this can be very similar to the method that has been used to control
reduced to one wire when the chassis or shared ground return external incandescent lamps. By utilizing the existing lamp
is used. This is a similar architecture used with incandescent driving architecture, additional modules are not required to
bulbs, which means no changes to the wiring harness are drive the external lamps, which further minimizes the cost.
necessary with this LED implementation. It is possible to retrofit existing lamp driving modules with
the AD8240 with minimal engineering time required.
Most automotive platforms no longer use a switch on the
dashboard to directly control the incandescent lamps. These
lamps are now controlled and driven by the body control ECU.
By using this constant voltage architecture, the control and drive
function for the LEDs can remain in the ECU with minimal
design modification.

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8 5
3.00 4.90

0.65 BSC

0.15 1.10 MAX

0.38 8° 0.60
0.22 0° 0.40
0.10 PLANE


Figure 4. 8-Lead Mini Small Outline Package [MSOP]

Dimensions shown in millimeters

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Model Temperature Range Package Description Package Option Package Outline
AD8240YRM −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 JTA
AD8240YRM-REEL −40°C to +125°C MSOP, 13” Tape and Reel RM-8 JTA
AD8240YRM-REEL7 −40°C to +125°C MSOP, 7” Tape and Reel RM-8 JTA

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© 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and

registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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