EuroCode 4 - Lecture 1
EuroCode 4 - Lecture 1
EuroCode 4 - Lecture 1
Eurocodes Development of
A Trans-national Approach
2 Introduction to EC4
7 Continuous Beams
8 Composite Columns
9 Composite joints
• This lecture contains an introduction to the design and application of composite structures. Also the
advantages and fields of use for composite structures are shown.
• Composite construction is popular for buildings and bridges as well because of the following aspects:
Service and building flexibility
• Some examples of existing buildings and construction methods are listed.
• None
• To give an overview of possibilities and examples of composite structures illustrated by examples of
existing structures.
• [1] Gerald Huber: Non linear calculations of composite sections and semi-continuous joints
Doctoral Thesis, Verlag Ernst & Sohn December1999
• [2] ECCS 83 European Convention for Constructional Steelwork: Design Guide for Slim Floors with
Built-in Beams
• [3] ECCS 87 European Convention for Constructional Steelwork: Design Manual for composite Slabs
• [4] Tschemmernegg F: Lecture Mixed Building Technology in Buildings, University of Innsbruck
• [5] Helmut Bode: Euro Verbundbau, Konstruktion und Berechnung, 1998
• [6] EN 1994-1-1Draft No.2: Design of composite steel and concrete structures, 2001
• [7] COST C1 Control of the semi–rigid behaviour of civil engineering structural connections
Proceedings of the international conference, Liége, 17 to 19 September 1998
• [8] Teaching Modules of A-MBT,1999/2000: Application Centre Mixed Building Technology ,
Innsbruck -Austria,
• [9] ESDEP: Europäisches Stahlbau - Lehrprogramm CD-Rom, 1996
1 General
2 Aspects of use of composite structures
2.1 Architectural
2.2 Economics
2.3 Functionality
2.4 Service and building flexibility
2.5 Assembly
2.6 Comparison with other methods
3 Construction methods
3.1 Construction elements
3.2 Slabs
3.2.1 Reinforced concrete slabs
3.2.2 Pre-stressed concrete slabs
3.2.3 Profiled steel sheeting
3.3 Beams
3.4 Columns
3.5 Joints
4 Definitions and terminology
4.1 Composite member
4.2 Shear connection
4.3 Composite beam
4.4 Composite column
4.5 Composite slab
4.6 Composite frame
4.7 Composite joint
4.8 Shear-slip characteristic of a single connector
4.9 Degree of shear connection (resistance)
4.10 Shear interaction (stiffness)
5 Examples
5.1 Millennium Tower (Vienna – Austria)
5.2 Citibank Duisburg (Duisburg – Germany)
5.3 Parking deck “DEZ” (Innsbruck- Austria)
6 Future developments
7 Concluding summary
1 General
The most important and frequently encountered combination of construction materials is that of
steel and concrete applied for buildings as well as bridges [1]. Although very different in nature,
these two materials complement one another:
The design of structures for buildings and bridges is mainly concerned with the provision and
support of horizontal surfaces. In buildings, the floors are usually made of concrete, reinforced
by steel to resist tension. As spans increase though, it is cheaper to support the slab, for
example by beams, rather than to thicken the slab. In building structures the grid of beams is in
turn supported by columns. Both the beams and columns can be conveniently constructed
using structural steel sections, normally hot-rolled I- and H- shapes respectively. It used to be
customary to design the bare steelwork to carry all the loads, but since the 1950´s it has become
increasingly common to connect the concrete slabs to the supporting beams by mechanical
devices. These eliminate, or at least reduce, slip at the steel-concrete interface, so that the slab
and the steel beam section act together as a composite unit, commonly termed a “composite
beam”(Figure 1) [7].
2.1 Architectural
Designing composite structures offers a lot of architectural variations to combine different types
of composite elements.
In addition to reductions in the dimensions of the beams
• longer spans
• thinner slabs
• more slender columns
offer flexibility and more generous opportunities for design.
2.2 Economical
Enormous potential of cost saving results from smaller dimensions (higher stiffness results in
less deflections, longer spans and less overall height) and quicker erection.
The advantageous ratio of span width to height (l/h=35) can be beneficial:
• Reduction of height reduces the total height of the building
Saving area of cladding
• Longer spans with the same height (compared to other methods of construction)
-->Column free rooms can be used more flexibly
• Additional storeys with the same total height of building
Composite structures are easy to erect and have quicker times of erection
--> saving of costs, earlier completion of the building,
-->lower financing costs
-->ready for use earlier thus increasing rental income
2.3 Functionality
Conventional steel structures use applied fire protection systems to insulate the steel from the
heat of the fire. Modern steel and composite structures can provide fire resistance by using
principles of reinforced concrete structures in which the concrete protects the steel because of
its high mass and relatively low thermal conductivity.
Just as composite slabs may resist fire, also composite beams can be used with unprotected
flanges, but then the space between the flanges has to be filled with concrete and additional
reinforcement. This not only maintains relatively low temperatures in the web and upper flange,
but also provides flexural strength, compensating for the reduction contribution from the hot
lower flange.
• in the ceiling
• within a false floor
• in a coffer box running along the walls
The gap between the soffit and the bottom flange of a composite beam constitutes an ideal zone
in which services can be located.
2.5 Assembly
Composite floors are now the preferred approach for a wide range of structures, offering the
designer and clients the following advantages:
• Working platform.
Before concreting, the decking provides an excellent safe working platform which speeds the
construction process for other trades.
• Permanent shuttering:
The steel deck spans from beam to beam, forming permanent formwork to the concrete, the need
of temporary props is often not necessary. The decking constitutes a good vapour barrier.
The soffit remains clean after concreting and the use of colour-coated steel sheets can give an
attractive aesthetical aspect to the ceiling although painting can cause problems with through-
deck stud welding.
• Steel reinforcement:
The steel reinforcement provided by the cross-section of the deck itself is usually sufficient to
resist sagging moments. Fabric reinforcement may be provided in the slab to resist shrinkage or
temperature movements or to provide continuity over intermediate supports. (hogging
moments). Composite action is obtained by the profiled shape or by mechanical means provided
by indentation or embossment of the steel profile.
• Speed and simplicity of construction:
The unique properties of the steel deck combining high rigidity and low weight, ease
considerably the transportation and the storage of the material on site. Often one lorry is capable
of carrying up to 1500 m2 of flooring. A team of four men can set up to 400 m2 of decking per day.
Panels are light, pre-fabricated elements that are easily transported and set in place by two or
three men.
Composite beam Steel beam without any shear connection
Steel cross section IPE 400 IPE 550 HE 360 B
Construction height [mm] 560 710 520
Load capacity 100% 100% 100%
Generally the cross section dimensions of composite structures are much less than reinforced
concrete or a bare steel framework .
Table 2 for example compares the sizes of quite large composite columns and beams with
reinforced concrete counterparts under the same loading conditions.
So comparing these two methods a combination of both presents itself as the most economic
way. More than only picking out the advantages of each method even new advantages can be
gained. So for example, in composite construction higher bearing capacities can be achieved
than in steel and concrete. But also stiffness and plastic redistribution can be improved by
combining steel with concrete. On the one hand this enables advantage to be taken of the
plastic reserves of the system and on the other hand to reduce safety factors due to the good-
natured inherent ductility of the failure modes.
Speaking about composite construction in the following it should be mentioned that in many
cases actually mixed building technology is the most efficient solution. Strictly composite only
means the interaction of two materials within one construction element (e.g. a concrete-filled
tubular steel column) whereas the philosophy of mixed building technology includes the
combination of construction elements or members built up with different construction methods
(e.g. concrete column in combination with a composite beam and a prefabricated slab).
See also clause 4:
Building up a composite structure in a very economic way can be divided into the following Definitions and
operations: terminology
• First of all a conventional skeleton structure in steel, braced or unbraced, will be erected. If
hollow steel sections are used for the columns the reinforcement cages already can be
positioned in the shop.
• Also all brackets, finplates and vertical shear studs (non-headed bolts or shot-fired nails) for
the load transfer between the steel and the concrete encasement have to be prepared in the
shop to speed up the erection on site requiring a detailed planning stage. After arranging
the columns the bare steel beams are simply hinged in between.
• Prefabricated concrete elements or profiled steel sheeting are spanning from beam to beam,
serving both as shuttering and as a working platform.
Finally, by concreting the slabs and the columns in one process the stiffness and resistance of
the columns and beams increases and the joints are automatically transformed from hinges to
semi-continuous restraints.
composite slab
composite beam
composite column
floor = beam + slab
3.2 Slabs
For all these variations, illustrated in Figure 4, there is the possibility to use normal or light
weight concrete. In the case of fully prefabricated slabs attention has to be paid to the fact that
only a small part of in situ concrete within the clearances can be activated by the beams to act
3.3 Beams
The second element within the floor are the beams supporting the slabs and carrying the loads
to the columns . Depending on the grid of beams the slabs therefore are spanning in one
direction. Following the philosophy of mixed structures those beams can be realised in steel,
concrete, steel-concrete composite or even other materials or their combination. In the following
only steel-concrete composite floor beams will be treated in detail.
In a composite beam within the sagging moment region the concrete slab is activated in
compression by shear connectors. Headed studs dominate in practical application. The
advantage is the combination of a relatively large stiffness with a very large deformation
capacity. Therefore, in contrast to block dowels, headed studs can be arranged with constant
spacing in between which considerably facilitates the application. The disadvantage lies in the
problems of weldability, especially when using galvanised plates or coated steel flanges but also
regarding water in between the sheeting and the flange.
The high bearing capacity and stiffness of composite beams allows the construction of very
wide column free rooms with comparatively little construction height. Until now composite
beams have only been built single span or continuous, rigid composite connections to the
columns have been avoided because of missing knowledge. For the steel parts, rolled IPE-, HEA-
, HEB-, channel - but also built-up sections are used for conventional spans. For higher column
spacing castellated beams and trusses are brought into action. In special cases the steel beam
sections may be partially encased e.g. in view of fire protection.
The slim-floor technology, where the beams are fully integrated into the slabs, has brought a
sensational boom of the composite construction method starting in the Scandinavian countries.
It gives the possibility of a flat ceiling without downstand beams. Slim floor systems have the
same advantages as conventional concrete flat slabs whilst avoiding the well-known problems of
punching shear at the column heads. The combination of slim-floors with hollow column
sections seems to promise a great future. See the mentioned
examples in clause 5
3.4 Columns
Beside the possibility to realize pure steel or concrete columns the bearing behaviour of
composite columns mainly is dominated by the structural steel part in it.
They are commonly used where large normal forces are combined with the wish for small
sections. As the composite columns may be prefabricated or at least prepared in the shop the
construction time can be drastically reduced compared to in-situ concrete. A decisive advantage
over bare steel columns is the very high fire resistance of composite columns without any
preventive measures.
For the steel section rolled I-profiles as well as rectangular and tubular hollow sections are
suitable. I-sections can be fully or partially encased, where only the chambers are filled with
concrete. Hollow sections have the advantage that no further shuttering is necessary for
concreting, they are favoured by architects and they behave very well with regard to fire
resistance. For very high loads even steel cores within hollow steel sections are used. A survey
of practical composite column types is shown in Figure 12, for an application of a composite
To ensure sufficient composite action between the steel and concrete part, shear connectors
have to be placed in the areas of concentrated load introduction, therefore at the level or a little
bit below the floors. Considering rolled sections again headed bolts or angle studs can be used.
For hollow column sections non-headed bolts put in through holes and welded at the section
surface stood the tests, additionally serving as bar spacers not hampering concreting. However
the welding of these shear connectors is relatively time-consuming. As a really economic
alternative together with Hilti the nailing technique (Figure 14) has been developed for the use as
shear connectors in hollow column sections. The placement is easy and very fast and the
resistance proved to be amazingly high with good ductility.
3.5 Joints
Traditionally the joints have simply been regarded as a part of the column and have not been
considered in the global calculation. However as a joint strictly consists of parts of the column,
the beams and the slabs, connecting elements and sometimes also includes stiffening elements
the real behaviour can only be taken into consideration by defining the joint as a separate
element within the structure additional to the beams and column elements. On one hand this
enables more efficient constructions but on the other hand the influence of the joints on the
global behaviour is so important that the old-fashioned philosophy of perfect hinges or fully
continuous restraints does not describe the real behaviour of a semi continuous joint. (See
Figure 15) According to this new approach, joints may be assessed with regard to the following
three main characteristics.
• stiffness:A joint with vanishing rotational stiffness and which therefore carries no bending
moment is called a hinge. A rigid joint is one whose rigidity under flexure is more or less
infinite and which thus ensures a perfect continuity of rotations. In between these two
extreme boundaries we speak about semi-rigid joints.
• moment resistance:In contrast to a hinge, a joint whose ultimate strength is greater than the
ultimate resistance (ultimate strength) of the parts whose linkage it ensures is called a full
strength joint. Again a partial strength joint represents a middle course between these
extremes. (For simplicity from now on “resistance” will mostly be used for the ultimate
resistance value; the terms “resistance” and “strength” are used in the Eurocodes with an
identical meaning.)
moment resistance (strength)
ϕ M
initial stiffness
In recent years all over the world extensive testing programs have been performed for studying
the non-linear behaviour of individual components and their assembly to gain the non-linear
moment-rotation reaction of the whole joint formed by these components. Further as the
connection between beams and hollow column sections is problematic with regard to the transfer
of vertical shear forces due to the inaccessibility of the column’s interior, several efforts have
been made to develop a connection providing sufficient bearing capacity which either can be
prepared already in the shop or which can easily be placed in site. The problem increases due to
the eccentricity of the imposed loads due to tolerances in combination with the relatively thin
steel sheets . An example of a connection type is illustrated in figure 16.
shot-fired nails
• A simple bracket can be welded to the column surface supporting either the beam’s upper
or lower flange. Bearing on the lower flange requires fire protection to the bracket and in
those cases where no suspended ceiling is used the architect might refuse to use such an
ugly bracket. Using a bracket for the upper flange, one has to put up a more difficult
erection, especially when aiming at a rigid connection in the final state.
Summarising it should be emphasised that the most economic way of erection is to start with
single span steel beams (propped or unpropped) hinged to the columns. By placing contact
pieces and reinforcement semi-continuous restraints are very simply formed after hardening of
concrete at the final state.
As some principle terms in composite construction are often used in the wrong context and
therefore lead to misunderstandings they will be now defined:
resistance (strength)
initial stiffness
deformation capacity
+ +
N i,Rd N i ,Rd
η= η=
N Rd ,concrete N Rd ,steel
with Ni , Rd = ∑ TRd ,i
dowel number
≥ 100 %
No shear connection (η=0) means that both section parts act completely separately. In the case
of full shear connection (η≥100%) there is sufficient bearing capacity provided by the dowels to
achieve failure of the section itself (yielding of all layers). In between these two extreme
boundaries we speak about partial shear connection (0≤η≤100%) which commonly results in an
optimum of material and costs (Figure 19). For partial shear connection the bearing capacity of
the beam is limited by the failure of the shear connection.
It is important to mention that so far partial shear connection according to EC4 is only licensed
observing the following conditions: Ductile shear connectors, static loading, sagging moments, [6]
limited span. 6.7
It should be noted that full shear connection does not mean that there is no slip in the interface.
So no slip strictly can only be achieved by a very high degree of shear connection depending on
the stiffness of the connection elements themselves. Therefore raising the degree of shear
connection above 100% by adding more shear connectors does not increase the beam’s
resistance at the ultimate limit state any more but brings a reduction of slip and deflection at the
serviceability limit state. However attention has to be paid not to exceed the capacity of the
shear in the concrete flanges which would lead to brittle failure.
horizontal N i
shear force complete
shear interaction
s slip
shear connection goes hand in hand with an increase of shear interaction (reduction of slip).
Therefore strictly an infinitely rigid interaction would only be possible for infinite stiff shear
connectors or an infinitely large number of them (and therefore not realizable in practice). So the
term complete interaction has to be understood as sufficiently small displacements the effects of
which may be neglected. So for the incomplete interaction, as a term related to the serviceability
limit state, the relative displacements in the dowel layer have to be taken into consideration by a
jump in the strain distribution. The Bernoulli-hypothesis of plane cross sections remaining plane
in the deformed state is only valid for the two individual section parts steel and concrete
separately, but not for the overall composite cross section.
For incomplete interaction the slip is accompanied by an increase of mid-span-deflection in
comparison to a beam with an infinitely stiff shear interface as demonstrated in figure 21. In EC4
[6] this effect is taken into consideration in an approximate manner by a linear interpolation
depending on the degree of shear connection:
δ δ
= 1+ ν ⋅ (1- η) ⋅ a − 1
δc δc
where δa is the deflection of the bare steel beam
δc is the deflection of the composite beam assuming infinite
rigid shear connection
η is the degree of shear connection
ν depends on the type of shear action (0,3 or 0,5)
As already mentioned that means that in the code 100% shear connection roughly simplifying is
set equal to infinite stiff shear interaction.
[kN] error [6]
rigid η= 100 %
60 %
20 %
0 50 100 150 [mm]
Mid Deflection
5 Examples
42,3 m
Concrete slab
Concrete core
The office building of the Citibank in Duisburg (Germany) has a total height of 72m, 15 storeys
and a total ground floor of 14500 m2.
It is a typical example of mixed building technology. The internal reinforced concrete core is
intended to carry horizontal forces and was erected with a maximum speed of 3 m per day. The
composite columns and slabs around followed the core in nearly the same speed, so a very fast
progress of construction was possible.
A further example for a composite structure is the new parking deck in Innsbruck (Austria),
which shows how the technology leads to new solutions in the design phase as well as in the
execution and construction. The structural requirements and boundary conditions are pointed
out briefly and their solution is explained by a suitable system choice.
The parking house is a 4 storey building with ground dimensions of 60 x 30 m.
The particularity is the 26 cm thick slim floor slab which is semicontinuously connected with the
composite columns.
Maximum span length of composite slim floor beams : 10,58 m
Also a particularity of the building is the 4,8 m cantilever and the very slim columns (composite
columns: Ø=355 mm).
This building is an example of simplifying the process of erection. By using columns over 2
storeys and partially prefabricated slabs the time of erection could be minimized.
Fig. 27 Fig. 28
Figure 29 shows the cross section of the slim-floor beam and slab.
6 Future developments
A lot of research all over Europe has improved existing composite systems and has led to the
development of new technologies e.g. Slim-floor slabs with semi continuous connections to the
columns, new steel sheets or systems to minimize the time of erection and assembly.
Other developments concerning the real behaviour of composite structures and elements are
published in COST-C1 project.[7]
7 Concluding Summary
Composite construction is popular for buildings and bridges as well because of the following
• Economy
• Architecture
• Functionality
• Service and building flexibility
• Assembly