Chicago Walmart Economic Impact Study
Chicago Walmart Economic Impact Study
Chicago Walmart Economic Impact Study
Special Report to
The New Chicago School of
Community Economic Development
March 25, 2004
Executive Summary
The New Chicago School for Community Economic Development is a network of
practitioners working in universities, community and community development
organizations, businesses, unions, and consulting organizations. We share a
determination to promote High Road development that is socially, economically, and
environmentally sustainable. We are equally determined to expose and block Low Road
business strategies that destroy the productive capacity and future of our communities,
companies, and society. A fuller description of the New Chicago School plus contact
information is at the end of this report.
The High and Low Road: For businesses, labor, community, and government, there is a
fork in the road representing a choice between the “High Road” and the “Low Road.”
We believe that key elements of the solutions to the challenges of a late capitalist society
can be met when businesses adopt certain practices. We call this set of practices the High
Road. High Road practices benefit workers and communities, but they also materially
benefit the businesses that adopt them. Examples of High Road business practices
Implementing equitable employment and labor practices. Workers are paid
family sustaining wages and benefits, are well trained, have opportunities to
advance and have the freedom to associate and organize. Diversity in the
workplace is embraced.
Treating the community as a key stakeholder and acting in the community’s best
Some would see this as the way business was generally done in the past; it is not a
particularly new concept. In contrast, the Low Road seeks a strong return on investment
Ignoring the needs and concerns of those beyond the most short-sighted and
powerful shareholders, investors, and/or managers.
The pursuit of the Low Road by some companies is made possible by new opportunities
created by the global economy and new technology. Business in the manufacturing,
retail, and service sectors can take the Low Road by responding to the challenge of
domestic and global competition by slashing costs, reducing investment and lowering
wages, or moving production to the state or country with the lowest wages at the
moment. Leaders in the public as well as private sector must recognize that this strategy
is not the only option, and this strategy guarantees the degradation and destabilization of
our economy and society.
reports prepared for the US Congress. Wal-Mart has become recognized as a leading
destructive economic power in the US and abroad. Where it establishes stores, other
retail stores are forced to close, wage and benefit rates for workers are lowered in the
area, the rights of workers to organize are abused, and local communities have to pick up
the costs of these abuses in many different ways. In the face of these revelations, Wal-
Mart has launched an aggressive public relations campaign to create the illusion that the
company is a source of good jobs and benefits for workers and communities and a good
corporate citizen.
Wal-Mart is trying to enter the Chicago market. Some in the City welcome their entry
hoping that Wal-Mart will provide jobs in communities desperate for new employment,
tax revenues for the city, and low-cost goods for consumers. The New Chicago School
opposes the entry of Wal-Mart into Chicago. Wal-Mart will accelerate the
de-development of our communities, further drain scarce public resources, and encourage
anti-labor actions and sentiment. Chicago needs to stop Wal-Mart from entering our city.
Instead, Chicago needs to encourage the development of a High Road retail sector that
both meets the needs of consumers as well as builds our communities.
The New Chicago School for Community Economic Development calls on Mayor Daley,
the City Council, as well as our labor, religious, civil, community, and business leaders to
join us in stopping Wal-Mart from coming into our community and to instead focus on
being the national leader in creating a comprehensive High Road retail sector that will be
the envy of the global economy. This is not principally a moral or political argument,
although it has those dimensions. It’s a business argument. Scarce city dollars and city
assets such as land and infrastructure should be used in a way that secures the greatest
return for the city—the biggest bang for the buck. This is the wisdom that guides any
investor. It’s clear that City investment in Wal-Mart and its proven Low Road policies
will result in a negative return on investment. It is simply the obligation of good
government to find and reward those in the retail sector who operate on the High Road
and will generate a positive return on investment for the City.
Wal-Mart: An Overview
Founded in 1962 in a small Arkansas town by Sam Walton, Wal-Mart started as a family
owned discount store that was grounded in values of respect for workers and community,
and committed to under-pricing the competition. There is no questioning the company’s
incredible efficiency and shrewd market sense, and that the innovative business strategy
of Sam Walton has transformed the retail industry in some positive ways. However,
somewhere along the way Sam Walton and his successors lost track of the community-
and worker-focused values on which Wal-Mart’s initial success was built. Wal-Mart is
still run on the principle that low prices are the greatest good, yet its commitment to Low-
Road business practices and disregard for community and worker well being are far more
damaging to its employees, suppliers, manufacturers and the community then any of the
supposed benefits of low prices.
Wal-Mart is the world’s largest company in terms of sales. It is the US’s largest private
employer--second only to the federal government--with 1.1 million workers. Recently it
has become the largest grocer in the US1. Wal-Mart has 3,400 stores in the US and 1,400
abroad. It plans to open 1,000 Supercenters (combination supermarket/discount stores) in
the next five years2. In 2002 it posted revenues of $246.5 billion, a 12.2% increase over
2001 and made a net profit of $8 billion, or about $7,300 per employee on an annual
basis. The five members of the Walton family who own a substantial portion of Wal-
Mart are all on the list of the 10 wealthiest Americans and are collectively worth $100
billion dollars3.
Because of Wal-Mart’s size, its enormous profitability, and its aggressive growth, it
cannot help but be a leader in defining corporate trends. For instance, Wal-Mart
pioneered the use of the Universal Bar Code and insisted that its suppliers do the same,
laying the groundwork for its proliferation across the entire US. Similarly, although Wal-
Mart did not invent the discount store, it certainly has dictated and perfected the nature of
the market. Wal-Mart’s size of stores, variety of goods, warehouse clubs, marketing
strategies, distribution, and relationships with suppliers – and increasingly with labor –
have become the sector benchmark.4
Perhaps the greatest threat posed by Wal-Mart’s ability to lower costs lies in the effect
that this has on its competitors. Wal-Mart’s strategies focus on cutting cost in all phases
of business, while ruthlessly targeting competitors and unions. This is exemplified in
practices that include boardroom meetings where executives pay for their own coffee,
distribution that employs constantly evolving techniques and technology (like just-in-
sequence loading, and, starting soon, radio chips in every item), relationships with
suppliers that force vendors to lower the price of an item each year or face losing their
contract, relentless insistence on efficiency and punctuality, and employee relations
where unquestionably Low Road methods are used to lower labor costs at the expense of
worker rights and health. This obsession with slashing costs, combined with Wal-Mart’s
size, leave competitors with no choice but to follow suit or perish. Although it does not
have majority market share everywhere it goes, Wal-Mart’s low costs and popularity
force competitors to behave as it does. Thus, when Wal-Mart innovates in the field of
Low-Road retail and groceries, its competitors replicate. This is visible in Southern
California where more than 70,000 grocery store workers were forced into a strike with
Ralph’s, Albertson’s and Safeway stores. These chains were preemptively attempting to
cut benefits to be more competitive as Wal-Mart arrives, despite the fact that estimates
say Wal-Mart will only have a 5% market share in the region in the next 5 years5.
However, as of late, Wal-Mart has taken a series of public relations hits and the company
has recognized a concurrent slide in consumer perception. Wal-Mart’s own research
informs it that the public is increasingly suspicious and untrusting of the giant retailer.
The reaction to this problem has been a massive public relations campaign designed to
flood the public with more sugary-sweet images of employees telling tales of how life-
saving operations were paid for by Wal-Mart’s health insurance, or clips that highlight
Wal-Mart’s profit sharing initiatives, the openness of its management ranks and the
community development work it funds6.
When Wal-Mart is challenged by, for instance, a community group or a city council, it
responds with a much more nuanced and sophisticated level of illusion. In Los Angeles
when the city council proposed a zoning ordinance that would ban the store from the city,
Wal-Mart commissioned the Los Angeles Development Corporation to study the
economic impact of Wal-Mart Supercenters on Southern California. The findings of this
supposedly unbiased report were that savings on grocery bills for L.A. families would
have such a positive effect on the overall economy that any negative effects of Wal-
Mart’s presence (lower wages, decreased benefits, etc.) would be overcome by the
average savings of $500 per family, per year7. Thus, the overall economic impact,
supposedly measured objectively, would be to lower grocery and retail costs, promote
spending, and create jobs. Very serious and compelling doubts have been raised about
the accuracy of such assertions, but it is important to note that Wal-Mart actively
responds to critics who raise significant questions with complex public relations
A more common response to attempts to keep Wal-Mart out through legislation is for the
super-retailer to sponsor ballot initiatives and form “citizen groups” in favor of Wal-
Mart, and spend hundreds of thousands – even millions – of dollars to create the
impression that the community welcomes its presence and its low prices at all costs. In
these cases Wal-Mart draws upon issues of consumer choice to reach out to voters,
urging communities to let shoppers decide with their dollars what kind of stores they
want. The company hopes to thereby skirt the more complex development issues and
keep the level of dialogue quite low8.
Based on estimates by Forbes Magazine, the United Food and Commercial Workers, and
Ralph’s (Kroger) supermarket chain, the average Wal-Mart “Associate” (non-
management, non-salaried worker) earns between $7.50 and 8.50 an hour.9 A study by
the staff of a congressional committee placed the average Wal-Mart associate wage at
$8.23 in 2001.10 This is significantly less than the national average hourly wage of retail
or grocery workers (union or non-union)11. Nationally grocery workers are paid an
average of $10.35/hour in the unionized or non-unionized sector, based on Bureau of
Labor Statistics data12. In the retail sector, wages average approximately $9.50 to$10.50
per hour for union and non-union, non-supervisory workers13. Nationally, union grocery
workers earn considerably more, as much as $11-$12 per hour more than Wal-Mart
employees when benefits are factored in 14. As of 2002 in Chicago the average hourly
wage for retail workers without college degrees in either the unionized or non-unionized
sector was $10.9315.
Wal-Mart wages are typically not adequate to sustain a family: employees are often
living below the federal poverty line and eligible for food stamps. At Wal-Mart full-time
workers are defined as those working 34 hours or more per week16. A very large number
of employees are asked to work less than this in order to keep benefit costs down. The
following table shows that a typical “Associate” would be eligible for food stamps and all
but those few workers working 40 hours a week and having small families would be
below the poverty line. Bad as this seems the poverty line may not be the best measure of
just how bad off Wal-Mart employees are. The federal poverty level is a more or less
arbitrary figure that poorly estimates the way poor Americans spend their income and as
a result is significantly lower than the self-sufficiency level, as defined by Wider
Opportunities for Women Self-Sufficiency Standard. This is the ability to meet the needs
of healthcare, food, transportation, housing, etc. without government assistance. In many
places in the country, a family of four with two Wal-Mart employees working 34 hours
per week would fall below this level17. Of course, Chicago is a high cost area where
abysmal Wal-Mart wages will not stretch as far as they would in a rural community.
Family size 3 4 3 4
Wal-Mart often defends its low wages by pointing out its health benefits (see below) and
by pointing out that two-thirds of its managers were once hourly, entry-level workers.
However, as a new store is opened managers are typically moved from other existing
stores and do not come from the area around the store. While there are a very few better
paid, salaried jobs at Wal-Mart the benefits of these positions are diluted by the closed
nature of these positions in new stores and by the extremely high turnover rate at Wal-
Mart (see below).
At Wal-Mart stores, managers are judged in part on their ability to keep payroll costs at a
strict percentage of sales. Because this is about the only area of operation that is
significantly under the local control of the manager, it is often the primary way he/she
holds down costs. Managers are given wide latitude in managing these costs, which
result in great variation among company stores in the rate of pay increases, starting
salaries, etc.
Worker Treatment
Overtime: Wal-Mart faces 38 state and federal lawsuits filed by hourly workers in 30
different states, accusing the company of systematically forcing them to work long hours
off the clock. A July 2000 internal audit of 128 Wal-Mart stores found that 127 stores
were "not in compliance" with company policies concerning workers being allowed to
take breaks18.
Gender Discrimination: Despite the fact that 65% of Wal-Mart’s hourly employees are
women only about 30% of management is female. Female workers on average earn 4.5-
5.6% less than men for the same work. Male management trainees make an average of
$23,175 a year, compared with $22,371 for women. On June 19, 2001 current and
former female Wal-Mart employees filed a massive nationwide sex discrimination class
action lawsuit against Wal-Mart Stores, Inc in the U.S. District Court. The suit is seeking
class action status and will make the largest class action lawsuit ever, with well over one
million participants19.
Managers: Wal-Mart store managers are salaried workers who earn bonuses based on
their stores’ earnings. Since the corporation dictates the inventory and operating
expenses to a large degree, one of the few ways managers have to cut costs is by keeping
a tight lid on wages. Wal-Mart expects its managers to increase sales each year, yet
decrease labor costs by two tenths of a percent from the prior year's figures. This may be
a large factor in high worker turnover rates, low health care participation, low wages, and
failure to pay overtime20.
Labor Rights: Wal-Mart regularly suppresses its workers' democratic right to organize
through management techniques, labor busting teams, and unfair intimidation. Federal
labor law charges have been filed on behalf of Wal-Mart workers in 25 states. From
1998 through 2003 the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) filed more than 45
complaints accusing Wal-Mart managers in more than two dozen stores of illegal
practices. When meat cutters at a Jacksonville, Tex., Wal-Mart voted for UFCW Local
540 representation in February 2000, the company refused to recognize the union, and
suddenly eliminated the meat cutter job function and switched to case-ready “boxed”
meat. So extreme was its desire to prevent unionization that Wal-Mart not only
eliminated the butcher function in that particular store, but in every single store in the
entire nation: all to prevent eleven employees from being unionized. After a lawsuit and
three years of litigation the case was resolved in favor of the workers who had their
Union recognized. However, only one of the original workers from the meat-cutting
department was still there and is the only member of the local.21
Worker Turnover: On average, worker turnover at a Wal-Mart store is 50% per year.
Some stores average as much 100% turnover per year. The result is an endless cycle of
entry-level workers, ineligible for health benefits and receiving the lowest or close to the
lowest possible wage. This is important to take into account, given that Wal-Mart
frequently points out to detractors that it has no wage structure or wage caps and that
two-thirds of management started as hourly wage workers22.
Health Care: Despite Wal-Mart’s attempts to show otherwise, it appears that its health
care program offers incomplete coverage in a number of ways and comes at great
expense to its “associates”. The first great failing of Wal-Mart’s Health care program is
the fact that it only provides benefits to between 41-46% of employees (as compared to a
national average of 66% of workers at other large firms and 53% of retail workers in any
sized firm). High premiums, of as much as 20% of yearly income, also characterize the
plan. Then there are the enormous gaps in coverage that ultimately force the employees
who are able to afford the plan to pay out of pocket expenses, or turn to publicly funded
health care to meet their medical needs. In addition, Wal-Mart places huge barriers in the
way of those who attempt to insure spouses or family members under their plans. The
basic failings of Wal-Mart’s healthcare plan are as follows:
Full time employees are eligible for health care coverage only after 6 months;
Part time employees (defined as less than 34 hours a week) are eligible for
coverage only after two years (it is especially important to remember that there is
typically 70% turnover per year);
Wal-Mart has been widely criticized for denying fulltime status to willing
employees in order to deny them health benefits.
Wal-Mart’s health care plan is also characterized by huge gaps in coverage. These
A 20% co-payment for workers of all medical bills in addition to their deductible
(40% for non-network doctors).
No immunizations.
The list goes on and on, but the bottom line is that the small percentage of employees
who have health insurance are not well covered and are likely to end up paying
significant portions of their incomes to supplement coverage in the event of serious
illness. Furthermore, given the low wages at Wal-Mart, this greatly increases the
likelihood of turning to some form of public health care to subsidize their medical
“Made in America”: Despite Wal-Mart’s widespread campaign in the 90’s to create the
impression that it “Buys American”, presently 50%-60% of its products are from abroad.
In fact, Wal-Mart has nearly 3,000 supplier factories in China and nearly 10% of all
imports from China to the US goes directly to Wal-Mart25. Wal-Mart has even
established its own global procurement division this year, abandoning any pretenses
about buying American26. This division of Wal-Mart searches the globe for the cheapest
raw materials, manufacturers and shipping routes. This unit allows Wal-Mart to directly
exert downward pressure on wages and working conditions and costs as they shop from
country to country in an endless quest to squeeze countries and suppliers for the lowest
possible price.
Supercenters: Supercenters are combination grocery and retail stores, typically around
200,000 square feet in size. They bring scale to Wal-Mart’s Low Road business strategy
and constitute even a greater danger to the local economy than the smaller Wal-Mart
operations. These massive stores usually include an extensive jewelry department; a
hardware center; a beauty aid department; a full line of electronics; a pharmacy; a full-
sized grocery store featuring a bakery, delicatessen, frozen food section, meat & dairy,
and fresh produce departments; a one-hour photo processing lab; a barber shop/salon; an
optometrist; an auto center; and a gas-station. In the next year Wal-Mart plans to build
420 Supercenters nation-wide and 1,000 over the next 5 years. A typical Supercenter
grosses $140 million per year and has around 3,300 car trips per day and 100,000 visitors
per week27. Two-thirds of Supercenters are converted from existing Wal-Mart discount
stores28. Wal-Mart’s expansion plans in this area represent an unheralded threat to
grocery stores throughout the country.
Buildings: Wal-Mart has about 3,400 stores in the US and is constantly looking to
expand or upgrade stores to newer, more highly trafficked locations. Right now there are
more than 396 vacant former Wal-Mart stores in America. Most other retailers cannot
easily reuse a 220,000 square foot Supercenter building. Wal-Mart currently leases 70%
of its stores. When a location is no longer optimal, Wal-Mart often moves on to greener
pastures, leaving an empty eyesore or a dangerous abandoned site. As a result, many
communities have been saddled with the cost of tearing down, securing or policing
abandoned Wal-Marts. This problem is further exacerbated by the strategy of over-
building. This tactic calls for the construction of multiple stores near competitors in
order to steal their customer base and drive them out of business. This is done even
though the Wal-Mart stores may operate nearer to each other than optimal, and in the end
“cannibalize” one another’s business. Once the goal of running the enemy out of town is
accomplished, Wal-Mart is left with a superfluous location, which can be freely
Supplier relationships: To a large degree Wal-Mart is able to control and dominate its
suppliers. Wal-Mart stores can do this because of the sheer size of their orders and by
threatening to switch to another supplier that is prepared to make the same or similar
products at cheaper prices. Both of these factors give Wal-Mart leverage to pressure its
suppliers to cut labor cuts, lower prices every single year and turn themselves into a
shadow Wal-Mart. It also allows them to pressure vendors into opening up their records
to Wal-Mart who scours these in order to find “wasteful” spending and then demand
price cuts. If a supplier offers the same product two years in a row it is expected that the
cost of the item will be reduced. This pressure to slash prices at any cost inevitably
forces manufacturers to follow the same Low Road tactics as Wal-Mart (low wages,
union-busting, etc.) and/or move abroad. Suppliers who sell to Wal-Mart are in a
paradoxical bind, they often find themselves producing and selling significantly more
product while earning less due to the constant downward pressure on prices. The overall
result of these policies is that Wal-Mart acts as the world’s largest engine for pushing
manufacturing abroad or onto the Low Road30.
According to some analysts, Wal-Mart’s huge market share, and stringent demands on
suppliers have had a ripple effect across industries, causing many firms to improve
efficiency and distribution networks. Wal-Mart is not afraid to flex its muscle or bully
suppliers, however, the outcomes may not always be bad. Innovation in this sector has
greatly helped Wal-Mart to control its costs, as has the use of its own trucking fleet and
its intimidation of suppliers. Innovation in this field has been largely free from Low
Road cost slashing and could be considered an area in which Wal-Mart has made
admirable advancements in efficiency.
The use of the Universal Bar Codes on products was pioneered to increase accuracy of
distribution, and the drive to improve efficiency has recently lead Wal-Mart to insist that
all major suppliers put radio identification devices in all products in the coming years.
It should be noted that Wal-Mart, already has an infrastructure for distribution in the
Chicagoland area. Thus, the positive effect of a Wal-Mart or Wal-Marts on Chicago may
be significantly lessened; any multiplier effect may be minimized because distribution
infrastructure is already in place. Distribution employees, like their co-workers in stores,
are non-unionized31.
Community Impact: A report by economist Kenneth Stone of the impact of Wal-Mart
on the retailing sector in the state of Iowa, found that the presence of Wal-Mart changed
the shopping habits of consumers. Customers purchase fewer goods at local merchants
resulting in the loss of many stores across the region or city.32 Stores that were hardest
hit in Iowa were clothing stores, drug stores, hardware stores, and jewelry stores. (This
study was completed before Wal-Mart had a significant presence in the Iowa grocery
Another study carried out by the Bay Economic Forum entitled “Supercenters and the
Transformation of the Bay Area”, found that while Wal-Mart-like Supercenters are often
touted and coveted as sales tax revenue and job generators, the positive effects of these
institutions is often overestimated. This is due in large part to the tendency to ignore the
displacement effect that Wal-Mart has on other retailers and grocers in the area. While
Wal-Mart Supercenters are likely to collect lots of sales tax, they are also likely to steal
shoppers from other stores in the area and simply shift their tax dollars around. This is
the case particularly in urban areas where the consumer population is static; the
introduction of a Wal-Mart will only shift shoppers, jobs and taxes to a new location33.
The Los Angeles City Council recently commissioned a report on the impact of
supercenters which cites six areas of potential community impacts, particularly in low
income communities: These include:
Impact on workers
o There will be a net loss of jobs in the retail sector due to the greater
economies of scale of big-box stores.
o Other stores will lose market share and some will close.
o Local stores and Mom and Pop stores will be hit hardest.
Impact on municipal revenue,
o Retail sales may decrease in total dollars due to lower big-box prices.
The L.A. city council report is significant because it illustrates that Wal-Mart’s potential
impacts on communities are wider and deeper then simply providing jobs and tax dollars.
The San Diego Tax Payers Association conducted a report on the influx of big box stores
on the San Diego region and found that the wide-spread presence of such stores would
lower wages between $105 and $221 million per year and increase pubic health costs by
$9 million per year. The report went on to estimate that the San Diego region would lose
between $89 and $170 million in lost pension and retirement benefits per year34.
The report also found that a typical Wal-Mart with 200 employees is likely to result in
$420,750 in costs to the federal government per year, or about $2,103 per employee per
year. These costs come in the form of:
$42,000 a year for section 8 housing assistance for three percent of employees;
$125,000 a year for federal tax credits and deductions for low-income families for
50 families;
$100,000 a year for additional Title 1 expenses, for the families of fifty
$108,000 a year for the additional federal health care costs for thirty families; and
$9,750 a year for the additional costs for low income energy assistance.
The authors of this report attribute this largely to low wages and benefits at Wal-Mart.
This gives us an idea of the variety of costs that are generated by Wal-Mart’s poor
treatment of its workers. While these are costs that are incurred at the federal level, it can
be assumed that some similar costs will be incurred at the state and local level.
Yet another report on the State of Georgia’s program for uninsured children shows that it
is overburdened with the children of Wal-Mart employees. A state survey found that
10,261 of the 166,000 children covered by Georgia's Peach Care for Kids health
insurance in September 2002 were children of a Wal-Mart employee. That's about 14
times the number for next highest employer--Publix, with 73435.
The significance of these reports is to illustrate the consequences for local businesses and
the kinds of costs that Wal-Mart’s low wages and poor benefits generate, on the federal
level, state level, regional level and city level. It is clear that Wal-Mart’s impact is
profoundly negative on communities and that Wal-Mart’s profitability is subsidized to a
great degree by workers, government and taxpayers.
The results of Wal-Mart’s impending arrival are already visible, despite the fact that a
significant Wal-Mart presence is years away. The recent strike of Dominick’s workers
was in response to an attempt by the Safeway Company (owner of Dominick’s and the
Southern California chains Pavillion’s and Von’s) to preemptively cut health and pension
benefits to new hires. Such rollbacks, or attempted rollbacks, have become common in a
region threatened by Wal-Mart where grocery and retail industries are already unionized.
Dominick’s, Ultra, Cub’s, Jewel, Target and Costco have all made or attempted to make
similar cuts. In the non-unionized retail and grocery sector, companies have become
extra vigilant in opposing organizing drives. The Target chain has imitated Wal-Mart by
starting its own anti-union division to combat drives and “educate” workers.
All of these activities can be attributed to awareness on the part of competitors that Wal-
Mart is expanding rapidly, and is likely to undercut their prices significantly. Grocery
stores that have pursued relatively High-Road policies are increasingly pursuing Low-
Road practices. They mistakenly believe that the only way to stay viable and maintain
market share is to play Wal-Mart’s game. In the case of groceries, it is estimated that
Wal-Mart’s prices are between 8% and 13% lower than the market average36.
Competitors will likely lower costs out of necessity to remain competitive, and will most
likely target labor costs as a strategy to accomplish this. Thus the greatest effect that
Wal-Mart is likely to have in the short run is to bring local grocers and retailers down to
its level, exerting substantial downward pressure on wages and benefits in a sector that is
currently a source of high-wage entry level jobs.
Recently, in midst of the 70,000-member California strike mentioned above, the United
Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) commissioned the Center for Labor and
Community Research (CLCR) to produce a report entitled “The Economic Impacts of
Southern California Grocery Chains’ Proposals to Reduce Contributions to UFCW
Health Fund on the Seven County Area”. It detailed the likely costs to local business and
government and loss in macro-employment in terms of direct, indirect, and induced costs.
The proposed cutbacks in employer contributions to health care (in the Von’s,
Albertson’s, Pavillion’s and Ralph’s stores) will equal $221.9 million annually. The
overall effects are determined to be a loss of $40 million annually in industry output, and
a loss of $331.1 million annually in business sales across the entire region. The
industries most affected in these regards are retail, real estate, health services, wholesale,
banking, business services, utilities, social services and legal services. These declines in
industry output and sales would lead to declines in employment in the region equal to
2,770 jobs, of which the most affected would be retail health services, business services,
wholesale trade, social services, personal services, real estate, non-profit organizations
and professional services. Lost taxes due to shrinking business sales and personal
incomes would equal $31.9 million for the federal government and $15.1 million for
local and state government. In addition to these costs the report outlines that the costs
that are likely to fall on the shoulders of other local business owners and the self-
employed in terms of lost profit will equal $17.4 million due to decline in workers
This is an illustration of a fundamental truth: the burden of Wal-Mart doesn’t just fall on
its employees. Everyone in the community, from lawyers to charities, pays the high price
of Wal-Mart’s ride on the Low Road.
While Southern California differs from Chicago in terms of the size of the affected region
(the seven county Southern California region is home to about 19 million, as opposed to
the City of Chicago’s approximately 2.8 million residents and the region’s 8 million), the
nature of the impact of decreasing employer benefit contributions for unionized and non-
unionized grocery workers is likely to be similar38. We have already seen attempts in
Chicago by Dominick’s to cut health benefits in a similar Low Road, pre-emptive move
against Wal-Mart. As Wal-Mart becomes a reality in Chicago, such cuts are likely to
occur throughout the retail and grocery industries as they try to remain competitive. A
likely scenario is that any grocers who are unable to cut costs will be pushed out of
business and replaced by either Wal-Mart or the remaining pre-Wal-Mart grocers that
have been able to cut costs by employing Low Road strategies.
The above-cited Bay Economic Forum found that often Big-Box retailers and
Supercenters tend not to create new tax dollars but to shift tax collections from other
retailers. This simply makes common sense. A new Wal-Mart does not create additional
consumer spendable income. In fact, because Wal-Mart pays less in wages and benefits
than the stores and their employees it displaces, Wal-Mart’s arrival actually heralds a
decrease in available consumer spending. In fact, local government will be worse off
because of less tax collections and higher expenses as a result of Wal-Mart. (While this
is certainly true of the governmental units in the market area as a whole municipal
boundaries can result in burden shifting among units of government, especially when
municipalities adopt a “beggar thy neighbor” competitive strategy rather than a well
thought out regional development strategy.)
So when attempting to weigh the costs and benefits of Wal-Mart’s arrival in Chicago,
predictions about jobs created and taxes earned should take into account the jobs and
taxes that will be lost in competitor stores. These jobs that are lost are likely to be those
with better pay and benefits than those at Wal-Mart. This in turn will cause the indirect
and induced loss of jobs in a wide variety of economic sectors. Rather than representing
development that creates jobs, and generates tax revenues for the City, Wal-Mart
represents a decrease in the quality and number of jobs and no increase in tax revenues.
Another factor to consider when assessing the impact of Wal-Mart on Chicago is that
3,300 cars per day and 100,000 shoppers weekly visit a typical Supercenter. This will
have substantial impact on traffic in the area, as well as the overall quality of life for the
community. In addition, North Avenue (from Humboldt Park to Kostner Ave.), is almost
exclusively commercial and highly populated by small businesses that will be
significantly negatively affected by Wal-Mart’s presence.
A City-Wide Issue
While the arrival of Wal-Mart to the Westside should be cause for alarm for the nearby
community, it is not exclusively a neighborhood issue. This is a citywide issue that has
large-scale consequences in addition to local ones. While certain parts of the city may
benefit from lower grocery and retail prices, the true costs are likely to affect the entire
city. Most likely to feel the burden will be small business owners, retail workers and
grocery workers and City, County and State government. All of the following factors
should be taken into account when considering Wal-Mart’s impact: displacement of the
existing retail base, impact on the workforce, needs of displaced workers and low-wage
workers for public services, land use, vacancy of closed stores, public service needs of
new facilities, infrastructure, traffic, tax revenues, future expansion plans and how all
these factors impact quality of life.
It has been demonstrated that Wal-Mart has a significant downward pressure on wages
and a significantly lower wage scale than other retailers and grocers in the both union and
non-unionized sectors. The average retail wage in Chicago for individuals without a high
school degree is $10.93, which is between $2-$3 dollars more than the average hourly
wage at Wal-Mart, and as much as $10 or $11 dollars less than what some union grocery
workers make. Workers all over the city will feel the downward pressure on their wages.
In spite of the seemingly inexorable march of Wal-Mart towards the complete domination
of the retail and food market, there are a number of notable examples of companies that
challenge Wal-Mart effectively.
Costco has been so successful because it has been able to perfect the strategy of
combining high-end discount shopping (items like gourmet foods, wines, designer
clothes) mixed with cheap, low-end, everyday items (soap, paper towels, detergent, etc.).
Another secret to the success of Costco is its management. The founder of Costco is
extremely involved in the day-to-day operation of the company and runs the business
much like Wal-Mart once was. His management is guided by the following principles:
It has managed to be much more profitable than Wal-Mart while pursuing some High
Road policies. It should be noted, however, that Costco caters to a more upwardly
mobile, urban customer-base than Wal-Mart. Costco is not ideologically opposed to
unions, and has many unionized workers. In order to compete against Wal-Mart,
however, it does engage in some of the same sort of the same Low Road activities as
Wal-Mart. This, however, tends to happen less in its relations with labor than with
distributors and suppliers40.
Eroski: Spain is one of the few Western European countries without a Wal-Mart
presence. This is due in large part to the ability of chains like Eroski to maintain
customer loyalty, grow and win their support and react to an invasion of French grocers
and retailers, who are similar to Wal-Mart. As a result Spain remains a hostile market for
Eroski is a Spanish chain of grocery/retail stores that is part of the Mondragon
Cooperative Corporation network based in the Basque region. It is a worker/consumer
cooperative. It is highly dedicated to a social mission and operates more than 500 stores.
This chain grossed more than $50 billion in 2002.
Eroski was a moderately sized regional supermarket chain until the mid- eighties. At that
point, the big French chains started to enter Spain in a serious way and Eroski felt it had
to make a strategic response. Eroski was faced with the choice of getting out of the
business, specializing in some niche market, or massively expanding as a
supermarket/consumer goods retail store. Leaving the market was not an option,
especially given the several thousand workers it employed in an economy with nearly 20
percent unemployment. Becoming a niche retail/grocery was also rejected. Thus, the
only remaining option was expansion. Narrow margins in the retail industry meant that
this expansion had to be massive. Success depended on volume in purchasing, logistics,
transport, and sales. Simply taking on a lot of debt could not finance this expansion, so
Eroski created a structure that would allow for equity investment. A holding company
was set-up and investors were invited in, mainly institutions and companies from the
social economy.
In the late eighties Eroski launched the expansion campaign, opening up new stores all
over Spain, buying or creating partnerships with small to medium-sized regional chains
and co-ops. Creating new stores as straightforward cooperatives was too complicated
financially, legally, organizationally, culturally, and would take too long. As a result
almost all of the new operations were plain vanilla subsidiaries of the holding company
(i.e. not co-ops). At the time, and in subsequent years, the company struggled with this
decision to find ways to promote cooperative employment, principles and practices in
these new companies.
Eroski and Mondragon leadership went ahead with the plan for what they determined to
be business survival reasons, but also with the explicit intention of creating worker
ownership structures for salaried, non-member workers down the road. In the late '90s
this worker ownership structure called GESPA, was created. In this system non-co-op
member workers are all offered the opportunity to buy into GESPA, after their stores
went through a period of implementing the Eroski business and management model, and
after they received certain kinds of training. Workers then became worker-owners.
However, Eroski holds the controlling interest of the co-ops. Worker ownership in
GESPA means the right to information, to elect a portion of GESPA board and to a share
of profit. Where the opportunity to become a co-owner of GESPA has been offered, it
has been very successful. Eroski employs over 30,000 people, and about 8,000 have
become worker owners of GESPA41.
As a consumer one can become a member of Eroski by paying a nominal annual charge,
which gets you up to a five percent discount on purchases and the right to participate in a
mixed worker-consumer committee at the store level. This committee does not make
binding decisions, but recommendations. Consumer-members, also have the right to run
for election to regional governance boards that make or contribute to binding decisions.
Members also receive a well-regarded consumer information magazine and access to
consumer information/advocacy seminars. The regional boards are mixed worker-
consumer, but general policy is that the board’s president must be a consumer-member.
The same is true of the corporate board of Eroski as a whole. Worker-members have
essentially the same rights, but their membership also gives them the right to a profit
sharing account. A portion of annual profits, after taxes, is distributed to these accounts.
In Eroski consumers don't participate in profits unlike straight consumer co-ops.
Dominick’s, Jewel, Meijer’s, and Publix: There are grocery and retail stores in the
Chicago area like Dominick’s and Jewel; and stores around the country like Meijer’s that
have historically represented a commitment to some High Road practices in that they
provided good options for customers, generally treated employees fairly, recognized and
negotiated in good faith with their unions, and maintained a commitment to the local
community. Meijer’s has some 80 plus stores in Michigan. Wal-Mart has now
purchased land and will build its stores in 70 plus of those locations in an effort to drive
them out of business.
When considering alternatives to Wal-Mart, the grocery sector offers many successful
examples, due to the relatively widespread success of Employee Stock Ownership Plans
(ESOP) and employee owned firms. In fact, thirteen of the one hundred largest
employee-owned companies in the US are supermarkets. The largest of all employee
owned firms is Publix Super Markets. Publix is a Florida based chain with
approximately 800 stores located primarily in Florida, but also a few other states in the
Southeast. It is one of the 10 largest supermarket chains by volume in the US and had
more than $16 billion in retail sales in 2003. It has more than 123,000 employees, 97,000
of whom own about 44% of the company. Publix is a historically employee owned firm
since the 1940’s. The remaining shares are owned by family members of the original
owner. The benefits of employee ownership can be seen in more employee involvement
in workplace decisions, and ownership of stock that acts as a retirement benefit.
Publix was rated the number one grocery store chain in terms of customer satisfaction for
the tenth year in a row by the University of Michigan Business School’s American
Customer Satisfaction Index, and has actually improved its ratings during the last ten
years significantly. It has largely responded to the threat of Wal-Mart by focusing on its
superior customer service, creating a pleasant shopping experience, and its variety of
Another example of a grocery store with employee ownership and profit sharing is Hy-
Vee, an Iowa based chain with 45,000 employees. This chain has also been historically
employee owned and successfully so. It too has responded relatively well to the threat of
Wal-Mart. There are a number of smaller chains, Brookshire Farms of Texas (10,000
employees) and Win-Co (7,000 employees) of Idaho, Houchens Food Store (5,000
employees) of Kentucky, and Harps Food Stores (3,000 employees) of Arkansas, which
all offer ESOPs42. Publix, Hy-Vee and all of these smaller companies share in common
an increased level of transparency and greater employee involvement in workplace
decisions, as well as relative profitability. However, while ESOPs and profit sharing are
not necessarily High-Road business practices, these firms collectively display that the
grocery industry does offer a variety of innovative alternative ideas in terms of
management, ownership and employee involvement.
These stores demonstrate that businesses with High Road practices could prosper in our
economy. Now these stores too face the predatory Low Road practices of Wal-Mart.
Many of these same companies are now considering entering into a suicidal competition
with Wal-Mart in a race to the bottom. This shift in business strategy – a shift with
potentially devastating impact -- underscores the importance of cities and communities
advancing a strategy for High Road retail development and encouraging and assisting
these businesses to retain their commitment to a High Road future. Business,
communities, local government, and labor must unite in the fight against Wal-Mart.
The New Chicago School critically assesses all development that enters our communities.
It recognizes that Wal-Mart does offer some benefits to the community, primarily in the
form of some lower prices than competing stores for some consumer goods. Although
Wal-Mart will hire 250 people these new hires will come at the expense of the abolition
of a larger number of jobs, which are higher paying than the new jobs at Wal-Mart. We
believe any benefits will not only be outweighed by Wal-Mart’s negative aspects noted
above, but that allowing Wal-Mart to enter Chicago would cause a “race to the bottom”
in the retail and grocery industries in terms of worker treatment and compensation. As a
result, the New Chicago School is initiating a campaign to keep Wal-Mart out of
Wal-Mart or its supercenters have been successfully repelled by cities, towns and
counties all over the country as diverse as Rockville, MD., San Diego, CA, Santa Fe,
NM., St. Petersburg, FL., Fort Collins CO., Somerset County, NJ., and Portland, OR. By
and large the most commonly used method for preventing Wal-Mart from entering
communities has been through zoning restrictions. Specifically limiting buildings of a
certain size or limiting stores that sell more than a certain number of non-taxable goods
(i.e. groceries in states such us California where many grocery items are not taxed. This
provision is targeted specifically at Supercenters). While this has been successful in
many communities, it is a method that is open to challenge by Wal-Mart in the form of
lawsuits and ballot initiatives.
Recently in Contra Costa County California a city council ordinance banning big box
supercenters of more than 90,000 sq. ft., was overturned by a Wal-Mart financed ballot
initiative. During the campaign Wal-Mart ran television ads and sent mailings to
residents throughout the county spending more than $1 million, despite the fact that it has
no plans to build a Supercenter in Contra Costa County43.
Any victory over Wal-Mart will require a broad base of support from the community and
the labor movement, and a protracted political fight. Victory will not be easy and will
hinge on several primary characteristics. Key to this campaign is an educational
component, in which the true record of Wal-Mart as the premier Low-Road business will
be put forth, as well as the true impact of its presence in Chicago. This phase will require
a full cost/ benefit analysis of Wal-Mart’s possible entry into the city including its
potential impact on:
Trade unions;
The public sector, in terms of taxes, cost to public health care; and
It will be critical to define Wal-Mart in the context of a High Road vision of community
development, using comparisons from the cost benefit analysis to demonstrate how Wal-
Mart does not fit a High Road vision and is indeed antithetical to it. It will also be
necessary to put forth an alternative, High Road vision of retail/grocery development. In
this phase it will also be critical to line up the support of consumers, local business,
workers and community organizations and members of the city council. The campaign
must be broadly understood as part of a strategy for development of the city, not just a
union organizing drive.
It must be emphasized that consumers are the key. Wal-Mart is successful because
shoppers go there in droves. Their decision to support or oppose Wal-Mart will have the
greatest impact. Our campaign will not only advance and develop an alternative for
shoppers but also educate them on the social and economic impact of using their dollars
at a store that has such a destructive impact on our community, city, and country.
Wal-Mart has become the symbol—for good reason—of the destructive power of Low
Road globalization. What began as a local, family-owned discount store guided by an
entrepreneur with strong positive values and determination to innovate, has now become
a huge complex that engages in predatory business practices that generates enormous
wealth (in excess of $100 billion for the Walton family) at enormous social cost to
millions of workers and thousands of communities throughout the world. It has set in
motion a kind of competition that scares its competitors into joining a suicidal race to the
bottom. It’s size and growth have lured many to believe that this is the only way the retail
business can survive, and that being a partner to Wal-Mart is an inevitable relationship in
today’s business climate. Elected officials, local banks, consumers, a few community
organizations, and contractors line up to be part of the behemoth’s expansion despite the
growing exposure of its destructive and predatory practices.
It is important to expose that this kind of support is tantamount to celebrating the return
of slavery to our community—because there is no question that Wal-Mart degrades our
community and society. In light of the huge public relations effort launched by Wal-Mart
to create a sugarcoated illusion about its role and performance, we need to intensify the
exposure of its actual character.
The New Chicago School for Community Economic Development calls on Mayor Daley,
the City Council, as well as our labor, religious, civil, community, and business leaders to
join us in stopping Wal-Mart from coming into our community and to instead focus on
being the national leader in creating a comprehensive High Road retail sector that will be
the envy of the global economy.
The New Chicago School for Community Economic Development is committed to this
fight as part of the war to restore and rebuild our communities and to regain confidence in
our future.
AFL-CIO “Wal-Mart: An Example of Why Workers Remain Uninsured or Underinsured” October 2003
P.8, and The Bay Area Economic Forum “Supercenters and the Transformation of the Bay Area Grocery
Industry: Issues, Trends and Impacts.” January, 2003. P.1.
AFL-CIO “Wal-Mart: An Example of Why Workers Remain Uninsured or Underinsured” October 2003
P.7, and Los Angeles Economic Development Council “Wal-Mart Superstores: What’s in store for
Southern California?” January 2004, p. 7.
AFL-CIO “Wal-Mart: An Example of Why Workers Remain Uninsured or Underinsured” October 2003
Harvard Business School, “Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated” August 1996
Los Angeles Economic Development Council “Wal-Mart Superstores: What’s in store for Southern
California?” January 2004, p. 9
Washington Post Saturday Jan. 24, 2004. “Wal-Mart’s Damage Control.”
Los Angeles Times November 25th, 2003. “Grocery Unions Battle to Stop the Invasion of the Giant
Stores.”; Washington Post Writers Group Dec. 14, 2003. “Wal-Mart Enduring Bargain or Sunset of our
Middle Class”, USAToday March 2 , 2004; “California tries to slam lid on big-boxed Wal-Mart” and
Chicago Tribune, Jan 12th, 2004: Wal-Mart Tries to End Run Around Balky City.”
AFL-CIO “Wal-Mart: An Example of Why Workers Remain Uninsured or Underinsured” October 2003
P.8-9, and The Bay Area Economic Forum “Supercenters and the Transformation of the Bay Area Grocery
Industry: Issues, Trends and Impacts.” January, 2003. P.40.
Everyday Low Wages: The Hidden Price We All Pay for Wal-Mart, A report by the Democratic Staff of
the Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives, February 16, 2004.
AFL-CIO “Wal-Mart: An Example of Why Workers Remain Uninsured or Underinsured” October 2003
P.8-9, and The Bay Area Economic Forum “Supercenters and the Transformation of the Bay Area Grocery
Industry: Issues, Trends and Impacts.” January, 2003. P.40.
As cited by the UFCW Wal-Mart Fact Sheet.
The Bay Area Economic Forum “Supercenters and the Transformation of the Bay Area Grocery
Industry: Issues, Trends and Impacts.” January, 2003. P.?
Current Population Survey As Cited in Moshe Adler piece
AFL-CIO “Wal-Mart: An Example of Why Workers Remain Uninsured or Underinsured” October 2003
Ibid. P 8-9.
Associated Press Jan. 13th, 2004: “Wal-Mart Audit”, and UFCW: Online Wal-Mart Facts and Figures:
“Wal-Mart’s War on Workers' Wages and Overtime Pay”.
UFCW: Wal-Mart Facts and Figures: “Wal-Mart’s War on Women”
UFCW: Online Wal-Mart Facts and Figures: “Wal-Mart’s War on Workers Democratic Right to Choose
a Union.”
Ibid, and UFCW: Online Wal-Mart Facts and Figures: “Wal-Mart’s War on Workers' Wages and
Overtime Pay”
High wages may give Costco an edge over Wal-Mart, Reuters, Nov 23, 2003
AFL-CIO “Wal-Mart: An Example of Why Workers Remain Uninsured or Underinsured” October 2003.
Everyday Low Wages: The Hidden Price We All Pay for Wal-Mart Democratic Staff of the Committee
on Education and the Workforce US House of Representatives, February 16 2004.
Fast Company, December 2003: “The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know”.
Los Angeles Times, Nov. 24th , 2003. “Scouring the Globe to Give Shoppers a $8.63 Polo Shirt”.
The Bay Area Economic Forum “Supercenters and the Transformation of the Bay Area Grocery
Industry: Issues, Trends and Impacts.” January, 2003. P.3,22
St. Petersburg Times, May 12, 2003. “Too Many Big Box Stores Stand Empty”
Fast Company, December 2003: “The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know”.
Harvard Business School, “Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated” August 1996
The economic Development Review, “Impact of Wal-Mart on Iowa Communities: 1983-1993.
The Bay Area Economic Forum: “Supercenters and the Transformation of the Bay Area Grocery
Industry: Issues, Trends and Impacts.” January, 2003
As cited in Everyday Low Wages: The Hidden Price We All Pay for Wal-Mart. Feb. 16, 2004.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Children of Wal-Mart Workers Have to be Cared for by the State, Feb.
27th 2004.
The Bay Area Economic Forum: “Supercenters and the Transformation of the Bay Area Grocery
Industry: Issues, Trends and Impacts.” January, 2003
UFCW The Economic Impacts of Southern California Grocery Chains’ Proposals to Reduce
Contributions to UFCW Health Fund on the Seven County Area”.
US Census Bureau, American Community Survey
Fortune, Nov. 24 2003. “The Only Company Wal-Mart Fears”.
Fortune, Nov. 24 2003. “The Only Company Wal-Mart Fears”, and Los Angeles Times: February 15,
2004: “Costco Sees Value in Higher Pay”.
National Center for Employee Ownership, “Employee Ownership 100”.
Contra Costa Times, Mayors endorse big-box measure. February 6th, 2004. And Wal-Mart Ban Loses in
Contra Costa, San Francisco Chronicle. March 3 2004.
What is The New Chicago School (NCS)?
Many are looking for new alternatives to the current economic and social system for
many different reasons. Our economy is in crisis and more people are losing jobs, or
working in substandard jobs. And there is a strategic drift that dominates intellectual
circles in the field of community development. More than ever, poor communities and
working people need leading organizations that think critically and that have a
contemporary and powerful agenda for the development of communities.
The NCS is intended to address these problems and develop an agenda for change. We
are a network of practitioners in universities, businesses, unions, community, community
economic development, and consulting organizations. Our operating assumptions are:
2. Our main objectives are the eradication of poverty and the development of a
society that is economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable. These
objectives are practical and achievable. Our approach is holistic and
comprehensive. We take into consideration all social, cultural, and political
factors; and particularly the issues of race, class, gender, and the environment.
3. We pursue High Road strategies in the creation of wealth and profit. The High
Road seeks family-supporting and fulfilling jobs for employees; a sustainable
society and economy; high performance companies; a high degree of participation
and local ownership; and accountability to the broader community. We advance
a High Road solution as we block and oppose the Low Road.