Legal Education in India - Retrospect & Prospect
Legal Education in India - Retrospect & Prospect
Legal Education in India - Retrospect & Prospect
(In the commemoration of the centennial year of Law School)
3rd – 4th February 2024
Organized by
Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
3rd -4th February 2024
Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi, 221005
E-mail ID:
Faculty of Law, BHU
The Faculty of Law has been a pioneer of Legal Education of Bharatvarsh.
Law School has introduced the three-year LL.B. course and two-year
LL.M. Programme in the country. It has taken the lead in introducing a
Two-year full-time Master's in Human Rights and Duties Education
(HRDE) and presently offers a Five-year B.A. LL.B. integrated course and
One-year LL.M. under the scheme-special courses of studies. The Faculty of Law also runs
post-graduate part-time Diploma courses in various fields- Taxation, Corporate
Governance, Media, Forensic Science and Human Resource Management and Service and
Industrial Law. Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, the founder of Banaras Hindu
University, served many years as Dean of Law School. The legal luminaries like Sir Ras
Behari Ghosh and Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, were the earlier Deans. The Banaras Law School
was one of the Six Law Faculties in India to start Clinical Legal Services. The model
developed by Law School has been judged as the best model by Hon’ble Mr. Justice P. N.
Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India. The Law school publishes a highly reputed Law
Journal, ‘Banaras Law Journal’ since 1965. The Faculty is also organizing the Mahamana
National Moot Court competition since 2013. The illustrious alumnus Justice Giridhar
Malaviya Ji is presently Chancellor of the University.
Banaras Hindu University
The establishment of the Banaras Hindu University was a
landmark in the history of University education in this
country. It was the first residential University to be established
in Bharatvarsh. The prime instrument of the Divine Will in
this work was Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviyaji,
one of the greatest sons of our motherland. In the educational
field, Banaras Hindu University remains and will remain a
permanent monument to his life and personality. The ideal
before Pandit Malaviyaji in establishing this University was to make available to the
country in every field, men and women of high character with patriotism. Banaras Hindu
University is an internationally reputed temple of learning and ranks among the top
universities of Bharatvarsh in the field of academic and research output, situated in the
holy city of Varanasi. The university comprises 8 Institutes, 15 Faculties, 146 Departments,
4 Interdisciplinary Centres, a constituent college for women, 4 affiliated colleges and 3
Constituent Schools, spanning a vast range of subjects about all branches of Humanities,
Social Science, Law, Technology, Medicine, Science, Fine Arts and Performing arts. More
than thirty thousand students are enrolled in university for different courses and research
Kashi, Banaras or Varanasi has been the prime centre of Hindu thought and culture
radiating spiritual lights and wisdom from time immemorial. This is the place where great
Vyasa wrote Mahabharata and the eighteen Puranas. This is the place where Lord Buddha
preached his first sermon after attaining enlightenment and “set in motion” the “Wheel of
Dharma”. Varanasi is a city of traditional classical culture, glorified by myths and legends
and sanctified by religion, it has always attracted a large number of pilgrims and
worshippers from time immemorial. To be in a holy city is an experience in itself an
experience in self–discovery of an eternal oneness of the body and soul. To every visitor,
Varanasi offers a breath-taking experience. Varanasi is also renowned for its rich tapestry
of music, arts, crafts and education. In fact, the real Varanasi is super physical and spiritual
rather than physical or material.
Concept Note
The Chandogya Upanishad states that “सा विद्या या विमुक्तये” translated as “knowledge is one
that liberates”. Since knowledge is the essence of education, therefore, education is
fundamental for attaining full human potential, making an equitable and just society, and
promoting national development. The objective of education is to lead the ‘full
development of the human personality’ has been reflected in many International documents
including the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century’s
Report on ‘Learning: The Treasure Within’ submitted to UNESCO. The objective of BHU
is to promote the building up of character in youth by Dharma and ethics as an integral
part of education.
In the present formal world, law become an integral part of society and is reflected
in the ‘Collective Consciences’ (Durkhim),‘Volksgeist’ (Sevigney), and ‘time-honoured
customs of the flok’(Ross). The working of law and the effectiveness of the legal System
in the life of the nation are somehow dependent on Legal Education. Therefore, Legal
education reform is taking place around the globe to make it more responsive than ever
before to meet the legal needs of the community and nation as well as global requirements.
The National Education Policy, 2020 in para 20.4, noted that “Legal education needs
to be competitive globally, adopting best practices and embracing new technologies for
wider access to and timely delivery of justice. At the same time, it must be informed and
illuminated with Constitutional values of Justice - Social, Economic, and Political - and
directed towards national reconstruction through the Instrumentation of Democracy, Rule
of Law, and Human Rights.”
However, even after 75 years of our independence, we have not been able to develop
an indigenous or Indic school of jurisprudence. Any legal system that lacks the native and
ethnic character of the society will ultimately fail the test of time in the course of society’s
transformation. Contemporary legal education in India has largely been coaxed by colonial
notions. There is an Indian imperative not only to decolonise laws but also to radically
restructure legal education in the same context. The National Education Policy, 2020 in
para 20.4 further states that “The curricula for legal studies must reflect socio-cultural
contexts along with, in an evidence-based manner, the history of legal thinking, principles
of justice, the practice of jurisprudence, and other related content appropriately and
adequately. State institutions offering law education must consider offering bilingual
education for future lawyers and judges - in English and in the language of the State in
which the institution is situated.”
Coming to the Vision Statement of the Bar Council of India (2010-2017), it
identified inadequate quality of legal education and infrastructure and lack of relevant skills
training to meet the ever-changing demands of the modern world. In the present
geopolitical era, India is transforming into a leading geo-economic power. Hence, the need
of the hour is to revise and revamping of all aspects of the legal education structure,
including its regulation and governance, with aspirational goals.
Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University has been in existence ever since the
University was inaugurated. On the 21st July, 1923 Dr. Sir Tej Bahadu Sapru, Dr. M. L.
Agrawal, Dr. Kailash Nath Katju, Sri. Anandi Prasad Dube, Munshi Mahadev Prasad, Sri.
P. N. Sapru, Sri. Sankar Saran, Sri. A. N. Sanyal, Sri. K. N. Malviya, Sri. Abdul Hamid,
Sri. Banshidhar, and Dr. Walliullah were appointed as honourary Professors of Law for a
period of two years. On 4th August, 1923, the Law classes were inaugurated by Sri.
Asutosh Mookerjee. We decided, in 1960 that: “The Banaras Law School should be a
pioneer institution of legal education in India with an excellent team of teachers and a
selected student body and, thereby, carrying further the all-important task of an educational
renaissance in the country in a manner befitting the monumental efforts of the founder of
the university.” As an institution, we believe that legal education will produce men adept
in tailoring legal prescriptions to the needs of contemporary Bhartvarsh.
Faculty of Law, BHU has significantly contributed to the legal education of our
country over last 100 years. In the centennial year of the Law School, we want to explain
the present state of legal education and want to define the future of legal education for the
nation as well as for our institution. The objective of the Conference is to understand the
gap between the current state of legal education and what is required. The gap must be
bridged through undertaking major reforms that bring the highest quality, equity, and
integrity into Legal education.
The Bhagavad-gītā states that तद्विद्वि प्रद्विपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया। उपदेक्ष्यद्वतत ते ज्ञानं ज्ञाद्वननस्तत्त्वदद्वशिनः
॥4/34॥ “translated as....try to learn the truth by approaching the scholar, Inquire from him
submissively and render service unto him. Self-realised souls can impart knowledge to you
because they have seen the truth.”
In this background, we are calling and requesting legal Scholars, academia,
professionals and administrators for their participation in the conference. The themes and
sub-themes for the National Conference include:
History and Experiences of Legal Education
An Assessment of 100 Years of Legal Education in India and Law School, BHU.
Value of Legal Education
Philosophical foundation of Legal Education, Legal Education: Journey from Modernity
to Postmodernity, Critical Role of Legal Education in Civil Society and its Progress.
Indigenization, Decolonizing and National Education Policy, 2020
Deconstructing Colonial Ideologies of the Superiority and Privilege of Western thought
and Approaches in Legal Education. Indigenization of Legal Institutions/ University/
Faculty. Constitutional values and Legal Education, Incorporation of Indic civilization
values into Legal Education, History, Cultural Initiatives and Collaboration with other
Regulatory Bodies in Legal Education
Working of Bar Council special reference in Legal Education, Evaluating Regulation and
Working of Bar Council. Developing Physical Infrastructure and Financial Resources for
Legal Education.
Curriculum of Legal Education
Exploring how the Curriculum Could Benefit Students, Syllabi, Best Practices for
Teaching and Learning in Legal Education, Matching Law Practice with Legal Education,
and Practice-Based Learning.
Globalization and Legal Education
Global Collaboration, WTO and Legal Education, World-Class Legal Education and
Institutional Excellence, Legal Professions to sustain the challenges posed by
Empirical Research in Law
Socio-Legal Research in Law, Empirical Research, Bridging the existing gaps between
Theory and Practice of law.
Clinical Legal Educational Program
Legal Aid & Service Clinic, Clinical Legal Educational Program, Development of
Counseling, Drafting, Negotiating, and Problem Solving etc. skills.
The Future of Legal Education
Reviewing Diverse Approaches for Student Success, Problem-Solving, Negotiation and
Transnational Practice, Addressing the Access to Justice Crisis through Legal Education,
Preparing law students to be civic leaders, learning technologies in Legal Education, and
Linking Law Schools with Public Policy. Legal Education and continuing dialogue with
academics, practitioners, judges, licensing authorities, and the general public about how
best to accomplish.
The above-mentioned themes are not exhaustive. Other topics relevant to the themes
may also be discussed during the conference.
eneral Guidelines for Paper
For the preparation of Manuscript (Article/research paper) general guidelines are as follows -
Manuscript may be submitted in English or Hindi.
The matters of the Manuscript shall be computer typed only in Microsoft Word format with-
Text Font –English- Times New Roman, Hindi- Kruti Dev 10 or APS Priyanka.
|Font Size- 14 point for Title (All Bold Caps); 11 point for Author’s name (All Caps Italic
black without prefix);11 point for Abstract;12 point for the Main Text| |10 point for the
Footnotes |Line Spacing- 1.5 (Auto) for main text and 1.0 (Auto) for footnotes.
The submission of Manuscripts shall include Educational Qualifications, Designation /
Professional Status, University/Organization’s name, and E-mail Id on the first page in the
The Article/paper shall consist of 4,000 to 8,000 words, inclusive of footnotes
The full text of the Articles and research papers shall be preceded by-
An ABSTRACT in about 250 words;
KEYWORDS not more than 5 words; and
The Contents of the main text shall be divided under different levels of headings-
Level one heading- main headings (all bold caps) numbered in Roman numerical (upper-
case) in the centre;
Level two heading- subheadings shall be in Roman numerical (lower-case) left-aligned in
bold letters;
Level three heading- parts of subheadings shall be in small (Alphabet) letters left-aligned in
bold letters italic;
The paper must include an Introduction and Conclusion.
The full text of the Articles and papers should not go beyond the maximum limit prescribed
for the same. Contributors are required to follow a set pattern of footnoting (The guidebook
for References is attached with the brochure).
Papers submitted shall be original contributions and must be checked by Anti-Plagiarism
norms prescribed by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. It should not be under
consideration for any other publication at the same time. Papers shall be submitted in MS
Office Word. Papers shall be accepted for presentation and publication only after scrutiny
and evaluation.
All submissions shall be accompanied by a cover letter and a brief CV of the author. The
Manuscript shall be E-mail ID:
Timeline of the Conference
Last Date of the Abstract Submission: 15th January 2024
Conformation regarding Abstract 18th January 2024
Last Date of the Full Paper Submission: 30th January 2024
Note: Only selected Full Papers (or PPT) shall be permitted for presentations in the
conference sessions.
Registration Fee for Participation
Important Notes
On receiving the registration form with the accommodation request, the organizers will
review and inform the accommodation status to the delegates.
Official Link:
Organizing Committee
Justice Giridhar Malviya
Hon’ble Chancellor, BHU
Prof. Sudhir Kumar Jain
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, BHU
Advisory Board
Prof. R. K. Mishra
Former Vice-Chancellor, DDU Gorakhpur University
Former Dean& Head, Law School, BHU
Prof. G.P. Verma
Former Vice Chancellor, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow
Former Head& Dean, Law School, BHU
Prof. D. P. Verma
Member, Law Commission of India
Ex-Additional Director (Research & Training), National Judicial Academy, India
Former Head & Dean, Faculty of Law, BHU
Prof. B. C. Nirmal
Former Vice-Chancellor, NURSL Ranchi
Former Head& Dean, Law School, BHU
Prof. C. P. Upadhyay
Head & Dean, Faculty of Law, BHU
Director, National Conference
Prof. Ajendra Srivastava
Joint Director Conference
Professor, Faculty of Law, BHU
Prof. Manoj Kumar Padhy
Joint Director Conference
Professor, Faculty of Law, BHU
Dr. Anoop Kumar
(Organising Secretary)
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, BHU
Email:, Mobile No. 8853825728
Dr. Mayank Pratap
(Joint Organising Secretary)
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, BHU
Email:; Mobile No. 9919312701