P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya - 571 401

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya - 571 401

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
Fifth Semester, B.E. - Information Science and Engineering
Model Question Paper
Robotic Process Automation
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each unit.
1 a. List out and explain any ten benefits of Robotic Process Automation. 10
b. With neat diagram, explain the basic or core components of Robotic Process Automation. 10
2 a. List the different types of robots and explain the main types of project supported by
UiPath Studio.
b. State the purpose of Task recorder and explain the four types of recording in UiPath Studio. 10
3 a. Illustrate the use of any five types of control flow activities by giving an example for each. 10
b. Consider an array of names. List the steps to create an automation where the number of names
starting with a is counted and the result is displayed using Sequence and Control flow.
4 a. State the purposes and uses of the followings:
i) Variables ii) Arguments iii) Data table
b. Discuss Clipboard management with an example. 10
5 a. Discuss in brief any two techniques through which we can wait for a control. 4
b. Identify and explain System triggering events. 6
c. List out and explain the entities used to tackle failure points. 10
6 a. Explain the need of Terminal plugin. 6
b. List some of the advantages of UiPath's SAP Automation. 4
c. Explain the methodologies that are used extensively for integrating with the web. 10
7 a. What are assistant bots? Discuss monitoring system event triggers. 10
b. Illustrate, monitoring a copying event and blocking it with an example. 10
8 a. Demonstrate how we can handle exceptions with an example? 10
b. Discuss Debugging techniques provided by UiPath Studio for debugging. 10
9 a. Discuss some of the best practices that must be considered while working on a project
in UiPath.
b. When to use Flowcharts, State Machines, or Sequences? Explain. 8
10 a. How to publish a workflow in UiPath? Explain. 10
b. Discuss Activating and Uploading a license to Orchestrator. 10


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