10 NDE Control

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Section - 10
NDE Control

Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)

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Title: NDE CONTROL Section: 10

10.0 Scope

10.0.1 This section describes the system being used to ensure that the NDEs are
performed by certified NDE operators, qualified procedures and comply with the
requirements of the applicable construction Codes, ASME Section V and other
requirements of the Client.

10.0.2 All NDEs (PT, MT, UT, RT, VT) shall be carried out by approved Sub-
Contractor’s personnel.

10.0.3 All NDEs shall be performed as per approved written procedures.

10.0.4 QA/QC Engineer shall identify all NDE requirements and shall incorporate in

10.0.4 Unless specified otherwise, all NDEs shall be conducted before PWHT.

10.0.5 NDE requirements are specified in the contract and drawings. The QA/QC
Manager shall specify the required NDE activities on the ITP. Currently UT
examination are not used by SINSINA, when required procedure will be
qualified and demonstrated to the satisfaction of AI in accordance with Sec. V
article 1T-150.

10.0.6 The tools or equipment used for NDE shall be calibrated as required by Code/
Client specification.


10.1.1 The Subcontractor shall provide the following documents for review and
verification by QA/QC Manager.

 Written Practice in accordance with current code accepted Edition, and

are modified by code appendix IV ASME Section V article 1, T-t20
(e), / ASNT CP-189.
 Qualification and certification records of Level I, II, & III personnel in
accordance with his written practice.
 NDE procedure and recording formats/ reports as per requirements of
each project.
 Calibration records of the instruments to be used.

 In addition to the requirements described in ASME Sec. V article 1, T-

120 (e) (or) (f) for techniques of computed radiography (CR), digital
radiography (DR) phased array ultrasonic (PAUT) (or) Ultrasonic time

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Title: NDE CONTROL Section: 10

of flight diffraction. (TOFD), the training, experience and examination

requirements in Article 1, mandatory appendix II requirements shall be
included in the employer’s written practice for each technique as

10.1.2 QA/QC Manager shall review all Sub-Contractor’s procedures and shall approve
and certify them. QA/QC Engineer shall issue and distribute those procedures
applicable to each specific contract.

10.1.3 All NDE procedures shall be made available to the AI for review and the
procedures shall be demonstrated to show that these are capable of producing
meaningful results to the satisfaction of the AI as per ASME Section V and if
required by Code, certified to T-150 of ASME Section V. by QA/QC Manager.

10.1.4 The applicable procedures for automated / semi-automated UT techniques

(AUT) shall be qualified for the range of essential variables intended to be used
as required by the construction Code and demonstrated to the satisfaction of AI
under the supervision of AUT qualified Level III and certified so in accordance
with T-150(d) of ASME Code Section V. QA/QC Manager shall ensure that the
personnel who approve setups, perform calibrations, analyze and interpret the
collected data shall be a Level II or Level III who have documented training in
the use of the equipment and software used and are qualified as per mandatory
appendix II of Article 1 Section V and meet requirements of App VIII of Article
4 Section V.

10.1.5 All reports of NDE including radiographic films shall be reviewed and
accepted by the Level II prior to submittal to the AI for review.

10.1.6 All NDE reports, including radiographic films for accepted work are
filed for retention as described in Section 14 (Records Retention & Code Stamping).

10.1.7 All Code NDE performed using sub-contractor’s written procedures are
reviewed and approved by the QA/QC Manager.

10.1.8 Demonstration of RT procedure can be made on production radiographs.

10.1.9 AI can call for demonstration by NDE personnel for any NDE procedure or
NDE examination for cause.

10.1.10 When required by the code for example automated or semi

automated UT, there procedures shall also be qualified by
demonstration for the range of essential variables intended to be

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Title: NDE CONTROL Section: 10

used. Any change in the essential variables shall require re-qualification by



10.2.1 NDE personnel for UT, RT, PT & MT shall be qualified and certified, per the
requirements of Sub-Contractor’s Written Practice which meets the guidelines of
CP-189 (latest accepted editions by the Code).

10.2.2 Subcontractors Written Practice shall be reviewed and accepted by the

QA/QC Manager. This document shall be made available to the AI for his review
and acceptance.

10.2.3 Sub-contractors NDE personnel shall have certificates to identify all the required
information by CP-189 and code including their level of certification and the
methods/Techniques for which they are certified, showing also the date of

10.2.5 QA/QC Managers shall Keep all the records connected with the certification and
examinations of personnel. These records will be made available to the AI for

10.2.6 Personnel for TOFD/PAUT and FMC shall be trained in the use of the
equipment and who have participated in the technique qualificationand/or
demonstration or have been trained and examined in the technique require
ments, shall conduct production scans.

10.2.7 Qualifications and certification in accordance with a written practice based

on prior edition of CP-189, shall remain valid until recertification.
Recertification or new certification shall be in accordance with the written
practice based on current Code accepted edition of CP-189 and amendments
as per Section V.


10.3.1 The location of the spot radiography shall be chosen by the AI as per the
Code. All records such as WPS, weld joint location, WQTR are to be presented to
the AI for review.

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Title: NDE CONTROL Section: 10

10.3.2 The AI shall be duly notified in advance by QA/QC Engineer for selection of
spots for radiography as per. If the AI cannot be present to make the selection
or otherwise QA/QC Engineer may exercise his own judgment in selecting the

10.4 NDE Reports

10.4.1 QA/QC Engineer shall communicate NDE requirements to the sub-contractor

through NDE Request (Exhibit-39), which contains necessary information vis.
Job details, method & extent etc.

10.4.2 Sub-contractor’s NDE Reports including RT film are evaluated and

accepted by the sub contractor’s Level II or III and reviewed by QA/QC
Manager/ Company level II prior to submittal to the AI for review.

10.4.3 NDE Reports, including RT film and Radiography map (Exhibit-45) for Code
required RT, are filed by the QA/QC Manager/Engineer for record
retention as described in Section 14 of this Manual.

10.4.4 QA/QC Engineer shall prepare NDE Summary (Exhibit -40) and after
completion of all required NDE.

10.4.5 NDE shall be performed using calibrated equipment. Calibration for

all the NDE equipment (including subcontractor) used for performing NDE shall be
verified and maintained by QA/QC manager as per section 12 of QC manual.

10.5 Additional NDE Requirements

Before performance of pneumatic tests as permitted by ASME Code Section VIII

Division 1, the full length of the following welds are examined by MT or PT,
whichever is applicable, for the purpose of detecting possible cracks as follows & refer

▪ All welds around openings.

▪ All attachment welds, including welds attaching non-pressure parts, having a throat
thickness greater than 1/4" or 6mm.

10.6 Visual Examination

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Title: NDE CONTROL Section: 10

All weld Visual inspection shall be performed by QA/QC Engineer as per procedure.
QA/QC Engineer carrying out such inspection shall be Certified by QA/QC Manager as
per the procedure No. ASME.QC/PROC/15/02.

Vision acuity (Jaeger J1 or equivalent) of visual examiner shall be administered annually.

The QC personnel performing visual inspection shall meet any of the following

10.6.1 Shall be a CWI(AWS) or Equivalent qualification with valid visual examination certificate.
10.6.2 Shall be a certified VT level -II as per CP-189 or ASNT-TC-1A
10.6.3 Shall be trained and certified by a person having vide experience in
welding and visual inspection. The certificate exanimation shall consist of
minimum of 15 question the person to be certified obtain a minimum of 80%.
10.6.4 Mandatory visual examination stages shall be identified on the ITP.
10.6.5 The record of visual examination shall be prepared and maintained.

10.7 Review by AI

10.7.1 Written Practice, NDE Procedures and NDE Personnel Qualification Records shall be
available for AI review.

10.7.2 Results of all NDE results including Radiographs shall be made available to AI for his

10.7.3 VT Procedure shall be demonstrated before use.

10.8 References
a) QC Procedure# ASME.QC/PROC/15/02 –Visual Examination Procedure
b) Exhibit 39 – NDE Request
c) Exhibit 40 – NDE Summary
d) Exhibit 45 – Radiography map


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