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Comprehensive evaluation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products

(PPCPs) in urban sewers: Degradation, intermediate products and environ‐
mental risk

Bo Ren, Xuan Shi, Xin Jin, Xiaochang C. Wang, Pengkang Jin

PII: S1385-8947(20)33152-1
Reference: CEJ 127024

To appear in: Chemical Engineering Journal

Received Date: 27 July 2020

Revised Date: 29 August 2020
Accepted Date: 31 August 2020

Please cite this article as: B. Ren, X. Shi, X. Jin, X.C. Wang, P. Jin, Comprehensive evaluation of
pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in urban sewers: Degradation, intermediate products and
environmental risk, Chemical Engineering Journal (2020), doi:

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Comprehensive evaluation of pharmaceuticals and personal
care products (PPCPs) in urban sewers: Degradation,
intermediate products and environmental risk

Bo Ren 1, Xuan Shi1,3, Xin Jin 1,3, Xiaochang C. Wang 1,2, Pengkang Jin 1,2*

1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi’an University of

Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, 710055, China

2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Xi’an University of

Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, 710055, China

3. Northwest China Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment Ecology,

Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province,

710055, China

Corresponding Author

Pengkang Jin, Phone: +86 13379217572; E-mail:


The release of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) is one of the

most concern issues which affect the stability of environment. In this study, the

transformation, typical metabolites and risk evaluation of five dominating PPCPs

(acetaminophen, triclosan, caffeine, N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide and sulfamethoxazole)

were investigated in a pilot sewer. Firstly, the mass balance analysis indicated, although

the PPCPs have the peculiarity of degradation-resistant, the biodegradation of PPCPs

still plays a more important role in sewers, and then, liquid chromatography coupled to

mass spectrometry (UHPLC-Q Exactive MS) methods were utilized to reveal their fate

during pipeline transportation. In total, six transformation products (TPs) were detected

and identified. The transformation occurring in sewers involved rearrangement of the

aminobenzene moiety, ether bond breaking, hydrolysis of hydroxy compounds and

dealkylation. Finally, risk(s) were estimated by calculating risk quotients (RQs). TCS

is “high risk” (RQ> 200), SMX is “minimal risk” (RQ <0.3), and the other compounds

examined are “low or medium risk” and vary widely (RQ≈3.75-98.19). Thus, based on

this investigation, insights into PPCPs bioconversions in sewers were revealed, which

could improve the understanding of subsequent treatment process of the wastewater

treatment plant (WWTP) and reduced environmental risks caused by micropollutants.

Keywords: Urban sewer system; Pharmaceutical and personal care products;

Degradation pathway; Transformation products; Environmental risk assessment

1. Introduction

Over the past ten years, PPCPs have received increasing attention due to their ever

increasing use and emissions into the environment, as well as the characteristics of

"pseudo persistent" contaminants [1]. In urban wastewater systems (UWS), the actual

and main source of PPCPs is households in the upper reaches of catchments, where

medicines are consumed and eventually released into sewer systems [2]. Sewer systems

of drains, pipes and pumping stations that transport wastewater to a wastewater

treatment plant (WWTP). Complex processes are involved, and material exchange

occurs at the interfaces of the five major phases (e.g., the water phase, biofilm, sediment,

atmosphere and walls). Due to exchange effects, active chemical and biological

reactions are promoted in sewer systems, which are hot-spots for microbial diversity

and activity [3].

Thai et al. (2014) [4] found that the biofilms in the lab-scale sewer (compared to

wastewater only) significantly improved the degradation efficiency of the compounds.

In the past ten years, the development of analytical technology and instruments has

improved detection and analysis capabilities for trace-level compounds in different

environments. Although a few studies have reported the concentrations of PPCPs in

sewage, their concentrations range from ng/L to ug/L [5], they can exist in various

environmental media and have potential adverse effects on the ecosystem and human


After human consumption of PPCPs, compounds are extensively metabolized in

the human body and usually only metabolites are excreted in urine and/or faeces and

eventually enter the sewage system. However, the presence of biofilms in sewers,

results in the occurrence of unpredictable transformation products (TPs) in the effluent

[6]. Most TPs are due to biodegradation, such as hydroxyl derivatives and glucuronide

conjugates [7]. Because these TPs are usually unknown compounds, research on

wastewater is currently viewed as a boring and challenging research field [8]. To our

knowledge, little research has paid attention to the study of TPs generated from target

pollutants in sewers. Nevertheless, these TPs may have a more important role in the

environment because they may be more stable and/or toxic than their parent compounds

[9]. Therefore, it is necessary to identify TPs which from during sewer transportation.

Although conventional WWTPs can partly degrade PPCPs [10]. However, the removal

efficiency of PPCPs was not considered in the design, resulting in a large quantity of

PPCPs from being released into the environment [11], which may cause potential

ecological impacts. The lack of chemical constituents and relevant toxicity data in

wastewater environmental media has led to imperfections in environmental risk

assessment systems. The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment has adopted

relevant regulatory recommendations to monitor and evaluate of the risk of

environmental effects from PPCPs. The environmental impact of PPCPs is assessed

using environmental risk assessment (ERA) approaches [12]. Usually, risk estimation

is performed by calculating risk quotient(s) (RQ), which includes measured

environmental concentrations (MEC) and predicted no-effect concentrations (PNEC)

of pollutants [13]. The RQs values are used as indicators in this paper to indicate the
level of environmental risk posed by acetaminophen (APAP), triclosan (TCS), caffeine

(CAF), N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) in sewers [14].

The purpose of this study is to determine the degradation and transformation of

PPCPs in sewer systems and their environmental risks. Studies conducted to investigate

TPs formation in sewer systems were performed by spiking high levels of the PPCPs

of interest individually in a 1,200 m pilot sewer system over a period of 90 days. In the

experiment, changes of chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N),

total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) were monitored and the degradation of

PPCPs was identified by Soxhlet extraction (SE) - solid phase extraction (SPE)

combined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technology. To

detect TPs, which are used for the evaluation of removal efficiencies in WWTPs, the

intermediate products of microbial biotransformation were further explored by using

mass spectrometry (MS). Therefore, based on the valuable information of the selected

PPCPs, the environmental risks in sewer systems can be better assessed. In addition,

this study can improve and update understanding of the biotic processes involved in

micropollutants removal in sewer systems and enhance the theoretical basis for future

development of urban sewer systems.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Sewer system setup and operation

We constructed a pilot test device to simulate an urban sewer system at the Xi'an

No. 5 WWTP in China (Fig. S1). The total length of the system was 1,200 m and the
main body was made of PVC pipe with a diameter of 40 mm. In this study, the

temperature inside the piping system was stabilized by control the inlet water

temperature and covered with sponge material. There were 35 layers from top to bottom.

To fully simulate the flow in actual sewers, the inner wall of the pipe was properly

polished to achieve the appropriate roughness, using a small-diameter pipe inner wall

grinding machine. The force driving the sewage flow was gravity. The slope of the

pipeline was 5 ‰, and a flow of 0.6 m/s could be maintained under these conditions

[15]. The synthetic sewage in this study was refreshed periodically for one day.

2.2 Sample collection and pretreatment

For the wastewater sampling, the samples were collected from inspection well of

the pilot sewer system to detect the water quality. The sampling times were at 7th day,

14th day, 21th day, 28th day, 35th day, 42th day, 49th day, 56th day, 63th day, 70th day, 77th

day, 84th day and 90th day of the experimental process.

For the sediment samples at the bottom of the sewer are collected and processed

by SE - SPE method [16]. Weigh 10.0 g of the sediment sample and mix it with 10.0 g

of anhydrous sodium sulfate, add 100ml of extraction solvent and extract for 4h in a

Soxhlet extractor, collect the extract, dry it with weak nitrogen at room temperature,

and add 5ml of n-hexane dissolve by shaking. Then 5 mL of methanol was used to

condition the Oasis HLB SPE cartridges and 5 mL of the sample was loaded into the

cartridge followed by washing off the impurities with 5 mL of distilled water. The traces

of water from the sorbent were removed under vacuum for 10 min and 5 mL of
methanol was passed through the cartridge to elute the adsorbed analytes. The eluent

was concentrated to 1 mL by blowing it with nitrogen gas and analyzed by UHPLC.

The sampling times were at 30th day, 60th day and 90th day of the experimental process.

2.3 Synthetic wastewater and PPCPs

We set up two different systems to simulate the influent water quality system of

urban sewers; one had added PPCPs (group A), and the other had no added PPCPs

(group B). The other wastewater quality characteristics of the two groups were the same,

but the PPCPs compositions were different (Table S1-2).

2.4 The properties of target compounds

A wide range of PPCPs with different properties and uses are present in urban

sewers. To obtain a comprehensive view in this study, the selection of compounds was

based on a variety of criteria. Antibiotic pharmaceuticals (SMX), nonantibiotic

pharmaceuticals (CAF and APAP), broad-spectrum antibacterial (TCS), and pesticides

(DEET) were included. Furthermore, consumption of chemicals and the occurrence of

PPCPs in world-wide monitoring studies were considered. Five different PPCPs were

investigated in this study. Their molecular information and basic physical and chemical

properties are shown in Table S3. A complete list of monitored chemical substances

can be found in the supplementary information (Table S4), including PKa, Kow, and koc.

2.5 Chemical analysis

An Ultimate 3000 UHPLC-Q Exactive Mass was employed for the detection and

quantification of the target trace-level PPCPs (Thermo Scientific, US).

Chromatographic separation was performed using an Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse Plus

C-18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm particle size).

Mobile phase compositions consisted of 0.1% formic acid water (A) and

acetonitrile (B) and had the following gradient: 0 minutes, 5% B; 3 minutes, 5% B; 20

minutes, 90% B; 25 minutes, 95% B; 30 minutes, 95% B; 31 minutes, 5% B; and 38

minutes, 5% B. The injection volume was 5 μL and the flow rate was 0.6 mL / min.

The MS system was operated by a Thermo Scientific Q Exactive instrument and an

HESI ion source. COD, NH4+-N, TN, and TP were measured according to standard

methods [17].

2.6 PPCPs mass balance

Throughout the wastewater treatment process, the mass balance of PPCPs can be

described as follows:

𝑀𝑤 = 𝑄𝑤 × 𝐶𝑤 (1)

𝑀𝑠 = 𝑄𝑠 × 𝐶𝑠 (2)

where Mw and Ms represent the average mass of PPCPs in sewage and sediment

(ug/d), respectively, Qw and Qs represent the average flux of sewage and sediment (L/d

and kg/d), respectively, and Cw and Cs represent the average concentration of PPCPs

in sewage and sediment, respectively.

In this experiment, the removal of PPCPs is mainly accomplished by adsorption

and biodegradation so the mass balance formula is as follows:

𝑀𝑖𝑛 = 𝑀𝑒𝑓+𝑀𝑏𝑖𝑜+𝑀𝑠𝑜𝑟 (3)

where Min and Mef represent the mass of each PPCPs in the influent and effluent

(ug/d), respectively, Mbio represents the mass of PPCPs removed by

biodegradation(ug/d), and Msor indicates the mass of PPCPs removed by adsorption

(ug/d). In this experiment, Min, Mef and Msor were all measured experimentally, while

Mbio was calculated by formula (3).

In addition, the biodegradation rate (Rbio, %) and adsorption removal rate (Rsor, %)

are calculated as follows:

𝑅bio = 𝑀𝑏𝑖𝑜 𝑀𝑖𝑛 × 100 (4)

𝑅𝑠𝑜𝑟 = 𝑀𝑠𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑖𝑛 × 100 (5)

2.7 Environmental risk assessment

PNEC values are mainly derived from the EC-European Commission technical

guidance document on risk [18] (EC, 2003), the WikiPharma database

(, and related values reported in the scientific literature

[19]. PNEC is the ratio of the no observed effect concentration (NOEC) to the

assessment factor (AF) and is expressed as:


If NOEC is missing, EC50 or LC50 values are use in the equation instead and AF is

usually 1,000. The NOEC, LC50 and EC50 values for the different investigated
compounds are shown in Table S5. MECInf and MECEnf correspond to the concentration

of influent drugs on the first day (1 d) and the concentration of effluent on the last day

(90 d), respectively.

According to EU technical guidelines on environmental risk assessment, the RQ

method is used to assess the environmental risk level of micropollutants in the water

environment. RQ is expressed as:


Based on to the RQ value, there are four environmental risk levels. The RQ value

is between 0.01 and 1 for minimal risk, between 1 and 10 for low risk, between 10 and

100 for medium risk, and greater than 100 for high risk.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Degradation of PPCPs in the sewer system

In this study, COD, NH4+-N, TN, and TP were detected by the 0-90th day (Fig.

S2) which prove that the presence of PPCPs will affect the conversion of wastewater

quality in sewers. Therefore, it is urgent to comprehensively evaluate the degradation

of PPCPs in sewers. The concentrations of the target PPCPs in the simulated wastewater

varied from 40 to 50 ug/L. Removal of PPCPs in sewers is mainly achieved by physical

adsorption and biodegradation. Considering that the circulation of organics between

urban sewage and sediment can facilitate their biodegradation, it is essential to examine

their fates in each pathway separately [20]. Shi et al. (2018) [21] proposed three

integrated approaches of physical pollutant deposition (PPD), biological transformation

adsorption (BTA), and biological transformation release (BTR), based on the physical

and biological pollutant exchange phenomenon between sewage and sediment. Studies

have shown that part of the PPCPs was adsorbed in the sediment [22]. However, the

PPCPs in the sewage removed by adsorption did not change their molecular structures

but instead transferred from the sewage to the sediment. Therefore, this study focused

on the biodegradation of PPCPs in sewage.

There are two main aspects of biodegradation in sewage. The biological

metabolism of rich microbial communities in the biofilm and the sediment. The

concentrations of five specific PPCPs were monitored weekly throughout the

experiment (Fig. 1). Compared with other micropollutants, SMX and CAF had higher

degradation efficiencies. This is because of their hydrophilicity and low log Kow nature,

which leads to ready biodegradation. In addition, the degradation rates of APAP, TCS,

and DEET were relatively low and these compounds were characterized as being

relatively persistent and water soluble. There was a biological treatment process during

the operation of the sewer system [23]. The main removal mechanism for most PPCPs

in activated sludge reactors under aerobic, nitrifying and anoxic conditions is

biodegradation [10]. This is mainly because the biofilm on the pipe walls has been

acclimated for a long period of time and the biodegradability of the system has


Fig. 1 Weekly concentration changes of five PPCPs ((a) DEET, (b) SMX, (c) CAF, (d) APAP,

and (e) TCS), the accumulated adsorption capacity of sediment after 30 days, 60 days and 90 days
of operation in sewers (f)

Due to design requirements and changes in water quantity, particulate matter

deposition occurs and causes formation of sewer sediment in sewers, which has a

certain adsorption effect for carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants [24]. Figure 1f

summarizes the concentration levels of target PPCPs detected in the sediment. The

adsorption capacity of TCS and CAF reached 7 ng/g or higher and, in particular, the

CAF adsorption capacity was as high as 9 ng/g or greater after 60 d (Table S6); this

was the highest adsorption capacity detected in this research. This is because CAF is a

hydrophilic basic compound. Water flowing in sewers is deprotonated and adsorbed

with the sediment particles through ion exchange and electrochemical reactions [25].

TCS also has a high adsorption capacity (> 7.85 ng/g) because the molecular structure

of TCS includes one -OH and multiple CL groups and exhibits weak acidity. In addition,

the pH of this system is approximately 7 and more than 80% of TCS molecules are

positively charged, so the adsorption capacity was strong [26]. Therefore, we believe

that both TCS and CAF are easily adsorbed organic substances. For a few PPCPs (e.g.,

DEET,APAP,and SMX), lower sediment concentrations indicate that the decreased

concentration of these substances mainly may be due to biodegradation [27, 28].

However, it is worth noting that previous studies have not attempted to assess the

interrelationship of PPCPs between physical adsorption and biodegradation in sewers.

Table S7 and Figure 2 show that DEET, APAP, TCS, CAF and SMX are mainly present

in sewage and that their proportions in sediment are relatively small. According to the

mass balance analysis, it is known that DEET, APAP, TCS, CAF and SMX pollution

in sewage can be reduced to a certain extent through biodegradation. This is sufficient

to prove the key role of biodegradation in sewers. In addition, the coexistence of

sediment and biofilm in sewer systems promotes biotransformation of some

hydrophobic compounds (such as TCS) [29]. By considering the relationships between

sediment characteristics, microbial populations, and anaerobic biological processes

(e.g., hydrolysis, acid production, acetic acid production, and methanogenesis), it is

necessary to study further the effects of intermediates produced by biological

degradation on the system.

Fig. 2 Mass balance for DEET, SMX, CAF, APAP, and TCS

3.2 Identification of PPCPs intermediate products

Microbial biotransformation occurs when pollutants travel over a long distance

and due to the existence of biofilms in sewer systems. PPCPs were added at high

concentrations of 40-50 μg/L to also allow detection of the main TPs [30, 31]. The

metabolites were initially identified via interpretation of the MS/MS information and

retention times of the parent compounds. The six most important TPs from five PPCPs

were detected and are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Main TPs identified for SMX, CAF, APAP, TCS and DEET

PPCPs standard solutions TCS, DEET, SMX, CAF and APAP, were gradually

accumulated and configured to the sewer system. This pattern facilitated the
characterization of unknown compounds and was used to determine the fragmentation

pattern for each substance. Screening and analysis of the degradation and conversion

of micropollutants (PPCPs) were conducted by UHPLC-Q Exactive MS during

simulated urban sewer network transportation using the chromatographic conditions

indicated in Section 2.5. This was achieved in full scan mode and selected ion

monitoring (SIM) in negative and positive ionization modes (Fig. S3-S4). Subsequently,

MS/MS fragmentation experiments were performed to initially identify TPs.

3.2.1 Pattern I

In mixed standard negative ion mode, SMX and TCS were detected at retention

times of 14.09 and 20.93 minutes (Fig. 3a) but two TPs (e.g., TP-156 and TP-141) with

m/z of 156.01 and 141.98 were detected in the wastewater samples (Fig. 4a-b, Table

S8). Among them, TP-141 (4-chlorocatechol [M−H] − =141.98 amu) came from the

parent compound TCS (m/z = 286.9439 for MH-) due to C-O cleavage [32]. The known

microbial TPs of triclosan are methyl-triclosan, 2,4-dichlorophenol, 4-chlorocatechol,

monohydroxy-triclosan and dihydroxy-triclosan showing agreement with our findings

[33]. In addition, TP-156 will be discussed in pattern Ⅱ.

Fig. 3 Total ion currents of mixed standard samples. (a) negative ion mode and (b) positive

ion mode

Fig. 4 MS/MS spectra of parent compounds. (a) SMX[M-H]-, (b) TCS[M-H]-, (c)

APAP[M+H]+, (d) CAF[M+H]+, (e) SMX[M+H] + and (f) DEET[M+H]+

3.2.2 Pattern Ⅱ

In addition, in mixed standard positive ion mode, five TPs with m/z of 110.06,

138.07, 108.04, 156.01 and 119.05 (e.g., TP-110, TP-138, TP-108, TP-156 and TP-119,

respectively) were detected at tR 9.88, 11.52, 14.09, and 17.05 min, respectively (Fig.

3b, Table S9). Among them, the characteristic product ions m/z 156.01 and 108.04 are

consistent with related research on SMX TPs. The parent compound SMX (m/z =

252.0448 for MH- and m/z = 254.0594 for MH+) mainly undergoes rearrangement of

the aminobenzene moiety, cleavage of the S-N bond and isoxazole ring, and loss of the

SO2 group, which produces TP-156 and TP-108 [34] (Fig. 4e). The parent compound

APAP (m/z = 152.0706 for MH+) undergoes a cleavage reaction to produce TP-110

(hydroquinone [M+H] + = 110.06 amu). Zhang et al. (2017) [35] found that the main

degradation mechanism of APAP is hydroxylation, which can be attributed to the

generation of hydroxylated aromatics such as hydroquinone and catechol. This is

consistent with the peak observed at m/z 152.0706 (TP-110) in our study (Fig. 4c). TP-

138 (m/z 138.07) (Fig. 4d) immediately formed after adding CAF to sewers. Accurate

mass measurements recorded for the protonated CAF molecule (m/z195.0875,

C8H11N4O2) showed excellent agreement between the experimental and calculated m/z

values. TP-119([M+H] + = 119.05 amu) (Fig. 4f) came from the parent compound

DEET (m/z = 192.1383 for MH+). In general, the hydroxylation and oxidation processes

are the main conversion pathways for DEET in wastewater samples.

3.3 Proposed transformation pathways and environmental implications

A possible transformation pathway of TCS in sewer systems is shown in Figure

5a. The oxidation of TCS to monohydroxy- and dihydroxy-triclosan results in the

formation of 4-chlorocatechol through breakage of the ether bond [36]. Figure 5b shows

an ion fragment at m/z 156.0120 [C6H6NO2S], which corresponds to the sulfonamide

bond cleavage. In addition, the initial degradation of SMX is due to the erosion of ·OH

radicals on the isoxazole ring, which eventually formed m/z 108.04 [C6H6NO] [37].

The main metabolite of APAP in this study was hydroquinone (m/z = 110.06) (Fig. 5c).

According to earlier reports, hydroquinone is produced by nitrogen elimination and

hydrolysis of the hydroxy compounds of APAP [35]. The formation of hydroquinone

(m/z = 110.06) is due to the hydrolysis reaction of APAP in sewer system, from which

nitrogen elimination is followed by hydroxylation [38]. As shown in Figure 5d, TP-138

(m/z = 138.07) may be the result of the opening of the imidazole ring after breaking

caffeine’s N9C8 double bond [39]. DEET biodegradation in sewers may be related to

dealkylation and mono- and poly- hydroxylation followed by oxidation of the hydroxyl

groups and cleavage of the alkyl chains in the water environment [40] (Fig. 5e).

Fig. 5 Proposed in-sewer biotransformation pathways of TCS (a), SMX (b), APAP (c), CAF

(d), and DEET (e)

The parent compounds of PPCPs and their TPs can not be completely removed
when entering a WWTP after long-distance transportation in urban sewers. They will

eventually enter the surface water with the WWTP wastewater discharge and endanger

the environment [41]. Heavy rains will cause sewer overflows, and at this time, the

mixture of rain and sewage enters the environment [42]. However, there are few studies

on the degradation behaviour of PPCPs in sewers but this situation clearly may have

negative impacts on the environment. Except for the inlet and outlet waters of sewers,

different wastewater treatment processes may cause different conversions of parent

compounds. WWTPs have shown good removal of traditional organic compounds

(such as BOD, COD, TP and TN) and can degrade a small number of PPCPs [43]. When

WWTP sewage is discharged into surface water, it eventually enters the groundwater

through a series of natural phenomena. At present, there are few studies on TPs in either

surface water or groundwater environments. Peng et al. (2014) found TCS and SMX in

groundwater and surface water in the vicinity of Chinese municipal landfills [44]. In

general, pollution by PPCPs and the subsequent environmental risks must be of concern.

It is necessary to study the impact of PPCPs pollution in various wastewater treatment

processes including urban sewer systems.

3.4 Environmental risk assessment

Risk assessment needs to identify potential adverse consequences along with their

severity and likelihood. It includes four key steps: hazard identification, dose-response

analysis, exposure assessment and risk characterization [45]. At present, risk

assessment of PPCPs is mainly focused on the parent compounds [46] and there is little
research on their metabolism and degradation products. The degradation products

themselves or interactions with the parent substances may produce greater toxic effects

and cause greater environmental risks [41]. It is necessary to establish an environmental

risk assessment model for PPCPs in sewer systems and calculate RQs to assess the

current environmental risks of PPCPs in sewers. Based on the PNEC and MEC results

reported in section 2.7, RQ calculations were performed to estimate the risks of TCS,

SMX, CAF, APAP, and DEET to sewer systems. To comprehensive evaluation of

PPCPs during sewer transportation, the simulated PPCPs influent concentrations (40-

50 ug/L) were relatively high in actual concentrations range [10, 11, 47], so the

environmental risk values were also in actual range. However, the purpose of this study

is to explore the environmental risk differences of PPCPs before and after the 1,200 m

transfer distance within the sewer. As shown in Figure 6, the RQ values for the influent

and effluent concentrations were calculated.

Fig. 6 Risk assessment of five PPCPs in the sewer of the influent and effluent.

The RQs were rated from highest to lowest in the following order:TCS>CAF

> DEET > APAP > SMX (Fig. 6). The RQ value of TCS is as high as 212-333.

Although it exhibits a good degradation effect in sewers, it still presents a high risk to

the environment. The RQ value of SMX is less than 0.3 which is a minimal risk. Lucy

et al. (2018) [48] calculated the receptor-specific risk quotient based on the average

concentration of SMX in the wastewater of a WWTP and found that the RQ indicated

safe exposure (RQ < 1). Even though CAF exists in sewers at a relatively high

concentrations in this study, it showed medium risk, which indicates that concentrations

are not consistent with environmental risks [46]. Table 2 summarizes the RQ values of

selected PPCPs in the surface water and sediments of rivers in China [49]. It can be

found that the proportion of "high risk" of TCS in surface water and sediment is higher

than for other compounds, which is consistent with the results of this study. TCS

adsorption onto sediments will convert TCS to methyl triclosan, which may pose more

serious environmental risks [50]. In addition, the back-estimated usage of DEET in

China is more than 70 t/y and the estimated emissions are more than 45 t/y [49]. Large

emission will inevitably cause potential environmental risks, especially in sediments;

59% of the relevant studies consider DEET as "medium risk" (Table 2). CAF is widely

used in today's society and has high water solubility and difficult volatility. Humans

directly or indirectly discard CAF into the water environment and it will exist in the

water environment for an extended period. As shown in Table 2, the total amount of

CAF in surface water and sediments is the greatest and should receive more attention.

In contrast, the remaining compounds (e.g., SMX and APAP) pose low or minimal risk

to the environment. However, given the large environmental load of these substances,

their potential negative effects should not be ignored due to the limited ecotoxicological

data currently available.

Table 2 Summary of the calculated RQ values and their fraction for risk

(high/medium/low/minimal) for China

At present, little is known about the basic data of PPCPs such as the toxicity of

TPs or metabolites in the environment. Therefore, no environmental risk assessment

was performed for metabolites in this study but the concentrations of TPs and

metabolites in the environment were even higher than those of their parent compounds.

Therefore, the significance of this study is to reiterate the concern that metabolites

produced by biological effects during sewer transportation may bring more serious

environmental risks. At the same time, higher requirements are imposed on the

processes of WWTPs or other sewage treatment facilities. In addition, the PNEC used

in environmental risk assessment is not consistent, and there will be some differences

in RQ results in each study. Therefore, there is an urgent need to strengthen research

on sewers and bioaccumulation of PPCPs and establish a unified benchmark for risk

assessment of PPCPs based on human health and ecological environmental safety [14].

Combined sewer systems transport wastewater to sewage treatment plants. After long-

distance transportation, the wastewater quality is transformed to some extent due to the

biofilm present [51]. This also proves that urban sewer systems can effectively reduce

the burden of micropollutants in the sewage treatment plant and can also bring

additional benefits to the downstream processes of WWTPs.

4. Conclusions

Based on a 1,200-m pilot experimental sewer system, the biotransformation of

PPCPs in sewers was revealed in this study. The main findings are as follows:

(1) The combined action of biodegradation and physical adsorption played an

important role in the degradation of PPCPs and based on the HPLC results, the

degradation rate of CAF (41.39%) was highest in water while the adsorption capacity

for CAF (9.87 ng/g) was highest in sediment.

(2) MS analysis revealed the types of key TPs involved in the biotransformation

of PPCPs. It indicated that, due to the different characteristics of the compounds

involved, TP-156 and TP-141 were resolved in negative ion mode while TP-110, TP-

138, TP-108, TP-156 and TP-119.05 were resolved in positive ion mode.

(3) By analysing the information of the TPs, the key biotransformation pathways

of CAF, APAP, DEET, TCS and SMX can be deduced, which has guiding significance

for future research on the field of PPCP biodegradation.

(4) Using the RQ method, the environmental risks in the sewer system were

revealed. The results indicated that the biotransformation function of PPCPs should not

be overlooked in sewers, which has important reference significance for the study of

wastewater quality changes in WWTPs.


Corresponding Author

Pengkang Jin, Phone: +86 13379217575; E-mail:

Author Contributions

The manuscript was written by contributions of all authors. All authors have approved

the final version of the manuscript.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.


This study was supported by the National Key Project of Water Pollution Control and

Management (No. 2012ZX07313001), Shaanxi Science & Technology Co-ordination

& Innovation Project (2016TZC-S-19-3), and the Program for Innovative Research

Team in Shaanxi Province (PIRT) (No. 2013KCT-13).


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The authors declare that they have no conflict interests in this paper.

Fig. 1 Weekly concentration changes of five PPCPs ((a) DEET, (b) SMX, (c) CAF,

(d) APAP, and (e) TCS), the accumulated adsorption capacity of sediment after 30
days, 60 days and 90 days of operation in sewers (f)

Rbio Rsor Mef






0 20 40 60 80 100
Mass fraction (%)

Fig. 2 Mass balance for DEET, SMX, CAF, APAP, and TCS

Fig. 3 Total ion currents of mixed standard samples. (a) negative ion mode and (b)

positive ion mode

Fig. 4 MS/MS spectra of parent compounds. (a) SMX[M-H]-, (b) TCS[M-H]-, (c)

APAP[M+H]+, (d) CAF[M+H]+, (e) SMX[M+H] + and (f) DEET[M+H]+

Fig. 5 Proposed in-sewer biotransformation pathways of TCS (a), SMX (b), APAP

(c), CAF (d), and DEET (e)

Fig. 6 Risk assessment of five PPCPs in the sewer of the influent and effluent

Table 1 Main TPs identified for SMX, CAF, APAP, TCS and DEET

Measured Measure Most important

Compoun Abbrev Molecular at

m/z d m/z fragment

d iation formula (min)
[M+H] [M-H] ions(m/z)

Triclosan TCS C12H7Cl3O2 20.93 286.9439 TP-141.98


diethyl-m- DEET C12H17NO 17.08 192.1383 TP-119.05


Sulfameth TP-108.04,
SMX C10H11N3O3S 14.09 254.0594 252.0448
oxazole TP-156.01

Caffeine CAF C8H10N4O2 11.53 195.0877 TP-138.07

APAP C8H9NO2 9.91 152.0706 TP-110.06

Table 2 Summary of the calculated RQ values and their fraction for risk

(high/medium/low/minimal) for China

Compo Surface water Sediment

und Fraction (%) Fraction (%)
Concentratio Concentra
RQ value for risks RQ value for risks
n range tion range
(range) (high/medium/ (range) (high/medium
(ug/L) (ng/g dw)
low/minimal) /low/minimal)

DEET 0.55-1.29 0.03-0.12 0/6/89/5 0.97-4.10 0.01-2.29 6/59/35/0

TCS 0.04-0.54 0.54-20.5 89/11/0/0 0.18-1.63 0.71-10.1 71/29/0/0

22.46- 1.35-
APAP 0.03-0.07 0/0/32/68 0.15-0.96 0/5/53/42
8588.04 118.02

8868.70- 2.43-
CAF 0.32-8.27 40/53/7/0 0.17-2.41 15/70/15/0
456992.79 518.86

SMX 1.01-145.29 0.01-0.02 0/0/5/95 0.00-0.05 0/0/44/56

treatment plants
User water

Degradation Environmental

pathways products risk


PPCPs (APAP, 300 DEET CAF Guidance for


200 WWTP
TCS, DEET, 150


TPs identification Risk assessment

(1) A comprehensive study on the transportation characteristics of PPCPs in sewers.

(2) Mass balance analysis reveals degradation pathway of PPCPs in sewers.

(3) Six transformation products were identified by used UHPLC-Q Exactive MS.

(4) The environmental risk of PPCPs in sewers were evaluated for the first time.


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