Tutotial Assignment 2
Tutotial Assignment 2
Tutotial Assignment 2
P#1: A blast furnace using pure hematite as feed is operated with 500 kg of coke per ton of Fe (analysis:
90%C) and produces pig iron having 5%C. If the analysis of the carbonaceous portion of the top gas is
46.3% CO and 57.7%CO2, estimate , nCA , nOB .
Ans: 1.55, nC 1.96, nO 1.538
P#2 The coke rate of a large modern blast furnace is 500 kg of coke (88% C) per ton of product metal
(5%C). It is believed that the furnace is operating in such a way that it has a 1200 K thermal reserve
zone where gas approaches equilibrium with wustite and Fe. On this basis, calculate the of blast rate
(Nm3/ton of product iron) that must be supplied to keep the furnace operating at steady state condition.
Also calculate top gas composition.
P#3: A blast furnace is running with a carbon rate of 300 kg/THM, i) calculate the heat capacity of the
gas (kcal/THM). If the solid at the upper part of the furnace has a heat capacity of 500 kcal/THM, ii)
estimate the exit gas temperature. Now the blast furnace is charged with an improved burden such that
heat capacity of solid at the upper part of the furnace is reduced to 400 kcal/THM, iii) estimate the new
exit gas temperature. To combat the high exit gas temperature, oxygen enrichment is done. For 30%
oxygen in oxygen enriched air blast, iv) recalculate heat capacity of the gas, and the exit gas
temperature. v) What will happen if oxygen content is the blast is increased to 40%.
The volumetric heat capacity of blast furnace gas and preheated air blast at 1200oC is 0.337 and 0.333
kcal/Nm3-oC, respectively.
Ans: i) 544 kcal/THM.oC, ii) 100oC, iii) 260oC, iv) 408 kcal/THM.oC, 47oC,
v) 330kcal/THM.oC, -154oC
P#4 A hematite charged blast furnace is operating with a coke supply of 590 kg of C per ton
of product Fe and a blast supply of 1850 Nm3per ton of product Fe. The normal supply of high
grade pellets to the plant is interrupted and the operator is forced to charge a low grade lump
hematite ore to the furnace. It is found that with the new ore, the steady state carbon and blast
supplies are 650 kg and 2200Nm3 per ton of product Fe respectively. By how much the new
low grade ore has increased the heat demand of the process? Assume, air enters and BF gas
leaves the furnace at 298K and hot metal contains 5% C.
P#6 A 4000 TPD (tons per day), highly efficient blast furnace, hot metal (4.3%C, 1.4% Si, 2%
Mn) produces heat loss of 1.785 MW from lower part of the furnace. Estimate the bottom
segment heat demand of the blast furnace. Neglect heat effects of slag reaction and calcination
etc. Assume air blast enter at 1400K.
Determine the coordinates H points. Estimate the coke (90%C) rate (kg/THM) blast rate
(Nm3/THM) and exit gas composition.
H 1800 H 1200
15680 kJ / kg .mole of Mn
[ Mn ] Mn ( s )
H 1200 386000 kJ / kg .mole of MnO
H 1800 H 1200
17000 kJ / kg .mole of Si
[ Si ] Si ( s )
H 1200 612000 kJ / kg .mole of SiO 2
SiO 2