Endi Abdul Syukur - Chapter Ii

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A. Literature review
1. Learning Styles
a. Definition of Learning Style
Learning style is the ways of students in absorbing and
understanding the information or idea. In the other side, it could be said
that learning styles is the preference ways in learning. Learning style is
characterized by the degree to which the learner emphasizes abstractness
over concreteness in perceiving information and the degree to which he
or she emphasizes action over reflection in processing information in a
learning situation (Matthews 1996:249).
Meanwhile, Naning&Hayati(2011:2) stated “learning styles are the
characteristic ways in which an individual acquires, perceives, and
processes information and learning style is the way in which each learner
begins to concentrate on, process, absorb and retain new and difficult
As the result from those statements of learning style above,
learning is a term used to describe the attitudes and behaviors, which
determine an individuals’ preferred way of learning. Although the
students have the combination of learning styles, they usually have a
dominant learning style or their own preference style.
b. Types of Learning Styles
Based on Reid (1998:89) there are three kinds of learning styles.
They are visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles.
1) Visual Learning Style
According to Yong (2010:481) visual means connecting with
seeing or sight. “Visual learning style refers to a preference for
learning through vision and visual learners rely on their sight to take
the information. They organize the knowledge in terms of spatial

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018
interrelationships among ideas and store it graphically. There are some
characteristics of the students’ visual learning style; they can
memorize the material better when it is presented by using visual
media such as: power point presentations, videos, pictures, diagrams
and graphs. Visual learners typically like to be able to read the
textbook, journal, article, or newspaper on their own to increase their
In addition, Abbas (2012:106) explained that visual learning is
learning through seeing; reading, watching people, videotapes and
television. Their visual learning characteristics are using guided
imaginery, forming pictures in mind, using notebooks, seeing parts of
words, watching movies on subjects, using color codes, using flow
charts, underlining in color, drawing pictures, using cue words, using
study cards, using charts, graphs and maps, drawing on or using
drawings, using exhibits, using photographs, using mind maps and
acrostics and selecting courses that are reading-centered.
Moreover, DePorter&Hernacki (2005:116) were covering the
characteristics of visual learners. ”Visual learners are tidy and order,
talk active, good planner and manager, detail and attentive, good
performing in appearance and presentation, good speller, good in
remembering what they see, good in memorizing using their visual
association, not easy to be disturbed by noisy, bad in memorizing
verbal instructions, good in reading speed and diligent, good in
learning by reading than listening to someone, need whole vision and
objective, good in taking notes during in phone cell, easy to forget
sending the verbal message to others, always give short answer for
each question, prefer doing demonstration than speech, prefer art than
music, good in knowing what need to be said, but difficult to choose
the diction, and easy to lose the concentration when they want to get

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018
It can be comprehended that visual learning style is students’
preferences in how they use their abilities of acquiring, using and
thinking about knowledge on visual sense. Visual learners are
intended talkactive, diligent and tidy. However, in order to learn best
by seeing, they tend to less in verbal things.
2) Auditory Learning Style
Abbas (2012:106) said that auditory learning style islearning
through hearing lectures or audiotapes. They elaboratedfeatures of
auditory learners are listening to tapes, watching
documentaries,speaking about subjects, sounding out words, using
rhymes, havingdiscussions, explaining notes, using word links, taping-
recording studying,using oral directions, talking and listening with a
partner, using rhythmicsounds, listening carefully, talking to own
selves and reading aloud.
Hamzah(2008:181) stated in
OrientasibarudalamPsikologiPendidikanthat the learning style of
auditory learners relied on hearing forcomprehending and
remembering. This learning style put hearing as theprimary device to
absorb information or knowledge.
Some definition above about auditory learning style.
Consequently, it can be concluded that auditory learners use their
sense of hearing to absorb and comprehend knowledge rather than
3) Kinesthetic Learning Style
According to Lynn (2012:12), kinesthetic learning is learning
actively and the bodily engaged in the learningprocess with real world
activities and with activities that have meaning to thelearner.
Also, DePorter&Hernacki (2005:110) claimed thecharacteristics
of kinesthetic learners are speaking slowly, responding tophysical
gesture, touching people for getting their attention, standing
closerwhen talking with someone else, Orienting to physics and much

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018
mademoving, learning through manipulation and practice, memorizing
bywalking while seeing, using fingers to point when reading, using
bodylanguage intensively, Never staying quietly for long time, bad to
rememberGeography, excluding if they have ever visited the place,
using much actionverbs, reading book which oriented to the plot,
having untidy characteristic,tending to do everything, playing games
In addition, stated by Abbas (2012:106) “kinesthetic learning is
preferred learning by touching and doing; practicing techniques,
drawing maps, creating outlines or making models. The characteristics
of that learning style are always better in learning by doing physically,
better involving in role play, good in pretending to teach subject,
writing lists repeatedly, better in using notecards, prefer to do projects
and create pictures, prefer pointing with finger when reading, prefer
practicing by repeated motion, good in take notes and create pictures,
prefer stretching and moving from chair, prefer riding stationary bike
while reading, prefer putting feet in a tub of sand while reading, good
in dancing, and prefer selecting project-driven courses”.
In line with all the experts above, Marie (2007:56) stated that
“Kinesthetic learners are students who learn easily by doing and
experiencing. Kinesthetic learners are helped with frequent breaks that
allow them movement, informal reading areas that enable them stretch
and move while they read. They learn more easily when they are
doing or build something related to what they are learning”.
As a result, kinesthetic learning style is the way students
comprehend information that they learn through their physical body
movement or demonstrations.
2. Reading
a. Definition of Reading
In general, reading is one of the important language skills in
learning English. “Reading is an extraordinary achievement when one

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018
considers the number of levels and components that must be mastered”
Danielle & McNamara (2006:3). So, it can besaid that reading is
fundamental skill or achievement that should bemastered for achieving
one purpose.
The statement above is supported by Daiek&Anter (2004:5)
statements, they claim that there are some definitions of reading. So, it
can be concluded reading as an active process that has two ways of
communication between an author and a reader through written language
or symbol (text) and it requires interpretation and understanding.
Meanwhile based on William &Fredricka (2002:11) statement in
their book, “Reading is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page
and interpret information appropriately”. Harmer (1991:190) claimed that
“Reading is an exercise dominated by the eyes and the brain. The eyes
receive messages and the brain then has to work out the significance of
these messages”.Moreover, JoAnn & Field (2003:15) said that everything
which happens when people look at the text and compute the meaning to
written symbols from the text is reading.
From the explanation above about various definitions of reading, it
can be said that a universally acceptable reading definition does not exist.
However, a simple conclusion can be given to make easier comprehend
the definition of reading. Reading is a process, activities or ability on
purpose to comprehend the meaning or information whether from printed
page or not.
b. Purpose of Reading
Harmer (1991:182) has divided the purpose of reading, he divided
the purpose into two general objectives. The first is reading for pleasure.
People read because they get interesting to the material which they read,
such as, reading comics, novels or magazines. The second is reading for
general language improvement. People read for they need information
contained in the text, like, textbook, newspaper, encyclopedia, etc.

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018
Meanwhile based on McDonough & Christopher (1993:90), he
classified the purpose of reading into three; getting general information
from the text, getting specific information from the text and pleasure or
for interest.
Also, McDonough & Christopher (1993:91), elaborated more detail
about the purpose of reading in Materials & Method in ELT, list of the
following is examples of some reason that L2 students may need or want
to read:
1. To obtain information for some purpose or because we are curious
about some topic.
2. To obtain instructions on how to perform some task for our work or
daily life.
3. To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or to understand
business letters.
4. To know when or where something will take place or what is
5. To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in
newspapers, magazines or reports).
6. To have enjoyment and excitement.
Additionally, William &Fredricka (2002:11) claimed and
concluded reading aims into seven, they are for finding simple
information, skimming information quickly, learning from texts,
integrating information, writing or finding information needed for
writing, criticizing texts and getting general comprehension.
From those statements above, it can be overgeneralized that the
main or primarily aims of reading is to get information whether they read
for pleasure or not. Information is a crucial aspect that people want for
fulfilling their need when they are reading, it is for getting
comprehension or meaning of the material content.
c. Reading Comprehension

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018
According to William &Fredricka (2002:14),
“Readingcomprehension is an extraordinary feat of balancing and
coordinating manyabilities in a very complex and rapid set of routines
that makescomprehension a seemingly effortless and enjoyable activity
for fluentreaders”.
Meanwhile Naning&Hayati (2011:3) stated, “Reading is about
understanding written text”. It is acomplex activity that involves both
perception and thought.Readingconsists of two related processes such as
word recognition andcomprehension. Word recognition refers to the
process of perceiving howwritten symbols correspond to one’s spoken
language. Comprehensionrefers to the understanding what is being said
or read. When it comes toreading, it is an active process that should be
developed if a learner tobecome a proficient reader.
From all definitions about reading comprehension above, it can be
understood that reading comprehension is a process of understanding
textual content, knowledge or ideas through thinking process which
requires analysis, coordination and interpretation.
3. Achievement
The result of learning process is an important thing to know how well
the learning process running. The result of learning process is students’
achievement. It is a measurement for students to know how well they get
knowledge from learning process in the class and also for the teacher to
know how well the student can absorb the materials from teaching process,
Armbruster (2003:14).Based on Tanta (2010:7) achievement is what pupil
has learned. The mastery of achievement can be seen at students’ behavior,
either behavior of knowledge, thinking skill, nor physic or motoric skill.
According to Saadi (2012:3) achievement motivation is determined by
conflicting approach and avoidance tendencies. The positive influence are
the expectancy (or perceived probability) of success, the incentives involve
fear of failure, the incentive to avoid failure and the probability of failure.

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018
However, in learning activity, it means the mastering of knowledge or
skill that is developed by a lesson and shown by score or mark. So, English
achievement is the progress toward English subject. This achievement can
be measurement from the skill anilities, for example speaking, reading,
listening and writing.
To sum up the achievement definition, it can be concluded that the
meaning of achievement is a result of activities that have been done.
B. Previous Research
There are some previous research about students’ learning style and their
English achievement.
First, the research conducted by Endang, heconducted the research which
comparing between visual and auditorylearning style through students’
achievement in English and found out thesignificant difference on students’
English learning achievement based ontheir visual and auditory learning style
in the second grade of SMAN 1Sepatan. T-test is used to compare the
differences between students’ visualand auditory learning on English
achievement. As a result, her research revealedthat there is a significance
difference between students’ visual and auditorystyle in English achievement.
Second, the research was conducted by Cendy. Sheconducted causal
comparative study which find out whether there wassignificant differences of
students’ English achievement based on their visual,auditory and kinesthetic
learning styles at second grade of SMP IslamHarapanIbu. The data analysis
revealed that auditory dominated the students’learning styles and the highest
score was gotten by kinesthetic learners. The result showed that there is
asignificance difference among student’s English achievement. Therefore,
itcan be understood that there is significant differences value in
students’English achievement based on their learning styles.
There are some defferences between the two previous research above
with this research. This research is to know significance effect between
students’ learning styles on their reading comprehension achievement in SMK
MuliaBaktiPurwokerto. The instrument of this research are questionnaire and

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018
documentation, questionnaire distribute to first grade students and
documentation is students reading comprehension score from the result
activities in students’ book by asking to the teacher. To analyze the result of
data questionnaire and reading achievement using SPSS 24.0 Analysis Of
Variance (ANOVA).
C. Basic Assumption
Many people think that some factors which initiate problem in the
teaching and learning process are the students’ lacking effort to improve their
comprehension or knowledge. Besides, the problem in teaching and learning
reading that make students’ difficult to increase their reading comprehension is
their lacking of reading pratice.
However, the problems are not those things; there is also factor which
influence students’ reading comprehension. It is students’ learning style. Every
students has different learning style. As stated in this chapter, there are three
types of learning style. Those are visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning
According to Deporter&Henarcki’stheory, students’ visual learners are
tidy and order, good in perfoming in appearance and good in learning by
reading than auditory and kinesthetic learning style. So that, it needs further
investigation to know the comparison of learning style; visual, auditory and
kinesthetic. It is considered and believed that learning style influences
achievement, so if students have different learning style, it means that they also
have different achievement.
D. Hypothesis
Based on the theories above, it is formulated hypothesis as folows:
1. Ha (Alternative Hypothesis)
There is significant effect of students’ learning style on reading
comprehension achievement.
2. Ho (Null Hypothesis)
There is significant effect of students’ learning style on reading
comprehension achievement.

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018
It can be concluded that the hypothesis which related to theories from
some experts above is Ha. It can be said that there will be a significant effect
of students’ learning style on reading comprehension achievement.

The Effects Of Learning Styles…, Endi Abdul Syukur, FKIP UMP, 2018

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