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Bullying is an unwanted behavior of a school aged children that involves or

perceived power imbalance. This behavior is repeated or has a potential to repeated
overtime, the children that what we called bully and the victim or the children that being
bullied may have a long-lasting serious problem. There are so many types of bullying in
this world but the researchers choose the topic that very expedient to our world now, we
all know that pandemic resulted things in this world like the online classes which is the
way of the government to continue the education system and student can still learn and
study even they just in their home, because of the COVID-19 lockdowns people
including children spending their 20% of their time in social media than they were in pre-
pandemic. Online classes are the thing that student need to be active to social media
and digital gadgets and bullying is rampant so cyberbullying is the things that children
way to make fun to others through social media and electronic devices.

Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that takes place in Digital gadgets and devices
like computers, tablets and cellphones. Cyberbullying can occur in online platforms such
as online social media, short message service (SMS), text, apps, games or forums
where people can access the internet and participate, view and share contents.
Cyberbullying includes sharing or posting negative, harmful, foul or mean contents and
information about other people or someone else. It also do includes sharing private
information or personal information about someone else resulting and causing
embarrassment or humiliation. Some cases of cyberbullying get to the point of crossing
the line into unlawful and criminal behaviors.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
According to Aliza Vigderman and the Security.org Research Team(2020) , There
are an estimated 42 million children ages 10 to 18, and previous research on
cyberbullying has found that roughly one in five children in this age range has been a
victim. With COVID-19, it’s no secret that kids are spending more time online;
worldwide, people spend about 20 percent more time on social media now than they did
pre- pandemic. This study can be way to know people what happen in social media
when we let children use it every day.

The researchers choose the topic “Impacts of Cyberbullying” because this study
will let the people know the effects of cyberbullying to the students experienced it.
Researchers also chose this topic to help assess the problems or impacts of
cyberbullying to the students that experienced to be cyberbullied. The researchers
would also aims to develop effective ways and programs that will help us to stop
cyberbullying so that there’s no more students will experienced to get cyberbullied and
no more students will become a victim of cyberbullying


In recent years, many discouraged young people have experienced bullying,

even at home, school and the internet, which is still happening in the Philippines.
Nowadays, there are many ways for bullies to bully people because they can use many
platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others, so the result is an
increase in the percentage of bullies in our society.

Bullying is the abuse, violent dominance, or intimidation of another person via the
use of force, compulsion, cruel teasing, or threat. The action is frequently repeated and
habitual. One of the most important prerequisites is the bully’s or others’ sense of an
imbalance of physical or social power. Bullying is distinguished from confrontation by
this imbalance. Bullying is a type of aggressive conduct defined by three criteria: hostile
purpose, power imbalance, and long-term repetition. Bullying is the act of repeatedly
engaging in hostile conduct with the intent of injuring another person physically,
mentally, or emotionally.

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
With the introduction of low-cost personal computers in the 1990s, traditional
bullying made its way onto the internet. Since then, classmates (as well as strangers)
have subjected children and teens to cyberbullying in public chat rooms or on private
messaging platforms. The anonymity of the internet provided the ideal cover for a user
to harass or intimidate others without fear of repercussions. It’s easy to believe that
online teasing isn’t as harmful as in-person bullying, but this isn’t true. Although several
US states have passed legislation in recent years to regulate teen cyberbullying, the
long- term consequences can be harmful or even fatal. In this post, we will look at the
history of cyberbullying and how it has evolved so that you can be better prepared to
protect your children from being bullied online.

Based on the Cyberbullying Researcher survey, nearly 34 percent of students in

middle and high school were cyberbullied in 2016 — the highest percentage reported
since the organization began tracking cyberbullying 10 years ago. As this issue
becomes more prevalent, it is critical for students, parents, and educators to understand
the consequences of cyberbullying and what can be done to prevent it. This guide takes
a comprehensive approach to the issue, including information on the various types of
cyberbullying, how students can protect themselves, and what steps can be taken to
address it after it occurs.


This study aims to know “The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12 Senior High
School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022”

Below are the questions that the study aims to answer:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
1.2 Sex

2. What are the impacts of cyberbullying to the following?

2.1 Academic Performance

2.2 Interpersonal Relationship

2.3 Mental Health

3. Is there a significance difference in the factors of Bullying among the respondents in

terms of:

3.1 Age

3.2 Sex


The researchers came up with this question regarding the research topic:

Ho 1: There is no significant difference of the impacts of cyberbullying among students of

Monlimar Development Academy Inc. in terms of the category of age.

Ho 2: There is no significant difference of the impacts of cyberbullying among students of

Monlimar Development Academy Inc. in terms of the category of sex.

Ho 3: There is no significant difference of the impacts of cyberbullying among students of

Monlimar Development Academy Inc. in terms of the category of grade level.

Ho 4: There is no significant difference of the impacts of cyberbullying among students of

Monlimar Development Academy Inc. in terms of the category of strand.

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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Title: Conceptual model outlining the relationship among and between the variables within the study

Within contemporary societies, ways of committing violent acts can be

considered as having evolved in many of the same ways as the society itself. Persons
commit crimes for a variety of reasons and several theories have been purported which
seek to explain engagement in criminality. The theory of social bonding as purported by
Hirschi (1969) is one such modern theory of criminology. The main tenet of the social
bond theory is that “the lack of social bonds or self-control increases criminal
involvement” (Hirschi, 1969). According to the interactions and relationships which
persons have with one another. According to Katz and Fox (2010) in a study of youth
criminal gang involvement in Trinidad and Tobago, it was found that belief systems and
some form of peer attachment had significant impacts on deviant/delinquent behaviours.
Hirschi (1969) purported four elements of his social bond theory. These are attachment,
commitment, involvement and belief. Hirschi (1969) suggested that, “attachment to
others is the extent to which we have close affection ties to others, admire them and
identify with them so that we care about their expectations.” The more insensitive we are
to others’ opinions, the less we are constrained by the norms that we share with them;
therefore, the more likely we are to violate these norms. In addition, the more committed
and involved individuals are, the more likely they are to refrain by becoming involved in
criminality. The fourth element, belief, plays a less significant role in this study since in
the traditional sense; cyberbullying and cyber victimization do not fall within the realms
of traditional societal norms and values. The theory seems to lend support to the
following hypotheses; persons with low social bonds (lack of peer relationships and
intimate partners) will be more likely to engage in cyberbullying and become cyber
victims and persons with high social bonds (solid peer relationships and intimate
partners) will be less likely to become victims of cyberbullying and engage in
cyberbullying. The social bond theory however does not offer any explanation for those
persons with high social bonds who engage in cyberbullying or general deviant behavior
nor does it account for persons with low social bonds who refrain from engaging in
cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has slowly infiltrated the psyches of young individuals as a
means of gaining social and emotional gratification at the expense of

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
others, which can have detrimental effects. What may appear innocent and
undetectable based on law enforcement principles is cause for concern as it is only a
matter of time before physical violence becomes tied in to cyberbullying in an already
violent society. Obtaining substantial evidence through the findings of this research can
help address and perhaps to an extent curb the upsurge of violence which may be
perpetrated by young adults where mediating variables in addition to social bonds exist.
This study will attempt to provide plausible explanations through the use of mediating
variables in an attempt to account for persons who do not fall stringently within the
realms of the main tenet of the social bond theory. The relationship between social
bonds and engagement in cyberbullying or becoming a victim of cyberbullying is
somewhat obvious according to the social bond theory but there may be other mitigating
factors which may also affect the likelihood of becoming involved in criminality. The
study attempts to provide possible modifications to the existing social bond theory
through the intervention of mediating variables which may be quite influential in
determining who becomes a cyberbully and who becomes a cyber victim in the
presence of peer and intimate partner relationships. A study such as this has never
been done within the Caribbean. Studies exist on cyberbullying/cyber victimization but
to date; the majority remains exploratory as they primarily explore the relationships
between cyberbullying/cyber victimization and outcomes in terms of depression, suicide
ideation, low self-esteem and anger.

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The research paradigm below show the process in determining the Impact of
Cyberbullying to the Grade 12 Senior High School at Monlimar Development Academy


1. Profile of the
Quantitative Research
Therespondents in
figure 2. Presented the conceptual framework that shows the concept structure of
terms of:
the study. The study aims to determine the impact of cyberbullying on mental health in
 Age
students. ● Survey/
In the Philippines latest National Data show that cyber violence affects almost
 Sex The Impact of
half of children 13-17 the prevalence ofQuestionnair
cyber violence for males (44 per cent).Among
Cyberbullying Is almost
the2. same
What are
for the
females (43 per cent).e Cyberbullying can cause Grade 12 Senioracademic
decreased High
impacts of School Students of
cyberbullying interpersonal
to the relationship, and mental health.
● Descriptiv Monlimar Development
following? e Survey Academy Inc. 2021-
2.1 Academ ● Statistic 2022
ic Analysis of Data
● Mean Basic for
● Percentage implementing E-
2.2 Interperson SABAC on Anti-
al Relationship ● Variables Bullying Program.
2.3 Mental ● Standar
Health d
Theoretical n
● Conceptual model ●T-test
outlining the relationship

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The significance of this study is to determine the impact of cyberbullying on all Grade 12
Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: The research
provided realistic and conclusive information, study, and evaluation of the impact of
cyberbullying on Grade 12 students that affect the academic performance and personal
problem of the students. The population of the Grade 12 students at Monlimar
Development Academy Inc. is 572 in total and the respondents will come from Grade 12
students. The sample size that the researchers need is 235 Grade 12 students in
different strands and sections.

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Cyber bullying has become an issue mostly on youth, this issue about cyber bullying is
still very new to people who wants to know every details/Information. As the outcome of
the past researcher these are the few cyberbullying research studies available on the
topic, and intervention strategies have not had time to be properly asses (Smith et al.,
2008; Beran & Li, 2007). Because of the media attention it arose the popularity of social
networking, the Internet, and the technology upgrades, the issue of cyberbullying usually
starting at schools and communities because of its increased proliferation and after
negative emotional and physical effects, Even though a dramatic strike in cyberbullying
awareness has been seen by educators, policy makers have yet to determine the most
appropriate means of resolving this phenomenon.

The following will benefit from the study:

School: This study will be lessen the problem of the cyberbullying to the schools among
the students, it can gives an ideas to prevent the cases of cyberbullying and avoid the
issues through social media.

High school students: This study is significant because it aims to provide student
leaders and policy makers with details on how to create policies that lessen the
prevalence and negative effects of cyberbullying. School officials are still strive on how
to properly intercede when made aware of occurrence of cyberbullying, and a great deal
of that hindrance centers around their unwillingness to take an action on their behaviors
that do not occur on the school grounds. Even though the mostly of these cyberbullying
opportunity occur off campus, the disturbance that many of them bring to the school
campuses is cause for school staff to take action. A space clearly prevails between the
technology of today’s youth versus those of recent generations. Until that space
narrows, it may be extraordinarily difficult to earn the trust juvenile so that schools,
students, and parents can work collaboratively to prevent cyberbullying. It is known that
cyberbullying can compromise, a school’s atmosphere and negatively effects the
physical and emotional well-being of many people.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Future Researcher: The outcome of the study is beneficial neither in present or future
researchers. It will enlighten them specially in the things that they need to know, this
study maybe one of the basis that they can rely on it contains a concrete evidences.

Short message service: is the abbreviated language and slang commonly used with
mobile phone text messaging, or other Internet-based communication such as email and
instant messaging.

Bully: A person who use strength or power to intimidate those people who are weaker.

Victim: The person who is weaker.

E-S.A.B.A.C: The online or “electronic” version of the existing Students' Anti-Bullying

Action Center (SABAC) which the Taguig City government had earlier created to fight
bullying in the city's schools.

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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This chapter proffers the related literature and studies. The literature and studies
adduced in this chapter addresses the different ideas, concepts, generalization,
conclusions and also the different development related to the study starting from the
past up to the present. This will serve as a guide for the researchers in developing the
project. Moreover, the information included in this chapter, helps in familiarizing
details that are apposite and similar to the present study.


According to the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 49, no. 2, pp.147-154.

(2008) Cyberbullying is a new type of bullying and harassment that has lately evolved.
To investigate the nature and scope of cyberbullying in Swedish schools, 360
adolescents (12–20 years old) were polled. The impact of four types of cyberbullying
(text message, email, phone call, and picture/video clip) was studied in connection to
age and gender, as well as perceived impact, notifying others, and adults becoming
aware of such bullying. Cyberbullying was prevalent in lower secondary schools, but
less so in sixth-form institutions. There were negligible gender differences. For
picture/video clips, the impact of cyberbullying was viewed as extremely unfavorable.

Shariff (2008) "When we describe a behavior, it is vital to recall it as an action

that takes place in a certain context, at a specific time, with multiple forces operating on
the individuals who do the action,". This is especially true when it comes to
cyberbullying. Members must understand and address concerns linked to cyberbullying
without alienating those we are attempting to reach – the kids – in order for any
cyberbullying policy to be written and effectively implemented by school systems.
Cyberbullying should "illustrate the forms it takes, the instruments used to engage in it,
and how it is considered to vary from traditional bullying," according to the report
(Shariff, 2008. p.29). Two people are credited with coining the word cyberbullying
between 2001 and 2003: Canadian schoolteacher Bill Belsey (2008), who is also
credited with founding the first web site devoted to cyberbullying, cyberbullying.org, and

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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American lawyer Nancy Willard (2003).

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"Cyberbullying" is defined as "the use of information and communication technologies to
encourage deliberate, recurrent, and aggressive behavior by a person or group with the
intent to damage others,"

Belsey (2008). Cyberbullying was first characterized by Willard (2003) as

language that is "defamatory, comprises bullying, harassment, or discrimination,
discloses personal information, or contains offensive, vulgar, or derogatory comments."
While this defined the format of the language, it did not specify the engagement tools or
how it differed from ordinary bullying. Since then, Willard (2007) has described
cyberbullying as being cruel to others by sending or uploading harmful content or acting
in other forms of social cruelty via the Internet or other digital devices, such as cell
phones. Young people may be the victims of cyberbullying or may engage in such
damaging activity themselves. Direct cyberbullying entails sending offensive messages
on a regular basis. Disseminating defamatory materials or sensitive personal
information, as well as impersonating someone to inflict harm, are more indirect types of
cyberbullying. The conceptualization of cyberbullying as described via way of means of
Belsey and Willard has been used to manual the emergence of cyber studies and policy;
their definitions, ideas, and research had been the constructing blocks for modern
studies (Hinduja & Patchin, 2008, Shariff 2008, & Trolley, Hanel, & Shields, 2006).
However, at the same time as their definitions are comprehensive, one thing is lacking
this is wished for the reason of this overview – a while of these involved. This literature
overview will awareness on cyberbullying of college-elderly kids and the vital that
college structures should respond. Therefore, to assist conceptualize this literature
review, the definition said via way of means of Aftab (2006), a cybercrime, Internet
privateness and cyber-abuse legal professional and author of
www.stopcyberbullying.org might be followed: cyberbullying is whilst a child, preteen or
youngsterager is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or in any
other case centered via way of means of every other child, preteen or youngsterager the
usage of the Internet, interactive and virtual technology or cellular phones. It has to have
a minor on each side, or as a minimum were instigated via way of means of a minor
towards every other minor. Once adults come to be involved, it's far simple and easy
cyber-harassment or cyber harassment or cyber stalking. Bullying as a phenomenon

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became now no longer well-researched till latest years. In the 1970s, a have

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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a look at in Norway became carried out approximately the harms of school-elderly
bullying via way of means of Olweus, who's generally diagnosed because the pioneer in
school- elderly bullying research. His in-intensity have a look at of the phenomenon of
school- elderly bullying genuinely turned into the primary of its kind (APA Online,2008).
At that time, Olweus (1993) described bullying as “whilst (a student) is exposed, time
and again and over time, to bad moves at a part of one or greater different students”. He
went directly to outline bad moves as “whilst a person deliberately inflicts, or tries to
inflict, harm or pain upon another – essentially what's implied is the definition of
competitive conduct”. The styles the bully learns to draw interest and advantage
popularity spiral because the bully ages. Bullies, if left unbridled, will enhance their
conduct to greater violent acts of aggression, extended bad instructional performance,
and antisocial behaviors which include consuming and crook acts (Coloroso, 2003, &
Nansel, et al., 2001). Bullying can negatively have an effect on the victim’s instructional
achievements, attendance, and destiny aspirations (Kowalski, et al., 2008). Chronic
sufferers, approximately 6-10% of folks that are bullied, sink into extreme states of

According to the past researchers that conducted from Polythenic University,

according to their research to the “Bullying and Cyber bullying: History, statistics, law,
prevention, and analysis” by Richard Donegan of Elon University in America,
Technology’s progression is often equated with the advancement of human societies.
Pivotal innovations, such as the Internet, have forever changed how people interact.
Though these developments have allowed the human race to make great strides in
many fields, they have also allowed forms of transgression to become more rampant
and widespread. This is evident when considering how traditional bullying has evolved
intoan issue today known as cyber bullying. While bullying and cyber bullying are often
similar in terms of form and technique, they also have many differences. Unlike
traditional bullying, cyber bullying allows the offender to mask his or her identity behind
a computer.

Base on the literature in classroom to “chat room: perception of cyber bullying in

Hong Kong schools” by University of Hong Kong, Bullying has been recognized for a
longtime, but a question remains about the seriousness of traditional bullying and
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cyberbullying in Hong Kong. Moreover, it is essential to explore whether there are any

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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changing patterns between traditional bullying and cyber bullying. Thus, the following
going to analyze the seriousness of bullying in Hong Kong and try to determine whether
any prediction can be made on the trend of traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Wong
suggested that school banding is related to school bullying and that schools with higher
academic achievements have less bullying. He also explained that students with better
academic results may have some personality characteristics such as high
conscientiousness, obedience and self-discipline which are contrary to bullying.


Pesuant to Elgar (2013), kids and young adults may be labeled as sufferers or
perpetrators of bullying, the sufferers of bullying most likely enjoy emotional issues and
feature an improved danger of despair and substance abuse, in severe cases, have a
better danger of suicide, however, the motives because a character can be susceptible
to suicide are extraordinarily complicated. On the alternative hand, there's no unmarried
document that pertains of a baby being a bully, however a probable thing that impacts
one to turn out to be a bully is having issues at domestic as specialists accept as true
with on the grounds that bullying is frequently a learned conduct and kids and young
adults typically imitate what they've visible from their domestic specially of their family.
“According to one take a look at posted in January in Child Abuse and Neglect, harsh,
punitive parenting patterns and disciplinary practices improved young adults' danger of
abusing friends or being abused through them"(Rodriguez, 2016)

(Perry, 2015), sufferers of cyberbullying have decrease shallowness. Self-

esteem in psychology is used to explain a character's universal feel of self-esteem or
personal value (Cherry,2017). Revermann (2017) said that low shallowness can be
found withinside the character's “conduct, frame language, technique to life, and
universal demeanor”. A sufferer with low shallowness should happen avoidance
behaviors. In this case, the sufferer can be hesitant to take dangers of shifting out of his
or her consolation area and might experience awkward while drawing near new human
beings. This in then should end result to social withdrawal that's the avoidance of human
beings and sports that one typically enjoys. According to Janet of University of Manila,
thousands of younger humans are goals of bullying and cyberbullying each day,

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setting many at chance for

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consequences including melancholy or college absenteeism. Working with children to
create approaches to cope with those problems is a crucial duty for adults. For example,
adults can assist individuals who are goals of bullying discover approaches to reply
assertively, and they are able to assist individuals who perform hurtful behaviors get aid
for addressing what’s beneath their actions. Adults also can help younger humans in
figuring out techniques to apply as bystanders who witness those behaviors. Reyes
(2010), Cyber bullying is a brand new shape of bullying that follows college students
from the hallways in their colleges to the privateness in their homes. Many sufferers of
cyberbullying are bullied from the instant they awaken and take a look at their mobileular
telecellsmartphone or e-mail, to the time they visit mattress and close off their laptop or
mobileular telecellsmartphone. survey.

According to Patchin in his blog, notwithstanding a large quantity of interest with

the aid of using each the educational network and society at large, there keeps to exist
an awful lot confusion approximately each the conceptual and operational definitions of
cyber bullying (and with the aid of using implication, bullying in general). Bullying takes
away the matters which are the maximum tough to get back. Things which can form the
manner someone perspectives themselves, who they permit of their existence and the
alternatives they make for an existence time.

According to Janet of University of Manila, thousands of young people are targets

of bullying and cyberbullying every day, putting many at risk for outcomes such as
depression or school absenteeism. Working with kids to create ways to address these
issues is an important responsibility for adults. For example, adults can help those who
are targets of bullying explore ways to respond assertively, and they can help those who
carry out hurtful behaviors get support for addressing what’s underneath their actions.
Adults can also assist young people in identifying strategies to use as bystanders who
witness these behaviors.

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Majorities in every nation believe present anti-bullying policies are insufficient

when it comes to dealing with cyberbullying. According to a recent Ipsos Worldwide
Advisor poll conducted in 28 countries, global awareness of cyberbullying is rising, up 9
percentage points since 2011. Despite the fact that 75% of persons are aware of
cyberbullying, one quarter of adults have never heard of it. Sweden and Italy had the
greatest levels of awareness at 91 percent apiece, while Saudi Arabia has the lowest at
37 percent. Cyberbullying awareness has increased the most in Italy, from 57 percent in
2011 to 91 percent now. The United States similarly has a high degree of awareness
85%, albeit it has been essentially stable since 2011 82%. Since 2011, the number of
parents reporting having a kid or knowing a youngster in their neighborhood who has
been subjected to cyberbullying has risen significantly. One in every three parents 33%
says they know a child in their neighborhood who has been cyberbullied, up from 26% in
2011. South Africa has the greatest frequency of cyberbullying among the nations
examined, with a majority 54% of South African parents knowing of a kid in their
community who has been a victim of cyberbullying, up 24 percentage points from 2011.
Parents in Japan 5% and Russia 8% are the least likely to know a kid who has been
cyberbullied in their neighborhood. Around the world, 17% of parents claim their child
has been the victim of cyberbullying. This number is increasing, particularly in South
Africa increased from 10% in 2011 to 25% today and Turkey up from 5 percent in 2011
to 19 percent now. In the United States, parents have reported their child has been
cyberbullied at a rate of 27 percent this year, up from 15 percent in 2011. Around the
world, one in every six parents says their child has been cyberbullied. According to
Mallory Newall, Director, Ipsos, In the United States, the percentage is considerably
higher, with one in every four parents claiming that their own child has been
cyberbullied. An explanation for this might be the rise in young use of social media. 2/3
of parents of children who have been cyberbullied or who know of a kid who has been
cyberbullied in their neighborhood say the abusive conduct occurs on social networking
sites. In terms of regional cyberbullying on social media platforms, Latin America has
the greatest rate (76%) compared to APAC, which has the lowest rate (53%).
Cyberbullying is perpetrated by a classmate of the victimized child, according to 51% of

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
respondents worldwide. The largest

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
percentage is 65 percent in North America, while the lowest is 39 percent in the Middle
East and Africa. According to the study, cyberbullying occurs when a child or group of
children under the age of 18 purposefully intimidate, offend, threaten, or embarrass
another child or group of children using information technology, such as a website or
chatroom on the Internet, a cellular telephone, or another mobile device. Cyberbullying,
according to a majority of people (76%), is a fundamentally distinct sort of bullying that
requires specific attention from parents and schools, in addition to existing efforts to
prevent bullying in general.

In the manner of the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 49, no. 2, pp 147-
154. (2008) Cyberbullying is a new type of bullying and harassment that has lately
evolved. To investigate the nature and scope of cyberbullying in Swedish schools, 360
adolescents (12–20 years old) were polled. The impact of four types of cyberbullying
(text message, email, phone call, and picture/video clip) was studied in connection to
age and gender, as well as perceived impact, notifying others, and adults becoming
aware of such bullying. Cyberbullying was prevalent in lower secondary schools, but
less so in sixth- form institutions. There were negligible gender differences. For
picture/video clips, the impact of cyberbullying was viewed as extremely unfavorable.

Bullying is a prevalent occurrence among school-aged kids across the world,

according to the findings of more than 40 years of scientific study. Smith and Brain
published their book in the year 2000. Bullying is classified as an aggressive activity
since it involves repeated attacks, humiliation, or exclusion on behalf of one or more
strong persons. In the instance of school bullying, the perpetrators are almost always
other students who are in the same class as the victim. Salmivalli, (2010); Roland &
Galloway, (2002). ICT's pervasiveness ICT has given the conventional school bullying
problem a new computer-mediated component, which is commonly referred to as
cyberbullying in the literature. (2011); Livingstone, Haddon, Görzig, and Laffson When
compared to the mental suffering produced by any type of traditional school bullying,
cyberbullying's digitally mediated nature may have a variety of extra negative
implications for people who become engaged in it as a perpetrator or victim. For
starters, it may occur 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including during school
hours, after school hours, and weekends,
Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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putting the cybervictim at risk. Because of the networked nature of computer-mediated
settings, the content of online bullying incidents can spread virally in the online
environment, engaging a potentially infinite number of bystanders. Third, the fact that
offenders and victims are seldom in the same physical space has been linked to higher
levels of anonymous bullying, a lack of empathy, and a greater willingness to victimize
others. In (2014), Brody and Vangelisti published their book Brody and Vangelisti. A
review of the available cyberbullying literature suggests that this digital form of bullying
is becoming a hot subject among academics. Giumetti, Schroeder, and Lattanner,
Kowalski, Giumetti, Schroeder, and Lattanner, Kowalski, Giumetti, Schroeder, and La
However, most research to date has focused on determining the prevalence of
cyberbullying among youths around the world or predicting young people's involvement
in cyberbullying by focusing on the impact of individual characteristics such as
sociodemographic, bully personality traits, and victim psychological conditions, such as
depression. Williams and Guerra, (2007); Patchin and Hinduja, 2010. While prior
research has aided our knowledge of the phenomena, further research is needed to
completely comprehend cyberbullying, such as studies including various levels of
impact. Festl & Quandt, (2013); Atria, Strohmeier, and Spiel, 2007. Contextual
characteristics at the class level, for example, might help us better understand the
prevalence of cyberbullying. In many cases of cyberbullying, the school and class
setting are the most visible structures to which both offenders and victims belong.
Kowalski et al., (2014); Jäger, Fischer, & Riebel, (2009). However, there have been few
studies on how to include cyberbullying in the classroom.

According to the studies of Touro University Worldwide all kinds and forms of
social cruelty have a physiological impacts on the target. However, some of the experts
believe that the effects of cyberbullying have a more profound impact compare to the
traditional bullying, especially to the teens and children who may have no idea who is
the one who attacking them and their reason why they doing that. The psychologist who
work with the teens and children can provide a much great support and assistance for
those impacted by bullying. About 15% of high school students in the United States
have reported having cyberbullied, according to a 2017 study from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That number does not include the people or

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
person who did the bullying and make the bullying and those who witnessed it. They
have also feel

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
the effects of cyberbullying too. Psychologist can help those people impacted by bullying
by the way of applying the knowledge they learn in the psychology programs that
provide concentrations in the education and working with children. The purpose of
these programs is to prepare the psychologists using the best practices for helping the
teens and children deal the effects of cyberbullying.

CDC reports bullies act in two modes. The first mode is direct, which the victim
or the bullied person is present. The second mode is the indirect, such as spreading
humors. Direct can also take the form of verbal abuse and also physical abuse. The
Indirect method will also can result in damaging a person reputation or relation to the
other people. Bullying can also result into a damage property. In some cases, a bully
can go as far in the level of engaging criminal actions such as assault, hazing and

According to a paper published in the Pediatrics, it’s the official journal of the
American Academy of Pediatrics, several studies discovered that cyberbullying can
cause much beyond and above harm than the traditional bullying. Those people who get
bullied have the effects include low self-esteem, depression, eating disorder, sleep
disorder and decreased academic scores, its according to StopBullying.gov. In some
extreme cases, the victims of bullying retaliate violence or committing suicide (12 of 15
school shooters that studied from the year 1990s had experience getting bullied).

Those people who commit bullying can also feel the effects. That is according
to the American Society for the Positive Care of Children (ASPCC), those people who
engage the bullying have a much higher risk for drug abuse, destructive behavior,
dropping out in their schools and risky sexual activity. Also, the people watching or
witnessing someone else getting bullied also has a negative doing, Examples are
skipping schools, have a mental health problem in the higher rate than the other people,
using alcohol and tobacco and feel depressed, according to the ASPCC.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

According to researchers of Polythecnic University base to their research and

according to Shella Guevarra, cyber bullying remains under reported in the Philippines
because few parents or schools want to place the cyber victims’ or schools’ reputation
under public spotlight.

As reported by Elsie Lynn C. Baronia-Locson (2012), out of 395 respondents, 334

respondents experienced cyberbullying and the majority of female students experienced
cyberbullying with a percentage of 64.07%. among all types of cyberbullying, first-year
students mostly have the number of victims than fourth-year students who have the
least. Social networking is mostly used in cyberbullying than phone calls. therefore,
social networking is considered the most harmful among all types of cyberbullying in all
grade levels. Awesome conclude that the cause of widespread cyberbullying is due to
the increased use of technology by teenagers.

According to the international Journal of Social Sciences- Ruiz R. M. N. M 2018-

The Philippines the Anti-Bullying law which is covered to bullying, however a 2015 study
revealed to 80% of Filipino Children aged 12 to 17 are still experiencing cyberbullying.
Among selected (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Countries such as
Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam it also to identify each country anti-cyberbullying
measure to other ASEAN countries needs to achieve its purposes used a qualitative
research with the following primary methods discourse analysis of bullying laws and
alternative strategies, concern and the literature review of online journals online
publications, and online news articles. The study revealed that the Philippines is the only
ASEAN country with a cyberbullying with the students to the other country have
alternative strategy in addressing the issue.

Based on the research of Marlon de Lara, Cedrci Arcejo and MelvinMarcelo of

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, this study examines ways in which
schools can prevent cyber bullying and, when necessary, intervene when cyber bullying
does occur. In finding a possible solution to cyberbu11ying, victims will feel safer, not
only in their homes, but at school as well.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Reyes (2010), Cyber bullying is a new form of bullying that follows students from
the hallways of their schools to the privacy of their homes. Many victims of cyberbullying
are bullied from the moment they wake up and check their cell phone or e-mail, to the
time they go to bed and shut off their computer or cell phone.


The literature and studies that we’ve collected are similarly to our present study. It
provides the basis and evidence to support our study. It also provides the past study and
literatures and may be used to identify The Impact of Cyberbullying in Grade 12- Senior
High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

The Researchers made this by identifying the meaning of quantitative research

and connecting it to the research topic and the researchers also provide a survey
questionnaire Grade 12 Students A.Y 2021-2022 to be able to know the honest answer
of the students. Lastly, the researchers decided to conduct the research inside of
Monlimar Development Academy Inc. because the subject of their research are Grade
12 Students who has impact of cyberbullying.


The Method we utilized in this study is descriptive research method. Glass &
Hopkins (1984) claimed that descriptive research involves gathering data that describes
events and then organizes, depicts, tabulates and describes the data collection. It often
uses such as charts, visual aids, graphs to aid the reader in understanding the data
distribution. Borg & Gail (1989) stated that descriptive studies goal or aimed to finding
out “what is” because of that survey methods and observation is frequently used to
gather or collect descriptive data. The human mind cannot extract a full import of a large
and big mass of raw data, descriptive statistics are very important in reducing and
minimizing the data to a manageable form. In order to attain the objective of this study,
using the descriptive survey method, the respondents answer through questionnaires,
pools or surveys. They are the popular and commonly used market research tool to
gather and collect data from the respondents. A study or research that gathering useful
data should contain the right survey questions. The survey method can be conducted
offline or online, but because we are now in the middle of the pandemic, we prefer to
use an online survey method, because of its convenience or easy to use it is the best
option for descriptive research if the sample size is enormous. The Descriptive
Research method can help us in our study that aims identify the impacts of cyberbullying
in Gr. 12 senior high school in
Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Monlimar Development Academy Inc. SY 2021-2022 By using the methods of survey and
questionnaires to gather and collect data and information from the respondents.


Out of 1,299 Senior High School Students in Monlimar Development Academy,

Inc. The population that we needed are the Grade12 students with a total population of


Olympus 43 7.51%

GAS 47 8.22%

H.U.M.S.S 265 46.33%

ABM 81 14.16%

T.V.L 136 23.78%

TOTAL 572 100%

Table 1.0 Number of students per strand under Grade 12 level with percentage.


n= N

1 + Ne ² n= 572

1 + 572 (0.05)² n= 572

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
1 + 572 (0.0025) n= 572


N = 235



Stratified random sampling intends to guarantee that the sample represents specific
sub- groups or strata. Accordingly, application of stratified sampling method involves
dividing population into different subgroups (strata) and selecting subjects from each
strata in a proportionate manner.

Stratified sampling can be divided into the following two groups: proportionate and
disproportionate. Application of proportionate stratified random sampling technique
involves determining sample size in each stratum in a proportionate manner to the entire

We choose this kind of technique because it is one of the easiest way for us to find
respondents that we need in our research. Random sampling doesn’t need any
computation or anything that involves analyzing to get the target respondents.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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To get the appropriate data needed, the research instrument used in this study is
a survey form consisted of 2 parts. Part I consists of the items which gathers
respondents' demographic profile such as name, year and section, age and sex. Part II
have been divided into 3 variables which consist of 5 questions each. The respondent
will indicate his or response by checking tick-marks on the box provided. The total
number of questions is 15 items. The test will require 30 minutes of answering. This
instrument is convenient to both the researcher and the respondents because it saves
the survey takers some time. The researcher will carry out the study of cyberbullying on
grade 12 students in Monlimar Development Academy Inc. to test and validate
instruments for the study.

A. Academic Performance 1 2 3 4 5

1. Your not able to concentrate on your studies because of

cyber bullying?

2. Does cyberbullying makes you lost your interest in going

online class?

3. Does cyberbully prevents you to showcase your talents

and skills because your afraid to be bullied?

4. Does cyberbullying makes you stop to join in

extracurricular activities, such as band or sports team?

5. You experiencing humiliation by the teacher when you’re reciting

because you’ve got the wrong answer and it causes you to lose the
courage to participate and engage academically.

B. Interpersonal Relationship 1 2 3 4 5

1. Does cyberbullying can affect on how you treat other


2. Cyber bullying makes you afraid to approach or seek

help to others?

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
3. Cyber bullying makes you afraid to approach or seek help
to others?

4. Does cyberbullying make it difficult for you to socialize

with others?

5. Do you have problems giving feedback to other people

because of cyberbullying?

C. Mental Health 1 2 3 4 5

1. Does cyberbullying makes you always stunned and

anxious at home?

2. Does cyberbullying gives you stress?

3. Cyberbullying makes you overthink that all people are

judging you?

4. Cyber bullying gives you a mental illness like social

anxiety or depression?

5. You feel worried or threatened because someone

bothering or harassing you on social media.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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After conducting research, the researcher will submit a formal letter to the
administration of Monlimar Development Academy Inc. For their permission to conduct
the study and the request to conduct a survey of all grade 12 students.

Due to the current health crisis caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic, the researchers may
not be permitted to attend these schools and would have to send the letter via' school.
After the request has been approved. For this survey, an online survey and a Google
form will be used. It will be given to all strands of grade 12 students at Monlimar
Development Academy Inc. (MDA). To confirm their responses from the instrument, the
researcher will also conduct a structured interview via Google Form with the selected
respondents, which includes and needs their response to the survey.


The following are the formulas applied by the researchers in analyzing the data being
gathered in this study.

1. Slovin’s Formula – is used to calculate an appropriate sample size from a population.

Formula: 𝘮= 𝖭


𝘮 = sample

𝖭 = population

1 = constant

0.05 = margin of error

= squared

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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2. Frequency and percentage Distribution – it is used to determine the
percentage usually for data on profile (e.g., level, age, sex and etc.)


%= × 100


% = percentage

𝖭 = number of cases

𝒻 = frequency

3. Weighted Mean – is a statistical method which calculates the average by multiplying

the weights with its respective mean and taking its sum. It is a type of average in which
weights are assigned to individual values in order to determine the relative importance
of each observation.

Ʃ 𝘮=1 𝓌𝒾 𝑌𝒾
Formula: 𝖦= Ʃ �=1𝓌𝒾


𝖦 = weighted average

𝘮 = number of terms to be averaged

𝓌𝒾 = weights applied to x value

𝑌𝒾 = data values to be averaged

4. Mean - It is the average or the most common value in a collection of numbers.


Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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Ʃ 𝘮


𝑌𝒾 = each score

𝘮 = sample

Ʃ = summation of values

5. Variance - a statistical measurement of the spread between numbers in a data set.

More specifically, variance measures how far each number in the set is from the mean
and thus from every other number in the set. Variance is often depicted by this symbol:
σ. It is used by both analysts and traders to determine volatility and market security. The
square root of the variance is the standard deviation (σ), which helps determine the
consistency of an investment's returns over a period of time.

Ʃ (𝑌𝒾− 𝓍̅) 2
2 𝒾
ℴ =


𝑌 = each score

𝓍̅ = the average

𝘮 = number of questions

Ʃ = summation of values

= squared

6. Standard Deviation - is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative

to its mean. The standard deviation is calculated as the square root of variance by
determining each data point's deviation relative to the mean. If the data points are
further from the mean, there is a higher deviation within the data set; thus, the more
spread out the data, the higher the standard deviation.
Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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Ʃ (𝑌𝒾− 𝓍̄) 2
ℴ2 = √ 𝒾 𝘮−1


𝑌 = each score

𝓍̅ = the average

𝘮 = number of questions

Ʃ = summation of values

= squared

√ = square root

7. Degree of Freedom - It is used for hypothesis testing in statistics. It refers to the

maximum number of logically independent values, which are values that have the
freedom to vary, in the data sample.


df = (n1 + n2) – 2


df = degree of freedom

n (1) = number of questions

n (2) = number of questions

2 = constant number

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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8. T-Test (testing Hypothesis) - is a statistical test which is widely used to compare the
mean of two groups of samples. It is therefore to evaluate whether the means of the two
sets of data are statistically significantly different from each other.

|𝑥̄1 − 𝑥̄2 |
Formula: 𝑡=
𝑠2 𝑠2
√ 1+ 2
𝑛1 𝑛2


𝑥̄1 = mean 1

𝑥̄2 =mean 1

𝑛 = number of question

𝑠2 = Standard Deviation 1

𝑠2 = Standard Deviation 2

√ = Square root

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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This chapter shows the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data that
indicates the following sequence of sub-problems of the study. The analyses and
interpretations of the findings were based on the statistical treatment used by the

Table 1.0 Sex

Figure 1.0 Sex
Frequency Percentage 150
100 73
Female 162 68.9% 50
Male 73 31.1%
Total 235 100% FemaleMale


Table 1.1 Age range Figure 1.1 Age Range

Frequency Percentage 100 73
18 and above 163 69.4% 0
17 and below 72 30.6%
Total 235 100% 18 and above17 and below

18 and above17 and below

On the data presented on table 2.1 and figure 3.1, it shows that 162(68.9%) of
the total respondents belong to female, and 73(31.1%) of the total respondents belong
to male with the total of 235 respondents. While on the table 2.2 and figure 3.2, it shows
that 163(69.4%) of the total respondents ages 18 and above and 72(30.6%) of the total
respondents of 17 and below with the total 235 respondents.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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B. Impacts of Cyber bullying in Senior High School students of Monlimar
Development Academy Inc.
This section presents and interprets the results collected from the online survey
that tackle the three main factors of this study; academic performance, interpersonal
relationship and mental health. This chapter solely focuses on presenting the gathered
data in a significant way to precipitate the findings and conclusion which will be
presented in the next chapter
A. Academic Performance
Table 2.1
Q1. Not able to concentrate too much on studying because of negative
Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and
below above
Always 11 47% 10 1 4 6
Often 17 7.2% 14 3 6 10
Sometimes 78 31.2% 50 33 19 59
Rarely 51 21.7% 48 8 22 26
Never 83 35.3% 40 28 21 62
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 4
Adjectival Rarely
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 11(1) + 17(2) + 78(3) + 51(4) + 83(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
11 + 34 + 234 + 204 + 415 898
= = = 𝟑. 𝟖𝟐 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟒 235

Figure 2.1
Q1. Not able to concentrate too much on studying because of negative thoughts.

100 78 83
59 62
60 51 504840
40 1117 1014 33 28
19 2221 26
20 6 10
0 1 3 8 4 6

Overall Female Male 17 and below 18 and abovew


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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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The data gathered in the table 3.1 figure 4.1 shows that 11 respondents which
represents 47% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 17 respondents which
represents 7.2% of total respondents answered ‘Often’, 78 respondents which
represents 31.2% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 51 respondents
which represents 21.7% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 83
respondents which represents 35.3% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.
Table 2.2
Q2. Does Cyber bullying makes you lost your interest in going online class?
Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 18 and
and above
Always 20 8.5% 26 8 8 14
Often 37 15.7% 30 10 11 10
Sometimes 71 30.2% 43 23 17 54
Rarely 33 14% 23 12 12 22
Never 74 31.5% 40 20 24 63
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes

Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)
𝓍̅ = 20(1) + 37(2) + 71(3) + 33(4) + 74(5)
𝑛 =
20 + 74 + 213 + 132 + 370 235
= 809
235 = = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟒 𝒐𝒓
𝟑 235

Figure 2.2
Q2. Does Cyber bullying makes you lost your interest in going online class?

71 74 73
80 62
60 54
40 37 43 40
33 2630
20 20 23 23 24 22
0 8 10 12 8 111712 1410

OverallFemale Male 17 and below18 and abovew

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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The data gathered in the table 3.2 figure 4.2 shows that 20 respondents which
represents 8.5% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 37 respondents which
represents 15.7% of total respondents answered ‘Often’, 71 respondents which
represents 30.2% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 33 respondents
which represents 14% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 74 respondents
which represents 31.5% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 2.3
Q3. Does Cyberbullying prevents you to showcase your talent and skill
because you’re afraid to be bullied?

Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and

below above
Always 40 17% 31 9 14 26
Often 25 10.6% 18 6 12 9
Sometimes 91 38.7% 64 27 24 73
Rarely 29 12.3% 23 6 7 20
Never 50 21.3% 25 25 15 35
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 40(1) + 25(2) + 91(3) + 29(4) + 50(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
40 + 50 + 273 + 116 + 250 729
= = = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟎 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟑 235

Figure 2. 3
Q3. Does Cyberbullying prevents you to showcase your talent and skill because you’re af

100 73
64 63
40 31
50 25 29 2325 27 25 24 26 20
18 9 6 1412 9
6 7 15
Overall Female Male 17 and below18 and abovew


Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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The data gathered in the table 3.3 figure 4.3 shows that 40 respondents which
represents 17% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 25 respondents which
represents 10.6% of total respondents answered ‘Often’, 91 respondents which
represents 38.7% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 29 respondents
which represents 12.3% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 50
respondents which
represents 21.3% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 2.4
Q4. Does Cyberbullying makes you stop to join extracurricular activities,
such as sports team?

Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and

below above
Always 35 14.9% 30 5 5 19
Often 23 9.8% 16 9 7 12
Sometimes 71 30.2% 43 24 21 57
Rarely 31 13.2% 23 7 14 15
Never 75 31.9% 50 28 25 60
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 35(1) + 23(2) + 71(3) + 31(4) + 75(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
35 + 46 + 213 + 124 + 375 793
= = = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟕 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟑 235

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 2. 4
Q4. Does Cyberbullying makes you stop to join extracurricular activities, such as sports team

80 75
60 50
40 35
31 30 28
16 23 24 21 25 19
20 14 15
5 9 7 5 7
Overall Female Male 17 and below18 and abovew


Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 2.4 figure 2.4 shows that 35 respondents which
represents 14.9% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 23 respondents which
represents 9.8% of total respondents answered ‘Often’,71 respondents which
represents 30.2% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 31 respondents
which represents 13.2% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 75
respondents which represents 31.9% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.
Table 2.5
Q5. Are experiencing humiliation by the Teacher when you’re reciting
because you’ve got a wrong answer and it causes you to lose the
courage to participate and engage academically?

Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 18

and and
below above
Always 26 11% 16 6 5 15
Often 24 10.2% 15 11 7 16
Sometimes 79 33.6% 55 32 21 64
Rarely 41 17.4% 31 10 14 24
Never 71 30.2% 45 14 25 44
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 4
Adjectival Rarely
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 26(1) + 24(2) + 79(3) + 41(4) + 71(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
26 + 48 + 237 + 164 + 355 813
= = = 𝟑. 𝟓𝟑 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟒 235

Figure 2. 5
Q5. Are experiencing humiliation by the Teacher when you’re reciting because you’ve got

100 79 71 64
55 45
41 44
50 2624 31 32
1615 211425 1516 24
6 11 1014 5 7
Overall Female Male 17 and below18 and abovew


Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 3.5 figure 4.5 shows that 26 respondents which
represents 11% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 24 respondents which
represents 10.2% of total respondents answered ‘Often’,79 respondents which
represents 33.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 41 respondents
which represents 17.4% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 71
respondents which represents 30.2% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’

Table 5.1
Academic Performance
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Mean Adjectival
Q1 11 17 78 51 83 4 Rarely
Q2 20 37 71 33 74 3 Sometimes
Q3 40 25 91 29 50 3 Sometimes
Q4 35 23 71 31 75 3 Sometimes
Q5 26 24 79 41 71 4 Rarely
General Mean 3 Sometimes

Computation of General Mean

𝑥̅1 + 𝑥̅2 + 𝑥̅3 + 𝑥̅4+𝑥̅5 4+3+3+3+4 17
𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 = = = = 𝟑. 𝟒 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
𝑛 5 5
The table shows the summary of responses in the 1st variable the academic
performance of all the respondents in every question and choices, the researchers find
out that the highest answer in all question are ’sometimes’ meanwhile for the question
number 1 the respondents are rarely experience that situation same as in question
number 5 that has the highest responses, somehow for this variable the highest
adjectival rating of the respondents are ‘somehow’

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
B. Interpersonal Relationship
Table 3.1
Q1. Does Cyberbullying can affect on how you treat other people?
Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and
below above
Always 33 14% 16 4 14 15
Often 29 12.3% 15 11 10 16
Sometimes 81 34.5% 60 19 19 66
Rarely 34 14.5% 27 16 11 22
Never 58 24.7% 44 23 18 44
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 33(1) + 29(2) + 81(3) + 34(4) + 58(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
33 + 58 + 243 + 136 + 290 760
= = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟑 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟑 235

Figure 3.1
Q1. Does Cyberbullying can affect on how you treat other people?

80 81
60 66
58 60
20 44 44
3329 34 27
1615 191623 1410191118 1516
4 11

OverallFemale Male 17 and below18 and abovew

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 4.1 figure 5.1 shows that 33 respondents which
represents 14% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 29 respondents which
represents 12.3% of total respondents answered ‘Often’,81 respondents which
represents 34.5% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 34 respondents
which represents 14.5% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 58
respondents which represents 24.7% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 3.2
Q2. Cyberbullying makes you afraid to approach and seek help to others?
Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and
below above
Always 32 13.6% 19 15 14 18
Often 31 13.2% 23 6 13 15
Sometimes 83 35.3% 60 24 21 64
Rarely 36 15.3% 27 5 9 24
Never 53 22.6% 33 23 15 42
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 32(1) + 31(2) + 83(3) + 36(4) + 53(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
32 + 62 + 249 + 144 + 265 752
= = = 𝟑. 𝟐 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟑 235

Figure 3.2
Q2. Cyberbullying makes you afraid to approach and seek help to others?

100 83
60 60 64
40 42
3231 36 23 2733
19 24 23 24 23 24
0 15 1413 1415
6 5 5

OverallFemale Male 17 and below 18 and abovew

AlwaysOften Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 4.2 figure 5.2 shows that 32 respondents which
represents 13.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 31 respondents which
represents 13.2% of total respondents answered ‘Often’,83 respondents which
represents 35.3% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 36 respondents
which represents 15.3% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 53
respondents which represents 22.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 3.3
Q3. Is Cyberbullying affecting your ability to maintain healthy relationship
to others?
Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 18
and and
below above
Always 32 13.6% 23 8 16 15
Often 34 14.5% 56 21 14 18
Sometimes 83 35.3% 20 9 18 64
Rarely 35 14.9% 32 13 10 26
Never 52 22.1% 31 22 14 40
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes

Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)
𝓍̅ = 32(1) + 34(2) + 83(3) + 36(4) + 52(5)
𝑛 =
32 + 68 + 249 + 144 + 260 235
= 753
235 = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟎 𝒐𝒓
𝟑 235

Figure 3.3
Q3. Is Cyberbullying affecting your ability to maintain healthy relationship to other

100 83
60 64
52 56
20 3234 35 3231
23 20 21 22 26
0 161418 14 1518
8 9 13 10

OverallFemale Male 17 and below18 and abovew

AlwaysOften Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 4.3 figure 5.3 shows that 32 respondents which
represents 13.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 34 respondents which
represents 14.5% of total respondents answered ‘Often’,83 respondents which
represents 35.3% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 35 respondents
which represents 14.9% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 52
respondents which represents 22.1% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 3.4
Q4. Does Cyber Bullying make it difficult for you to socialize with others?
Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and
below above
Always 36 15.3% 26 6 17 18
Often 27 11.5% 30 14 11 16
Sometimes 86 36.6% 55 20 23 69
Rarely 34 14.5% 20 10 6 25
Never 52 22.1% 31 23 15 35
Total 235 100% 162 72 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 36(1) + 27(2) + 86(3) + 34(4) + 52(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
36 + 54 + 258 + 136 + 260 744
= = = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟕 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟑 235

Figure 3.4
Q4. Does Cyber Bullying make it difficult for you to socialize with others?

100 86
80 69
60 52 55
40 36 34
2630 31 35
20 27 25
20 1420 23 171123 15 1816
0 6 10 6

Overall Female Male 17 and below18 and abovew

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 4.4 figure 5.4 shows that 36 respondents which
represents 15.3% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 27 respondents which
represents 11.5% of total respondents answered ‘Often’ 86 respondents which
represents 36.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 34 respondents
which represents 14.5% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 52
respondents which represents 22.1% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 3.5
Q5. Do you have problems giving feedback to other people because of

Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and

below above
Always 21 8.9% 31 5 9 11
Often 36 15.3% 19 10 14 20
Sometimes 86 36.6% 58 25 22 71
Rarely 43 18.3% 28 9 9 32
Never 49 20.9% 26 24 18 29
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 21(1) + 36(2) + 86(3) + 43(4) + 49(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
21 + 72 + 258 + 172 + 245 768
= = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟕 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟑 235

Figure 3.5
Q5. Do you have problems giving feedback to other people because of Cyberbullyin

100 86
80 71
60 58
40 4349
20 36
0 31 2826 3229
21 25 24 22 20
19 9 14 9 18
5 10 9 11

OverallFemale Male 17 and below18 and abovew

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 4.5 figure 5.5 shows that 21 respondents which
represents 8.9% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 36 respondents which
represents 15.3% of total respondents answered ‘Often’ 86 respondents which
represents 36.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 43 respondents
which represents 18.3% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 49
respondents which represents 20.9% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 5.2
Interpersonal Relationship
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Mean Adjectival
Q1 33 29 81 34 88 3 Sometimes
Q2 32 31 83 36 53 3 Sometimes
Q3 32 34 83 35 52 3 Sometimes
Q4 36 27 86 34 52 3 Sometimes
Q5 21 36 86 43 49 3 Sometimes
General Mean 3 Sometimes

Computation of General Mean

𝑥̅1 + 𝑥̅2 + 𝑥̅3 + 𝑥̅4+𝑥̅5 3+3+3+3+3 15
𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 = = = =𝟑
𝑛 5 5

This table shows the summary of responses in the 2nd variable the interpersonal
relationship of all the respondents in every question and choices, the researchers find
out that the highest answer in all question are ’sometimes’ meanwhile for the 2nd to the
highest responses are ‘never’, somehow for this variable the highest adjectival rating of
the respondents are ‘somehow’ and the general mean that the researchers computed
was 3.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
C. Mental Health

Table 4.1
Q1. Does Cyberbullying makes you stunned and anxious at home?

Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and

below above
Always 22 9.4% 14 7 10 12
Often 24 10.2% 22 14 13 9
Sometimes 86 36.6% 62 24 20 67
Rarely 47 20% 34 9 12 33
Never 56 23.8% 30 19 17 42
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 22(1) + 24(2) + 86(3) + 47(4) + 56(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
22 + 48 + 258 + 188 + 280 796
= = = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟗 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟑 235

Figure 4.1
Q1. Does Cyberbullying makes you stunned and anxious at home?

100 86
80 67
60 56 62
40 47 42
20 3430 33
2224 22 24 1320 17
0 14 14 9 19 10 12 12

Overall Female Male 17 and below18 and abovew


Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 5.1 figure 6.1 shows that 22 respondents which
represents 9.4% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 24 respondents which
represents 10.2% of total respondents answered ‘Often’ 86 respondents which
represents 36.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 47 respondents
which represents 20% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 56 respondents
which represents 23.8% Of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 4.2
Q2. Does Cyberbullying gives you stress?
Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and
below above
Always 45 19.1% 19 7 15 15
Often 41 17.4% 17 10 20 23
Sometimes 82 34.9% 61 21 16 25
Rarely 33 14% 34 13 11 24
Never 34 14.5% 31 22 10 44
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 45(1) + 41(2) + 82(3) + 33(4) + 34(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
45 + 82 + 246 + 133 + 170 676
= = = 𝟐. 𝟖𝟖 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟑 235

Figure 4.2
Q2. Does Cyberbullying gives you stress?
4541 44
40 3334 3431 232524
20 1917 21 22 152016
0 7 10 13 1110

OverallFemale Male 17 and below18 and abovew

AlwaysOften Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 5.2 figure 6.2 shows that 45 respondents which
represents 19.1% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 41 respondents which
represents 17.4% of total respondents answered ‘Often’ 82 respondents which
represents 34.9% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 33 respondents
which represents 14% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 34 respondents
which represents 14.5% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 4.3
Q3. Cyberbullying makes you overthink that all people are judging you?
Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and
below above
Always 63 26.8% 39 6 24 39
Often 38 16.2% 27 26 10 29
Sometimes 24 35.7% 52 22 23 61
Rarely 25 10.6% 24 6 7 17
Never 25 10.6% 20 13 8 17
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 2
Adjectival Often
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 63(1) + 38(2) + 24(3) + 25(4) + 25(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
63 + 76 + 72 + 100 + 125 436
= = = 𝟏. 𝟖𝟔 𝒐𝒓 𝟐
235 235

Figure 4.3
Q3. Cyberbullying makes you overthink that all people are judging you? Cyberbully

60 63 61
40 38 52
242525 39 39
20 27 2420 2622 24 23 29
0 6 13 1717
6 10 7 8

OverallFemale Male 17 and below18 and abovew

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 5.3 figure 6.3 shows that 63 respondents which
represents 26.8% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 38 respondents which
represents 16.2% of total respondents answered ‘Often’ 24 respondents which
represents 35.7% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 25 respondents
which represents 10.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 25
respondents which represents 10.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 4.4
Q4. Does Cyberbullying gives you mental illness like anxiety or depression?

Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and

below above
Always 32 13.6% 30 2 15 18
Often 34 14.5% 26 20 11 23
Sometimes 85 36.2% 55 19 19 65
Rarely 33 14.0% 21 10 10 21
Never 51 21.7% 31 22 17 36
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean (W.M) 3
Adjectival Sometimes

Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 32(1) + 34(2) + 85(3) + 33(4) + 51(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
32 + 68 + 255 + 132 + 255 742
= = = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟔 𝒐𝒓
235 𝟑 235

Figure 4.4
Q4. Does Cyberbullying gives you mental illness like anxiety or depression?

100 85
60 65
40 51 55
20 33 36
3234 3026 31
0 1823 21
21 2019 22 1511191017

OverallFemaleMale17 and below18 and abovew


Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 4.5
Q5. Do you feel threatened because someone bothering or harassing you on
social media?
Frequency Percentage Female Male 17 and 18 and
below above
Always 26 11.1% 20 6 11 15
Often 36 15.3% 23 13 12 23
Sometimes 77 32.8% 55 21 21 57
Rarely 34 14.5% 23 9 8 24
Never 62 26.4% 41 24 20 44
Total 235 100% 162 73 72 163
Mean 3
Adjectival Sometimes

The data gathered in the table 5.4 figure 6.4 shows that 32 respondents which
represents 13.6% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 34 respondents which
represents 14.5% of total respondents answered ‘Often’ 85 respondents which
represents 36.2% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 33 respondents
which represents 14% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 51 respondents
which represents 21.7% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 26(1) + 36(2) + 77(3) + 34(4) + 62(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 235
26 + 72 + 231 + 136 + 310 775
235 = = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟎𝒐 𝒓
𝟑 235

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 4.5
Q5. Do you feel threatened because someone bothering or harassing you on social m

60 62
40 44
20 36 26 34 23 24
2023 23
0 21 24 21 20 15
6 13 9 1112 8

Overall Female Male 17 and below18 and abovew

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data gathered in the table 5.5 figure 6.5 shows that 26 respondents which
represents 11.1% of the total respondents answered ‘Always’. 36 respondents which
represents 15.3% of total respondents answered ‘Often’ 77 respondents which
represents 32.8% of the total respondents answered ‘Sometimes’. 34 respondents
which represents 14.5% of the total respondents answered ‘Rarely’. while 62
respondents which represents 26.4% of the total respondents answered ‘Never’.

Table 5.3
Mental Health
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Mean Adjectival
Q1 22 24 86 47 56 3 Sometimes
Q2 45 41 82 33 34 3 Sometimes
Q3 63 38 24 25 25 2 Often
Q4 32 34 85 33 51 3 Sometimes
Q5 26 36 77 34 62 3 Sometimes
General Mean 3 Sometimes

Computation of General Mean

𝑥̅1 + 𝑥̅2 + 𝑥̅3 + 𝑥̅4+𝑥̅5
𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 = 3+3+2+3+3 14
𝑛 = = = 𝟐. 𝟖 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
5 5

This table shows the summary of responses in the 3rd variable the mental health of all
the respondents in every question and choice, the researchers find out that the highest
answer in all questions is also ’sometimes’ meanwhile for the question number 3 the
respondents are ‘often’ experience that situation and has a mean number 2, somehow
for this variable, the highest adjectival rating of the respondents are ‘somehow’ and the
general number that researchers computed are 2.8 or 3.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Testing the hypothesis
In this section, the findings concerning to the testing of hypothesis in terms of age
and sex category are presented and interpreted. The gathered results from the second
research problem of this study are examined which is shown through tables and graphs.
Testing the hypothesis is one of the most important concepts in this chapter for the
researchers to determine whether the assumption/hypothesis is accepted or not.
A. Sex Category
Table 6.1
Q1. Not able to concentrate too much on studying because of
negative thoughts
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 10 6.2% 1 1.4%
Often 14 8.6% 3 4.1%
Sometimes 50 30.9% 33 45.2%
Rarely 48 29.6% 8 10.0%
Never 40 24.7% 28 38.4%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 4 4
Adjectival Rarely Rarely

Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)
𝓍̅ = 10(1) + 14(2) + 50(3) + 48(4) + 40(5)
𝑛 =
10 + 28 + 150 + 192 + 200 162
= 580
162 = = 𝟑. 𝟓𝟖


1(1) + 3(2) + 33(3) + 8(4) + 28(5)

𝓍̅ = 𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) =
𝑛 𝑛
1 + 6 + 99 + 312 + 140 27
= 8 = 𝟑. 𝟖𝟏
73 =

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 5.1
Not able to concentrate too much on studying
because of negative thoughts

50 50 48 40
33 828
0 10 14 3


The data in the Table 7.1 and Figure 8.1 indicates that 6.2% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 8.6% of female respondents answered “Often”, 30.9%
of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 29.6% of female respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 24.7% female respondents answered “Never”. While 1.4% of male
respondents answered “Always”, 4.1% of male respondents answered “Often”, 45.2% of
male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 10% of male respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 38.4% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 6.2
Q2. Does Cyber bullying makes you lost your interest in going online
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 26 16.0% 8 10.0%
Often 30 18.5% 10 13.7%
Sometimes 43 26.5% 23 31.5%
Rarely 23 14.2% 12 16.4%
Never 40 27.4% 20 27.4%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 26(1) + 30(2) + 43(3) + 23(4) + 40(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 162
26 + 60 + 129 + 92 + 200 507
= = = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟑
162 162


𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5) 8(1)+10(2)+23(3)+12(4)+20(5)
𝓍̅ = 𝑛 = 73 =
8+20+69+48+100 245
73 = 73 = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟔
Figure 5.2
Does Cyber bullying makes you lost your
interest in going online class?
60 50 48
40 40
33 28
0 10 14 8
1 3

Female Male
AlwaysOften RarelyNever

The data in the Table 7.2 and Figure 8.2 indicates that 16.0% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 18.5% of female respondents answered “Often”,
26.5% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 14.2% of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 27.4% female respondents answered “Never”. While 10.0% of
male respondents answered “Always”, 13.7% of male respondents answered “Often”,
31.5% of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 16.4% of male respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 27.4% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 6.3
Q3. Does Cyberbullying prevents you to showcase your talent and
skill because you’re afraid to be bullied?

Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 31 19.1% 9 12.3%
Often 18 11.1% 6 8.2%
Sometimes 64 39.1% 27 37%
Rarely 23 14.2% 6 8.2%
Never 25 15.4% 25 34.2%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 31(1) + 18(2) + 64(3) + 23(4) + 25(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 162
31 + 36 + 192 + 92 + 125 476
= = = 𝟐. 𝟗𝟒
162 162
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 9(1) + 6(2) + 27(3) + 6(4) + 25(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 73
9 + 12 + 81 + 24 + 125 25
= 1 = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟒
73 =

Figure 5.3
Does Cyberbullying prevents you to showcase your talent and skill because you’re

31 18 23 25 27 28
9 6 6
Female Male
AlwaysOftenSometimes RarelyNever

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data in the Table 7.3 and Figure 8.3 indicates that 19.1% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 11.1% of female respondents answered “Often”,
39.1% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 14.2% of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 15.4% female respondents answered “Never”. While 12.3% of
male respondents answered “Always”, 8.2% of male respondents answered “Often”,
37% of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 8.2% of male respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 34.2% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 6.4
Q4. Does Cyberbullying makes you stop to join extracurricular
activities, such as sports team?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 30 18.5% 5 6.8%
Often 16 9.9% 9 12.3%
Sometimes 43 26.5% 24 32.9%
Rarely 23 14.2% 7 9.6%
Never 50 30.9% 28 38.4%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 4
Adjectival Sometimes Rarely
Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5) 30(1)+16(2)+43(3)+23(4)+50(5)
𝓍̅ = 𝑛 = 162 =
30+32+129+92+250 533
162 = 162 = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟗


5(1) + 9(2) + 24(3) + 7(4) + 28(5)

𝓍̅ = 𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) =
𝑛 73
5 + 18 + 72 + 28 + 140 26
= 3 = 𝟑. 𝟔𝟎
73 =

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 5.4
Does Cyberbullying makes you stop to join extracurricular activities, such as

60 50
30 28
20 23 24
0 9 7


The data in the Table 7.4 and Figure 8.4 indicates that 18.5% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 9.9% of female respondents answered “Often”, 26.5%
of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 14.2% of female respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 30.9% female respondents answered “Never”. While 6.8% of male
respondents answered “Always”, 12.3% of male respondents answered “Often”, 32.9%
of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 9.6% of male respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 38.4% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 6.5
Q5. Are experiencing humiliation by the Teacher when you’re reciting
because you’ve got a wrong answer and it causes you to lose the
courage to participate and engage academically?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 16 9.8% 6 8.2%
Often 15 9.3% 11 15.1%
Sometimes 55 33.0% 32 43.2%
Rarely 31 19.1% 10 13.7%
Never 45 27.8% 14 19.2%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5) 16(1)+15(2)+55(3)+31(4)+45(5)
𝓍̅ = 𝑛 = 162 =
16+30+165+124+225 560
162 = 162 = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟔
𝓍̅ = 𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 6(1) + 11(2) + 32(3) + 10(4) + 14(5)
𝑛 73
6 + 22 + 96 + 40 + 70 234
= = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟏
73 73

Figure 5.5
Are experiencing humiliation by the Teacher when you’re reciting because you’v

60 45
40 31 32
20 1615
6 11 10


The data in the Table 7.5 and Figure 8.5 indicates that 9.8% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 9.3% of female respondents answered “Often”, 33.0%
of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 19.1% of female respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 27.8% female respondents answered “Never”. While 8.2% of male
respondents answered “Always”, 15.1% of male respondents answered “Often”, 43.2%
of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 13.7% of male respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 19.2% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 6.6
Q6. Does Cyberbullying can affect on how you treat other people?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 16 9.8% 4 5.5%
Often 15 9.3% 11 15.1%
Sometimes 60 37.0% 19 26.0%
Rarely 27 16.7% 16 21.9%
Never 44 27.2% 23 31.5%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 4
Adjectival Sometimes Rarely
Computation of weighted mean

Female: 𝓍̅ = 𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5)
𝑛 =
16(1)+15(2)+60(3)+27(4)+44(5) 16+30+180+108+220 554
162 = 162 = 162 = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟐

𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5) 4(1)+11(2)+19(3)+16(4)+23(5)
𝓍̅ = 𝑛 = 73 =
4+22+57+64+115 262
73 = 73 = 𝟑. 𝟓𝟗

Figure 5.6
Does Cyberbullying can affect on how you treat other people?

60 44
40 27
1615 19 16 23
20 4 11

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data in the Table 7.6 and Figure 8.6 indicates that 9.8% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 9.3% of female respondents answered “Often”, 37.0%
of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 16.7% of female respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 27.2% female respondents answered “Never”. While 5.5% of male
respondents answered “Always”, 15.1% of male respondents answered “Often”, 26.0%
of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 21.9% of male respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 31.5% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 6.7
Q7. Cyberbullying makes you afraid to approach and seek help to
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 19 11.7% 15 20.5%
Often 23 14.2% 6 8.2%
Sometimes 60 37.0% 24 32.9%
Rarely 27 16.7% 5 6.8%
Never 33 20.4% 23 31.5%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Computation of weighted mean


𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5) 19(1)+23(2)+60(3)+27(4)+33(5)
𝓍̅ = 𝑛 = 162 =
19+46+180+108+165 518
162 = 162 = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟎


𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 15(1) + 6(2) + 24(3) + 5(4) + 23(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 73
15 + 12 + 72 + 20 + 115 234
= = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟏
73 73

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 5. 7
Cyberbullying makes you afraid to approach and seek help to others?

50 19 23 27 33 2423
15 6

The data in the Table 7.7 and Figure 8.7 indicates that 11.7% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 14.2% of female respondents answered “Often”,
37.0% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 16.7% of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, 20.4% female respondents answered “Never”. While 20.5% of male
respondents answered “Always”, 8.2% of male respondents answered “Often”, 32.9% of
male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 6.8% of male respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 31.5% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 6.8
Q8. Is Cyberbullying affecting your ability to maintain healthy relationship
to others?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 23 14.2% 8 10.0%
Often 56 34.6% 21 28.8%
Sometimes 20 12.3% 9 12.3%
Rarely 32 19.7% 13 17.8%
Never 31 19.1% 22 30.1%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5) 23(1)+56(2)+20(3)+32(4)+31(5)
𝓍̅ = 𝑛 = 162 =
23+112+60+128+155 478
162 = 162 = 𝟐. 𝟗𝟓
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 8(1) + 21(2) + 9(3) + 13(4) + 22(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 73
8 + 42 + 27 + 52 + 110 239
= = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟕
73 73

Figure 5. 8
Is Cyberbullying affecting your ability to maintain healthy relationship to others?

40 32 31
20 23 20 21 22
0 8 9 13


The data in the Table 7.8 and Figure 8.8 indicates that 14.2% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 34.6% of female respondents answered “Often”,
12.3% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 19.7% of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 19.1% female respondents answered “Never”. While 10.0% of
male respondents answered “Always”, 28.8% of male respondents answered “Often”,
12.3% of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 17.8% of male respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 30.1% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 6.9
Q9. Does Cyber Bullying make it difficult for you to socialize with others?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 26 16.0% 6 8.2%
Often 30 18.5% 14 19.2%
Sometimes 55 33.0% 20 27.4%
Rarely 20 12.3% 10 13.7%
Never 31 19.1% 23 31.5%
Total 162 100% 72 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)
𝓍̅ = 26(1) + 30(2) + 55(3) + 20(4) + 31(5)
𝑛 =
26 + 60 + 165 + 80 + 155 486
= = =𝟑
162 162

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)

𝓍̅ =
6(1) + 14(2) + 20(3) + 10(4) + 23(5)
6 + 28 + 60 + 40 + 115 249
= = = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟏
73 73

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 5. 9
Does Cyber Bullying make it difficult for you to
socialize with others?

60 55
40 31
20 26 30 23
20 20
0 14 10


The data in the Table 7.9 and Figure 8.9 indicates that 16.0% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 18.5% of female respondents answered “Often”,
33.0% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 12.3% of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 19.1% female respondents answered “Never”. While 8.2% of
male respondents answered “Always”, 19.2% of male respondents answered “Often”,
27.4%of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 13.7% of male respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 31.5% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 6.10
Q10. Do you have problems giving feedback to other people because of
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 31 19.1% 5 6.8%
Often 19 11.7% 10 13.7%
Sometimes 58 35.8% 25 34.2%
Rarely 28 17.3% 9 12.3%
Never 26 16.0% 24 32.8%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 4
Adjectival Sometimes Rarely

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 31(1) + 19(2) + 58(3) + 28(4) + 26(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 162
31 + 38 + 174 + 112 + 130 485
= = = 𝟐. 𝟗𝟗
162 162

𝓍̅ = 𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) = 5(1) + 10(2) + 25(3) + 9(4) + 24(5)
𝑛 73
5 + 20 + 75 + 36 + 120 256
= = = 𝟑. 𝟓𝟏
73 73

Figure 5. 10
Do you have problems giving feedback to other
people because of Cyberbullying?
40 31 28 26
19 25 23
20 10 9
0 5

Female Male
AlwaysOften RarelyNever

The data in the Table 7.10 and Figure 8.10 indicates that 19.1% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 11.7% of female respondents answered “Often”,
35.8% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 17.3% of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 16.0% female respondents answered “Never”. While 6.8% of
male respondents answered “Always”, 13.7% of male respondents answered “Often”,
34.2% of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 12.3% of male respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 32.8% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 6.11
Q11. Does Cyberbullying makes you stunned and anxious at home?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 14 8.6% 7 9.6%
Often 22 13.6% 14 19.2%
Sometimes 62 38.3% 24 32.9%
Rarely 34 20.0% 9 12.3%
Never 30 18.5% 19 26.0%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 14(1) + 22(2) + 62(3) + 34(4) + 30(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 162
14 + 44 + 186 + 136 + 150 530
162 = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟕

𝓍̅ = 𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) = 7(1) + 14(2) + 24(3) + 9(4) + 19(5)
𝑛 73
7 + 28 + 72 + 36 + 95 238
= = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟔
73 73

Figure 5. 11
Does Cyberbullying makes you stunned and anxious at home?

60 60
40 44
20 27
0 1615 19 16 23


Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data in the Table 7.11 and Figure 8.11 indicates that 8.6% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 13.6% of female respondents answered “Often”,
38.3% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 20.0%of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 18.5% female respondents answered “Never”. While 9.6% of
male respondents answered “Always”, 19.2% of male respondents answered “Often”,
32.9% of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 12.3% of male respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 26.0% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 6.12
Q12. Does Cyberbullying gives you stress?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 19 11.7% 7 9.6%
Often 17 10.5% 10 13.7%
Sometimes 61 37.7% 21 28.8%
Rarely 34 20.0% 13 17.8%
Never 31 19.1% 22 30.1%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Computation of weighted mean


𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5) 19(1)+17(2)+61(3)+34(4)+31(5)
𝓍̅ = 𝑛 = 162 =
19+34+183+136+155 527
162 = 162 = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟓
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 7(1) + 10(2) + 21(3) + 13(4) + 22(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 73
7 + 20 + 63 + 52 + 110 252
= = = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟓
73 73

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 5. 12
Does Cyberbullying gives you stress?
50 31
19 17 21 13 22
7 10
Female Male
AlwaysOften RarelyNever

The data in the Table 7.12 and Figure 8.12 indicates that 11.7% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 10.5% of female respondents answered “Often”,
37.7% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 20.0% of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 19.1% female respondents answered “Never”. While 9.6% of
male respondents answered “Always”, 13.7% of male respondents answered “Often”,
28.8% of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 17.8% of male respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 30.1% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 6. 13
Q12. Cyberbullying makes you overthink that all people are judging you?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 39 24.7% 6 8.2%
Often 27 16.7% 26 35.6%
Sometimes 52 31.1% 22 30.1%
Rarely 24 14.8% 6 8.2%
Never 20 12.3% 13 17.8%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5) 39(1)+27(2)+52(3)+24(4)+20(5)
𝓍̅ = 𝑛 = 162 =
39+54+156+96+100 445
162 = 162 = 𝟐. 𝟕𝟓


𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 6(1) + 26(2) + 22(3) + 6(4) + 13(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 73
6 + 52 + 66 + 24 + 65 213
= = = 𝟐. 𝟗𝟐
73 73

Figure 5. 13
Cyberbullying makes you overthink that all people are judging you? C

60 52
40 39
20 27 24 20 26 22 23
0 66

Female Male
AlwaysOften RarelyNever

The data in the Table 7.13 and Figure 8.13 indicates that 24.7% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 16.7% of female respondents answered “Often”,
31.1% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 14.8% of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 12.3% female respondents answered “Never”. While 8.2% of
male respondents answered “Always”, 35.6% of male respondents answered “Often”,
30.1% of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 8.2% of male respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 17.8%of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 6.14
Q14. Does Cyberbullying gives you mental illness like anxiety or depression?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 30 18.5% 2 2.7%
Often 25 15.4% 20 27.4%
Sometimes 55 34% 19 26%
Rarely 21 13% 10 13.7%
Never 31 19.1% 22 30.1%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Computation of weighted mean

𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)
𝓍̅ = 30(1) + 25(2) + 55(3) + 21(4) + 31(5)
𝑛 =
30 + 50 + 165 + 84 + 155 484
= = = 𝟐. 𝟗𝟗
162 162
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 2(1) + 20(2) + 19(3) + 10(4) + 22(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 73
2 + 40 + 57 + 40 + 110 249
= = = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟏
73 73

Figure 5. 14
Does Cyberbullying gives you mental illness like
anxiety or depression?
60 55

40 30 31
20 25 21 23
Female Male
AlwaysOften RarelyNever

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data in the Table 7.14 and Figure 8.14 indicates that 18.5% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 15.4% of female respondents answered “Often”, 34%
of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 13% of female respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 19.1% female respondents answered “Never”. While 2.7% of male
respondents answered “Always”, 27.4% of male respondents answered “Often”, 26% of
male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 13.7% of male respondents answered
“Rarely”, and 30.1% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 6.15
Q15. Do you feel threatened because someone bothering or harassing you on
social media?
Female Male
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 20 12.3% 6 8.2%
Often 23 14.2% 13 17.8%
Sometimes 55 33.0% 21 28.7%
Rarely 23 14.2% 9 12.3%
Never 41 25.3% 24 32.9%
Total 162 100% 73 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes
Computation of weighted mean
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 20(1) + 23(2) + 55(3) + 23(4) + 41(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 162
20 + 46 + 165 + 92 + 205 528
= = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟔
162 162


𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 6(1) + 13(2) + 21(3) + 9(4) + 24(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 73
6 + 26 + 63 + 36 + 120 251
= = = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟒
73 73

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 5. 15
Do you feel threatened because someone bothering or harassing you on social me

60 55
20 2323 21 23
20 13 9
Female Male
AlwaysOften RarelyNever
The data in the Table 7.15 and Figure 8.15 indicates that 12.3% of female
respondents answered “Always”, 14.2% of female respondents answered “Often”,
33.0% of female respondents answered “Sometimes”, 14.2% of female respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 25.3% female respondents answered “Never”. While 8.2% of
male respondents answered “Always”, 17.8% of male respondents answered “Often”,
28.7% of male respondents answered “Sometimes”, 12.3% of male respondents
answered “Rarely”, and 32.9% of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
B. Age Range
Table 7.1
Q1. Not able to concentrate too much on studying because of negative
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 4 5.5% 6 3.7%
Often 6 8.3% 10 6.1%
Sometimes 19 26.4% 59 36.2%
Rarely 22 30.5% 26 16%
Never 21 29.2% 62 38%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 4 4
Adjectival Rarely Rarely
Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 4(1) + 6(2) + 19(3) + 22(4) + 21(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
= 4 + 12 + 57 + 88 + 105 = 266
= 𝟑. 𝟔𝟗 𝒐𝒓 𝟒
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 6(1) + 10(2) + 59(3) + 26(4) + 62(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
6 + 20 + 177 + 104 + 310 617
= = = 𝟑. 𝟕𝟖 𝒐𝒓 𝟒
163 163

Figure 6.1
Not able to concentrate too much on studying because of negative thoughts

50 26 22
19 2221 10
4 6 6
17 and below 18 and above
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data in the Table 8.1 and Figure 8.1 indicates that 5.5% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 8.3% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
26.4% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 30.5% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 29.2% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 3.7% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 6.1% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 36.2% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 16% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and of 38% 18 and
above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 7.2
2. Does Cyber bullying makes you lost your interest in going online class?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 8 11.1% 14 8.6%
Often 11 15.3% 10 6.1%
Sometimes 17 23.6% 54 33.1%
Rarely 12 16.6% 22 13.5%
Never 24 33.3% 63 38.7%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes
Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 8(1) + 11(2) + 17(3) + 12(4) + 24(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
8 + 22 + 51 + 48 + 120 249
= = = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟓 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
72 72

18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 14(1) + 10(2) + 54(3) + 22(4) + 63(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
14 + 20 + 162 + 88 + 315 599
= = = 𝟑. 𝟔𝟕 𝒐𝒓 𝟒
163 163

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 6.2
Does Cyber bullying makes you lost your interest in going online class?
60 54
40 24 22
20 8 11 17 12 14 10
17 and below 18 and above
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

The data in the Table 8.2 and Figure 8.2 indicates that 11.1% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 15.3% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
23.6% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 16.6% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 33.3% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 8.6% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 6.1% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 33.1% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 13.5% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 38.7% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.
Table 7.3
Q3. Does Cyberbullying prevents you to showcase your talent and skill
because you’re afraid to be bullied?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 14 19.4% 26 16%
Often 12 16.6% 9 5.5%
Sometimes 24 33.3% 73 44.8%
Rarely 7 9.7% 20 12.3%
Never 15 20.8% 35 21.5%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)
𝓍̅ = = 14(1) + 12(2) + 24(3) + 7(4) + 15(5)
𝑛 72
= 14 + 24 + 72 + 28 + 75 = 213
= 𝟐. 𝟗𝟓 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 26(1) + 9(2) + 73(3) + 20(4) + 35(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
26 + 18 + 219 + 80 + 175 518
= = = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟕𝒐𝒓 𝟑
163 163

Figure 6.3
Does Cyberbullying prevents you to showcase your talent and skill because you’re

80 62
20 24 26 20
1612 15
0 7 9

17 and below18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

The data in the Table 8.3 and Figure 8.3 indicates that 19.4% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 16.6% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
33.3% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 9.7% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 20.8% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 16% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 5.5% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 44.8% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 12.3% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 21.5% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 7.4
Q4. Does Cyberbullying makes you stop to join extracurricular activities,
such as sports team?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 5 6.9% 19 11.7%
Often 7 9.7% 12 7.4%
Sometimes 21 29.2% 57 35%
Rarely 14 19.4% 15 9.2%
Never 25 34.7% 60 36.8%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 4 5
Adjectival Rarely Never

Computation of Weighted Mean:

17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)
𝓍̅ = = 5(1) + 7(2) + 21(3) + 14(4) + 25(5)
= 5 + 14 + 63 + 56 + 125 = 263
= 𝟑. 𝟔𝟓 𝒐𝒓 𝟒
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 19(1) + 12(2) + 57(3) + 15(4) + 60(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
19 + 22 + 171 + 60 + 300 617
= = = 𝟒. 𝟓𝟑 𝒐𝒓 𝟓
163 163

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 6.4
Does Cyberbullying makes you stop to join extracurricular activities, such as spo

80 62
40 21 25 19 12
20 14 15
5 7

17 and below18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

The data in the Table 8.4 and Figure 8.4 indicates that 6.9% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 9.7% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
29.2% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 19.4% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 34.7% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 11.7% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 7.4% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 35% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 9.2% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 36.8% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 7.5
Q5. Are experiencing humiliation by the Teacher when you’re reciting
because you’ve got a wrong answer and it causes you to lose the courage
to participate and engage academically?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 5 6.9% 15 9.2%
Often 7 9.7% 16 9.8%
Sometimes 21 29.2% 64 39.3%
Rarely 14 19.4% 24 14.7%
Never 25 34.7% 44 27%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 4 3
Adjectival Rarely Sometimes

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)
𝓍̅ = = 5(1) + 7(2) + 21(3) + 14(4) + 25(5)
𝑛 72
= 5 + 14 + 63 + 56 + 125 = 263
= 𝟑. 𝟔𝟓 𝒐𝒓 𝟒
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 15(1) + 16(2) + 64(3) + 24(4) + 44(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
15 + 32 + 192 + 96 + 220 555
= = = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟎 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
163 163

Figure 6.5
Are experiencing humiliation by the Teacher when you’re reciting because you’ve

21 14 25 24
5 7 15 16
17 and below 18 and above
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

The data in the Table 8.5 and Figure 8.5 indicates that 6.9% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 9.7% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
29.2% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 19.4% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 34.7% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 9.2% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 9.8% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 39.3% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 14.7% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 27% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 7.6
Q6. Does Cyberbullying can affect on how you treat other people?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 14 19.4% 15 9.2%
Often 10 13.8% 16 9.8%
Sometimes 19 26.4% 66 40.5%
Rarely 11 15.3% 22 13.5%
Never 18 25% 44 27%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Computation of Weighted Mean:

17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 14(1) + 10(2) + 19(3) + 11(4) + 18(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
14 + 20 + 57 + 44 + 90 225
= = = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟐 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
72 72

18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 15(1) + 16(2) + 66(3) + 22(4) + 44(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
15 + 32 + 198 + 88 + 220 553
= = = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟗 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
163 163

Figure 6.6
Does Cyberbullying can affect on how you treat other people?

80 66
60 44
20 22
14 10 19 11 18 15 16

17 and below18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data in the Table 8.6 and Figure 8.6 indicates that 19.4% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 13.8% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
26.4% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 15.3% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 25% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 9.2% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 9.8% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 40.5% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 13.5% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 27% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 7.7
Q7. Cyberbullying makes you afraid to approach and seek help to others?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 14 19.4% 18 11%
Often 13 18.1% 15 9.2%
Sometimes 21 29.2% 64 39.3%
Rarely 9 12.5% 24 14.7%
Never 15 20.8% 42 25.8%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes
Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 14(1) + 13(2) + 21(3) + 9(4) + 15(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
= 14 + 26 + 63 + 36 + 75 = 214
= 𝟐. 𝟗𝟕 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 18(1) + 15(2) + 64(3) + 24(4) + 42(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
18 + 30 + 192 + 96 + 210 546
= = = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟒 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
163 163

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 6.7
Cyberbullying makes you afraid to approach and
seek help to others?
80 64
40 42
20 1413 21 18 15 24
9 15

17 and below18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
The data in the Table 8.7 and Figure 8.7 indicates that 19.4% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 18.1% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
29.2% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 12.5% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 20.8% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 11% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 9.2% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 39.3% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 14.7% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 25.8% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 7.8
Q8. Is Cyberbullying affecting your ability to maintain healthy relationship
to others?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 16 22.2% 15 9.2%
Often 14 19.4% 18 11%
Sometimes 18 25% 64 39.5%
Rarely 10 13.8% 26 16%
Never 14 19.4% 40 24.5%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 16(1) + 14(2) + 18(3) + 10(4) + 14(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
16 + 28 + 54 + 40 + 70 208
= = = 𝟐. 𝟖𝟖 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
72 72

18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 15(1) + 18(2) + 64(3) + 26(4) + 40(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
15 + 36 + 192 + 104 + 200 547
163 = = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟓 𝒐𝒓
𝟑 163
Figure 6.8
Is Cyberbullying affecting your ability to maintain healthy relationship to others?

50 40
16 14 18 10 14 15 18 26

17 and below 18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

The data in the Table 8.8 and Figure 8.8 indicates that 22.2% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 19.4% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
25% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 13.8% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 19.4% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 9.2% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 11% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 39.5% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 16% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 24.5% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 7.9
Q9. Does Cyber Bullying make it difficult for you to socialize with others?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 17 33.6% 18 11%
Often 11 15.3% 16 9.8%
Sometimes 23 31.9% 69 42.3%
Rarely 6 8.3% 25 15.3%
Never 15 20.8% 35 21.5%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 4
Adjectival Sometimes Rarely

Computation of Weighted Mean:

17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 17(1) + 11(2) + 23(3) + 6(4) + 15(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
= 17 + 22 + 69 + 24 + 75 = 207
= 𝟐. 𝟖𝟕 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 18(1) + 16(2) + 69(3) + 25(4) + 35(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
18 + 32 + 171 + 207 + 603
175 = = 𝟑. 𝟔𝟗 𝒐𝒓
= 𝟒 163

Figure 6.9
Does Cyber Bullying make it difficult for you to socialize with others?

80 69
40 35
20 23 25
17 11 15 18 16
0 6

17 and below18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
The data in the Table 8.9 and Figure 8.9 indicates that 33.6% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 15.3% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
31.9% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 8.3% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 20.8% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 11% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 9.8% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 42.3% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 15.3% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 21.5% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.
Table 7.10
Q10. Do you have problems giving feedback to other people because of
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 9 12.5% 11 6.7%
Often 14 19.4% 20 12.3%
Sometimes 22 30.4% 71 43.6%
Rarely 9 12.5% 32 19.6%
Never 18 25% 29 17.8%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes
Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1)+𝑥2(2)+𝑥3(3)+𝑥4(4)+𝑥5(5) 9(1)+14(2)+22(3)+9(4)+18(5) 9+28+66+36+75 214
𝓍̅ = 𝑛 = 72 = 72 = 72 =
𝟐. 𝟗𝟕 𝒐𝒓 𝟑1

18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 11(1) + 20(2) + 71(3) + 32(4) + 29(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
11 + 40 + 213 + 136 + 145 545
163 = = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟒 𝒐𝒓
𝟑 163

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 6.10
Do you have problems giving feedback to other people because of Cyberbullying?

80 71
20 32 29
0 22 18 20
9 14 9 11

17 and below18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

The data in the Table 8.10 and Figure 8.10 indicates that 12.5% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 19.4% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
30.4% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 12.5% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 25% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 6.7% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 12.3% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 43.6% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 19.6% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 7.8% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 7.11
Q11. Does Cyberbullying makes you stunned and anxious at home?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 10 13.8% 12 7.4%
Often 13 18.1% 9 5.5%
Sometimes 20 27.7% 67 41.1%
Rarely 12 16.6% 33 20.2%
Never 17 23.6% 42 25.8%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 4
Adjectival Sometimes Rarely

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 10(1) + 13(2) + 20(3) + 12(4) + 17(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
= 10 + 26 + 60 + 48 + 85 = 229
= 𝟑. 𝟏𝟖 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 12(1) + 9(2) + 67(3) + 33(4) + 42(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
12 + 18 + 201 + 132 + 573
210 = = 𝟑. 𝟓𝟏 𝒐𝒓
= 𝟒 163

Figure 6.11
Does Cyberbullying makes you stunned and anxious at home?

80 67
40 42
20 20
10 13 12 17 12 9

17 and below18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

The data in the Table 8.11 and Figure 8.11 indicates that 13.8% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 18.1% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
27.7% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 16.6% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 23.6% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 7.4% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 5.5% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 41.1% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 20.2% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 25.8% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 7.12
Q12. Does Cyberbullying gives you stress?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 15 20.8% 15 9.2%
Often 20 27.7% 23 14.1%
Sometimes 16 22.2% 25 35%
Rarely 11 15.3% 24 14.7%
Never 10 13.8% 44 27%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes
Computation of Weighted Mean:

17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 15(1) + 20(2) + 16(3) + 11(4) + 10(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
= 15 + 40 + 48 + 44 + 50 = 197
= 𝟐. 𝟕𝟑 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 15(1) + 23(2) + 25(3) + 24(4) + 44(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
15 + 46 + 75 + 96 + 220 527
= = = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟑 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
163 163

Figure 6.12
Does Cyberbullying gives you stress?
20 20 16 23 25 24
15 11 10 15

17 and below 18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

The data in the Table 8.12 and Figure 8.12 indicates that 20.8% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 27.7% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
22.2% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 15.3% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 13.8% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 9.2% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 14.1% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 35% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 14.7% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 27% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 7.13
Q13. Cyberbullying makes you overthink that all people are judging you?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 24 33.3% 39 23.9%
Often 10 13.8% 29 17.8%
Sometimes 23 31.9% 61 37.4%
Rarely 7 9.7% 17 10.4%
Never 8 11.1% 17 10.4%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 2 3
Adjectival Often Sometimes
Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 24(1) + 10(2) + 23(3) + 7(4) + 8(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
= 24 + 20 + 49 + 28 + 40 = 161
= 𝟐. 𝟐𝟑 𝒐𝒓 𝟐
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 39(1) + 29(2) + 61(3) + 17(4) + 17(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
31 + 58 + 183 + 68 + 85 425
= = = 𝟐. 𝟔𝟎 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
163 163

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 6.13
Cyberbullying makes you overthink that all people are judging you?

61 62
40 39
20 24 23 29
0 10 7 8

17 and below18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
The data in the Table 8.13 and Figure 8.13 indicates that 33.3% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 13.8% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
31.9% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 9.7% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 11.1% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 23.9% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 17.8% of 18
and above respondents answered “Often”, 37.4% of 18 and above respondents
answered “Sometimes”, 10.4% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and
10.4% of 18 and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Table 7.14
Q14. Does Cyberbullying gives you mental illness like anxiety or
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 15 20.8% 18 11%
Often 11 15.3% 23 14.1%
Sometimes 19 26.4% 65 39.9%
Rarely 10 13.8% 21 12.9%
Never 17 23.6% 36 22.1%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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Computation of Weighted Mean:
17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 15(1) + 11(2) + 19(3) + 10(4) + 17(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 72
= 15 + 22 + 57 + 40 + 85 = 219
= 𝟑. 𝟎𝟒 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
72 72
18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 18(1) + 23(2) + 65(3) + 21(4) + 36(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
18 + 26 + 130 + 195 + 549
180 = = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟔 𝒐𝒓
= 𝟑 163

Figure 6.14
Does Cyberbullying gives you mental illness like anxiety or depression?
65 62

20 15 1119 17 18 23 21

17 and below 18 and above

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

The data in the Table 8.14 and Figure 8.14 indicates that 20.8% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 15.3% of 17 and below respondents answered “Often”,
26.4% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 13.8% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Rarely”, and 23.6% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Never”. While 11% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 14.1% of 18 and
above respondents answered “Often”, 39.9% of 18 and above respondents answered
“Sometimes”, 12.9% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and 22.1% of 18
and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Table 7.15
Q15. Do you feel threatened because someone bothering or harassing you
on social media?
17 and below 18 and above
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Always 11 15.3% 15 9.2%
Often 12 16.6% 23 14.1%
Sometimes 21 29.2% 57 35%
Rarely 8 11.1% 24 14.7%
Never 20 27.7% 44 27%
Total 72 100% 163 100%
Mean 3 3
Adjectival Sometimes Sometimes

Computation of Weighted Mean:

17 and Below:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5)
𝓍̅ = = 11(1) + 12(2) + 21(3) + 8(4) + 20(5)
11 + 24 + 63 + 34 + 23
100 2 = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟐 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
= =
72 72

18 and Above:
𝑥1(1) + 𝑥2(2) + 𝑥3(3) + 𝑥4(4) + 𝑥5(5) 15(1) + 23(2) + 57(3) + 24(4) + 44(5)
𝓍̅ = =
𝑛 163
15 + 46 + 171 + 96 + 220 548
= = = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟔 𝒐𝒓 𝟑
163 163

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Figure 6.15
Do you feel threatened because someone bothering or harassing you on social medi

57 62
50 24
11 12 21 8
20 15 23
17 and below 18 and above
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
The data in the Table 8.15 and Figure 8.15 indicates that 15.3% of 17 and below
respondents answered “Always”, 16.6% of 17 and below respondents answered
“Often”, 29.2% of 17 and below respondents answered “Sometimes”, 11.1% of 17 and
below respondents answered “Rarely”, and 27.7% of 17 and below respondents
answered “Never”. While 9.2% of 18 and above respondents answered “Always”, 14.1%
of 18 and above respondents answered “Often”, 35% of 18 and above respondents
answered “Sometimes”, 14.7% of 18 and above respondents answered “Rarely”, and
27% of 18 and above of male respondents answered “Never”.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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1 3.58 3.81

2 3.13 3.36
3 2.94 3.44
4. 3.29 3.60
5 3.46 3.21
6 3.42 3.59
7 3.20 3.21
8 2.95 3.27
9 3 3.41
10 2.99 3.51
11 3.27 3.26
12 3.25 3.45
13 3.75 3.92
14 2.99 3.41
15 3.26 3.44
GENERAL MEAN 3.23 3.46

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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Table 9. Hypothesis testing in Sex category


_ _ _ _ _ _
X X X- X (X-X) ² X X X-X² (X-X)
1. 3.58 3.23 0.35 0.1225 3.81 3.46 0.35 0.1225
2. 3.13 3.23 -0.1 0.01 3.36 3.46 -0.1 0.01
3. 2.94 3.23 -0.29 0.0841 3.44 3.46 -0.02 0.0004
4. 3.29 3.23 0.06 0.0036 3.60 3.46 0.14 0.0196
5. 3.46 3.23 0.23 0.0529 3.21 3.46 -0.25 0.0625

6. 3.42 3.23 0.17 0.0289 3.59 3.46 0.13 0.0169

7. 3.20 3.23 -0.03 0.0009 3.21 3.46 -0.25 0.0625

8. 2.95 3.23 -0.28 0.0784 3.27 3.46 -0.19 0.0361

9. 3 3.23 -0.23 0.0529 3.41 3.46 -0.05 0.0025

10. 2.99 3.23 -0.24 0.0576 3.51 3.46 0.05 0.0025

11. 3.27 3.23 0.04 0.0016 3.26 3.46 -0.2 0.04
12. 3.25 3.23 0.02 0.0004 3.45 3.46 -0.01 0.0001

13. 3.75 3.23 0.52 0.2704 3.92 3.46 0.46 0.2116

14. 2.99 3.23 -0.24 0.0576 3.41 3.46 -0.05 0.0025
15. 3.26 3.23 0.03 0.0009 3.44 3.46 -0.02 0.0004
MEAN 0.823 0.590

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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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1 3.69 3.78

2 3.45 3.67

3 2.95 3.17

4 3.65 4.53

5 3.65 3.40

6 3.12 3.39

7 2.97 3.34

8 2.88 3.35

9 2.87 3.69

10 2.97 3.34

11 3.18 3.51

12 2.73 3.23

13 2.23 2.60

14 3.04 3.36

15 3.22 3.36

GENERAL 46.6 51.72


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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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Table 9. Hypothesis testing in Age Range


_ _ _ _ _ _
X X X- X (X-X) ² X X X-X² (X-X)
1 3.69 46.6 -42.91 1841.2681 3.78 51.72 -47.94 2298.2436
2 3.45 46.6 -43.15 1861.9225 3.67 51.72 -48.05 2308.8025
3 2.95 46.6 -43.65 1905.3225 3.17 51.72 -48.55 2357.1025
4 3.65 46.6 -42.95 1844.7025 4.53 51.71 -47.19 2226.8961
5 3.65 46.6 -42.95 1844.7025 3.40 51.72 -48.32 2334.8224

6 2.97 46.6 -43.48 1890.5104 3.39 51.72 -48.33 2335.7889

7 2.98 46.6 -43.63 1903.5769 3.34 51.72 -48.38 2340.6244

8 2.88 46.6 -43.72 1911.4384 3.35 51.72 -48.37 2339.6569

9 2.87 46.6 -43.73 1912.3129 3.69 51.72 -48.03 2306.8809

10 2.97 46.6 -43.63 1903.5769 3.34 51.72 -48.38 2340.6244

11 3.18 46.6 -43.42 1868.8329 3.51 51.72 -48.21 2324.2041
12 2.73 46.6 -43.87 1924.5769 3.23 51.72 -48.49 2351.2801

13 2.23 46.6 -44.37 1968.6969 3.60 51.72 -49.12 2412.7744

14 3.04 46.6 -43.56 1897.4736 3.36 51.72 -48.36 2338.6898
15 3.22 46.6 -43.38 1881.8244 3.36 51.72 -48.36 2338.6896
MEAN 28360.7383 34955.0806

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Explanation of Variance then
Σ(x − 𝑥̅)2
𝑠2 = 𝑛 − 1

X = mean per question
𝑥̅ = mean of all data set
n = number of questions
𝑠2 = variance


Σ(x − 𝑥̅)2 0.823

𝑠 =
2 = = 0.058 𝑜𝑟 0.06
𝑛−1 15 − 1


Σ(x − 𝑥̅)2 0.590 0.590

𝑠 =
2 = = = 0.04
𝑛−1 15 − 1 14


Explanation of standard deviation then formula

Σ(x − 𝑥̅)2

X = mean per question
𝑥̅ = mean of all data set
n = number of questions
S = Standard deviation

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

Σ(x − 𝑥̅)2
𝑺=√ = √𝟎. 𝟎𝟔 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟒

Σ(x − 𝑥̅)2
𝑺= √ = √𝟎. 𝟎𝟒 = 𝟎. 𝟐


Explanation of the process of T-test

T-test of Sex
𝒙̅𝟏 − ̅𝒙̅𝟐̅
𝒔𝟏 𝒔𝟐
√ 𝒏𝟏 + 𝒏𝟐

𝑥̅1 = general mean of first group
𝑥̅̅2̅ = general mean of second group
𝑠1 = standard deviation of first group
𝑠2 = standard deviation of second group
𝑛1 = no. of respondent in first group
𝑛2 = no. of respondent in second group

𝒙̅𝟏 − 𝟑. 𝟐𝟑 − 𝟑. 𝟒𝟔 𝟑. 𝟐𝟑 − 𝟑. 𝟒𝟔 𝟎. 𝟐𝟑 −𝟎. 𝟐𝟑
𝑻 = 𝒔𝟏 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟒 = = =
√ + 𝒔 𝟎. √ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏 + √ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟐 √ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟑 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓
𝟐 + 𝟐
𝒏𝟏 𝒏𝟐 𝟏𝟔𝟐
Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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= −𝟒. 𝟔

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𝑥̅1 𝑠2 𝑆 𝑥̅1 𝑠2 𝑆
3.46 0.04 0.2 3.23 0.06 0.24
Degree of Freedom 28
Level of significance 0.05
Expected Critical Value 2.048
T-Value -4.6
Decision Accepted

Since we already found participant’s sex in T-test let’s continue Finding the critical value
by applying the degree of Freedom.

Degree Of Freedom in a statistics the number of degrees of freedom is the number of

values in the final calculation of statistics that are free too vary. The number of
independent ways by which dynamic system can move without violating any constant
imposed on it is called number of degrees of freedom.

The procedure for the degree of the group 1 plus the number of response of the group 2,
and the answer will be deducted into 2. In this research study the number of response of
the group 1 is 15 plus the number of response of the group 2 which is 15=30,-2, The
answer will be 28 meaning that the degree of freedom of our data is 28 with the margin
of error of 5% or 0.05.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
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Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary undertaken and the conclusions that were
drawn. Recommendations were made that can be pursued too.

This research was conducted in Monlimar Development Academy Inc., and the
respondents are the grade 12 students for the school year 2021-2022. This research is
quantitative research and the research instrument used is a survey. The respondents
were chosen by the stratified sampling technique. Additionally, 0this research aims to
know the impacts of cyberbullying on the grade 12 students of Monlimar Development
Academy Inc.

Cyberbullying amongst teenagers is a major issue due to the purchased use of

social media, it has been getting more and more attention from the media, decision-
makers, industry players, and society as a whole over the last few years with the rise in
the use of mobile technologies with permanent access to the interact, cyberbullying has
been affecting a substantial number of not only amongst teens but including children
and even teachers.

Cyberbullying happens either through interaction or by telephone. The "bully"

acts anonymously so that the victim does not know from whom the attack comes,
cyberbullying means insulting, threatening, deforming, or intentionally harassing other
people using modern means of communication.


A literature review of research about cyberbullying was completed. Findings

indicate that cyberbullying is becoming more prevalent as students spend an increasing
amount of time using technology that keeps them connected to people at all hours of the
day. There are many different ways in which cyberbullies reach their victims, including
instant messaging over the Internet, social networking websites, text messaging, and

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
phone calls to cell phones. There are different forms of cyberbullying including, but not
limited to, harassment, impersonation, and cyberstalking. It has been found that there
are differences between not only the prevalence of cyberbullying. The purpose of
conducting this study is to inform, educate, and enlighten their peers and future students
about how to safely use the internet. And to provide a comprehensive analysis of the
current research on cyberbullying and the implications of the issues that surround it to
develop future researchable hypotheses in the area of cyberbullying as it relates to
school policy and practice.

The researchers came up with the question regarding the research topic.

Ho 1: There is no significant difference in the impacts of cyberbullying among

students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc. in terms of the category of age.

Ho 2: There is no significant difference in the impacts of cyberbullying among

students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc. in terms of sex.

Ho 3: There is no significant difference in the impacts of cyberbullying among

students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc. in terms of the category of grade level.

Ho 4: There is no significant difference in the impacts of cyberbullying among

students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc. in terms of the category of the strand.

In this study, the research instrument that we used is the questionnaire. The
questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged questions carefully prepared to answer by a
group of people designed to collect facts and information. The first part of the
questionnaire is about using PowerPoint presentations as a visual aid during lectures.
The second part is the questions to be answered by the respondents. We used the
Google form method in the survey questionnaire.

Due to the current health crisis caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic, the
researchers may not be permitted to attend these schools and would have to send the
letter via’ school. After the request has been approved. For this survey, an online survey
and a Google form will be used. It will be given to all strands of grade 12 students at
Monlimar Development Academy Inc. (MDA). To confirm their responses from the
instrument, the
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The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
researcher will also conduct a structured interview via Google Form with the selected
respondents, which includes and needs their responses to the survey. The respondents
we selected to answer our survey questionnaire were Grade 12 students of Monlimar
Development Academy Inc. But we had a hard time answering all Grade12 in Monlimar
so our research instructor allowed us to answer our survey even out of Monlimar school.
The instrument that we used to gather information is a survey questionnaire/form. The
survey forms will be used in data collection. A systematically prepared form with a set of
questions designed to get and produce responses from respondents. Researchers
already have a ready-made and comprehensive set of questions.

The research treatment that we used is Slovin’s Formula to calculate an

appropriate sample size from a population. Frequency and percentage distribution are
used to determine the percentage usually for data on profile. And a weighted mean is a
statistical method that calculates the average by multiplying weights by their respective
mean and taking its sum. It is a type of average in which weights are assigned to
individual values to determine the relative importance of each observation. Mean is the
average or the most common value in a collection of numbers. Then variance is a
statistical measurement of the spread between numbers in a data set. Standard
deviation is a static that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean. The
degree of freedom is used for hypothesis testing in statistics. It refers to the maximum
number of logically independent values, which are values that have the freedom to vary,
in the data sample. And T-test(testing hypothesis) is a statistical test that is widely used
to compare the mean of two groups of samples.

The following are the salient features of the findings of the study:

1. Profile of the Respondents

In profiling of the respondents according to their sex, shows that 68.9% are female and
the remaining 31.1% are male. Meanwhile, in the profiling of the respondents in terms of
their age, 30.6% belong to the age bracket of 17 below and 69.4%, majority of the
respondents are from the age bracket of 18 and above. 2. What are the Impacts of

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Cyberbullying on the following: 2.1 Student’s Academic Performance 4 is the computed
general mean of the provided factor with an adjectival rating of Always. The researchers
calculated the value of the general mean by combining all of the computed means of
each number reported in table 3.1 in the previous chapter and then dividing it by 5,
which is the number of questions. According to the aforementioned table, the majority of
the computed means for this component are 4 and were drawn from the replies of the
Grade 12 students of Monlimar Development Academy, Inc., which resulted in Always
as its adjectival rating. According to the survey questions, students' concentration is
impaired, and they are unable to focus on the teachings due to negative thoughts.
According to the computed statistics and the overall mean of this component,
cyberbullying has an impact on a student's academic performance.

2.2 Student’s Interpersonal Relationship

The factor’s calculated average mean is 3 with an adjectival rating of sometimes,

Hence a majority of the respondents concurred. The researchers added all of the
computed means of each number is to get the value of the said factor's general means
as provided in table 4.1 in the previous chapter, then after that, the team divided it into 5
which is the number of questions. According to this aforementioned, the most calculated
mean for this factor is 3 and we're getting replies from grade 12 students of Monlimar
Development Academy Inc. which is resulted in sometimes as its adjectival rating.
According to the survey questioners, the students can affect how people treat you.
According to the computed statistics and the overall mean. Cyberbullying affects
students, interpersonal relationships.

2.3 Mental Health.

Are the computed general means is specified with an adjectival rating of

sometimes? The researchers were able to get the value of the general mean by adding
all computed mean of each number that we're presented in table 5.1 in the previous
chapter and then dividing it by 5 which is the number of questions, meanwhile, it was
shown at the aforementioned table that the most of the calculated mean for this factor is
3 that is made is derived from the student's responses, of the grade 12 students of
Monlimar Development Academy Inc, that resulted of adjectival rating sometimes,
Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
on the responses from the survey questioners in terms of previous lessons more
students or half who experienced stunned and anxious at home through cyberbullying it
shown can effects to students mental health.

Based on the indicated findings the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The research team concludes that in terms of the student's mental health, it shows
that Cyberbullying is affecting them.

2. The researchers conclude that Cyberbullying is affecting the students in terms of

Interpersonal relationships and their academic performance.

3. The research team concludes that Cyberbullying, Interpersonal relationships are

affecting in terms of students how people are treated, experiencing stunned and

4. The researcher was able to determine that there is no significant difference in the
affection of Cyberbullying as an Interpersonal Relationship in terms of the respondent's
sex and age.

5. To sum up, the research team is concluding that the affection of Cyberbullying has
been proven since 3 factors that were used to measure its efficacy turned out to be

TEACHERS- educators should the one who is in charge of promoting a positive and
safe classroom culture. Setting ethics of respectful communication delivers a message
to a student about what is and isn’t adequate, find ways to illustrate that classroom
secured emotionally carrying environment provides a capable in the classroom to
ameliorate student's associate retort to, and abrogate cyberbullying.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS- should dependable to guarantee those entire students
are provided a chance to see school free from agitation and bullying. This includes a
guarantee that students are using school community or mobile devices a kind that does
not cause harm to others. One of the first stages to remove cyberbullying is to evaluate
the status of electronic bullying come about same at home and school.

PARENTS- should watch their children while doing online activities/tasks and take away
the children's mobile devices if they are captured mistreating people online. Educate
children on how to use technology responsibly and how to discover whom children are
talking to and making friends, online. And discover how to use the technology the
children are using and order an interpretation of their online community

The GOVERNMENT- should implement a policy about cyberbullying where it can help
the people who are experiencing cyberbullying. And also it can prevent to spread of
negative effects of cyberbullying like self-harm anxiety and depression.

STUDENTS- should think beforehand about each post online and abolish making a post
that can have negative effects on your reputation and determined what cyberbullying is
and what actions are involved avoid putting unsuitable pictures online because they can
be the reason that cyberbullies use. Treat everything and everyone with respect.

E-SABAC- this kind of organization should be implemented inside of the school since
cyberbullying is a crime and all of the students are very exposed to social media and
some of them are victims and no one can help them, so if this proposed outcome would
be implement it can help the cyberbullying victims to fix their case and this organization
helps the school to prevent the cyberbullying.

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022


Newall, M. (2018, June 27). Global Views on Cyberbullying. Ipsos. Retrieved April 4,
2022, from https://www.ipsos.com/en/global-views-cyberbullying

The Effects of Cyberbullying on Children and Adolescents - TUW Online. (2020, June
26). Touro University Worldwide. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from

Li, Q. (2010, May 25). Cyberbullying in High Schools: A Study of Students' Behaviors
and Beliefs about This New Phenomenon. Taylor & Francis Online. Retrieved April 4,
2022, from https://doi.org/10.1080/10926771003788979

Bullying and teenagers. (n.d.). ReachOut Parents. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from

Barrington, K. (2022, March 29). How Does Bullying Affect a Student's Academic
Performance? Public School Review. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from


Baronia-Locson, E. L. C. (2012). Impact of Cyberbullying Among Selected High School

Students In Philippines, 2011. Research Gate.

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Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

Heirman, W., Angelopoulos, S., Wegge, D., Vandebosch, H., Eggermont, S., Walrave,
M., & Oxford Academic. (2015, January 12). Cyberbullying-Entrenched or Cyberbully-
Free Classrooms? A Class Network and Class Composition Approach. Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication.

Cummings, C. A. (n.d.). I Can't See You, You Can't See Me: Cyberbullying: An
Exploratory Study Examining this concept through the Lens of the Social Bond Theory.
Retrieved April 4, 2022, from https://biocoreopen.org/ijcf/I-Cant-See-You-You-Cant-See-

Nesbitt, N. (2010, December). Cyberbullying : a literature review. UNI ScholarWorks.

Retrieved April 4, 2022, from https://scholarworks.uni.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?


CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND. (n.d.). StuDocu. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from

Cyberbullying involvement and mental health problems among late adolescents. (n.d.).
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace. Retrieved April 5,
2022, from https://cyberpsychology.eu/article/view/13116


CYBERBULLYING ON SCHOOL AVOIDANCE by Kirsten L. Hutzell A Dissertation
Submitted to the. Mason Archival Repository Service. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

Olweus, D., & Limber, S. (2018, February). Some problems with cyberbullying research.
Current Opinion in Psychology.

Kenworthy, H. (2019). Cyberbullying in Education: A Literature Review.

IdeaExchange@UAkron. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from

Garza, M. E. Q. Q., Marin, D. L. F., Hernandez, R. R. C., Rojas, I. E. E., & Cabrera, M.
V. L. (2020, April). Effects of a vocational program on professional orientation. Heliyon.

Cyberbullying: Twenty Crucial Statistics for 2022. (2022, March 29). Security.org.
Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://www.security.org/resources/cyberbullying-facts-


Peled, Y. (2019, March). Cyberbullying and its influence on academic, social, and
emotional development of undergraduate stud. Heliyon.

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Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

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Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
SCHOOL 2015 – 2016


2019 – 2020


MARTINEZ 2020 - 2021

Birthdate: Dec. 3, 2003 MOST PARTICIPATIVE
Birthplace: Taguig City MOST COMPLIANCE
Weight: 56 kg
Civil Status: Single
Address: 409F Reyes Rosales Compound MONLIMAR DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY INC.
2021 – 2022

Email Address: yeshamartinez3@gmail.com

Contact No.: +63912547196 ELEMENTARY:



Public Speaking
2010 - 2016
I’m good on public speaking and I’m able to
host a webinar or any event we had in our SECONDARY: BAGUMBAYAN NATIONAL HIGH
school. SCHOOL
I’m good in commanding and I know how to TAGUIG CITY
handle my classmates behaviour. And my
classmates always choses me to be a 2016 – 2020


I always finished my tasks on the time. I ACADEMY INC.
always pass my tasks before the deadline.
School Address

2020 – 2022

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

TOP 7 (Grade 3)
2012 - 2013

TOP 2 (Grade 5)
2014 - 2015

TOP 2 (Grade 6)
2015 - 2016
2016 -2017


Birthdate: February 15, 2004 2017 - 2018
Birthplace: Taguig City
Height: 5’1
Weight: 80 kg TOP 8 (GRADE 10)
Address: Blk 4 Lot 8 Aguahan Village
2019 - 2020
Bagumbayan Taguig City

Email Address: ninfamaem@gmail.com SCHOOL
Contact No.: +639108361705
M.L.Q Street Bagumbayan Taguig

PERSONAL SKILLS: 2010 - 2016


I joined a cooking competition in our school. Though I did’nt receive a place in there but our team won a special award.

I good in listening to others voices. I listen to their opinions on every time we needed it.
M.L.Q Street Bagumbayan
Taguig City
As a good listener I’m also good follower. I do all the tasks that were assigned to me.

Taguig 1
Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
#317 M.L.Q St. Lower Bicutan,,

Taguig 1
Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

With Honor
Bloom’s day Kindergarten

2005 -2009

Nagpayong Elementary School

ABOUT ME: 2013 - 2014

Age: 17 Years old
Birthdate: July 14, 2004
With Honors
Birthplace: Quezon City
Height: 5’6 Monlimar Development School Inc.
Weight: 77
Civil Status: Single 2021 - 2022

Email Address:

Contact No.: +639091431554 ELEMENTARY:



COOKING Nagpayong

Nagpayong, Pasig City

2010 - 2015
Upper Bicutan National High School
Upper Bicutan, Taguig City

2015 - 2020
Monlimar Development Academy Inc.

#317 M.L.Q St. Lower Bicutan, Taguig


2020 - 2022

Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

2015 – 2016

TOP 20
2019 – 2020


ROSIE L. ORANDE 2020 – 2021

Age: 18 years old
Birthdate: December 08,2003
Birthplace: Taguig City 2021-2022
Height: 5’3
Weight: 50 kg.
Civil Status:
Address: 261 Block6 St. Purok14
SDH Taguig City
Email Address:
rosieorande9@gmail.com 2010 – 2016

Contact No.: +639638811333


I finish what I have to do on time, my tasks are easier because I manage my time. MLQ STREET BAGUMBAYAN

I can talk to people even if I don't know them very well, as long as it's important to talk. I'm 2016 – 2020
also good at giving advise to people who are down.

When I'm having a problem I can work out a solution right away so that the problem doesn'tMONLIMAR DEVELOPMENT
get worse and last longer.

School Address

2020 - 2022

Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022





Age: 18
Birthdate: July 11, 2003 2016-2019
Birthplace: Muntinlupa City
Height: 5’1 WITH HONORS
Weight: 45kg MOST CREATIVE
Civil Status: Single
Address: MLQ St. Lower Bicutan 2021-2022



PERSONAL SKILLS: MLQ St. Bagumbayan Taguig

2009 – 2015
I’m an organizer person, I love
organizing things. And I want all the
things are perfect and clean. SECONDARY: BAGUMBAYAN NATIONAL HIGH
MLQ St. Bagumbayan National High
I can multitask by writing and watching School
movies and dramas, and I can multitask
by doing everything at once. 2016 – 2019


I love writing, especially writing poems ACADEMY INC.
and stories because in this way I can 2021-2022
express my feelings.

Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
SCHOOL 2015 – 2016

2019 – 2020


IRISH G. TALABUCON 2020 - 2021

ABOUT ME: INC. 2021-2022
Age: 18
Birthdate: February 15, 2004
Birthplace: Taguig City
Height: 5’1
Weight: 47
Civil Status: Single
Address: 239 Paso Street, Bagumbayan EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND
Taguig City.


Email Address: kno
irishtalabucon15@gmail.com Contact No.: that
e is
Resilience er
I’m the type of person who always think positive mpl
and has a beautiful view for myself the more I e.
show the more I lift goals in my life I can do more
in life, I’m not the type of person who quickly give
up on the goal.


I’am the type of person that my skills applied

in myself as collaboration I can be reliable
upon whether it is difficult situation or not as
long as I don’t lose my helping because for
me it’s better if I can apply it to myself.


I have creativity in myself just having the

effort in life that I show well because I know

Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022



2010 - 2016



2016 – 2020


School Address

2020 – 2022

Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

TOP 10
F 2019 - 2020

With Honors
2021- 2022



Birthdate: Nov 29, 2002
Birthplace: Taguig City LIWAYWAY STREET STA,ANA 1637
Weight: 60 kg
Civil Status: Single 2010 - 2016
Address: 42 Lt Rr Cruz Bambang


Email Address: ELEMENTARY:

1637 TAGUIG,

2016 - 2020
I always cooperate to my fellow classmate MONLIMAR DEVELOPMENT
because we`re a teamwork to do a project and etc. ACADEMY INC.

When you are in a pressure to do a activities

but you need to meet deadline because this is
your demostrated having this ability.

Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

Award: 5th Placer On Cooking Contest

Name of School: Upper Bicutan National High School
School Year: 2016-2017

Award: Top 7 Grade 10

Tiffany Gabrelle H. Name of School: Upper Bicutan National High school
School Year: 2019-2020
Award: Perfect Attendance
ABOUT ME: Name of School: Monlimar Development Academy
Age: 19 inc.
Birthdate: November 18,2002 School Year: 2021-2022
Birthplace: Subic, Zambales
Height: 5'3
Weight: 43
Civil Status: Single
Address:14Ebrgy.st.P6Alower bicutan

Email Address: ttiffanygabrelle@gmail.com Upper Bicutan Elementary school
Contact No.: +639319324561 School Address: Gen. Santos Ave.Lower
Bicutan, Taguig City

(Problem Solving)
SECONDARY: Upper Bicutan National
(I develop this skill of mine trough Highschool
seeking the answer and solution on
my personal problem ) School Address: Gen. Santos Ave.
Lower Bicutan, Taguig City
(Good Communication)
(I can tell that I'm good at it because
i can easily adjust on my Monlimar Development Academy
surroundings) Inc.
(Writing Skill) School Address: 317 MLQ. St. Lower
(This skill developed when i read a Bicutan, Taguig City
lot of books and understanding the 2020-2022
different styles of written work that
I've read)

Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

2020 - 2021


Age: 18
Birthdate: August 24, 2003 ELEMENTARY:
Birthplace: Bugallon, Pangasinan Bagong Tangyan Elementary
Height: 5’6 School
Weight: 52kg
Civil Status: Single Purok 14 Block 2 SDH Taguig City
Address: Purok14 South Daang Hari
Taguig City 2010 - 2016


Email Address: SCHOOL
leonardmeserali8@gmail.com Contact No.: MLQ STREET BAGUMBAYAN
+639298726396 TAGUIG CITY

2016 – 2020


• Editing ACADEMY INC.

“I have a little bit skill about editing because School Address

in our video presentation Im the one that
can edit but not perfectly good”. 2020 – 2022
• Cooking

“I know the basics, like cooking rice, frying

and some popular Filipino dish”.

• Communication

Monlimar Development Academy
“ The
I’m the type
Impact of of person
Cyber thatinknow
Bullying Gradehow to communicate
12- Senior High Schoolproperly
Students to the otherDevelopment
of Monlimar people like Academy
gives them
greeting words”.
for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022




ABOUT ME: 2021-2022

Birthdate: January 6,2004
Birthplace:Caloocan city
Address: #14 e brgy st. Purok 6 A
lower bicutan taguig city.
General Santos Ave, Lower
Contact No.: +639381659460 Bicutan, Taguig, 1632 Metro


Team work-this is the one of my specialised skills, so that the each task/activities can do it better and faster.
Willingness to learn-I want to learn a lot of experience and challenges because if you don’tSCHOOL
make an effort and you’re not happy with whatever you’re doing you
Positive attitude-having a positive attitudes remain hopeful and see the best even in difficult situations
General Santos Ave, Taguig,
Metro Manila


317 M.L.Q St. Lower


Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

.1st place chess board

game Best in Filipino

Most obedience

Most industrious

BRGY KINAMALIGAN Elementary school

Maria Nita A. Eriso
2015 – 2016


Age: 24 Years old
Birthplace: Quezon Province
Weight: 53
Civil Status: Single 2020 - 2021
Address: Bagumbayan Taguig city

Email Address:
erisomaria171@gmail.com EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND
Contact No.: +09451200611



2012 - 2016
Cooking /Baking

I know some popular filipino dish SECONDARY: BNHS-2019-2020

and I have experience on baking
and make cookies BagumbayanNationalHighschool

Flexible skills

I in counter alot of part time job Monlimar Development Academy

and I know to be a more flexible in Inc.
work and also I know how to be #317 M.L.Q St. Lower Bicutan,
more aproactive. Taguig City

2020 - 2022

Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

Monlimar Development Academy
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C
Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022
Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

Monlimar Development Academy Inc.
The Impact of Cyber Bullying in Grade 12- Senior High School Students of Monlimar Development Academy Inc.: Basis for E-S.A.B.A.C Implementing
Anti-Bullying Programs 2021-2022

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