A Project Report of Gourav Sharma
A Project Report of Gourav Sharma
A Project Report of Gourav Sharma
………. Gourav Sharma
Assigned Department
Manage clients..................................................................................................... 15
Threats ...................................................................................................................... 18
Cost ............................................................................................ 22
Competition ............................................................................. 23
Recommendation….......................................................................................................... 26
Conclusion… ....................................................................................................................... 27
Reference… ........................................................................................................................ 28
An import is a good or service bought in one country that was produced
in another. Imports and exports are the components of international
trade. And International Marketing Communication. International
marketing communication includes all methods companies use to
provide information to and communicate with existing and potential
customers and other stakeholders. Each country and the cultures within
a country bring communication challenges to businesses. Good
international business communication practices help maintain these
intricate business dealings. Bad communication practices can cause loss
of business and
even international tension among countries. In my internship program
I’ve learned how should I contact international clients and sellers.
UniTrade handle this challenge very well. In service sector the main problem is
managing customers. Service managers and academic researchers are
now focusing their efforts on understanding how customers perceive the
quality of services and how these perceptions
translate into customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. And in
international communication sector. I am working in UniTrade as an
International trade and communication officer so I have to find out the
best way to communicate with my international clients and check the
products if it fulfill my requirement or not. It is not an easy task as there
are a lots of competitor in the market. My main task is communicate
with the client via mail. And check out the medical equipment available.
And on the basis of requirement I have to communicate them to see the
samples. And then I arrange meeting face to face with the sellers And
after clearance on the sample I will purchase those product in a bulk
quantity. In UniTrade I did another work that’s related in my department
too. In terms of international purchasing company have to update the
quantity it sell in the market and quantity the company has left in their
hand. I update this information on my client’s website.
Methodology of the Study
This report has been prepared on the basis of experience gathered during
the period of internship and my own learn and understanding. The entire
process has been made by collecting primary data which played a vital
role and easy to write down the report and secondary data was needed
for supportive structured buildup to the report
I have designed the methodology or the method in which way the data
will be collected in the following way:
Scope of the Study:
With the whole internship period it was a great experience to know and got
chance to work in the foreign exchange department. It’s also a great achievement
for me to learn and implement by practically the entire procedure of export trade.
BRAC UNIVERSITY PAGE20 Internship Report on Foreign Trade Activities To
be trained about the issuing EXP form, sorting EXP forms, required document
checking, payment moods register entry and also got to know regarding
Bangladesh Bank reporting. All of these opportunities I had captured in that
practical field and also to expand knowledge. This report is entire based and
prepared on my practical work experience while working at UniTrade Multi
Corportion. It will surely help the students to reduce the distinction between
realistic and hypothetical knowledge and additionally it will also help them to
clear the confusion between practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge. This
report significantly helped me a lot to understand the atmosphere and environment
of an organization. As I am an internee of UniTrade, I have access to many
different sectors like Application and using of biomedical equipment, negotiating
with the international sellers, dealing with the buyers, communicate with clients
guide them about the latest biomedical equipment, participate training program,
product promotion,survey before any newly launched product. It was near
impossible task for me to learn everything about all as it was a large sales and
marketing sector with such a limited span of time.
Limitations of the report:
• Sometimes the concerned personnel may not provide enough time due to rush office
• As a matter of fact three months is too short after that I had tried to give
best effort to my learning purpose.
• The Stellar software is not so much advanced and for this it takes more time to finish the
Due to the lack of information and customer is government only, market survey
could not be conducted. This means that in order to take the research forward a
full-fledged survey needs to be conducted.
Overview of the Organization
There core customers are National Institute of Neuro-Sciences & Hospital (NINS&H),
National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD), Dhaka, Dhaka Shishu Hospital,
Islami University, Kushtia,BIRDEM, Bangladesh TV Hospital, Bangladesh Head &Neck
Institute , Central
Medical Store Department, Bangladesh, Dinajpur Medical College & Hospital,
Central Jell,Dhaka, Bangladesh Police Hospital, Bangladesh . They have some
specific products like- Cadiac, home care, neuro interventional, Mother and
child care, imaging, dental, clinging and herbal. They have a lot of
internationaql reknown seller too. They have a qualityful team to supervise the
newly launched product and the other section will negotiate the price via
online.Then one of the representative of seller will send their demo product.
A list of companies are the distribution partner for UniTrade Multi Corporation LTD
They operate in the medical sector. UniTrade mainly purchase medical equipment
and sell it to the reknown local hospitals.
To direct their growth in the areas of biomedical engineering where they display.maximum
strength and ability; to gather people and facilities that tend to augment these areas; to
continuously build on these areas through education and knowledge assimilation; to avoid
participation in areas where they cannot make unique and worthy contributions.
To strive without reserve for the greatest possible reliability and quality in theirproducts; to be
the unsurpassed standard of comparison and to be recognized as a company of dedication,
honesty, integrity, and service.
To make a fair profit on current operations to meet their obligations, sustain -growth, and reach
goals. UniTrade’s top distributor is Medtronic. Medtronic was founded in 1949 as a medical
equipment repair shop by Earl Bakken and his brother-in-law, Palmer Hermundslie.
Did these two men set out to change medical technology and the lives of millions
of people? No. But they did have a deep moral purpose and an inner drive to use
their scientific knowledge and entrepreneurial skills to help others.
That spirit — combined with our founders' personal integrity and passion —
became our guiding philosophy .
Due to high interest rate which is nearly 14%, small company like
UniTrade faces burden to attend the tender.
Since there are many holidays in Bangladesh, the employees take leave
more often which breaks the continuity of the business. Apart from that as a
small company, social culture doesn’t affect much.
Due to the advancement of the technology, trading and communicating with the
suppliers has become easy for companies like UniTrade Corporation.
Environmental factor is a huge factor for a trading company. Due to the bad
weather, shipment of the product becomes tougher. Legal Usually UniTrade
Corporationtries to maintain the 8hrs office timing but sometimes they have to
work overtime because of the dead line of the tender submission.
Assigned Department
Receiving the products from the port: Sometimes I had to personally receive the
products from the Chittagong port along with the MD.
Maintaining the relationship with the existing customers: After communication
sales service is very strong department in UniTrade Multi Corporation. I had to
contat with the existing customer for their feedback and passed the information to
the service department.
Networking and liaising with suppliers: I used to search for the suppliers over the
internet for the required equipment. Once I get the desired supplier for a specific
product then I used to contact with them for their work order including price,
product specification and information of profit sharing.
You can have the greatest business in the world, but without promoting your
company and the products it offers, nobody will know you exist. That's where a
good communications department comes in.
If you have a very small company, the role of the communications director may be
one that's absorbed into another position. For instance, your sales team may be the
ones running your social media accounts or your staff may put on client events.
-building events.
Assignment and contribution to the organization:
There are many functions of a communications department. You may find that
your company needs some more than others. You may also find that some
functions of the communications department work better than others for your
particular industry and brand.
Managing your website and social media, including working with website
developers, posting regular social media updates and engaging with people on
your social media channels.
Managing blogs, including creating a relevant editorial calendar, writing articles
and working with freelancers to create content.
Running promotions, either on social media or at physical locations.
Holding events, such as continuing education opportunities, networking
mixers or an open house.
Overseeing media relations, including writing and distributing news releases,
responding to media inquiries and maintaining a media kit about your
Public speaking, including representing your company in public settings
and preparing executives to speak at events such as news conferences.
Managing marketing materials, including brochures, newsletters and mailers.
Finding opportunities for advertising, whether in print, on TV or online.
Handling crisis communications when an event threatens public safety or
your company’s reputation, such as an accidental death, a toxic spill or
Creating and implementing an annual communications plan, often in
conjunction with other departments.
Overseeing internal company communications, including internal announcements
and training.
All of these functions of a communications department help to strengthen your
company, brand and marketing efforts. They help make sure everyone in your
company is on the same page when it comes to how your company is represented
and the public image you have. These functions also build the confidence of
clients and customers since they'll know what to expect from your company.
Through your communications, they’ll have an understanding of your mission
statement, values, target audience, personality and the products and services you
provide. The more confidence your clients and customers have, the more likely
they are to continue using your products or services.
learning curve isn't as steep. While it's helpful to hire someone with a degree in
communications, public relations or a similar field, it isn't always necessary if the
person has a significant amount of relevant experience.
When it comes to the role of the communications manager, what the person does
depends on the role of corporate communication at your company. You may
need someone to focus only on internet marketing, such as websites, blogs and
social media. You may want someone who can research print advertising in local
cities or who can come up with and put on amazing events. You may just want to
hire a communications manager to oversee internal communications or build out
a company intranet.
Communication for purchase:
As an intern I have done some communication process in UniTrade. One of my
first consignment was deal with a Chinese company named “Ecomed” .Where I
have to buy OT Light. That’s why at first I contact with them with their south
asia region office via mail. And then I let them know that UniTrade are
interested to buy OT lights from them. I am sharing the mail here-
Arrange meeting:
In February,2020 I’ve asked by UniTrade to fic a meeting between our Managing
Director and Bistos Export a South Korean based company. UniTrade is their
regular client for 5 years.That’s why I had mail them and started a conversation. As
their Managing Director is in Bangladesh so I had to fix a meeting of our MD with
And by that I had arrange a meeting.
I did another work in UniTrade. I have to update how much quantity of product
is sold out in domestic marker on my distributor’s website. As example, if I
purchase from 10 icu machine from Medtronic and after one month if I able to
sell 5 of them then I have to update this information on their website. So they
can know I have less amount of product.So the seller can offer me some new
product. I am sharing an example of this here-
Responding Queries:
Customer queries appear directly from National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases (NICVD), and BSMMU on their recent purchase of ventilation system.
My task was to answer them efficiently at the same time following the guidelines
given by National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD), and
BSMMU Bangladesh . Good customer service is defined as a service that treats
customers with a friendly attitude and attempts to solve their problem or question
as efficiently as possible. Excellent customer service is one of the organization's
key tools to achieve its future goal. The main focus was on the quality of the
answers. However, I had to balance quality and quantity properly.
Manage clients:
Managing client is the hardest work as client frequently change their mood and behavior.
The main challenge for a import company is to understand client behavior and
maintain the change of the behavior.
Developing strategies to communicate with clients by Email:
Tension Unease
Consumer behavior can be broadly classified as the decisions and actions that
influence a consumer's buying behavior. What drives consumers to choose a
particular product with respect to others is a question that is often analyzed and
studied by marketers. Most of the purchasing selection process is based on
emotions and reasoning. The study of consumer behavior not only helps to
understand the past but even predict the future (2018, July 25). The below
underlined factors pertaining to the tendencies, attitude and priorities of people
must be given due
2. Group Influence
3. Personal Preference
4. Marketing Campaign
Purchasing Power
Consumer purchasing power plays an important role in influencing consumer
behavior. Consumers generally analyze their purchasing capacity before making a
decision to purchase products or services. The product may be excellent, but if it
fails to meet buyers buying ability, its sales will have a high impact on it.
Segmenting consumers based on their buying capacity would help to determine
better results for eligible consumers. Understanding, analyzing and keeping track
of consumer behavior is very critical for a marketing department to maintain its
marketplace position. Different customers want to buy different medical equipment
according to their budget. Generally, , Dhaka Shishu Hospital,wanted to buy
Ventilator machine, on the other hand, Dhaka Police hospital mostly buys ICU bed
and hospital bed. So, if we cannot provide their desired offers, customer got
furious. After that, we had to console them and provide the exact offers that they
want. This is very hard because when a customer become disappointed they do not
want to listen anymore. In that time, we have to understand their purchasing power
and provide the alternative solutions to them. But not every time we have the
alternative solutions and this the hardest time for the service people. So, we have to
think according to consumer perspective so that we can easily understand their
purchasing power for the pharmaceutical purpose. Some time after distributing to
the domestic custiomer some of the product did not work. Then we have to let this
know to the seller and ask them for a replacement or fix it. Then
they will replace the desied preoduct. For this some of the customer are felt
disappointed.bOur marketing team work to console them.As they don’t lose hope
on us.
Changes in the external environment also may present threats to the firm. Some
examples of such threats include
3. Competitors
5. New regulations
6. Some local threats always exists so that taking part in tenders becomes difficult
Situation Influence
As an example I can talk about the recent corona virus pandemic. In corona virus
treatment ventilator is most important thing. Governments and manufacturers are
adopting drastic measures to produce more ventilators as the coronavirus pandemic
places unprecedented demand on the world's hospitals.
The UK government has turned to a wartime solution, enlisting manufacturers
including aerospace and engineering group Rolls-Royce and vacuum
company Dyson to produce this
essential equipment. n February, when the city of Wuhan was the epicenter of the
coronavirus outbreak, China turned to the rest of the world to help with a severe
shortage. China's industrial equipment department said it had produced more than
15,000 ventilators and was setting up "accelerated channels" to import more.
Now that the epicenter of the outbreak has shifted to Europe, the Chinese Red
Cross is transporting supplies to Italy, where there have been 31,000 cases and
more than 2,500 deaths. On Tuesday, Chinese state media reported that a second
team had traveled to Italy with 30 pulmonary ventilators, 200,000 masks and 9
tons of other supplies.Suddenly the demand for ventilator rises drastically.
Countries like india is trying to invent and use ventilator domestically.
Communication with the distributors :
BPL Medical Technologies, the Indian multinational, spearheads pioneering efforts
in medical technology and innovation, keeping with legacy since 1967.They
provides reliable products and dependable service to there customers. There
products manufactured in an ISO 9001 : 2008 and 13485 : 2003 certified facility
conform to global standards of quality assurance and best practices.
DRTECH, established in 2000 is one of the leading global providers of high
quality flat-panel x- ray detectors for digital radiography. They are USA FDA
SG healthcare-
CA-MI is a family-run factory founded in the early 80's and committed in the
production of electro-medical equipments - among which AEROSOL
DELIVERY SYSTEMS used in aerosoltherapy for the treatment of respiratory
pathologies. The expertise and know-how achieved with over 30 years of
experience make today CA-MI in the position to export to more than 90 countries
and provide comprehensive answers to medical operators. The recent acquisition
of new and larger premises nearby Parma - in the North of Italy.
When UniTrade has started his journey in 2012, it didn’t see the profit. In 2013
fit for the first time which was USD 2 lac. Later on, it never saw the loss. In
2015, the profit increased and it was USD 10 lac. In 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019
profit was respectively USD 28 lac, 35 lac, 50 lac and 60 lac.
The actual cost of producing a product and bringing it to market
is key to determining if exporting is financially viable.
After the actual cost of the export product has been calculated,
you should formulate an approximate consume.
Market Demand
For most consumer goods, per capita income is a good gauge of a
market’s ability to pay. Some products (example, popular U.S. fashion
labels) create such a strong demand that even low per capita income
will not affect their selling price. Simplifying the product to reduce its
selling price may be an answer for your company in markets with low
per capita income. UniTrade company must also keep in mind that
currency fluctuations may alter the affordability of its goods.
In the domestic market, UniTrade carefully evaluate their competitors’
pricing policies. They will also need to evaluate competitor’s prices in
each potential export market. If there are many competitors within the
foreign market, you may have to match the market price or even
underprice the product or service for the sake of establishing a market
share. If the product or service is new to a particular foreign or domestic
market, however, it may actually be possible to set a higher price than is
feasible in the domestic market.
religiously offensive items, all types of wastes, and substandard or rejected goods,
as well as all imports from South Africa or Israel. All commercial importers are
issued pass books in which their import authorizations are validated. The issuance
of a pass book is a formality for items not on the controlled or restricted lists. Pass
books are valid for 12 months
Import Duties:
Despite some recent reductions, tariffs in Bangladesh remain high, averaging over
50percent. At the recommendation of the World Bank, Bangladesh has placed a
100percent tariff ceiling on most goods, with the intention of bringing the ceiling
down to 60percent in fiscal year 1993-94. A value-added tax (VAT) of 10 to 20
percent and additional fees, typically adding up to 15 percent of the cost and
freight value, are also applied to imports. Duties are reduced to 2.5 percent for
installation of imported machinery in less developed areas. Duties are also reduced
2.5 percent for capital machinery and factories which use 70 percent or more
indigenous materials and for imported machinery for export-oriented industries.
Exemptions from duties andthe import sales tax are available for a variety of
goods. 17 Documentation: Documentation required for commercial shipments.
Link between my internship concept and economics-
In my internship I’ve learned so many things. But the main focus was
on international purchasing. In that sense it has a direct link with the
international trade I’ve learned in economics. International trade allows
countries to expand their markets for both goods and services that
otherwise may not have been available domestically. As a result of
international trade, the market is more competitive which results in
more competitive pricing which brings a cheaper product home to the
consumer. International trade is the exchange of goods and services
between countries. Trading globally gives consumers and countries the
opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their
own countries, or which would be more expensive domestically. Global
trade allows wealthy countries to use their resources—whether labor,
technology of capital more efficiently. Since countries are endowed
with different assets and natural resources (land, labor, capital, and
technology), some countries may produce the same good more
efficiently and therefore sell it more cheaply than other countries. If a
country cannot efficiently produce an item, it can obtain the it by
trading with another country that can. This is known as specialization in
international trade. In UniTrade I had chat with international seller. As
like if I have got any machine that is less expensive then I had ask the
price and started
the process of purchasing. Let's take a simple example. Country A and
Country B both produce cotton sweaters and wine. Country A produces
ten sweaters and six bottles of wine a year while Country B produces six
sweaters and ten bottles of wine a year. Both can produce a total of 16
units. Country A, however, takes three hours to produce the ten sweaters
and two hours to produce the six bottles of wine (total of five hours).
Country B, on the other hand, takes one hour to produce ten sweaters
and three hours to produce six bottles of wine (a total of four hours).
But these two countries realize that they could produce more by
focusing on those products with which they have a comparative
advantage. Country A then begins to produce only wine, and Country B
produces only cotton sweaters. Each country can now create a
specialized output of 20 units per year and trade equal proportions of
both products. As such, each country now has access to 20 units of both
products. UniTrade purchase those medical equipment which are not
available in Bangladesh. If any of the company wants produce it locally
then the price will be much higher. So that’s why we try to import it and
sell it to the local hospitals. The comparative advantage is to import it. If
we want to produce this equipments locally then the opportuinity cost
will be higher.
Conclusion –
Once upon a time when advertisements were made and run by some of
the world's most creative minds, the current world is taking more of a
logical and complicated way of crunching data.
Creativity is still there, but to the new data driven world it is losing the
driving seat. 19 It'll be amazing to see where we'll land in the digital
marketing field from today to the next 5 years. With new technologies
like, AI, IOT or blockchain, it's easy to say that in the coming days this
field will evolve beyond recognition. To be prepared for these new
challenges, advertisers need to be much more vigilant and skilled with
the latest technologies. As a user, we must also be prepared to accept
those changes and move towards a brighter and more prosperous