Space Hulk - 1st Ed - Missions and Backgrounds (1989)

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The sighting of a Hulk in real space i!l a very rare event.

Most spend their time locked in the warp space vortices
\'\here the) were spawned When thC}' manage to escape
their warpspace current into human sp2ce the event is
usually realised too late and the ship will have been sucked
back into the w~1rp.
The chance sighting of a Hulk , apparently inert . and
travelling through reabpace. was the first since the
disastrous Blood Angel<. engagemem (see page 3 of the
rulebook), now over six hundred years ago. Humanity was
very lucky to be alerted to the second vessel before at
reached ils apparent target. 'iaelstrom VI. an isolated terra-
formation project at the very fringe of the Segmentum
Obscura As with its predecessor, the Hulk wa~ completeI)
dormant, radiating only on the visual spectrum
The Hulk W<lS spotted by the warpship Windrush. which

wa.) exploring ;u the very edge of the Segmemum Obscura.
By a fortunate coincidence, the Windrush dropped out of . 04 .22 .50
warp :~pace a mere parsec away from the vessel, easily + + Command module deployed Barges re-entering
within visual range. Its commander. Rogue Trader Borrak Warpspace
Vorra approached the Hulk but , fortunately for the
Imperium, decided against a boarding action. Instead he + + The Blood Angels have returned. We avenge 950 dead
chose to return tO human space, and notify Battlefleet Time doe~ not heal our wounds.

The Blood Angels had long since been returned to full

srrength One of the oldest Legions Astartes in the
+ + Michaelul> Raphaei . Imperial Commander, Chapter of Imperium . they had been formed in the first founding and
Blood Angels. Initiating report Space Hulk boarding action played a leading role in the jihad which created the
Estimated Impact ·08 00 75 lmperium In their ten thousand year history the one
blemish on their honour was the failed auempt on the first
+ + Realspace re-entry. All six barges have materialised Hulk.
Displacement 25 seconds less than 0 .5% pa~ec. Velocity
displacement lesl> than 24}-o . Formation perfect. The news of the Emperor's order was greeted with peeling
bells. and earnest prayer. The Blood Angels had been given
+ + Boarding torpedoes launched Initiating full retro, and a second chance
on course.
The fir..t stage of the operation was a thorough scan . To
+ + Bless your weapons, raise prayer for your armour. a''Oid alerting the dormant Genestealers, this had to rely
Begin the litanies of hatred. on less effective, passive sensor... As such a scan could only
pick up details of the vessel's peripheral areas, one intrusive
element was incorporated and the first Invader was placed
From Borra's data, the vessel was conclusively identified .1hoard An autonomous C) bcr·Altcrcd 'lask (rccon) L nn
as a Genestealer-infested Hulk and codenamed the Sin of (C.A.T.) was teleported to the outer decks The unit was
Dammllion. Like itl> predecessor, the vessel was still programmed to move down into the vessel 's inner levels.
dormant, relying on its near invisibility to esape detection. Here it would observe and analyse the Hulk's computer
Because the Hulk was completely closed down , it was systems. These systems were expected to be activated once
effectivelr blind. and an easy candidate for a thorough an Intruder alert had been sounded, giving the C.A.T. an
reduction by nuclear bombardment. opportunity to gain vital intelligence.
However, as with all Hulks, the Sin of Damnation was a The C.A.T unit ·w'2S too small to incorporate a transmiuer
new and unique combination of technologies. The ship'!> that could be picked up from within the Hulk '~ metallic
origins would span galaxies and millions of millennia. depths. Once the invasion commenced. and the data was
Lntact, it could yield enormoul> value to humanity, and itl> gathered, the C.AT. was programmed to return to the outer
Emperor Despite the Blood Angel's earlier near- decks for retrieval.
annihilation , and their negligible reduction of the
Genestealers' total forces. it was decided to attempt another
boarding action. By personal command of the Emperor. -03 00.25
thls honour was given to the same Chapter.
+ + Holding course Assigned impact points identified
Thrgetting complete. lmpacr pattern anticipated 99.5%
+ + We are the vanguard of honour. The leading edge of
one thousand marines. We bring death.
The passive scan showed the Hulk to be every bit as vast
as the one attacked 'ix hundred years earlier; if anything -01.2'\ 00
it \vas slightly bigger As expected, it was a mix of of alien
technologies, .,alvaged from ves..,els of widely varying age, + + Retro ..,equcnce complete Impact velocit}'
size and function MoM had been disassembled and + + Energi1ing ram shields
'itripped Here: and there:, howt."Ver, wholly m tact ships were:
incorporated into the 5ir~'s surface and structure + + Our mission is a gift from the Emperor Victory will
redeem our forebears We are blessed
Most of the vessel was in empty darkness. open to the
\'acuum The bulk of Its va~t. chaoti<. OArchitecture seemed + + Impact.
to serve no function at all Inside was a seemingly random
distribution of rooms and corridOrl>, linking cluSters of
motors. cryogenic chambers. life support systems. and
maintenance functions . The Mannes' one hope lay In the fact that the bulk of the
alien forces seemed to take some time to come out of
From analys1s of the data, cross Indexed from reports hibernation it was decided to launch a first wave of one
following the first boarding, it was estimated that the ship hundred marines, all in full Terminator armour. Their
contained in excess of '4 2,000 dormant Genestealers. Even objective was simple, either to disable the cryogenics, or
with improved tactics. the entire Chapter could not hope to Introduce lethal toxins into the chambers, killing the
to destroy even a fraction of this force. Genestealt:rs as they were re-activated. Only when this was
achieved would the remainder of the Chapter be sent on

• To minimise the risk of contamination the fU'St wave was

to be launched from warp barges These would enter real
space at sub-light speeds, in close proximity to the t.arget .
Each barge would then launch a number of boarding
torpedoes, each carrying two squads of marines. Once the
torpedoes were launched , the barges would return to
warpspace. and re-materialise a safe distance away

The mission would be overseen by a command team in a

separate module, also deployed from warpspace. The
module had the capacity to evaluate all the Information
in-coming from the Sensoria of each Terminator armoured

• Marine Orders specific to any squad or individual would

be relayed directly, while the operations commander
assessed the broader strategic situation, and relayed the
strategic orders. The overaJIIeader was Michealus Raphael,
the Chapter's lmperiaJ Commander.
Standing off at a distance of two parsecs were the Gothic
Class Baulecruisers lt~tolerar~ce, lndestructabllity and
Righteous Power Each ship carried a payload of one
hundred Hellfire class nuclear missiles The payload of a
Hellfire Is one hundred and twelve sub-munitions, each
one whh a fi\·e giga-tonne warhead If the \"an guard failed,
the vessel would be fusion bombed, down to a fine powder.

+00.37 50
+ + First casualties reported. Shield failures on torpedoes
3. 12. Four Squads dead on arrival. Tactical reserve
+ + All squads advancing. No enemy activity.
+ + The Emperor watches our every move. Humanity's
protector is at hand.
Following arc six Missions pitung Space Marines against rhe Gcncstealer. The M1ssions may be played in an} order;
however, as they arc liMcd in rough I} the order of difficult} . it i:. :.uggc:.tcd that new plarcr~- cspcciall} ne,., Space
Marine player. tackle the early Mhsiom before going on to rhc l:ner ones.


Each Mission contains the following sections: Because most games take an hour and a half or less to
complete, Space Hulk is .tdmirably :.uited for match pia}
Map \\e ~>ugge..,t th•lt each ume you tr} a Mission, rou and your
opponent pia} it twice - once each side Keep track of how
The Map shows you hO\\ to set up the board and ''here man} turn:. the game take and how many casualtie~
to place door counters prior to play (all door. begin the occurred for both side., on a piece of ..,crap paper.
game clo:.ed) ln addition. it di~play:. the Space Marine:.
deployment area, the Stealen.' Cntf) area.,, .1nd anr other
special rooms or corridors.

\l: hat each .,idc b trying to accomplhh.

What forces each side has at its di:.posal at the :.tart of the If one player wins both games, he get<, an outright' lctory
game. and what reinforcements it ha~ a\'ailable. lt you !>pllt the games. which mean:. that either the Stealen.
Space Marines: For the Marines. thh t} p•call) meam one or Marines won bmh games. the player who caused the
or two complete Squads including full ammuniuon for the most casualties, or who succeeded in fulfilling his
Flamer. A complete Marme Squad contams one Sargeanr, objecth·es in the shortest amount of time (dependJng upon
one Flamer Marine, and t hrce standard Marine:. the -.cen~trio·., \ictory cond1tiom), i~ the winner
Since you ha\e to keep track of c:u:h individual Flamcr'!!
ammunition, it is a good idea to place the two piles of six
Flamer marker.. well-separated on the cable. each near to
the appropriate Flamer Marlnt
Stealers: The Stcalcr player u.. uall} begin:. the game" ilh
one or more Blips lurking off-board and he receives an
additional number of Blips each turn as reinforcements -
u~uall y one or two per turn ·
In these Mi'>slons, the Stcalcr!> have unlimited
reinforcements- as long as the game last:., the Stealer player
will get the Mated number of additional Blip counters at
the beginning of hi'> turn Ifall of the Blip!> have been drawn
from the box top, take all of the converted or destroyed
Blip:. (which are probabl} ...cattered aboUl the table), :.huffle
them together, place them back into the box top. and begin
drawing them again

Thh !>Cction describes how both ~ide., deplo} modeb
Marines: Marine Squads typical!} deplo} on one or two
specific ftve-:.quare-long corridor :.ectiom. or dispersed
about the board as the Marine player wishes. L nles~ ~tared
otherwise In the Mission. the Marine player may place hi!>
models m an} order, facing in any direction he choo:.e:..
Stealers: The Stealcn. enter play ~ Blip:. at any of the
Suwler e11try m·eas ..,ho\\ n on the map diagram .

Special Rules
This descnbes any special rules for the Mi:.s•on.

What each side need~ to c.Jo to '' 10.

Mere second~ before the Chapter'll ,·anguard crashed :tboard the \C!Isel , the fi~t w I(Je spc{lra !>Can:. were made. The
,hip wa., bombarded with a na ... h of radiation, gi\ ing the fil"it dt•tailc:d vit:w., of it., mncr layout The inilial anal pi-.
located a number of e~cape- pod clmtcr.., dotted around the 'e~~er, outer lcveb .

+ OUI lS
+ + Flal>hlaght data Lar~e sub-l>hlp ~ MARINES DEPLOY
clu'>ter at 'cc tor 86 Size and po'iition
indicates el>capdcont<tmJnation A. STEALER ENTRY AREA
+ + Room at86-Gamma-ll probably
serve.., a' launch-control room for the
t:l>capc/conwmination lifepods
+ + ~quad under Serj4cant Calvin
despatched to destroy control
surf:tet'' ·
+ + Squad Calvin now advancing.

• btimatc will encounter resistance in

..o to 60 second!>
+ + Let the l>laughtc:r commence.

In the earlier engagement, large

numbers of Gene.,tealer., had OBJECTIVE
attempted to e ... cape into space. To
avoid thi., danger, the aucndant
Battlecrui~er were equ1pped for a
light pattern bombing of the
..,urrounding space, should an) vessel
appear to be escaping This would
have liule tmp~tct on the Hulk but
would hamper the Marine.,· command

Impact +02 .50.50

+ + Operation proceeding :t..' planned.
+ + The Blood Angels are back. For
'>ix centuriCl> we have carried the

burden of defeat , the :.tigma of failure. Objectives Deployment
Now we redeem our.,clvcs. The Marine player ill attempting to Marine: The Squad deploys on the
deliver a flamer hit on the Launch !~haded corridor .,hown on the \tap
The largcllt ellcapc cluster w':b ::.uuated Control Room. The Stealer player is. abO\t:
well bt")'Ond the dcfen.,ivc perimeter, of course. attempting to keep rhe
Stealer: The Stealer player may place
tn the centre of several larger. ~larine player from doing thi.,
hill l>tarting force and sub,cquent
cryo~enic clu'ltcr-.. Any squad moving
reinforcements at the cntq area.,
tntO the art-a was unlikely to re-appear, '>hown on the map.
bur nonethele.,s an attack wa.,
Special Rules
+0·• 08 00 If thi'> b the Space \larine player's fi~t
Forces game, he get'~ three minutes per rurn ,
t- + Fir..~ combat . 3 confirmed alien instead of two and a half
kills, l probablcs No Marine Marines: One complete Squad (Smce
there is only one Sergeant tn plot), the
ca.,ualt ies.
Space Marine ha.' onl)' two minute~ Victory
+ + Cah in\ ,quad :u 86-Gamma-1 and thirty seconds to complete his
The Marine player win:, by scoring a
11trgct at SO metres. Enemy dosing on move.)
all sides flamer hil on the Launch Control
SteaJers: The Stealt·r player begins the Room. The moment he scores the hit,
+ + Brothcrl>, rhc enemy arc at hand game with rwo Blips coumcrl> in the he wins and the game ends. The Stealer
Summon all your resolve. and all your emry areas of his choice. The Stealer pla)·er "'ins the moment he kilJs the
animosity player receives one Blip reinforcement Flamer Marine, or the moment the
per turn. flamer runs out of ammunition.
Pronded the first wave ~ucceeded, the objective~ of the projected second ~tage were to completely seal all escape
routes, neutralise the ships rcabpace moto~. and sieze control of ih control rooms One(: these objectives were .Khieved
the Martncs would move out to take contro l of rhe rest of the vessel

+ 0-t 59 "7') + 06.15 00 + 06.S0 .75

+ + Re~erve force impact + + Perimeter e~t•tbli~hed + + Squ;ad Constilntine h~ enem} an
1i:chmarines advancing to perimeter ~ight. ~quad \ou~af engaging enemy.
+ + quad "\ousaf and <.onstanune in
+ + Squad Cah•in report mh'tion position. Report unexpectedly high + + Overall ,.,~ually ratio good :,o far
accomplbhcd . 80% casualties, Calvin enemy activity. 6.3 to 1 In Humanity 's favour.
mll!slng, pre11umed dead.
+ + Cyber Altered 1ask unit detected , + + Sixty-three decades of shame A
+ + Squads Yousaf and Com.t:tntinc nO\'- mobile, at location 10'"'. Full da} to puf'Rt' our conscience.
moving to station at junc tt on - companies Alexandria & Berlin
6S ·Aipha/66-Aipha/8 1-Gamma advancing to contact

\X hatner their ,·cs~er~ command

The ship's layout wa ... b} now
structure, the aliens had the
thoroughly analysed The likely routes
lntelli~cnc.:e to dt'\Ote thear full
for an alien advance had all been
attention to the: dormant Steal en. tn the
plotred. The fir..t encm)' attacks would
clo~e~t cryogenic duster These
be delivered from the close~t
emef8cd an a !turprslngl r short time,
cryogenic cluster, a mere kilometre
and streamed down the predicted
away from the landang area
p:uhwa)• The advancing Marine:.
A key junction along this route would reached the junction and spread out
Most of the o bjectives were grouped effectively block the route. Maranes to check tht. ncarb} room~ for
toward) the rear of the vessel. in the were ordered to the JUnction, three umported alaens The sweep was
lower numbered seeto~. convcntently hundred metre beyond the projected finhhed with onl} secon~ to spare.
awa) from the bulk of the cryogenic per imeter defences Here, it was 8} the ume tht.· ,\larincs reported the.:
cluste~. The largest gro up in the fi~t hoped, they could cover the area secure sc,·eral hundred
wave landed here, and attempted to beachhead a rea by slowing dO\\ n the Gcnestealcr-. were convcrgmg o n thcar
C!ot~b lis h a beachhead rate of enemy reinforcement position .

The Marines were outnumbered by

over ~ixty to one. Even before they
clo!ted into combat it was obviou!t that
it wa~ onl) ;t matter of minute~ bcfort.•
they were" ipcd our Despite the
O\'er\\ helmlng odd.s. the) fought with
couragt.· and valour Any Genestealer
casualtie~ won tame to coru.truct the
defcnsin perimeter Thh would be
extreme!) preciouc; to the main force
at the beach head

+ 07.3'7.75
..... Cyber-Aitcred 1a'>k unit cxilin~
sector 102 to ~cctor 92-Gamma
Companr Bcrlan rcpon~ appro;~ching
+ + Contact lost with Sergeant Yousaf
Both squads report heavy casualtiell
+ + Enemy forces growing rapidly,
casualty rate down , at 5 8 tO I
.,. + Prayer and ~trh ing. Brothers. This
is the long a\\<litcd moment


Marines: The Marine Squad begin~>
play disper.ed Jn turn the Marine and
Steal er players place one Marine in any
'>pace with any facing, in an) of the
room:, shown on the map. No t\\0
Marine~ may begin play in the same
room; the Marine plarer places fir:,t
Stealers: The Stealer reinforcement~
mar enter play at any entry area.

Special Rules
Blip:, and Stealer:, are not allowed to
lurk off-board, nor are they allowed to
u:,e an entry area that is within six
~paces of a Space Marine. If, at the end
of the Stc...oaler player':, turn, anr Stealel'!!
or Blips are lurking off-board, they are
~tutomatic-.llly lost (though the Marine

doesn't count them towards victory;
'cc below) In the unlikely event that
the Marines manage to block all entq•
areas, the Stealer:, lose lmmediatel}
The ~1arine player needs a pen and
p;,apcr to record the number of StC21e!'ll
he kill~ The easiest way to do thi~ is
to pl;.ace all casualties in the box tray
as they occur, total up the number at
the end of the SteaJer player':, turn, and
then return the modeb to the Stealer
player. Note that Flamed Blip~ count
as however many Stealers they
rcpre em, but the Marine player does
Ob jectives Forces not count Steal er model lost because
The Marine Squad is clearly doomed. Marlnes: One full Squad (Note th:tt Blips converted In places where they
h is only a maucr of time before it is since only one Sergeant is in pia}. the could not deploy into their full
destroyed by the numberless force:, of Marine player ha!- only two minute~ number of models.
the rampaging Genestealers. lb a man, and thirty seconds ro complete hi),
the Marines have one overriding move)
desire: ro uke out as many Stealerl. as Victory
they can before they go down . The Stcalers: The Stcalc!'ll have no SL1rting The Marirac player wins if he kills 30
Stealers merely wish to destroy the forces . They rcccl\'c two rein· Stealer., before his Squad is destroyed,
Marines with minimal casualties. forcements per turn othe<wlse. the Steal« playe< wins ~
A-. the Marine-. moved anto pos1tion. the Cyber·Aitered T~k unit had cffortle!t!tly muded the Hulk's arcane command
sy..tem-., in the vulnerable period while they were being powered up. Within -.econds of impact it had amassed all
the data it requm:d on the Hulk':, cryogenic :,ystem~. both their layout and the1r sccurlt}'.
The <..A.T. 'tored thh•.mformation. disengaged from the computer net and. a!'. progr.tmmed , began c.trefuJl} workmg
it' war towards the outer deck-. As !tOOn as the C.A T .,tarred mO\•in~. it wa-. located b) the continuing wide -.pectra

+ 08 l'i 00 + 10.15.75 + 11 IS 25
+ + All contact lost with Squad-. + + Aliens outflanking Oerlln· + + FirM auack along line Berlin·
Yousaf and Constantine Alexandria line threatening 10 block Alexandria. Alien casualties high. All
Squad ll}•ich's retreat squad!> still intact
+ + C.A .T un11 at intersecuon 92
(,amma·78 Delta . Companic .. Berlin + + Squad Abel, break out and + + Squad llyich reports l:trgc
and Alexander rcpon fa:,t progress. reinforce. concentration on all sides Squad Abet
btimated time of contact, two
minutes thirt}
+ + Enemr build up along perimeter
continuing . Expect waH: attack
+ + Squad 11> ich reports taking
possession of ta.,k unit
+ + Berlin repom Company liQ -.till
secure. Data uan~mission link to
Mill advancang. now an 'lame sector.
Contact in 10 seconds.
+ + Th1~
is vendetta. none must

imminent I)'.
command module no'~ fully
~ + Avengement approaches Let us operative
seaz.c our honour s rcpneve
+ + We pursue our own. l!ublime goal.
\\e !teek vindication .
Two whole companie~ were
despatched to retrieve the unit. They Cont:acr with rhe C. AT wa~ made with
ad,·anc:cd from the pcnmetcr. behind rclattve case. but 1he Gencstcalers
the CO\'er of the embattled outer clo~ing around the two compie., ·
squad5, and away from the growing defcmivc ba~e looked like they might
Gene.,tealer concentration They leave llyich's squad cut off
made ''cry good progrc:,s. The
companie'> encountered \'cry light When more Stealcn. appc:trcd to attack
resistance and capably obliterated it the isolated squad it seemed the
without casuahie!t Stcalcrs had rcalhed the < AT'~
significance. :md were merely
containing the larger force 1 hh was Objectives
the Marines' first seriou~ setback The The Marines must retrieve the C.A T
whole invasion seemed in the balance. and bring it safely back to the
+ 09.20.75 dropshtp.
+ + Compan}· Berlin report~ 'udden + 11 05 50
massi\'c hostile build up. '>Cctor.. 69 Forces
thru 7·1 . + + Alien build up 69 through 7 1
cominumg Marines: Tho complete Squads.
• Both Companae-. ;tdopt dcfens1vc
Stealers: ~o force!> at the start of pl:ay.
++ ~o combat as yet
posture. Fstabli.,h mobile but three Blips per turn a:-.
hcadquarter. + + Squads llr a<::h and Abel reanforcements.
,. ... '>quad lly1ch to retrit.'ve ta!-.k unit converging Link up in twentr
+ + We arc lcgion:aires Astartes \X'c Deployment
When the} wert: within two .,ector.. of are the Blood Angels the angeh of
Marin~s: One Squad begins in either
rhe (.A :r.. the farM major re~istance destruction.
''a., encountered A large or both of the shaded corridor section~
concentration of enemy were labelled 'A', the other begins in either
advancing again:,t the flank of the or both of the shaded corridor section~
One squad was ordered to break out
\1arinc!i' line of advance One squad , labelled 'B'. One of rhe Marines in
and reinforce the rcrurning 'IQU:td All
moving faster bccau:.e it was alone, corridor section 'A' is carrying the
the two squads moved tOwards each
wa'> ordered w fetch the C AT The other. the surrounding :tlicns launched
C.A:r (sec below).
remainder of the force turned to form their attack. If the C A.T was toM, Stealers: The Stealer reinforcements
a dcfcn!>ive po~ition, and wipe out the Raphael would have no choice but to ma} be brought in at any of the Stealer
approachinA S1<11kn. order the nuclear bombardment Cntt)· areas.




The Marines mu't still roll to pick up,
p~s. or engage in dose a..,.,,IUit combat
whilst holding the damaged C.A:I: ; a
further result of damaged (or
dcstroyc.•tl) means th;u the C.A .T. ;..
de.,troyc.-d .
Destroying the C.A.T: The C.A.T. j,
autonutic.-;tll)' dc:Mroyc.-d if it j, in .1
room which takes a Flamer hir: it may
Special Rules Picking up or Pa~sing the C.A.T: A he.- destro)'ed as the reo,ult of clusc.·
Marine pay~ I AP to pick up, p~s. or .-. ..sault c:umb;tt
take the ( A:r. from anothc.-r Marine.
The C.A.T. Any time a ,\ 1arlne auempt.,lO pa<:k up, Stealers and the C.A.T: Stealers m;ty
·1e:, win the Marines must return the tAke, or pal>~ the C .A.T. , the Space not pick up or directly attack the c..n.
( A r. to the alosault boat ~ince the.· \bnne player roll<. :1 dice on a score.· llowevcr, they may attack the.· Marine
C.A:I:'s movements an: unpredictable, of 1. he has dama~ed the C.A.T .; on a who is holding the C.A.J '.• as dt"'>Cribc«J
w 'a)' the least. this mean~ that a Space score of 2 , he mi,ses or drops the abon:.
~1arinc must carry it off-map, C.A.T. which may then wander around Moving the C.A.T. on its Own:
The C.A.T. Counter: Place the C.A:r. on itl> own; on a score uf 3 6, he h;c. When the C.A.T. il> not bean~ c.-.Jrried
counter in the ~pace wuh the \1arint" successfully picked up/pas.,ed the.· by a Maranc durin~ an Endphast roll
\\ ho h carrying it The C AT counter C.A.T. a dice : on a 1- .~ the Stealer pla)cr
is a.,sumetl to ukc up no spac«: in the.· Oa.auglng the C.A.T.: The C.A.1 : b mmc:s the C.A:J: : on a 1·6. the Marim·
~quare : a square with theCA T in it damaged if a Marlnt.• roll., a I when phtyc:r move-; lt. The C A :r. moves up
mar be moved into or through as attempting to pa.,s it or pack it up (a~ to thn-c .,pacc:l>: it pap. nothing to turn.
normal In addition , the C.A:r doeo, described abon:). In addition . Tht" ( .\ T may move into or thrmal(h
not block LOS. If a door is closed on whene,·er a Space ~brine who h occupied spaces; it mar not. however.
·:&..quare containing the C.A:I: by it'>elf, c.:ar11·ing the: C A I is in\'ol\ c.-din clo..,c mm c.· into:. space with :.t clo,cd duur
roll a dice to '>ee which adjacent ~uare assault comh:u, the C.A.T. may be or into a bumin~ corridor 'cctiun
the.· C. A ~I'. goe) to. damaged. lfthe ~1arine win~ or tics the If damaged , the C.A.T. mar not OlOH'.
c:umbat, roll as dc~cribed above. a I
meaning the C.A.T. is damaged, a 2
me;anang tt has gotten free .and 3·(, Victory
Carrying the C.A.T.: A Space Marine.· meaning that he has managed to hang The Marine player wins if he ~cb the
ma}' carry the C.AT with no pc:nah} on to it safely If the Marine lol>t:l> the undamagctl C. A :I: off the map through
to movement . fire, or clo.,c: assault c:ombat, roll a dice: I. theCA T is one.· of the <:orrido~ .,hown above fhc.-
(thou~h the la'>t involves a ri'lk of destroyed. 2·3,the C.A.T i'> dama~ed; ~ame h drawn if the damased <:.A:l'.
damaging o r destroying the C.A :J:; sec 4-6. the G A.T. as unharmed and will h taken off: otherwise. the Stealc:r
hc.-low). ,,~J.nder if not picked up. pl:~yer wim..
With the arri\•al of Techmarine support squad~. ~e,·cral ke)' point!. ;don~ the heachhead perimeter were reinforced
and the Terminator squads provided with \'<l!lt stockpiles of ammunition Terminator.. with Assault Cannon t:overcd
all the important junction'>. Each squad had accc.,~ to it~ own va'>t ;lmmunition .,wckpilc.

+ 11..25.2'5 + 1145 00 + ,... 12 2'5

+ + C.A T un1t retrieved . + + <.ombJt all !ot=Ctors. Perimeter + + Encmr acti\'it) decreasing
holding Wuhdrawing sectors 2l , 2 1 thru .,
+ + Enemy build up along perimeter
now ceased Enem} advancing to + + Casualty ratio currently 16 ..., to I + + Apparent anomal) on three bio·
contact. and climbing. scan trammutcr.., Tech Squad 3 Plea:.c
+ + Prayer!. of vengeance steel our + + Our duty, to kill We serve it wdl.
souls + -1 Clo,t"st target location for
+ + Fnemy breakthrough at 22 Odta.
Reserve squads forming containment cryogenic Jttack e\.tluatcd Duct
cluster acces:-.ible at 12 \·Aipha-6 I \
When the Genestealers launched the kilometre. Squads Abraham SnO\\ ,
attack on the Ma rine defence + + Our enemr face humanity's axe. Harken, I uthcr proceed
perimeter, aJJ heU broke loose. The
+ t The scene of our repnsal h set .
fighting was intense. vicious brutal
We are the a\·cngcrs Nemes~.
and bloody. The warriors of both sides
fought with fanatical zeal, and total
disregard for their own lives. After the As the Genestealer auack finally
Raphael re-organised lu~ rcmammg
engagement. it 'vas estimated that well !~Ubsided, the overstretched command
forces into six full squads. Four of
over a thousand Gcnestealers were back-up noticed somethin~ ~trange A
thc!'>e were <1~s1gned to the cryogenic
involved in t he attack Even with group ofTechmarinc:s. showing almost
attack , while two were despatched to
constant re-supply by their Lero life signs, seemed to be moving,
deal with the wounded Manne:,
Techmarines, the Terminators suffered away from the perimeter The Marine!~
mass1ve problems w1th ammunition \\ere alive, althougll onl) just
shortages and weapons failures. All Although Raphael had very little time
+ 1'5.20.00
their reserve!~ were committed. and, a~ few a:, thlrt)' Terminators left,
including the power armoured he knew that the Chapter's Gene Seed + + Bio·scan anomal} t."\otluatcd four
Techmarlnes. In the event, the attack could not be allowed to fall into enemy hea\ ill wounded Manncs have been
was repulsed, but only just. The hands. lle also reali ed the po~sible moved to a location at ·12-Bcta-12
Marines suffered over SO% C:lllualties. diver..ionar} value of their operation.
+ + Squads Pilgrim and Stone, to this
locauon Our gene seed is in danger
As!>ure Techmarine morralities

TERMINATOR CAPTAIN /COMMANDER These cwo squads had neither the time
nor the number.. to attempt to rescue
theTechmarines Even if they had. the
beachhead perimeter was being
abandoned, there w.b nowhere o;afe to
guard the wounded. R.2pbael decided
that the Techmarinc-. would have to be
sacrificed . The two squads were
ordered to locate them. and quickly
put them out of their mh.ery.
Power sword

+ 16 33 25
Personal motif on + + M am force en route to cryogenic
belt buckle/kneeplate target ~o res•o,tancc a' yet
+ .; Squad Pilgrim and Swne report
enemy massing on all sides. Target
location in sight
, + Purge our honour Cleanse and
burn .


Objectives Special Rules

The Techmarine captive!> are being When one of the target rooms takes a
held in two rooms, thO\e labelled Flamcr hit it has been clean ed To
'Gene Banks' on the map above To kill hov. this, the Flamer marker should
the capuve and protect the Chapu:r not be removed during the Endpha\c.
gene seed. the Marine!> must 'cleanse' imtead flip it over and leave it face-
each room by hitting it with a flamer down on the board. The face-down
'!hot. marker has no effect on play . it Just
serve~ a-. a reminder that the room ha~
been purged
Marines: Th·o full Squad!)
SteaJers: No forces at the tart of the
game The Stc.~alers receive two Blip!)
per turn a\ rcanforc:ements

Marines: Each of the Squads mu!>t Victory
deploy on one of the two shaded
The Marine player wins by cleansing
corridors shown on the Map.
both (,en<: Bank~. The Stcaler player
Stealers: Reinforcements may be wino. if both Flamer Marines arc killed
brought m at an) of the entry area!> or run out of ammunition before
hown on the map achit"\'ing their objective.
The ducting cluster identified by the C. A .T was in a room more than four sectors away from the Marinc'l> bt•achhcad.
The first wa\'C wa~ left with almoM no reserves Although the struggle along lhe perimeter was a pagcam of acts of
courage, valour, strength efficiency and heroic slaughter. the forces thrown against it required the Marines to commit
thetr entire reserve. All hough this vast wa\'e attack had been stemmed, and the invaders wiped out, the Marines were
forced to abandon the perimeter. form an outw-.m.J facmg circle. and advance throutth t-xtrcmely light opposition tow·.u ds
rhc ta!"Ret area.

Br the ttme thq were wuhin two

+ 17. 17 '75 sectors of the targer room , the Marine
phalanx was down to slightly less than
+ ~ Main force l>till advancing. 22 1Crminators. The area around the · ·Lekko, I see movement to
unopposed Estimate ar rival In three target room wa!oo, apparent!} by the right ...Mersol, move up
minutes coincidence, occupied by a rel:uavcl) to support Lekko...Cberln,
+ + Captives showing zero life sigm srrong enemy force. A frontal assault there's something mead,
Squad Pilgrim dead to a man. Squad would be cost!) and time consuming. fire off a burst...Martin's
Victory seemed once more to be

Stone reporting heavy ca~ualties. down, w~ will
slipping through the Marines' grasp.
+ + Mid range reconnaissance reports remember... Squad reform...
indicate a high , probably coincidental Lckko's in troublc.• .look
concentration of the enemy in this and out, Merso1t ...Met'50l'&
four adjoining sectors down. we will remember. ..
+ 20 ~0 25 Squad reform ...w:ucb your
+ + Our moment of retribution
approaches. + + Squad Harken reports first tbmcr ammunition,
casualties M:~intainlng retreat Fut$t...Squad. Unc
sequence formation, move up fifteen
As ther moved it became obvious that yuds to next junctlon... nice
a second wave, much larger than the + + Blood Angel casualties ro dare 87 kJU, Lekko...Wee.k's Squad is
fit":>t, was beginning to emerge from its Thctrs as no di~gracc
fifty yards to your right...
cryogentc slumber Surveillance from bold posidon.. .J said bold
the command module assessed thb position Lekko...Furst is
second force as having a strength of The order was issued to sacrifice
almost half of the remaining Marines down, we will .remember. ..
-1,000. while the remaining 30.000 or Cherin md Lekko reform,
more GenestcaJers were commencmg for a decoy action If they could dra\'
enough of the enemy away. t)le room baclc-to-back. ..Week.'s Squad
their recover)' cycles. thirty yaMs and
could casil) be taken. If they could
keep going long enough they would approaching, hold your
buy precious seconds for the ftre. ..Cberin, look to your
+ 19 59.'75
cq·ogcnlc attack left ...Emperor's teeth! J
+ + Squads Abraham and Harken to count fift«n. dabtcen.

clol>c, engage the enemy and then twenty Geneatealcrs -
retreat in o rder to draw off opposing fue at wUII ...
forces. + 21 02 25
They're gone. ~ will
+ + Squad Abraham engaging enemy.
+ + Cryogenic target sector now always remember:'
Initiating retreat sequence. sectors 124 . empty The)' have risen to our bait.
126 to 166. + + Squad'> l.utherandSnow. proceed • 'D'anscript of float
to target location communication between
+ + Encm) In pursuit
Lieutenant Grlma and
+ + Comact tos1 with Squad Harken,
+ + Estimated enemy casualties arc
Squad Abraham still mobile
Mersol Sqmd
one thousand and forty five We pray
these creature:. feel pain + + And ther shall know no fear.




_ _ i'll' :··...,. ... ··.·
";"~ .· v · .:> ·».::

Objectives Deployment
The Marines are attempting to reach Marines: The Marine player deploys
a nearby cryogenics cluster just to the one full Squad on each of the shaded
north of the sectorl> shown above, both corridor sections shown on the map.
to destroy the several thousand
Stealers: The Stealer player's starting
GeneMcalers interned within before
force!. and reinfo rcements may arrive
they can activate, and to draw off
at any of the entry areas he chooses
Stcaleril from the real target of the
The Marine player wins b)' mo,ing a
total of five Marines off of the map
through the exit point shown on
the map.
Forces Special Rules
Marines: 1\vo full Squads. A Marine pays I AP to move off-map
Stealers: The Stealer player begins at an exit point . Once <.-x ited, a Marine
play with three Blips. He receives rwo is out of play. He can not re-enter the
reinforcements per turn map.
Once the Gcnc<,tcalcr.. h;~d been drawn off, the la:,t two ~quad~ were able to mo,·c into po~uton 10 the target room.
From detailed C\ aluation of the data from the task unit, it was decided to attempt the toxin auack. rather than try in~
tO power down the crro~enics

From e.xperament~ on the capti\ e'l, it Both 'ide' ,.,.ere av. arc of what "a'
+ 21 32 00 was obsen·ed that the do'!>age ''a., about to happen If the ~1annes could
critic2l. If the full do. e wa~ not not keep the altcn., at bay Ion~ enough, the
+ + Squad Abraham \\ ipcd out achteved, the toxin appeared to have ,.a,t bulk o f the re-awakenin~
+ + They arc blc~~ed who dte for no t.tnpact on the teal er. \X' hen the full (,cncMealcr would be wiped out
human it) dose was administered, the alien died before thcr even left their cryogenic
instantly chamber'> If one single Genesrealer
+ + Squad:. Snow .tnd Luther, could make it to the du ct~ it would be
proceeding to cryogneic target. Because of the large do:.c rcqutred, the
di:.aMcr. The ducts were thin and
E~timatc time of :trrival at + 22 00
contamination would take .,c,·eral
minutes. The tank., were placed in line fragile A ~an~le rent would dlsslp:ue
the toxin , aving the dt~rmant
on the ducting, and the contammatlon
The toxin u~ed . had been tested on the process MlS begun Immediate!) this
pure Gencste;~ler., captured while happened the Gene.,tealers were
escaping, after the earlier Blood alerted to the danger All their actnc
Angels' engagement The poison was forces began moving toward., room
utterly lethal to human., 10 C\en almo t I23·Alpha-6
undetectable do'le'l \\hen tested on
Gencste:Uers it wa:, found that a dose
+ 22 20 00
more than 100 times hi~her wa~
required to cau'lc death. + + Contaminauon .,equenc;e
iruti:ued. Predict complellon in ctght
minute and thirty-two seconds.
+ 21 S9 7S + + Squads Luther and Snov. to take
up defensive position~.
+ + quads Snow and Luther now in
position No ca:.uahie., ln'ltallin~ toxin + + Enemy et a ,., 22 IS Force ratio + 22 16 50
contamination unit thirt} to one + + Squads Snow and Luthcrengaging
+ + Enemy reacting. all forces nov. + + Beholden to our honour, prepare enemy. Position stable.
advancing on 12 3 Alpha. for death. ++ Contamination 'lequence
complete 10 five minute:, thtrt)'.
+ + Vindication approaches. Fear not
)'Our enemie~. Loathe them imtead
A-. the l:l'lt two <;quads moH~d to form
a dcfcn~ive cordon thC) picked up
rt.-adings of the Genescealers massing
again.,, them \~the last \brine moo,.ed
tntO po.,ition there \\2~ complete
silence acro s the com-net The final
act of the fir)( wave had begun

+ H 23 00
+ -+ ~qu:.~ d SnO\\ reports fir-.t
casual tie~.
+ + Defcn!>ive po~u•on detcnoratinA.
but still secure
+ + Contamination completed tn four
minute-. forty
Power axe
+ + Victory is at hand. Redemption
Tomorrow. we take the name'> of the


Objectives Special Rules

The Marinel> muM defend the duct Duration: The Space Marine:> must
room until all of the toxim hav<.· been ~urvive for sixteen complete turn~ .
released intO the cryogenac During the Endphase. the Marine
atmo:>phere circulation sy~tem . If they player marks the turn's passage down
keep the Gencstealcr. from destro)•ing on a slip of paper; when the sixteenth
the mgile ducting, before the toxins End phase has passed, the game is over.
have been rclea!it:d all of the Flamer Limitations: Because of the
hybernating Gene-.realers will be danger of brcach10g the ducts, the
destroyed as they awaken. Then all flamers may not be fired into or out
that will be left •~ the mopping up or of the Duct Room or the adJacent
the :.everal thousand already actin: <:omdor If one as fired the game ends immediately as a Stealer victory.
What is yuur duty? Forces
To sert:t tb£' Emperor's Marines: 1\vo complete Squads.
\f-'f/1. rhe Flamcr MarJOC'> bcgi ll th<. ~·tme
What is the Empt'ror's Will? with onl) 1 FI:Jmer 'hOI'• each
Tbat u•e ftgbt and die. Victory
Stealers: Two Blip., . 1\vo <trrhc per 1b win, a GencMealer must enter the
What i~ death? turn as reinforcemems. Duct Room and attack the northern
/t Is OUt' dill)~ wall {the one the furthest from the
What is yout duty? door) in close assault combat (as if it
Marines: The Marine player J!> allowed were a door) If the GencsteaJer rolls
to set up his men anywhere on the a 6, il has breached the ducts, and the
map. Gcncstcalers win. lflhe Marines keep
· Chant of the Space Marines
Stealers: The Stealer player may bring thi~ from happening for 16 turns, they
on his Bhps at any of the cntr) areas. win
I don 't k110u• wbere /bey come from. It seems blgbly rmllkel;• tbat tbey er•olr•ed natural~)' into td}(lt tbey are nou·
- impossible, gz't,en wbat we know about evolution. Perbaps tbe;• are some kind ofbioweapon, created mll/em1ia
ago by madmen for some long-forgotten war. If so, I suspect tJmt tbeir creators soon came to regret tbelr crec~tiun
Or perbaps tbf!J' come stralgbt from tbe u•arp. Possibly tbe Lords of Cbaos tbemselt~es cast tbem out because tbt.>J'
were too uupleasant
- }tJrtl ldt•eflt, Senior YenoiJ/ologlst.
Inquisitorial Institute of Proctos ifinor

THf INUASION Unfortunately, the shuttle\ (.l'C'W didn't search the lifeboat's
storage bay quite thocoughly enough
Tantalus Ill wa~ a deep ~pace cargo hauler working the
trade routes around the Chiron Cluster. Currently carrymg When they reached the planet, Sirval was subjected to a
a load of low-grade ore from the Marion belt mine~ 10 rigorou~ phy.,lcal and psychologrcal examrnation . The
Darvon VI , Tantalus had been following the same route apothecaries concluded that he was not c arrying anr
for yea~. and had never had any trouble - her cargo wa~n' t communicable diseases, the Inquisitor. that he was not
worth enough to merit the attention of any of the great spiritually contaminated. He had completely blocked out
Pirate consoniums working the Cluster, and she wa~ weU- the details of the pirate attack, but that was not particularly
arm<!d enough to deal with the independents. Thus, her
Captain was not unduly alarmed by the presence of an
unknown ship at the warpgates leading to the Darvon
Umil his First Officer told him how big it was.
unusual No doubt he was suffering from extreme guilt
about abandoning his shipmates to their doom; survl\·o~
of disasters often blocked out memories of therr ordeal to
keep their sanity.
When they asked him about his future plans, Srrnl said

that he was giving up space travel; he wanted to ettle down
" Check your instruments! " the Captain snapped.
and raise a family. The Inquisitors nodded pityinltly. The
The FirM Officer was sweating as he recalibrated his boy had obviously lost his nerve Under the circumstances,
scanners. " Same reading, Captain 1\velve kilometer. stem thC)' thought to them.,elves. could you blame: him)
to stern; eight kilometei'S diameter at centre. Displacement
:· But the Captain wasn't Interested in the ship's The lifeboat was to be brought down at the Carsin Cin
displacement spaceport. However. seconds :tfter it entered rhe
atmosphere, the port masters lost contact with the pilot
"That's a warship! Red alert! All crew to battle-stations! " aboard the boat. Shortly aftcr\\~.trd'i. it crash-landed about
forty mrles outside of town , in the middle of a dem.e fore!>tt.
The bridge's Ughts dimmed to red and the crew moved to
There were no survivors
emergenq lltation!>. The Captain continued barking out hh
instructions "Na,·igation! Plot an immediate course back Three months later, Sirval married a young woman from
to the Gate. I don't care where we come out, as tong a Carsin Crty. The couple moved out of tO\\ n , and began
we jump system fast• homesteading fifteen miles from the site of the lifeboat 's
crash. A year later. their flrst child was born
··comm. broadcast standard non-belligerency call sign on
all frequencies. Monitor local channels and sec if you can
pick up any charter from the ship. I want to know who
she rs."
' 'Whoever she is,' ' the Fi~t Officer inserted grimly, ' 'she's
moving to intercept us. Accelerating at SO Gs. We're not
going to make it, Captain ."
As jar as we have been able to determlt~e, Genestealers
reproduce only by Injecting others with their genetic

The Captain ~wore. " Nav, take us insystem! Give it your pattern. They appear to entirely lack the capacity to bear
top acceleration· burn out the engines if you have to. l'llow! " tbelr oum }'Otmg. As yor~ might imagltle, Ibis characteristic
makes them extremely aggressive- they must conquer new
Before the Navigator could comply, a searing lance of
energy darted out from the ship and sheared through
worlds to gain new breeding stock, or their entire race
will perish.
Ttmtalus's shields a~ if they were butter
Three weeks later. an in-system shuttle picked up a distress
To compensate for tbls extraordinarily complicated
breedlngpattem, Genestealers are blghly lmelltgent and
signal from one of Tantalus 's lifeboats, floating in orbit
around the huge gas world of Darvon VIII . There was one
remarkably difficult to kill- barring accidents, all but
survivor on board, Assistant Navigator SirvaJ . Immortal.
Sirval told his rescuers that the Tantalus was attacked by
A child bom to a man or woman who has been 11ifected
by a Genestealer is quite similar to a purebred Stealer;
piratc11 when it entered the system . He didn' t remember
displaying little outward manifestation of Its Human
much after that- "When the pirates boarded us and started
killing C\eryhody, I must have gone off my hc:td 2 Uuk."
origins. From birth, Ifnot before, lt exerts a strange power
over its panmls, causing them to t~urture and protect tbe
The next thing he knew, he ·was aboard the lifeboat, alone
monster with almost jat~atlcal devotion. The
The shuttle took Sirval back to Darvon VI. It towed the Human/Stealer hybrid Is capable ojbreedlt~g only via tbe
lifeboat back to the planet with them, the shuttle's captain Genes tea/er method- infectit~g other non-Stealers with Its
planning to claim salvage rights. DNA.

I suspect that there Is some kind ofpsychic link between The fourth generation hybrid Is all but lrtdlstlngulsbable
a Stealer, bfs victims, and their progeny, but this Is from a purestraln Human and Is fully capable of
tmprot,eta. In the Darvon VI matter, we believe that a reproducing as a Human being. It may spawn pure-straf1l
purestraln Genestealer entered the planet, controlling the Humans, Human/Stealer hybrids, or pure-strain
irJjected crewmember after the crewmember was released Genestealers.
from custody. So. Assume that one Genestealer lands 011 a plallet and
In any case, those Infected by Genestealers band together Injects just ten Huma11s - an extremely consert~atlve
and, If possible, leat'e the maltlstream of clvlllzatlotJ number. Each of those ten Humans bas two chlldrer~,
altogether, forming small, discrete enclaves or covens. producing twer~tyfirst generation hybrids. Each ofthose
Outsiders are subtly or overtly discouraged from entering lr~jects tet1 Humans, who eacb bave two children Now
these bavtms; those who persist are themselves Injected, you have... let's see... twenty times ten limes two.. jour
and subsequently jol11 the group. Though ostensibly run hundred second generation hybrids. Tbey eacb Inject ten
by Humans, I suspect tbat purebred Genestealers control Humans, who each have two children. That's eight
tbe covens from behind the scenes. thousand by the third generatlou . By the jourtb
get~eratfon, there are one hundred and sixty tbousa11d
A secoud generation hybrid, born ofparents Infected by monsters on tbat planet.
a first generation hybrid, has more of a Huma11
appearatzce. Its skin-colour begins to approximate Its And that sassuming tbat each oftbe creatures f11jects only

• Human parrmts; losing some oftbe Stealer's characteristic ten Human bel11gs. Suppose the real number Is twenty?
colouring. Tbe hybrid's bead may be flatter than a pure Or fifty? Or one hundred? We do11't k11orv bow long these
Stealer's, closer to the normal shape ofa Humau's, atzd creatures live. or bow fast they mature. We dot~'t know
Its clawllke appemJages somewhat atrophied. If fully erzougb about tbem by half.
cloaked aud accompar~led by Humarzs to do their talking My suggestion to you, my lords, Is that once tbe Injection
for tbem, some secondgeneration hybrids are able to move spreads beyond the first get~eratlon, the planet should be
among tmlnfected humans without beltJg detected. fuslotl-bombed from deep space.
It Is usually at thrs stage, wben second generation hybrids -jaru Advent, Senior Xenobfologlst, Inquisitorial
bave mamred, that the coven begins active Infiltration Institute of Proctos Minor
')f the host planet.
The third generation bybrld may be almost entirely
Human In outward appearance. It bas lost one or both Eighty years pa:.scd, and there were over two hundred
oj the clawllke e.xtremetles; it catl walk upright; it can thou:,and third and fourth generation Gcne:.teakr'>
speak like a Ht~man. Apparently, some third generation inhabiting Darvon VI The Stealers had infiltrated the cncirc
hybrids are not equipped with the organ which allows a fabric of the society. In fact, the Cult of the Children,
Stealer to directly ltifect others, tbougb they can still do founded by A!.shtant Navigator SlrvaJ, \V.ll> the ccond mo~t
so artlflcally, by drawing some of their blood and popular religion on the planet MOSI of the Cultists were
lujectltlg 11 Into a victim. innocent dupes, completely unaware of the sinister origms
of the Cult and it) even more frightening objectives,
Frighteningly, this Injection as often as not Is voluntary. however, innocent or not , thear sheer number gave the Cult
By tbls time, the coven Is probably quite powerful, and a great deal of power on the lightly-populated planet . But
victims willingly accept the Infection during the coven's despite the Cult's growing strength, the local government
ltJitiation rituals. did not recognize them as a threat.
The tenets of the Cult - modc!tty, industry. acces!lion w skill and determirratlon. etnploylng massive wave-assault
worldly authority ("Render unto the Emperor...")- were tactics to cniSb our defenses. Human and Squats were no
seen by the authoritie!l as harmless, and possibly beneficial. matcbfor lbetn In band-to-band combat; tbe Ogrynsgave
Though not himself infected, the Imperial Governor- them more of a fight, but even they were soo11
General actively encouraged the Cult, believing that it wa~ overwbelmed. The Cultists' morale was extraordinary;
far preferrable to the other native religions, which t ypicaJiy tbey did not seem to take any notice of casualties.
urged their members to anti-social behaviour, if not active
As I'm sure you realize, tbe Recruitment Centre was not
revolt against the lmperium
designed to fend off the attack of tbousands offanatics,
The Governor-General did nor begrudge the Cultists their even unannedfanatics. Wben it was obviOtiS that we were
peculiarities · if the members wished to stay in seclusion going to be destroyed, tbe commander oftbe Centre, Major
or travel about in black, voluminous robes, as long as they Krallgos, ordered me to escape and report to you. I took
paid their taxes. that was their business. That the Cultists five of tbe mutants wftb me, for further study. I believe
raised their children in strict seclusion was a linle more tbe Recrultmem Centre fell shortly after /left.
difficult to accept , but the Minister of Education himself Once in tbe dropsblp, en route to tbe orbiting transport,
had visited the Cult-run schools, and announced that they
tbe prisoners broke out oftheir confttzement atld attacked
were, on the whole, much beuer than State schools. In fact, their guards, killing fourteen Imperial soldiers a11d
the Minister was so imprc ed that he joined the Cult shortly
forcing us to destroy them to survive.
after his visit.
Five of tbem kflled fourteen of us. Here are tbelr bodies.
A.s I am sure you will notice, not one of them looks to be
TH~ A~UOLT over sixteen years of age.
We went to Darvon VI on a sta11dard recruitmetlf drive. I shudder to think what it must be like on tbat planet
Governor-General Matbous bad regretfully informed us today.
that be was unable to fulfil/ his recruitment quota, as tbe
local religion, the Cult oft be Cblldren,forbld Its members
from travellng off-platJet. As over forty percent of tbe
- Cblef Medical Officer Tallsmon.

populace bel011ged to tbe religion, the numbers of Within two days of the attack on the Recruitment Centre,
volunteers was unacceptably small. the Cultists rose up in revolt, and fighting broke out across
The Govemor-General requested that the Cult be allowed the entire planet. All the smaller towns and villages were
to pay i11demnltles Instead of supplying soldiers to tbe overwhelmed, and Carsin City, the largest city on the
Imperial Guard; this request was, as usual, denied. The planet , reported fierce house-to-house fighting as the
Govemor-General t1Jer1 Informed us that Ibe Cult bad still Imperial garrison there struggled for its life.
refused to provide us with recruits; be was helpless to make Unfortunately for the garrison, at least two of its troopers
them comply. were secret members of the Cult. They launched a stunning
As per standard procedure, a Recrultltzg Centre was suicide attack against the garrison's headquarters, ldlling
established well In the binterlands, several hundred most of the bigh-rankJng com.manders and destroying its
kilometres from concentrations ofcivilisation. Recruiting communications network. The garrison fell sh ortly
squads of Ogryns were se11t from the basecamp to local thereafter.
villages ula drop sblp. Tbe first squads were qufte The rebels quickly mastered the garrison's anti-space
successful, billing tbe Cult villages under cover of we2poruy, forcing the Imperial transport to leave orbit and
darkness, taking several dozen of tbe young men, a11d destroying all of the Imperial communications and spy
bringing tbem back to the basecamp for medical checkup satellites.
and basic ITidoctritlatfon.
Nothing has been heard from Darvon VI since then.
Upo11 examination, it was discovered that some of the
recn11ts were obviously mutants, beari11g multiple amlS,
oddly-coloured skin, and other, less-obvious mutations.
Recrufbnet1t was halted wbfle we reported to our superiors .F.our battalions! You seek to reconquer Darvon VI wltb
atzd asked for further Instruction . 1ft> were told to wait four battalions? I doubt that you could do it with forty
and do nothing, tbe Inquisitors were on tbe way. battalions, or four hundred!
Four days later, before the ltJqulsitors arrived, the The planet Is lost! Fusion-bomb it from space, I beseech
Recruitment Centre was attacked. Thousands ofCtlltists, you!
many bearing some degree ofthe multi-armed mutatfOTI, I see. I suppose you must leam it ycmrselves before you
swept out of the forest, completely overwhelming the will believe.
surprised pickets and tbe automatic defences.
Very well. Ifyou Insist upon Ibis foolish attack, at least
How they managed to reach tbe Cfmtre, I cannot say. No take tbfs advice: the troops sent down to Darvon VI are
traces oflarge-scale transportation were discovered. That dead men. Destroy the dropsblps after they land. Do not
untrained Cultists managed to discover our locatfOTI, get take tbem back Into your transports under any
tber1lSelves organized a11d march two to three hundred clrctmlStances. They may be • contaminated.
kilometres In four days /.s frankly, astonishing. If I bad
not seen lt, I would not believe lt. If Ibis Infection spreads beyond Darvon VI, I don 't see
bow we can contain lt.
My Lords, I fear for tbe Empire.
Only a few oftbe Cultists were armed wftb weapons. Most
of tbem, particularly tbe most heavily-mutated, were - Jarv Advent, Senior Xenoblologlst, Inquisitorial
completely unarmed. Despite Ibis, theyfought with great blStitute of Proctos Minor
The edge ofa solar system. Behind Is the warm glow of a bright,, surrounded by bt~lls ofgreen mu/ blue
a11d red, planets locked In the endless 1\-ewtonlan dtmce of orbit Abeutlls darkness, broken 011~)' by pinpricks of
tired while light Issued years before from farmn~y suns, and tbe occasional passage of small bits of rock bemllng
lnsystem to temporary warmth or flrery death, or outsystem to the long joumey tbrougb tbe cold dark nlgbt
5uddeniJ\ a soundless e:~ploston For an l'1stant · the merest fraction of an Instant · a bole opens. A bole leadi11g
to nowhere.
An Impossibility Issues fort b.
Clad In black Ice, scored by huge rents and tears, tbe sblp appears A 11/gbtmare ofdistorted pbyslcs ami monstrous
energy. too huge, too alien to comprcbend, the sblp sbuddcrs and m oans as it makes tbc transition from notblngness
to being. Outraged, reality denies tbe ship, but Is dcfetlted by the certitude of those aboard 1 u•m·e ofneu possibility
ripples sullenly tbrough the fabric of u•bat Is.
Tbe Genestealers btwe come. Anotber solar system begins to die
THf INUAOfRS No one know'> how many !.pace hulk~ there arc. M allion~
of Human vcs.,ch have been lo~t In the warp, coumle"'~
The Genestealers are the most enlgmalic of races Fierce billions more must have been lo.,t b) other races O\'Cr the
warrio~. the} escht:w the w;e of weapons in combat I hghl) rruUennia Mo tare empt) pile!> of junk · space flotsam ·
imelligem. tht; build nothing of their own. rel}'ing solei)

some, howc:n:r, contain trea'lure'> of b} gone age'>. the lost
upon the technology of conquered people Possessing an -;cience of the fantastic Dark \ge ofTechnolotn or of other
incredibly strong 'IUrvivaJ drive, they die feule ~ly In battle. races. 2S far advanced above Humanity 2S we are abo\'e the
Vicious, dc~t ru ctive. they choose to conquer through ansects Thus, some seek out the 'lpacehulks. travelling
educlion and inflltration rather than o,·ert baule. aboard them in the hope of discovering treasure, risking
At first glance, at is difficult to believe that a cunning and eternal prison for the chance of wealth beyond the dreams
malign intelligence lurks within the C.enestealer s be tial of avarice.
exterior A Genestealer resembles the most fearsome
monsters of ancient legend. a horror of teeth, claws and Some creatu~. particularly Chao., Rcnegadt"!>, u-.e the hulk:-.
glittering sa' age C}·es Protected by a remarkably trong as pirate n :-;.,cls, appearing in a .,ystcm, sending out ..maller
carapace, through which protrude ropes of sinrn > muscle,
ships to murder and rob ncarbr planets or vc\ltcb. then
the creature stand~ In a perpetual crouch atop its clawed
escaping to safety in the random warpjumps of the -;pace
feet . 1\vo sets of arm~ descend from Its massive shoulder"~,
hulks. This is dangerous in the extreme. but Chaos
one equipped with fingers, the other with powerful cla\\.,
Renegade' do not fear danger
lt~ long, thick head is equipped with a fearsome arrar of
fang. and an even mon: frightening pair of eyes.
The C.eneste;ders choose to live aboard the space hulk~ for
THf SPACf HULKS samilar rt.-a'lon., to the Renegades Ill cquappcd to build and
There are currents an warpspace Spacecraft ride these man thear own vessels, the GencsteaJcrs find in the random,
currents. entering the warp at a warpgate. travelling along unforsceable movement of the hulks the perfect vcs!.cl for
them for a time, then . hopefully. emerging back Into our their infiltration of Human !>pace Incredibly hard),
extraordinarily long-lived the)• are nOt deterred by the cold,
universe again at another gate Some ve~sels never return

• Sometimes they founder and are ripped apart b) the vacuum, or chance of centune:, oflsolauon ThtaUy without
fear, the) are willing to chance · if not court · de;~th to
tremendous force of warpstorms Sometimes they mas'>
their exit gate, and journey forever through the warp. further thear alms
eterna.l prisoners of the void, or drop back 1nto the unl\'e!"''e
countless untold miles and endless years from their
intended destination Perhap., that ' s how the flr.,t THf CYCLf OF CONQUfST
Genestealers arrived in this galaxy No one knows. The Genestealers are a warrior race Their 'eq
ph)·~iological make-up deman<h that they con t.anth .,eck
Some \'essels. however, become locked an a strange current
out new \'ictimqo conquer· iftht; don't, they will become
of the warp. emerging from time to time m realspacc. but
then later helpiC'i!!ly sucked back Into the warp. They have extinCt
no control over their destination and may travel in the \V'atp Gene:,tealcr~ reproduce b) a method which is vaMI)'
for centuries, appearing at the same gate whence they came, dtfferent from Humans There arc no 'male' and ' female'
or light-centuries away, only to disappear once more after Stealer"~ , Stc:a lers are incapable of maung \\ uh c;~ch other.
several hour.. or days and they are unable to bear their own young Stealer..
reproduce b)' infecting other races \\ ith their genetic
For some reason. to the demented physics of the
\\arp. more than one of the e prison-ships from time to
time emerge at the same gate at the same time. One YC.,sel Stcalcrs ut: stron~ psychic., The) arc able to parai).,C
might be an abandoned wreck, another a new craft , viCtim~ with thc:ar gaze, in much the same way snakes tcrrif)
complete with living crew. If pos~ible. the crew will their p rey Into Immobility. lf a Stc:alcr concentrate all of
'lcavenge the wreck, perhaps binding it to their own vessel , hi energle~ upon dominating it!.' ictim, onJy the Mrongc.,t·
to increase their living space, and perhaps in the vain hope willed can re.,ist Once a victim i~ dominated. the C)tealer
that they will be able to fashion an e cape ves cl out of infects him, p2S!oing on it genetic material in an obscene
the wreck Thus arc born space hulks parod) of a ki~s.
The Gcnc)tcalers' long, )Upple tongue~ are equipped with
ovipo~ter. (egg-layers). When a Stealer ' kisses' a victim, the
tongue pie rces the victim's skin, leaving an egg behind IMP~RIAL SPAC~
After a victim i~ infected, he is released . Whether as a by-
Despite its growing weakness. the Jmperium of Man is ~1111
product of the SteaJer':, hypnotic g:u.e or as a result of a an extremely formidable opponent . Humanuy is a warrior
ho rmonal ~cc retion of the egg itself, the victim ha~ no race, like the Gencstealers. and, though no match for the
memo ry of the implantation; he sees the entire episode as Genestealers in hand-to-hand combat , their ability to u!le
a nightmare of fear, and burning eyes. ophisticated weaponry make them deadly fighter!!
A subtle psychic link is established between the Steal er and indeed The Imperium cannot be cowed or bargained with
itll v1ctim The Stcaler can influence the ' 'ictim's thoughts The Imperial lnquisiton. ruthle.ssly exterminate any infected
and action:, without the victim realizing that he is being planets they discover - tht')' are not afraid tO kill the innocent
manipulated The Stealer u~e~ thb power to give its victim to ensure that all of the tainted ones arc destroyed The
one overwhelming desire. to mate and have children Inquisition keep strict silence about this threat to the
lmperium, ruthlessly killing or mindwiping all who come
Becau'ie of the damage to the victim'<> genetic structure,
Into cont2ct with the aliens, fearing the taint of Chaos and
though he mates with his own kind, his children will be
spiritual conl2mination.
hybrids: part victim race, part Genestcaler. Umilth~ fourth
generation, the hybrids arc sterile, able to procrealC onlr As a whole. Mankind is psychically weak, but some
via the Gcnestealer method. individual Men arc strong. The Emperor of Mankind as all
but dying, but the Stealers have tasted his mind from af1r
The first generation hybrid closely resembles a purestraan - and thC)• fear him, more than any being they ha,·e ever
Gc:nestealt:r From birth, if not before, it has the StcaJer's
<>trong psychic abilit)'. this, in concert with the natural
paternal/maternal in~tincts in all parents, bUnds it~ parents Bur the Stealers have no choice. They are driven They must
to the child's monstrousne~. keeping them from destroying conquer - or peri:,h .
the monster at blrrh They nurture and cherish the young
The Genestealers' plan, evolved over eons of conqueM. is
hybrid, and will go tO great lengths to protect it from harm
simple, yet very subt le. Individual GenesteaJers wall
When the first generation hybrid matures, it will infect infiltrate a large number of Imperial planets, establishing
others, who will in turn produce second generation small covens amongst the disaffected populace which exist
hybrids. With each passing generation, the hybrids look throughout Humanity. They will increase their familie!!
more and more like their pacem race, and less and less like slowly - a11 slowly as their burning drive to procreate" ill
GeneMealers. By about the fourth generation , they are all allo" - taking great pains to a\'Oid detect ion. After the fourth
but indistingui hable from puresrrain members of their generation hybrids are born. they will leave their planet
parent race, to the extent that they are able ro mate in the as merchants, diplomats. traders, and even soldiers in the
same fashion ~ uninfected members of their species. Some lmperium, to found covens on ne\\' planets.
of their children will be hybrids, some purestrain members
Using their psychic powers and shrewd diplomatic skills,
of the '' ictlm race - some will be purestrain Gene tealers.
honed by millennia of inter-family warfare. the Stealers'
All of the descendants of a purcstrain Genestealer tend to
naturally band together into an extended ' family', usually CO\Iens will make alliances witJ1 other, non-Stcalcr coven~
· those created by Vampires, mad Humans, the forces of
under the control of the original SteaJer itself.
Chaos · extending their power and influence a
thousandfold. When the time is right , when the lmperium
ST~AL~RS AND T~CHNOLOGY is at its weake~t . under some grave threat from outside, the
Despite being equipped with hands, purestrain Genestealers Stealers will strike, fomenting unrest and rebellion amongst
are not tool-users; they build nothing for themselves. Their the populace across a thousand thousand rmperiaJ worlds

• sophisticated and subtle brains, which allow them to

infiltrate and psychically dominate other species, are quate
incapable of understanding the complex.lties of the lever
or the wheel - or the spear, or the gun When they fight ,
they fight as animals, using their bare teeth and claws to
rend their opponents to bits.
Not so the hybrids. First generation Stealers arc almost as
limited technologlcall)' as purestrain Stealers. Later
generations however. are capable of understanding and
using technology A third or fourth generation Stealer can
build and opente sophisticated equipment , and it can wield
weapons. However, even the later hybrids are npt
technological innovators; they are Limited by the capabilitao
of their parents. If their parents lack sophisticated
manipulatory digits, so will the hybri~ ; if the planet never
achieved spaceflight , the hybrids are unlikely to do so.
When Stealers embark upon space hulks, they take third
and fourth generation hybrids with them, to maintain the
vessels and operate the lifeboatS; however, the hybrids are
not as hardy or long-lived as pure Stealers. lf they die before
the ves:,el reaches an inhabitable planet, the Stealer.. are
all but helpless until new victims decide to enter the hulk
on their own.
More th;m 25 millenni:a ago, Mankind began the fmt t:or more th:&n five thousand rears. warfare wr;u:ked
ten ut ivc ~tep~ to the sta~ Equipped both with shocking)) Mankind Nation battled nation , planet fought planet ,
prlmitin: technology and •• burn in~ desire for cxplor:uion ')''U~ m laid waste system . M~an fought Himself. Oaemon ,
and conquest. Man slowly. blindly, made his way to the and Alien . The fragile bond~ of Ci.... ilisation \\·ere: lo..,t.
ncan:M S)'~tems outside his own. Gener:ations th·ed :and died ,\bandoncd colonies perhhed by the score., or revertt.•d to
on the long imersteUar \'Orages: the fiN Humans to ~et foot barbaric sa,-:&gery. Outspacer; and aliens plundered and
on another planet had never seen the cool green hills of grt.·w fat o n the wreck o f Humanity.
lerr:a. nor had their parents. nor their parent~ ' parent!>.
lt WJ.S at this time that the mutants began to appear in gR"at
The fif"'t colonies ....·ere completcl) on their own , cut off numbers A., '-Cience crumbled . terraformed worlds slowly
by untold miles and uncounted ycaf"' from any a.sslstance. reverted to their natur.ll conditions: the ~ten on them
MeN colonic died :atone and unlamented; a .,c:attered few adapted. or died . Thus wen· horn the abbumam • the
.,urvived and prospered. And the exodus continued. 'lock) Squats, the powerful Ogryns. the mad Bc:aMmen ,
and many others.
With the discovery of the warp drlue came the great Only the worlds when: psykcrs were rigorously suppre~.,cd
Expansion, as what was once a journey of se'"eral centuric .. 'urvln.·d intact , The retrenchment of Mankind was almm.t
became a journey of "'-'n:r:at days Warp space was trick)' total.
and dangerous stuff, and not to be entered Lightly \1anr
.,hips 'imply v:mished. never to be .,cen again With the
di~covcrr of the nar•igator [l.ene. which allowed ~hip\
palots to make longer, more accurate wup jump.,,
interstellar tr:l\'CI became much safer. and ~oon Men were
Perhaps Mm's ~test strength is His .ability to create he roe~

exploring all of the nearb)' -.tars. in time of need - the greater the peril, the greater the man .
The Age of Strife. arguably the greatest peril Mankind has
Alien contact followed shortl)' thereafter. :and. with ~rim <.'\·er faced, brought forth the greatcM man history has ever
Inevitability. the first Alien W;t~ . The pattern was set ren>rded ·the man who would be known as the Emperor
of Human Space. A shrewd diplomat, he gathered the loose
fra~menr~ of Humanltr into a sinRie Empire. A brilliant
~oldicr, he conquered those who would not join of their
THf OAAK AGf own volition and reclaimed the worlds lost to the Alien.,,
OF TfCHNOLOGY Tht.· strongest ps)'ker the ~;daxr had t'\·er seen, hc drove
the Daemons back into the w:.up from whence they camt".
Exploration brought new ideas, new wealth , new
The f.mperor is tmmonaJ . for ten thou!! and ycan. he hil!o
arrogance. and Science became God. The machines of tra'c:t
and conqucM achieved incredible lc:\els of sophistication . ruled the Jmpcrium . For ten thousand years he has ordered
the lives of men. f'or ten thousand years he has protected
There seemed nothing that Man couldn't do. Man himself
was changing. and psychic power"~, once the stuff of quack Mankind from the threats which abound in this hostile
unavcrsc. For ten thousand years he h;as sacrificed himself
science and trashy pulp thrillers, came to be accepted , and
studied on the altar of Humanity ·., hopes for the future. For ten
thousand )·cars the lmpc.·rium has endured, c~wblished out
of strife and discord. a bastion of light in the darkness .

Though few realized it at the time, the end of the Age of
Technology was heralded by the appearance of psykcl" •
humans capable of using psionic powers .,uch as MA.VEAT /MPERIUM
The trigger for thi!. appearancc ha., never been precio;t'ly
determined, but within mere centuries psykers were
recorded on almost every pbnet known to Man Some went
mad; uncounted millions were burnt as witches. destroyed
b)· i~norance and fear, and, possibly, prescience A fC\\-·,
those on civili7.ed. 'enlightened' planct'l, were protected
and nurtured, allowed to test and t"Xplore their new-found

Thi., " to prove the greatest calamatr that Man h:as ever
perpetrated upon himself in :.1 long history of foolish
arro~ance and ~tupidit)·.

llntr:ained and ignorant of what they meddled with, the

novice psykers opened the galax)· to inv~ion Daemons
• fell creatures in the warp, born of Chaos • attacked the:
minds of the unprott:cted psykers, :1nd through them,
gained entrance to our galaxy. Monsters walked the world.,

l ~no r:ance and madness replaced enliRhtenment and
technology Aliens. sensing Man' s weakness, attacked
.. :~ ...·agel)·. attempting to regain all that they had lost. The:
As• of Strlf• was bo'".
TH£ £MP£ROR The Adeptus Arbites
The Imperial police and ju<;tices, the enforce no of Imperial
Agele~~ and ancient. the Emperor is the undi puted m~tcr
law throughout :,pace.
of Humanity. Wounded during the great conflagration
known as the Horus Heresy. the Emperor caused a life-
The Adeptus Astra Telepathlca
support machine of incredible complexity, the Golden
Throne, to be built on Terra. Once it was completed , he A cadre of powerful psykers. charged w11h maant.'tinlng the
w~ pl2ced within its confine~. where he has remained ever
Astronomicon and ~upplying the les~er psykers to be
~ince, ruler and pri~oncr, ustained b)' life-energy drained
sacrificed to the Emperor.
from millions of human psykers. His will maintains the
navigation beacon known as the Astronomicon and binds
Humanity together.
Throughout the £mperium, the Emperor's Will is carried
out b) two colossal organisations: the lnqul ition and the
Adeptus Terra. Tens of billion of men and women -adepts,
scholars, priests, governors, soldiers and Inquisitors - exist
only to ~crve the Emperor.

The Inquisition is responsible for scouring the lmperium
for rogue psykers, mutants, and alien threats. Answerable
only to the Emperor Himself, they arc also charged with
weeding out the corrupt and inefficient within the Adcptus
Terra . Inquisitors are granted tremendous power and
independence of action: few Imperial sen·ants would dare
deny any request made by the Inquisitors


The Adeptus 'Terra h~ charge of everything else within the
lmperlum- from the di~posltion of the Imperial Fleet, to
the maintenance of the salt collectors on rhc warerr world
of Argon n. The Adept us "Terra is respon ihle for the spiritual
as well as physical well-being of the lmperium; countless
priests, officials, warriors. technicians. doctors and others
are employed in this vast, system-spanning bureaucraq
The Adept us 'Terra is divided into man)' bureaucracies and
depanmems. The most important of these arc:
The Ad.mlnistratum
The larg~t single department in the Acleptu~ Terra. The
men and women of the Administratum are responsible for
most of the day-to-da)' governing of the lmpcrlum, there
are members of the Administratum on almost every planet
in Imperial space, applying policy, levying taXes, ordering
the movement of Imperial troops, and carrying out the
million other det:tils of the Imperial Will .
The be t servants of the Administratum are appointed as
Imperial Commanders. Ther are given charge of planetlt.
and sometimes entire systems, to run as they see fit -
providing tithes are paid and their loyalty as firm .
The Adeptus Cu stod es
The Emperor's personal bodyguard An elite force, they
have not left Terra since the Emperor's confinement wilhin
the Golden Throne.
The Adeptus Mechanicus
The tech-priesrs of the lmperium, they are responsible for
the recovery of the technology lost during the Age of Strife,
and the maintenance of existing rechnology. They also
provide ~upport to the Imperial Guard, the Fleet and for
their own fighting arms, most notably the Titans of the
Collegla Titat1ica
As bdlts a warrior ~tare, the Armed forces ofthe lmperium
arc mighty indeed · perhap~ the mightiest host the galaxy
has ever o;een. There are four main arms in the Imperial The Imperial Guard arc recruited from the elite of the
forces: the Fleet , the Collegla Titanica, the Imperial Guard, count le'' planct<.ll'} arm1c., acro's the lmpcnum The '>hcc..r
and the legiones Astartes. number of regiment!. in the Guards staggers the
imagination : it is a truly \':l\t force \\-ith tremendou.,


fhc Imperial Fleet pm~ idc~ both a space-going na\} and

transport for the Imperial Guard and Collegia Titanica In
addition, the Imperial Scout Ves~cls are comtantly probintl
:u the edge of the l nknown, expanding the lmperium at Though they c10not match the Imperial C,uard's awe.,ome
a tremendous r.ttc. The Fleet controls most of the interstt:llar number.,, the Space Marine~ of the Leg10nes Astartes far
transport w irhin the lmpcrlum, independent private ships outstrip the Guard In terms of ferocity and savage:
do cxbt , but che~c arc relatively rare dedication The((.' arc one thuusand Chapter., of Spaet•
.Marine!>, each of one thousand Marines · a million battle
,\ subdivision of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Colleg1a
Titanic a control<. the lmpcn<ll \~ar Titans · huge, manlike
war machines, up to one hundred feet taU . The Titans sa\\
much .,en ice 10 the long·ago lloru~ Heracy, when Titan
The best one hundred Mannes in each Chapter arc trained
in the U\C of t~rmlnator armour fanta!'.tiC baulc-armour
created 10 the Dark Ages of Technology.

battled l'itan for comrol of the lmpcrium . Toda}. most of U the Imperial Guard i~ the mailed fi~t of the lmperium
the Imperial Titans are employed garrisoning the the Legiones A<ot:mes IS the rap1er of the Impenum. and
boundanc' of the Horuo. World'>. where remnants of the the terminator-clad Space ~brines 11 razor· harp point (See
lrauo~ still exist, an C'\ er-gnawmg thorn in the lmpt:num's tiJe uext Chapter for more lujonmltlon ou tbe Legtones
'>ide Astartes )


The galaxy contains around four hundred thousand million At the \implcstlc:vel. warp space is a !>eparate and complete
stlrs. Of these, only a fraction are orbited by planets which umverse. cot."XIStlng with our universe. For every point in
are habit2blc or within the C2pabUiry of human engineering our univer.,c, there h a corresponding locauon in warp
to make habltlble. And of these few, fewer stUI have been 'tpac-e, and the: two univer.,es are intimately connected
Investigated and settled by humans This 'few,' however, However, warp space is not an exact duplicate of ' real'
numbers mllliom. of worlds .,pace Warp '>pace t.'Xi!tts according to its own set of phy:-.ical
la\\s. distance and time are different there. 1\vo points that,

lt is simply impossible to count the systems where humanity
or one of its sub-species can be found . New worlds are in our reality. are tens of thousands of light·}·ears apart,
might, In" arp .,pace, be 'eparated by mere mile , or inches
constantly being colonised and added to the lmperium,
in such number that even the sophisticated computers of Thus, it is possible for a suitably-equjpped ve!>sel to enter
warp 'pace travel for several hours. and re-emerge in our
the Adeptus Terra e2nnot keep track of them all Even using
faster-than-light warp drive. travel from Terra. the centre pace light year. from Its stlrting point
of government, to the edge of the lmperium can take Spacecraft Na\'igator.; find their way across warp space by
literally years· by the time one arrives. the border iS IUcel} fixing thc1r couf\e on the Astronomicon. the psychic
to have advanced even farther. Despite its inexorable beacon of the lmpcrium. Maintamed by the Emperor's will
growth, the lmperium is unlikely to ever explore the entire and conc;uming the energ)' of uncounted millions of
galaxy, let alone spread its rule to others. The gaJaxy is ps) kcrs the: A~tronomicon ~hines across realit} and the
bigger than Man , and is likely to remain so. warp, allowmg \iangators to steer spacecraft safe!) through
the current~ of warp space
In warp space, howC'\er. nothtng may be taken for granted
1t ~~ a un1verse filled with cross-currents, eddies and
·whirlpools uf power ~hips disappear, without reason, or
Warp space i., both the single greatest boon to Man, and emerge from the warp centuries after they entered it , or
the single greatest threat The conquest of \\·arp space is mtllions of light year.. from their intended destination Warp
the power that binds the lmperium together, allowing ~torm~ narc up. blucklng travel through huge reaches of
!>pacecraft to move hundred' of thousands of light years rhe warp These storms can last for seconds or persist for
in only J few houn. llowc..'Ver. warp space is also the domain mtllennia, de~troying or ~ending off-course any ships which
of Chao . and its mm ions gnaw constantly at the lmperium, enter them, isolating areas of real space from all but
~ceking to conquer it from without, seeking to rot it from pa10fully-~low 'ublight tr-.avel And there is always Chaos.

+ whhin rhe primal force of the warp, waiting ...

Mankind IS not the only creature to have made the leap The Great Powers of Ch aos
into space. During its long history, the lmperium hall Through forbidden research , the Ordo Malleu:. have
encountered - and batded - a number of alien races. The determined that their arc four great Powers within the
most notable of the lmperium's contacts and foes are the forces of Chaos· Thcentch , the Lord of Change. Slanneesh.
Eldar, the Orkolds, and the Geneste2lers the Lord of Dccadance, Nurgle, the Lord of Corruption,
and Khornc. the Lord of Battle Each Power has human
servants working within the Imperium and across the
unjven.e. Each has a coterle of Daemons'' ithin the warp
The Powers seek the destruction of Mankind and, in that
destruction, the ultimate domination of Chaos throughout
th1s reality.
(For more Information on tbese enigmatic and dangerous
entitles, see Realm of Ch aos, t•oltmws I tmd 11)


• In phy:,ique the Eldarare the most human-like oft he known

alien races. Roughly man-sized in height. but slimmer the!>e
alien~ have fought Manldnd ln counties~ battles across the
galax} · and alongside Mankind ln almost a~ many. A
dangerous enemy. and almost as dangerous an ally, the
:\iention has been made ehcwhcrc of the malcvolem
psychic creatures which live in warp space These beings
ha\e preyed upon psykers throughout human history. using
them a!o gateway:. into the real universe Accounts of
witchcraft, po~session , and daemons appear again and
Eldar's aesthetic nature and sophistication ha!> lead them again in che lmperium's mo t secret records. along with
to regard Man as a foolish and dangerous upstart. On their hints of other, darker m)'Steries.
part, Man in turn has branded the Eldar a:, decadent. Both
opinions have something of the truth in them. The Ordo Malle us
A once mighty race, most of the Eldar s planets were Wit hin the Inquisition there is a secret college. thl" Ordo
destroyed con~ ago during the Fall of the Old R2ce. The Malleus. which is devoted to combatting such phenomena.
surviving Eldar live on great space ship~ known as craft F<.·w know of the struggle, for to know is to risk corruption
u•orlds. Few Humans have seen a craft world and lived to and temptation Humanity as a w hole must never learn of
tell of it. The Eldar keep the number, size, and location of the battle. else the Darkness would :.urely triumph
the craft worlds strictly secret Ignorance 1s the armour of purity

fhc Orkoid~ compri'>e a number of
different race'> which '>hare important
characteristics. Orkoid~ are green-
'kinncd humanoid~ "ith brutal .

• cunning. and violent natures The:

largest and strongest of these, known
a'> Orks, dominate the: ~mallcr and
weaker, the Grctchen,, Whether the
variou~ Orkoids are all descended
from one race or arc a startling
example or parallel evoluuon i'
unknown , though the Orks claim rhc
A~ a rule. Orkoid technology h
primitive .10d often unreli:tblc in the:
extreme The Ork technicians, called
mekanlaks, are poor innovator... but
well ~kiUcd in the art of di~mantlin~
.,colen or captured machine., , and
designing:.omething rhat wor~ · mo!>t
of the time. an}way. Ork weaponr}
epitomise crudt technolog)' ~ hich has
been pu:.hcd to its limits, allied With
;t complete discregard for operator
~afct). Although Human' despise:
Orkoid technolog} . most have a
healthy respect for its fircpower.
The Legiones Ao;tartcs is the official title of the w-arrior
organi1.auon known a' thc Space Maranes. It~ warrior.. are
acknowledged a~ the most powerful and feared fighting ~tarinet> belongmg to the same Chapter arc called battle-
men in the lmpcrium \1ost of its trooper.. are recruited brut he!\ or b;mle·kin Each Chapter. led by a \'Cteran ~tarine
from the feral planet!>. where tradiuonal warrior caste~ with the rank of Chapter \1a.,ter compn~e~ ad0lllli5trali\ e
compete for the honour of becoming a ·w-arrior of the star.. · staff. maintenance team!>, transport teams. medical teams
for true aggression and psychotic killer-inMincr. how<..over and about a thous;tnd fighting Space \1arines. Thew arrio"
few recruits can beM the murderou!> followers of the citv- are d1v1ded into fighting Squads of 5-10 troopers. each led
'>Cum that roam the darkest pits of the hive-worlds Driv~n by a Sergeant. Ten such Squad~ make up a Compan) ,
to extremes of msanity b) colossal pressures ofhlvc-world commanded b) a Captain and U!>U<lll) assisted b) one or
living, these merclles killers make ideal Space Marines. more lieutenants. "fYpicall) one Company of up to one
hundred Marine:~ I~ trained in the use of Terminator armour
Young recruit' are subjected to manr hours of Intensive
training and indoctrination. Their bodies are toughened
by bio-chemlcals, and their resolve is hardened by psycho-
surgery. A special black carapace is merged with their W~APONRY ANO ARMOUR
natural fle!>h , forming a sort of identity tag as well as Marines go Into b:mle wearing power armour Po wer
permanent armour By the end of his training, the recruit armour consists of an all-enclosing protective suit . life-
has been turned into a Marine, a disciplined - or at least support system , and man) other features . The natural
controllable - killer weight and cumbersomcne~s of the armour 1!1 overcome
The basic unit of the Lcgiones Astartes is caJled a Chapter. by a !>ystem of electrically motivated fibre-bundle~ which
Each Chapter is like a small army in itself, fully equipped replicate in cv('r)' way the mu!lcular movements of the
with ils own transport, non-combatant support staff, cct wearer - ,o. although hea'">· the wearer mo,·es \\ 1thout
Ahhough it contains at most only a thousand fighting penalty Control!> are minimal ; most of the suit functions
Marine,, the Chapter has the fighting potential of man)' are automatic, and the suit 's built-in ' thought machine
times that number of ordinary troops. (computer) w tll respond to vocal commands Though not
near!) as effective a" Terminator armour, power armour
Fully recognizing their \alue, the Imperium does not often is an awe..ome battle \Uit m Its own right
waste the Space Marine in tand-up brawls wbere sheer
number.. will decide the da) Instead, the) arc used with The standard hand weapon of the Space Marines is the bolt
surgical precisiOn , to mount lightning raids and !>urpnse gun , a lighter version of the ~torm bolter Man) Marine~
attacks Their reputation for cold -bloodedness and carry d1ffcrent weapons· lasguns. auto-gun!>. and various
complete bck of mercy has earned them the nickname lypes of grenades being particularly popular. Marine~
Angels of Deatb. almost aJway:. go into combat with a hand-to-band weapon.
which may range from a simple knife all the w-ay up to an
During the upheaval known as the llorus Heresy, when one ;twesome chains word Heavy weapon.. the Marines favour
of the Emperor's most trusted gener.tls succumbed to the include flamers, graviton guns, shuriken catapults, heavy
lure of Chaot> and turned on his liege. the Space Marine~o plasma cannon , multi meltas, and the like.
fought with savage ferocity on both sides. 1\vo Chaptel"!>
in particular, the Imperial Fists and the Whitescars, earned
great renown in the heroic defence of the Imperial palace
Also known as 'Thctical Dreadnought Armour, Terminator •
c.~o-armour ,., a development of the !>ealed environment
:o.uits used b)' spaceship crews.
Exo-armour is constructed from hea' y gauge plasteel
plating forming an armoured shell that can withstand even
CHAPT~RS the colossal impact or high-speed orbital micro-debris lt
IS the onl) readily available armour suit2ble for working
The Chapters are self-contained almost monastic m side the high-pressure casmgs of plasma reactor !>hield!.,
communi tie!>, answerable on I) to the Emperor. For the'~' or the extrcmcl) corrosive ennronmems inside the holds
bulk of the Space Marines, the Chapter is thelt world, and of bulk chemical carriero; These same qualities. suitabl}
the onl) contact they have with outsiders is in battle enhanced b) the Adeptus \1echanicus. make Terminator
Tradition and ritual are of great 1mporunce within the
armour virtually 10\'ulncrable to most weapons.
Chapter, and the training and daily routine of a Space
Marine places a" much empha!.h upon moral welfare and Terminator 'lUllS cont.lin their own independent power
dedication tO the Emperor as on physical training and ~upply and life-support systems. They are heavily armed
combat skills and manr also carry teleport homers, bio-scanners, energy-
scanners, :IUtO senses, suspensors and targetcl"!> for their
Each Chapter has it!> own base, or fortress-monastery, wcapon~o, and communicators.
where the Space Marines spend their time between battles
in training and meditation . All well as barracks, training Almost all Space Marine Chapters have suits ofTerminator
facilities, machine shops, defence systems and shuttle silos. armour, and train a small number of their best Marines to
a fortress -monastery includes a chapel for each of the use them . The suits are valuable, and often very old . Many
Chapter's Companies. and buried deep beneath it all . bear scars or medallions commemorating past actions, and
catacombs where lie the Chapter's honoured dead . are treated with the reverence due to ancient relics.


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