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Report Writing Atkinson and Mitra 1

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The piece of directed writing, for ISC students, will be based on the information and
ideas provided. Directed and
writing may be in the form of reports, reviews, agendas
speeches. personal profiles, statement of purposes, testimonials, etc., based on
points. suggested

Reports and Descriptive Accounts

A report is usually
straightforward account of an incident or
investigation, and
give the facts as
possible, arranged in an orderly way.

descriptive account not only gives the facts but also shows the mood or
the writer. The main aim is
to give a vivid
attitude of
impression of the incident.
For the ISC
syllabus, a report is a short composition based on
may be a review or an article which
may be descriptive in nature.
suggested points. It
Candidates will be required to write a
ideas provided. The situation composition based on the information and
and the purpose of the
The required
length will be about 300 words. The composition will be specified.
article writing, book range of subjects may include
review, film review, review
of purpose and
show, speech writing,
testimonial. Skills such as personal profile, statement
describing, presenting reasoned selecting, amplifying, condensing,
in the above re-arranging
involved. The candidates' and re-stating
above all, their
ability skills will be
may be
ability to handle the language taken into account and,
situation. appropriately the context of the given
Prepare details, in correct order.
Keep to the facts.
.Impersonal writing is an essential feature of
.Students should be asked to read report-narrative.
of report-writing. newspaper reports to understand the
Instruct students that
writing. report-working is about terse,
smooth, clear and compae
Examiners look for the following
qualities in students in report writing-
1. Linguistic ability, content and arrangement of the contents.
2. Appropriateness and fluency of expression.
3. The extent to which it is a convincing whole, unmarred by frequent minor

4. Use of suitable links.

5. Use of fresh, relevant, and precise vocabulary.

6. Addition of appropriate details.
7. Paragraphing.

Report of some incident/proceeding/observation/appraisal/audit, etc.


Using the notes given below, write a report in about 300 words, on the following
incident, under the caption, "A Trekking Accident".
A group of twenty trekkers- mixed group -15 day trekking expedition to a place
80 kilometres beyond Rishikesh- guide and trekking equipments taken- porters hired

difficult jourmey sudden change in weather- rain, muddy, slippery path two
trekkers and a porter washed away- rest of the group continue and reach destination.
You may use any other relevant information if you require.
An elated group of
twenty enthusiastic young men and women of Wilfred
Mountaineering Club preparing to leave for Rishikesh for a fifteen day
were seen

trekking expedition. The appointed date was Friday, May 17, 2013. All the adventurers
were in the age group of 18 to 25. Six of
them were females.
The group moved out from Rishikesh
with their baggage, equipments, first
aid box
and eatables. All were in
high Sixspirits.were porters hired to carry the luggage. One
experienced Sherpa was commissioned from the mountaineering club to guide them.
Trekking is always an arduous sport. However, all the trekkers were
individuals- some even had previous experience. The first leg was sturdy
completed in two
days. The team climbed a height of 1250 metres. On the third day, the team started early


metres, the weather started changing. Strong, chilly wind started blowing, and dark
clouds hovered low.
Within minutes it began to pour torrentially. The group was caught unawares on a
slippery and muddy slope. Keeping their feet firmly on ground became difficult.
Unfortunately, one female trekker could not keep her foot-hold, slipped and rolled down
a few metres
away. Her shriek disbalanced another female member and down she fell.
Our guide shouted at us to calm down while he tried to rescue the unfortunate
However, before he could reach them, they rolled down in the heavy rain and wind and
vanished from sight. Meanwhile, a porter
carrying our luggage also slipped in the mud
and was washed away.
The trekkers held their ground for about half an hour when the rain
subsided. A pall
of gloom befell them. It took
hours before they could return to their base
exhausted and demoralised.
Urgent message was sent to the headquarters. Rescue teams were
action. pressed into
Upon advice from headquarters the trekking was continued, but with low
They reached their target destination after twelve spirits.
days. No other casualty occured.
Specimen Questions
1. You have been attacked and
robbed. Write a statement (about 300
police, giving an accurate account of the incident. You words) for the
of attack; may include date, time, and place
description of the assailants; property taken by them; your actions
You may add any other detail afterwards.
you think important. [L.S.C. 1987
2. You have been asked to attend a
school fair organised with a view
fair, to be included in the school raising
for the school. Write an account ofthe to funds
may be a descriptive account rather than a
magazine. This
report. You may include the
items following
Date and venue of the fair .
games stalls- sale
noise, etc.
spectators-prizes- collection of money- theof colourful
tickets and coupons
atmosphere -

You may include any relevant

points of your own.
Your account should be of 300
3. Write a connected statement on the L.S.C. 1991)
An earthquake in a state in your country date; time;
caused to life and areas affected- the damage
national and international
rescue work- rescue task on a
reaction and concem-fear of war-footing
epidemic-fund raising effort. epidemic-measures to control
(You may include any other point
you think fit.)
(L.S.C. 1995]
4. Using the notes given below, write a report (in approximately 300 words) titled
Name of the sport-name of the tournament-country where held-famous
participants-the match-thrill and excitement-the finalists-Indian player's
performance-rare feat--spectators' response-media report-national acclaim-honour
to the Indian sports star.
(You may include any other relevant details.) (LS.C. 2006]
5. You have been sent by the Public Works Department to investigate an accident
on a building site. You visit the scene and speak to various people. Using the notes given
below and in not more than 300 words, write a report titled. 'An Avoidable Accident.
Four metres below ground level-use of inferior materials-safety precautions
minimal-burst pipes-labourers in trench-two dead-some unconscious-site
foreman inexperienced-reported leakage building contractor denies leakage
support from neighbours.
(You may include any other relevant details.) [L.S.C. 2007]


What is a Review?
A review is usually written as a magazine or newspaper article with a media
audience in mind, i.e., a general audience. Its usual subject is a film or TV programme, a
theatre, or concert or musie programme.
Review requires you to analyse/break down a given topic to uncover, consider and
discuss its key parts. Reviews require writing that is lively and authoritative and which
shows good judgement and careful consideration.

Reviews require a friendly, lively yet also authoritative style.

A book review is a description of the form of literary criticism in which a book is

analysed based on content, style, and merit. Books can be reviewed for printed
periodicals, magazines and newspapers, as school work, etc.
A critical
A book review should focus on the book's purpose, content, and authority.
include a statement of what the
book review is not a book report or summary. It should
author tried to do, evaluate how well (in the opinion
of the reviewer) the author has

succeeded, and present evidence to support this evaluation.

The ISC syllabus requires that a book review should be in about 300 words.


Book reviews should include

Essential information about the book, such as, title, author, type of book, general
subject matter. special features. price, etc.
2. The author's purpose in writing this book.

3. Theme of the book.

4 How the author supports the theme.

5. Evaluation of the book for interest, accuracy,

objectivity, importance
thoroughness, and usefulness to its intended audience.
In a book of fiction, the review should include
characters, theme, plot, style, setting,


Specimen Question
Your school library has received a
and Prejudice. Write a review of this
complimentary copy of Jane Austen's novel Pride
book, in about 300 words, to be published in the
school magazine. The review should
guide readers to look out for the aspects of this
book. You may include the
following aspects
Type of book target readership theme- content- cohesiveness

of the
content-plot story-
languageskills- total impression on you.
Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austen
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is often
considered one of the
all times, the story of proud William greatest novels of
Darcy and the prejudices of Elizabeth Bennet. Their
spirited courtship plays out on the page, in this witty comedy of manners,
morality, education, and marriage in early 19th century upbringing,
The story centres around the five
single Bennet girls of Longbourne who have
somewhat dubious prospects for marriage, because
their father,
"entitled" away to his next male though gentleman,
no male heir and his estate is
a has
relation. So, Mrs. Bennet is
extremely eager to find rich husbands for her
daughters. When the Bennets become
acquainted with a new neighbour, the wealthy Mr.
Bingley, and his proud friend Mr.
Darcey, first impressions lead to some hard feelings as well as
becomes quickly attached to one of the girls, whereas romantic ones. Bingley
friends cold. First
Darcy leaves the Bennets and their
are not
always what they seem.

Most ofthe action centres on the two eldest Bennet girls: dutiful Jane and practical,
quick-witted Elizabeth. For the better part of the book, these sisters are occupied cnie
in damage control against the various disastrous almost-engagements they and their
sisters find themselves in, as well as in pining after their various objects of affection : the

dashing yet befuddled Charles Bingley for Jane, and the grave, calculating Mr. Darcy (sO
dark! So cold! So rational!) for Elizabeth.
The novel beautifully illustrates the essence of true love and deals with a soCiety
where status and prestige are valued more than true love. Elizabeth's world turns upside
enters their
down, however, when Mr. Darcy -
a handsome, arrogant gentleman-
series of twists and turns as both characters
social circle. Austen takes us through a

experience attraction, heartbreak, and passion.

The novel has great educational value as readers will learn about life and gender
of conduct
roles among upper classes in 19th century England, with their rigid rules
of "gentlemen" are
imposed on young women of that place and time. The occupations
such as the music and
also touched on, as well as the cultural activities of the period,
dancing that people enjoyed.

Specimen Questions
write a review on a recently
1. On the invitation of the Editor of an English daily,
about 300 words
novelist. Put your impressions in
published novel written by a budding
using the following guidelines:
and theme-target readership-level
Name ofthe novel and author-subject
quality of work- your views on the work-general
relevant details that you consider appropriate.
You may include any other
received a complimentary copy of a
work of fiction
2. Your school library has
about 300 words,
novelist. Write a review of this book, in
authored by a budding Indian out for
The review should guide readers to look
to be published in the school magazine.
You may include the following aspects:
the aspects of the book mentioned by you.
c o n t e n t - cohesiveness of

the book- the target

Type of
total impression on you.
the content- plot and storylanguage skills-
include other relevant details.)
(You may also


When writing a film review, you must consider what 1s the age group you are
wriling for. A review for a school magazine would warrant a diterent writing process
than, say, a magazine enjoyed by adults. For a children's magazine, the review will need
to be quite punchy. It should not be too long or contain material that the age group would
not understand. Writing for a young audience often proves to be harder than writing for
After watching the film that is to be reviewed, it is important to take notes
immediately. This will be of great importance when you actually sit down to write the
review. The notes should be detailed enough to bring back to memory the images that
you found most appealing.
First, you need to think of an imaginative title. The title must give a very brief idea
of the nature of the film and provide a starting point for the readers to focus on.

The second stage is to give a brief synopsis of the film.

After the synopsis, go into detail about what you thought of the film. Was it thought
provoking? Did it have lasting images and ideas that particularly enthralled you? Did you
think that it was a complete turkey? Whatever your view is, it is important to stress it in a
comprehensible manner. Examine the film more closely, try to go into detail about the
many ideas contained within the film. Don't forget, what you enjoyed and remembered
from the images and ideas in the film are what could be the deciding factor in whether or
not the reader actually goes to see the film himself/herself. If you really enjoyed or really
hated it, make it clear.

It is necessary to break the film into its separate parts. You should state which
part of the film worked for you. Was the setting and atmosphere successful? Did the
plot flow all the way through the film or did it become disjointed and messy part of
the way through? You must also look carefully into the characterisation. Talk about
the characters. Did you like them? Did the characters play them well? What was it
about their portrayal that you liked or didn't like? A close examination of the key roles
in the feature will provide your audience with a better idea of how the film is going
to be. Never simply say that you loved or hated a certain movie without giving your
reasons. Always explain why you feel the way you do and back it up with descriptive

At the end, you should give your opinion and conclusion that states strongly what
you thought.
A good film review must have these five different parts.


1. Credits 2. Plot
title and year Synopsis or summary ofthe plot
genre Make sure that your summary
director makes sense to your reader who
screen writer does not know or has seen the movie.
music or soundtrack D o not refer to specific scenes and
main actors do not try to explain everything.
Only a brief summary of the film.

Under the summary, give

Place and time-Where does the action take place? When does the action take
place? (present time, 19th century?). Is the story chronological (according to the
order of time) or flash back?

.Background- society, country, kind of people (age, culture, social class),

historical time..
Genre-horror, comedy, drama, adventure, thriller.
3. Characters-Main characters physical description
psychological description
age, nationality social/personal background.
4. Vocabulary- In this section you must write:
the words you have learnt chapter by chapter

explanationin English
5. Conclusion
In the last part of your review, you are asked to think and write about the next
What message is being told?
What was the director's purpose or intention or the theme of the film?

Compare with other realities you know (your country, historical fact or event,
other films from the same director or genre).

What's your opinion?


This is How You Should Proceed

Watch the movie in a relaxed environment.

Take notes as you watch the movie.

Give your opinion liked or disliked. However, give impartial d

opinions shoul,details
and allow the reader to form his own mind. Your opinions
explained to allow the reader to determine whether they would agree ui
opinion your
Who is your audience?
Give an outline of the movie, but don't give away essential details
end or any surprises. such a he
Actors- give details.
Structure- Did the movie follow
you thinking.
regular predictable story line, or did it get

Cinematographyand lighting
Give details about how
well the movie was slot and directed.
good in the moody scenes? Was the lighting
Did the movie have
its own
artists? special music or did it feature
songs from popular
Read and check
your review
In thoroughly.
summary, you must ascertain
How gripping is the plot and the
How is the story?
performance of actors-
.How is the
ordinary or brilliant?
What is its blend of
twists, action and
.Who are its star
cast, how are
climax? the
dialogues, item number, songs, and
Whether it is a watchable
movie along with the

Specimen Question
The Editor of a daily
English has invited you to write a review of the
movie "3 idiots". Review the film andnewspaper
put your impressions in about 300 words,
following guidelines using the
Name of the moviegenre- Producer, Director and main
- theme --target audience cohesiveness
- casts-plot and story
of content-your views- conclusions.
Film 3 Idiots

Director: Rajkumar Hirani

Genre : Comedy

Cast Aamir Khan, Sharman

Joshi, R. Madhawan, Kareena Kapoor,
Boman Irani
Producer Vidu Vinod Chopra
[This condensed review is based on the review
24, 2009]
by Nikhat Kazmi, TNN, December
In the film, Aamir is Rancho, Sharman is
Raju, Madhawan is Farhan, who are
depicted as the three idiots. As the story goes, Rancho,
Raju and Farhan enter the elite
engineering college where Viru Sahastrabuddhe is the Principal. On
certain lessons of life that cannot be joining they discover
taught through books and classrooms.
The three idiots
perfect archetypes of the new age Indian who is
conformist, questioning outmoded givens, choosing to live life on essentially non-
charting new roads that consciously skirt the rat race. Of course, own terms and
beaten track- due they begin on the
societal/parental pressure- but refuse to become cogs in the

On their entry into the

with the mandatory
engineering college, the three are faced with their first tryst
ragging sessions which enunciates who the leader of the
going to be. It soon transpired that Rancho is their eventual leader. gang is

We see that the three embroiled, time and

again, in a confrontation with authority
(Viru, the unsmiling Principal), by giving creative and unorthodox
The tension escalate when the three friends break
into the house of Viru at
that Rancho can propose his own night so
marriage Pia. The next day Viru threatens to expel
Raju, who attempts his own death. A series of events
against the three friends


complicates matters. Vinu is eventually subdued when the three friends use novel
el tricks to
help Viru's elder daughter safely deliver a child against odds.

When the results of the examination are out, Rancho comes first.

The students leave to their

homes and Rancho goes to
Meanwhile, Viru fixes Pia's marriage with Pia's ex-fiance. Raju and Farhan
Pha from the literalt.y lift
marriage mandap and take her to Ladakh to unite with Rancho.
The whole film is humorous and
dotted with excellent performance by all
is the
portrayal of actors
a humanist indictment of India's education system that
a rat race
rather than thinkers for a new world. The prepares rats f
the songs and music dialogue is Witty, comic
and wild and
do come alive on screen. and
Specimen Questions
1. Write a review of the latest
words, using the notes film/movie that you have watched, in
given below about 300
of the film/movie- whether you watched on
family/friends- its
blend of twists,
and story

theatre alone or with
and their
or -

action and suspense its performance-

dialogues, item numbers, songs, music,
it lighting and climax- the
quality of direction- the
conveys- its impact on society. message and moral
2. Write a review of
the latest film movie
using the notes that you have
given below watched in
about 300 words,
Name of the
film/movie- did
or with
family or friends- themeyou watch on TV at home or in a theatre- alone
level/merit of story, of the film/movie
message and moral it
dialogues, acting, directing cinematographyprincipal actors - the
conveys- how relevant is the cinematography and lighting-
impressed you?
message?- lightingne the
whether the movie
Review of a TV show is the SHOW
review, the discussion same as
writing a
matter how good it is, if its around topics relatedreview
of a
film/movie. In suc a

ratings are
poor, a television
the show's
marketability. No
While preparing to write show will not last.
the review,
.Do you think it will consider the
receive good following
.Do its stars have
wide audience
ratings? Why and why not?
.Will they be attractive
to the
.Are the major average television
characters viewer?


I s the location/situation of the show likely to interest audiences week after week?
.Will its underlying values offend attract any
particular audience types?
And, perhaps, more importantly, does the show have a
its competition on other networks and
good time slot- What is
what precedes and follows it?
After introductory material, your review should deal with
the show as a series.
In doing so, you should include a discussion of one episode as an
the reader if this is a criminal
example. Thus, tell
investigation series, action drama, mystery, soap, sit com,
etc. Tell your readers whether it is
exactly like all the others or not. How does it differ?
Will it draw in a new audience?

Next, discuss the characters and the actors. Are the characters
for their roles? Do they have audience appealing and suited
Specimen Question
You have been asked
by the Editor of a film magazine to review the TV serial
Ramayana' by Ramanand Sagar. You are to put your impressions in about 300 words,
using the following guidelines:
Name and language of the TV serial
genre- Producer, Director and main casts

days and time of telecast- target audience- cohesiveness of content -your views

The TV Serial "Ramayana"

The lengthy adaptation of The Ramayana is entertaining as long as the viewer has a
working familiarity with Hindu mythology and is patient enough to enjoy the liesurely pace.
Ramayana is a highly successful and phenomenally popular Indian epic television
series created, written and directed by Ramanand
Sagar. It is spread through 78 episodes.
It is a television adaptation of the ancient Indian Hindu
religious epic of the same name,
and is primarily based on Valmiki's
Ramayana and Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas.
The acting, dialogues and the simulation of the events in the serial were so real
life-like that they had instant impact on those who view the
episodes. When Ramayana
was telecast India came to a standstill. Buses
stopped running, religious services were
rescheduled those Sunday mornings, to watch the ancient epic. It is hard to believe that
Something like that is possible, but it really happened.
The Ramayana is the story of Ram's life history. The dialogues are
gripping. The
presented are the accurate presentation of the source texts. The music is fantastic,
dotted with plenty of songs throughout the series.


The Ramayana large number of casts. Prominent among them
has a
as Ram.
Deepika as Sita, Dara Singh as Hanuman and Arvind Trivedi as1 Arun Goi
With its fine cinematography. special
etfects, and
arresting musi
portrayed unique combination of excellence and effectiveness. it
It is refKama music, Ramayang
fashionable visual realisation of Hindu mythology. It is relevant
message of love, peace, justice, harmony and dutifulness coupled
even todang to refreshing
ay and gvesa
all our actions. The
narrative is simple and the characters
with righted
devoted viewer the telecast continues to be a
phenomenon even
very true to
life. usness
today. For
Specimen Question
You have been asked
by a daily newspaper to review popular TV
300 words, write a review rial.
serial In abou
of this TV serial using the following points:
Name and language of the TV serial -

days and time of the

telecast -then
type (whether a criminal investigation or action drama or themeand
contents any other) main charac
candid opinion.
popularity rating- views of the audience- its
(You may include any other
points that you feel
A concert review
should be a
report on
western) tradition. The reviewer must
performance of music (classical or
visit and view the
possible, make your notes of the concert with the audience. f
programme you saw.
What is your choice or
To start, most
concert reviewers choose
particular musical tastes. For to

attending orchestral example, if you simply specialise,

love the
focussing on their OW
concerts and
you really rev up over rock publishing concert reviewssymphony,
on such
you mignt c
gigs in your area. music, you could do
play on rockers WI
Select your favourite
and start type of concert from
writing effective music reviews. chamber music to hip nop or

The main
points of the review are as follows
Briefly identify the
Where was it concert-Who performed? What p e r f o r m e d '

performed? Briefly pieces W

surroundings, and the describe the
performance spa tio

beginning of the appearance of the performers. aformation a

band, the venue, the review article. Give basi f the

date and time The

of the
information includes 1amesofthe
ludes the name

concert and the idual


band members and the
instruments they play. Have a look at the concert
programme in advance.
2. Objective and description of the music- Describe instrumentation,
dynamics, texture, rhythm and tempo, form and
movements, relationships between
principles of design in the compositions, etc. Note extremes or
what is most
striking. How do these elements work together? Write about the
band and the songs
they performed. Tell whether the concert was a success or aa
failure and what the band did to
cause you to come to that
conclusion. Give
specific information about the way the band
the songs and the performed, how well they presented
atmosphere of the stage. Make sure to tell readers what style
of music the band
plays and whether this was a debut concert or a regular
performance. objective. Unlike news articles, the purpose of a review is
opinion backed by facts, but giving too much opinion takes pure
credibility. The audience trusts you to give an accurate telling ofjournalistic
the event,
whether you personally liked it or not. If the band was
horrible, tell what
specificaly made them horrible.
3. Theme of the concert.
4. Subjective reflections to the music. (Reactions, feelings and emotions
produced by the music). Did you like individual pieces? Did you have emotional
reactions to any particular piece? Why did
you react the way you did? Was it in
the composition or the performance or both? What held
your attention? Did
your mood change in the course of the concert? Was the concert full of variety
or was it all more or less the same? Could the
performance be better? How?
Was this a familiar or a new experience? Was there a theatrical dimension to the
5. Do not shy away from expressing your fair views.

6. Conclusions- Your views and overall experience about the concert. Your
review must focus on who, what, when, where, how did they do, what was your
response, and what was especially moving or enjoyable.
7. Finally, what are your thoughts about the show? What stood out to you and
became your highlight of the night? Would you go see this band again?


Specimen Question
The Editor of a music journal has invited you to write a review of a recently
organised concert in your city, performed by a well known musician. Put your
impressions in about 300 words, using the following guidelines:


Date, time and venue of the concert the artist and his group

concert- instruments uscdthe performance-the emotions and feelino heme of the

your views.

Sarod Maestro Amjad Ali Khan and Sons

in a concert in Bangalore, October 25, 2012.
Music fans in Bangalore had a rare concert treat during the
Ustad Anmjad Ali Khan and his two sons, Amaan and
Dussera festivol.
Ayaan, accompaiedweeke
acclaimed tabla
playersTanmoyBose and Satyajit Talwalkar. npanied by two
The twosons opened the
taals of 14 and
evening performance with a piece set in Raga Raon.
showcasedageshri, jn
then 16 beats. They began with an alap that
melodies. The tabla joined in beae
applause from the audience.
together participating in call-response which drew iloud
Then came
Amjad Ali who took the stage with two tabla players. The
mesmerised with the richness of Indian classical audience was
music which ranged from
Kalyan melody, Raga Zila Kafi, Tarana, Raga the Ganech
and an Assamese Miya ki Malhar, a composition of Tagore
The final piece was set in Raga Kirwani, with Amjad Ali taking the lead and
performing duets with his sons.
All through the concert the audience
stood spell-bound, glued to their seats. Perhaps
Khan was
attempting to describe the complexity of human life, exploring its emotions
and its meanings.

As the raga
developed, the audience was drawn into its
tunes and rhythms, and a
contemplative meditation descending upon the
the raga is a perfect players and the audience. By all means
joining of rhythm and sound, a
rhythm are perfectly combined. seamless interaction, where te

All the performers, gifted as

are, brought out the
voices and souls or th
instruments. With their
music, they transformed
experience. The audience felt engaged, daily life into an extraorai
very calm, and came out refreshed at invigorated, alive, excited and at the same time
the end of the
The team of musicians drew
the mastery of the musical standing ovation which the audience
geniuses but the energy, bliss felt was entire

performance. and spirituality or u

[This write up is based on the reviews by

Ben Ratliff (October 30, 2006)] Madanmohan Rao (October 25, z0

Specimen Questions
1. You have recently attended a concert where you watched a famous musician
perform. Review the concert in about 300 words. Your review may contain the following
Date, time and place of the concert the artist and his group- theme of thee
concert- instruments used- the performance (the numbers
emotions and feelings produced by the music- the audience and how they felt- your
views about the concert (whether it was exemplary, good or bad)-whether there was a
balance within the parts of the orchestra, chorus and soloists?-were hythms more or
less precise?

2. You have attended a concert performed by your school band with several students
participating. Write a review of the concert in about 300 words. Your review may contain
the following points :

Date, time and venue (your school auditorium or hall) ofthe concert- the students
who participated as artists the theme of the
concert instruments used the
performance- the emotions and feelings produced by the music-reaction of the
audience-yourrating of the concert.
A good live dramatic performance is both exciting and satisfying. However,
reviewing a dramatic performance requires knowledge, skill and expertise. For this, you
have to view the performance yourself and thereafter comment on it.

Before attending a dramatic performance at a theatre, there are a number of

questions you might consider. In order to write a good review, it is important to stay
focussed on a number of aspects.

Reviews are written to convey your specific insights and to inform the reader about
the artistic merits of a production. Readers want to be able to 'visualise' the play and this
is usually accomplished by providing pertinent and interesting detail.

Reviewers must consider the following points :

1. What is the play called? Who is the director? Where is it playing? For how
long? Who wrote it?

Next, you would like to know who are the main and supporting actors
(characters)? Date and time of viewing?
2. What is the play about? What are the nmain ideas it presents, the issues it
confronts? What abstract idea, theme, concept, or topic do you want to


original o Ignt has
most? Is sub-plots?

What are

a gedy, combination o
tragedy, a

to o f f e r ? whether
of the play,
3 The
The genre
"Tlake a critical Dosi a on this

both? the
does the
have o n
andI what it
what. is you value the mos,
What effect what's
w o r k - w h a t ' s
to the play.
responding compler
How is the

umorous, inviting, stale
feel about vague, dry,
S. How do you appealing, etc.
aesthetically abstract,
overwhelming. frightening,
logical, special effects, etc.
w was
music, props,

Visual effects- lighting,

sound used in the production? production. Did it k for
whether it was
consider it? What do you ad
7. Conclusion- Did you enjoy
it make you laugh, cry?
to your readers?


Specimen Question
review of a theatre that
invited you to write a
Editor of a theatrical magazine has
The Use the following points
well known theatre company.
you have watched,
produced by a

as guidelines
their reputation the characters
Name of the play-Name of the group-
views on the
effects your candid

theme of the play- music and special

Play : Much Ado About Nothing
by William Shakespeare
Actors David Tennant and Catherine Tate as reluctant lovers Benea
and Beatrice.

Directed by Josie Rourke

Year 1980
has been
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare is a timeless comedy. t
produced innumerable number of times on stage. The 1980 production directea oy

Rourke is under review.


In this play, David Tennant plays Benedick while Catherine Tate is in the role of
The play is well produced and the actors
impress the audience with superb acting
The action is set "in early 1980s Gibraltar : "a world of crisp navy uniforms, clear clasS
distinctions and high-spirited and post-Falklands partying. It provides a perfect excuse for
leisured officers to trick Bea and Ben into falling in love. It also lends plausibility to the
main plot in which Hero, on her wedding-eve, has supposedly betrayed Claudio with
another man. Rourke here interpolates a whole new hen-party scene in which we see
Hero's maid, wearing her mistress's wig, enjoying some noisy rumpy-pumpy in disco-
club darkness. One of Shakespeare's most clumsy plot devices suddenly acquires
Rourke has made other changes such as endowing Hero's dad, Leonato, with a wife
instead of a brother: a deft touch since it makes Hero's disgrace even more disruptive to
the family. But, while like the production's colourful circumstantial detail, one of
Rourke's ideas misfires. Seeking to show Claudio's penitence over his mistreatment of
Hero, Rourke has him attempting suicide at her tomb until she makes a ghostly
appearance. I get Rourke's drift but it kills stone dead the later moment when Hero is
discovered to be alive and well." [Source Guardian (UK): Review of Much Ado About
"Down the ages people have always gone to this play to watch the verbal sparring of
Beatrice and Benedick which anticipates 1930s Hollywood screwball comedy; and here
Tate and Tennant give just the right suggestion that their byplay is the product of some
past bruising encounter. Tennant is especially good at showing Benedick's transition from
the self-conscious madcap of the officers' mess into a man capable of love. He makes his
entrance in a golf-buggy, dons a Lily Savage wig and tight skirt for Leonato's party but is
hit amidships when he learns that he is adored by Beatrice. The great comic moment in
Tennant's performance comes when, flinging his arms wide to the heavens, he declares:
"I will be horribly in love with her."
"Tate gives an excellent account of Beatrice as the kind of larky, high-spirited
woman who uses her wisecracking gifts as a defence against emotional engagement:
significantdy, while Benedick turns up at Leonato's party in female attire, she comes
dressed as a man. In the gulling scene Shakespeare's Beatrice says of Benedick: "I will
requite thee, Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand.
"They are at the centre of a supremely wel-cast production in which Elliott Levey
as a closeted Don John, Tom Bateman and Sarah MacRae as a vibrantly attractive
Claudio and Hero and John Ramm as a hamfisted Dogberry all make their mark. Lucy
Gaiger's costumes, combining naval whites with snazzy civilian colours, add greatly


evening that

tnership should

to the gaiety of an

About Nothing has drawn
T fair share
production Muchof eclipsed by the
"Though the Globe
ot deserved plaudits, it was always
in danger of being
there are many
who will be coming to to see ning
version of the same play.
But while
is a joyful: thing, easilv
production thing, easily ooneDoc
and Donna together on stage,
Josie Rourke's
of te
productions in the West
u n i e s t and most exciting

Specimen Question
you watched hu
theatrical performance a

You have been asked to review a

should be in about 300 words and
known theatre group in your city. Your review include
the following points:
Name of the play- Name of the theatre group their reputation- the charact
theme of the play- music and special effects your candid views on the
performance, giving reasons.


Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper, highlighting the dumping of

garbage on the road by the residents in the absence of a garbage bin.
Your letter may be of about 300 words. Use the
following points in your letter.
Busy thorough fare- residential colony on one side, shopping
other no garbage bin provided by municipal authorities- garbage complex
thrown onroad
on the the
by residents- filth and dirt strewn everywhere- foul smell
and stench rents the
atmosphere- fear of disease and epidemics- urgent action
Letter to the Editor
The Editor
The Times of India Name of the writer :
Allahabad Address
Through the columns of
the municipal esteemed daily I would
and sanitation like to draw
draw the attenti
the atcu
prevailing in the Civil Lines authorities
locality of about
the city,
the close to the All Saints Catnes
extremely ry conditions
main road is a busy thoroughfare and all sorts of traffic move through it.tsOn pathetic sanitary
residential co
colony consisting of a row of through it. On one

a posh shopping complex. multi-storeyed buildings the other

and on the on



Itis ironical that the municipal authorities have failed to provide a garbage bin in
that area for the residents to cast their refuse. The result is that the garbage lifting lorry
does not visit this area at all. Residents dump their garbage on the footpath. One can see
not only heaps offilth and dirt strewn on the spot but also emanating foul smell, stink and
stench in the atmosphere. This also results in frequent traffic jams, thus puting the
passers byes to a lot of inconvenience.

The callousness of the authorities is causing untold miseries to one and all. Repeated
requests in person and in writing have gone all in vain. There is every likelihood of
serious epidemics breaking out in that area. The place has now become an ideal breeding
ground for mosquitoes.
It is high time the municipal and sanitation authorities should take a serious note of
the unhealthy conditions prevailing in this area and take corrective actions to avoid any
untoward incident.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Writer)


Sometimes your teacher tells you to prepare a talk to be delivered by you or

someone else in front of an audience of school children.

When you are preparing one, you may write it out roughly to see that it comes
within the allotted time (usually three or four minutes), but in delivering it you should use
only brief notes, for quick reference, if needed.
The following topics are suggested for preparing notes for delivering talks
Best use of leisure. On pursuing gardening as a hobby. Importance of cultural fests
in schools. Youth hostels. Teenage fashions. The best use of holidays. Simple first aid.
Uses of a library. Social service. How to prepare for examinations. Traffic rules. Surfing8
the Internet. Social networking. Health awareness for teens.


A number of students, especially the School Captain, on various ocasions, are often
called upon to give a talk before the school audience. The occasions range from College
Day function to standing in an election for a post of office bearer to what not.

Delivering a good talk (or speech) requires preparation and practice. Although the
topics of most talks are different, some elements are widely applicable that can help write
a good talk or speech.


Here are the tips for a good talk (or speech) :

A Core Message

A what does the

speaker want to
speech's core message is the goal of a speech: to ttell
to the audience. A speech
can inform, convince, or entertain tne audience, Dut
it's the Core
message that determines in what way a speaker delivers the speech. It's important thatcore
speaker knows this well when writing a speech and acts consistently
throughout the
Clear Structure
Agood speech has three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. A good
speech depends on each part playing its role dutifully.
Introduction: A good introduction serves two purposes -grab the
attention and introduce the topic. In the sense that not all audience's
audience is interested in what a
speaker has to say, grabbing the audience's attention at the
very beginning is a very
important task. The speaker can achieve it with a question, an anecdote, or a witty
line. When a
speaker has the audience's full attention, he can deliver the punch
speech with less friction. body his

Body The
body of a speech should be systematic and easy to understand.
ideas of the topic are
complex to understand, the speaker has to If the
Also, transitions inserted between ideas can explain it layer by layer.
another more smoothly. help the speaker move from one idea to

Conclusion: Summarize speech succinctly without

unnecessary details. Besides, end your speech with a repeating too much
audience something they could think about memorable ending; it can give the
after the speech.
Audience Expectation
Writing a good speech is about selling your ideas
to your audience.
audience's perspective, and you would have a Think from the
age and level of bigger chance to succeed. The audience's
knowledge about the speech
know when writing a speech. As a topic are
something that a speaker should
general rule,younger audience wants a speech to be
more entertaining
while mature audience
wants it to be more
audience's expectation, and you can write a informational. Know the
speech that your audience likes.
A Speaker Personality's

It goes without saying that different

speakers have
speech. important to know your personality when different styles when making
So, it's a

if you are a speaker with a serious writing a speech. For exampl

to be a joke-maker
personality, you may find it uncomfortable when tod
throughout the speech.
Knowing your personality would help you
write a speech that most resembles your style. Having the above elements in mind, you
will be able to write a
specch casily.
[Courtesy: DPS Panwar, posted the Internet, June 11,
Specimen Question
You are standing for the
position of school captain in your school, and have been
asked by the school authorities to deliver a talk (speech) before teachers and students in
support of your candidature. Your talk (speech) should be in about 300 words. You may
use the following guidelines:
Your name and class- your audience- why you consider yourself fit for this
positionyour qualities- your plans for betterment in the school environment-your
solicitation for votes.
(You may use any other relevant material.)
A speech delivered by Anita Singh, a student of class XII of (Name of school),
standing for the position of School Captain, before teachers and students.
Good Afternoon Teachers and Students,
I am Anita Singh of Class XII and am running for School Captain for the academic

I have spent all my primary years attending (name of school) and have enjoyed
every moment of it. I would like to become the new School Captain of (name of school)
to ensure that this school stays as great as it is for at least one more year that I am
attending this school and many years after I leave. I would, therefore, also try my very
best to make it even better. I also think that I would make a good school captain because
I am responsible, organised, thoughtful, enjoy helping people and am a good team

I have several plans for betterment of the school environment. I will do my very best
to stop acts of bullying. littering, fights, stealing and any other unethical happenings. I
will happily attend any meetings, special events, camps or any other work given to me by
the school authorities. I would strive to implement the school's motto- honesty,
responsibility, consideration, cooperation and respect- and, of course, follow all school
rules. I will also gladly listen to everyone's good ideas and try to enforce them.

I also have in mind a few improvements I would like to make to this wonderful
school. I shall discuss the matter with the school authorities.


s i m p i t ,

and you must

m ust be
r, and yOu prepare
being a for a
hardeer, hPred
think much
and it's
may will

be devoted at allleader
Some of you more
that devo8
much circumstances
must be
it. But,
a n d you
can with
fun, it
p o s s i b i l i t i e s ,


always that
is not things
Leadership funny than e v e r before
ever before i l am
are harder
promise tto make
sometimes even
to this job
keep my promise to kee
yself will try my
c a n and will
this best

I will devote

will also

and yours.
pt all ethe
I idea's as I
I would
school captain.
all my
school captain.
As much
love eto be
better and
a that really it
it is mn
up to you
with being and
of c o m p e t i t i o n
that who
there is
r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s

lots vote for

captain I
know that please
So think
school and vice
school captain
choose your
position the and g0od hue.
deserves this i s t e n to my speech ckto
the time to
much for taking
Thank you very
for school captain
everyone running

Good bye

Specimen Question
students after passing out class XIT", to be
"Careers for
talk the topic XI and XII classes.
belonging to IX, X,
Draft a on

audience of students
delivered in front of an
refer to the following guidelines:
300 words, you may
In your discussion, in about
selection process
Careers open after
class XII timings of - -

any other information on the topic.


whose jurisdiction
sent to the Police Station under
The First Information Report is to take
has occurred or is about the occur, where the police is
an incident/accident
cognizance of such
The First Information Report is recorded in a Register, called the General FIR
maintained at the Police Station. Anyone in person can go to the PS and lodge
in the
received in the form of letters also recordeu
First Information Report memos or are

General Diary.
sent 0

The following is a specimen First Information Report in the form of a lete

the Police Station.

First Information Report
(In the form of a Letter)
The Station House Officer (SHO)
Police Station, Civil Lines,

I, Sudha Kant Mishra, son of Ram Narain Mishra, resident of 20 Mahatma Gandhi
Marg. Civil Lines, Allahabad 211 001, have to inform you that a burglary has been
committed in my house, in the night of June 17, 2011, between mid-night and 3:30 a.m.
While my family members were asleep, the
burglars broke into our house by
bending the iron rods in one of the windows of our room situated towards west. After
ransacking the almirahs and cup-boards, they decamped with the following items

1. Cash amounting to Rs. 18,000/-

2. Jewellery valued approximately Rs. 2,00,000/-
3. Laptop valued at Rs. 40,000/-
We discovered the burglary when we woke up in the morning at about 5 am. In the
same night my wife woke up at about 3.00 a.m. to have water and till then nothing
untoward had happened.

We suspect that this could be the work of a few labourers working at a construction
site close to our house. These labourers take shelter during the leisure hours in the
afternoon under the trees in our spacious grove in the western side and may have
gathered cue from their recently developed intimacy and association with our young
servant boy.

You are requested to kindly make an on the spot enquiry of our premises and
investigate the matter so that the culprits could be apprehended and our lost possessions
could be retrieved. For your information, we have not touched or disturbed anything in
that room so as to prevent any destruction of valuable evidence.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Sudha Kant Mishra)


chain snate
Specimen Questions I n f o r m a t i o n
Report ona
write a
IIn abou guidelines:
following forme
that vou witnesed
basis of the
framed on
eedle traffic mve
Your report may after
sunet veme cOTm
evening on a manual.
Coupie going
Remote arca of the city- young
fused strcet lights motorcycle
from behind
defused light due to
couple make a h
nckshawIwo youths
from the
their lady-the
of the and
gold-chain eventually disappear.
nder snatches the chase who
them a hot
motorcycle give valuable possessions
you, in a
been burgled one night and your
2. Your house has to the De
First Information Report in
about 300
words to be sent nearest
Poli C
Wnte a
an account
of the
Station of your area. giving
details in the report
You may include the following
Date and time of the burglary modus operandi- description of loss incured
evidence-request for investigation ar
likely suspects precautions
taken to preserve
retrieval of lost possessions- feedback of action taken.
the road just in
neighbour is in the habit of throwing garbage
3. Your next door
front of your house. On your repeated objections this neighbour picked up quarrel with
You perceive a real threat to your life
you and has threatened with dire consequences.
from this belligerent neighbour.
Write a First Information Report to the concerned Police Station narrating the
incident and asking them to take appropriate action against your neighbour.

Your report should be in about 300 words. You may use the
following guidelines
Date and time of the incident- cause of the incident - names of the persons wno
are involved in the
what did the
culprits do and say? what threats have
they given what threats do you perceive to your self and

want the police to take?

what actions property?-

Anagenda is a programme of the items (or
transacted (or discussed) at a itemised list) of business to be

shown in the agenda.

meeting. The order of the business should normally e as
The agenda is sent to0 all
members of the
adequate notice, and to enable them to committee or organisation to them

business o be discussed. The agenda is ponder over, prior to the of

meeting, tuc
prepared by the secretary in consultatiou
1on with the


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