Council Agenda 20060612
Council Agenda 20060612
Council Agenda 20060612
Mr Ron Ruckenstein and Ms. Rebecca Lynn were present to discuss a proposed 72
unit Independent Living Project for Seniors and People With Disabilities at 1015
Whitehead Road Extension. Mr. Rukenstein explained that it was very similar in
concept to the Ujima project and that it would assist the Township in meeting its
COAH obligation. There was much discussion about the request for a 30 year tax
abatement. Mr. Rukenstein indicated that it was necessary to insure the viability of
the project in attracting qualified residents.
There was also discussion about two proposed resolutions, one ‘A Resolution
supporting the New Jersey Legislature’s Gang Deterrence bill package entitled
“Fighting Gangs, Protecting Our Youth”’, and another “A Resolution Supporting
the United States Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement to Reduce Global
Warming and Urge Municipalities Throughout Mercer County and the State of
New Jersey to Join This Effort”. After discussion, the second resolution was pulled
from consideration on Tuesday.
1. Authorization for the Chief Financial Officer to pay Township bills in the
amount of $1,120,355.92
4. A Resolution to REFUND the total amount of $777.73 for May 1, 2006 tax
quarter to Loan Care Servicing c/o Land America Lender Services, 200 N.
Warner Road, Suite 110, King of Prussia, PA 19406 (Attn: Leslie Howell) for
property owner James C. and Jill C. Dondzila for Block 223, Lot 86 also
known as 11 Clover Hill Lane to refund overpayment.
5. A Resolution to REFUND the total amount of $389.21 for May 1, 2006 tax
quarter to Abdul K. & Josephine Sesay, 30 Forrest Stand Drive, Easton, PA
18042 for property owner Abdul K. & Josephine Sesay for Block 193.01, Lot
3 also known as 106 Honeysuckle Drive to refund overpayment.
8. A Resolution authorizing New Jersey Shares, Inc., 1901 North Olden Avenue
Extension, Suites 102, Ewing, NJ to hold a 50/50 Raffle License (RL-1164) on
October 31, 2006 at 3:00 P.M.
14. A Resolution to refund the amount of $125.00 to Jane Moon, 312 Farnsworth
Avenue, Bordentown, NJ 08505, for Certificate of Occupancy inspection at
279 W. Upper Ferry Road that was paid for twice, as requested by the
Construction Official, Mr. Bill Erney.
The following ordinances were reviewed for second reading, public hearing and
final passage, and approved for action:
The Chief Financial Officer introduced the following resolution regarding the
proposed sale of Special Emergency Notes, said resolution then being approved for
The Clerk introduced the following resolution renewing certain liquor licenses for 2006-2007,
said resolution then being approved for action:
Mr. Steinmann asked that a list of licensee violations from the past year be made available to
Council and the Clerk agreed.
Several members of the public had questions about the ordinances listed for second
reading. Mr. Roy Bleakley (125 Rutledge Ave) proposed a number of changes to the
pay to play ordinance, which were taken under advisement by Council.
At 7:35 pm, Ms. Wollert moved to adjourn the meeting, which motion was seconded
by Mr. Summiel.
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