MJTHR - Volume 14 - Issue 1 - Pages 113-129
MJTHR - Volume 14 - Issue 1 - Pages 113-129
MJTHR - Volume 14 - Issue 1 - Pages 113-129
Keywords Abstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have been
Artificial intelligence classified into four categories since their inception:
Marketing effectiveness information presentation and knowledge-based
Destination systems, Machine Learning (ML), problem-
Competitiveness solving, and distributed artificial intelligence.
Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged
as one of the most important technologies for
assisting the tourism industry in increasing
competitiveness and achieving excellence in a
changing and volatile labor market; AI can also
achieve a competitive advantage by transforming
the traditional seller into a buyer's market. The
prime objective of this research is to illustrate the
mediating role of marketing effectiveness in the
relationship between artificial intelligence and
tourism destination competitiveness. Questionnaires
were distributed electronically and hard copy to
employees in tourism and hospitality institutions
such as airports, airlines, governmental tourism
authorities and private tourism authorities by the
researcher. 944 questionnaires were found usable
for analysis. The results indicated that artificial
intelligence affects positively both marketing
effectiveness and tourism destination
competitiveness. As well, the results highlighted
that Marketing effectiveness mediates the
relationship between artificial intelligence and
tourism destination competitiveness
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Minia Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research Vol. (14), No. (1), December 2022
1. Introduction
In travel and tourism, artificial intelligence (AI) is utilized to make the entire
travel experience more convenient and enriching. The travel industry is
utilizing the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to predict
travel preferences and create personalized travel solutions tailored to
consumer demands. Increase client service and simplify in-trip and post-trip
needs management the travel business relies on on-demand 24-hour support
to deliver assistance in real-time. Travelers may be planning a vacation or
experiencing problems while on the road and needing immediate and
relevant assistance at any time of day or night. Using AI-powered chatbots
and assistants for live assistance is an excellent approach to save time and
money while increasing efficiency (Ivanov, and Webster.2020).
The study aims to A) explore the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on
marketing effectiveness, B) evaluate the effect of AI on destination
competitiveness, C) assess the impact of marketing effectiveness on
destination competitiveness and, D) investigate the role of marketing
effectiveness in the relationship between artificial intelligence and tourism
destination competitiveness).
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outperform basic, traditional models. Claveria and Torra (2014) reported more
promising results, however, the degree of preprocessing drastically influenced
the quality of the neural network predicting outputs. Several research, on the
other hand, has demonstrated that AI approaches have higher prediction
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Research Methodology
Questionnaire design:
A questionnaire was created to collect statistical data about the respondents'
attributes, artificial intelligence, marketing efficacy, and competitiveness. The
questionnaire utilized in this study was divided into four sections. Part A of
the questionnaire was concerned with the respondents' demographic and
functional information. Four items were included in the questions:
respondents' gender, age, degree of education, and workplace. Part B acquired
information concerning artificial intelligence (AI) applications based on 20
items developed based on this section was split into four dimensions. The first
dimension is forecasting (6 items) adopted from Claveria (2015). A sample
item was " Forecasting can estimate arrivals tourist’s numbers". The second
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Statistical tests:
To analyze the study data and test hypotheses, the researcher used statistical
programs, namely SPSS V. 24 and AMOS V.24. The following statistical tests
were used:
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Path analysis: to determine the direct effect of the independent variable on the
dependent variable, and the indirect effect of the independent variable on the
dependent variable through the mediating variable.
BOOTSTRAP method: to determine whether the mediating variable has a
role in the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent
There are conditions for conducting a path analysis using BOOTSTRAP to test
the role of the mediating variable in the relationship between the independent
variable and the dependent variable, and they are as follows (Al-Romeedy,
• If the indirect relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable is significant, there is a mediating role for the
mediator variable.
• If the indirect relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable is insignificant, there is no mediating role for the
mediator variable.
• If the direct relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable is significant, there is a partial mediating role for
the mediator variable.
• If the direct relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable is insignificant, there is a full mediating role for the
mediator variable.
Data Analysis and Findings
Demographic and other work-related information
Sample characteristics include four major items in this study. Table (1)
indicates the results obtained after analyzing demographic variables. The
frequency and percentage for each variable is listed according to the survey
categories in the table.
Table (1) Demographic and work information
Demographic and work information Freq. %
Gender Male 451 59.5%
Female 307 40.5%
Age Less than 20 years old - -
20 – 39 years 385 50.8%
40 – 59 years 332 43.8%
60 years and above 41 5.4%
level of Less than bachelor 93 12.3%
education Bachelor 580 76.5%
Master 34 4.5%
PhD 23 3%
Other 28 3.7%
Workplace Travel agency 116 15.3%
Hotel 252 33.2%
Airport 84 11.1%
Airlines 93 12.3%
Governmental tourism 95 12.5%
Private tourism authorities 74 9.8%
Other 44 5.8%
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Reliability Test
A high Cronbach's Alpha value reflects the reliability of scale and indicates
cohesiveness among scale items. According to Ursachi et al. (2015), a high
Cronbach's Alpha is an indirect indicator of convergent validity. However, on
the contrary, the validity needed to be confirmed by CFA.
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Table (3) highlights values of Cronbach's Alpha for all constructs. On the
basis of the data presented in the table, there is sufficient evidence to suggest
that the reliability of the constructs was acceptable given that the Cronbach's
Alpha value is < .60.
Validity Test
The next step in the analysis was to test the validity, which is reported in detail
in the following sections. Constructs validity, including both convergent and
discriminant validity, was assessed by using average variance extracted
(AVE). The following section discusses constructs validity.
Test of Convergent validity
The first test is the composite reliability of each measure. This was assessed
using Nunnally's (1978) guideline for assessing reliability coefficients.
Followed, the second test is average variance extracted (AVE) by each
construct, which indicates the amount of variance in the item explained by the
item explained by the construct relative to the amount attributed to
measurement error (Shaffer & DeGeest, 2016). The Fornell and Larcker
criterion, which confirmed that the AVE should be < .50, was used to assess
the AVE for all constructs.
Some of the measures used for convergent validity include the reliability if
each items, AVE, and composite reliability. The following tables reveal that
all the indicators were statistically significant for the proposed constructs,
thereby providing strong evidence for convergent validity (Hair et al., 2021).
For more details, the composite reliability values for artificial intelligence
(.901), marketing effectiveness (.878), and competitiveness (.844). These
values of composite reliability exceeded the desired threshold of .70 in
accordance with Fornell and Larcker's (1981) proposal.
Also the following tables clarify that AVE values for artificial intelligence
(.754), marketing effectiveness (.703), and competitiveness (.689), which
exceeded the suggested value (0.50). So, the model seems to possess adequate
convergent validity.
In details, table (4) clarifies that composite reliability for all items exceeded
the desired threshold of .70. additionally, this table shows that AVE for
artificial intelligence instrument exceeded the suggested value (0.50). As well,
this table indicates that the factor loading for all items of artificial intelligence
instruments are greater than (.50).
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Table (5) indicates that composite reliability for all items exceeded the desired
threshold of .70. Further, this table shows that AVE for marketing
effectiveness instrument exceeded the suggested value (0.50). Also, this table
concludes that the factor loading for all items of marketing effectiveness
instrument are greater than (.50).
Table (6) indicates that composite reliability for all items exceeded the desired
threshold of .70. Moreover, this table depicts that AVE for competitiveness of
Egyptian tourism destination instrument exceeded the suggested value (0.50). Too,
this table highlights that the factor loading for all items of competitiveness of
Egyptian tourism destination instrument are greater than (.50).
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Discriminant validity
Hair et al. (2016) and Al-Romeedy (2019) have clarified that the square sroots
of AVE should surpass the highest squared correlation with any other
construct. On the basis of table (7), it can be noted that the square root of AVE
for a given construct is greater than the absolute value of the standardization
correlation of the given construct with any other construct in the analysis
(AVE < correlations2).
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Descriptive statistics
The results of table No. (9) refer to the study sample’s responses to the
artificial intelligence’s applications in tourism industry statements. In general,
it appears from the results of the table that the total mean of the responses of
the respondents to artificial intelligence’s applications in tourism industry
amounted to (3.7644) with a standard deviation of (.67351), and based on the
standard used In this study and the responses of the sample, this mean
indicates that the evaluation of artificial intelligence’s applications in tourism
industry was high.
As well as, the table depict to the study sample’s responses to the marketing
effectiveness variable statements. In general, it appears from the results of the
table that the total mean of the responses of the respondents to marketing
effectiveness amounted to (3.8786) with a standard deviation of (.73509), and
based on the standard used In this study and the responses of the sample, this
mean indicates that the evaluation of marketing effectiveness was high.
The results also indicate to the study sample’s responses to the
competitiveness of the Egyptian tourism destination variable statements. In
general, it appears from the results of the table that the total mean of the
responses of the respondents to competitiveness of the Egyptian tourism
destination amounted to (3.8909) with a standard deviation of (.51948), and
based on the standard used In this study and the responses of the sample, this
mean shows that the evaluation of competitiveness of the Egyptian tourism
destination was high.
The table also shows the low dispersion in the responses of the study sample
about the three variables and its statements, which reflects the convergence of
the sample members' views on the importance of the three variables. The table
also indicates the convergence in the values of the mean, where it is noted
from the statistical significance values associated with the calculated (t) values
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that there are no differences in the opinions of the study sample members
about the statements of this variable, as the statistical significance of all levels
was lower than the level of the significance (0.05).
Test of hypotheses
H1: Artificial intelligence affects positively marketing effectiveness
Table (10) reveals the outputs of multiple regression test of the effect of
artificial intelligence on marketing effectiveness.
Table (10) the effect of artificial intelligence on marketing effectiveness
Model Coefficients R F
(B) T Sig. R Sig.
(Constant) .802 8.456 .000 .786 303.597
FC .119 3.934 .000
CH .151 3.726 .000 .617 .000
VR .711 17.765 .000
AR .208 5.257 .000
The results in table (10) depict that the sig. value is less than (.05) which mean
there is a statistical significant correlation between artificial intelligence and
marketing effectiveness. Table also shows that the correlation between
artificial intelligence and marketing effectiveness was positive, where
correlation coefficient value is (.786). This means; the higher the level of
artificial intelligence, the higher the level of marking effectiveness. It also
indicates the reliability of model used in testing the effect of artificial
intelligence on marketing effectiveness. F value is (303.597) with sig. level
(0.001). This model indicates the percent of change on marketing effectiveness
in which explained through artificial intelligence. It also indicates that R
Square is (0.617) which means that the independent variable (artificial
intelligence) explain (61.7%) of change in the dependant variable (marketing
effectiveness). This result is in line with Gidumal (.2020) study which
indicated that AI has a positive impact on marketing effectiveness. Hence, H1
is supported.
The results in table (11) show that the sig. value is less than (.05) which means
there is a statistically significant correlation between artificial intelligence and
competitiveness. Table also indicates that the correlation between artificial
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The results in table (12) display that the sig. value is less than (.05) which
means there is a statistically significant correlation between marketing
effectiveness and competitiveness. Table highlights that the correlation
between marketing effectiveness and competitiveness was positive, where the
correlation coefficient value is (.738). This means the higher the level of
marketing effectiveness, the higher the level of competitiveness. Additionally,
this table indicates the reliability of the model used in testing the effect of
marketing effectiveness on competitiveness. F value is (301.947) with sig.
level (0.001). This model indicates the percent of change on competitiveness
which is explained through marketing effectiveness. As well, it displays that R
Square is (0.544) which means that the independent variable (marketing
effectiveness) explains (54.4%) of the change in the dependant variable
(competitiveness). This result is in line with Anholt (2007) study which
supported that marketing effect on competitiveness. So, H3 is supported.
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Table (13) Model fit for path analysis from artificial intelligence to
competitiveness of destination through marketing effectiveness as a
Indicators Value
χ /df
Comparative Fit Index – CFI .968
The Goodness of Fit Index – GFI .971
Normative Fit Index – NFI .954
Incremental Fit Index – IFI .958
Tuker – Lewis Index – TLI .960
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation – RMSEA .021
Table (13) shows the values of model fit indicators of the path analysis model
for the impact of artificial intelligence on competitiveness of destination
through marketing effectiveness as a mediator. Through the table, it is clear
that the value of chi-square is less than 5, reaching (2.015). The results show
that the value of the (CFI) is (0.968). Moreover, the results in the table indicate
that the value of the (GFI) is (0.971). Table also indicates that the value of the
(NFI) is (0.954). as well, it is clear that the value of the (IFI) is (0.958). The
(TLI) value is (0.960). Finally, the results in the table show that the (RMSEA)
value is (0.021). Through all the mentioned indicators, it becomes clear that
the proposed model fitted the sample data. Table (15) reveals the direct and
indirect effect of artificial intelligence on competitiveness of destination
through marketing effectiveness as a mediator.
Table (14) shows the results of the BOOTSTRAP path analysis using Amos
software. Based on the conditions for using this method, it is clear from the
table that marketing effectiveness plays a partial mediating role in the
relationship between artificial intelligence and competitiveness, due to the
- The indirect relationship between the independent variable (artificial
intelligence) and the dependent variable (competitiveness) is significant,
and this means that there is a mediating factor for the mediating variable
(marketing effectiveness).
- The direct relationship between the independent variable (artificial
intelligence) and the dependent variable (competitiveness) is significant,
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and this means that there is a partial mediation of the mediating variable
(marketing effectiveness).
The table also indicates the values of the direct effect between the
independent, mediate and dependent variables, as the value of the direct effect
of the artificial intelligence on the marketing effectiveness of is (0.731). The
value of the direct impact of marketing effectiveness on competitiveness is
(0.553). In addition, the value of the direct impact of the artificial intelligence
on the competitiveness is (0.430).
The indirect effect of the artificial intelligence on the competitiveness in the
presence of the marketing effectiveness as a mediating variable is (0.522),
which confirms the role that the marketing effectiveness plays a mediating role
(partial) in enhancing the effect of the artificial intelligence on the
competitiveness. Therefore, H4 is supported.
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