Oasis Montaj Colour Imaging
Oasis Montaj Colour Imaging
Oasis Montaj Colour Imaging
This tutorial assumes you have a Geosoft project open with a database and map available.
When you create a shaded relief map the system automatically creates a new grid file for that map with _s after the original
grid name. For example, mag.grd will become mag_s.grd.
Shaded relief maps can be created interactively using Run Dynamic Shadowing from the Colour Tool dialog.
You can also manually create a shaded grid using the Colour-Shaded Grid option from the Grid and Image menu.
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The Colour Tool dialog appears. This dialog shows the data distribution relative to the selected colour table.
4. From this dialog, you can select to Transform the data based on Linear, Normal, or Equal-Area distribution.
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transform is displayed.
3. Click the Dynamic shadowing icon ( ). The Shadow Tool dialog appears.
The illumination is relative to the centre of the map window and not the centre of the image.
6. You can also manually set the Brightness and Contrast settings.
7. When you have completed your shadow adjustments, click OK. You are returned to the Colour Tool dialog box.
8. Click OK to save your changes.
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4. Select the first Grid name from the dropdown list (or use the "browse" button to load the desired grid into the project, if
you haven't done so already).
5. Select the second Grid name from the dropdown list.
6. Specify Colour parameters for each grid. In order to differentiate between the grids, each grid should be displayed
using different colour tables.
To replicate the example above, one grid would be mapped using the grey.tbl Colour table option. The
other grid would use the default colour.tbl.
7. Select the Render method from the dropdown list. This determines how the colours interact on the map. The default
is Blend.
8. Click Current Map to load the map into the currently open map or New Map to create a new map using the specified
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4. Select the Colour Model from the dropdown list. This determines which colour tables will be used to draw the map.
The default is CMY.
5. Select the Colouring method.
6. Select the grid to control the Red-Cyan colour from the dropdown list (or use the "browse" button to load the desired
grid into the project, if you haven't done so already).
7. Select the grid to control the Green-Magenta colour from the dropdown list.
8. Select the grid to control the Blue-Yellow colour from the dropdown list.
9. The Shading grid is an optional grid that controls the shading colour. Specify shading parameters, if desired.
10. Click Current Map to load the map into the currently open map or New Map to create a new map using the specified
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1. On the Grid and Image menu, selectDisplay and then select Ternary Legend.
The Ternary Colour Legend dialog box appears .
2. Select the Colour Model from the drop-down list. This should match the colour model selected for the map.
3. Enter the labels for the colours. This should reflect the grids chosen for the specific colours.
4. Specify the Legend size.
5. Click OK.
The Locate Legend dialog appears.
6. Click OK and left-click the desired location on the map to display the legend. The system creates and displays the
ternary legend on your map.
How-To Guide Publication Date: 29/04/2014
Copyright 2014 Geosoft Inc. All rights reserved.
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