Mental Health: Lesson Plan: Topic

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Mental Health: Feeling Fit - Public Health Series | Academy 4 Social Change

Mental Health: Lesson Plan


Mental health is a crucial component of an individual’s state of wellbeing, which is

not merely the absence of mental illness and disorder. It includes the ability to
correctly understand oneself, cope with normal life pressures and negative
feelings, maintain productive work and a good social network, and make
contributions to their community. Persistent negative emotions and abnormal
thoughts can develop into mental disorders.

Possible subjects/classes Time needed

30 minutes
Public Health

Video link:

Objective: What will students know/be able to do at the end of class?

Students will be able to...

● Define mental health.
● Explain the determinants of mental disorders and identify some common
● Explain the importance of developing mental health promotion and mental
illness treatment and prevention.

Key Concepts & Vocabulary

Social Wellness, Psychotherapy, Social Involvement

Materials Needed


Before you watch

Poll the class: Ask students what they think the term, “mental health” means. If
time permits, let students reflect on their past experiences of coping with
negative feelings.
Mental Health: Feeling Fit - Public Health Series | Academy 4 Social Change

While you watch

Answer questions 1-3 on the Worksheet.

After you watch/discussion questions

1. What steps can you take to help improve your mental wellbeing?
2. What do you think will be the consequences if people who have mental
disorder symptoms do not get early treatment?
3. Why do you think there’s a lack of mental health treatment and

Activity Ideas

● Divide students into small groups of three to four. Have each group record
what situations usually cause their negative feelings and make them feel
stress. Have groups trade these lists and then brainstorm and record ways
to mitigate and manage these negative emotions. Challenge students to
come up with multiple options and solutions for each stressful situation.
● Have students individually write a short essay about what situations often
cause their negative feelings, what they usually do to deal with it, and what
they plan to do to cope with negative feelings in the future.
● Have students individually fill out the rest of the Worksheet. Then review
answers as a class.

Sources/places to learn more

1. "Mental illness - Symptoms and causes".Mayo Clinic. (2019, June

2. Tim, Newman. (2020, April 13). Medical News Today.“What is mental health?”
3. “Mental Health: Strengthening our response”. World Health
Organization.(2018, March 30).
4. "Any Mental Illness (AMI) Among U.S. Adults". National Institute of Mental
Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Mental Health: Feeling Fit - Public Health Series | Academy 4 Social Change

5. Henderson C, Evans-Lacko S, Thornicroft G. Mental illness stigma, help

seeking, and public health programs. Am J Public Health. 2013;103(5):777-780.
Mental Health: Feeling Fit - Public Health Series | Academy 4 Social Change

Mental Health: Worksheet

1. Define mental health.

2. List three common types of mental disorders.

3. What are the general characteristics of mental disorders?

4. What are three healthy coping methods you can use to help regulate your
Mental Health: Feeling Fit - Public Health Series | Academy 4 Social Change

5. Give two reasons why you think mental health promotion and mental illness
prevention should be developed.

6. Suppose Mike is one of your friends who is not good at math. He always feels
stressed and can't fall asleep before math exams. This negative experience and
pressure makes him more reluctant to learn and review math. What is some advice
you can give Mike to help him out of this vicious cycle, build his confidence, and
relieve his stress?

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