18 and 16 Electronrule
18 and 16 Electronrule
18 and 16 Electronrule
DOI 10.1007/s40828-015-0010-4
Received: 29 January 2015 / Accepted: 18 February 2015 / Published online: 5 March 2015
Ó Springer International Publishing 2015
Abstract The 18-electron rule and the corresponding compounds, commonly referred to as ‘electron counting’,
methods for counting the total valence electrons of transi- are among the most useful basic tools in modern inorganic
tion metal complexes are among the most useful basic tools chemistry, particularly in its application to organometallic
in modern inorganic chemistry, particularly in its applica- species. Not only can it be a predictive tool for evaluating
tion to organometallic species. While in its simplest rep- the stability of some inorganic complexes, but can also be
resentation, the 18-electron rule is explained in that a used to predict potential formulas of stable compounds. In
closed, stable noble gas configuration of ns2(n-1)d10np6 is addition, changes in the electron count of metal complexes
achieved with 18 valence electrons, this does not during chemical processes can be a critical factor in de-
adequately explain the trends and exceptions seen in termining mechanistic details of reaction pathways.
practice. As such, this report presents a deeper discussion Historian William B. Jensen has traced the origins of the
of the 18-electron rule via molecular orbital models, modern 18-electron rule to 1921 [1], when Irving Langmuir
stressing the roles of both r- and p-bonding effects. This (1881–1957) [2] of the General Electric Company (Fig. 1)
discussion thus aims to provide a better understanding of presented new models of valence, in an attempt to extend
the relationship between electron count and stability, while the Lewis static-atom model to cases not adequately ex-
also illustrating which factors can determine adherence (or plained by ‘‘octet theory’’ (i.e., the modern ‘‘octet rule’’)
not) to this commonly utilized rule. Lastly, the two com- [3]. In this early work, Langmuir derived an equation
mon methods for electron counting (ionic and covalent which related the number of shared (i.e., bonding) electrons
models) are also presented with practical examples to or the covalence (vc) of a given atom in a compound to the
provide the complete ability to apply the 18-electron rule. difference between the number of valence electrons (e) in
the isolated neutral atom and the number of valence elec-
Keywords Transition metal complexes 18-Electron trons (s) after formation of the compound:
rule Electron counting Effective atomic number (EAN) vc ¼ s e ð1Þ
For any complete compound, s = 2, 8, 18, or 32. As such,
the value of s corresponds to complete closed shell electron
Introduction configurations and would correspond to the normal 8 for
compounds of p-block elements as illustrated by the octet
The 18-electron rule and the corresponding methods for rule. Extending this model beyond the octet, however, leads
determining the total number of valence electrons in metal to s = 18 for compounds of d-block elements and s = 32 for
compounds f-block elements. Thus, for the d-block elements,
a simple algebraic rearrangement leads to the relationship
S. C. Rasmussen (&) e þ vc ¼ 18 ð2Þ
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, North Dakota State
University, NDSU Dept. 2735, P.O. Box 6050, which states that the sum of the metal valence electrons
Fargo, ND 58108-6050, USA
e-mail: seth.rasmussen@ndsu.edu
and the bonding electrons contributed by the ligands equals
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Fig. 3 MO diagram for an octahedral metal complex (r bonding only; for simplicity, degenerate orbitals are displayed as stacked sets)
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2. This rule works best for complexes containing p- nonbonding in terms of the previous r interactions. In the
acceptor ligands. case of p-donor contributions, the ligand p-orbitals are
3. Square planar complexes are generally stable as filled and lower in energy than the metal t2g. Mixing of
16-electron species. these orbitals with the metal t2g orbitals thus results in
4. There are always exceptions to the rule. production of p-bonding metal–ligand MOs, while the t2g
orbitals take on p* anti-bonding character, resulting in their
To understand the basis of these common limitations, it
destabilization and a decrease in DO (Fig. 5) [12, 16, 18].
will be necessary to consider a number of additional factors.
Things are a bit different in the case of p-acceptor
contributions. In this case, the ligand orbitals interacting
with the metal are empty p*-orbitals which are high in
18-Electron rule in terms of molecular orbital models,
energy (Fig. 5). As such, mixing of these high-lying or-
part II: more detailed view
bitals with the metal t2g orbitals results in stabilization of
the metal orbitals, that leads to an increase in the value of
In the initial treatment above, only r donor interactions
DO. Here, the stabilized t2g orbitals are now formally p-
were considered and any potential p interactions were not
bonding in nature, while the eg orbitals retain their r* anti-
taken into account. To deepen our insight into the factors
bonding character [12, 16, 18, 19].
that contribute to the 18-electron rule, it is now required to
Transition metal complexes can be divided into three
complicate our bonding picture by including any potential
groups [9, 18], which will be referred to here as Class I,
p-donor or p-acceptor contributions from the organic li-
Class II, and Class III. The first of these groups, Class I, are
gands. As outlined in Fig. 5, the initial splitting of the
complexes with a relatively small DO and generally consist
d orbitals from the r donors (i.e., the boxed orbitals in
of first row transition metals with ligands low on the
Figs. 3, 5) is further modified via interactions between p
spectrochemical series (i.e., weak r donors or p donors). If
ligands and the metal t2g orbitals, which are formally
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the bonding in these complexes is only weak r bonding, d-block elements belong to Class III, the 18-electron rule
then the metal t2g orbitals are formally nonbonding and can becomes a very powerful and reliable predictive tool for
thus be either empty or filled without negatively affecting organometallic chemistry.
the extent of metal–ligand bonding. Here, the relatively
weak r bonding also results in the eg orbitals being low in
energy and only weakly anti-bonding. As a result, the oc- Other compound geometries
cupation of these MOs can also occur with little negative
effect. Ligands with p-donor character, however, con- Although the argument used above was developed using
tribute to p bonding which results in the t2g orbitals taking the example of an octahedral complex, precisely similar
on anti-bonding character as shown in Fig. 5, and the oc- results are obtained for other coordination numbers. Gen-
cupation of these MOs is then not favored. It should be erally it can be said that if the coordination number (CN) is
pointed out that strong p-donor ligands not only result in greater than four, then [CN-4] d orbitals are required in
the t2g becoming anti-bonding, but also generate comple- addition to the metal s and p orbitals to form MOs with the
mentary filled p-donor bonding orbitals localized largely corresponding ligand r orbitals. As a result, this will result
on the ligands. In this case, occupation of these p-bonding in [CN-4] low-lying anti-bonding orbitals and [9-CN]
orbitals while keeping the t2g orbitals unoccupied maintains nonbonding orbitals. The energetic separation between
an 18 electron count [4]. For the most part, however, these these two general sets of orbitals will largely depend on the
complexes typically do not exhibit p-bonding of this strength of the r donors as discussed above [9].
magnitude and r-bonding dominates the characteristics of This general relationship is illustrated for CN = 6 for
these metal compounds. As such, the 18-electron rule has the octahedral geometry given in Fig. 3, but can also be
no special significance for the bulk of this class of com- shown for CN = 5 as given for the trigonal bipyramidal
plexes [12] and stable Class I species are possible with geometry shown in Fig. 6. As with the octahedral example,
electron counts of 12–22 electrons depending on the extent filling the bonding and nonbonding MOs here would cor-
that the t2g and eg orbitals are occupied [6, 9, 18]. respond to 18 electrons and be consistent with the
Class II complexes have a larger DO and generally 18-electron rule. Effects on adherence to this rule based on
contain second and third row transition metals (especially r-donor strength and any contribution of p-bonding would
in higher oxidation states) with r ligands intermediate to again mirror those previously discussed for the octahedral
high on the spectrochemical series. For this class, there is case [4, 19].
intermediate to strong r bonding, but no p bonding. As The situation is more complicated for tetrahedral com-
such, the t2g orbitals are still nonbonding and can thus be plexes (CN = 4) [6, 9, 19]. In this case, bonding with the
either empty or filled. The relatively strong r bonding, four r-donors can be proposed using either d3s or sp3 sets
however, raises the energy of the eg orbitals and strength- of metal orbitals, although in practice a combination of
ens their anti-bonding nature, therefore making the occu- both sets are used and the t2 orbitals of the complex will
pation of these MOs disfavored. As a result, stable Class II involve both d and p orbitals from the metal (Fig. 7) [9]. As
complexes are possible with electron counts of 12–18 the resulting four bonding MOs can only accommodate a
electrons, depending on the occupation of the t2g orbitals
[6, 9, 18]. Class II complexes can follow the 18-electron
rule, but a fair number do not.
The final group, Class III, is made up of complexes
exhibiting the largest DO. These complexes generally
consist of low oxidation state metals with ligands high on
the spectrochemical series, particularly p-acceptor ligands.
The metal–ligand interactions here constitute intermediate
to strong r bonding, as well as significant p back-bonding
into the empty p* orbitals of any p-acceptor ligands. As
such, the t2g orbitals now have p-bonding character and
need to be filled for complex stability. In addition, the eg
orbitals are still strongly anti-bonding and thus, the occu-
pation of these MOs is again not favored. As a result, stable
Class III complexes will always have the t2g orbitals oc-
cupied and the eg orbitals empty, resulting in 18 valence
electrons and strict adherence to the 18-electron rule [9, Fig. 6 MO diagram for a trigonal bipyrimidal metal complex (r
18]. As almost all organometallic compounds of the bonding only)
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total of eight electrons, the remaining ten electrons must Electron counting methods
occupy the e and t2 sets of d orbitals, which are formally
nonbonding and at least partially antibonding [6]. The re- By counting the number of valence electrons surrounding a
duced number of ligands in comparison to the previous metal in a particular complex formula, it is possible not
octahedral case results in a smaller energetic separation only to predict whether the complex should be stable, but
between these two sets of orbitals (DT) and thus, there is in some cases give details concerning structural aspects of
little barrier to population of the t2 orbitals [9]. the complex (i.e., ligand binding modes, the presence of
Because of these factors, the 18-electron rule is only metal–metal bonds, etc.) [6]. Of course, as previously
obeyed in tetrahedral complexes of p-acceptor ligands. In noted, while the electron count can be extremely useful in
these cases, both the e and t2 sets of d orbitals donate predicting stability, examples of stable metal complexes
electrons to the empty p* orbitals of the ligands, resulting with more or less than 18 valence electrons are also fairly
in both sets of orbitals becoming bonding in nature. In common [1, 6, 9]. Nevertheless, the ability to correctly
addition, MO calculations have shown that these p-bonding determine the number of valence electrons from the com-
interactions contribute more to the metal–ligand bonding plex formula is a critical step in the application of the
than the corresponding r-donation from the ligand [19, 18-electron rule.
20]. There are two methods for electron counting, the ionic
As stated in the general limitations above, the one model and the covalent model, each with its own advan-
major geometry that does not obey the 18-electron rule is tages and limitations. Both models include the total valence
that of four-coordinate, square planar complexes [4, 6, 9, electrons of the metal and those donated by the ligands, but
19]. As shown in Fig. 8, the metal-based orbitals are split differ in the way the division of electrons between the metal
into four sets, with the majority being nonbonding or and the ligands are viewed. Either method can be used
having some partial bonding character. The remaining successfully and should provide the same answer, providing
orbital (corresponding to the dx2 y2 ) is anti-bonding and is that care is taken not to mix aspects of the two models.
fairly high in energy [19]. For these complexes, filling the In the ionic model, the metal is treated as a cationic
four low-lying r bonding MOs requires 8 electrons and center and the ligands carry the charge associated with their
population of the metal-based bonding and nonbonding non-coordinated state. As a consequence, this model re-
orbitals requires another 8 electrons. Any additional quires that we correctly assign the metal a formal oxidation
electrons would then populate the dx2 y2 (b1g) r* orbital, state. This in turn requires that we also know the formal
resulting in a decrease in stability. As such, a total of 16 charge on all the corresponding ligands. However, this
electrons represent the maximum population for a stable model has the advantage that it treats most metal–ligand
square planar complex [9, 19]. This is sometimes referred bonds as coordinate covalent (or dative) bonds which
to as the ‘‘16-electron rule’’ [6] or added to the 18-elec- means each bond donates two electrons to the total electron
tron rule to become the ‘‘16 and 18 electron rule’’ [10], count. The formal charge and corresponding electrons
but most often is just recognized as the most consistent donating by a significant number of common ligands under
exception to the 18-electron rule. the ionic model are given in Table 1.
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In contrast to the ionic model, the covalent model treats 2,20 -bipyridine (bpy) and chloride ligands. Under the ionic
the metal as a neutral center and all ligands are likewise model, the combination of the overall 1? charge and the
treated as neutral species. While this does not affect the two anionic ligands allows us to assign for formal 3?
way that neutral ligands are counted, ligands that would be oxidation state to the rhodium center. As such, this d6 metal
typically viewed as charged are now treated as radical contributes six electrons, while each bpy and chloride
species for the electron count. This model removes the ligand contributes four and two electrons, respectively, the
need to determine the formal oxidation state of the metal, sum of which gives the expected 18 electrons of a stable
but is somewhat awkward for anionic ligands such as the species.
halides. However, this model is much more realistic for Under the covalent model, the rhodium of the same
many organometallic ligands, such as the simple alkyls. complex is treated as Rh(0) and is thus a d9 metal, con-
The corresponding electrons donated under the covalent tributing nine electrons to the electron count. As bpy is a
model are given for all common ligands in Table 1. neutral ligand, it is treated the same under both models and
The application of both models is illustrated via two ex- is thus a four-electron donor as before. Under the covalent
amples given in Fig. 9. The first example, [RhCl2(bpy)2]?, model, however, the anionic chloride ligand is treated as a
represents a typical coordination complex including neutral radical and is thus a one-electron donor. The sum
H (terminal hydride) -1 2 1
l-H (bridging halide) -1 2/2a 1/2a
X (terminal F, Cl, Br, I, CN, etc.) -1 2 1
l-X (bridging halide) -1 2/2 1/2a
ER2 (E = O, S, Se, Te) 0 2 2
OR, SR (terminal alkoxide or thiolate) -1 2 1
l-OR, l-SR (bridging alkoxide or thiolate) -1 2/2a 1/2a
MR3, PR3 (terminal amine or phosphine) 0 2 2
NR2, PR2 (terminal amide or phosphide) -1 2 1
l-NR2, l-PR2 (bridging amide or phosphide) -1 2/2a 1/2a
NCR (nitrile) 0 2 2
CH3 or other alkyl -1 2 1
l-CH3 or other alkyl (bridging alkyl) -1 2/2a 1/2a
g -aryl, alkenyl, alkynyl -1 2 1
g -allyl -1 4 3
g4-diene 0 4 4
g5-cyclopentadienyl (g5-Cp) -1 6 5
g6-arene 0 6 6
g1-acyl -1 2 1
g -ketone 0 2 2
g2-alkene 0 2 2
g2-alkyne 0 2 2
l-g2-alkyne 0 2/2a 2/2a
CO (carbonyl) 0 2 2
l-CO (bridging carbonyl) 0 1/1a 1/1a
CNR (isocyanide, isonitrile) 0 2 2
NO (linear nitrosyl) ?1 2 3
NO (bent nitrosyl) -1 2 1
CR2 (terminal alkylidene or Schrock carbene) -2 4 2
Adapted from [11] CR (terminal akylidyne or Schrock carbyne) -3 6 3
Electron values donated to CR2 (terminal Fisher carbene) 0 2 2
first and second metal, CR (terminal Fisher carbyne) -1 4 3
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