R FP Response
R FP Response
R FP Response
Non-Disclosure Agreement
The reading of this document shall be deemed as agreement on both parties not to
reveal the contents of such RFP and this proposal, to outside parties other than the
prospective Vendor who acted as author to this document, and its appointed agents
as deeemed fit by the Vendor or Client.
If by intent of the Client not to award this project to the said Vendor, then such
document and its contents must not be refered to in contravention to the Intellectual
Property Rights contain therein. Instead all forms of such documents must be
destroyed by the Client; with burden placed on the Client to do so in good faith.
The author of this document represents his own team also refered to as the Vendor
and the Client is Hutzler Manufacturing Company, USA. This document is in
response to their RFP issued in February, 2005. Redundant information from that
RFP is kept away from this document and is to be read in conjunction with that RFP.
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Hutzler RFP RED1.ORG
Comments on RFP
We studied the RFP provided and concur that Compiere do resolve about 75% of the
core functionalities and where there are gaps, will require effort in studying and
modifying the source and application. There is also concern of discovery of minor
business rules gaps which Compiere is known to possess but the author and his
associates are quite exposed with and are able to address in the course of the
contract. Hereby according technical cues and notes that shall be the starting
reference and guide in the event of contract award to our team. We shall make it
more meaningful as we go along.
The Resolution part means how it is solved in Compiere. Gaps/Issues are suspected
items and may need further Customise/Proofing to resolve. The bulk of the work is
in setting up the works, adjusting to the whole cycle of processes, as certain field
usage are never 100% clear as its our experience with such a wide ERP application.
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Initial Setup
A detail step by step guide shall be provided by the Vendor and act as a checklist to
the Client to implement for a development instance setup on both the Client and
Vendor locations. The Vendor local instance is a parallel and exact replica for the
Client’s intended setup to simulate and anticipate any issues as well as for
troubleshooting, diagnosis purposes and remote disaster recovery purposes.
Configuration of Master Data Sets involve Chart Of Accounts, Business Partners,
and any data sets stipulated in the Detail Study above.
There shall be incorporation of anticipated changes to the database structure early on
to avoid integrity issues therein.
Migration exercise involving import of legacy data is done both ends. There shall be
a non-disclosure and confidentiality commitment on the side of the Vendor and its
team members.
Work when done here at Vendor side, gets tested and then transmitted to the Client
via broadband for handover or replication purposes.
Thus the flow of implementation is > Vendor Development > Client Development >
Client Production. This flow has inherent contigency and fallback measures as well
as prudent life-cycle to ensure visiblity of the project plan.
Backups can be done on both locations and reported in a private forum to give
comprehensive visibility to the project teams.
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Support Contract
For the purpose of supporting a period of 12 months thereafter from the date of
completion, to ensure a vendor proximity to the Client.
• Warranty against bugs that may creep in or discovered whether it be
Compiere’s or Vendor’s fault.
• No version change advisable during this support period.
• We will absorb very minor changes that are not within specs.
• Substantial new changes against specs will be chargeable on a mutually
negotiable basis.
The documentation covers:
• User Requirements Specifications (URS)
• Gap Analysis Report
• Setup Guide Checklist
• Project Progress
• Modification Specs
• User Manual for changed and new features
• User Acceptance Test Report
• Support, Disaster Recovery Procedures and Handover Report
Team Structure
Project Manager (Client) - Rich Enrehaus (US)
Project Manager (Vendor) - Redhuan D. Oon (red1)
Compiere Expert Advisors - Marco Lombardo, Italy
- Trifon Trifonov, Bulgaria
Java/Database Programmers - Samsul Bahrin, Malaysia
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- Abrar, India
Project Assistants - Gan Ming Hee, Malaysia
- Affarina, Malaysia
The team asssembled are chosen based on working performances and direct
relationships with the author. The spread of work is 60% (red1), 40% (team).
Red1 shall act as the single point of contact, supported by Marco and Trifon for
disaster recovery; with a local-based team for development and operationals.
Abrar is a database expert known locally to the team in Malaysia and currently in
Singapore for his doctorate but is actively supportive in Red1’s other projects.
Samsul, Affarina and Gan are direct employ under Red1. Samsul is a Sun Certified
Java Programmer 2002.
This team is a highly visible team and is managed to respond to any support request
by the Client within the hour of daylight time over respective locations.
Marco and Trifon together with the author will review further the requirements
specs and foreplan any eventuality. They are also contracted by the author to support
the client as part of a coherent team on a professional and commercial basis.
Rationale of costing.
All costs are on time and materials preparation basis. The unique effort here is more
so the remote duplication of steps that are carried out locally first as a successful
process cycle. We must coordinate a single, profound and deep understanding of the
whole project on a technical and business-process basis by both parties. Thus the
Detail Requirements Study is highly vital. It’s the author experience that even an
unassuming setup of the Chart of Accounts can wreck havoc in spite of Compiere’s
maxims of “Everything Changes” and “No Finality Rule”.
Source modifications does not play a major aspect of the costs inccured as codings
must follow the heels of a proper and effort-consuming study.
The Vendor appreciates highly that the Client is represented by a professional who
has mapped the Client processes quite visibly, and himself possess some insightful
understanding of Compiere with hands-on experience into setting it up personally.
This will greatly reduce the risks due to unforseen misjudgements that are among
the main cause of ERP failures.
Thus this services and pricing structure accorded can still be negotiated if the Client
so deems proper, and the Vendor is open and shall be ever so ready to listen and
understand any other constraints, concerns or issues that the Client may so do have.
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Breakdown of Modifications:
There shall be a breakdown of the exact modifications needed after prelimnary study
during the course of the project. The Client should appreciate the maxim of RED1
that ‘often with deep analysis, the remedy may just be a mere keystroke’ and the
resolution of further unnecessary cost of ownership.
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stop work and import can be done only in weekends. Many improvements
and bug fixes.
b) Fix: Price list with checked "Price Includes Tax" now works. Proper
calculation of price if price in price list includes tax.
c) Developed Import procedures for :
-- Material Receipts
-- Material Movements
-- Price Lists
A close associate of RED1 the last 4 months frequently supporting in the
red1 and University forums, both under the control and management of
RED1 as CTO.
7. Acknowledgements at http://red1.org/guestbook.
An electronic application of a business is crucial to the betterment of
performance of that business itself. A well-prepared and accorded project
execution process will remove the forseen risks such as wrongful understanding
and undiscovered application rules. The author has vast experience in projects
and has assembled his own team through the years both locally and on the Open
Source platform.
Its our advice and practice that certain risks are averted by our measures such as
proper study of needs prior to implementation, freezing of version when live,
realistic expectations and insurance taking.
The team here looks forward to serving the Client professionally and is
confident of meeting the Client’s expectations. The author is also willing to
consider visiting the Client at own costs to learn first-hand any issues upon
award of contract.
We shall also allow the Client to decide which part of any novelty achieved in
the course of this project to be contributed back to the community as Open
Source documents.
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Hutzler RFP RED1.ORG
Redhuan D. Oon
In-Fusion Systems Sdn Bhd,
C-9-5, Megan Avenue II,
Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,
Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: +603-271-8338
Fax: +603-271-8228
Mobile: +6017-8869378
Residence: +603-6038-2824
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