MimiHealth Results 2022-09-30

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Mimi Health

Hearing Test Results

Data Export
Pure Tone Threshold test
Date of test: 30.09.2022


Frequency in Hertz (Hz)

250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000



Hearing Threshold in dB HL










O Right Ear X Left Ear

These results might be inaccurate.*

Please return to the Mimi Health Hearing Test (HTS-01) to get
more information.

*Testing in a loud environment or using uncalibrated

headphones might influence the accuracy of your test results.

Disclaimer: "Mimi Health Hearing Test (HTS-01) is a screening tool for hearing ability. It does not supersede or replace a decisive
diagnosis by a physician and is not intended for monitoring, treatment or alleviation of any disease or disability. Mimi Health
GmbH is the manufacturer of the HTS-01 and not the host application."
Pure Tone Threshold test
Date of test: 30.09.2022

Your hearing loss grade

According to WHO classification criteria for hearing loss, your hearing
grade is defined by your better performing ear.

Couldn’t calculate grade

Some necessary data is missing

These results might be inaccurate.*

Please return to the Mimi Health Hearing Test (HTS-01) to get
more information.

*Testing in a loud environment or using uncalibrated

headphones might influence the accuracy of your test results.

Disclaimer: "Mimi Health Hearing Test (HTS-01) is a screening tool for hearing ability. It does not supersede or replace a decisive
diagnosis by a physician and is not intended for monitoring, treatment or alleviation of any disease or disability. Mimi Health
GmbH is the manufacturer of the HTS-01 and not the host application."

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