Dredgeand Spoil
Dredgeand Spoil
Dredgeand Spoil
1.4 The methods used for dredging should 2.5 The environmental levy (section 2.4)
minimise the impact on the environment. will not apply to Queensland
Department of Transport and
1.5 The selection of disposal site is to Queensland ports that are party to a
provide the best overall environmental program of environmetal enhancement
outcome recognising the high and management activities that result in
conservation value of the GBRMP. The ongoing improvement to dredging and
proponent may be required to prepare a dredge material management practices
Long Term Management Plan for in the GBRMP.
ongoing works.
2. Specific Background
2.1 Disposal of dredged spoil to the marine Background information
environment in the GBRMP is to only
Dredging has occurred in the Great Barrier Reef
occur at a GBRMPA approved dumping
Region since the establishment of ports along
the Queensland coast. For example, dredging for
navigational purposes was first initiated in
2.2 Annual maintenance dredge spoil
Townsville in 1883 and in Cairns in 1888. Most
volumes for each spoil ground in the
large scale dredging and spoil disposal within
GBRMP will be capped to a limit, which
the GBRMP is associated with ports who
Policy : Dredging and Spoil Disposal
Barge mounted grabs have been used for dredging but they
can create turbid plumes.
ANZECC (2002). National Ocean Disposal Smith, A and Pollard, D. (eds) (1999) Policy and
Guideline for Dredged and Excavated Materials. Guidelines Aquatic Management and Fish
Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation. NSW Fisheries, Port Stevens
Conservation Council Publication. Research Centre, 86 pp.
Baird, R. (1998). Ocean dumping – an overview Voisey, C and Apelt, C. (2001). Recent Dredging
of the International and Domestic Regulatory Projects in Sensitive Areas in Queensland. CRC for
System. Environmental and Planning Law Journal Sustainable Tourism. 213 pp.
15, 3 174-189.
Further Information
Hopkins, E and White, M. (1998) Dredging,
Extraction and Spoil Disposal Activities: Contact GBRMPA’s EIM team by telephone
Departmental Procedures for Provision of Fisheries 07 4750 0700, email info@gbrmpa.gov.au.
Comments. Queensland Department of Primary
Industries, Fish Habitat Management Review
Operational Policy FHMOP 004, 78 pp. This policy will be reviewed in October 2007.
Morton, R and Nella, P. (2000) Capture of Sea
Turtles by the Sir Thomas Hiley – Opportunities October 2004
to Minimise Impacts, Brisbane Port Corporation,
23 pp.