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a racket sports played by either two opposing player
(singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles).

2,000 year's
The earliest form of the game was played in China.
Games similar to badminton have existed throughout the
history, from ancient Greece to maldieval Japan end
colonial India where from of the game called "Poona"
was played.


British Army officers posted to India to become

interested in Poona and took the game home to England,
where the rules of badminton was set out. "Battledore"
a game involving racket and shuttlecock that was
played in 14th century


The first National Badminton Association

was found.


The game was played in an hour glass shaped court

which remained unchanged until in 1901, which was
converted to a rectangular shape.


English Badminton Association (EBA) followed by the

adaptation of the rules in 1905. In the same year was
the New York Badminton Club exists. The Badminton
World Federation (BWF) is the governing body for the
international event.

The governing body of badminton is IBF

(International Badminton Federation) as it was
originally called, was establish in London in
July 05, 1934 with nine founding member


The premier International Men's Team event was the "

Thomas Cup " was establish.


The Women's event was the " Uber Cup " was


The Laws of Badminton was published by the IBF on July

01, 1994.
Fun fact about badminton:
This new sports was
definitively launched in
1873 at the Badminton
House, where the Duke of
Beaufort introduced the
game to his guests. The
sport was then known as
the “ The Game of
Badminton “ for a number
of years, until the name
was shortened to

Nature of the Game:

Badminton is played as a singles or doubles
game with one or two side. The objective of
the game is to hit the shuttlecock of “ bird
“ back and fourth with a racket across a net
five feet high at its center.
Facilities and Equipment
Badminton Racket are light with top
quality rackets weighing between 79
and 91 grams including the strings.
The n of the racket is very important.
The choice of grip allows a player to
increase the thickness of his racket
handle and choose a comfortable
surface to hold.

Parts of the Racket:
A shuttlecock (often
Stringed Area – is extended to hit the abbreviate to shuttle
shuttle. It is of uniform pattern and and also commonly
does not exceed 280 mm. (11 in.) in known as bird or
length and 220 mm. in width. birdie) is a
Head – bounds the stringed area. projectile with an
Throat – connects the handle to the head. open conical shape.
Shaft – connects the handle to the head.
Handle – is intended for a player’s grip.
Frame – includes the head, the throat, Types of Shuttlecock
the shaft and the handle. It is no more
than 680mm. wider than 230 mm. Feathered Shuttle –
consists of 16 goose
feathers. It’s length is
62 – 70 mm. It must be
Badminton court fastened firmly with
thread or other suitable
Badminton is played on a court marked materials,
for both singles and doubles matches.
The court is rectangular and divided Synthetic Shuttlecock –
into halves by a net. The doubles simply refers to a
court is wider than the singles shuttlecock that is made
court, but both are the same length. of artificial or man-
The exception, which often causes
confusion to newer players, is that made materials.
the doubles court has a shorter Synthetic shuttlecocks
serve-length dimension. are the counterparts to
feathered shuttlecock,
The doubles court is 6, 10 meters which are made of
wide and 13, 40 m. long. natural feathers from
The singles court is a little smaller
( 5, 18 m. wide and 13, 40 m. long) the left wings of ducks
or geese.

2. Service:
At the court of rally, the server Rules and regulations
and receiver stand in diagonally
apposite service courts. Badminton rules
The serve must travel diagonally 1. Scoring system : 3 x 21
to be good. rally point scoring system.
The serve must hit the birdie so Before May 2006, players
that it passes over the net and could only win a point on
the short service line, and would their own serve. But the
land in the receiver’s service scoring system as changed
court. in 2006, and now players
The serer must hit the shuttle earn 0 point on their own
from below the waist. serve and also when their
There is only one serve. opponent serves.
Each game is played with 21
In singles , the server stands: points (with a margin of at
-In his right service court when his score least two points), with
in even ( or 0);
-In his left service court when his score players scoring a point
is odd whenever they win or rally.
If the score reaches 20-
In doubles, if the serving side all, then the game
wins a rally, some players continues until one side
continues serving, but he change gains a two-point lead
service court so that he serves to (such as 24-22), up to a
each opponent in turn, If the maximum of 30 points (30-29
opponents win the rally and their is a winning score).
new score is even, the player in A match is the best of
the right service court serves; if three games. ( The first
odd the player in the left service player who wins two games
court server. wins he match.)

3. Playing the Game:

The object of the game is to
hit the shuttlecock back and
forth over a net without
permitting hit the floor in
bounds or your side of the net.
Faults Include:
Hitting the birdie into the
Hitting the shuttle outside the
Reaching over the net to hit
the shuttlecock.

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