Senior High School Department
“a0fying the Lasallian Animo: Living Jesus in Our Hearts”
“Kaya ni Juan: Towards the Realization of the
Sustainable Development Goals”
EcoPad: A Seminar and Workshop to Bring Awareness and Skills to the Women of
Sitio Makabuhay
An Advocacy Project Paper submitted to the
Humanities and Social Sciences Unit
of De La Salle Santiago Zobel School - Vermosa Campus
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for
Research 3: Community Project Proposal
Arandia, Aleksandrea, L.
Azachee, Weila Angela Marie, A.
Bancoro, Renquist Gabrielle, D.
Ferrer, Valeria Isabel, C.
Jiro, Stefi Francesca Marieh, J.
Magno, Frances Yvet, F.
(Group no. 3)
Ms. Alyssa Jade Saniel
Research 3 Teacher
December 6, 2019vi.
Project Justification
Project Aims
Project Implementation
. Target Group
. Expense sheet
Management and Personnel
Monitoring and Evaluation
Project Conclusion
Other relevant information
The project EcoPad is a student organized seminar and workshop program which
will be implemented as a CAPSTONE project that is aimed to help the community of Sitio
Makabuhay in working towards the goal of Zero Extreme Poverty. The project will be
catering to the women ages 20 to 55 years old in order to address their issues when it
‘comes fo menstrual products. The researchers looked into the phenomenological aspect
of the women's behaviors and practices towards single-use sanitary pads (SSPs) and
discovered that there are significant negative effects with the use of the said product
which affects their health, budget and environment. The objective of the project is to
raise awareness through an environmental seminar on the negative effects brought
‘about by their use of SSPs and the roles that we play in our environment. The workshop's
goals to teach the women the necessary skills on how they can make their own reusable
sanitary pads with the materials that will be provided for them. This will benefit the women
in mitigating current negative physical side effects the women are facing from SSPs, will
lessen the expenses spent on menstrual products and improve the waste disposal
methods of the women.I. CONTEXT
The problem of the women in Sitio Makabuhay when it comes to the lack of
altematives to harmful and expensive menstrual products is closely related to cultural
factors such as certain behaviors, attitudes and beliefs which hinders them from
consuming better and cheaper products. Menstruation has a lot of taboos and
formation attached to it most especially in rural areas. For a long time, women have
learned how to be discreet when it comes to handling their monthly menstrual cycles.
Girls report experiencing stress, shame, embarrassment, confusion and fear due to a lack
‘of knowledge, an inability to manage menstrual flow or from being teased by peers
(Haver, et al., 2013.) Women in rural areas experience these due to lack of knowledge,
fear of being ridiculed by their peers and lack of proper resources and sanitary to cater
to their needs. These practices are not solely based on their environment, but also
because of their ancestors, and their socioeconomic status. In addition to that, itis stated
in the study conducted by Rajanbin Kaur in 2017 that education does play a major role
in the menstrual hygiene management of the women. Moreover, education and
awareness about the menstrual cycle is the only way that both men and women can
put an end to these different false beliefs, and practic
; that the menstrual hygiene
practices of women is related to witchcraft which makes the women feel as if they have
the need to isolate themselves from the world as everyone is disgusted, and scared of
them whenever they have their menstrual cycle. Another study found that the
knowledge participants had gained after a seminar will aid in their future (Kasi, 2016)
Seminars are found to be an effective way to disseminate information. In particular to this,
research, which is to give the participants the awareness of the effects of using single-
use sanitary pads to both women and the environment, this seminar will surely benefit the
women in the community, thus, proving its effectiveness. Conducting a seminar is aneffective way to address issues as both the speaker and the particioants are
communicating. According to a study, “this teaching technique also resulted in the
improvement of soft skills such as communication with their colleagues or teachers in
discussions.” With the help of this seminar program, the participants are educated about
their actions and it's repercussions; therefore, helping them be more conscious and
‘aware about their choices (Babu, 2016) Thus, it is clear that this seminar will be able to
educate the women of the community about their mensirual hygiene practices, and
how this can be improved without having negative effects on the environment or on
The economical aspect of the problem and the project is mainly focused on the
expenses brought about by the use of single-use sanitary pads (SSP). There is a significant
‘amount of money spent to buy SSPs, which is why it becomes a problem since it adds to
the expenses of the women. According to a study, the problems rise in relation to the
‘affordability for the given options for menstrual hygiene management. Sanitary napkin is
preferred by the women and girls but due to low income and poverty they are unable
to afford it (Sansthan, n.d.). This is due to the fact that single use pads are effective and
efficient, these single-use pads are made up of synthetic plastic material that releases
Volatile organic compound which causes women to experience side-effects such as:
rashes, and initations. These pads are costly as it is a one time-use, and a woman
experiences her menstrual cycle every month every year. 38.7% of women spend only
P50 per month while 29% of women spend P100 per month Given the amount pads
‘consumed by a woman per month with the monthly cost the researchers can compute
how much women spend on SSP when they buy one (1) pack per month whether it is
priced at P50 or P100 and when they buy two (2) packs per month whether it is priced at
P50 or P100.” (Arandia, et al.) And these single-use pads are made up of plastic whichdecompose 500-800 years. With these problems presented, this is the main reason as to
why we will conduct our project, in order to help mitigate the use of single-use pads that
gives harmful effects to women and to the environment. The project advocates the use
of sustainable products, such as the reusable pads since these pads are made up of
natural resources and can be used long-term, but most especially this will help them
financially as these reusable pads’ costs less than the single-use products. The group's
project will help in solving this problem by hopefully removing the additional costs that
sanitary pads add to their expenses.
‘Most studies and project proposals on the use of reusable sanitary pads show that
women in rural areas have limited access and awareness to hygienic sanitary pads
{Sansthan, n.d.). This project proposal comes along with education thus, seminars and
workshops are feasible and Humanity Healing International Organization states that,
“Educated girls are more likely to become empowered women; they are more likely to
take control of theirlives, have economic security, and raise fewer and healthier children
who will in tum be more likely to be educated themselves." This supports the claim that
seminars and workshops will surely help the women, specifically those who are below the
zero-poverty line, practice healthier ways when it comes to their menstrual needs. In
‘addition to this, when women are more educated, they become more aware of various
solutions to their problem both for the environment and for themselves, since they have
been given the option to make their sanitary pads which are made of natural resources
available to them that will help them financially as this can be used for up until five years.
The seminar and workshop which will be conducted for the community will aid for
the lack of education that the local government has not been able to provide when it
comes to healthier menstrual practices. On the other hand, if there is government
intervention in this type of situation to address the pressing issue in the environment, thereis a higher chance for a solution. According to a study entitled: Earthly Politics, if the
government would take action in this type of issue then there is a higher chance of global
progress regarding environmental change as the constitution will take part in the action
(Jasanoff, 2013). Government action is seen as a large step for progress and if politics is
fervening in this issue, then there will be a bigger chance to aid the problem, making it
‘one step towards global democracy. With the government involving themselves in these
types of events which will add more effectiveness in providing support for this project.
This program will cater to the women of Sitio Makabuhay, specifically those who
‘are women from ages 20 - 55 years old that may represent a household. A total of 20
women will participate in the program and the program’s venue will be in De La Salle
Santiago Zobel - Vermosa. The research group will invite a professional environmentalist
as well as a skilled seamstress to help educate the women as to how they may make their
‘own reusable sanitary pad. The group will be providing the women in the community with
their own kit of materials, which will be called the Napkit, needed to make the sanitary
pads. The materials for the kit will be shouldered by the fundraiser which will be held by
the group.
The needs assessment activity was conducted by the researchers through surveys
and interviews. The survey consisted of questions in filipino regarding the behavior,
attitudes and practices of the women towards their menstrual cycle. The questions were
categorized into three variables namely: cost, physical side effects and disposal
Initial observations made from the sari sari stores in the community show that the
locally available mensirval products are single use sanitary pads (SSP's) or what they also
call as Those Days. This prompted the researchers to determine that the women in the
community do not have a product alternative. Furthermore, with background
knowledge and firsthand experience the researchers saw the urgency of this problem as
these SSP's cause negative side effects, are costly, and not biodegradable. To delve
deeper into the situation of the women in the community, the researchers conducted a
survey regarding their experiences using single use sanitary pads. The questions within the
survey were constructed to give information about the cost, side effects, and waste
disposal of the single use sanitary pad (SSP). The survey resul!s showed that the cost, side
effects, and waste disposal experiences were negative for the women. The long-term
cost of the SSP’s is significantly higher than the cost of the proposed reusable sanitary
pad (RSP). In one year, the cost will range from P600-P2,400 while in five years the cost
will range from P3,000-P12,000. Compared to SSP’s the RSP's costs significantly lower
because of its reusability, the RSP costs around P100-P300 and can last up to five years.
The survey also revealed that women in Sitio Makabuhay experienced negative side
effects like rashes, imitation and discomfort. These side effects may be caused by the
synthetic materials used in commercialized pads as it contains phthalates or plasticizers
‘and volatile organic compounds like xylene that is known to cause dermatitis (Park, 2019).
The survey also revealed the waste disposal methods used by the women in the
community which suggests that the women do not have access to proper disposal
places and methods. The SSP’s are being buried in the soil or burned in a community
disposal otherwise known as "siga”. These methods are harmful for the environment and
ts inhabitants as the plastic in the SSP's make it non-biodegradable therefore the buriedpad will eventually resurface due to rain and floods and pollute the community. The
buried pads soaked with blood of an infected woman may contain hepatitis and HIV
viruses which retain their infectivity in soil and can live up to six months (Kaur, 2018)
Incinerating the SSP’s release fumes that contain the chemical dioxin which is toxic for
those in the community as it may cause cancer (5). The survey proved the need for a
safer, cheaper and environment-friendly product alternative which is the proposed RSP.
The proposed alternative is a reusable sanitary pad (RSP) which is a safe product
altemative as it is made out of pure cotton and all organic materials which make it
biodegradable and eliminate the threat of chemical intoxication to both its user and the
environment. It is reusable as it only needs to be washed properly after every use and
with proper care it can last up to five years, this suggests that the use of RSP is cost
efficient. Menstrual concems are not usually looked into especially in a low-income
community due to how taboo it is and the fact that there are more urgent matters like
hunger and water sanitation, although these issues should not disregard and overshadow
other concerns like women's menstrual health. The negative effects that can be
mitigated by simply switching out the menstrual product shows that these menstrual
concerns that affect women's health are often overlooked and underestimated. A
woman constantly uses menstrual products and constant exposure to these side effects
have cumulative adverse aftereffects. The researchers believe that every woman
deserves to have access to a safe menstrual product and to at least lessen the discomfort
‘of going through a menstrual cycle. An even more alarming fact is that these women
buy the cheapest sanitary pad on the market that are of the lowest quality therefore the
materials and chemicals used may even be more harmful than the pads that have an
average to expensive cost. The researchers also see the urgency in implementing the
RSP as the effects of the wrong disposal methods pose as a big threat to the whole‘community to both their environment and its inhabitants. Providing them an alternative
that will not only be environment-friendly and safe but is cheaper and more practical in
the long run is a simple solution to a problem that yields many negative effects.
In line with the goal of implementing the RSP the strategy of this project is to
conduct @ seminor-workshop entitled Ecopad. An environmentalist will be the guest
speaker for the seminar in which he/she will tackle the pressing issues about the harmful
effects of waste such as plastic which is the biggest contributor of pollution and
environmental degradation. In relation to the effects of the SSP the speaker will discuss
the harmful effects of single-use products lke sanitary pads and how to properly dispose
of it. In this segment the women will be educated and informed about the current
situation that they are in based on the survey conducted by the researchers and the
negative implications of the use of SSP's to them and their environment. The seminar is a
crucial step as it is important to let the women know the importance of switching to the
RSP, therefore they will be more interested in learning about how to make it. The second
segment is a workshop that will be led by a skiled sewer and maker of the RSP. The
women will be provided with the materials needed to make their own reusable sanitary
pad and be taught how to make it themselves. Teaching the women how will make the
project sustainable as they will gain a skill that they can use to sell the RSP's and tum it
jo a livelihood. At the end of the workshop, participants will be given a Napkit which is
a kit containing all the materials enough to make two more RSP's and a printed tutorial
on how to make the pad step by step along with the materials needed, its cost, and
where they can buy it.IV. PROJECT AIMS
The main goal of this project is to improve the 3 main variables in the community,
the women's menstrual health, waste disposal, and zero extreme poverty. Specifically,
the project aims to improve the health of the women in the community by providing an
altemative that does not result in the same negative effects such as rashes, cramps, toxic
chemicals causing severe illnesses specifically in the reproductive system, as their current
sanitary pad. Given that the researchers have discovered that women in Sitio
Makabuhay do not have a proper place to dispose their wastes, the project aims to
lessen the negative effects of single-use sanitary pads (SSPs) in the environment. Lastly
the project aligns itself with the zero extreme poverty goal in the Philippines by presenting
an alternative product that will not only be given to the women in the community but
taught to them as to how it is made so that they may execute it themselves. This is an
affordable altemative and may in tum result in a form of livelinood for the women in the
b) Project Objectives
The first project objective is to lessen the women's overall household expenses by
providing them with an alternative product. Switching to this alternative product will no
longer require women to buy single-use sanitary pads each time they get their menstrual
cycle. The money that was being spent before on the SSPs will now be allocated for other
basic needs.
The second project objective is to lessen the negative physical side effects
brought about by the use of SSPs. The citemative product will be made of safe and
readily available materials which will lessen the women’s experiences of discomfort and
inritations,The third project objective is to educate the women about the environmental
effects of their use of SSPs with regards to their methods of waste disposal. The women
will be attending a seminar wherein the speaker will raise awareness of how their
negative practices affect both their health and their environment.
¢) Project Results
A. The researchers determined that the women do not have a better sanitary
pad alternative. Thus, they aim to implement the use of a Reusable Sanitary
Pad (Ecopad) as it is better in all three aspects compared to the SSP. To
fully implement the Ecopad effectively and efficiently, the project willneed
to accomplish three objectives. The fist is to educate and raise awareness
to the women about the current situation they are in, in terms of how their
sanitary pad disposal practices affect them and the environment. A
seminar will be given by a guest speaker specializing in environmental
health matters to discuss the issue fo the women. This objective is important
in implementing the Ecopad as they must be educated to realize the
importance of why they should use it. Learning about the negative effects
brought about their current sanitary pad will give the women a clearer view
and understanding of the importance of the project. The second objective
is in line with making the project sustainable. In this sense, teaching the skill
‘and knowledge on how to make the Ecopad is crucial to make sure that
the alternative presented will remain accessible to them. This skill may open
new opportunities for the women as it can be used to make a livelihood. A
workshop will be led by an expert RSP seamstress in which the women are
guided step by step on how to make it. The third objective is to make sure
the women already have the means on how to make the Ecopadconsidering that they live in a low-income community. This is in line with the
goal to lessen the expenses of the women. A starter pack called Napkit will
be given to the women containing the materials to make the Ecopad and
a brochure containing the steps on how to make it and where they can
buy the materials themselves. Through these three activities the three
objectives will be met that will make sure that the main goal of the project
is fulfilled effectively.
Seminar Workshop Naplit
v v
The project is a seminar and workshop entitled EcoPad which first cims to
advocate awareness regarding the harmful effects of thei
current waste-cisposal
practices to the community and its people, and second to provide the women the
alternative product which is the Ecopad.
In order to successfully implement this project, the researchers first divided the
project into two parts. First is the seminar, wherein the researchers will invite an
environmentalist to be the speaker in the said seminar event, the speaker will tackle and
give information to the women of Sitio Makabuhay the harmful effects of using single-use
products both in the community and in the environment and how to mitigate this
problem. Second is the workshop, in this workshop a skilled seamstress will teach women
how to make their own reusable sanitary pads, this will also give women awareness of
the modem reusable sanitary rather than the cloth that was used before. This will also
give women the opportunity to lessen their cost in terms of menstrual hygiene needs and
they can also gain profit from it as wel.
The project will be held in De La Salle Santiago Zobel School- Vermosa Campus.
This program will cater to the women of Sitio Makabuhay, specifically those who
‘are women from ages 20 - 55 years old that may represent a household. A total of 20
women will participate in the program and the program’s venue will be in De La Salle
Santiago Zobel - Vermosa. The research group will invite a professional environmentali
as well as a skilled seamstress to help educate the women as to how they may make their
‘own reusable sanitary pad. The group will be providing the women in the community with
their own kit of materials, which will be called the NapKit, needed to make the sanitarypads. The materials for the kit will be shouldered by the fundraiser which will be held by
the group.
The goal of the researchersis to give the women in Sitio Makabuhay an altemative
product to use that will replace the single-use sanitary pads. In order to attain this goal,
the researchers had to visit the community fist, and conducted a survey last July 19, 2019
regarding the producis they use during their menstrual / monthly cycle. The information
gathered through the survey helped the researchers in coming up with a solution, and
propose a project entitled: EcoPad, which is a seminar-workshop that talks about the
difference between single-use, and reusable sanitary pads, including the negative
effects of using single-use sanitary pads. The researchers will also have a bake sale
wherein cookies, and cream putts will be sold, and all the proceeds will go to the project
for the community. The fundraising letter was written on November 5, 2019, and was given
to the Head, Advancement, and Communications Office to be approved. This is needed
in order for the researchers to proceed with their project.
1. Design and implement Stor End N
training program for project ot
management es
June July Team
2019 2019
1.1. Conduct needs July uly Team
‘assessment 2019 2019
1.2. Design training Aug Aug Team
modules ust ust
15, 28,
2019 2019
1.3. Conduct training ‘Sept Oct Team
emb ober
er 2019
2, Improve procedure for Oct Nov Team
project management ober emb
2.1. Conduct Team
management auait of
current procedures
oma ur) Se UP Ey 3 RESPON
1. Design and implement Stort End Notes
training program for project June ‘Aug Team
management 2019 ust
1.1. Conduct needs July uly Team
‘assessment 19. 17.
2019 2019
1.2. Design training ‘Aug Nov Team
modules ust emb
15, er
2019 2019
1.3. Conduct training 100 120 ‘Semin Team
0 0 arby
AM PM Joni
Mar Mar Gales
ch4, ch tea
2020 4, Works
2020 hop
2. Improve procedure for Febr Febr Team
project management vary vary
2020 2020
2.1. Conduct Febr Mar Team
management aucit of vary ch
current procedures 2020 2020
Activity Ph Material qu Cost for Funding
as ant total
e ity number of
Conceptu 1 6
aiizing and
planning Computer Php 0.00 None
Conceptu 1
izing ond
planning Group 3 of
activity Printer Php 200.00 1a.
Conceptu 40
izing and
activity Poper Php 0.00 None
Fundraiser Paper 15 Php 0.00 None
1 Group 3 of
Fundraiser Printer Php 50.00, 12.
Baking 100
Fundraiser materials Php 2036.00 Fundraiser
200 Teresa
Fundraiser Car Php 0.00 Cuerwa
Seminar 20
‘and Ecopad
Workshop materials Php 6500.00 Fundraiser
Seminar 6
Workshop ‘Computer Php 0.00 None
Seminar 15
Workshop Paper Php. 0.00 None
Seminal 1
‘and Group 3 of
Workshop Printer Php 50.00 1a.
Seminar 2
Workshop Speakers fee Php 1000.00 Fundraiser
Seminar Speakers 2
‘and fransportatio
Workshop n Php 1000.00 Fundraiser
Jiro, Stefi Francesca Marieh, J.
Social Action
Arandia, Aleksandrea L.
Bancoro, Renquist Gabrielle D.
Ferrer, Valeria Isabel C.
Public Bancoro, Renquist Gabrielle D.
Relations Ferrer, Valeria Isabel C.
Officer Magno, Frances Yvet F.
In charge of being
the head of the
whole project.
Coordinates with
the Social Action
Office regarding
the information
about the
community that is
related to the
whole project.
In charge of
handling the
money that is
earned from the
activity, and the
money that will be
spent on the
materials needed
for the project.
Is in charge of
with the speakerMedia
Azachee, Weila Angela Marie A.
Magno, Frances Yvet F.
Arandia, Aleksandrea, L.
Azachee, Weila Angela Marie, A.
Bancoro, Renquist Gabrielle, D.
Ferrer, Valeria Isabel, C.
Jiro, Stefi Francesca Marieh, J.
Magno, Frances Yvet, F.
and seamstress
who will be invited,
as well as the
possible sponsors
for the project.
In charge of
creating the
poster, and teaser
video for the
project. Also, in
charge of taking
photos for
The researchers
are the
proponents of the
s IN
Contacting October Check the Through ‘Azachee,
of speaker 24, 2019 progress of the use of Weila
and invitation or Facebook Angela
seamstress response Messenge Marie, A.
from the r Bancoro,
speaker Renauist
every day Through Gabrielle,
through the use of D
email or email
Fundraising October The Through a Arandia,
event 17, 2019 Fundraising bake sale Aleksandr
event will ea, L.
be Azachee,
monitored Weila
and Angela
evaluated Marie, A,
up until the Bancoro,
third term Renquistof this Gabrielle,
semester. D
Isabel, C.
Jiro, Stefi
a Marieh,
Yvet, F.
Academic Decemb The The Arandia,
expo er 12-13, academic school will Aleksandr
2019 expo will be provide ea, L.
monitored the Azachee,
in order to transporta Weila
evaluate tion going Angela
what needs tothe Marie, A,
tobe communit Bancoro,
improved y of Sitio Renauist
onthe ‘Makabuh Gabrielle,
actual date ay, D
of the
20project Ferrer,
implement Valeria
ation. Isabel, C.
Jiro, Stefi
a Marieh,
Yet, F.
Gathering of February The will Arandia,
materials 22, 2020, gathering collect Aleksandr
of materials the ea,L.
will be set materials Azachee,
before the needed Weila
said date for the Angela
for the project Marie, A.
academic through Bancoro,
expo. The the Renquist
researchers seamstres Gabrielle,
will monitor sherself. D.
the Ferrer,
progress of Valeria
gathering Isabel, C.
2of the Jiro, Stefi
needed Francesc
materials a Marieh,
for the J.
project. Magno,
Yet, F.
Implementati March 4, After The Arandia,,
on of the 2020 evalvating project Aleksandr
project the will be ea, L.
progress held in ‘Azachee,
during the the Weila
academic Vermosa Angela
expo and Campus, Marie, A.
the needed the Bancoro,
improveme researche Renauist
nis in order rs will Gabrielle,
to have a handle D
successful the event Ferrer,
flow, the and there Valeria
researchers will be an Isabel, C.
will monitor assigned Jiro, Stefi
the event place Francesc
during the where the
22said date
for the
ation of the
project to
evaluate its
event will
be held,
a Marieh,
Yvet, F.
The group's goal was to create an impact on the women of Sitio Makabuhay and
this goal led to the idea of addressing more than one issue in the community which were
the financial, health and environmental aspects of the women. These issues were
addressed by the project of the group entitled "ECOPAD: An Environmental Awareness
Seminar and Workshop”. The group provided materials which were used by the women
who parlicipated in the event in order for them to learn how to make their own reusable
sanitary pads. On the day of implementation, the group was faced with a problem
regarding the venue. it tums out that the Testing Room that the group reserved was going
to be used by the people who will be taking the entrance examination. The group
mediately found an altemative venue where the seminar and workshop were going
to be conducted which was in the 12 L classroom. At the moment of discovering that the
testing room was going to be used by another group, it was a very big problem because
the rest of the venues were already reserved by other research groups. Fortunately, after
discussing the problem with the group's Research teacher and coordinator, the group
was able fo find a solution by having given permission to use the 12 L classroom. Despite
the problem that arose right before the project implementation, the most important thing
is that the group was able to come up with a solution with the help of faculty.
Arandia, A., Azachee, W. A. M., Bancoro, R. G., Ferrer, V. |. Jiro, $. F., & Magno, F. Y.
(2019). A Phenomenological Study on the Use of Single-use Sanitary Pads for the
Women in Sitio Makalbuhay. De La Salle Santiago Zobel School - Vermosa
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Villasenor, Karen L. Andes and Matthew C. Freeman, 'WASH in Schools
Empowers Girls' Education in Masbate Province and Metro Manila, Philippines
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Park, C. J., Barakat, R., Ulanov, A., Li, Z., Ling, P.-C., Chiu, K., ... Jay Ko, C.
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0.101 6/).reprotox.2019.01.005
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Figure 1.
Writing the context for the Project Proposal
7Figure 2.
Creating a draft for the Project Proposal and template.
Figure 3.
Finalizing the Project Proposal and template.
28Figure 4.
Fundraising Event: Bake Sale.
29Figure 5.
Preparation for CAPSTONE PROJECT: Writing invitation letters for speakers and
sponsorship letters for solicitations.
30Figure 6.
Preparing for the ECOPAD event and finalizing program flow.
Figure 1.
The signatories for the both invitation and sponsorship letters.
32Figure 2.
Finalizing Tokens for the Speaker and Seamstress.
Conscious Hol
Figure 3.
Finalizing the Napkit.
33Figure 4.
Finalizing decorations for the venue.
34Figure 5.
Introducing the CAPSTONE project to the community of Sitio MakabuhayFigure 6.
The Implementation of the Seminar and Workshop.
The group distributed one NapKit for each woman participant. The Napkit had ten (10)
materials. These materials were micro suede cloth, windproof cloth, terry cloth, two
pieces of Velcro, one pai of scissors, one pack of needles, one pack of pins, one roll of
thread, one vanishing pen and a set of three pattem cutouts.