Vogue July 2021 Malala Gcse Factsheet - 1
Vogue July 2021 Malala Gcse Factsheet - 1
Vogue July 2021 Malala Gcse Factsheet - 1
(July 2021)
Malala Yousafzai Front Cover
GCSE Component 1: Exploring the Media
Focus areas:
• Media language
• Representation
• Media contexts
EDUQAS Media – GCSE Factsheet
• The main coverline, the caption of Malala’s Vogue asserts its authority here to show you how to
own name, is the brightest text on the page. The get back into the dating game, with ‘LOVE AFTER
white clearly contrasts with the red background LOCKDOWN’, and to tell you what is in fashion in
celebrating her name and her status. Malala’s ‘THE SHAPE OF NOW: how to keep up, what to
name and her importance is highlighted and do and what to buy’. The use of alliterative language
framed by the italicised text: “The extraordinary (with Ls) is a rhetorical device that tells us that
life of” in white and “Survivor, activist, legend” Vogue is an authority on the subject.
in silver. This offers a measured sense of
symmetry with the masthead at the top. The important coverline on the right-hand side,
‘Vogue’s Guide to Summer Beauty’, affirms Vogue’s
The composition of the front cover follows the authority as the fashion bible. Sitting on a red
principles of traditional design. Applying the rule background, just above Malala’s shoulder, it doesn’t
of thirds, the masthead at the top and the centred need to say any more. It balances the layout with the
Malala captions at the bottom frame the main image design of the left-hand side coverlines.
of Malala symmetrically, enhancing her status.
While the focus on the eyes seems slightly high for The coverline ‘FIGHTING TALK’ broadens the
the rule of thirds, the graceful hand gesture leads reader’s appeal from fashion fans of the model
the viewer back to look Malala in the eye, making Jourdan Dunn to sporting fans of the champion
her centre of attention. This format, together with boxer Anthony Joshua. This is another unlikely
the flow of text at the top and bottom, follows the feature for the magazine but shows how Vogue is
traditional Z-rule. widening the scope of its more traditional readers,
whilst possibly appealing to new readers who
Malala is shown in a medium close-up shot that wouldn’t expect a heavyweight boxing champion in
draws attention to both her facial expression as well the pages of Vogue. It demonstrates how Enninful is
as her body language and attire. The headscarf she taking his readers by surprise and leading the way.
wears indicates her culture and her religion and is
Possible areas for further investigation:
an essential part of her identity: Malala is a survivor
because she was shot in the face by the Taliban for • High production values are part of Vogue’s
being a 15-year-old Muslim girl who was seeking an branding, and using Nick Knight as star
education. (She has since graduated from Oxford.) photographer emphasises this. You could
She engages the reader with direct eye contact and a research his other work as a photographer and
slight smile – a mode of address that is personal and the recognition and accolades he has achieved.
welcoming but confident and self-assured. She is at
a level angle with us: we are invited to get closer to • Explore the selection of Jourdan Dunn and
her, to identify with her, but also admire her and look Anthony Joshua. What do they represent? Why
up to her as a role model, a legend even. have they been paired together in an interview?
Who do you think this article would appeal to?
On the cover, you can see how the captions used
to anchor the cover model elevate her status and Representation and contexts
importance. “Survivor” suggests she has overcome
Social, cultural and historical contexts:
being a victim and is now a powerful “activist”,
taking a political stance to drive her own • To show a Muslim woman wearing a headscarf
“extraordinary” narrative forwards. At the age of on the cover is highly unusual, even today.
just 23, she has achieved the accolade of a “legend” Historically, the editors of mainstream women’s
in less than 10 years. magazines claimed that featuring models of
colour on their front covers badly affected sales
The coverlines on the left-hand side all follow the of the magazine. Black and Asian models were
same chic minimalist design, a black uppercase underrepresented to such an extent that there
headline with an italicised subheading in white to was little evidence to support their claim: it
draw the reader into what is more familiar territory was simply accepted as fact. Naomi Campbell
for women’s lifestyle magazines: fashion, romance, has famously challenged the industry for
EDUQAS Media – GCSE Factsheet
this systemic racism throughout her career, rights and work for peace and democracy in
advocating wider diversity for all, from the Afghanistan and its neighbouring countries.
1990s through to the 21st century. She was the In a Newsnight interview (August 2021), she
first Black cover model on Vogue in many of its expressed her concerns for the physical safety of
international editions, and she first featured on women and girls in Afghanistan, their access to
the cover of British Vogue in December 1987. education and their freedom to work. Although
Black models on the covers of Vogue UK were there is no direct reference to this on the cover,
few and far between. According to The Guardian Malala is recognised as an education activist
newspaper, between the August 2002 edition opposed to the Taliban, and the news media were
of British Vogue (with Naomi Campbell as the full of stories discussing concerns about the
cover star) and 2014, a period of 12 years, “146 plight of ordinary Afghan people following the
covers have been shot, edited and distributed evacuation at this time. The activist caption on
to newsstands and not one has featured an the cover anchors this.
individual black model.”
https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable- Listen to this interview with Malala on her fears
business/black-model-british-vogue-naomi- for the rights of Afghan women and girls:
campbell-racism https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09sfp7d.
Conde Nast would have deliberately addressed Representations of ethnicity and gender:
this when they appointed Edward Enninful as
editor in 2017, not only the first man to edit the • As a female education activist of Pakistani
magazine but also the first Black person. Since origin, Malala seems like an unlikely cover
then, Vogue covers have celebrated diversity model for the fashion bible. The editor explains
not just through race and ethnicity but also age, their choice: she is an inspirational figure who
gender and size. Naomi Campbell has joined Ed has achieved so much, against all odds, at such
Enninful’s board of directors at Vogue. a young age. In the introduction to the issue,
Enninful writes “When it comes to people I
• In April 2018, British Vogue’s cover featured a admire, Malala Yousafzai is right at the top. At
group of models of all colours, ages and sizes, 23, the world’s most famous university graduate
and included the first model to wear a hijab as a has already lived so many lives. Activist,
symbol of her religion. It got everyone talking author, tireless campaigner for girls’ education,
about it, prompting wider cultural awareness daughter, sister, student and survivor. It’s hard
of issues of representation. “You might not to believe it was only a decade ago that she was
care about fashion but having women of colour a young teenager with a passion for learning,
represented on the UK cover of the fashion bible living in Pakistan’s Taliban-controlled Swat
is a big deal. This is how true diversity happens” Valley, blogging about her experience for the
wrote Chitra Ramaswamy. BBC and giving a voice to girls denied the right
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/ to learn. A near-fatal attempt on her life in 2012
apr/03/halima-aden-why-a-model-wearing-a- – or what she calls “the incident” – brought her
hijab-on-the-cover-of-vogue-matters to Britain for specialist surgery. But she didn’t
stop there.”
• In terms of its political historical context, this (SOURCE: Editor’s letter, Vogue issue July 2021
issue was published at a time when British https://www.vogue.co.uk/news/article/malala-
and American troops were preparing to leave vogue-cover)
Afghanistan for good, in August 2021, after
a twenty-year battle to combat al-Qaeda and • The construction of Malala’s representation
extremist terrorist following the attacks of includes the choice of the colour red for her
11 September 2001. The Taliban were taking outfit, headscarf and lipstick all merging with
control of the country and there were concerns the warm red background. You could explore
for the safety of people left behind. Malala was various cultural codes for what the colour red
making her voice heard on an international stage, symbolises. In this context, the red is joyous,
calling for world leaders to protect humanitarian strong and powerful. One important connotation
EDUQAS Media – GCSE Factsheet
for Malala’s religion and culture is that red is a Areas for further investigation:
colour of celebration, often the colour used for
marriage. • Look at the awards Edward Enninful has
received since becoming a trailblazing editor at
• The headscarf Malala wears, a dupatta rather Vogue.
than a hijab, is an important part of her cultural
identity. In the interview inside the magazine, • Compare how British magazine covers have
she explains that the headscarf is a “cultural celebrated cultural diversity on their covers in
symbol for us Pashtuns” and represents her roots response to Ed Enninful’s lead.
as a Sunni Muslim of Pashtun ethnicity. She • Research Malala’s achievements since “the
continues, “And Muslim girls or Pashtun girls or incident”.
Pakistani girls, when we follow our traditional
dress, we’re considered to be oppressed, or • You could research how different audiences
voiceless, or living under patriarchy. I want responded to this Malala Vogue cover. Once
to tell everyone that you can have your voice again, Ed Enninful got everyone talking about it,
within your culture, and you can have equality in but not everyone liked it.
your culture.” The way the soft fabric is gently
folded over her neck and shoulders creates a
classic elegant look that is iconic and even gives
it a mythic status, which links with the caption
“legend”. In contrast, her lipstick, nail polish and
gold jewellery suggest that she is also at home
in her new culture, living as a confident young
woman in Britain today.
(SOURCE https://www.vogue.co.uk/news/