7.3 Lesson
7.3 Lesson
7.3 Lesson
Task 2. Find the opposite words from the box. Which are adjectives nouns or verbs?
Translate the following words into your own language.
explicitly advocate enhance emerges multiplier
The more prudent view of the information revolution implies that information technologies
enhance military operations through better intelligence, target acquisition and communications,
permitting long-range precision strikes thanks to high-tech sensors, computers and advanced
platforms, including satellites.
Within this approach, information technologies essentially function as “force multipliers”. This
interpretation rests on the assumption that the combination of surveillance and target acquisition
with stand-off precision weapons allows for accurate strikes against enemy forces.
The result would be that once the armed forces achieve so-called Dominant Battlespace
Knowledge (DBK) “only psychological reasons remain to justify most classical ground operations
except for territorial occupation”. This is essentially the same logic behind the idea that air power is
(at least potentially) superior in comparison to land and sea power, and that it may even be possible
to win wars through the sole use of stand-off weapons. Two implications of such precision air
strikes capability are more or less explicitly emphasized by RMA advocates.
The first is a considerable reduction of collateral damage, thus allowing for “clean” wars
perfectly suited for “post-heroic” warfare and contemporary “just war” theories. Secondly, and
more importantly, the combination of air power and precision weapons would minimize the risk of
own casualties.
In conclusion, nothing genuinely new about the role of information emerges in this perspective:
it is conceived as a long-established tool, strongly enhanced by new technologies, to wage war
more or less on the same terms described by classical strategic theorists such as Sun Tzu or Liddell
Task 4. Read the text and decide if these statements are true or false. If statement is false, try
to correct it.
1. According to the first paragraph, all military operations nowadays are carried out with the use of
computers and satellites.
2. Most ground operations can become needless with knowledge of DBK.
3. Land power is higher comparing to others.
4. With the use of precision weapons, the number of victims and losses will greatly decrease on
both sides.
5. The author describes the role of information in warfare as an ancient tool.
1. The military's main goal is __________ during a conflict, to ensure the safety of civilians and
their own troops.
2. Advanced technology has allowed for more accurate __________, minimizing the risk of civilian
3. One advantage of __________ is that they allow the military to maintain a safe distance from the
conflict zone while still being able to strike targets with deadly accuracy.
4. Developing a __________ gives countries the ability to quickly take out enemy targets with
minimal __________.
5. Diplomacy should always be pursued first, but sometimes nations are left with no choice but to
__________ to defend their sovereignty and protect their citizens from harm.
Task 6. Connect words and word combinations on the left with their translations on the right.
1. fighting gear a. виконавчий механізм
2. embedded b. зв'язаний
3. wearables c. взаємопов'язані датчики
4. edge computing d. який дає можливість
5. edge architecture e. обізнаність, інформованість
6. enabling f. вбудований, вмонтований
7. linking g. бойове спорядження
8. coherent h. великий інтерес
9. awareness i. оцінка ризику
10. risk assessment j. предмет одягу
11. interconnected sensors k. новітня архітектура
12. actuators l. периферійні обчислення
13. keen interest m. з'єднання
Task 7. Listen to the typescript about the Internet of Things and answer the questions.
1. What are scientists creating an Internet of Things for?
2. What is the purpose of the strong edge architecture?
3. What is the goal of the Internet of Battlefield Things?
4. What kind of information can analysts receive from the sensors?
5. What are the Army's plans for Internet of Battlefield Things devices?
Task 8. Complete the text using words and word combinations from Task 6. Note that there
are extra words.
IoB refers to the use of 1. ___ ___ and 2. ___ that are 3. ___ in 4. ___ ___ and 5. ___ that enable
faster and more 6. ___ decision-making on the battlefield. This strong 7. ___ ___ is made possible
by fast 8. ___ ___, which allows for real-time data processing and 9. ___ between different devices.
One of the main advantages of IoB is increased situational 10. ___ for soldiers. By having access to
real-time data soldiers can quickly assess risks and make informed decisions. This has led to a 11.
___ ___ in IoB technology among military organizations around the world.
Task 9. Write a short essay about your own experience (good and bed) of using information
technologies during your military service. Use target words from this unit in your essay (at
least 10 words, underline or highlight them).