Docker Notes

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Docker Overview:

Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers.

Containers provide a lightweight and consistent environment, ensuring that an
application and its dependencies run consistently across different environments.
Docker facilitates the packaging of an application and its dependencies into a single
container that can run on any Docker-enabled system.

Key Components of Docker:

1. Docker Engine:

o The core technology that enables building, shipping, and running

o Comprises a daemon process (dockerd), a REST API for interacting with
the daemon, and a command-line interface (docker).

2. Docker Image:

o A lightweight, standalone, and executable package that includes

everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code,
runtime, libraries, and system tools.

3. Container:

o An instance of a Docker image that can be executed as a process.

o Containers run in isolated user spaces on a host operating system.

4. Docker Hub:

o A cloud-based registry service for sharing Docker images.

o Developers can pull and push Docker images to and from Docker Hub.

Problems Docker Solves:

1. Consistent Environment:

o Ensures that an application runs the same way across development,

testing, and production environments.

2. Dependency Management:
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o Eliminates "it works on my machine" issues by encapsulating an

application and its dependencies in a container.

3. Isolation:

o Containers provide process and file system isolation, allowing multiple

applications to run on the same host without interfering with each

4. Resource Efficiency:

o Containers share the host OS kernel, making them more lightweight

and efficient compared to virtual machines.

5. Portability:

o Containers can run on any system with Docker installed, irrespective of

the underlying infrastructure or cloud provider.

6. Scalability:

o Enables easy scaling by replicating containers horizontally across

multiple hosts.

Examples of Docker Usage:

1. Web Applications:

o Docker is commonly used to package web applications and their

dependencies, making it easy to deploy and scale across different

2. Microservices Architecture:

o Docker is well-suited for deploying and managing microservices, where

different components of an application run in separate containers.

3. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

o Docker is often integrated into CI/CD pipelines to create a consistent

environment for testing and deploying applications.

4. Database Containers:
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o Docker allows packaging and running databases in containers, making

it easy to manage different database instances without conflicts.

5. Development Environments:

o Developers can use Docker to create development environments that

mirror production, reducing the "it works on my machine" problem.

6. Legacy Application Migration:

o Legacy applications can be containerized, allowing them to run in

modern environments without modification.

7. Serverless Architectures:

o Docker containers can be used as the underlying technology for

serverless platforms, providing a consistent and portable runtime for
serverless functions.
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A Dockerfile is a script that contains instructions for building a Docker image. It
specifies the base image, sets up the environment, installs dependencies, and defines
how the application should run. Let's go through the key components of a Dockerfile
using a simple example.

Example Dockerfile:
# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:3.8-slim

# Set the working directory in the container


# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app

COPY . /app

# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Make port 80 available to the world outside this container


# Define environment variable


# Run when the container launches

CMD ["python", ""]

1. FROM:

o Specifies the base image for the Docker image. In this case, it uses the official
Python 3.8 image as a starting point.


o Sets the working directory inside the container to /app. Subsequent

instructions will be executed in this directory.

3. COPY:

o Copies the current directory (the directory where the Dockerfile is located)
into the container at /app. This includes your application code.
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4. RUN:

o Executes commands in the container during the build process. In this example,
it installs the Python dependencies specified in requirements.txt.


o Informs Docker that the container will listen on the specified network ports at
runtime. It does not actually publish the ports; it's more of a documentation

6. ENV:

o Sets an environment variable, in this case, NAME with the value "World". This
variable can be accessed by the application inside the container.

7. CMD:

o Provides the default command to run when the container starts. In this
example, it runs python You can override this command when running
the container.

1. Save the above Dockerfile in a file named Dockerfile in your project directory.
2. Create a file named requirements.txt if your application has Python
dependencies. Add the necessary dependencies.
3. Create your Python application file (e.g., in the same directory.

4. Build the Docker image:

docker build -t my-python-app .

5. Run the Docker container:

docker run -p 4000:80 my-python-app

This example assumes a simple Python web application. Adjust the Dockerfile based
on your specific application, its dependencies, and how it needs to be executed
within the container.
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Docker Image
A Docker image is a lightweight, standalone, and executable software package that
includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime,
libraries, dependencies, and system tools. Docker images are built from a set of
instructions called a Dockerfile, which specifies the steps needed to create the image.

Here are some key concepts related to Docker images:

1. Containerization: Docker uses containerization technology to package

applications and their dependencies into a container. A container is a runnable
instance of a Docker image.

2. Dockerfile: A Dockerfile is a text document that contains instructions for

building a Docker image. It specifies the base image, sets up the environment,
installs dependencies, and defines how the application should run.

3. Layers: Docker images are built in layers, and each instruction in the
Dockerfile adds a new layer to the image. Layers are cached, and if a
Dockerfile hasn't changed, Docker can reuse existing layers, making the build
process more efficient.

4. Registry: Docker images can be stored and shared through a registry. Docker
Hub is a popular public registry, but you can also set up private registries for
more control over image distribution.

5. Base Image: The starting point for a Docker image is often a base image that
provides a minimal operating system environment. Common base images
include Alpine Linux, Ubuntu, and others.

6. Tag: Docker images can have tags to differentiate between different versions
or configurations of the same application. For example, an image might have
tags like "latest," "v1.0," or "development."

1. Pulling Docker Images:

a. Pulling an Image from Docker Hub:

docker pull imageName:tag

# Example: docker pull ubuntu:latest
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2. Listing Docker Images:

a. Listing Downloaded Images:

docker images

3. Removing Docker Images:

a. Removing an Image:

docker rmi imageName:tag

# Example: docker rmi ubuntu:latest

b. Removing All Unused Images:

docker image prune

4. Tagging Docker Images:

a. Tagging an Image:

docker tag sourceImage:tag targetImage:tag

# Example: docker tag ubuntu:latest my-ubuntu:latest

5. Building Docker Images:

a. Building an Image from a Dockerfile:

docker build -t imageName:tag path/to/Dockerfile

# Example: docker build -t my-node-app:latest .

6. Inspecting Docker Images:

a. Inspecting Image Metadata:

docker image inspect imageName:tag

# Example: docker image inspect ubuntu:latest

b. Displaying Image Layers:

docker image history imageName:tag

# Example: docker image history ubuntu:latest
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7. Saving and Loading Docker Images:

a. Saving an Image to a TAR file:

docker save -o output.tar imageName:tag

# Example: docker save -o ubuntu_latest.tar ubuntu:latest

b. Loading an Image from a TAR file:

docker load -i input.tar

# Example: docker load -i ubuntu_latest.tar

8. Exporting and Importing Docker Images:

a. Exporting an Image to a TAR file:

docker export -o output.tar containerName

# Example: docker export -o ubuntu_container.tar ubuntu_container

b. Importing an Image from a TAR file:

docker import input.tar imageName:tag

# Example: docker import ubuntu_container.tar my-ubuntu-container:latest

These commands cover various aspects of working with Docker images, including
pulling, listing, removing, tagging, building, inspecting, and managing images. Adjust
these examples based on your specific use cases and requirements.
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Docker Container
Docker containers are instances of Docker images, and they encapsulate applications
and their dependencies, allowing them to run consistently across different
environments. Here are some basic Docker container commands with examples:

1. Pulling an Image: To download a Docker image from a registry (e.g., Docker

Hub), you use the docker pull command. For example, to pull the official
Nginx image:
docker pull nginx
2. Running a Container: To run a container from an image, you use the docker
run command. For example, to start a basic Nginx web server:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx

o -d: Run the container in the background (detached mode).

o -p 8080:80: Map port 8080 on the host to port 80 on the container.
3. Listing Running Containers: To see the list of running containers, you use
the docker ps command:
docker ps
4. Stopping a Container: To stop a running container, you use the docker
stop command and specify the container ID or name:
docker stop <container_id or container_name>

5. Starting a Stopped Container: To start a stopped container:

docker start <container_id or container_name>

6. Removing a Container: To remove a container, you use the docker
rm command and specify the container ID or name:
docker rm <container_id or container_name>

7. Viewing Container Logs: To view the logs of a running container:

docker logs <container_id or container_name>

8. Executing Commands in a Running Container: To execute a command

inside a running container:

docker exec -it <container_id or container_name> /bin/bash

This opens an interactive shell (bash) inside the container.

These are basic commands, and Docker provides many more options and features
for managing containers.
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Docker Compose
Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker
applications. It allows you to define a multi-container application in a single file, then
spin up the entire application stack with a single command. Here's an overview of
Docker Compose with examples:

1. Compose File:
Docker Compose configurations are written in YAML format and typically
named docker-compose.yml. This file defines services, networks, and volumes for your
Example docker-compose.yml for a simple web application with a web server and a
version: '3'
image: nginx:latest
- "8080:80"
image: postgres:latest
POSTGRES_DB: mydatabase

2. Services:
Each service in the docker-compose.yml file corresponds to a container. In the example
above, there are two services: web and db.

3. Building and Running Containers:

To build and run the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file:
docker-compose up

• The -d flag can be used to run the containers in the background.

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4. Stopping Containers:
To stop the running containers:

docker-compose down

• The down command stops and removes containers, networks, and volumes defined in
the docker-compose.yml file.

5. Scaling Services:
You can scale services easily. For example, to run three instances of the web service:
docker-compose up --scale web=3 -d

6. Environment Variables:
You can define environment variables for services in the docker-compose.yml file. In
the example, the db service uses environment variables for configuring the
PostgreSQL database.

7. Volumes:
Docker Compose allows you to define volumes to persist data between container
restarts. For example, adding a volume for the web service:
image: nginx:latest
- "8080:80"
- ./html:/usr/share/nginx/html
In this case, the ./html directory on the host is mounted to
the /usr/share/nginx/html directory in the web container.

8. Networks:
Docker Compose automatically creates a default network for your services to
communicate. You can define custom networks and specify which services should be
connected to them.
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- custom_network
- custom_network
In this example, both the web and db services are connected to the custom_network.

9. Override Compose File:

You can use an override file (e.g., docker-compose.override.yml) to add or override
settings in the main docker-compose.yml file. This is useful for local development or

10. Docker Compose Commands:

• docker-compose ps: List containers.
• docker-compose exec <service_name> <command> : Execute a command in a running
• docker-compose logs: View container logs.

Docker Compose simplifies the process of managing multi-container applications,

making it easier to define, configure, and run complex application stacks.
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Docker Network
Docker provides a networking feature that allows containers to communicate with
each other and with the outside world. Docker networking enables seamless
connectivity between containers on the same host or across multiple hosts in a
cluster. Here's an overview of Docker networking concepts along with examples:

Docker Networking Concepts:

1. Bridge Network:

o The default network type for containers.

o Containers on the same bridge network can communicate with each other.
o Each container gets its own IP address within the bridge network.

2. Host Network:

o Containers share the host's network stack.

o Containers can directly bind to host ports.

3. Overlay Network:

o Used for connecting containers across multiple Docker hosts (in a swarm
o Provides network abstraction, allowing containers to communicate as if they
are on the same host.
o Commonly used in Docker Swarm mode.

4. Macvlan Network:

o Allows containers to have their own MAC address, making them appear as
physical devices on the network.
o Useful when containers need to be part of an existing network.

5. User-Defined Bridge Network:

o Custom bridge networks can be created by users.

o Containers on the same custom bridge network can communicate with each

Docker Network Commands:

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1. Create a Custom Bridge Network:

docker network create mynetwork

2. Run a Container on a Specific Network:

docker run --network mynetwork --name mycontainer -d nginx

3. Inspect Network Details:

docker network inspect mynetwork

4. Connect a Container to a Network:

docker network connect mynetwork mycontainer

5. Disconnect a Container from a Network:

docker network disconnect mynetwork mycontainer

6. List Networks:

docker network ls

Example: Custom Bridge Network

1. Create a Custom Bridge Network:

docker network create mynetwork

2. Run Containers on the Custom Network:

3. docker run --network mynetwork --name container1 -d nginx

docker run --network mynetwork --name container2 -d nginx

4. Inspect Network Details:

docker network inspect mynetwork

Look for the containers under the "Containers" section.

5. Communication Between
Containers: Containers container1 and container2 can communicate with each
other using their container names as hostnames.
Docker networking is a powerful feature that facilitates communication between
containers, and it becomes especially crucial in scenarios where you have multiple
containers or services working together.
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Docker Volumes
Docker volumes are a way to persistently store and manage data used by Docker
containers. Volumes provide a mechanism for sharing data between containers, as
well as persisting data beyond the lifecycle of a single container. Here's an overview
of Docker volumes along with examples:

Docker Volume Concepts:

1. Named Volumes:

o Named volumes are a way to assign a specific name to a volume.

o They are easily referenced by name when attaching them to containers.
o Docker manages the volume's location on the host.

2. Bind Mounts:

o Bind mounts allow you to directly mount a directory from the host into a
o Data is shared between the host and the container in real-time.
o Docker does not manage the content of bind mounts.

Docker Volume Commands:

1. Create a Named Volume:

docker volume create mydata

2. List Volumes:

docker volume ls

3. Inspect Volume Details:

docker volume inspect mydata

4. Run a Container with a Named Volume:

docker run -d --name mycontainer -v mydata:/path/in/container nginx

This command runs an Nginx container and creates/uses the named volume
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5. Run a Container with a Bind Mount:

docker run -d --name mycontainer -v /host/path:/path/in/container nginx

This command runs an Nginx container and mounts the host directory
"/host/path" into the container.

6. Inspect Container Mounts:

docker inspect mycontainer

Look for the "Mounts" section to see the volume or bind mount details.

Example: Named Volume

1. Create a Named Volume:

docker volume create mydata

2. Run a Container with the Named Volume:

docker run -d --name mycontainer -v mydata:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx

This command runs an Nginx container with the named volume "mydata"
mounted to the container's "/usr/share/nginx/html" directory.

3. Write Data to the Volume:

4. docker exec -it mycontainer sh

5. echo "Hello, Docker Volumes!" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

6. Verify Data Persistence: Stop and remove the container, then run a new
container using the same named volume:

7. docker rm -f mycontainer
docker run -d --name newcontainer -v mydata:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx

The new container should have the same data written to the volume.

Example: Bind Mount

1. Run a Container with a Bind Mount:

docker run -d --name mycontainer -v /host/path:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx

This command runs an Nginx container with a bind mount, linking the host
directory "/host/path" to the container's "/usr/share/nginx/html" directory.
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2. Write Data to the Bind Mount: You can add or modify files directly on the
host in the "/host/path" directory.

3. Verify Data Sharing: Changes made on the host in "/host/path" are reflected
inside the container at "/usr/share/nginx/html."

Docker volumes are essential for managing data in containerized applications,

allowing for data persistence, sharing, and easy management across container

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