Positioning of Splitter Vanes in Centrifugal Pumps 3

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26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15 (2012) 062055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062055

Experimental studies on the optimization design of a low

specific speed centrifugal pump

J F Zhang, Y Yuan, S Q Yuan, W G Lu, J P Yuan

Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and technology, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu
212013, China


Abstract. Start your abstract here…For a low specific speed centrifugal pump with the
requirement of high efficiency of 68% and non-overload power characteristics, series
experimental studies, by matching 9 volutes with 19 impellers were done. By combining the
former research results about the splitters and the non-overload theory in centrifugal pump, the
theoretical conditions to achieve the property of non-overload in a centrifugal pump with
splitters was analyzed, and formulas to estimate the maximum shaft power and its position are
derived. Based on the requirement of high efficiency and non-overload, blade outlet angle β 2 ,
blade outlet width b2 , volute throat area Ft and the inlet diameter of splitters Di were chosen
with three levels to design a normal L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal test scheme. Meanwhile, the
optimized design scheme was determined, and corresponding test was done also, it
demonstrates that the experiment purpose was reached, the design method to combine the
splitters and non-overload theory is reasonable, which can get the property of high efficiency
and non-overload.

1. Introduction
Yuan [1-3] revealed that the splitter blade technique is one of the techniques to solve three hydraulic
problems of low specific speed centrifugal pumps (lower efficiency, drooping head-flow curve and
easily overloaded brake horsepower characteristics).
Miyamoto et al.[4] examined the influence of splitter blades on the flow and performance by
measuring the velocity and pressure in un-shrouded and shrouded impeller passages.M Asuaje et al.[5]
studied the splitter blades effect on the performance of a centrifugal pump through both numerical
simulation and experimental results.Experimental studies were made to investigate the effects of
splitter blade length on deep well pump performance for different blade numbers[6, 7]. And the
authors used an ANN(Artificial Neural Network) instead of expensive experiments to predict the
performance of deep well pumps with and without splitter blades[8, 9]. These ANNs predicted results
show good agreement between the predicted and experimental values.
To know more about the influence of splitter on the pump performance, and to obtain a useful
design method to direct practical design. We also conducted an optimization and PIV test to study the
influence of splitter blades on the flow of centrifugal pump impeller. And further PIV tests, a L 9 (34)
orthogonal test, and many corresponding optimizations from CFD simulation were introduced in the

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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

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26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15 (2012) 062055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062055

In this paper, for a low specific speed centrifugal pump with the requirement of high efficiency of
68% and non-overload power characteristics, series experimental studies were done. By combining the
former research results about the splitters and the non-overload theory in centrifugal pump, the
theoretical conditions to achieve the property of non-overload in a centrifugal pump with splitters was
analyzed, and formulas to estimate the maximum shaft power and corresponding flow rate are derived,
which also verified by a series tests.

2. Empirical exploration
The given operation parameters of a centrifugal pump are presented: Q = 50 m3/h, H = 55.0 m, n =
2900 r/min, n s =62, with the requirements η=68%, NPSHR =3m, and non-overload at the whole flow
rates, and the maximum power must be less than the 1.1 times of the rated power.
For the design work, there are two difficulties: the first is the high efficiency, for the low specific
speed pump with n s =62, the rated value at the National stander GB13007 is 62.2%, the requirement is
higher than that by about 6%, and the second difficulty is the non-overload requirement at the
meantime. For conventional design methods, it is difficult to unite the requirements of high efficiency
and non-overload at the meantime. The Greater flow rate design method can increase the efficiency,
while the power characteristics may be worse, for the design method of Non-overload, which is
presented by Yuan[2], can improve the power characteristics based on decreasing some efficiency. So
no exiting method can be referred, we must do a lot of work to explore a new method to unite the two
requirements. The design method with splitter blades can improve the pump performance, so splitters
are used in our study to increase the efficiency and the throat area and the sections of volute are used
to aim at the non-overload requirement.

2.1. Design schemes

Based on design experience, about twenty impellers and nine volutes are designed. The main design
parameters of the impellers are list in Table 1. And the change laws of the nine volutes’ section area
are shown in Fig.1, which is roughly increasing with the section number, with corresponding change
for the D 3 and b 3 . And the photos for the pump and several volutes are shown in Fig.2.
And many tests were done for different match of the impellers and volutes, the number of the
matching schemes are list in Table 2.
Table 1. Main design parameters of impellers
No. Main parameters of impellers
D2 b2 D1 z β2 Φ D si
1 215 8 92 5+5 32 105 108
3 215 12/9 92 5+5 15 110 108
5 224 7/6 92 5+5 13.5 100 158
6 224 9 92 6 20 110 --
7 224 12 92 5+5 13.5 115 168
8 224 12 92 6 13 150 --
9 240 5 80 4+4 13.5 180 168
11 238 6 80 4+4 15 180 151
12 224 9 90 5+5 14 160 166
13 238 7 80 6 11 200 --

26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15 (2012) 062055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062055

Table 2. Empirical design schemes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 ① ② 23 24

1 ③
2 ④ ⑤

1 ⑥ ⑦
2 ⑧

1 ⑨

2 ⑩
3 11

4 21

1 12 13
2 14 26

8 15

9 16 17

11 18 19

12 20

13 22

Figure 1. Change law of the volute sections area

26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15 (2012) 062055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062055

The No.4 volute the No.6 volute the No.8 volute

Figure 2. The pump and several volutes

2.2. Experimental analysis

From large amount matching experiments, the No.4 volute is found to be the best design to match
several impellers, which can meet the demand primarily. And the test results are shown in Fig.3. And
the No.6 and No.8 volutes also have some good matching results.
From the present study, we can get the conclusion that, the parameters of impeller, especially
impeller with splitters, have more influence in the high efficiency, and the design of volute throat and
sections change have more influence in the power characteristics. While there are so many parameters
are changed at the same time, it is very complicated to find the main effect factors. Based on these
empirical explorations, further study for the non-overload characteristics with high efficiency should
be done.

Figure 3. Results of impellers matching with the No.4 volute

3. Study on the non-overload characteristics

3.1. Theoretical analyses

From the Euler equations for pump and the non-overload theory presented by Yuan[2], the theory to
realize non-overload characteristics for the for the centrifugal pump with splitter blades are derived,
Eq.(1) is the theoretical requirement to realize non-overload, and the Eq.(2) and Eq.(3) are the pre-
estimating formula for the maximum power and its corresponding flow rate.
µa ui2 + µb u22 − µa µb ui2 =
2 µa uiν mi∞ ctg βi
+ 2 µb u2ν m 2 ∞ ctg β 2 − 2 µb µa uiν mi∞ ctg β i
K 2 ρ QP max
=Pmax {µa (ui − ν mi∞ ctg βi )ui
2η mηv (2)
+ µb [(u2 − ν m 2 ∞ ctg β 2 )u2 − (ui − ν mi∞ ctg βi ) µa ui ]}
K1 [(1 − µb ) µa ui2 + µb u22 ]ηv π D2 b2 Di bi
QP max = (3)
2[ µb u2 Di bi ctg β 2 + (1 − µb ) µa ui D2 b2 ctg βi ]

26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15 (2012) 062055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062055

where µa = slip factor for the H a∞ , H a∞ = theoretical head created by the part without splitters,
1.1(1 + sin β i ) 1
µa =
[1 + × ]−1 (4)
z1 1 − ( D1 / Di ) 2

µb = slip factor for the H b∞ , H b∞ = theoretical head created by the part with splitters,
1.1(1 + sin β 2 ) 1
µb = [1 + × ]−1 ,
zt 1 − ( Di / D2 ) 2

K 1 , K 2 = correction coefficient, recommend: K1 = 0.85 ~ 0.95 , K 2 = 0.8 ~ 0.9 .

From the Eq.(2) and Eq.(3) , we can see that, the design parameters, such as
D2、z、β 2、b2、Di、ψ 2 are the important factors, which influent the P max and QP max , except that D 1 ,
the geometry and F t are also have great influence in the pump performance. An Orthogonal test is set
to choose an optimization design parameters to explore the influence law of the efficiency, P max
and QP max , and the importance order.

3.2. Orthogonal test

3.2.1. The definition of test factors. As we know, D 2 is one of the most important factors to pump
performance, but from exiting study, the present D 2 can meet the requirement? So the β 2 、b 2 、D si 、
F t , with three levels, are chosen as the test factors, a L 9 (34)Orthogonal test schemes are designed,
as shown in Table 3 and Table 4.
Table 3. Factor level
Level\factors A/β 2 B/ b 2 C/ D/ F t
1 13 6 151 996.9
2 15 9 158 1428.7
3 18 12 168 1716.0
Table 4. Orthogonal test schemes
schemes factors
1 A1 B1 C1 D1
2 A1 B2 C2 D2
3 A1 B3 C3 D3
4 A2 B1 C2 D3
5 A2 B2 C3 D1
6 A2 B3 C1 D2
7 A3 B1 C3 D2
8 A3 B2 C1 D3
9 A3 B3 C2 D1

3.2.2. Test. The impellers were machined by the technology of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM),
whose material is plastic named ABS. and the volutes are machined by casting, as shown in the Fig.4.
As shown in Fig.5, most of the tests were carried on the open test rig, which is belonging to the
Machinery Industry Drain and Irrigation Production Quality Detecting Center, with accuracy of II
class. The test data is fetched and processed by a computer automatically.

26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15 (2012) 062055 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062055

(1) impellers machined by FDM (2)volutes machines by casting

1 motor 2 torque converter 3 pump 4 pressure sender at the inlet of pump 5 valve at the inlet of
pump 6 turbine flow meter 7 valve at the outlet of pump 8 pressure sender at the outlet of pump
Figure 4. test models

3.2.3. Test results analysis. Table 5 collects all the test results, which list the rated points, the point
with the maximum power, and the corresponding flow rate. From the test data analysis, nine pumps all
have the maximum power value, among them,the maximum power value of the No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
pumps are smaller than the rated power value, while the head of the No. 1, 4, 7 pumps are so lower
than the requirement, and the power of the No. 3, 8 pumps are near the rated power, and the
corresponding flow rate with the maximum power of the No. 3, 6, 8, 9 are much larger than the rated
flow rate.
Table 5. Collection of test results
Rated point the maximum η point the maximum P point
Q H η Q H η QP max Pmax

1 45.01 45.82 58.18 45.23 45.39 58.53 49.59 9.60

2 51.50 57.17 64.17 62.01 50.84 65.30 74.82 13.48
3 55.42 61.19 65.12 66.27 56.26 66.31 85.08 16.30
4 49.31 50.41 60.67 52.65 46.16 61.12 58.77 10.95
5 52.21 60.81 65.33 63.13 54.80 66.32 82.48 15.15
6 56.18 66.67 67.51 71.91 60.62 70.05 90.41 17.98
7 49.55 54.25 64.02 60.60 47.34 64.62 67.83 12.20
8 53.21 61.58 65.04 70.51 54.38 66.54 91.39 16.67
9 56.25 68.02 66.01 70.03 63.52 68.66 98.69 19.87

3.2.4. Further analysis of the test data. K i is the sum of the data at the row of i(i=1, 2, 3), k i is the
arithmetical mean value, k i = K i /s, where s is the number of the factor, at this study, s=3, R is
range, R max{k1 , k2 , k3 } − min{k1 , k2 , k3 } .Generally, the value of R reflect the influence of factors in
the test results, a larger range means much more importance of the factor.

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