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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume :02/Issue :10/October -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com


Abhishek R. Laddha*1, Prof. R.M. Jadhav*2
*1,2Civil Engineering, Late G N Sapkal College Of Engineering, Nashik, India.
Now a day’s most of structural elements are made of reinforced cement concrete. In which concrete is
provided to sustain compressive stresses. Hence compressive strength of concrete is main aspect which is
to be known.
Compressive strength of concrete is determined by compressive testing machine. According to IS 516, the
loading intensity of compression testing machine is to kept 140 kg/cm2/min when test for compression
are carried out. It’s found that load rate as per IS specifications is time consuming and tedious and hence
generally avoided. Hence in some cases; strength of concrete is tested at different loading intensities or at
site manual compression testing machine are used; which has different of loading different than IS code
specifications, which violets IS code and hence true strength of concrete is not obtained.
For above purpose, in this work M20 and M25 grade of concrete is used because it is commonly used are
tested in compression testing machine under various loading intensities. The compressive strength
results obtained after test on compression testing machine are interpreted. Correction factor is
determined from relationship between compressive strength at various loading intensities and result
analysis. Suitable correction factor is proposed for determining the true strength of concrete at varying
loading intensity.
Keywords: Compressive strength, Loading intensities.
Food, clothes and shelter are basic necessities of human being and the structural engineering serves one
of the basic need of man i.e. Shelter. From Stone Age to up till now man trying to improve his shelter.
From last 5-6 decades improvement of structures technology has extraordinarily boosted. Now in 21st
century man want to rise up and up to construct taller, stronger and serviceable structures. Nowadays
most of structures are made of reinforced cement concrete. The concrete in this structure mainly sustain
compressive stresses. Hence compressive strength of concrete one of main aspect. According to IS: 516-
1956 the loading intensity on compressive testing machine for testing compressive strength of concrete is
140kg/sq.cm./min. It’s found that load rate according IS specifications is time consuming and tedious and
hence gradually avoided. Through market survey is done, we observed that many institutes and
laboratories doesn’t follow the prescribed rate of loading and thus not comply with IS codes. There is no
availability of pace rate adjuster. Also manually operated CTM was majorly found at site. As time required
to test concrete cubes by loading intensity according to IS i.e. 140kg/cm2/min is very high it is not
followed on site. It is observed the time taken to test a cube is 20 seconds to 1minutes which generates
the rate of loading as between 300kg/cm2/min to 750kg/cm2/min. The compressive strength of concrete
in some cases onsite is determined on manually operated compression testing machine. The rate of
loading in such cases cannot be determined accurately and it violets the code specifications. The rate of
loading in some cases is not considered by precision and hence violets code. The rate of loading applied
by manually operated compression testing machine is generally 8 to10 times greater than the code
specifications. It has been observed that strength increase as rate of loading increases. This is not the true
strength and hence we get inaccurate results. False strength of concrete proves fatal as it may fail due to
various factors in long terms. Therefore, to ensure the functional performance and safety of structure it is
necessary to determine the true strength of concrete.

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume :02/Issue :10/October -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
Phase 1 : Selection and availability of material
Phase2: Testing of material
Phase3: Mix design for M20 grade concrete
Phase4: Testing of specimen
Phase5: Interpretation of results
Phase 6: Obtaining conclusions.
For this experiment 150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm cubes of concrete will be casted using M20 and M25
grade of concrete. Specimens made with concrete according to above mix design. After 24 hours
specimens will removed from mould and they are placed for water curing for 28 days. After curing, the
specimens are tested for compressive strength using compression testing machine. After curing, the
specimens are tested for compressive strength using compression testing machine. According to IS
specification the rate of loading of compression testing machine is 140kg/sq.cm./min. ,but in our work
the cube are tested for various different loading intensities. The change in compressive strength with
respect to change in rate of loading is studied. Nine number cubes of each M20 and M25 grades are tested
for different loading intensities on compression testing machine. The compressive strength of all
specimen is noted for various loading intensities.
These are following results obtained after testing of specimen.
Table 4.1: Compressive strength for M20 cubes specimen for various loading intensities.

Rate of loading Compressive strength

Specimen number
(kg/cm2/min) (N/mm2)

1 40 22.81

2 65 23.92

3 90 24.01

4 130 24.22
5 140 24.48

6 240 25.98
7 375 27.26

8 515 29.91

9 720 32.18

Table-4.2: Compressive strength for M25 cubes specimen for various loading intensities.

Rate of loading Compressive strength

Specimen number
(kg/cm2/min) (N/mm2)

1 40 20.44

2 67 22.09
3 94 24.95

4 124 26.01

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume :02/Issue :10/October -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com

5 140 26.06
6 281 29.81

7 390 30.11
8 540 32.91

9 690 34.01

A factor used to reduce the amount of deviation in a measurement to obtain the accurate value is called
correction factor. To correct the strength obtained at higher rate of loading, The correction factor shall be
such that it will reduce the obtained strength at rate of loading greater than 140kg/cm2/min and increase
it at loading rate less than 140kg/cm2/min. The correction factor changes according grade of concrete.
Correction factor for M20 grade which is found by considering strength obtained at 140kg/cm2/min as

Rate of loading Compressive strength

Specimen number Correction factor
(kg/cm2/min) (N/mm2)

1 40 22.81 0.9317

2 65 23.92 0.9776

3 90 24.01 0.9808

4 130 24.22 0.9893

5 IS value(datum) 140 24.48 1

6 240 25.98 1.0678

7 375 27.26 1.1135

8 515 29.91 1.2218

9 720 32.18 1.3145

Correction factor for M25 grade which is found by considering strength obtained at 140kg/cm2/min as

Rate of loading Compressive strength

Specimen number Correction factor
(kg/cm2/min) (N/mm2)

1 40 20.44 0.7843

2 67 22.09 0.8476

3 94 24.95 0.9574
4 124 26.01 0.9980

5 IS value(datum) 140 26.06 1

6 281 29.81 1.1438

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume :02/Issue :10/October -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com

7 390 30.11 1.1554

8 540 32.91 1.2628

9 690 34.01 1.3050

Following figure shows graph of rate of loading vs correction factor M20 grade of concrete. The graph was
plotted with respect to the data obtained from above table. The abscissa in graph represents the rate of
loading whereas the ordinate represent correction factor. The graph gives an equation of curve and this
equation gives the correction factor for particular rate of loading.

Fig.-4.1: Graph of M20 concrete specimen for rate of loading various correction factor.
Following figure shows graph of rate of loading vs correction factor M25 grade of concrete. The graph was
plotted with respect to the data obtained from above table. The abscissa in graph represents the rate of
loading whereas the ordinate represent correction factor. The graph gives an equation of curve and this
equation gives the correction factor for particular rate of loading.

Fig.4.2: Graph for M25 concrete specimen for rate of loading vs correction factor.

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume :02/Issue :10/October -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
Implementation of correction factor:
In order to determine the true strength of concrete cube, the obtained strength shall be divided by
suitable correction factor. By knowing the time required in testing, the rate of loading applied during
testing can be calculated as shown below:
Rate of loading =strength obtained in N / (9.81x225xtime in minutes)
The equation of graph corresponding to its grade is given in the results. Substituting the vale of x that is
rate of loading, The equation of graph corresponding to its grade is given in the results. Substituting the
value of x that is rate of loading, the corresponding value of y that is correction factor can be obtained. On
dividing the obtained strength by the correction factor, the corrected strength of specimen shall be
 As there is variation in rate of loading on compression testing machine on concrete specimen, the
compression strength varies proportionately.
 As higher the rate of loading, the compressive strength of concrete increases and as lower rate of
loading, the compressive strength of concrete decreases.
 The equation derived from the graph of rate of loading vs correction factor enables to find the
correction with respect to rate of loading.
 Correction factor is enable to compute the true compressive strength of concrete, hence it is
important aspect
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www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume :02/Issue :10/October -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
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