Measuring The Business Cycle
Measuring The Business Cycle
Measuring The Business Cycle
Hodrick-Prescott Filter
First-differencing eliminates the trend component but it
amplifies the effect of high frequency noise
• Y(t) denotes the actual GDP at time t, the trend component is
denoted Ytg and the cyclical component Ytc.
• The mean value of the cyclical component is 1 (an assumption
that is convenient as will be seen below). In other words,
Yt = Yt g × Yt c
E[Yt ] = Yt g
ln(Yt ) = ln(Yt g ) + ln(Yt c )
E[Yt c ] = 1
y t = ln(Yt ) g t = ln(Yt g ) ct = ln(Yt c )
y t = g t + ct
There are, potentially, many different models that can be
used. For example, we may assume that the growth rate is
constant over time. This implies that the trend is a straight
line (a linear trend). The cyclical component is then current
GDP growth minus a constant growth term.
The value of λ is
• Yearly data λ=100
• Quarterly data λ=1600
• Monthly data λ=14400
Figure 1.2
Natural Logarithm of Per Capita Real
Yt = Yt g × Yt c
ln(Yt ) = ln(Yt g ) + ln(Yt c )
yt = g t + ct
Yt = Yt g × Yt c
ln(Yt ) = ln(Yt g ) + ln(Yt c )
yt = g t + ct
ct = yt − g t