Writing Short Film Scripts 10 Pages
Writing Short Film Scripts 10 Pages
Writing Short Film Scripts 10 Pages
Short Film
A Student Guide to Film-making
Samuel Taye
Script 1
Plot 6
Character 12
Theme 15
Language/Dialogue 18
Music/Rhythm 27
Spectacle/Surprise 29
Summary 31
Formatting 34
Support 38
Producer 40
Writer 42
Director 43
Other possible roles 46
Storyboard 54
Prepare schedules
and call sheets 74
Do your research
and work hard 81
Stick to short and
long-term deadlines 82
Communicate on
all matters 84
Shoot 87
Shape 101
Screen 111
Evaluation and
self-assessment 112
Get your film out there 114
Making another film 117
Acknowledgements 122
The book is invaluable for secondary school teachers and their students in the areas of
Media, Drama and English as it is:
a) relevant, focusing on aspects of the curriculum in the areas of media, production,
teamwork, communication, creative writing and expression
b) comprehensive in its information on all areas of screenwriting and the steps
involved in writing and making a short film
c) easy to navigate, making it possible to locate material on all areas of the subject
quickly and efficiently
The book is divided into seven chapters, based on an inverted pyramid style of film
creation and production and the seven Ss.
Focusing on story, dialogue,
formatting, character, plot, SHAPE
theme, momentum and the
document itself.
The Seven Ss of Film-making
Focusing on the film-making team – 5 . SHOOT
producer, director, cast, crew, and Focusing on the shoot itself, things to
their roles and responsibilities. consider and be aware of.
Focusing on how to turn the script into a Focusing on the post-production stage
series of pictures and images able to be including the editing, music, sound
filmed. effects and pick-up shots required.
Focusing on structuring and Focusing on putting your film in front of
synchronising all aspects of the film an audience and using it as a ‘calling
before it is shot, such as the design, card’ to get into the industry.
locations, make-up, hair, catering and
any specific requirements of the film.
FILMS ARE A SERIES of pictures or images that tell a story communicating an idea
about the world. A film script, or document (regardless of the length), containing
dialogue and directions that actors, designers, directors and producers use to make a
film, is called a screenplay.
Myth buster
Is it possible to make a film without a screenplay? Yes, definitely.
Many short films are developed, produced and screened without using any kind of
written document. Even some feature films have been produced without a script, relying
on the characters improvising (making stuff up on the spot) and leaving the camera
rolling so the editor, after everything’s been filmed, can edit together ‘the best bits’.
understands the goal trying to be achieved – who the characters are, the locations
required, what they should look like, props, costumes, lighting and so on.
5. Audience expectations
To be kept engaged or interested, audiences generally expect a good story, a
character pursuing a goal, a beginning, middle and an end. These sorts of story
elements can be improved in the process of writing a script. They are harder to
refine and improve without writing them down and knowing scene by scene,
how the story unfolds.
So, we agree. To make a film, we need a screenplay. But how do you write one and what if
you can’t think of anything?
Myth buster
What if I’m not a writer? Every writer thinks that at some point, even the most
professional writers, even writers who have won awards and had their films
Chapter 1: Script 3
There are several websites on how to write and make a short film.
Here are a few to inspire you and get you started: http://www.
wikihow.com/Make-a-Short-Film or http://www.digitalfilmcrew.
com/2007/09/18/how-to-make-a-short-film-for-tropfest/ or
http://www.wheresthedrama.com. You can also google ‘how to make a short film’
and see what comes up.
4 Writing Short Film Scripts
• the day you kidnapped a celebrity (fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be).
Other triggers for ideas might be:
• something in your bedroom that holds a magic power