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Please check the examination details below before entering your candidate information Candidate surname AD Centre Number Candidate Number i = Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) ee 4PH1/2P Physics UNIT: 4PH1 PAPER: 2P You must have: Frotal Marks Ruler, calculator, Equation Booklet (enclosed) Instructions © Use black ink or ball-point pen. © Fill in the boxes 2t the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. © Answer all questions. © Answer the questions in the spaces provided ~ there may be more space than you need. © Show all the steps in any calculations and state the unit. Information © The total mark for this paper is 70. ‘© The marks for each question are shown in brackets — use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Advice ‘© Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. © Write your answers neatly and in good Enalish. © Try to answer every question. © Check your answers if you have time at the end. Turn over » evoossn MMT or eeaaaae roe s sHA OTe # PearsonAnswer ALL questions. Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box X. If you change your mind about an answer, put a line through the box 52 and then mark your new answer with a cross DC. 1 Astudent uses a watt-meter to measure the power of electrically-operated appliances. vay SIHLNI (a) State what is meant by the term power. nee tate, of Rois Moor > 3 VUV SIHLNI ALUM LON 0G 4 0 0 omeFORMULAE ‘You may find the following formulae useful energy transferred = current x voltage x time Ealxvxt frequenc z ea er work done PoWet = me taken tr power = S7e%9y transferred time taken orbital speed = 22% otitl radius y time period final speed} = (initial speed)? + (2 x acceleration x distance moved) Vau+(Qxaxs) Pressure x volume=constant Pix V,=p,xV, Pressure PP temperature ~ Constant Fuel change in momentum force = time taken change of wavelength _ velocity of a galaxy wavelength speed of ight change in thermal eneray = mass x specific heat capacity x change in temperature AQ=mxcx AT Where necessary, assume the acceleration of free fall, g = 10 m/s*, Reyes ponsaraguneg a7 4 2 IMM 10N 0a LMI vauy'st VIUV SIH NILA LON OG Ni aLRIMLON OG. Vauy SIH6 (©) The student measures the power output for a different appliance. Diagram 2 shows their raw data. wow .202W 201 2i3W> — 20w —201W Diagram 2 () The student identifies an anomalous result in their data. Draw a circle around the anomalous result. (ii) Calculate the mean power output for this appliance. Give your answer to three significant figures. Lar VtI0\ +200 1 Lo\ \ S t 100 Moun fe! pe lek a Coe a ee TOY ea Lo\ mean power output = (Total for Question 1 = 7 marks) P7095 380624 - VaUY SIHLNI ALUM LON OG VAUV SIH NIaLIYM JONOG VSUY SIHLNI LIMON OGDO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA | | | | | | (b) The student measures the mean power output (in watts) for six different appliances. Diagram 1 shows their results. Toaster = 1068W Kettle = 2025w Laptop = 47W Electric drill = 713W Television = 59W Hair dryer = 1511W Diagram 1 Draw a results table for the student's results. “Toagkey leg te \oGaw LOLSW Laptep Flea sae Dau ATW Tanti ston Saw “Haar Gao: || ee ee Diyen IStw oe 5 Turn over3 = ” = 2 a e = 5 5 2 3 8 DO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THES AREA ( | | (0) Acchild drops an egg from a height of 10cm and the egg lands on the floor. Explain why the egg is less likely to break if the floor is covered with a thick carpet than if the floor were covered in hard tiles. The me teben Low the Charge i bon G ttn 6€ Ate 4... MAON {Sore , RiCem babys ANON Bee Leas force “handed 4 it ey —— o bwo e (Total for Question 2 = 8 marks) ma ino rn over > uo Turn over2 This question is about momentum. (@) Which of these is the correct unit for momentum? DA ka/mis DB kgtm/s OD ¢ kgm/st MD kam/s (b) The diagram shows an object before and after an explosion. The object breaks into two parts, P and Q. The parts move away from each other in opposite directions. Q |} ——_+ 37 m/s object | stationary ve Pp 48kg 2.9kg 1.9kg Before After (0) State what is meant by the principle of conservation of momentum, | Momentin, bebe Cod oon | altey Cour N OA, = Mome Mn i) Calculate the magnitude of the velocity of part P after the explosion, Nae 40) 2 55a Lia WG-7 eel Vie OTR] 5 | velocity =. aa A 2A 082 7 men ne VaQY SIHLNIFLM LONOG VAUV SIHLNISLIYM LON OG V¥Y SIHLNI 3L1MJON 0GDO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA. < # 2 z = 2 Ee = S & 5 2 3 &g | | | | DO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA ( —_ HQ (b) Charger X transfers a charge of 10500C to the mobile phone battery. (i) State the formula linking charge, current and time. Cravge = Orwrert b hue (i) Calculate the time in minutes to transfer a charge of 10 500C to the battery. (OE = VL ¥ + ay lo S00 inert riti SOS = \Yb6warn (UG time = Charger Y can also be used to charge the mobile phone battery. Diagram 2 shows the information label for charger Y. Input voltage = 230V Output voltage = 5.0V Output current = 2.1 Diagram 2 Explain how the time taken to transfer the same amount of charge to the mobile phone battery will be affected when charger V is used instead of charger X. minutes | Las Hime voit be tabu, to Chouge Tee obit phone ation a TR GoMne. Annount of novae he O Rrargeer 2 ard At cunvenk YL aged * u Turn overPhone charger X contains a transformer and is used to charge the phone's battery, Diagram 1 shows the information on charger X. Input voltage = 230V Output voltage = 5.0V Output current = 2A Diagram 1 () (i) The power of the charger can be calculated using the formula power = current x voltage Calculate the output power of charger X. Se ealitd Cu output power = (ii) Calculate the input current to charger X. ‘Assume that charger X is 100% efficient. inpnteument =O Vc oes eA 01 0 24 VAY SIHLNI ALUM LON OG VaUY SIHLNIALIYM LON Oa \VaMY SIH NI JULYM JON OGf | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 Sound waves with a frequency above the range of human hearing are known as ultrasound. (a) State the frequency range for human hearing. 20.— 20,0001, (b) The frequency of ultrasound waves can be determined using an oscilloscope. ()) Give the name of the piace of apparatus that could be connected to the oscilloscope to detect the ultrasound waves. Microphone (i) The time period of the ultrasound waves must be measured to determine their frequency. Describe how the oscilloscope is used to measure the time period of the ultrasound waves. Use detect UUtyaso tard Waves: Adjust Tha ol dWownre tp. get. A Sk4ndu Avace - Adjust the Aine brse So a Connpete _ Wen © ihe, Gan, be, Visible Ow Saar vps Seen To measure ime pened ively the ime lease volte Dumibes ol hovizondad equaxed tO Lalde Ore Compete Lome Vay SIHL NIL LON OG. | | | | VAYY SIH.LNI 2LUM.LON OG VaUY SIHLNI 2LIUMLON O@| (©) Both chargers contain step-down transformers. Explain how a step-down transformer works. | You may include a diagram to support your answer. | A Goi Se. CLAN Y Qik Das (ype fue roreh | Aras Ad Qn, atieg fa fierce Ce he, BREN nal og. | fect tod ae Seen doy ON. Ne thle Voltaae, Dae oo\l) 8 ee Agwn trans lormex (eBuncor. {le \jolbage NUD Manaivadic. (ick | (Total for Question 3 = 15 marks) mg VSUY SIHLNI 311MM LON Oa VAY SIMA NETL LON OG 3 VaUV SIKL NIZLIUM LON Oa. ae| 5 (a) The table gives some statements about different parts of a nuclear reactor. | 16 Place ticks (v) in the boxes to show which statements are about the moderator and which statements are about a control rod in a nuclear reactor. absorbs excess neutrons il can be made of boron aa | can be made of water or graphite pe is lowered into or raised from the reactor core to adjust the rate of reaction reduces the speed of neutrons so they are eo more likely to cause fission (b) Describe the role of shielding around a nuclear reactor. | Py Wot an: Yakiahior fom Nh bY Bol 6 Flo ta. eal (Sion piodurate : VaUV SIFLLNI LIM LON 00 ANA A 00 om Wau SIHLNI ALUM LONCa Wau SIHLMIaLIIM JON OaDO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (0) The diagram shows the oscilloscope screen when an ultrasound wave is detected, The oscilloscope settings are also shown. oscilloscope settings: y direction: 1 square = 2V (Determine the time period of the ultrasound waves. G*XS%\o% x direction: 1 square = 5 x 10s = > Kip Sp = = time period = * +O s (il) Calculate the frequency of the ultrasound waves, pe oF P= 850251 2942 DS pete SEE (Tetal for Question 4 = 10 marks) c anaes 7 ree is 15 0 Tener 2| © The universe began with an event known as the Big Bang. (a) Describe how the size and temperature of the universe have changed since | the Big Bang, » Diivege w expand | 2. Om peradure sy Aeevtsd Mag | | | | (b) Discuss two pieces of evidence that ‘Support the Big Bang theory. | ru eI © CMBR preseak Rei uee, Ly Tee _Uiyeis¢ | eaveree Laan ; o We K yed cuitt o@ WX Y 2 Mee Putte, Ace Quiex }_Smitin ‘Tee Ayeatey : : } 0 The A deatter Me CAAT 1, | Feater the pax Donk Smee bY bag. (Total for Question 6 = 8 marks) ee . {N00 C0 0 0 0 0 ee | Yoru dn Suga tat Ve Lok Cong Rion Aware DPE pod Tu cteat Gf | > Wanelengnr of has Wcwesded cuiee & fon 2 Tere xe Aeielts 6 toae en gle ‘VANV SILI aLIUIM LON OG Vat SIHLNIALIUM LON 0a Yau SIMI NIZLIUA JON OG EL ne(©) Auranium fuel rod is made from fuel pellets that contain uranium-235 and uranium-238, 3 | Only uranium-235 undergoes nuclear fission in the reactor core. g 2 Energy is released when the uranium-235 nuclei undergo fission, z The box gives some data about a typical uranium fuel pellet. # eee e Total mass of uranium in fuel pellet 0.0088 kg $ Percentage (by mass) of uranium-235 in fuel pellet 3.0% 3 2 ‘Mass of uranium-235 atom 3.90% 10-%kg ‘Total energy released from fuel pellet due to fission 217 x 10") (i) Calculate the number of uranium-235 atoms in the fuel pellet. Pee - s Kaas = S37 x 6-008 E 264 rx0 = a = Zz = Gnd eg? = ; v 2 | number of uranium-235 atoms = g (il) Calculate the energy released when the nucleus of a single atom of | uranium-235 undergoes fission. o Dae So | BALvAY = =| = 2 32x tor" = energy released = J 2 2 | (Total for Question 5 = 9 marks) = 5 2 ° 8 000000 8 uth rt(c) The box shows the student's data. 9 Mass of aluminium block = 1.6kg y | Mass of water = 2.3kg | g Initial temperature of water = 20°C = | Maximum temperature of water = 38°C = 2 |Z (i) When the water reaches its maximum temperature, the water and me aluminium block are in thermal equilibrium. 3 3 State the temperature of the aluminium block as it reaches thermal ‘equilibrium with the water, temperature of aluminium = 8 7 (il) Calculate the temperature change of the water when it has been heated to its maximum temperature. 8 Zz g ° a (4 = | temperature change of water = *c Ls (ii) The water gains 190000 J of energy in its thermal store as it is heated to its = | maximum temperature. g Calculate the specific heat capacity of water. (%o000 = 2.2% 618 C (26,060 <= Ae a L.d «NB 3 z z & C= “Coody , g Kg © < s “600 S specific heat capacity of water srkg*e | 3 = gDO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE INTHIS AREA DO NOTWRITE IN THIS AREA 7 This question is about specific heat capacity. {a) State what is meant by the term specific heat capacity. lof a 14 of asuctace by 1% (b) A student uses this method to measure the specific heat capacity of water, + place an aluminium block of known mass in an oven at a temperature of 220°C place water of known mass in a container at a temperature of 20°C leave the aluminium block in the oven for 10 minutes + remove the aluminium block from the oven and place the block in the water measure the maximum temperature of the water after it has been heated by the aluminium block | The student uses their data to calculate the specific heat capacity of water. Give two ways that they could improve their method to increase the accuracy of | their value of specific heat capacity. 1. Move block Crom the oven to Watery 38 Soo) 22 _poraure Ht OeBead tlhe Mayes ta Hr aL tale AOA, = i Qragy retired Ternnerse tle temperatuleDO NOTWRITE INTHIS AREA DO NOT WRITE INTHIS AREA DO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA (d) After finishing the experiment, the student removes the aluminium block and places the container of water into a freezer. ‘The water loses energy at a constant rate and cools from 38°C to -20°C. ‘The water freezes and turns into ice at 0°C, Ice has a lower specific heat capacity than water. Use the axes to sketch a temperature-time graph from when the water is placed in the freezer until it reaches its lowest temperature. No calculations are required. 40 30 20 Temperature inec Time (Total for Question 7 = 13 marks) TOTAL FOR PAPER = 70 MARKS. ee {00 008 0 a PToge 5s 3A 02124 n
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