ft / MicroPython libraries / binascii - binary/ASCII conversions
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binascii — binary/ASCII conversions
This module implements a subset of the corresponding CPython module, as described below. For
more information, refer to the original CPython documentation: binascii .
This module implements conversions between binary data and various encodings of it in
ASCII form (in both directions).
binascii.hexlify(data [sep ])
Convert the bytes in the data object to a hexadecimal representation. Returns a bytes
If the additional argument sep is supplied it is used as a separator between hexadecimal
Convert hexadecimal data to binary representation. Returns bytes string. (.e. inverse of
Decode base64-encoded data, ignoring invalid characters in the input. Conforms to RFC
2045 s.6.8. Returns a bytes object.
binascii.b2a_base64(data, °,
Encode binary data in base64 format, as in RFC 3548. Returns the encoded data followed
by a newline character if newline is true, as a bytes object.