A. Review/Presenting New Pinoy Henyo Write down 5 health What is Almanac and Encyclopedia?
Lesson Guess the mathematical terminologies that we studied What are the use of the two?
terminologies yesterday.
B. Presenting of the new What do you think these logos are Create a dialog using the given picture.
lesson all about? Look at the following sources of Use different adverbs
information. Can you name
C. Developing mastery Read the following and identify Create sentences using the given
Find the root word and affixes of if it can be seen in Almanac or pictures. Your classmates will identify
the given health terminologies. Encyclopedia. the adverb of intensity that you use.
Write AL or EN Original File Submitted and Formatted
1. myocardium by DepEd Club Member - visit
answer= myo- (prefix) + card(ium) _______1.Sea games medalist depedclub.com for more
(root) _______2. Microscope
2. endocarditis _______3.Best basketball player
answer= endo- (prefix) + card _______4.Microorganism
(root) + -itis (suffix) _______5.Presidents of America
3. cytology _______6.Ballroom dancer
answer= cyt(o) (root) + -logy _______7. Earth’s crust
(suffix) _______8.Astronaut
4. gastroenterology _______9.Farmer’s planting
answer= gastr(o) (root) + enter(o) date
(root) + -logy (suffix) _______10. Skeletal System
5. adenoma
answer= aden(o) (root) + oma
D. Finding practical Why do we need to know or be What is the importance of using What is the importance of learning the
application of concepts familiar with different health almanac and encyclopedia in real life order and degrees of adverbs
and skills in daily living terminologies? situations?
E. Making generalizations What are the most commonly Differentiate almanac and There is a difference between “very”
used prefixes and suffixes in health encyclopedia?. and” too” - Very signifies a fact/ reality
terminologies? and too signifies excess.
G. Assignments Give examples of health 1. Give an example of Use the appropriate adverb of degree
terminologies with the following Encyclopedia.(book title) to fill in the blanks:
prefixes: 2. Christie Jones looked …………….
an- handsome at the award
ana ceremony.(rather,quite,very
3. 2. Melissa is an………………………..
fabulous cook. ( absolutely /
extremely )
4. 3. Picasso’s paintings
are…………………. well known.
( very, fairly, absolutely)
5. 4. The death of Robin Williams
has…………………shocked the
world. ( highly, really, rather)