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created by @wilmerHerediaVillca adapted by @dilanFierro.

Routine to increase growth hormone and lengthen leg bones.

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1. Recommendations
2. Lengthen Leg Bones and Raise HGH 3. Program
Summary and Recommended Training

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If you are reading this it is because surely you also tried countless things like me to
gain a few more centimeters to your height, since when I was 18 I averaged about
1.65 m, for years I tried many leg stretches.
YouTube, frequenting the gym, taking Grow Taller capsules, HGH 800, I even
injected myself with growth hormone, but it didn't work for me and from 18 to 26
with all those things and sacrifices I increased about 2 cm being about 1.67 m, but
Maybe it's just because of the good posture I acquired thanks to the stretching,
I was even thinking about having bone lengthening, I went to consult a specialist in that
field in my city, but partly I didn't want to do it because one becomes practically an
invalid for 8 months to 1 year until I found myself and took a risk with 2 training plans
as a last resort:

The first is Luis García's book, which practically consists of progressively more
complex stretches each week.

I acquired the second from a former NBA coach who recruited aspiring
NBA basketball players who could not be accepted due to their short stature.

And finally with these 2 training plans I managed to grow 6 cm at 26 years old, but a
little late because if I had encountered these programs years before, I would surely
have managed to grow more than 6 cm, but nothing is worse, so was that I went from
1.67 m to 1.73 m tall, I know that it is not a great height that I managed to grow to,
but in my country where I live (Bolivia), it is a height greater than the average
height that people have here. guys nowadays so I'm satisfied.

And well, to be honest, Luis García's book may not have helped me much, but rather
I think that what made me grow the most was the NBA program, since from the time I
was 18 to 26 I did stretching and I only increased 2 cm, but it may also be that
both programs combined have given the result of being able to increase 6 cm, since
doing the NBA program makes your body suffer tension and impact on the legs and
makes them elastic, so then doing the stretches of Luis García is when you fully
elongate and tension the ligaments of your legs and also decompress your spine as
much as possible.

In addition, these 2 plans will not only help you increase your height, but you
will also gain the following benefits:

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You will become lighter.

You will become more flexible.

You will gain more cardiovascular resistance.

You will have a more fibrous and defined body.

You will have more strength in your legs and torso.

You will lose body fat and by losing this fat your growth hormone will increase and you will
define your body.

So, taking all this introduction into account, I present to you the NBA Program.

1. Recommendations
1. Do not drink, Do not smoke.

2. Sleep at least 8 hours, better if you sleep without a pillow or with one
small pillow and face up, but the most important thing is that you have a deep sleep without

3. Do intermittent fasting, at least 16 hours a day for 3 days in a row, as it increases hgh levels, for
example, have dinner at 6 or 7 at night and do not eat anything other than water until the next
day at 10 or 11 in the morning, plus you will reduce body fat and define your body.

4. Try not to consume sugar, since sugar increases insulin levels and lowers hgh (growth hormone)
levels and also do intermittent fasting since it also reduces insulin levels and increases
HGH levels.

5. Try to live a stress-free life with a positive and persevering mind since this program is based on
increasing hgh levels and thus being able to increase your height, so stress and lack of rest slow
down the stimulation of hgh, thus that just the exercises are not enough.

6. Eat well, consume dairy products, yogurt, milk, queso, pollo, meat, vegetables, fruits, healthy and
nutritious foods, try not to consume boring foods or

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7. Drink a lot of water, at least 1 and a half liters of water, this to maintain
hydrated your body, especially the spine and thus prevent your invertebral discs
from compressing since if you noticed in the morning one is always taller by 1 or 2
cm since when sleeping the spine relaxes and decompresses, but with As the day
goes by, due to the weight of gravity, the vertebrae of the spine are compressed

8. Hang from a Bar, Another thing that will help you a lot is to hang from a bar, better
if it is completely vertical at least 3 times a day as much as you can hold, but
better if you do it as many times as you can with extra weight on your ankles
or waist.

2. Lengthen Leg Bones and Raise

Well, this basketball player Dennis Rodman grew 30 cm doing 2000 jumps a day and
high intensity sprints training for 3 to 4 hours and not only him... most NBA basketball
players... achieve their growth as children with sprints, jumps and kicks , (sprints,
maximum speed races in short time intervals). Of course, I do not recommend doing
the 2000 jumps because it can be very tiring and also each one has other problems
or activities in which they are related... so I recommend the following routine:

Sprints: Releases a large amount of HGH up to 700%, also causing micro

fractures in the bones of the legs, (i.e. high speed runs for 30 seconds and 90 to
120 seconds of rest between each repetition... start with 4 or 5 repetitions or
series and over time increase to 7 or 8 repetitions... The ideal is to do
it 3 or 4 times a week, but you can start with 2 or 3 times a week).

Jumps: After the sprint, perform basketball-type jumps, extending your hands to
the sky as if you wanted to reach something very high. You can start by doing
200 jumps a day, 20 at a time or 25 at a time, with 1 minute or 45 seconds of rest
between. each series of jumps and then you can progressively increase the
number of jumps both between series and total per day until you reach a total of

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400 or 500 jumps per day. You can do these jumps for 3 days in a row and
rest for 2 days…

Kicks: Perform kicks in the air, not karate type, but as if you were kicking a soccer
ball, but aligned and vertically... that is, visualize an imaginary object that is in front
of you at a height of about 20 or 30 cm from the ground and kick in such a way
as if you were kicking a soccer ball in a straight line.

You can do air kicks after jumping, on days when you don't have to do the sprint, or
you can do them every day. Do not apply all your strength to the kicks because you
could injure yourself... the ideal is to do 400 kicks a day for each leg, but you can
start with 100 kicks a day on each leg and increase each week. It is advisable
to do these exercises at night before going to sleep. It is also important when
you finish doing these exercises to stretch your muscles and warm up before doing the
sprint, since if you are injured or hurt your body will focus more on regenerating your
body and not This will secrete your growth hormone (HGH), so you will delay the
process of the program's objective.

Intermittent fasting: Something that many endocrinologists and

specialists recommend is that intermittent fasting helps a lot... 16 hours of fasting or
without eating for 3 days in a row increases your HGH by up to 300% and you
can rest from fasting for 1 or 2 days of fasting .

Hang from a bar: Completely vertical with a weight between 15 and 25

kg depending on your physical capacity, hold on as long as you can and do it at
least 4 times a day. One after waking up, another after Luis García's exercises,
another in the afternoon and the other just before going to sleep, this to stretch your
spine as much as possible by separating your vertebral discs, but do it as many times
as you can and use gloves to avoid hurting your hands. hands.
An example of this would be to place stones in a medium-sized bucket, tie the
handle of the bucket with the end of a rope and with the other end of the rope, tie it
to your waist and progressively increase the weight, and better if you additionally
get some weights. for the ankles of 5 kg per leg to fully stretch your spine and the
ligaments of your legs

Cycling (Optional): If you have a bicycle and the availability to go outside, then I
recommend cycling with the seat elevated, that is,

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Adjust the seat to a height that is somewhat difficult for you, pedaling and feel
that your legs are stretched when pedaling, and progressively, each
week increase the height of the seat by about 0.5 cm, you could do this in the
mornings after stretching. Luis García and then stretch your leg muscles and do
kicks to stretch your ligaments as much as possible. This could help you gain a few
more centimeters to your shin. I didn't do this, but I heard from many people over
20 years old that they gained a few centimeters thanks to cycling, and they also
gained more strength and resistance in their legs.

3. Program Summary and Recommended

Day Morning Exercises Evening Exercises Intermittent Fasting

5 sprint sets + 200

Luis García and 30
Monday jumps + 100 And
minutes of cycling
leg kicks

Luis García and 30 200 jumps + 100

Mars And
minutes of cycling leg kicks

5 sprint sets + 200

Luis García and 30 min
Wednesday jumps + 100 And
leg kicks

Luis García and 30 min

Thursday Rest No

Luis García and 30

Friday Rest No
minutes of cycling

5 sprint sets + 200

Luis García and 30 min
Saturday jumps + 100 And
leg kicks

200 jumps + 100

Sunday Rest And

leg kicks

5 sprint sets + 200

Luis García and 35
Monday jumps + 100 And
min of Cycling
leg kicks

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Day Morning Exercises Evening Exercises Intermittent Fasting

Luis García and 35

Mars Rest No
min of Cycling

Luis García and 35

Wednesday Rest No
min of Cycling

6 sprint sets + 250

Luis García and 35
Thursday jumps + 150 And
min of Cycling
leg kicks

Luis García and 35 250 jumps + 150

Friday And
min of Cycling leg kicks

6 sprint sets + 250

Luis García and 35 min
Saturday jumps + 150 And
leg kicks

Sunday Rest Rest No

Luis García and 40

Monday Rest No
minutes of cycling

6 sprint sets + 250

Luis García and 40 min
Mars jumps + 150 And
leg kicks

Luis García and 40 min 250 jumps + 150

Wednesday And
Cycling leg kicks

6 sprint sets + 250

Luis García and 40
Thursday jumps + 150 And
minutes of cycling
leg kicks

Luis García and 40

Friday Rest No
minutes of cycling

Luis García and 40 min

Saturday Rest No

7 sprint sets + 300

Sunday Rest jumps + 200 And

leg kicks

Luis García and 45 300 jumps + 200

Monday And
min of Cycling leg kicks

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Day Morning Exercises Evening Exercises Intermittent Fasting

7 sprint sets + 300

Luis García and 45
Mars jumps + 200 And
min of Cycling
leg kicks

Luis García and 45

Wednesday Rest No
min of Cycling

Luis García and 45 min

Thursday Rest No

7 sprint sets + 300

Luis García and 45
Friday jumps + 200 And
min of Cycling
leg kicks

Luis García and 45 300 jumps + 200

Saturday And
min of Cycling leg kicks

7 sprint sets +
Sunday Rest 300 jumps + 200 And

leg kicks

This routine is to begin with, so progressively increase the series of sprints,

the number of jumps and kicks every week or week and a half.

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