Q2e rw2 Unit4
Q2e rw2 Unit4
Q2e rw2 Unit4
taking notes
using the dictionary
writing an opinion paragraph
Unit Question
What makes
a competition
74 Unit 4
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b. I think professional athletes’ salaries are (too high / about right / too low).
Preview the unit
E Look at the list of sports below. Which sports do you think are the most
interesting to watch? Write the sports in order from most interesting (1) to
least interesting (8). Then discuss your answers with a partner.
1. Ramón is tall for his age, so he has an advantage when he plays basketball.
2. Our baseball team was very strong. We won the state championship.
3. When I compete against my brother in tennis, I usually lose.
4. Andy’s new bike had an immediate effect on his results. He won his next
three races.
5. The team’s financial situation is very bad. They don’t have enough money
to buy new uniforms.
6. My favorite sports include volleyball and soccer.
7. The limit for the number of people allowed in the club’s swimming pool
is 45. It is unsafe with more than 45 people.
8. Our soccer coach had a solution to our problem. She had us change positions.
a. (verb) to try to win or achieve something
b. (verb) to have someone or something as a part of
the whole
c. ( noun) a series of competitions to find the best player
or team
d. ( noun) a change that is caused by something; a result
e. (noun) something that helps you or that is useful
f. (noun) the greatest amount of something that is
possible or allowed
g. (noun) the answer to a question or problem
h. (adjective) connected with money
C. PREVIEW Scan the article to find the names of three teams and two
people. To find the answers quickly, scan for capital letters. Then look at
the title of the article. What do you think these teams and players have
in common?
D. QUICK WRITE Do you think wealthy teams are usually better teams? Why
or why not? Write a short paragraph to answer the question. If possible,
give examples to support your opinion. Be sure to use this section for
your Unit Assignment.
Sources: “Soccer Team Values,” Forbes Magazine, May 7, 2014; “Money and Sports,” from “Soccer Team Valuations,” Forbes
Magazine, April 8, 2009; “Soccer’s Richest Clubs Get Richer,” by Jack Gage; “In Pictures: 20 Top-Earning Players,” by Paul Maidment
and Christina Settimi and “The World’s Best Paid Soccer Players,” by Christina Settimi from Forbes Magazine, April 30, 2008.
4. Many sports fans feel that wealthy teams have an unfair advantage.
5. There are some easy solutions to the problem of wealthy teams having
an unfair advantage.
1. According to the article, which soccer team is the richest in the world?
2. How much money did Cristiano Ronaldo earn at the time this article was
written? Do you think he earned more when he played for Manchester
United or when he played for Real Madrid?
4. In the article, what are the two suggested solutions to the problem of
money in sports?
5. How are wealthy teams able to make money? Explain the three ways.
6. What happened in 2003 that changed the success of the Chelsea team?
E. Discuss with a partner the two suggested solutions in the article. Think
of a third solution and add it to the chart. Fill in the chart with the
advantages and disadvantages of each solution. Then complete the
sentences, giving your opinion of the best solution.
because .
2. Professional athletes earn very high salaries. Do you think their salaries
are too high? Why or why not?
B. Choose one of the questions in Activity A and write a response. Look back
at your Quick Write on page 78 as you think about what you learned.
3. Reread paragraph 6 in Reading 1 on page 79. Underline the main idea and
two supporting ideas.
C. PREVIEW Preview the reading. Read the first paragraph, the first
sentence of each supporting paragraph, and the last paragraph. What
would be the best subtitle for the article? Check (✓) your answer.
The Technology
1 Since ancient times, athletes have always use full-body suits made of this material, they
looked for ways to win competitions. Athletes swim faster and float better. The material also
can be winners with better training, better sends more oxygen to swimmers’ muscles.
coaching, and better food. They can also 4 Companies introduced these new high-tech
improve performance with better equipment: swimsuits in 2008. Soon after, swimmers
better shoes, better skis, or a better tennis using the suits began breaking world swim
racquet. Even the early Greeks used records at a surprising rate. In the 2008
engineering to make a better discus1 to Beijing Olympic Games, swimmers broke
throw. However, people want sports 25 world records. Twenty-three of those
to be fair. For this reason, sports swimmers wore the high-tech suits. By
organizations make rules about athletes, comparison, Olympic swimmers broke only
equipment, and the game itself. eight world records in 2004. Then, in the
2 Nowadays, new technology is helping 2009 World Championships, swimmers broke
athletes. From high-tech clothing to artificial 43 world records. People knew that the new
arms and legs, there are many new ways to suits were helping athletes. In January 2010,
improve performance. However, many people the Fédération Internationale de Natation
worry that technology can give some athletes (International Swimming Federation, or FINA)
an advantage. It can make competitions banned the high-tech suits. Most competitive
unfair. Also, often only wealthier athletes swimmers were happy about the ban. As
and teams can buy expensive, high-tech one Olympic swimmer said, “Swimming
equipment. Do we want the best athlete is actually swimming again. It’s not who’s
to win, or the athlete with the best equipment wearing what suit, who has what material.
to win? We’re all under the same guidelines 3.”
3 The story of high-tech swimsuits shows how 5 In the two years after the ban, swimmers
technology can make sports unfair. Several broke only two world records. Clearly the
years ago, sports engineers invented a new expensive, high-tech suits were the reason
material for swimsuits. It has many of the behind the faster swimming times. The suits
same qualities as shark 2 skin. When swimmers gave some swimmers an unfair advantage.
1 discus: a heavy, flat, round object thrown in a sporting event 3 guidelines: rules or instructions that are given by an official
2 shark: a large, often dangerous, ocean fish with many sharp teeth organization telling you how to do something
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Red years were Olympic Game years.
Source: http://engineeringsport.co.uk
B. Read one student’s notes for the article. Write the correct paragraph
number next to each note.
3. How did people know that the new swimsuit material gave swimmers an
6. According to the article, what are some high-tech inventions that may give
athletes an advantage in the future?
D. Read the statements about the graph on page 86. Write T (true) or
F (false). Then correct each false statement to make it true.
1. The graph shows the fastest times for women swimmers between
1990 and 2010.
2. The slowest time was in 2003, and the fastest time was in 2009.
2. Do you think it was a good idea to ban the swimsuit material in 2010?
Why or why not?
1. Think of a sport that you enjoy doing or watching. How has technology
changed the sport or its equipment? Is the sport safer than it was 50 years
ago? Is the sport easier to do?
2. In general, it seems that athletes perform better and are stronger than in
the past. Why do you think that is? What are some possible reasons?
ONLINE B. Go online to watch the video aerodynamic (adj.) designed to move quickly
video vocabulary
about special high-tech through the air
“skinsuits” used by the United
States speed skaters in the blame (n.) responsibility for something bad
2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, meltdown (n.) a situation in which something
Russia. Then check your fails in a sudden or dramatic way
comprehension. venting (v.) strongly expressing a feeling,
especially anger
C. Think about the unit video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss
these questions. Then choose one question and write a response.
1. In the Olympic Games, competitions should be fair. Do you think they are?
What can make a competition unfair at the Olympics?
d. compete
gain an advantage: There was fierce competition com•ple•Games
the Olympic ment 2 w /"kAmpl@m@nt/ verb [T] to
among the players for places on the team. x She is in go together well with: The colors of the furniture and
competition with three other people for the scholarship. x the carpet complement each other.
Competition from the national chains means that many com•ple•men•ta•ry| Reading and Writing
w /%kAmpl@"mEnt@ri ;- 89
small stores have had to close. 3 [U, sing.] the other "mEntri/ adj. going together well with something;
© Copyright Oxford University Press
people, companies, etc. who are trying to achieve adding something which the other thing does not
the same as you: If we are going to succeed, we must have: They work well together because their skills are
offer a better product than our competition. x laws to complementary: he’s practical and she’s creative.
4818711_Q2e_RW_SB2.indb 89 protect domestic industries from foreign competition
ˌcomplementary ˈangle noun [C] (MATH ) either 9/9/14 11:59 AM
3. Which example sentence shows that compete is not just for sports?
4. Using the example sentences as a guide, write two of your own sentences
with compete.
UNIT At the end of this unit, you will write an opinion paragraph about what makes
a competition unfair. This paragraph will include specific information from the
readings and your own ideas.
Writing Tip In an opinion paragraph, you want to make the reader agree with your opinion, so
you need to support your opinion with reasons and supporting details or examples.
Phrases that
introduce your Wealthy teams can sell tickets at high prices because fans want to see the top
opinions (I believe
that, I think that) can players in action.
make your opinions Second, television stations pay the teams to broadcast their games.
sound more polite.
Third, large companies support the best teams.
Your paragraph should end with a strong concluding sentence. Your concluding
sentence should restate the topic of your paragraph and your opinion about it.
For these reasons, I believe that the new equipment is unfair.
I feel strongly that money creates an unfair advantage in sports.
A. WRITING MODEL Read the model opinion paragraph. Then answer the
questions on page 92.
As technology becomes more and more advanced, athletes will soon have
contact lenses that do more than correct vision problems. High-tech contact
lenses can greatly improve eyesight so that an athlete’s eyesight is much stronger
than the average person’s. This gives an unfair advantage to some athletes. In
my opinion, sports organizations ought to have rules against contact lenses in
competitions. Eyesight is extremely important in sports like golf and baseball.
Athletes have to see objects that are very far away. For this reason, if they have
super-vision because of high-tech contact lenses, they will play better than other
athletes. We already have reports that this is true. Professional golfers say that
high-tech contact lenses have greatly improved their performance. The cost
is another reason I am against high-tech contact lenses. These lenses are too
expensive for many players. Players who cannot afford them are at a disadvantage.
For these reasons, I feel strongly that there must be rules against high-tech contact
lenses in some sports.
| Reading and Writing 91
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2. Where does the writer give background information about the topic?
Critical Thinking Tip B. Fill in the graphic organizer with information from the paragraph on page 91.
In Activity B, you
have to show your
understanding of Opinion
a reading text by
completing a graphic
organizer. Showing
information using Sports organizations ought to have .
a graphic organizer
is a good way to
analyze how writers
develop their ideas.
Reason Reason
Grammar Modals
One way to give your opinion is to use the modals should, should (not),
and ought to.
Professional athletes should have lower salaries.
Coaches ought to follow the rules.
I believe that disabled athletes should not compete against
able-bodied athletes.
Note that ought not is rarely used.
To make a very strong statement of your opinion, you can use must and must not.
Officials must allow disabled athletes to participate in the Olympic Games.
We must not let sports be unfair in our schools.
B. Complete the first part of these sentences using should, should not, or
ought to. Then finish the sentence with your own ideas. Use each modal
at least once. Then compare and discuss your answers with a partner.
UNIT In this assignment, you will write an opinion paragraph. As you prepare
your paragraph, think about the Unit Question, “What makes a competition
unfair?” Use information from Reading 1, Reading 2, the unit video, and
your work in this unit to support your opinion paragraph. Refer to the Self-
Assessment checklist on page 96.
ONLINE Go to the Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit
B. Plan Discuss your ideas from Activity A in a group. Then write your
opinions as a topic sentence for your paragraph and complete the
graphic organizer with your reasons and supporting details.
Opinion/Topic Sentence
Reason Reason
Writing Tip B. Rewrite Based on your partner’s review, revise and rewrite your
Remember to begin opinion paragraph.
your paragraph with
some background
information about
C. edit Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write the
the topic. Then final draft of your opinion paragraph. Be prepared to hand in your work
introduce your or discuss it in class.
opinion. See how
the writer did this
in the opinion
paragraph in Activity
A, on page 91. Yes No
■ ■ Do you support your opinion with reasons, supporting details,
and examples?
■ ■ Underline any modals in your paragraph. Do you use the base form
of verbs after modals?
■ ■ Is each word used correctly? Check a dictionary if you are not sure.
■ ■ Does the opinion paragraph include vocabulary from the unit?
■ ■ Did you check the paragraph for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?
Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to the
page(s) in parentheses.