MineDrainage Literature Review
MineDrainage Literature Review
MineDrainage Literature Review
Eric A. Marchand
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
Geological mapping and overburden data were used and analyzed by a modeling
program to identify areas of coal reserves that could be remined for the purpose of
improving water quality (Smith and Skema, 2001). A flue gas desulfurization byproduct
was used as a material for a mine seal due to its low hydraulic conductivity and high
alkalinity (Rudisell et al., 2001). Results of the study indicate that the seal has retained
water within the mine complex, resulting in decreased contaminant loads to receiving
waters. The effectiveness of bentonite as a barrier for containing acidic drainage was
assessed and results indicated that permeation of the bentonite by acid mine drainage
resulted in an increase in the hydraulic conductivity by more than an order of magnitude
(Kashir and Yanful, 2001). An investigation on the long term water quality trends at a
sealed, partially flooded underground mine was conducted and the authors reported an
increase in mine water pH from 2.7 to 5.3, a decrease in conductivity from 2700 to 600
S/cm, and a dissolved oxygen level less than 2% saturation (Stoertz et al., 2001).
Pyrite-containing mine waste was treated with phosphate or silica solutions to minimize
and control pyrite oxidation by creating an impermeable coating that prevented pyrite
oxidation (Evangelou, 2001). Field test plots of waste mine material amended with
alkaline paper mill waste exhibited lower acidity and metal concentrations in leachate
samples than control cells without the treatment, indicating that adding alkaline paper
mill waste either mixed with mine material or as a cover could be an effective technique
for minimizing mineral oxidation reactions (Chtaini et al., 2001). To improve the
groundwater quality in tailing piles and dumps, the addition of crushed limestone or a
mixture of limestone and fly ash was evaluated (Wisotzky and Obermann, 2001). Land
contaminated with lead and zinc processing wastes was reclaimed using
phytostabilization, which was deemed to be the most suitable management approach
for the area (Leteinturier et al., 2001). Frazer (2001) provided a review of the extent of
acid mine drainage in the United States and throughout the world and described
techniques prevent acid drainage from occurring and treat acidic drainage before it
enters a receiving stream.
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
Rocky Mountain streams, Griffith et al. (2001) used redundancy analysis (RDA) and
canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to assess relationships among the chemical
and physical characteristics of drainage water and macroinvertebrate community size.
The influence of acidic mine drainage on leaf litter in receiving streams was shown in
laboratory studies to decrease the rate of littoral breakdown, which was attributed to the
absence of shredders (Siefert and Mutz, 2001). Niyogi et al. (2001) conducted a similar
study of litter breakdown in a mountain stream and estimated the litter breakdown rates
from changes in mass of willow leaves in litterbags. The investigators found that the
biomass of shredding invertebrates was negatively related to the concentration
dissolved zinc and deposition of metal oxides and that microbial respiration was
positively related to the concentrations of nutrients. The toxic effect of heavy metals to
acetate-utilizing cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria was studied in an effort to identify
the optimal operating conditions for sulfate-reducing treatment systems (Utgikar et al.,
2001). The authors report that dissolved metal concentrations were effective as
indicators of the effect of heavy metals.
To identify the effect of acidic drainage on fish and insects, Saiki et al. (2001)
tested copper, cadmium, and zinc concentrations in juvenile Chinook salmon and
selected aquatic insects in the upper Sacramento River (California, USA). The results
of the study demonstrated that the dry-weight concentrations of copper, cadmium, and
zinc were generally greater in salmon and insects obtained from the study site than from
reference sites. The toxicity of acid mine drainage entering a stream was identified by
placing bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) at the confluence of a neutral stream and a
stream contaminated with acid mine drainage (Henry et al., 2001). The study
concluded that aluminum precipitation on the gills of the bluegill was more rapid than
iron accumulation and that mixing zones could be more toxic to fish than equilibrated
zones. Duis (2001) studied the toxic effect of acid mine drainage on the early life
stages of tench (Tinca tinca) and reported that at pH less than 5.5, tench embryos were
not able to survive.
The influence of limestone treatment was studied with respect to physiology and
behavior of stonefly nymphs and no significant difference was observed between
nymphs exposed to treated effluents and those exposed to non-polluted controls (Cole
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
et al., 2001a). Limestone neutralization of acid mine drainage was also found to
significantly decrease metal toxicity in brook charr compared to untreated drainage
water despite the presence of moderate manganese concentrations (3-4 mg/L) in the
limestone-treated water (Cole et al., 2001b). Another study tested blood physiological
variables as well as behavior in fish exposed to limestone-neutralized acid mine
drainage (Ross et al., 2001). The authors report that while elevated levels of carbon
dioxide or bicarbonate can lead to some behavior abnormalities in fish, the overall risk
associated with limestone neutralization are minimal. Grout and Levings (2001) studied
the effects of acid mine drainage from an abandoned copper mine on the growth of
transplanted blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and observed that the mine effluent had a
deleterious impact on mussel survival. A study of metal toxicity in plants (Mimulus
guttatus) indicated that the acquisition of multiple metal tolerance in this species was
due to independent genetic mechanisms for specific metals and was not associated
with tolerance to nickel (Tilstone and Macnair, 2001).
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
obtained. Lefebvre et al. (2001a and 2001b) developed a multiphase conceptual model
and applied a numerical simulation to represent the interaction of the multiple reactions
within a waste mine rock environment and utilized simulation results to predict the
effectiveness of control measures (application of a membrane barrier and layering of
tailings). Metal release from a copper mine in Italy (the Vigonzano mine) was
investigated by analyzing waste mine materials, surrounding surface soils, sediment
samples, and stream water (Dinelli and Tateo, 2001). The researchers report that the
alkaline character of ultramafic rock in the area limited the transport of metal
contamination from the mine. A multi-component reactive transport model
(REACTRAN2D) was used to simulate the transport of reactive species in saturated and
unsaturated groundwater systems affected by acid mine drainage (Gao et al., 2001).
The influence of physical and chemical heterogeneity associated with pyritic overburden
on solute leaching and the subsequent transport in a tailings pile were tested and
modeled for mineral systems with different relative sulfide content (Gerke et al., 2001).
Suspended particles associated with iron were found to significantly influence the
geochemical reactions in mountain streams and represented a potential source or sink
for phosphorus (Sullivan and Drever, 2001a). The influence of mine drainage on the
spatial and temporal (on both daily and seasonal scales) geochemistry of a high-
elevation mountain stream was studied and order of magnitude changes in geochemical
species were observed due to variations in stream dilution and precipitation of solids
(Sullivan and Drever, 2001b). Brooks et al. (2001) identified annual patterns for zinc
concentrations in mine drainage-impacted streams affected by snowmelt and reported
that a portion of the zinc flushed during snowmelt events was retarded (compared to
sulfate). The authors attributed this to interaction with cation exchange sites in soil and
sediment. The influence of pH on precipitation and dissolution of iron hydroxides,
photoreduction of dissolved iron and hydrous iron oxides, and oxidation of ferrous iron
was studied in an acid mine drainage-impacted mountain stream and diel changes in
iron species were characterized with a reactive solute transport model (McKnight et al.,
2001). In an effort to develop a predictive relationship between geochemical
parameters in mining polluted rivers, Gundersen and Steinnes (2001) sampled eight
rivers in Norway for metal concentration (copper, zinc, cadmium, and aluminum),
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
alkalinity, pH, and river discharge. Results of the study indicated that the dissolved
fractions of zinc, cadmium, and aluminum showed a negative correlation with river
discharge (i.e., they were low at high magnitudes of discharge) whereas copper
speciation was more directly influenced by the river pH. Cobalt and copper
geochemistry in the Kafue River (Zambia) was studied over a one year period
(Pettersson and Ingri, 2001). The authors report that the highest dissolved
concentrations of copper and iron were measured during periods of high water
discharge from the abandoned mine site, suggesting that washout of leached
weathering products from spoil heaps was a dominant factor in metal release.
A study of the hydrogeochemistry of mine, surface, and groundwater from a
mining-impacted creek (Korea) indicated that although the mine drainage contained
metals at concentrations tens to hundreds of times greater than the unpolluted surface
or groundwater, the majority of toxic metal pollutants were removed during precipitation
of aluminum and iron oxyhydroxides (Lee et al., 2001). In an effort to quantify
subsurface mine drainage inflow to Little Cottonwood Creek (Utah, USA), Kimball et al.
(2001) conducted a tracer injection and synoptic sampling study. Results of the
investigation indicated that inflow of acid mine drainage resulted in the formation of
colloidal mineral solids which adsorbed and accumulated on the streambed. To
quantify the effects of bacterially-induced mineralization of schwertmannite and jarosite
in sulfuric acid spring water, Kawano and Tomita (2001) conducted laboratory
incubation experiments to determine iron oxidation rates in the presence and absence
of bacteria. The study concluded that the iron oxidation rates for Fe2+ were 5.3 x 103 to
7.2 x 103 times greater in microbe-containing systems than abiotic systems, suggesting
that formation of the iron minerals is promoted by bacterially-mediated iron oxidation.
In an effort to model metal adsorption in sulfate-rich waters and better
understand the influence of adsorption reactions on metal speciation in acid mine
drainage, Swedlund and Webster (2001) conducted laboratory experiments to calculate
intrinsic adsorption constants for copper and zinc sorption to ferrihydrite and
schwertmannite. The authors report that metal adsorption could be accurately modeled
for both copper and zinc in the presence of ferrihydrite and schwertmannite. The
influence of dissolved ferrous iron (Fe2+) in acid mine drainage on the reductive
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
dissolution of MnO2 was investigated using a flow through reaction cell and synchrotron
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (Villinski et al., 2001). The authors observed a decrease
in the rate of manganese oxidation during the course of experiments and attributed this
to the formation of an intermediate, solid-phase complex on the mineral surface.
Microcosm experiments were performed with sediment samples obtained from a coal
mining-impacted lake to study the microbially-mediated release of sulfur under anoxic
conditions (Kusel et al., 2001). Results suggested that acid-tolerant sulfate-reducing
bacteria played an important role in the anoxic cycling of sulfur and that pH was an
important controlling factor.
A zeolitic material synthesized from coal fly ash was evaluated for heavy metal
removal from acid mine drainage waters (Moreno et al., 2001). The treated effluent
contained 0.1 mg/L or less for zinc, copper, manganese, lead, and cadmium with
removal of iron possible down to 0.8 mg/L. Both precipitation and cation exchange
were identified as the dominant removal mechanisms. Canty and Everett (2001)
conducted a physical and chemical evaluation of coal combustion byproducts (CCBs)
for treatment of metal-laden, acidic drainage water. The authors report that CCBs with
a high alkaline content, nonsetting characteristics, and a low content of exchangeable
toxic constituents may be effective for treating acid mine drainage streams. Morgan et
al. (2001) studied a one step ferrite process for treating iron and heavy metals in acid
drainage. Removal efficiencies up to 99.9% for iron were reported with production of a
solid product with good settling characteristics (sludge volume index, SVI, of 8 mL/g).
An investigation of copper adsorption on olivine concluded that the mineral has a high
acid buffer capacity and is an effective adsorbent for copper present in acidic drainage
(Kleiv et al., 2001). Underground mine water was found to have a deleterious effect on
the performance of a floatation process operating at a copper mine; however, by
adjusting the location of quicklime addition to the process, minimization of the negative
effects was achieved (Ng’andu, 2001).
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
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Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
fall; however, during the winter, dissolved iron and manganese were released. Diel
changes in iron concentration in a subsurface wetland were measured, with the lowest
iron concentrations measured during the day and higher concentrations at night (Goulet
and Pick, 2001b). As a result of these variable conditions, the authors suggest that
wetland performance can be overestimated when based solely on samples collected
during the day. The presence of cattails (Typha latifolia) was found to have no
significant effect on the accumulation and partitioning of metals in the surficial
sediments of a subsurface flow constructed wetland (Goulet and Pick, 2001c). Metal
retention in a constructed wetland was evaluated by measuring metal content of a
common pond snail (Helisoma trivolvis) (Goulet et al., 2001a). The authors report that
in general, metal concentrations in snails at the downstream end of the wetland were
higher than those near the inlet and suggested that the higher concentration of metal
particulates at downstream locations facilitated metal uptake from the metal
precipitates. A comparison of heavy metal accumulation in a natural and constructed
wetland receiving acid mine drainage indicated that loading rates and removal
efficiencies for most metals were generally higher in constructed wetlands than natural
systems (Mays and Edwards, 2001). Goulet et al. (2001b) studied the applicability of
the first order removal model for metal retention in a constructed wetland and reported
that the model was inadequate to predict metal retention on a seasonal basis. The
authors proposed that models incorporate both a temperature and hydrological variable
to account for seasonal changes.
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
and Brickett, 2001). Results from field testing of the gel probes resulted in significantly
different depth profiles from the SBR activity measured in situ. The authors reported
that selective use of the substrate material might account for the observed differences.
Conductivity measurements were correlated to SRB activity in fed-batch column
reactors treating acid mine drainage, with increases in conductivity observed during
treatment (Lyew and Sheppard, 2001). Benner et al. (2001) developed a model to
identify and predict preferential flow in reactive barriers used to treat metal-containing,
acidic drainage water. Model simulations indicated that the impact of heterogeneities in
the hydraulic conductivity (K) were a function of their location and distribution within the
barrier and more localized high K zones resulted in greater preferential flow.
Hallberg and Johnson (2001) compiled a review describing the biodiversity of
acidophilic prokaryotes in acidic environments. The authors examined the
characteristics of the different acidophiles identified to date and discussed novel
microbial cultures and their potential impact on acid generation reactions. In an effort to
study the microbial ecology of acid mine drainage environments and identify active
microbial species, Bond and Banfield (2001) developed and used oligonucleotide
probes and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques. In another study,
bacteria in acid mine drainage were monitored by reverse sample genome probing and
strains showing homology with T. ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus acidophilus were found
to be a major component of the microbial community (Leveille et al., 2001). This
enabled the authors to study the abundance and distribution of organisms, including
novel and uncultivated taxa, and better understand the specific influence of each group
on the catalysis of acid-producing reactions. The structure and diversity of microbial
mats in an acidic (pH 3.1) thermal (ca. 60oC) spring in Yellowstone National Park
(Wyoming, USA) was investigated (Jackson et al., 2001). Based on the experimental
results, the authors report that uncultured members of the Archaea microbial domain
may contribute to arsenite oxidation in the acidic hot springs. Provencio and Polyak
(2001) report the finding of iron oxide-rich filaments in a Lechuguilla Cave (New Mexico,
USA) and suggest that the samples represent fossilized, acidophilic iron-oxidizing
bacteria. The influence of acidophilic, iron-oxidizing microorganisms on iron-silicate
dissolution and subsequent solution neutralization was studied using model
Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
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Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
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Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
Brooks P.D.; McKnight D.M.; and Bencala K.E. (2001) Annual Maxima in Zn
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Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
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Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
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Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
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Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
Kang J.K.; Song Y.; Moon J.W.; and Moon H.S. (2001) Water Quality Impact of Mining
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Copyright © 2002 Water Environment Federation. Water Environment Research, Volume 74, Number 5
Literature Review 2002
Lefebvre R.; Hockley D.; Smolensky J.; and Gelinas P. (2001a) Multiphase Transfer
Processes in Waste Rock Piles Producing Acid Mine Drainage 1: Conceptual
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