Retaining Wall Crack Width Calc 4-12-19

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Project :

Constructure Client :

Design By :

Review By :

Hari Om
Design of Wall section as per IS:456-2000

Grade of concrete= 30 Mpa

Grade of steel= 500 Mpa
Width of member= 1000 mm
Absolute clear cover to reinf.= 30 mm
Mod. Of Elasticity of steel= 200000 Mpa
Mod.of.E. of concrete= 27386.128 Mpa
Modular ratio= 7.30 CRACK
Deselect check box for 0.2 mm crack width check WIDTH 0.1
Spacing of
Provided Dia of EXTRA Provided Dia of
Design Design Total required Area of steel Dia of ALTH. shear Shear Neutral Concrete Crack Reinf. Crack
Total depth provided to spacing of (secondary) spacing of Percentage steel tc No of shear Leg Lever Arm, Reinf. stress, Check for
SN WALL/RAFT Raft Panel Element moment, Mu Shear depth of member, required, Ast (Primary) reinf provided, Pt (%)
reinforcem Capacity Axis depth, stress, fc Strain, ϵ1 Strain, ϵ2 Strain, ϵm acr (mm) Width, w Depth check spacing width
Dreq. (mm)
member, D (mm)
( ALTH. bars, S reinf used, φ EXTRA bars, S N/mm2 Legs Zu (mm) fs (MPa) Shear
(KNm) Vu(KN) used, φ (mm) ent (kN) Xu (mm) (MPa) (mm) check check
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

1 RW1 SUPPORT EF 156.5 162.5 228.0 400 1070.8 12 180 16 180 0.48 0.49 200 2 10 302.5 84.16 333.9 179.01 7.42 0.0010174 0.0003385 0.0007 50.90 0.09 ok ok ok ok
2 MID WP 78 42 169.8 400 513.4 12 200 12 200 0.31 0.41 200 2 10 272.1 69.72 340.8 134.93 4.38 0.0007572 0.0005463 0.0002 55.61 0.03 ok ok ok ok
3 TOP EP 60 258.25 152.6 400 392.7 12 200 12 200 0.31 0.41 200 2 10 272.1 69.72 340.8 103.79 3.37 0.0005824 0.0005463 0.0000 55.61 0.01 ok ok ok ok

1 RW2 SUPPORT EF 84 64.25 175.1 300 789.1 12 200 12 200 0.43 0.47 200 2 8 180.6 58.29 244.6 202.46 7.86 0.0011894 0.0004185 0.0008 55.61 0.11 ok ok ok ok
2 MID WP 55 31.25 147.4 300 506.9 12 200 0 200 0.21 0.34 200 2 8 148.7 42.75 249.8 259.62 6.87 0.0015093 0.0008816 0.0006 100.28 0.12 ok ok ok ok
3 TOP EP 30 34.75 116.7 300 272.2 12 200 0 200 0.21 0.34 200 2 8 148.7 42.75 249.8 141.61 3.75 0.0008233 0.0008816 -0.0001 100.28 -0.01 ok ok ok ok

1 RW3 SUPPORT EF 226 188.875 268.0 400 1586.9 12 180 16 200 0.45 0.48 200 2 10 297.6 81.77 334.7 275.52 11.01 0.0015644 0.0003641 0.0012 50.90 0.16 ok ok ok ok
2 MID WP 116.5 90 200.9 400 786.0 12 180 16 200 0.45 0.48 200 2 10 297.6 81.77 334.7 142.03 5.67 0.0008064 0.0003641 0.0004 50.90 0.06 ok ok ok ok
3 TOP EP 136 282.75 214.6 400 923.8 12 180 16 200 0.45 0.48 200 2 10 297.6 81.77 334.7 165.80 6.62 0.0009414 0.0003641 0.0006 50.90 0.08 ok ok ok ok

1 RW4 SUPPORT EF 410 258.5 350.6 500 2289.7 16 180 20 180 0.62 0.54 200 2 8 352.2 119.34 420.2 227.25 10.90 0.0012696 0.0002452 0.0010 50.21 0.14 ok ok ok ok
2 MID WP 176 47.5 240.0 500 914.3 12 200 10 200 0.21 0.34 200 2 8 258.8 73.89 439.4 278.70 7.23 0.0015221 0.0008096 0.0007 55.61 0.11 ok ok ok ok
3 TOP EP 42 48.5 132.6 500 214.5 12 200 16 200 0.34 0.42 200 2 8 297.2 92.12 431.3 41.33 1.41 0.0002279 0.0004726 -0.0002 54.80 -0.04 ok ok ok ok

RW5 SUPPORT EF 54 105.75 146.3 300 497.4 12 200 12 200 0.43 0.47 200 2 8 180.6 58.29 244.6 130.15 5.05 0.0007646 0.0004185 0.0003 55.61 0.05 ok ok ok ok
MID WP 17 29.375 95.3 300 153.1 12 200 0 200 0.21 0.34 200 2 8 148.7 42.75 249.8 80.25 2.12 0.0004665 0.0008816 -0.0004 100.28 -0.08 ok ok ok ok
TOP EP 9.1 8.125 77.8 300 81.6 12 200 0 200 0.21 0.34 200 2 8 148.7 42.75 249.8 42.96 1.14 0.0002497 0.0008816 -0.0006 100.28 -0.12 ok ok ok ok

RW6 SUPPORT EF 110 168 196.0 300 1052.1 12 200 12 200 0.43 0.47 200 2 8 180.6 58.29 244.6 265.12 10.29 0.0015576 0.0004185 0.0011 55.61 0.16 ok ok ok ok
MID WP 110 120 196.0 300 1052.1 12 200 12 200 0.43 0.47 200 2 8 180.6 58.29 244.6 265.12 10.29 0.0015576 0.0004185 0.0011 55.61 0.16 ok ok ok ok
TOP EP 130 100 210.5 300 1285.6 12 200 16 200 0.60 0.54 200 2 8 199.1 66.90 239.7 230.18 10.81 0.0013751 0.0002903 0.0011 54.80 0.15 ok ok ok ok

RW7 SUPPORT EF 85 175 176.0 300 799.0 12 200 12 200 0.43 0.47 200 2 8 180.6 58.29 244.6 204.87 7.95 0.0012036 0.0004185 0.0008 55.61 0.11 ok ok ok ok
MID WP 90 8 180.2 300 848.9 12 200 10 200 0.36 0.43 200 2 8 172.3 54.19 245.9 254.61 9.00 0.0014915 0.0005009 0.0010 55.61 0.14 ok ok ok ok

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