LIC's Jeevan Utsav (Plan No. 871) : Benefit Illustration
LIC's Jeevan Utsav (Plan No. 871) : Benefit Illustration
LIC's Jeevan Utsav (Plan No. 871) : Benefit Illustration
Benefit Illustration
Distribution channel Online Agency name Not applicable Agency code Not applicable
Name of Age of
MOHAN KUMAR 31 years Date of illustration 08-01-2024
prospect/policyholder prospect/policyholder
Name of life assured MOHAN KUMAR Age of life assured 31 years Benefit UID/Proposal no. 240108092206696371
Mode of payment of
Policy term Whole life Premium payment term 12 years Yearly
Sum assured on death Instalment premium
Basic sum assured Rs. 50,00,000 50,00,000 3,78,475.00
(at inception of the policy) Rs. (for base plan)
This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the inforce policy.
Premium summary
Particular Base plan Riders1 Total instalment premium
Instalment premium without GST 3,78,475.00 0.00 3,78,475.00
Instalment premium with GST @ 4.50% (1st year) 3,95,506.00 0.00 3,95,506.00
Instalment premium with GST @ 2.25% (2nd year onwards) 3,86,990.69 0.00 3,86,990.69
GST rate shall be as applicable from time to time
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LIC's Jeevan Utsav (Plan No. 871)
(Amount in rupees)
Guaranteed benefits guaranteed
Policy year Annualized Guaranteed benefits
(end of premium2(C addition3 Minimum
year) umulative) Flexi Special
Maturity Death guaranteed
income surrender
benefit5 benefit surrender
benefit4 value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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LIC's Jeevan Utsav (Plan No. 871)
(Amount in rupees)
Guaranteed benefits guaranteed
Policy year Annualized Guaranteed benefits
(end of premium2(C addition3 Minimum
year) umulative) Flexi Special
Maturity Death guaranteed
income surrender
benefit5 benefit surrender
benefit4 value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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LIC's Jeevan Utsav (Plan No. 871)
(Amount in rupees)
Guaranteed benefits guaranteed
Policy year Annualized Guaranteed benefits
(end of premium2(C addition3 Minimum
year) umulative) Flexi Special
Maturity Death guaranteed
income surrender
benefit5 benefit surrender
benefit4 value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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LIC's Jeevan Utsav (Plan No. 871)
(Amount in rupees)
Guaranteed benefits guaranteed
Policy year Annualized Guaranteed benefits
(end of premium2(C addition3 Minimum
year) umulative) Flexi Special
Maturity Death guaranteed
income surrender
benefit5 benefit surrender
benefit4 value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The main objective of the illustration is that the client is able to appreciate the features of the product and the flow of the benefit with some level of quantification.
This illustration is applicable to a standard (from medical, life style and occupation point of view) life.
1. It includes rider(s) premiums in respect of all the rider(s) opted by the proposer / policyholder at inception of the policy.
2. Annualized premium excludes underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any, and goods & service tax. The
annualized premium shown is cumulative and payable during premium payment term only.
3. The guaranteed additions shall accrue at the end of each policy year, throughout the premium paying term.
4. On survival of life assured, the policyholder shall be eligible for flexi income benefit at the end of policy year. Policyholder shall have the flexibility to defer and accumulate
such flexi income benefit(s).
The Corporation shall pay interest on the deferred and accumulated flexi income benefit at the rate of 5.5% p.a. compounding yearly for completed months from its due
date till the date of withdrawal or surrender or death, whichever is earlier.
Policyholder on written request can withdraw once in a policy year, a maximum of 75% of balance accumulated flexi income benefit(s) including interest, if any, which has
not already been withdrawn and the net amount after withdrawal will continue to accumulate as mentioned above.
The accumulated flexi income benefit(s) due and not withdrawn along with interest (if any) shall be payable on death or surrender, whichever is earlier.
5. Maturity value is not available under this plan.
6. Special surrender value may however be payable, if it is more favourable to the policyholder. Special surrender value are subject to revision from time to time after prior
approval of the Regulator.
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