Inspector FIA Batch 3 Aug 21, 2023

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𝐅𝐈𝐀 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 #𝟑 𝐌𝐜𝐪𝐬
August 21, 2023
1. A few students are adept at copying.
2. She lost her bag.
3. Mother advised Molly not to go out in the winter.
4. She is Succeeded by working hard.
5. There were fi y chairs in the auditorium. Adjec ve
6. Can he be relied upon. Preposi on
7. He visited Eiffel Tower in Paris. Noun
8. Choose the correct plural form of the word sheep - sheep
9. Iden fy the correct tense: Present Past or Future
10. Which conjunc on is used to join two independent clauses? Coordina ng, Subordina ng
11. Iden fy the type of a sentence - Compound sentence
12. I was late because I got up late. Complex Sentence
13. A sentence must have a subject and ____? Predicate
14. Jonas takes his turn, and Josephine takes __________. Hers
15. Comma Punctua on
16. Find Pronoun: You
17. Which one of the following is a complete sentence? A. Over the bridge. B. The train number 49.
C. It was late. D. Both A&B.
18. Nuclear energy is ______ risky to be used commonly. A. too B. so C. that D. such
19. Find Adverb in very hard - very

20. 45/100 - 45%
21. Flag Length 40 cm & width 60 cm Ra o
22. What polynomial degree does x3 - x2y2 - 8y2+ 2 have? 2,3,4
23. 1 tonne = 1000kg
24. Difference between 15 and 3 mes a number u is 15 - 3u
25. The product for n and 6 is 125 can be expressed as nx6=125
26. a+7=7, 7 is constant variable or both
27. In how many ways ra os can be represented. 3,4,5
28. Ra o of prices of 3 bicycles can be represented in which ra o? Product ra o, Con nued Ra o,
Sum of ra o
29. Faiz’s cumula ve score in Math, Science and languages is 355. Math: English and English:
Languages given. Find Faiz’s score in Languages.
30. (c+d/e) +(e+c/d) = 9/8
31. A person gets 75000 votes out 150000 casted voted calculate percentage - 50%
32. Prices of dates a er 50% increase in first week of Ramadan and 25% in second week.
33. Ques on on Bank loan
34. Hibernia Roman Name of which Country? Ireland
35. Annapurna Mountain Range - Nepal
36. Sutherland Fall - New Zealand
37. Hiroshima is on which island - Honshu

38. Gases used In Welding? Oxygen & Acetylene
39. Ammar ibn Ali al-Mawsili invented Syringe
40. Ibne Sina Famous for Medicine
41. Aluminum Nitrate plus Aluminum powder is called Ammonal (Explosive)
42. Semiconductors Band Gap? Half filled
43. LASER - Coherent Light
44. Tri um Nucleus Composed of 1 proton & 2 neutrons
45. Environment of big city polluted by which Metal - Lead
46. Law of Iner a also known as 1st law of mo on
47. Which of the Following is Tissue in Human? Blood
48. Elephan asis is caused by: Roundworm.
49. Ripened ovary or fer lized ovary is called fruit.
50. If a body is moving in a circular mo on, its angular momentum will remain constant.
51. Torque is an example of vector product.
52. Branches of science - Geology
53. DNA formed from the combina on of different species to create genes with new func ons.
Recombinant DNA
54. Environmental factor is inversely propor onal to?
55. Chemical bonding ques on

Pakistan Affairs

56. 1919 Act Known As? Montego Chelmsford

57. Which Range Separated Indus Region & Baluchistan? Suliman & Kirthar ranges
58. Agha Khan University established in Year? 1983
59. Wafaqi Muhtasib established in Year? 1983
60. Contempt of Majlis Shura punishment? Six months imprisonment + 1 million fines
61. Public version of Pakistan’s first-ever na onal security policy was unveiled on Jan 14, 2022
62. IMF Reaches Staff-level Agreement with Pakistan on a US$3 billion Stand-By Arrangement.
63. Pakistan is the signatory of which climate agreement in 2015? Paris Agreement
64. Kashmir Day: 5th February
65. NWFP Par on from Punjab Year - 1901
66. 9th July 1948, Pakistan issued its first Postal Stamp.
67. Cons tu on of 1962 offered indirect form of elec ons.
68. Pakistan China rela ons get stronger a er 1962 Sino Indian war.
69. Lahore Resolu on 1940 also talked about Minority Rights
70. According to economist what will happen if IMF doesn't approve bailout package to Pakistan (a.
Unemployment b. Economic slowdown c. Infla on d. All of these)
71. Even a er signing the ICAP, Pakistan s ll faces (Answer Child labor)
72. From what points, Pakistan is s ll the worse country in gender gap: (a. Gender discrimina on b.
Harassment c. Domes c violence d. All of these)

Current Affairs

73. COAS Pak? Syed Asim Munir

74. Joint Chief of Staff Commi ee Pakistan? Gen Sahir Shamshad Mirza
75. Pak Ambassador To US? Masood khan
76. India’s External Affairs Minister - Jaishankar
77. Indian PM Narendra Modi visited US - June 20 - 24, 2023
78. Commonwealth Secretary? Patricia Scotland
79. Pak foreign secretary - Asad Majeed Khan
80. Ukraine President? Zelensky
81. Wagner Military Company President - Yevgeny Prigozhin
82. Ukraine war 2022 started because of Russia’s annexa on of Donbas
83. Nuclear Triad? Land, Air, Sea
84. Lost Titanic Submarine Name? (Titan, Oceangate)
85. Most Polluted River in the world - River Ravi


86. Founder of Bait ul muqadas? Hazrat Sulaiman (AS)

87. Mawakhat/Brotherhood Hijri? 1st Hijri
88. Sin of Shirk introduced in Which Prophet Era? Hazrat Noah (AS)
89. Hajj Obligatory in 9th Hijri
90. 1st Wahi Month? (Ramazan)
91. Number of Miracles of Mosses AS - 9
92. Shajarat al Mubaraka is the tree of Olives, fig, dates
93. Animal with Ashab e Kahaf - Dog
94. Safe House a er Fa ah Makkah - Abu Sufiyan
95. Samood was the na on of Hazrat Saleh (AS)
96. First food that will be presented to people in Paradise - Brain, Fish Liver, Chicken Legs

Inspector FIA and AD FIA wrong Answer Keys

From the past few days, many members gave different sugges ons on launching complaints against FPSC
about the issue. e.g., Mailing FPSC, ci zen portal. I agree to all of them but I have some sugges ons on
how to present our complaints.

1. Present a comparison of scores in your complaints

I appeared in Inspector FIA test batch 3 held on Aug 21, 2023. I have compiled approximately 96 mcqs of
batch 3 that I have a ached below. According to Answer key provided by FPSC, my score is 67/100 while
through analyzing compiled ques ons my score is nearly 80/96. So, the point is all the candidates
collaborate to compile mcqs of their respec ve batches and present a good comparison of your scores
(with pics of your answer key and the compiled mcqs marking the incorrect ones red) in your complaints
to make your case stronger.

2. Follow the chain of command

Ini ally, submit your complaints to FPSC and post the response by FPSC here in the group. If FPSC doesn’t
take sa sfactory ac on then launch complaints on Ci zen portal and other pla orms.

3. Other Issues/demands to be men oned in the complaints.

 Ac on against use of mobile phones in test centers as men oned by the candidates of batch 5.
 Providing candidates proper result against every post as done by PPSC in which your score and the
closing merit is men oned.

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