What is routing ?
Routing is the process of converting every logical connection present in netlist into physical
connection with help of metal layers and vias.
making physical connections between signal pins using metal layers. Following Clock
Tree Synthesis (CTS) and optimization, the routing step determines the exact pathways
for interconnecting standard cells, macros, and I/O pins.
1. No open / shorts
2. To create physical connection to all clocks and signal pins through metal interconnect
3. The objective of routing is to minimize total wire length and number of vias and
that each net meets its timing budget. The tools that perform routing are termed
as routers. You typically provide them with a placed netlist along with list of
timing critical nets. These tools, in turn, provide you with the geometry of all the
nets in the design.
4. No unnecessary detours
5. Minimum lvs
6. Route path must meet setup and hold margin
7. DRVs should be under limit
There are four stages in routing
1. Global routing
2. Track assignment
3. Detail routing
4. Search and repair
1. Global routing :
● In this stage tool will find approximate path/direction of routing for all the
pins based on manhattan distance calculation algorithm. i t randomly
connect all pins in this stage by dividing design in g-cells.
● By default the width of the gcells issame as the height of a standard cell
and is aligned with the standard cell rows.
● Each gcell has a finite number of horizontal and vertical tracks.
● It does not specify the actual layout of wires.
● Objective of global routing -minimize total wire length,minimize total
● Assign each net to routing region which is divided.
2. Track assignment :
● In this stage each routing tracks are assigned to each global route.these tracks
are assigned in vertical and horizontal direction. The tracks are guide for routing .
● Track assignment replace all global route with actual metals, there will be many
drc , timing violation etc
3.Detailed Routing:
1. In this stage the actual connection between all the nets takes place. It creates the
via and metal connections.
2. It specifies the specific tracks for the interconnection, each layer has its own routing
3. The violations that were created during the track assignment stage are fixed in this
4. The main goal of detailed routing is to complete all of the required interconnect
without leaving open,shorts or spacing violations.
5. In this stage filler cells will be added
6. Detail route done based on timing aware, drc aware.
7. In this stage entire design devided into sbox which helps in reducing DRC’s
1. Acceptable congestion
2. Acceptable DRV’s.
3. Apply the logical PG connection to newly added cells
4. Timing QOR's details
Routing congstion
● Routing congestion occurs when too many routes need to go through an area
that does not have enough resources or routing tracks.
● High speed design having more signal integrity constraints such as extra route
spacing or wire routes.
Causes of congestion:
1. Bad floorplan
2. High placement density
3. Limited routing layers
4. High pin density
● .spef file
● .sdc file