Cleansing To Restore Immunity

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Cleansing to Restore Immunity, Health and Well-Being.

Mind and Body. To make an important distinction, although we are talking about cleansing the body
of toxins as a solution to debilitation and disease, the truth is we are only addressing the physical
aspect and not fully addressing the Spiritual and Mental component.
This is a point of ambivalence as the mental component actually plays a senior role in the causation
and healing of disease. Just as there is not a disease that has not been wholly cured by Mind and
Will alone, there is also no disease that cannot be created by the mind and that no physical property
or action will ever remedy.
No one but the individual can address their own mental state, and almost all practitioners of health
necessarily fail at this point, unless they are very adept at addressing the mind, and such
practitioners are few indeed. Some can simply cure the disease for you, but those are even rarer. By
far the largest factor in the cure of disease is the belief it can be cured, and the will to do so.
The above being said, it is true that when a person chooses, decides and wills to cleanse their body,
they are actually choosing and deciding upon more Life, and not choosing or accepting debilitation
and death. There is enormous mental and Spiritual power in this decision, and the decision towards
Life causes the Spiritual/mental component to align with the physical component and will result in
optimized benefit when a person chooses cleansing.
Which has more power, the physical action or the thought and intention behind it? If it can be
observed one has caused or modified something by belief alone, and there are many such cases
even in your own life, it should seem apparent then the Spiritual/mental component at least has the
potential to carry more power.
Let us move forward then with the understanding we are making a determined mental decision to
have and enjoy a stronger, healthier and create a sense of improved wellbeing. Let us approach this
subject that we have decided that cleansing, rejuvenation and better alignment with that which is
Natural and Life-giving is our path. Let us factor and include both the mental and physical aspects
and consider the physical cleansing is the meaningful demonstration of our determined resolve to be
healthier, happier and create more abundant life in every respect.
In this manner, we invoke all the important aspects of health and Life to our benefit. If you know God
Exists, then align with and incorporate that power also. Reality is created by that which you hold and
feel to be true.
That above being said, cleansing the body is, and should be, a necessary and vital component of life
on earth at this time.

Do Your Own Research. It is not asked that you believe or accept on faith anything contained
herein. You are strongly encouraged to do your own research on anything you question but primarily,
to look, listen, read and decide for yourself what makes sense to you. Truth resonates within you.
You can look on the Internet and find medical doctors who will not only advise you cleansing the
body is unnecessary, but even dangerous. You have to decide for yourself what is true, and you
would be far better off if you let your own inner voice be your sole guide in life than rather any other
source. You can usually tell what is true because truth makes sense – truth ”rings” true, whereas
falseness or “untruth” seems “complicated” and never truly makes sense - you never feel like you
truly understand.
It is easily observable the medical community at large and particularly, western orthodox medicine,
specializes in treating the symptoms of disease with inorganic synthetic manmade chemical
compounds referred to as “drugs.” These chemicals are designed to induce a chemical reaction
within the body that is not natural to the body and in some manner overrides the body’s normal
operations, actions, reactions and messaging system. Is it better to work in alignment with normal
natural body functions or force the body to act in a manner foreign to it nature?
Western medicine focuses primarily on alleviating the symptoms of disease that you may better live
with it, and does not as a rule attempt to cure any disease, or the “cure” creates or worsens disease
and/or the quality of life. Chemical drugs do not and cannot cure disease, only the body can cure,
remove or eliminate disease and it does so by healing and/or correcting the source of the disease if
possible, or giving you pain in order to let you know you are doing something wrong to it. Chemical
drugs are designed to mask disease symptoms only so you can live with the disease.
If you feel ill, your body is trying to tell you something. It is trying to tell you that you are doing
something the body does not like. Obliterating the message is not a cure, but only prolongs the
disease and ensures its long-term debilitating effects.
For our purposes, the primary physical cause and source of disease is long-term exposure to literally
tens of thousands of manmade synthetic chemicals that are demonstrably toxic to the body.

The Logic to Cleansing.

Fun Facts:
 There are almost 90,000 chemicals licensed for commercial use in everything from food to
personal care products to plastics, carpet, furniture, paints etc.
 In any given month, the average America is exposed to approximately 10,000 of these
chemicals sufficient for some degree of physical contamination
o Your food has over 3,200 chemical additives from insecticides/herbicides to coloring
agents, preservatives etc.
o Your personal hygiene products have over 5,000 chemical additives
o The average woman absorbs 15lbs of makeup through her skin each year
o Toxins are abundant in our complete environment and food supply. Every day you are
exposed to massive amounts of toxins in varying forms and degrees.
 No real testing has occurred on any of these chemicals as regards to human health but more
importantly, virtually no testing has occurred on what occurs when you mix these chemicals
together in the body
 Adults have been tested to find almost 500 chemicals in their body, but that number would
drastically increase with proper testing
 Testing has found almost 300 chemicals in the cord blood of babies, but again, they are only
testing for certain chemicals
 In the 1950’s infant neurological disorders and childhood autism was 2:10,000. Today, 1:35
children have some form of neurological disorder, due largely to the direct injection of toxic
chemicals via chemical laden vaccines. Forget the “logic” and “science” of vaccines, it is the
chemical additives and heavy metals within the vaccine that cripples life.
 America is 43 on the world list of average life expectancy, and dropping.
 Doctors do not as a practice cure disease, unless you can call removal of limbs and organs a
“cure”. The body is designed only towards healing and health and not towards sickness. Only
the body can “cure”, and only a fully functioning immune system enables the body to heal.
 A body whose immune system is compromised by an overload of toxic chemicals cannot do
the one thing the body is designed to do, which is the natural elimination of detrimental
microbes and parasites. The average American adult has over 2 1/2lbs of detrimental
microbes swimming in their blood stream and inflammation is the leading cause of body pain
and inability to properly heal, and is caused solely by too many detrimental microbes in the
blood, created and allowed by toxic overload. Almost all skin conditions are a sign of “dirty
blood” as the body attempts to eliminate toxins through the skin, creating the apparency of
skin disorders.
 100 years ago, the incidence of cancer was 1:35 people. Today, 1:2 men and 1:3 women will
get cancer in their life. 50 years ago, colon cancer was unknown, now it is a leading cause of
death. What has changed in the last 100 years?
 In 1994, the Journal of Oncology announced the war on cancer was lost. Their own statistics,
(gleaned from doctors) indicated 97% of all people diagnosed with cancer were dead within 5
years. Modern medicine using toxic chemotherapy and mutagenic cancer-causing radiation
(therapy) operating under the consideration you can “poison a body back to health,” has a
“cure rate” of 3% if you are alive 5 years after diagnosis and even if you are on your
deathbed. Statistics indicate 11% of people survive cancer if left untreated by western
medicine. Your chances of surviving cancer are improved by almost 400% if you avoid
chemotherapy and radiation, and doctors can lose their medical license is they use or refer
you to any treatment other than chemotherapy and radiation.
 The average adult has between 5 – 10 lbs. and as much as 40 pounds of old hardened fecal
matter lining the walls of their intestines and bowels. This old fecal matter is full of toxins your
body was trying to get rid of and serves as a form of self-toxication and breeding ground for
parasites and detrimental microbes.
 Cancer and all “microbe-based diseases” was announced as cured in 1931 by the national
press and a gala dinner was held by 40 of the nation’s top doctors due to the discoveries and
treatments utilized by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
 "Nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause to be. On
the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance
is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That prevention of cancer
will come there is no doubt, for man wishes to survive. But how long prevention will be
avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the
application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men must
die of cancer unnecessarily." Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg in a meeting of Nobel
Laureates, June 30, 1966.
 During an intestinal cleanse, you may pass large or
long hardened “tar like” plaque material. The best
and proper way to thoroughly cleanse the colon is
with a “high colonic.” The colonic loosens and
removes the old hardened fecal matter that lines
the walls of your intestines and bowels. You can
have such a colonic professionally administered or
use a home kit. An herbal “digestive” or bowel
cleanse does produce benefit and is the minimum
bowel cleanse one should perform however, the goal is to rid the body of one of the primary
sources of self-toxication and breeding ground for parasites and
detrimental microbes and only coffee colonics remove old matter
and simultaneously detoxify.
 During a kidney cleanse you will pass 2,000-3,000 kidney stones.
The appear as light-colored gelatinous masses and not as hard
“rock looking” stones.
 The average liver is full of stones, especially if you are on
medication(s). Liver stones are primarily toxins but can also contain
parasites. During your first liver cleanse you will pass numerous and
perhaps large liver stones as well as gall stones. As the liver
creates and stores stones, the older stones are pushed deeper into the liver to allow for new
stones. The first stones that pass will come off the surface of the liver. When that occurs, the
deeper stones will “redistribute” to the surface. You cannot cleanse the liver in a single
cleanse. These are years of accumulated stones. You must perform the liver cleanse until
you pass no more stones. The stones appear as dark green or dark green and black stones.
 Sometimes it is found certain ailments/diseases will not clear up after full cleansing. The
most common reason is continuous self-toxification (autointoxication) from decaying
amalgam tooth fillings (mercury etc.) and/or infected root canals that must be cleaned,
disinfected and repaired by a holistic dentist only.

“No cancer cell, no parasite, no virus and no detrimental bacteria can survive in a human
body on a natural healthy diet with a perfectly functioning immune system.”
It is futile and ignorant to try and diagnose and/or treat any illness or disease on top of and in the
face of a toxic and parasitically overloaded body. It is folly to diagnose and/or treat a disease without
removing toxins and parasites as the potential source. The only logical treatment to any disease or
bodily dysfunction is to cleanse the body to restore proper immune system functionality. Any and
every doctor should know this, and it is easily accomplished. Over 90% of diseases disappear after
proper cleansing as the body is now able to do its job of restoring and maintaining health however,
you must take meaningful steps to cease the constant ingestion and exposure to toxins.

Below is a list of diseases and conditions that have been associated with a dirty colon and/or have
been reduced or alleviated by a colon cleanse alone:

Symptoms of Colon Dysfunction

Colon and other cancers Lower back pain
Neck and shoulder pain Frequent Infections
Skin problems (blemishes, eczema, etc.) Insomnia
Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis PMS
Colitis/Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Allergies
Sluggishness Bad Breath - Body Odor
Frequent Colds and flus Headaches
Constipation, diarrhea, gas Hemorrhoids
Digestive problems Leaky Gut Syndrome
Flatulence/gas Brain fog (hard time concentrating)
Pain in lower stomach (especially left side) Fatigue
Bloating Ulcerative colitus
Crohn's disease Fibroids - Endometriosis
Anemia Arthritis - Rheumatism
Low Sex Drive Menstrual Irregularities
Infertility Depression, irritability

"More than 65 different health challenges are caused by a toxic colon." - The Royal Society of
Medicine of Great Britain

"up to 90% of diseases are due to improper functioning of the colon.... Of the 22,000 operations that
I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon." - Dr. John Harvey Kellogg

In light of the above and by their own admission, it is futile and foolish to try and diagnose and/or
treat any disease, condition or illness on top of an unclean colon that also includes kidneys and liver
full of toxic stones. Yet, if you do an internet search your first “hits” will be a number of doctors
“debunking” body cleansing and saying it is fake problem made up by “natural health” kooks to
defraud you of your money, while their only solution is more toxic drugs.

You decide what is true.

Ceasing exposure to toxins and proper nutrition play the key roles to the restoration of health and
healing from disease. Any illness remaining after cleansing and restoration of the immune system
can now and finally be intelligently addressed as parasites and toxic poisons can now be ruled out.

The first cleanses are tremendously beneficial and you will begin to feel better with more personal
energy, alertness and an overall sense of well-being however, reports indicate the most benefit and
the best you will feel occurs towards the end of the cleanses on the liver cleanse. Do not become
discouraged. You are removing a lifetime of accumulated parasites and toxins in a just a few months’
time. Finish the cleanses.

Cleansing is becoming increasingly popular and like anything that makes money, people capitalize
on this market however, most cleanse products are inadequate. If the cleanse you chose does not
specifically result in the expelling of old fecal matter, the elimination of parasites and thousands of
kidney stones and the removal of scores or hundreds of liver stones, it is not a proper cleanse and
you are wasting your time, money and health.

Parasites cause their own problems, but the main problem associated with parasites is their waste
products are toxic to the body. You are living with some form parasites now and may not have any
significant symptoms or the brain fog, lethargy and lack of sense of well-being occurred so solely
you simply forget what it feels like to feel good and energetic for a full day. The time to remove
parasites and toxins is not when some form of illness sets in, the damage is done and
undiagnosable or misdiagnosed disease is present.
Parasites include detrimental microbes, liver flukes
(very common), pin worms and intestinal worms
such as (ascaris/round worms – very common), tape
worms, fungus and molds (candida – very common)
etc. Canine heart worms do not normally survive well
in the human body however, once a body becomes
too toxic or specifically toxic, the immune system can
be compromised sufficient to allow heart worms to
flourish. People have died from massive infestation
of heart worms.
Doctors believe and are taught parasitic infection is
either rare or not worth considering, but they don’t specifically look for parasites and no part of their
medical education addresses the symptoms and treatment of parasites and toxins. They know about
parasites and toxins and term this phenomenon the “body burden,” but ignore it as a precursor to
disease. Most doctors are not aware the Lyme disease spirochete is present on the brain of 90% of
people diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – or ALS disease (Lou Gehrigs disease). The
waste product of this spirochete destroys nerve sheathing which is the cause of ALS. Do these
people have a real disease, or are they suffering from Lyme Disease in the brain?

It is now known Parkinson’s disease can be caused by exposure to agricultural chemicals. Is
“Parkinson’s Disease” merely toxic poisoning? How many diseases and disorders have they given
names to that are just toxic poisoning?
Everyone has some form of parasite in them. Round worms are so common that, as a rule, if you
ever had a pet, stayed in a house with pets or eat meat, you have intestinal worms.
Logically and factually, parasites and detrimental microbes are better able to invade and reproduce
in a body with an immune system compromised by toxic chemicals, so you have disease sourced
from toxins alone, diseases sourced form parasites alone and disease sourced from the combination
of the two.
Cleansing of parasites and toxins and restoring the vitality of your natural immune system is the only
logical first action to be taken when faced with any disease.

Diet and Nutrition

Health is simple. The proper nutrition and food for your body is that which nature provides. Your
body was designed by nature to live within nature. Alignment with Nature and natural processes
always supports Life and promotes health and well-being. Nature provides everything for you.
Proper food is naturally fresh raw fruits, vegetables and roots sourced from naturally grown plants.
This is living food. This is what the human body is supposed to eat and is what health is built on.
People need to recognize natural alignment with nature result is optimum health and misalignment
with nature results in disease to that degree.
Cooking any food over 118 degrees kills the natural enzymes in the food. Enzymes are necessary to
break down the food and absorb nutrition, otherwise the body breaks down the food with acids and
the nutritional value is lost. Each individual plant, root, fruit and vegetable carries within it everything
required to absorb its nutrients. Each plant, root, fruit and vegetable is a whole, complete and natural
nutrition deliver system. The human body is designed to eat fresh uncooked foods. That is all
anyone needs to know about nutrition other than, eat a wide variety of plants.
It is vital to understand the importance of “living” food. The life energy in food transfers to the body.
Processed packaged foods are dead foods. One does not generate life or quality of life by eating
dead things, i.e., eating “death.” This is common sense.
This is not to say all forms of meat are “bad” or cooked foods are no good. Fish is very good if it is
from clean cold water and some foods are fine steamed etc. An excellent reference for diet is the
Gerson Diet.
With the above in mind, you now are a qualified nutritionist and know more about nutrition than any
trained medical doctor. You do not need microscopes and studies to figure out which specific
vitamins, minerals etc. the body, organs and cells need to survive and in what quantity. The body
knows what to do and nature takes care of all of this for you. You just need to eat real and proper
food. Health is amazingly simple.
As mentioned above, alkalizing the body is one of the single most effective means by which to
ensure health. Fresh natural raw alkalizing plant-based foods are best. Dead processed acidic foods
create an environment for disease causing microbes.
An alkaline diet of fresh raw foods high in antioxidants promotes health.

The best diet for healing from disease and restoration of the immune is the Gerson Diet. From their
website, “With generous, high-quality nutrition, increased oxygen availability, detoxification and
improved metabolism, the cells – and the body – can regenerate, become healthy and prevent future
Health is common sense and when you work in alignment with nature, the restoration of heath and
healing from disease happens so effectively and so quickly it seems miraculous. This is the true
design, nature and potential of the human body.

The Role of pH
pH stands for the “potential or power of hydrogen.” Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the
universe and is critical to the health of a body. The body is 75% water and as you know, water is 2
pats hydrogen and one part oxygen. Hydrogen and water serve as the medium to cleanse the body
and transport toxins out and also serves as an energy source to the body. Hydrogen bonds are
critical to holding together DNA, molecules, proteins etc. Only four elements—carbon (C), oxygen
(O), hydrogen (H), and nitrogen (N) make up 96% of all living matter. Hydrogen and water have
been demonstrated to hold “consciousness” and respond to thought patterns. (See the work of
Masuro Emoto.)
The potential or power of hydrogen, pH, indicates the level of acidity or alkalinity in, for our
purposes, a body and/or the ability to generate energy, cleanse, maintain health etc. Neutral pH is
set at 7.0. Below that is considered acidic and above that is alkaline. Parasites, detrimental microbes
and even cancer requires an acidic environment to survive and none of these things can survive in a
sufficiently alkaline body or environment. Nature is intelligent in this manner. Almost all things
detrimental to the body either exist in the acidic range or are mitigated by alkalinity.
An acidic environment is like a slow-moving stream or stagnant water. It has low oxygen and is
fertile ground for detrimental microbes. An alkaline environment is like a fast-moving mountain
stream. It is full of clean water and oxygen and had a much higher “potential and/or power of
hydrogen. The same analysis can be made for a body, and indicates the beneficial role of exercise
which increased oxygen absorption and the metabolism. A high alkaline fast metabolism means all
bodily functions are operating efficiently and quickly, so toxins are removed better and faster and an
alkaline environment is unfriendly to disease causing microbes. In a slow sedentary body, oxygen is
low and toxins accumulate.
Every cancer patient and all sick people have a low pH. Detrimental microbes and even cancer
cannot exist in a body with a pH of 7.4 or above. This factor alone helps the body heal from cancer,
and there are many more.
The best way to increase pH is proper nutrition and high alkaline foods and the avoidance of acidic
foods, which are typically dead processed foods. pH can be easily measured with sub-lingual (under
the tongue) “pH test strips” available at most drug stores or online.
Download an alkaline food chart and follow it as best you can. Alkaline Food Chart
“There is no natural death. All deaths that come from so-called natural causes are merely the end
point of progressive acid saturation. Many people go so far as to consider that sickness and disease
are just a ‘cross’ or an element that God gave them to bear here on this earth. However, if they
would take care of their body and cleanse their colon and intestines, their problems would be pretty

much eliminated". Dr. George C. Crile, November 11, 1864 – January 7, 1943. Founder and Head
of the Crile Clinic in Cleveland Ohio, and one of the world’s foremost surgeons.

Little will be said about bottled supplements although there are some good ways of supplementing
nutrition, antioxidants etc. This subject is too large and involve too many factors to address here and
can be summed up under proper diet and below in juicing.

The best means of “supplementing” your diet is with raw natural foods, and the best way of getting
nutrient dense “supplementation” is with proper juicing. There is no better way to quickly and
efficiently rebuild and maintain your immune system than proper juicing. This is as important or more
important in the long-term than cleansing.
The proper juicer is a slow “masticating” juicer that duplicates the bodies chewing process and
grinds food at 82RPM or slower. This preserves the “life energy” inherent in fresh foods. A high-
speed blender introduces detrimental frequencies and oxidation into the food that destroys it.
Notice how a fruit smoothie begins to darken within 20 minutes or so? High frequency juicers
introduce oxidation into the fruit causing it to rapidly deteriorate. There is no shelf life and the juice
must be consumed immediately without time to press it. A slow masticating juicer mimics what the
body does when chewing and preserves the life element in the food for up to 72 hours refrigerated,
or longer, depending on the juicer.
A masticating juicer must also have an integrated or separate hydraulic press to press the juices out
and leave the pulp as waste. High pressure pressing releases nutrients that are actually bound to
the pulp, so proper pressing is a critical factor in juicing. Such fresh juice is dense in nutrients that
are immediately assimilated and “available” to the body without having to digest or separate the
nutrients from the pulp. This is the best supplemental nutrition you can give to your body. It is natural
and rich in the various nutrients that Nature and plants provide.
A masticating juicer with a hydraulic press is the best way to ingest nutrient dense living food. One
can “drink” the nutrient equivalent of 15 lbs. of fresh plants daily when on a healing diet, or
supplement with 3-4 8oz glasses of fresh juice for adequate nutrition.
The Gerson Institute, one of the most successful cancer treatment therapy centers in the world,
specializes in using juice nutrition for medicine and has great success in their clinic. Gerson only
recommends two juicers for malignant cancer patients, and one of those, Norwalk, recently went out
of business.
To prepare you, you have to look at a proper juicer as an “investment” into the health of your family.
A proper juicer is going to take up dedicated space in your kitchen. A proper juicer is actually a
commitment to a choice of lifestyle. If you have a proper juicer, even if you quit using it, sooner or
later someone in the family is going to want to use it for health reasons.
Although there are many “masticating” juicers available, most will not serve your needs as you have
to factor issues of throat size to fit your vegetables, juicer and cutter ability to break down fibrous
vegetables and soft fruits without clogging, replacement parts, quality of the cutter head, rust
proofness, ability to separate juice from pulp and to release nutrients from the pulp, ability to operate
without getting hot as heat destroys the juice, has a masticating speed of 82 rpms or lower, type of
mastication and a number of other issues etc. that come into play when desiring optimally nutritious
As stated, juicing renders whole fruits and vegetables down to a nutrient dense juice that is
immediately available to your body. There is no better way to deliver nutrition to your body and in
todays world, this type juicing is considered medicine.
Proper juicing is the single most important thing you can do for your health and life – more important
than cleansing as proper nutrition allows the body to cleanse itself over time, but a dedicated
cleanse program makes financial sense as it is less expensive than a single doctor visit and is much
faster than waiting for the body to cleanse itself through proper nutrition.
If healing from cancer, or for the best in nutrient juicing, look at the PURE Juicer or the Norwalk
Juicer. The Norwalk company went out of business, but new and used units and parts are available.
The PURE and Norwalk Juicers are expensive. One has to decide if their health and family is worth
the expense. The above juicers are all that Gerson will use for malignant cancers and are priced
approximately $2,500 each, if you can find the best deal, but you will be happy to have the best.
These are the only two Juice/Presses used and or recommended by Gerson (Gerson Supplies &
Not reviewed by Gerson, but a juicer worth reviewing is the K&K Juicer and Press here K&K Juicer
Next item down is a juicer that does not require a hydraulic press. It’s not as good as hydraulic
pressing but, it is the best juicer you can get without a press. This juicer is not intended for curing
major disease but more for restoration of the immune system and proper nutrition. Look at Angel
Juicers at Angel America. There are a variety of units but the best value unit is the Angel 7500SFH
Cold Press Slow Juicer priced at $1,710 including the soft fruit housing filter.
If you are healing from cancer or serious illness and you need nutrition for medicine, go with the
Pure or Norwalk juicer and/or perhaps ask Gerson if they would review the K&K. If you are juicing for
health and nutrition support, the Angel is fine.
Below those models you are going to have to decide yourself on what constitutes an optimum
masticating juicer and also purchase a separate press to extract the final juice and nutrients. This
may be the most affordable way, but we have not researched the best, most efficient and cheapest
juicer for this use however, we do offer some possibilities for research and budget purposes.
For a press, look at the #2 Welles Juicer available on Amazon here, Welles Juice Press.
For a more affordable juicer to use the above press with, consider the below. Ensure the grind speed
is no more than 82 RPM’s. A reverse switch is good to have to clear the pulp. Remember, on all the
options below, or whatever you may source yourself, the pulp needs to be saved and pressed with
the Welles Juice Press or similar hydraulic press. We do not recommend any of the below listed but
grant special consideration to the Champions as they are mentioned on the Gerson site.
Kuvings CS700X $1,399.95 (May be the best option below the Angel. With a
60RPM grind. Commercial quality juicer. Has parts availability.)
Champion 2000 $265.00 (Good Deal. Has parts availability.)

Champion G5-NG-853S Kit $369.95 (Home unit is discontinued but may be found on ebay.
Has parts availability.))
Champion Juicer G5-PG710 $295.00 (Probably the best deal of all on this unit, but will need
attachments. Has parts availability.)
Sana Vairable Speed Juicer $699.00
Sana Variable Speed Juicer $699.00
Omega NC900HDC Juicer. $423.15
Aobosi Masticating Juicer $129.99

You should do your own research on other masticating cold process juicers, but don’t undervalue the
health, life and wellbeing of your family.
The only vitamin supplements that can compare to masticating juicing are cold processed oils or
cool air-dried plant plants powders, but these are not be definition “living” supplements, do not
contain complete nutrition and nothing compares to the amount of living nutrients that proper juicing
You should dispense with the any ideas that health can come in a monthly subscription supplement
bottle or that there is a “silver bullet” solution. Health is restored by logical means and the nature of
the problem dictates the nature of the solution.
There is no better way to restore your immune system, health and vitality than proper cleansing and
proper juicing.

Water is one of the most important overlooked aspects of life and health. Among a host of benefits,
water is the primary medium for removal of dead cells, dead pathogens and toxins. Drink plenty of
fresh clean water and fresh tea if you like. Omit aluminum and plastic bottled carbonated beverages.
Sweeten with raw can sugar, agave nectar or honey, but don’t use refined bleached sugar.
Fluoride is a known toxin and is in your water and all water processed foods and drinks. It is also
absorbed through your skin in the bath or shower. Chlorine and antibiotics kill your gut bacteria
which bacteria not only helps your body absorb nutrients, but also helps break down and eliminate
toxins and remove detrimental microbes. Your gut bacteria are the first and most powerful part of
your immune system.
Tap water is not good to drink, but neither is bottled water as it contains industrial lubricants and
petroleum residues absorbed from the new plastic bottles. (Same for all plastic bottled drinks.) Water
has a tendency to absorb the attributes, minerals, chemicals and “nature” and of whatever it is
exposed to. This is why pure mountain water is best. Mountain water is “rejuvenated” water that has
been naturally processed to remove all toxins and naturally structured to reintroduce life affirming
qualities and attributes. There is much more to this subject and the work of Masuro Emoto best
explains it. Structured water is the applicable term here.

All drinks/beverages should be organic and in a glass bottle. Never store liquids and never drink
from aluminum or plastic containers. Plastic water bottles can be okay is you use and reuse the
same bottle until no more residues are flashing off into the water.
The best water is fresh high mountain stream water and most spring waters. Short of that is clean
(lowland) well water. Lastly is properly filtered city water. No other water or water-based drinks
should be consumed. Household drinking water dispensers should be glass or terra cotta jugs. Terra
cotta clay aids in cooling the water.
The chlorine in water will flash off after 15 minutes or so. If it must be ingested, it is best to let tap
water sit uncovered for a while. A fluoride filter is highly desirable. If you cannot afford a whole house
fluoride filter, get one for drinking and cooking water at the kitchen sink. If you must shower or bath
in fluoridated water, be sure to drink water and be fully hydrated before entering the shower as when
you are dehydrated, your skin will absorb up to a liter of water while showering.
There is evidence the shape of the water container and the ability to “vortex” or swirl the water helps
restructure the water and remove chemicals and chemical imprints. This is how mountain streams
restructure water. If you are interested, you may look for a water dispenser of this type, something
like those found here Water Cradle

Your body is naturally evolved to eliminate naturally occurring microbes and pathogens. That is the
one thing it is designed and evolved to do very well.
Toxins are anything that causes and/or creates a detrimental effect on the body. The body operates
by its own chemical reactions and chemical/nerve messaging system. Foreign chemicals not only
serve as poisons to the body, but they interrupt and interfere with the normal chemical actions of the
body as well as introduce new, foreign and detrimental chemical influences that cause neurological
and chemical malfunctions, poisoning and ultimately disease.
A toxin is anything foreign to the body, that detrimentally affects the body and that the body cannot
properly eliminate, metabolize or assimilate. By this definition, all manmade chemicals are toxic to
the body to some degree. Mixing chemicals within the body is even worse.
Synthetic manmade inorganic chemicals are foreign to the body. The body has no natural ability to
eliminate, metabolize or assimilate such chemicals. The body itself is an organic unit and only has
organic means at its disposal. The body has no experience or ability to properly rid and/or protect
itself from foreign chemical substances and that is why they accumulate and cause disease.
When the body cannot eliminate a toxin (or a parasite) via normal channels, it will sequester and
store the toxin as best it can. Toxins are thus stored in fat cells, tumors, cysts and in the form of
stones in the gall bladder, kidneys and liver. All stones contain and/or are the result of toxins and/or
Stored toxins have an effect on the body. The body has limited ability to store toxins. At some point
the ability of the body to store toxins to protect the itself becomes itself a source of toxic exposure.
The accumulation of stored toxins cause disease and cripple the immune system. A compromised
immune system can no longer do the one thing it is designed to do, which is eliminate detrimental
microbes and parasites, so know we have the problem of a toxic poisoned body with a crippled
immune that cannot defend against and is now unnaturally invaded by more microbes and parasites

as well as suffering from toxic poisoning. This is misalignment with Nature and natural processes.
This is the root cause of disease and “age related” debilitation.
Disease, inflammation, pain etc. thus ensues and what do you do? You go to the doctor for help and
what does he or she do? Prescribe more synthetic inorganic manmade chemicals to “treat” and
mitigate symptoms but not cure the disease. Doctors manage diseases that you may live with them,
they do not cure them. Worse, you show up sick seeking help from undiagnosed toxic and parasitic
overload and are then treated with even more toxic chemicals. It makes no sense.
You are thus prescribed chemicals to treat toxicity from chemicals, and often even more chemicals
to offset the side-effects of the originally administered chemicals that are all designed to treat
symptoms only that you may more comfortably live with your disease. This is the height of western
medicine today.
And what do these chemicals do and are advertised to do on national TV? Damage the liver,
damage the kidneys, create obesity and “brain fog”, produce depression and suicidal thoughts and
otherwise more efficiently and systematically destroy your immune system, health and well-being.
The one “common sense” thing a doctor should do when anyone shows up sick is immediately begin
restoring the immune system. Instead, they ignore the immune system, take on the role themselves
and begin inundating the body with new foreign chemicals. How does any of this make sense?
This is the physical source and cause of all disease.
If you understand the above, you now know more about the source of health and disease than any
medical doctor and are more qualified to help yourself and others than any nutritionist or medical
doctor. You can be and are qualified to be a miracle worker for yourself, friends and family.
Cleansing removes the toxins but be aware and prepared your cleansing program may require
removal of silver amalgam fillings and holistic repair of infected root canals.
Included also is a heavy metal detoxification program. This removes heavy metals from the brain
and body that affects brain and neurological functions.
Proper juicing is the most efficient way of providing nutrient dense food to your body for the
restoration and maintenance of health.
The decision to cleanse and improve your health invokes the Spiritual and mental aspects of health
as it is a conscious decision and determination to live a cleaner healthier life, and brings its own
It is fortunate that a lifetime of ingesting toxins can be addressed in a few months’ time. You will be
very pleasantly amazed at how well you feel after you start the liver cleanse and by the incredible
benefits of feeding your body nutrient dense vegetable and fruit juices.
A new life can actually start in your 60’s.

Cleanse Data
The colon cleanse is something you should do with a local hydrotherapist. The parasite, kidney and
liver cleanses recommended herein are by Dr. Hulda Clark, who pioneered cleansing long before the
current cleanse movement caught on.

All the “Clark Cleanses” can be done at home by natural herbs you can source and buy yourself if
you want to save money – just be sure to buy from reputable sourced that grow and source fresh
herbs, as only fresh herbs will work.
The Hulda Clark cleanses are selected for recommendation as they have been proven to remove
parasites, kidney and liver stones. You will see them.
The Clark Cleanses can be found in Dr. Clarks book “The Cure for All Diseases” that can be
downloaded free here here or here
If you prefer, you can also order the Clark Cleanses from the Dr. Clark Store with the product links
shown below.
Dr. Clark strongly recommends “zapping” prior to the parasite cleanse. A “zapper” is a small battery
operated device (Dr. Clarks book shows you how to you can build yourself) that emits a 30khz
“positive offset square wave” frequency that kills detrimental microbes and parasites that exist on the
surface portion of the body, but does not reach deep into organs. She used and recommended this
device as it was effective in reducing the parasite load prior to the parasite cleanse which she said
can make the cleanse much more comfortable. She also recommends it for general use to eliminate
detrimental microbes/pathogens.
I personally have and have always used a zapper and never had any “comfort” issues with any
cleanse, other than for the parasite and kidney cleanse you want to maintain close proximity to a
bathroom. A friend called once who said he was having severe lower leg problems and his legs were
so swollen and sore from massive inflammation he could not walk. He was asking for help. I ran the
zapper over to him with instructions for use and told him to try it and drink a lot of water before and
during use. The next day the swelling had subsided and he was back on his feet. Of course, the
logical next step I encouraged were the cleanses which he did not do, but he cleaned up his diet a
bit and has not had a recurrence of this type inflammation since.
When the body experiences too many dead pathogens or cells at one time, like when fighting a
“cold”, it feels sick. This is called “Herxheimer’s Reaction,” or just Herx reaction. The symptoms of a
herx reaction are very similar if not the same as the symptoms of a cold where the throat itches, the
nose runs, coughing etc. as a the symptoms of a cold are brought about by the body fighting and
killing off a bacterial bloom.
Herx reaction occurs when there is some form of massive die-off in the body, such as the killing off
of a heavy load of parasites or during chemotherapy as chemo kills massive amounts of healthy
body cells. (The whole logic of chemo is to see if we can use a total body toxin designed to primarily
attack fast growing cells to kill all the cancer cells without killing the body. Of course, a whole-body
toxin decimates what was left of an already obviously compromised immune system. The problem
with chemo is, if you don’t kill every cell in the body (thus killing the body) you can’t expect to kill all
the cancer cells. Chemo appears to work for a while as many of the cancer cells are killed and a
form of “remission” is observed. The problem is, chemo does not kill all cancer cells and those that
survive are “proofed up” and will not respond to chemo anymore. Chemo decimates your immune
system and the doctor takes no action to restore or rebuild it. The proofed-up cancer begins growing
and spreading again and is well known to “come back “with a vengeance” and kills the body.)
Chemo Herx is much more uncomfortable as cellular die-off is massive and you are killing primarily
healthy cells. Plus, the doctor does not tell you to flood your body with water to flush out the dead

The solution is to approach the elimination of parasites incrementally – and drink a lot of water.
Water alone can eliminate herx symptoms.
The zapper kills “surface” parasites, leaving the deeper parasites for the parasite cleanse itself.
Since the parasitic load is eliminated in two phases, this approach minimizes potential discomfort
during the cleanse.
A zapper is not overly expensive at about $175 and is a good item to have in a house for a number
of reasons. The best price I could find on a trusted zapper is at ParaZapper. On eBay there is a
zapper that looks very good for only $60.00 Z4eX Zapper. Zappers are cheap to build and Hulda
Clark provides a plan to build your own. Point being, the zapper works as intended, but you have to
decide if you want to afford one or not however, they are good for inflammation, infections and other
uses. The choice is yours.
The cleanses are performed in order however, one may choose to do the colon cleanse
simultaneous with the parasite cleanse. All cleanses are described with the appropriate purchase
links below. If you want to source your own herbs, read the Hulda Clark book, The Cure for All
Diseases for the specific cleanse items you need for each cleanse.
In closing, buying a zapper and performing all the cleanses is not overly expensive but does cost
money. The cost is miniscule to ensure your health and restore your immune system and, once
complete, you will think it was worth many times over the cost.
Further, the total cost of the cleanses, per person, is typically much less than a single doctor visit for
a disease or ailment. The point being, the total cost of restoring your immune system, health and
sense of well-being carries a value much higher than the actual cost. You will see…
This is a major step in your life. Allow a year to complete all the cleanses as the liver cleanse needs
to be repeated until no more stones pass.
During the cleanses you will find various ailments and conditions, aches, pains, slow healing, skin
conditions etc. disappear. You will feel much more energetic and alert and, interestingly, you will find
you lose your taste and desire for “junky” foods and will actually start to crave fresh wholesome
Performed completely and properly, you will find total cleansing too be the best most important thing
you have ever done for yourself, and you will have a natural desire to help others in the same

If you understand what you have read herein, you now know more about the source of disease, the
solution to the restoration of health and proper diet than any board certified 8-year educated and
medically trained oncologist, medical specialist, medical doctor or nutritionist on Earth, excepting
only those who already realize the truth of this and are now holistic doctors.

The Cleanses (Scroll to bottom of each page for the next following cleanse)

The Colon Cleanse:

1st Cleanse. The colon cleanse is logically first as it is important to clear the pathway of elimination.
The average person has between 6 – 20lbs of hardened fecal matter called “mucoid plaque” lining
their intestinal and bowel walls. This hardened “lining” is caused by acidic mucous forming foods.
Dairy products such as ice cream, cheese, butter and milk are very mucous forming. Mucousy foods
and waste leaves a thin layer of mucous along the intestinal walls that builds up over time. It is not to
say you should permanently abstain from dairy products, though that would be a beneficial thing, but
is to say one should reduce the consumption of dairy along with unusually large consumption of
unnatural dead processed snacks and “foods” that are acidic to the body.
The stomach primarily breaks down (nutritional) foods and the intestines then absorb the nutrition
leaving only the waste. This hardened fecal matter is full of toxins the body was trying to eliminate
and blocks the ability of the body/intestines to absorb nutrition via the intestinal walls. This hardened
matter not only serves as a source of self-toxication, but also serves as fertile living/breeding
grounds for parasites and detrimental microbes. This hardened matter blocks proper nutrient
absorption and if one cannot properly absorb nutrition, one cannot properly restore health.
Over time, the lymph, blood and intestines become increasingly toxic leading to numerous intestinal
health issues. This hardened matter is probably the primary source of most intestinal and colon
diseases and related cancers. If people ate raw natural foods only, a colon cleanse would never be
A very effective bowel and colon cleanse is the Bio-Cleanse Kit. This is very effective natural herbal
cleanse and protocol and the only one we recommend.
Another way to cleanse the colon is through a process called “high colonics” or “hydrotherapy.” The
intestinal walls are “irrigated” to loosen and remove the hardened matter. Most people report feeling
very good after completing this cleanse as well as immediately losing “weight.” The best colonic is
the “closed” colonic with an intestinal massage to loosen the matter.
Allow 3-6 hydrotherapy sessions for a complete cleanse. After hydrotherapy, the colon can be
maintained by herbal cleanses such as the one listed below or he one shown below by Dr. Clark.
To see why a colonic should be performed, see this short video: What Came Out. The video is of a
person who did the parasite cleanse then immediately had the colonic.
Although a colonic can be performed at home, there are a number of issues that have to be
addressed such as the use of purified water and there is a world of difference between
“hydrotherapy” cleansing and an enema, and most DIY kits are enema kits. All the other cleanses
you can do at home, but to get the maximum benefit with the most ease of cleansing the colon, it is
best to have it professionally done.
Cleansing the colon is a critical part of eliminating toxic intestinal residue which results in auto-
toxification, is a precursor to the parasite cleanse, renews your body’s ability to absorb vital
nutrients and is a necessary first step to restoring your immune system and present and future
health. No matter how distasteful, don’t skip this step and don’t rely on herbal bowel cleanses, If you
are not removing old hardened fecal matter you are not properly cleansing.
Colon Cleanse Summary:
1. Decide if you want to purchase a parasite zapper or not. If so, purchase at ParaZapper
because it has hand electrodes and also foot pads for total body zapping. On a budget, you
may try the Z4eX Zapper, but it only has the hand electrodes, which is much better than
2. For the bowel cleanse, order the Bio-Cleanse Kit.
3. Follow the instruction and stick to any recommended diet regimen.

FINAL NOTE ON THE COLON CLEANSE - Cleanse your colon BEFORE and AFTER you do a
liver cleanse.

The Parasite Cleanse:
2nd Cleanse. This is an 18-day cleanse and is the second cleanse or can be performed first only if
you are immediately following up with a hydrotherapy colon cleanse. If you choose the herbal colon
cleanse, do the herbal colon cleanse first then, when completed, do the parasite cleanse.
If you have dogs or visit friends with dogs, if you eat meat or if just one member in your immediate
family has ever had them from similar exposure, you have worms.
The below link is for the cleanse and maintenance program. The cleanse offers about 10% of the
total effect so the maintenance program is important to “mop up” parasite eggs late in hatching and
to prevent reinfection. You must maintain the parasite cleanse as recommended. It is easy and
necessary to maintain the parasite cleanse or you will need do it all again every year, unless you
significantly change your diet, get rid of pets and avoid everyone else’s pets and possible the same
for your friends.
As mentioned, the zapper can reduce discomfort during this cleanse. Drink plenty of water – as
much as you can each day – to flush your body out as decomposing parasites are toxic to the body
and can make you feel ill.
Do not be surprised to find the worms. Most everyone has them. You may not see them in your stool
as they are typically embedded within and surrounded by the stool, but if the stool is runny you will
see them and, if your curiosity gets the best of you, get a bamboo shrimp skewer and poke around a
bit, you’ll see…

To purchase the complete parasite cleanse, link to Dr. Clark Para-Cleanse.

Note: The above link does not include other items that make the cleanse stronger such as Raz Caps
and Tape-Parakill. These items are not strictly necessary, but if you want to ensure all possible
avenues of parasite attack, they are good to include. Just follow the above links to purchase.

Heavy Metal Cleanse

Simultaneous Cleanse. The Heavy Metal Cleanse can be started about 1 week into the parasite
cleanse. Although the metal cleanse can be performed anytime, it is an easy but long cleanse so
best to get it going. If you are feeling good and the cleanses are comfortable, go ahead and start the

heavy metal cleanse with the parasite cleanse. If the parasite cleanse seems uncomfortable, start
the metal cleanse when you feel better.

Get the Heavy Metal Cleanse Here: Clark Heavy Metal Gone

The Kidney Cleanse

3rd Cleanse. The Kidney Cleanse is a 3-week cleanse that removes smallish fat-globule looking
“stones” from the kidneys and restores proper kidney function. You will pass a minimum of 2-3,000
of these in your stools. This is an easy cleanse however, proximity to a bathroom is desirable.
The cleanse consists of natural herbs and a parsley water drink mixed with Black Cherry
concentrate that you make and keep fresh at home.
Follow directions. Recommended is to drink the herbal tea throughout the day, but it can also be
drank all at once in the morning. Just make sure you are proximate to a bathroom.

Get the Kidney Cleanse here: Clark Kidney Cleanse

The Liver Cleanse
(IMPORTANT! This cleanse includes additional instruction contained below that must be included
IN ADDITION to the instructions contained with the purchased cleanse. Remember this and print
the Additional Instruction out when starting this cleanse.)

4th Cleanse. The liver cleanse is where your body really start operating optimally, and though you will
already be feeling pretty good, you will likely start to feel great.
Among many functions, the liver also filters the blood. When the body cannot eliminate a toxin it
stores I and this is true for the liver. Over time, stones in the liver accumulate reducing liver function,
damaging the liver and causing it to swell.
During the liver flush, in the morning and perhaps the afternoon you will have a number of watery
bowel movements. These consist of gallstones mixed with food residue, and then just stones mixed
with water. Most of the gallstones are pea-green and float in the toilet because they contain bile
compounds. The stones will be in different shades of green and may be bright-colored and shiny.
Bile from the liver causes the green color.
Gallstones are of various sizes, colors and shapes. Light-colored stones are newest while dark-
green stones are the oldest. Some are pea-sized or smaller, others can be 1 inch in diameter. There
may be dozens or even hundreds of stones coming out at once. The tan-colored and white stones
are calcified gallstones that have been released from the gallbladder. They contain heavier toxic
You may also see a layer of white or tan-colored chaff, or ‘foam’, floating in the toilet. The foam
consists of millions of tiny white, sharp-edged cholesterol crystals, which can rupture small bile ducts
and are important to release.
You will not release all stones at once and must repeat the cleanse until no more stones are
released. This can take several months but must be performed. During the cleanse, the stones
closest to the surface of the liver are released. Consequently, the remaining stones re-distribute. A
second cleanse now allows the next surface stone to be released.
The liver cleanse should be performed every two weeks at most or monthly until no more stones are
passed however, you can add more time if you do not mind adding more time. The point here though
is to cleanse the entire body as quickly as possible.
You may feel some discomfort as the liver stones begin to move, reposition and release. This is
natural. You want to feel this.
You will need to buy more cleanse materials to completely cleanse the liver.

Provided below is the link for the liver cleanse but also included is something the Hulda Clark
cleanse does not include or discuss, and that is the addition of malic acid in the form of organic
sour/tart cherry juice. Apples, organic apple cider and tart cherries contain malic acid. Malic acid
softens lifer stones. Get whole organic pure sour/tart dark cherry juice and not from concentrate. You
can order this online at the link below or pick it up at Whole Foods, if you have one near you.

Get the Liver Cleanse here: Clark Liver & Gall BLadder Cleanse


Starting 6 days before the cleanse-
1. Drink 8oz of organic (sour) tart dark cherry juice (Whole Foods or order online) each day for
6-days before doing the cleanse to soften the stones before passing OR,
2. Drink 32oz of organic fresh apple juice not from concentrate (Whole Foods or order online)
each day for 6-days before doing the cleanse to soften the stones before passing OR,
3. Buy Malic Acid in capsule from here Pure Malic Acid and take 2 malic acid pills twice a day
each day for 6-days before doing the cleanse to soften the stones before passing AND
4. On the morning of the start of the actual cleanse, take 4 Malic Acid capsules

Diet: During the entire week of preparation and cleansing, avoid foods or beverages that are ice-
cold as they chill the liver and reduce the effectiveness of the cleanse - all foods or beverages
should be warm or at least room temperature. If you are used to eating only raw foods, you may
continue doing that. To help the liver prepare for the main part of the cleanse, try to avoid foods from
animal sources, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products (except butter), fried food items,
and refined sugar or foods that contain it. Otherwise, eat normal meals, but avoid overeating. It is
best to consume fresh salads, cooked vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, natural fats and
oils, herbs, spices, and fruits during the preparation time. Please note the important dietary
instructions for Day 6 of the preparation phase below.
While on the liver cleanse (and every day in life) it is good to drink an ample supply (32oz) of no-ice
fresh clean filtered water, or better, fresh clean glass bottled water with fresh lemon cut, squeezed
and dropped into it. The more lemon you can stand the better, but minimally 4 – 8oz glasses each
with ¼ lemon squeezed and dropped in. This should be your main drink in life and when not on the
cleanse ice is okay to use. Lemon helps detoxify and also lowers the “surface tension” of water so
the cells can absorb water better for better hydration.
Note: The liver flush is best done over a weekend, or when you are not under any pressure and
have time to rest. Although the liver flush is effective any time of the month, it should preferably
coincide with a day between a full moon and new moon, or, a day between a new moon and full
moon. If possible, avoid doing the actual flush on a full moon day as the body tends to hold on to
extra fluids in the brain and tissues and is, therefore, more reluctant to release toxins. The days
around new moon are the most conducive for cleansing and healing.

Please read this if you take any medication!

While some people on prescription medication have done liver flushes successfully, others have
reported that they did not release any stones, or felt very sick for a day or two.
If you are prescription drug-dependent, and wish to perform the cleanses, start by reading Amazing
Liver & Gall Bladder Fush - Andreas Moritz, or in greater detail, the book Timeless Secrets of Health
and Rejuvenation also by Andreas Moritz. It is also recommended you work under the supervision of
a naturopathic doctor to gradually wean yourself off the medications while you also follow the
guidelines for diet and lifestyle outlined in Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation and also
read our Healthy Journey: Discover your body's full potential to change by Dr. Fred Bisci.
The above are great books and should be in every home. They are “Bibles” of health.
While liver flushes help the body to detoxify and heal itself, medications like antidepressants, anti-
inflammatory drugs, or antibiotics do the exact opposite. It is risky for the body to undergo two
incompatible and opposing processes at the same time. In fact, taking medication while doing a liver
flush, may alter its concentration in the blood to undesirable levels; hence, the warning.
Once off pharmaceutical drugs, you can then safely do liver flushes.
Cautionary note about cancer drugs Those who have undergone chemotherapy and wish to do
liver flushes need to wait 6-8 months after the last round of treatment. Chemo drugs produce an
excessive amount of intrahepatic gallstones because of their high toxicity, but it takes a while before
all the chemical toxins are absorbed by bile and formed into stones. Doing a liver flush too soon after
receiving these drugs would release much of the unbound poison into the intestinal tract and literally
burn holes through it.
A Note on thyroid medication Those who have had their thyroid removed (or have an underactive
thyroid) and are taking thyroid medication will need to continue taking the medicine when doing the
liver flushes. It is one of the few exceptions to the rule. I have not seen any diminished effectiveness
of the liver flush when taking thyroid hormone.
Food supplements If you take natural food supplements, such as minerals and nonsynthetic
vitamins, you may continue taking them, but it is best to avoid taking any supplements or medicines
during the actual liver flush, unless they are absolutely essential. Besides, they are wasted as they
are flushed out with the bile and Epsom salt.
Age Considerations Children as young as 9 or 10 years old can do liver flushes, but they should
only take half the amounts of cleanse ingredients (see separate instructions below). I have also had
people in their 90s who also had excellent results with liver flushing.
Cleanse your colon BEFORE and AFTER you do a liver flush
Having regular bowel movements is not necessarily an indication that your bowel is unobstructed.
Colon cleansing, done either a few days before or, ideally, on Day 6 of preparation, helps to avoid or
minimize any discomfort or nausea that may arise during the actual liver flush. It prevents back-
washing of the oil mixture or waste products from the intestinal tract into the stomach and it also
assists the body in swiftly eliminating the released gallstones. Most cases of nausea during liver
flushes are due to not properly cleansing the colon beforehand. Colonic irrigation (colon
hydrotherapy) is the most thorough method to prepare the colon for the liver flush. Colema-board
irrigation is an almost equally effective method.

Colon Cleanse - Repeat).

5th Cleanse. After the liver flush is completed a good amount of time has gone by, many heavy
toxins, oils and mucous forming foods have passed through your system and colon. There is a
likelihood some of these toxins are once again embedded into a newly forming mucoid plaque lining.
Since you passed so many heavy toxins, it is wise to once again clean the colon and perfect your
complete body cleanse. Repeat the colon cleanse in any method you choose, hydrotherapy or


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