Uts Notes
Uts Notes
Uts Notes
- The root meaning of Spirituality is taken from the Latin word “Spiritus” meaning
-Spirituality generally refers to a meaning and purpose in one’s life, a search for
-The root meaning of Spirituality is taken from the Latin word “Spiritus” meaning
– is defined as the belief in , and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially personal God
or gods.
1. BELIEF – are generalized system of ideas and values that shape how members of the
2. RITUALS – are the repeated physical gestures or activities such as prayers and mantras used
to reinforce religious teachings.
7. Idealism
According to William James our spirtual sef, which includes our character, values, and
conscience, is who we are at our core. Throughout our lives, our spiritual selves are usually
rather constant The expressions of religion, its beliefs, and activities reveal the ability to
Berndl (2020) stated that your spiritual self is you in your most beautiful and powerful
form. It is the authentic self, the unconditioned part, the you without patterns. This is
personal for each of us, so no need to get caught up on the language. The feeling you
Spiritual people take the time to think on their everyday activities and as a result, create
enduring recollections of their journey Spiritual persons have favorable emotions related to
the smallest pleasures in life because they are more aware of small, daily activities
According to Berndl (2020), a spiritually healthy person has a defined life goal and may
ponder on the significance of experiences. They also have well-defined concepts of what is
Some people adhere to specific religious traditions, while others seek a broad
Group 3
--Every Filipino has his own identity very much different from other
nationalities. His values,traits, community life are the ones that will stand
out from the rest of the people. Here are some values and traits that are
-The Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to the set of values or the
value system
that a majority of the Filipinos have historically held importance in their lives.
As with any society though, the values that an individual holds sacred can
Filipino customs refer to the customs that most Filipinos value. These
Utang na loob is the duty to repay who has done a favor in an acceptable
manner. the benefits that offer the filipino a sense of utang na loob are
unity is valued 2. People want to get along rather than stand out.
Bahala na" is a Filipino phrase that corresponds to our common "whatever " term.
something along these lines: "It's okay, no matter what happens. I will just go with
circumstances, the happenings in one's life. Either being determined and confident
Institutional factors
representatives. Democracy is the government for the people, by the people and of
the people.
- Democracy is the popular form of government in the modern world. That means,
all the people should be able to have their say in one way or another in everything
way of life. It establishes peace and order, mutual relation and co-existence among
Democratic Culture
- Democratic culture is defined as the desire and ability of individuals in a population to participate
actively, individually and together, to the government of public affairs affecting them.
contribution, effective and in duration, of members of civil society to development of : the common
good, the terms of “living together” and the construction of collective decisions. - In a democratic
culture, all the citizens can participate and feel they have a stake, a culture in which social privileges
and status hierarchical have been disestablished. Democracies always live in social conditions
- The digital self is the persona you use when you're online. Some people
maintain one or more online identifies that are distinct from their "real
world" selves.
Digital Literacy
means having the skills you need to live, learn, and work in
Online Disinhibition
you are and what you do. Simply put, your identity is the
birthday, and some change over time, such as your hair color.
Similarly, when you are using the Internet, your online identity is the
differently with each website you visit, each of those websites will have a
different picture of who you are and what you do. Sometimes the
because none of them has the full and true picture of who you are. Your
online identity is not the same as your real-world identity because the
*Social browsing
*Social searching
people's perception.
Money Happens Online Over Electronic Fund Transfer. Online Transaction Process
(Oltp) Is Secure And Password Protected. Three Steps Involved In The Online
In The Other Word Online Transactions Occur When A Process Of Buying And
Selling Takes Place Through The Internet. When A Consumer Purchases A Product
Here Is The Few Examples Of Payment Method That We Commonly Use For
Accepted Form Of Online Payment. Users Can Enter Their Card Details (Card
Number Expiration Date And Cvv Code) To Make A Purchase Or Payment Online.
Increasingly Popular. Companies Like Paypal Apple Pay Google Pay And Venmo
Allow Users To Create Accounts And Link Their Cards Or Bank Accounts. Users
Can Make Payments By Simply Logging Into Their E-Wallet And Authorizing The
Online Transactions Have Had A Significant Impact On The Self In Several Ways.
Time And Effort. With Just A Few Clicks People Can Purchase Products Or Services
From The Comfort Of Their Own Homes Without The Need To Physically Go To A
Store Or Wait In Line. This Has Led To A Sense Of Empowerment And Control
The Possibilities For Self-Expression and Identity Formation. With The Rise
Online Shopping And Present Themselves Through their Purchases. This Can
Curate their Online Image and Express their Unique Tastes and Preferences.
People Can Research and Evaluate Their Options Before Making A Purchase.
This Has Allowed Individuals To Take More Control Over Their Choices
However, It Is Important To Take Note That Despite The Fact That They Are
All, In Today's Digital World, Every Helpful Feature Bears Some Level of risk to
Here is the some example of negative impact of online transaction on the self:
Cybersecurity Concerns:
Online transactions come with inherent cybersecurity risks. Hackers and scammers
continuously find new ways to exploit vulnerabilities making it possible for personal
and financial information to be compromised. This can lead to identity theft financial
Over-reliance on Technology:
Those Who Are Not Tech-Savvy Or Don't Have The Necessary Resources.
People like to show their different personalities and behaviors based on their
relationship with other people, for example: private-self for the ones who are
close to them like friends family and the public-self for those who are less
see how they are in private. People mostly hide their private-self and show
others their public-self which can be the opposite from the other one.
In social media you need to be cautious to those who are planning to hacked
your information, you need to avoid sharing your personal information on the
This shows that people like to hide what they like about themselves and don’t
want others to know about and also don’t let them to make judgement over
them. Some people don’t like people judging them about how they behave,
which drives them to their public-self according to what people want to see.
Marwick (2013) argues that sex, gender, and sexuality are often considered synonymous,
but they are distinct concepts. Sex is the biological state of a person, while gender is the
mapped onto a category of "sex," produced by media, popular culture, and deeply
Group 4
Being a good student enables you to attract equally good college students and since you happen to
share a lot in common you are likely to advance your friendships even way after college and this is good
when it comes to sharing available opportunities and ideas as well.
Study habits refer to the attitudes and behaviors of students when preparing for tests or any learning
1. Get Organised
3.Ask help
4.Test yourself
Always try to research or read the next lesson, do your assignments at home or before going to school,
eat and have proper rest before going to school. in preparation for school not only your assignments, or
making sure that you have all the tools you need for class ready and prepared but to also make sure to
have your body prepared by making sure to have enough rest and eating as to ensure that you as a
student have enough energy to go through the entire day.
Know what you are learning, why are you learning and how they are important to you and your plans in
life. By being critical to the information that you acquire you will be able to appreciate more their value
and be able to apply and relate them to your situation and let there learning help you to be able to
achieve your goals.
In a traditional or teacher-centered approach, the student are passive and are expected to be receptive
as the teacher gives instructions The teacher is the sole speaker throughout the class period.
The school may focus on the interaction between the teachers and students but the institution is
comprised of more that what or who are inside the classroom and the people in the school from the
guidance office, librarian, registrar, etc. and even people outside the school such as your parents and
friends or other professionals can help you as a student to break limitation, ease the difficulties that is
brought about by the requirements of the curriculum.
The school provides co-curricular or extra-curricular activities, join clubs, or school groups to widen you
experiences as a student. Not only can have better relationship which will translate to more help in the
future, but an active body and mind that may not necessarily related to school work can also help a
student to balance their lifestyle and maintain a
that scientists now know a lot about. After you learn something new, your brain
is never the same again. Here are some of the ways it can change.
Each and every time we learn something new our brain forms new connections
and neurons and makes existing neural pathways stronger or weaker. Some
Dendrites in your neurons get signals from other dendrites, and the signals travel
along the axon, which connects them to other neurons and dendrites. These
signals travel fast, often in only fractions of a second, and many of the signals
Your brain will continue changing right up until the end of your life, and the
more you learn along the way, the more your brain will change and the more
and temperature
language recognition.
1. Learning is Purposeful
3. Learning is a Multifaceted
behind them.
and needs
Monitoring mistakes
and Self-Regulation.
formal education.
Outcome goals (Results). Outcomes goals are specific and spell out the results
you hope to achieve in the end. E.g., a high school student may set an outcome
Process goals (Behaviors). Process goals (also called procedural goals) are
the behaviors or the strategies that will help us to perform well and increase our
(1925 - 2021)
Social Theory
Self-efficacy is one of the most enabling psychology models to have been adopted
Social Modeling - Observe those who practice high self efficacy in their lives
State of Physiology - our emotions, moods, and physical state can influence our interpretation of self
tough, make sure you give yourself some padding to give you the
S - specific
M - measurable
A - achievable
R - relevant
T - time bound
Make your goals specific - The more specific a goal is, the easier
Keep your goals attainable and realistic - If you set goals that
schedule. Make sure your goals are consistent with your academic
SMART goals, it’s good to have goals that are both short and long-
distractions that can get in the way. Here are some ways to
Take consistent action on your goals - When you take action, you remind your
brain to move towards your goal. Even small symbolic actions can help. For
example, clearing off your desk so it’s a more organized study area can help you
feel more motivated.
Write down your goals - Research indicates that people who write down their
Revisit your goals frequently - The mind works more efficiently when you repeat
instructions. One reason it’s useful to write down your goals is that you can read
Set new goals when appropriate - Goals don’t need to be set in stone.
You don’t want to abandon a goal just because it’s challenging. However,
you may find that as you gain experience you need to revise a goal. For
example, you may need to adjust your goals regarding study hours based
Feels unpleasant.
Decreases performance.
Is short-term.
Feels exciting.
Improves performance.
individual safety
Memory Problem
Inability to concentrate
Poor judgment
Constant worrying
Feeling overwhelmed
Diarrhea or constipation
Nausea, dizziness
Procrastinating or neglecting
drugs to relax
Your attitude and outlook - The way you look at life and its
handle stress.
Your ability to deal with your emotions - If you don’t know how to
calm and soothe yourself when you’re feeling sad, angry, or troubled,
you’re more likely to become stressed and agitated.
stressful situation, including how long it will last and what to expect,
emotional well-being.
Emotion-focused coping strategies
to change the meaning of the stressor or transfer attention away from it.
distracting oneself
mindfulness practices
quick fix that interferes with the person’s ability to break apart the
The decisions we take and the actions of other people influence us a lot. In a situation where
one needs a positive social relationship, other people’s supportive behaviors can be an ideal
mechanism in dealing with a problem. Psychosocial stress leads to many diseases and can be considered
major disease of public health. In fact, the fight or flight response, which has
become synonymous with stress response is the most commonly recognized one among
physiological and behavior components that make up this phenomena. Tend and befriend is also
known as a protective pattern, which involves engaging positive social interactions before acute stress
that assists people in dealing with their stress reaction. While much has been said on how people
respond socially soon after being stressed for too long, very little is still known on this issue. Human
beings are often stressed to use their stress resisting abilities, but not to commit antisocial behaviors or
nonsocial risks. However, stress increases a tendency to social approach rather than reducing it.
Partially, people’s daily life demands and strains along with available social resources are
related to the environmental system. The culture influences these persistent stressors and
social resources. In other words, it is possible that recurrent anxieties are linked with the
desire for independence in most first-world countries. These concerns emerge early in life
whereby, at that juncture one might still be unprepared for self-individuation. The
in population social assets. On the other hand, in collectivistic societies further pressure
forces people to persist with the dependency on the in-groups and accept their demands
even at the costs of the expense of their own welfare.
These patterns are often exhibited in parent-child relationships. Asian American adolescents were
observed to be more vulnerable to their parents’ acceptance than Euro-American teenagers. Moreover,
parental influence in New Zealand acted differently for the Chinese-American teens than it did for their
peers of European origin.
Another factor is that an individual’s cultural heritage might affect his/her access to and readiness for
social services. Generally speaking, individualistic societies comprise the nuclear family and close
relations like friends and some associates that are loosely linked together. They are mostly wide and
have a poorly definite boundary
line because the outgroup-ingroup differentiation is usually vague owing to their size. Hence, it may not
be easy for cross-cultural researchers to define a family or household in Asian cultures based on
memberships and place of residence. A typical Asian household is more flexible since many of its
members live with their relatives in a continuum. These cultural differences are manifested in numerous
ways. For instance, most young adults from Latin and Filipino American families would still be living with
their families contributing financially and feeling dutiful towards them.
Identifying what you enjoy doing and what's fun for you and make a
your old patterns. Because you learn about what you need to
When you care for yourself first, you have more energy and time
Balance is important. Too much work can cause burn out, too
much play or lack of direction can make you unproductive or
“lazy“. When you care for yourself, you find ways to balance out
your work and personal life. This will create the balance of health,
it helps you not only physically, but mentally and spiritually too!
Think about it. When you make an effort to care for yourself
inward. Many people are able to extend compassion toward others but find it
difficult to extend the same compassion toward themselves. They may see self-
Compassion is the ability to show empathy, love, and concern to people who are
emotions within, and accept oneself, particularly in the face of failure. Many
emotional well-being.
2.Recognizing one's own humanity, or the fact that all people are
accept yourself as a work in progress the continue to build yourself into the person
you’re dreaming to be; the person you have all the potential to be. accept your flaws,
accept your truths. accept your past. and make light of them. no one can tear you
down if you make peace with who you are and where you’ve been. if you are going to
focus on the negative at all, focus on turning them into positives. focus on growing.
sometimes, often times, our minds are the scariest place to sit. it’ll trick you into
comparing yourself to others and it’ll trick you into believing you aren’t good enough.
but you are. you have always been and you always will be. you’re much more
powerful when you believe in yourself. if you don’t love all of you, who will? give